LibWebView: Create a TreeModel helper class for DOM/accessibility models

We currently have DOMTreeModel and AccessibilityTreeModel in LibWebView.
These depend on GUI::Model and GUI::ModelIndex, which is the only reason
that the non-Serenity Ladybird chromes require LibGUI. Further, these
classes are very nearly idenitical.

This creates a TreeModel class to provide the base functionality for all
tree-based model types used by all Ladybird chromes. It contains code
common to the DOM / accessibility tree models, and handles the slight
differences between the two (namely, just the formatting of each node's
text for display).

The Qt and Serenity chromes can create thin wrappers around this class
to adapt its interface to their chrome-specific model classes (i.e.
QAbstractItemModel and GUI::Model).
This commit is contained in:
Timothy Flynn 2023-11-04 11:48:23 -04:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent 2bec281ddc
commit 3999c74237
4 changed files with 280 additions and 0 deletions

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* Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
namespace WebView {
struct ModelIndex {
bool is_valid() const { return row != -1 && column != -1; }
int row { -1 };
int column { -1 };
void const* internal_data { nullptr };

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* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Adam Hodgen <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/JsonObject.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/Strings.h>
#include <LibWebView/TreeModel.h>
namespace WebView {
TreeModel::TreeModel(Type type, JsonValue tree)
: m_type(type)
, m_tree(move(tree))
prepare_node_maps(&m_tree.as_object(), nullptr);
TreeModel::~TreeModel() = default;
void TreeModel::prepare_node_maps(JsonObject const* node, JsonObject const* parent_node)
m_node_to_parent_map.set(node, parent_node);
if (auto id = node->get_integer<i32>("id"sv); id.has_value()) {
m_node_id_to_node_map.set(*id, node);
if (auto children = node->get_array("children"sv); children.has_value()) {
children->for_each([&](auto const& child) {
prepare_node_maps(&child.as_object(), node);
int TreeModel::row_count(ModelIndex const& parent) const
if (!parent.is_valid())
return 1;
auto const& node = *static_cast<JsonObject const*>(parent.internal_data);
auto children = node.get_array("children"sv);
return children.has_value() ? static_cast<int>(children->size()) : 0;
int TreeModel::column_count(ModelIndex const&) const
return 1;
ModelIndex TreeModel::index(int row, int column, ModelIndex const& parent) const
if (!parent.is_valid())
return { row, column, &m_tree.as_object() };
auto const& parent_node = *static_cast<JsonObject const*>(parent.internal_data);
auto children = parent_node.get_array("children"sv);
if (!children.has_value())
return { row, column, &m_tree.as_object() };
auto const& child_node = children->at(row).as_object();
return { row, column, &child_node };
ModelIndex TreeModel::parent(ModelIndex const& index) const
// FIXME: Handle the template element (child elements are not stored in it, all of its children are in its document fragment "content")
// Probably in the JSON generation in Node.cpp?
if (!index.is_valid())
return {};
auto const& node = *static_cast<JsonObject const*>(index.internal_data);
auto const* parent_node = get_parent(node);
if (!parent_node)
return {};
// If the parent is the root document, we know it has index 0, 0
if (parent_node == &m_tree.as_object())
return { 0, 0, parent_node };
// Otherwise, we need to find the grandparent, to find the index of parent within that
auto const* grandparent_node = get_parent(*parent_node);
auto grandparent_children = grandparent_node->get_array("children"sv);
if (!grandparent_children.has_value())
return {};
for (size_t grandparent_child_index = 0; grandparent_child_index < grandparent_children->size(); ++grandparent_child_index) {
auto const& child = grandparent_children->at(grandparent_child_index).as_object();
if (&child == parent_node)
return { static_cast<int>(grandparent_child_index), 0, parent_node };
return {};
static String accessibility_tree_text_for_display(JsonObject const& node, StringView type)
auto role = node.get_deprecated_string("role"sv).value_or({});
if (type == "text")
return MUST(Web::Infra::strip_and_collapse_whitespace(node.get_deprecated_string("text"sv).value()));
if (type != "element")
return MUST(String::from_deprecated_string(role));
auto name = node.get_deprecated_string("name"sv).value_or({});
auto description = node.get_deprecated_string("description"sv).value_or({});
StringBuilder builder;
builder.appendff(" name: \"{}\", description: \"{}\"", name, description);
return MUST(builder.to_string());
static String dom_tree_text_for_display(JsonObject const& node, StringView type)
auto name = node.get_deprecated_string("name"sv).value_or({});
if (type == "text"sv)
return MUST(Web::Infra::strip_and_collapse_whitespace(node.get_deprecated_string("text"sv).value()));
if (type == "comment"sv)
return MUST(String::formatted("<!--{}-->", node.get_deprecated_string("data"sv).value()));
if (type == "shadow-root"sv)
return MUST(String::formatted("{} ({})", name, node.get_deprecated_string("mode"sv).value()));
if (type != "element"sv)
return MUST(String::from_deprecated_string(name));
StringBuilder builder;
if (node.has("attributes"sv)) {
auto attributes = node.get_object("attributes"sv).value();
attributes.for_each_member([&builder](auto const& name, JsonValue const& value) {
builder.append(' ');
return MUST(builder.to_string());
String TreeModel::text_for_display(ModelIndex const& index) const
auto const& node = *static_cast<JsonObject const*>(index.internal_data);
auto type = node.get_deprecated_string("type"sv).value_or("unknown"sv);
switch (m_type) {
case Type::AccessibilityTree:
return accessibility_tree_text_for_display(node, type);
case Type::DOMTree:
return dom_tree_text_for_display(node, type);
ModelIndex TreeModel::index_for_node(i32 node_id, Optional<Web::CSS::Selector::PseudoElement> const& pseudo_element) const
if (auto const* node = m_node_id_to_node_map.get(node_id).value_or(nullptr)) {
if (pseudo_element.has_value()) {
// Find pseudo-element child of the node.
auto node_children = node->get_array("children"sv);
for (size_t i = 0; i < node_children->size(); i++) {
auto const& child = node_children->at(i).as_object();
if (!child.has("pseudo-element"sv))
auto child_pseudo_element = child.get_i32("pseudo-element"sv);
if (child_pseudo_element == to_underlying(pseudo_element.value()))
return { static_cast<int>(i), 0, &child };
} else {
auto const* parent = get_parent(*node);
if (!parent)
return {};
auto parent_children = parent->get_array("children"sv);
for (size_t i = 0; i < parent_children->size(); i++) {
if (&parent_children->at(i).as_object() == node)
return { static_cast<int>(i), 0, node };
dbgln("Didn't find index for node {}, pseudo-element {}!", node_id, pseudo_element.has_value() ? Web::CSS::pseudo_element_name(pseudo_element.value()) : "NONE"sv);
return {};

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* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Adam Hodgen <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/JsonValue.h>
#include <AK/Optional.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/Selector.h>
#include <LibWebView/ModelIndex.h>
namespace WebView {
class TreeModel {
enum class Type {
TreeModel(Type, JsonValue tree);
int row_count(ModelIndex const& parent) const;
int column_count(ModelIndex const& parent) const;
ModelIndex index(int row, int column, ModelIndex const& parent) const;
ModelIndex parent(ModelIndex const& index) const;
String text_for_display(ModelIndex const& index) const;
ModelIndex index_for_node(i32 node_id, Optional<Web::CSS::Selector::PseudoElement> const& pseudo_element) const;
ALWAYS_INLINE JsonObject const* get_parent(JsonObject const& node) const
auto parent_node = m_node_to_parent_map.get(&node);
return *parent_node;
void prepare_node_maps(JsonObject const* node, JsonObject const* parent_node);
Type m_type;
JsonValue m_tree;
HashMap<JsonObject const*, JsonObject const*> m_node_to_parent_map;
HashMap<i32, JsonObject const*> m_node_id_to_node_map;