LibCore: Explain EventLoop and reorder some members in the header

This hopefully makes EventLoop easier to understand.
This commit is contained in:
kleines Filmröllchen 2022-12-30 15:17:52 +01:00 committed by Jelle Raaijmakers
parent ae6a84c261
commit 2475f6a641
2 changed files with 65 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ static Threading::MutexProtected<RefPtr<InspectorServerConnection>> s_inspector_
static thread_local Vector<EventLoop&>* s_event_loop_stack;
static thread_local HashMap<int, NonnullOwnPtr<EventLoopTimer>>* s_timers;
static thread_local HashTable<Notifier*>* s_notifiers;
// The wake pipe is both responsible for notifying us when someone calls wake(), as well as POSIX signals.
// While wake() pushes zero into the pipe, signal numbers (by defintion nonzero, see signal_numbers.h) are pushed into the pipe verbatim.
thread_local int EventLoop::s_wake_pipe_fds[2];
thread_local bool EventLoop::s_wake_pipe_initialized { false };
@ -681,6 +683,9 @@ void EventLoop::wait_for_event(WaitMode mode)
fd_set rfds;
fd_set wfds;
// Set up the file descriptors for select().
// Basically, we translate high-level event information into low-level selectable file descriptors.
@ -692,6 +697,7 @@ retry:
int max_fd_added = -1;
// The wake pipe informs us of POSIX signals as well as manual calls to wake()
add_fd_to_set(s_wake_pipe_fds[0], rfds);
max_fd = max(max_fd, max_fd_added);
@ -710,6 +716,8 @@ retry:
queued_events_is_empty = m_queued_events.is_empty();
// Figure out how long to wait at maximum.
// This mainly depends on the WaitMode and whether we have pending events, but also the next expiring timer.
Time now;
struct timeval timeout = { 0, 0 };
bool should_wait_forever = false;
@ -727,7 +735,9 @@ retry:
// select() and wait for file system events, calls to wake(), POSIX signals, or timer expirations.
int marked_fd_count = select(max_fd + 1, &rfds, &wfds, nullptr, should_wait_forever ? nullptr : &timeout);
// Because POSIX, we might spuriously return from select() with EINTR; just select again.
if (marked_fd_count < 0) {
int saved_errno = errno;
if (saved_errno == EINTR) {
@ -738,6 +748,9 @@ try_select_again:
dbgln("Core::EventLoop::wait_for_event: {} ({}: {})", marked_fd_count, saved_errno, strerror(saved_errno));
// We woke up due to a call to wake() or a POSIX signal.
// Handle signals and see whether we need to handle events as well.
if (FD_ISSET(s_wake_pipe_fds[0], &rfds)) {
int wake_events[8];
ssize_t nread;
@ -771,6 +784,7 @@ try_select_again:
now = Time::now_monotonic_coarse();
// Handle expired timers.
for (auto& it : *s_timers) {
auto& timer = *it.value;
if (!timer.has_expired(now))
@ -796,6 +810,7 @@ try_select_again:
if (!marked_fd_count)
// Handle file system notifiers by making them normal events.
for (auto& notifier : *s_notifiers) {
if (FD_ISSET(notifier->fd(), &rfds)) {
if (notifier->event_mask() & Notifier::Event::Read)

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@ -26,6 +26,26 @@
namespace Core {
// The event loop enables asynchronous (not parallel or multi-threaded) computing by efficiently handling events from various sources.
// Event loops are most important for GUI programs, where the various GUI updates and action callbacks run on the EventLoop,
// as well as services, where asynchronous remote procedure calls of multiple clients are handled.
// Event loops, through select(), allow programs to "go to sleep" for most of their runtime until some event happens.
// EventLoop is too expensive to use in realtime scenarios (read: audio) where even the time required by a single select() system call is too large and unpredictable.
// There is at most one running event loop per thread.
// Another event loop can be started while another event loop is already running; that new event loop will take over for the other event loop.
// This is mainly used in LibGUI, where each modal window stacks another event loop until it is closed.
// However, that means you need to be careful with storing the current event loop, as it might already be gone at the time of use.
// Event loops currently handle these kinds of events:
// - Deferred invocations caused by various objects. These are just a generic way of telling the EventLoop to run some function as soon as possible at a later point.
// - Timers, which repeatedly (or once after a delay) run a function on the EventLoop. Note that timers are not super accurate.
// - Filesystem notifications, i.e. whenever a file is read from, written to, etc.
// - POSIX signals, which allow the event loop to act as a signal handler and dispatch those signals in a more user-friendly way.
// - Fork events, because the child process event loop needs to clear its events and handlers.
// - Quit events, i.e. the event loop should exit.
// Any event that the event loop needs to wait on or needs to repeatedly handle is stored in a handle, e.g. s_timers.
// EventLoop has one final responsibility: Handling the InspectorServer connection and processing requests to the Object hierarchy.
class EventLoop {
enum class MakeInspectable {
@ -38,47 +58,51 @@ public:
explicit EventLoop(MakeInspectable = MakeInspectable::No);
static void initialize_wake_pipes();
int exec();
enum class WaitMode {
// process events, generally called by exec() in a loop.
// this should really only be used for integrating with other event loops
explicit EventLoop(MakeInspectable = MakeInspectable::No);
static void initialize_wake_pipes();
static bool has_been_instantiated();
// Pump the event loop until its exit is requested.
int exec();
// Process events, generally called by exec() in a loop.
// This should really only be used for integrating with other event loops.
// The wait mode determines whether pump() uses select() to wait for the next event.
size_t pump(WaitMode = WaitMode::WaitForEvents);
// Pump the event loop until some condition is met.
void spin_until(Function<bool()>);
// Post an event to this event loop and possibly wake the loop.
void post_event(Object& receiver, NonnullOwnPtr<Event>&&, ShouldWake = ShouldWake::No);
void wake_once(Object& receiver, int custom_event_type);
static EventLoop& current();
void deferred_invoke(Function<void()> invokee)
auto context = DeferredInvocationContext::construct();
post_event(context, make<Core::DeferredInvocationEvent>(context, move(invokee)));
void wake();
void quit(int);
void unquit();
bool was_exit_requested() const { return m_exit_requested; }
// The registration functions act upon the current loop of the current thread.
static int register_timer(Object&, int milliseconds, bool should_reload, TimerShouldFireWhenNotVisible);
static bool unregister_timer(int timer_id);
static void register_notifier(Badge<Notifier>, Notifier&);
static void unregister_notifier(Badge<Notifier>, Notifier&);
void quit(int);
void unquit();
void take_pending_events_from(EventLoop& other)
static void wake_current();
void wake();
static int register_signal(int signo, Function<void(int)> handler);
static void unregister_signal(int handler_id);
@ -89,14 +113,15 @@ public:
static void notify_forked(ForkEvent);
static bool has_been_instantiated();
void deferred_invoke(Function<void()> invokee)
void take_pending_events_from(EventLoop& other)
auto context = DeferredInvocationContext::construct();
post_event(context, make<Core::DeferredInvocationEvent>(context, move(invokee)));
static EventLoop& current();
static void wake_current();
void wait_for_event(WaitMode);
Optional<Time> get_next_timer_expiration();