LibWeb: Implement PBKDF2 deriveBits for SubtleCrypto

This commit is contained in:
stelar7 2024-03-27 19:53:08 +01:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent daf2c4ce46
commit 19bb62d60e
5 changed files with 121 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Derived bits OK

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<script src="../include.js"></script>
asyncTest(async done => {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const message = "Hello friends";
const encodedMessage = encoder.encode(message);
const format = "raw";
const keyData = encodedMessage;
const importAlgorithm = {
name: "PBKDF2",
const extractable = false;
const keyUsages = ["deriveBits", "deriveKey"];
const keyMaterial = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey(
const salt = encodedMessage;
const iterations = 100000;
const hash = "SHA-256";
const derivationAlgorithm = {
name: "PBKDF2",
const length = 256;
const derivedBits = await window.crypto.subtle.deriveBits(
function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) {
return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer)));
const expectedResult = "WHYex7U9vTCisuffYpbNHR+Gbto/edldB+P+WB6RNIg=";
const actualResult = arrayBufferToBase64(derivedBits);
if (expectedResult == actualResult) {
println("Derived bits OK");
} else {
println("Derived bits FAIL");

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@ -7,9 +7,13 @@
#include <AK/Base64.h>
#include <AK/QuickSort.h>
#include <LibCrypto/ASN1/DER.h>
#include <LibCrypto/Authentication/HMAC.h>
#include <LibCrypto/Curves/Ed25519.h>
#include <LibCrypto/Curves/SECPxxxr1.h>
#include <LibCrypto/Hash/HashManager.h>
#include <LibCrypto/Hash/PBKDF2.h>
#include <LibCrypto/Hash/SHA1.h>
#include <LibCrypto/Hash/SHA2.h>
#include <LibCrypto/PK/RSA.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ArrayBuffer.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/DataView.h>
@ -235,16 +239,9 @@ JS::ThrowCompletionOr<NonnullOwnPtr<AlgorithmParams>> PBKDF2Params::from_value(J
auto iterations = TRY(iterations_value.to_u32(vm));
auto hash_value = TRY(object.get("hash"));
auto hash = Variant<Empty, HashAlgorithmIdentifier> { Empty {} };
if (hash_value.is_string()) {
auto hash_string = TRY(hash_value.to_string(vm));
hash = HashAlgorithmIdentifier { hash_string };
} else {
auto hash_object = TRY(hash_value.to_object(vm));
hash = HashAlgorithmIdentifier { hash_object };
auto hash = TRY(hash_value.to_string(vm));
return adopt_own<AlgorithmParams>(*new PBKDF2Params { name, salt, iterations, hash.downcast<HashAlgorithmIdentifier>() });
return adopt_own<AlgorithmParams>(*new PBKDF2Params { name, salt, iterations, hash });
RsaKeyGenParams::~RsaKeyGenParams() = default;
@ -1342,4 +1339,62 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::Value> ED25519::verify([[maybe_unused]] AlgorithmParams
return JS::Value(result);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::ArrayBuffer>> PBKDF2::derive_bits(AlgorithmParams const& params, JS::NonnullGCPtr<CryptoKey> key, u32 length)
auto& realm = m_realm;
auto const& normalized_algorithm = static_cast<PBKDF2Params const&>(params);
// 1. If length is null or zero, or is not a multiple of 8, then throw an OperationError.
if (length == 0 || length % 8 != 0)
return WebIDL::OperationError::create(realm, "Length must be greater than 0 and divisible by 8"_fly_string);
// 2. If the iterations member of normalizedAlgorithm is zero, then throw an OperationError.
if (normalized_algorithm.iterations == 0)
return WebIDL::OperationError::create(realm, "Iterations must be greater than 0"_fly_string);
// 3. Let prf be the MAC Generation function described in Section 4 of [FIPS-198-1] using the hash function described by the hash member of normalizedAlgorithm.
auto const& hash_algorithm = TRY(normalized_algorithm.hash.visit(
[](String const& name) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<String> { return name; },
[&](JS::Handle<JS::Object> const& obj) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<String> {
auto name_property = TRY(obj->get("name"));
return name_property.to_string(m_realm.vm()); }));
// 4. Let result be the result of performing the PBKDF2 operation defined in Section 5.2 of [RFC8018]
// using prf as the pseudo-random function, PRF,
// the password represented by [[handle]] internal slot of key as the password, P,
// the contents of the salt attribute of normalizedAlgorithm as the salt, S,
// the value of the iterations attribute of normalizedAlgorithm as the iteration count, c,
// and length divided by 8 as the intended key length, dkLen.
ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> result = Error::from_string_view("noop error"sv);
auto password = key->handle().visit(
[](ByteBuffer data) -> ByteBuffer {
return data;
[](auto) -> ByteBuffer { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); });
auto salt = normalized_algorithm.salt;
auto iterations = normalized_algorithm.iterations;
auto derived_key_length_bytes = length / 8;
if (hash_algorithm.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("SHA-1"sv)) {
result = ::Crypto::Hash::PBKDF2::derive_key<::Crypto::Authentication::HMAC<::Crypto::Hash::SHA1>>(password, salt, iterations, derived_key_length_bytes);
} else if (hash_algorithm.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("SHA-256"sv)) {
result = ::Crypto::Hash::PBKDF2::derive_key<::Crypto::Authentication::HMAC<::Crypto::Hash::SHA256>>(password, salt, iterations, derived_key_length_bytes);
} else if (hash_algorithm.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("SHA-384"sv)) {
result = ::Crypto::Hash::PBKDF2::derive_key<::Crypto::Authentication::HMAC<::Crypto::Hash::SHA384>>(password, salt, iterations, derived_key_length_bytes);
} else if (hash_algorithm.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("SHA-512"sv)) {
result = ::Crypto::Hash::PBKDF2::derive_key<::Crypto::Authentication::HMAC<::Crypto::Hash::SHA512>>(password, salt, iterations, derived_key_length_bytes);
} else {
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(m_realm, MUST(String::formatted("Invalid hash function '{}'", hash_algorithm)));
// 5. If the key derivation operation fails, then throw an OperationError.
if (result.is_error())
return WebIDL::OperationError::create(realm, "Failed to derive key"_fly_string);
// 6. Return result
return JS::ArrayBuffer::create(realm, result.release_value());

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@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ private:
class PBKDF2 : public AlgorithmMethods {
virtual WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<CryptoKey>> import_key(AlgorithmParams const&, Bindings::KeyFormat, CryptoKey::InternalKeyData, bool, Vector<Bindings::KeyUsage> const&) override;
virtual WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::ArrayBuffer>> derive_bits(AlgorithmParams const&, JS::NonnullGCPtr<CryptoKey>, u32) override;
static NonnullOwnPtr<AlgorithmMethods> create(JS::Realm& realm) { return adopt_own(*new PBKDF2(realm)); }

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@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ SupportedAlgorithmsMap supported_algorithms()
define_an_algorithm<PBKDF2>("importKey"_string, "PBKDF2"_string);
// FIXME: define_an_algorithm("deriveBits"_string, "PBKDF2"_string, "Pbkdf2Params"_string);
define_an_algorithm<PBKDF2, PBKDF2Params>("deriveBits"_string, "PBKDF2"_string);
// FIXME: define_an_algorithm("get key length"_string, "PBKDF2"_string, ""_string);