LibJS: Update specification steps for RegExp Match Indices

This proposal was implemented in Stage 3 in commit:

It is now Stage 4 and has been merged into the main ECMA-262 spec:
This commit is contained in:
Timothy Flynn 2022-03-17 10:08:41 -04:00 committed by Tim Flynn
parent 3016ccba18
commit 157d16f049

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static ThrowCompletionOr<void> increment_last_index(GlobalObject& global_object,
return {};
// Match Records,
// Match Records,
struct Match {
static Match create(regex::Match const& match)
@ -79,25 +79,22 @@ struct Match {
size_t end_index { 0 };
// GetMatchIndicesArray ( S, match ),
static Value get_match_indices_array(GlobalObject& global_object, Utf16View const& string, Match const& match)
// GetMatchIndexPair ( S, match ),
static Value get_match_index_par(GlobalObject& global_object, Utf16View const& string, Match const& match)
// 1. Assert: Type(S) is String.
// 2. Assert: match is a Match Record.
// 3. Assert: match.[[StartIndex]] is an integer value ≥ 0 and ≤ the length of S.
// 1. Assert: match.[[StartIndex]] is an integer value ≥ 0 and ≤ the length of S.
VERIFY(match.start_index <= string.length_in_code_units());
// 4. Assert: match.[[EndIndex]] is an integer value ≥ match.[[StartIndex]] and ≤ the length of S.
// 2. Assert: match.[[EndIndex]] is an integer value ≥ match.[[StartIndex]] and ≤ the length of S.
VERIFY(match.end_index >= match.start_index);
VERIFY(match.end_index <= string.length_in_code_units());
// 5. Return CreateArrayFromList(« match.[[StartIndex]], match.[[EndIndex]] »).
// 3. Return CreateArrayFromList(« match.[[StartIndex]], match.[[EndIndex]] »).
return Array::create_from(global_object, { Value(match.start_index), Value(match.end_index) });
// MakeIndicesArray ( S , indices, groupNames, hasGroups ),
static Value make_indices_array(GlobalObject& global_object, Utf16View const& string, Vector<Optional<Match>> const& indices, HashMap<FlyString, Match> const& group_names, bool has_groups)
// MakeMatchIndicesIndexPairArray ( S, indices, groupNames, hasGroups ),
static Value make_match_indices_index_pair_array(GlobalObject& global_object, Utf16View const& string, Vector<Optional<Match>> const& indices, HashMap<FlyString, Match> const& group_names, bool has_groups)
// Note: This implementation differs from the spec, but has the same behavior.
@ -115,29 +112,23 @@ static Value make_indices_array(GlobalObject& global_object, Utf16View const& st
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// 1. Assert: Type(S) is String.
// 2. Assert: indices is a List.
// 3. Assert: Type(hasGroups) is Boolean.
// 4. Let n be the number of elements in indices.
// 5. Assert: n < 2^32-1.
// 1. Let n be the number of elements in indices.
// 2. Assert: n < 2^32-1.
VERIFY(indices.size() < NumericLimits<u32>::max());
// 6. Assert: groupNames is a List with n - 1 elements.
// 7. NOTE: The groupNames List contains elements aligned with the indices List starting at indices[1].
// 3. Assert: groupNames is a List with n - 1 elements.
// 4. NOTE: The groupNames List contains elements aligned with the indices List starting at indices[1].
// 8. Set A to ! ArrayCreate(n).
// 5. Set A to ! ArrayCreate(n).
auto* array = MUST(Array::create(global_object, indices.size()));
// 9. Assert: The value of A's "length" property is n.
// 10. If hasGroups is true, then
// 6. If hasGroups is true, then
// a. Let groups be ! ObjectCreate(null).
// 11. Else,
// 7. Else,
// a. Let groups be undefined.
auto groups = has_groups ? Object::create(global_object, nullptr) : js_undefined();
// 13. For each integer i such that i ≥ 0 and i < n, do
// 9. For each integer i such that i ≥ 0 and i < n, do
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) {
// a. Let matchIndices be indices[i].
auto const& match_indices = indices[i];
@ -148,151 +139,150 @@ static Value make_indices_array(GlobalObject& global_object, Utf16View const& st
// i. Let matchIndicesArray be undefined.
auto match_indices_array = js_undefined();
if (match_indices.has_value())
match_indices_array = get_match_indices_array(global_object, string, *match_indices);
match_indices_array = get_match_index_par(global_object, string, *match_indices);
// d. Perform ! CreateDataProperty(A, ! ToString(i), matchIndicesArray).
MUST(array->create_data_property(i, match_indices_array));
for (auto const& entry : group_names) {
auto match_indices_array = get_match_indices_array(global_object, string, entry.value);
auto match_indices_array = get_match_index_par(global_object, string, entry.value);
// e. If i > 0 and groupNames[i - 1] is not undefined, then
// i. Perform ! CreateDataProperty(groups, groupNames[i - 1], matchIndicesArray).
MUST(groups.as_object().create_data_property(entry.key, match_indices_array));
// 12. Perform ! CreateDataProperty(A, "groups", groups).
// 8. Perform ! CreateDataProperty(A, "groups", groups).
// NOTE: This step must be performed after the above loops in order for groups to be populated.
MUST(array->create_data_property(vm.names.groups, groups));
// 14. Return A.
// 10. Return A.
return array;
// RegExpBuiltinExec ( R, S ),
// RegExpBuiltinExec ( R, S ),
static ThrowCompletionOr<Value> regexp_builtin_exec(GlobalObject& global_object, RegExpObject& regexp_object, Utf16String string)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// 1. Assert: R is an initialized RegExp instance.
// 2. Assert: Type(S) is String.
// 3. Let length be the number of code units in S.
// 4. Let lastIndex be (? ToLength(? Get(R, "lastIndex"))).
// 1. Let length be the number of code units in S.
// 2. Let lastIndex be (? ToLength(? Get(R, "lastIndex"))).
auto last_index_value = TRY(regexp_object.get(vm.names.lastIndex));
auto last_index = TRY(last_index_value.to_length(global_object));
auto& regex = regexp_object.regex();
// 5. Let flags be R.[[OriginalFlags]].
// 6. If flags contains "g", let global be true; else let global be false.
// 3. Let flags be R.[[OriginalFlags]].
// 4. If flags contains "g", let global be true; else let global be false.
bool global = regex.options().has_flag_set(ECMAScriptFlags::Global);
// 7. If flags contains "y", let sticky be true; else let sticky be false.
// 5. If flags contains "y", let sticky be true; else let sticky be false.
bool sticky = regex.options().has_flag_set(ECMAScriptFlags::Sticky);
// 8. If flags contains "d", let hasIndices be true, else let hasIndices be false.
// 6. If flags contains "d", let hasIndices be true, else let hasIndices be false.
bool has_indices = regexp_object.flags().find('d').has_value();
// 9. If global is false and sticky is false, set lastIndex to 0.
// 7. If global is false and sticky is false, set lastIndex to 0.
if (!global && !sticky)
last_index = 0;
// 10. Let matcher be R.[[RegExpMatcher]].
// 8. Let matcher be R.[[RegExpMatcher]].
// 11. If flags contains "u", let fullUnicode be true; else let fullUnicode be false.
// 9. If flags contains "u", let fullUnicode be true; else let fullUnicode be false.
bool full_unicode = regex.options().has_flag_set(ECMAScriptFlags::Unicode);
RegexResult result;
// NOTE: For optimisation purposes, this whole loop is implemented in LibRegex.
// 12. Let matchSucceeded be false.
// 13. Let Input be a List consisting of all of the characters, in order, of S. If fullUnicode is true, each character is a code unit, otherwise each character is a code point.
// 14. Repeat, while matchSucceeded is false
// 10. Let matchSucceeded be false.
// 11. If fullUnicode is true, let input be StringToCodePoints(S). Otherwise, let input be a List whose elements are the code units that are the elements of S.
// 12. NOTE: Each element of input is considered to be a character.
// 13. Repeat, while matchSucceeded is false
// a. If lastIndex > length, then
// i. If global is true or sticky is true, then
// 1. Perform ? Set(R, "lastIndex", 0, true).
// ii. Return null.
// b. Let r be matcher(Input, lastIndex).
// c. If r is failure, then
// b. Let inputIndex be the index into input of the character that was obtained from element lastIndex of S.
// c. Let r be matcher(input, inputIndex).
// d. If r is failure, then
// i. If sticky is true, then
// 1. Perform ? Set(R, "lastIndex", 0, true).
// 2. Return null.
// ii. Set lastIndex to AdvanceStringIndex(S, lastIndex, fullUnicode).
// d. Else,
// e. Else,
// i. Assert: r is a State.
// ii. Set matchSucceeded to true.
// 14.b
// 13.b and 13.c
regex.start_offset = full_unicode ? string.view().code_point_offset_of(last_index) : last_index;
result = regex.match(string.view());
// 14.c and 14.a
// 13.d and 13.a
if (!result.success) {
// 14.c.i, 14.a.i
// 13.d.i, 13.a.i
if (sticky || global)
TRY(regexp_object.set(vm.names.lastIndex, Value(0), Object::ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
// 14.a.ii, 14.c.i.2
// 13.a.ii, 13.d.i.2
return js_null();
auto& match = result.matches[0];
auto match_index = match.global_offset;
// 15. Let e be r's endIndex value.
// 14. Let e be r's endIndex value.
// The endIndex is one plus the index of the last input character matched so far by the pattern.
auto end_index = match_index + match.view.length();
// 17. If fullUnicode is true, set e to ! GetStringIndex(S, Input, e).
// 15. If fullUnicode is true, set e to ! GetStringIndex(S, Input, e).
if (full_unicode) {
match_index = string.view().code_unit_offset_of(match.global_offset);
end_index = string.view().code_unit_offset_of(end_index);
// 18. If global is true or sticky is true, then
// 16. If global is true or sticky is true, then
if (global || sticky) {
// a. Perform ? Set(R, "lastIndex", 𝔽(e), true).
TRY(regexp_object.set(vm.names.lastIndex, Value(end_index), Object::ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
// 19. Let n be the number of elements in r's captures List. (This is the same value as's NcapturingParens.)
// 20. Assert: n < 2^32 - 1.
// 17. Let n be the number of elements in r's captures List. (This is the same value as's NcapturingParens.)
// 18. Assert: n < 2^32 - 1.
VERIFY(result.n_named_capture_groups < NumericLimits<u32>::max());
// 21. Let A be ! ArrayCreate(n + 1).
// 19. Let A be ! ArrayCreate(n + 1).
auto* array = MUST(Array::create(global_object, result.n_named_capture_groups + 1));
// 22. Assert: The mathematical value of A's "length" property is n + 1.
// 20. Assert: The mathematical value of A's "length" property is n + 1.
// 23. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "index", 𝔽(lastIndex)).
// 21. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "index", 𝔽(lastIndex)).
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.index, Value(match_index)));
// 25. Let match be the Match { [[StartIndex]]: lastIndex, [[EndIndex]]: e }.
// 23. Let match be the Match { [[StartIndex]]: lastIndex, [[EndIndex]]: e }.
auto match_indices = Match::create(match);
// 26. Let indices be a new empty List.
// 24. Let indices be a new empty List.
Vector<Optional<Match>> indices;
// 27. Let groupNames be a new empty List.
// 25. Let groupNames be a new empty List.
HashMap<FlyString, Match> group_names;
// 28. Add match as the last element of indices.
// 26. Add match as the last element of indices.
// 29. Let matchedValue be ! GetMatchString(S, match).
// 30. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "0", matchedValue).
// 27. Let matchedValue be ! GetMatchString(S, match).
// 28. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "0", matchedValue).
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(0, js_string(vm, match.view.u16_view())));
// 31. If R contains any GroupName, then
// 29. If R contains any GroupName, then
// a. Let groups be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(null).
// b. Let hasGroups be true.
// 32. Else,
// 30. Else,
// a. Let groups be undefined.
// b. Let hasGroups be false.
bool has_groups = result.n_named_capture_groups != 0;
Object* groups_object = has_groups ? Object::create(global_object, nullptr) : nullptr;
// 34. For each integer i such that i ≥ 1 and i ≤ n, in ascending order, do
// 32. For each integer i such that i ≥ 1 and i ≤ n, in ascending order, do
for (size_t i = 1; i <= result.n_capture_groups; ++i) {
// a. Let captureI be ith element of r's captures List.
auto& capture = result.capture_group_matches[0][i];
@ -341,24 +331,24 @@ static ThrowCompletionOr<Value> regexp_builtin_exec(GlobalObject& global_object,
// 33. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "groups", groups).
// 31. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "groups", groups).
// NOTE: This step must be performed after the above loop in order for groups to be populated.
Value groups = has_groups ? groups_object : js_undefined();
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.groups, groups));
// 35. If hasIndices is true, then
// 33. If hasIndices is true, then
if (has_indices) {
// a. Let indicesArray be ! MakeIndicesArray(S, indices, groupNames, hasGroups).
auto indices_array = make_indices_array(global_object, string.view(), indices, group_names, has_groups);
// a. Let indicesArray be MakeMatchIndicesIndexPairArray(S, indices, groupNames, hasGroups).
auto indices_array = make_match_indices_index_pair_array(global_object, string.view(), indices, group_names, has_groups);
// b. Perform ! CreateDataProperty(A, "indices", indicesArray).
MUST(array->create_data_property(vm.names.indices, indices_array));
// 24. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "input", S).
// 22. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "input", S).
// NOTE: This step is performed last to allow the string to be moved into the js_string invocation.
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.input, js_string(vm, move(string))));
// 36. Return A.
// 34. Return A.
return array;
@ -412,13 +402,13 @@ size_t advance_string_index(Utf16View const& string, size_t index, bool unicode)
return index + code_point.code_unit_count;
// get RegExp.prototype.hasIndices,
// get RegExp.prototype.dotAll,
// get,
// get RegExp.prototype.ignoreCase,
// get RegExp.prototype.multiline,
// get RegExp.prototype.sticky,
// get RegExp.prototype.unicode,
// get RegExp.prototype.hasIndices,
// get RegExp.prototype.ignoreCase,
// get RegExp.prototype.multiline,
// get RegExp.prototype.sticky,
// get RegExp.prototype.unicode,
#define __JS_ENUMERATE(flagName, flag_name, flag_char) \
JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::flag_name) \
{ \
@ -466,18 +456,20 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::flags)
// 3. Let result be the empty String.
StringBuilder builder(8);
// 4. Let global be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "global")).
// 5. If global is true, append the code unit 0x0067 (LATIN SMALL LETTER G) as the last code unit of result.
// 6. Let ignoreCase be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "ignoreCase")).
// 7. If ignoreCase is true, append the code unit 0x0069 (LATIN SMALL LETTER I) as the last code unit of result.
// 8. Let multiline be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "multiline")).
// 9. If multiline is true, append the code unit 0x006D (LATIN SMALL LETTER M) as the last code unit of result.
// 10. Let dotAll be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "dotAll")).
// 11. If dotAll is true, append the code unit 0x0073 (LATIN SMALL LETTER S) as the last code unit of result.
// 12. Let unicode be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "unicode")).
// 13. If unicode is true, append the code unit 0x0075 (LATIN SMALL LETTER U) as the last code unit of result.
// 14. Let sticky be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "sticky")).
// 15. If sticky is true, append the code unit 0x0079 (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y) as the last code unit of result.
// 4. Let hasIndices be ToBoolean(? Get(R, "hasIndices")).
// 5. If hasIndices is true, append the code unit 0x0064 (LATIN SMALL LETTER D) as the last code unit of result.
// 6. Let global be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "global")).
// 7. If global is true, append the code unit 0x0067 (LATIN SMALL LETTER G) as the last code unit of result.
// 8. Let ignoreCase be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "ignoreCase")).
// 9. If ignoreCase is true, append the code unit 0x0069 (LATIN SMALL LETTER I) as the last code unit of result.
// 10. Let multiline be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "multiline")).
// 11. If multiline is true, append the code unit 0x006D (LATIN SMALL LETTER M) as the last code unit of result.
// 12. Let dotAll be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "dotAll")).
// 13. If dotAll is true, append the code unit 0x0073 (LATIN SMALL LETTER S) as the last code unit of result.
// 14. Let unicode be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "unicode")).
// 15. If unicode is true, append the code unit 0x0075 (LATIN SMALL LETTER U) as the last code unit of result.
// 16. Let sticky be ! ToBoolean(? Get(R, "sticky")).
// 17. If sticky is true, append the code unit 0x0079 (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y) as the last code unit of result.
#define __JS_ENUMERATE(flagName, flag_name, flag_char) \
auto flag_##flag_name = TRY(regexp_object->get(vm.names.flagName)); \
if (flag_##flag_name.to_boolean()) \
@ -485,11 +477,11 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::flags)
// 16. Return result.
// 18. Return result.
return js_string(vm, builder.to_string());
// RegExp.prototype [ @@match ] ( string ),
// RegExp.prototype [ @@match ] ( string ),
// 1. Let rx be the this value.
@ -558,7 +550,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::symbol_match)
// RegExp.prototype [ @@matchAll ] ( string ),
// RegExp.prototype [ @@matchAll ] ( string ),
// 1. Let R be the this value.
@ -599,7 +591,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::symbol_match_all)
return RegExpStringIterator::create(global_object, *matcher, move(string), global, full_unicode);
// RegExp.prototype [ @@replace ] ( string, replaceValue ),
// RegExp.prototype [ @@replace ] ( string, replaceValue ),
auto string_value = vm.argument(0);
@ -788,7 +780,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::symbol_replace)
return js_string(vm,;
// RegExp.prototype [ @@search ] ( string ),
// RegExp.prototype [ @@search ] ( string ),
// 1. Let rx be the this value.
@ -827,7 +819,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::symbol_search)
return TRY(result.get(global_object, vm.names.index));
// get RegExp.prototype.source,
// get RegExp.prototype.source,
// 1. Let R be the this value.
@ -851,7 +843,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::source)
return js_string(vm, static_cast<RegExpObject&>(*regexp_object).escape_regexp_pattern());
// RegExp.prototype [ @@split ] ( string, limit ),
// RegExp.prototype [ @@split ] ( string, limit ),
// 1. Let rx be the this value.
@ -1005,7 +997,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::symbol_split)
return array;
// RegExp.prototype.test ( S ),
// RegExp.prototype.test ( S ),
// 1. Let R be the this value.
@ -1022,7 +1014,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::test)
return Value(!match.is_null());
// RegExp.prototype.toString ( ),
// RegExp.prototype.toString ( ),
// 1. Let R be the this value.