;; Optionally, set the location of clangd -- See notes below for options.
(setq lsp-clangd-binary-path "/usr/bin/clangd"))
### clangd
There are a few different ways to specify which clangd to use:
- By default, without configuration `lsp-mode` will try to find and use your system `clangd`. This is the easiest solution, but your system clangd might be out of date.
- You can manually specify any `clangd` binary with `lsp-clangd-binary-path`, as shown in the use-package example above.
- You can have `lsp-mode` manage your `clangd` installation with emacs' `lsp-install-server`. This will install a `clangd` binary for you.
- You can build the LLVM toolchain, including `clangd`, from Serenity's repository. This is an advanced option that is not currently documented.
### clang-format
There are multiple packages to handle auto formatting with
`clang-format`, within emacs. Choose what works best for your setup: