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#pragma once
#include <AK/InlineLinkedList.h>
#include <AK/NonnullRefPtrVector.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/Types.h>
2018-12-03 00:18:54 +00:00
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <AK/WeakPtr.h>
#include <AK/Weakable.h>
#include <Kernel/FileSystem/VirtualFileSystem.h>
#include <Kernel/Lock.h>
#include <Kernel/Syscall.h>
#include <Kernel/TTY/TTY.h>
#include <Kernel/Thread.h>
#include <Kernel/UnixTypes.h>
#include <Kernel/VM/RangeAllocator.h>
#include <LibC/signal_numbers.h>
class ELFLoader;
class FileDescription;
class KBuffer;
class PageDirectory;
class Region;
class VMObject;
class ProcessTracer;
class SharedBuffer;
timeval kgettimeofday();
void kgettimeofday(timeval&);
extern VirtualAddress g_return_to_ring3_from_signal_trampoline;
extern VirtualAddress g_return_to_ring0_from_signal_trampoline;
class Process : public InlineLinkedListNode<Process>
, public Weakable<Process> {
friend class InlineLinkedListNode<Process>;
friend class Thread;
static Process* create_kernel_process(Thread*& first_thread, String&& name, void (*entry)());
static Process* create_user_process(Thread*& first_thread, const String& path, uid_t, gid_t, pid_t ppid, int& error, Vector<String>&& arguments = Vector<String>(), Vector<String>&& environment = Vector<String>(), TTY* = nullptr);
static Vector<pid_t> all_pids();
static Vector<Process*> all_processes();
bool is_profiling() const { return m_profiling; }
void set_profiling(bool profiling) { m_profiling = profiling; }
enum RingLevel : u8 {
Ring0 = 0,
Ring3 = 3,
KBuffer backtrace(ProcessInspectionHandle&) const;
bool is_dead() const { return m_dead; }
bool is_ring0() const { return m_ring == Ring0; }
bool is_ring3() const { return m_ring == Ring3; }
PageDirectory& page_directory() { return *m_page_directory; }
const PageDirectory& page_directory() const { return *m_page_directory; }
2018-11-07 20:38:18 +00:00
static Process* from_pid(pid_t);
static void update_info_page_timestamp(const timeval&);
const String& name() const { return m_name; }
pid_t pid() const { return m_pid; }
pid_t sid() const { return m_sid; }
pid_t pgid() const { return m_pgid; }
uid_t uid() const { return m_uid; }
gid_t gid() const { return m_gid; }
const HashTable<gid_t>& gids() const { return m_gids; }
uid_t euid() const { return m_euid; }
gid_t egid() const { return m_egid; }
2018-11-06 12:33:06 +00:00
pid_t ppid() const { return m_ppid; }
2018-10-25 08:15:13 +00:00
mode_t umask() const { return m_umask; }
bool in_group(gid_t) const;
FileDescription* file_description(int fd);
const FileDescription* file_description(int fd) const;
int fd_flags(int fd) const;
template<typename Callback>
static void for_each(Callback);
template<typename Callback>
static void for_each_in_pgrp(pid_t, Callback);
template<typename Callback>
void for_each_child(Callback);
template<typename Callback>
void for_each_thread(Callback) const;
void die();
void finalize();
int sys$yield();
int sys$putch(char);
int sys$sync();
int sys$beep();
int sys$get_process_name(char* buffer, int buffer_size);
int sys$watch_file(const char* path, int path_length);
int sys$dbgputch(u8);
int sys$dbgputstr(const u8*, int length);
int sys$dump_backtrace();
int sys$gettid();
int sys$donate(int tid);
int sys$shm_open(const char* name, int flags, mode_t);
int sys$shm_unlink(const char* name);
int sys$ftruncate(int fd, off_t);
pid_t sys$setsid();
pid_t sys$getsid(pid_t);
int sys$setpgid(pid_t pid, pid_t pgid);
pid_t sys$getpgrp();
pid_t sys$getpgid(pid_t);
uid_t sys$getuid();
gid_t sys$getgid();
uid_t sys$geteuid();
gid_t sys$getegid();
pid_t sys$getpid();
2018-11-06 12:33:06 +00:00
pid_t sys$getppid();
2018-11-06 12:40:23 +00:00
mode_t sys$umask(mode_t);
int sys$open(const Syscall::SC_open_params*);
int sys$openat(const Syscall::SC_openat_params*);
int sys$close(int fd);
ssize_t sys$read(int fd, u8*, ssize_t);
ssize_t sys$write(int fd, const u8*, ssize_t);
ssize_t sys$writev(int fd, const struct iovec* iov, int iov_count);
int sys$fstat(int fd, stat*);
int sys$lstat(const char*, stat*);
int sys$stat(const char*, stat*);
int sys$lseek(int fd, off_t, int whence);
int sys$kill(pid_t pid, int sig);
[[noreturn]] void sys$exit(int status);
int sys$sigreturn(RegisterDump& registers);
pid_t sys$waitpid(pid_t, int* wstatus, int options);
void* sys$mmap(const Syscall::SC_mmap_params*);
int sys$munmap(void*, size_t size);
int sys$set_mmap_name(void*, size_t, const char*);
int sys$mprotect(void*, size_t, int prot);
int sys$madvise(void*, size_t, int advice);
int sys$purge();
int sys$select(const Syscall::SC_select_params*);
int sys$poll(pollfd*, int nfds, int timeout);
ssize_t sys$get_dir_entries(int fd, void*, ssize_t);
int sys$getcwd(char*, ssize_t);
int sys$chdir(const char*);
int sys$fchdir(int fd);
int sys$sleep(unsigned seconds);
int sys$usleep(useconds_t usec);
int sys$gettimeofday(timeval*);
int sys$clock_gettime(clockid_t, timespec*);
int sys$clock_nanosleep(const Syscall::SC_clock_nanosleep_params*);
int sys$gethostname(char*, ssize_t);
int sys$uname(utsname*);
int sys$readlink(const char*, char*, ssize_t);
int sys$ttyname_r(int fd, char*, ssize_t);
int sys$ptsname_r(int fd, char*, ssize_t);
pid_t sys$fork(RegisterDump&);
int sys$execve(const char* filename, const char** argv, const char** envp);
int sys$getdtablesize();
int sys$dup(int oldfd);
int sys$dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
int sys$sigaction(int signum, const sigaction* act, sigaction* old_act);
int sys$sigprocmask(int how, const sigset_t* set, sigset_t* old_set);
int sys$sigpending(sigset_t*);
int sys$getgroups(ssize_t, gid_t*);
int sys$setgroups(ssize_t, const gid_t*);
int sys$pipe(int pipefd[2], int flags);
int sys$killpg(int pgrp, int sig);
int sys$setgid(gid_t);
int sys$setuid(uid_t);
unsigned sys$alarm(unsigned seconds);
int sys$access(const char* pathname, int mode);
int sys$fcntl(int fd, int cmd, u32 extra_arg);
int sys$ioctl(int fd, unsigned request, unsigned arg);
int sys$mkdir(const char* pathname, mode_t mode);
clock_t sys$times(tms*);
int sys$utime(const char* pathname, const struct utimbuf*);
int sys$link(const char* old_path, const char* new_path);
int sys$unlink(const char* pathname);
int sys$symlink(const char* target, const char* linkpath);
int sys$rmdir(const char* pathname);
int sys$mount(const char* device, const char* mountpoint, const char* fstype);
int sys$umount(const char* mountpoint);
int sys$read_tsc(u32* lsw, u32* msw);
int sys$chmod(const char* pathname, mode_t);
int sys$fchmod(int fd, mode_t);
int sys$chown(const char* pathname, uid_t, gid_t);
2019-06-01 18:31:36 +00:00
int sys$fchown(int fd, uid_t, gid_t);
int sys$socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
int sys$bind(int sockfd, const sockaddr* addr, socklen_t);
int sys$listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
int sys$accept(int sockfd, sockaddr*, socklen_t*);
int sys$connect(int sockfd, const sockaddr*, socklen_t);
ssize_t sys$sendto(const Syscall::SC_sendto_params*);
ssize_t sys$recvfrom(const Syscall::SC_recvfrom_params*);
int sys$getsockopt(const Syscall::SC_getsockopt_params*);
int sys$setsockopt(const Syscall::SC_setsockopt_params*);
int sys$getsockname(int sockfd, sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen);
int sys$getpeername(int sockfd, sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen);
int sys$sched_setparam(pid_t pid, const struct sched_param* param);
int sys$sched_getparam(pid_t pid, struct sched_param* param);
int sys$restore_signal_mask(u32 mask);
int sys$create_thread(void* (*)(void*), void* argument, const Syscall::SC_create_thread_params*);
void sys$exit_thread(void*);
int sys$join_thread(int tid, void** exit_value);
int sys$detach_thread(int tid);
int sys$set_thread_name(int tid, const char* buffer, int buffer_size);
int sys$get_thread_name(int tid, char* buffer, int buffer_size);
int sys$rename(const char* oldpath, const char* newpath);
int sys$systrace(pid_t);
int sys$mknod(const char* pathname, mode_t, dev_t);
int sys$create_shared_buffer(int, void** buffer);
int sys$share_buffer_with(int, pid_t peer_pid);
int sys$share_buffer_globally(int);
void* sys$get_shared_buffer(int shared_buffer_id);
int sys$release_shared_buffer(int shared_buffer_id);
int sys$seal_shared_buffer(int shared_buffer_id);
int sys$get_shared_buffer_size(int shared_buffer_id);
int sys$set_shared_buffer_volatile(int shared_buffer_id, bool);
int sys$halt();
int sys$reboot();
int sys$set_process_icon(int icon_id);
2019-08-25 16:17:05 +00:00
int sys$realpath(const char* pathname, char*, size_t);
ssize_t sys$getrandom(void*, size_t, unsigned int);
int sys$setkeymap(char* map, char* shift_map, char* alt_map);
int sys$module_load(const char* path, size_t path_length);
int sys$module_unload(const char* name, size_t name_length);
int sys$profiling_enable(pid_t);
int sys$profiling_disable(pid_t);
void* sys$get_kernel_info_page();
static void initialize();
[[noreturn]] void crash(int signal, u32 eip);
[[nodiscard]] static int reap(Process&);
const TTY* tty() const { return m_tty; }
void set_tty(TTY* tty) { m_tty = tty; }
size_t region_count() const { return m_regions.size(); }
const NonnullOwnPtrVector<Region>& regions() const { return m_regions; }
void dump_regions();
2018-10-18 12:53:00 +00:00
ProcessTracer* tracer() { return m_tracer.ptr(); }
ProcessTracer& ensure_tracer();
u32 m_ticks_in_user { 0 };
u32 m_ticks_in_kernel { 0 };
u32 m_ticks_in_user_for_dead_children { 0 };
u32 m_ticks_in_kernel_for_dead_children { 0 };
bool validate_read_from_kernel(VirtualAddress) const;
bool validate_read(const void*, ssize_t) const;
bool validate_write(void*, ssize_t) const;
bool validate_read_str(const char* str);
template<typename T>
bool validate_read_typed(T* value, size_t count = 1) { return validate_read(value, sizeof(T) * count); }
template<typename T>
bool validate_write_typed(T* value, size_t count = 1) { return validate_write(value, sizeof(T) * count); }
Custody& current_directory();
Custody* executable() { return m_executable.ptr(); }
int number_of_open_file_descriptors() const;
int max_open_file_descriptors() const { return m_max_open_file_descriptors; }
size_t amount_virtual() const;
size_t amount_resident() const;
size_t amount_shared() const;
size_t amount_purgeable_volatile() const;
size_t amount_purgeable_nonvolatile() const;
int exec(String path, Vector<String> arguments, Vector<String> environment);
bool is_superuser() const { return m_euid == 0; }
Region* allocate_region_with_vmobject(VirtualAddress, size_t, NonnullRefPtr<VMObject>, size_t offset_in_vmobject, const String& name, int prot);
Region* allocate_file_backed_region(VirtualAddress, size_t, NonnullRefPtr<Inode>, const String& name, int prot);
Region* allocate_region(VirtualAddress, size_t, const String& name, int prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, bool commit = true);
bool deallocate_region(Region& region);
Region& allocate_split_region(const Region& source_region, const Range&, size_t offset_in_vmobject);
void set_being_inspected(bool b) { m_being_inspected = b; }
bool is_being_inspected() const { return m_being_inspected; }
void terminate_due_to_signal(u8 signal);
void send_signal(u8, Process* sender);
u16 thread_count() const { return m_thread_count; }
Thread& any_thread();
Lock& big_lock() { return m_big_lock; }
const ELFLoader* elf_loader() const { return m_elf_loader.ptr(); }
int icon_id() const { return m_icon_id; }
friend class MemoryManager;
friend class Scheduler;
friend class Region;
Process(Thread*& first_thread, const String& name, uid_t, gid_t, pid_t ppid, RingLevel, RefPtr<Custody> cwd = nullptr, RefPtr<Custody> executable = nullptr, TTY* = nullptr, Process* fork_parent = nullptr);
Range allocate_range(VirtualAddress, size_t);
int do_exec(String path, Vector<String> arguments, Vector<String> environment);
ssize_t do_write(FileDescription&, const u8*, int data_size);
int alloc_fd(int first_candidate_fd = 0);
void disown_all_shared_buffers();
KResultOr<Vector<String>> find_shebang_interpreter_for_executable(const String& executable_path);
2019-11-14 16:16:30 +00:00
KResult do_kill(Process&, int signal);
KResult do_killpg(pid_t pgrp, int signal);
RefPtr<PageDirectory> m_page_directory;
Process* m_prev { nullptr };
Process* m_next { nullptr };
String m_name;
pid_t m_pid { 0 };
uid_t m_uid { 0 };
gid_t m_gid { 0 };
uid_t m_euid { 0 };
gid_t m_egid { 0 };
pid_t m_sid { 0 };
pid_t m_pgid { 0 };
static const int m_max_open_file_descriptors { FD_SETSIZE };
struct FileDescriptionAndFlags {
operator bool() const { return !!description; }
2019-04-29 02:55:54 +00:00
void clear();
void set(NonnullRefPtr<FileDescription>&& d, u32 f = 0);
RefPtr<FileDescription> description;
u32 flags { 0 };
Vector<FileDescriptionAndFlags> m_fds;
RingLevel m_ring { Ring0 };
u8 m_termination_status { 0 };
u8 m_termination_signal { 0 };
u16 m_thread_count { 0 };
bool m_being_inspected { false };
bool m_dead { false };
bool m_profiling { false };
RefPtr<Custody> m_executable;
RefPtr<Custody> m_cwd;
RefPtr<TTY> m_tty;
Region* region_from_range(const Range&);
Region* region_containing(const Range&);
2018-10-18 12:53:00 +00:00
NonnullOwnPtrVector<Region> m_regions;
2018-11-06 12:33:06 +00:00
pid_t m_ppid { 0 };
2018-11-06 12:40:23 +00:00
mode_t m_umask { 022 };
static void notify_waiters(pid_t waitee, int exit_status, int signal);
HashTable<gid_t> m_gids;
int m_next_tid { 0 };
RefPtr<ProcessTracer> m_tracer;
OwnPtr<ELFLoader> m_elf_loader;
Region* m_master_tls_region { nullptr };
size_t m_master_tls_size { 0 };
size_t m_master_tls_alignment { 0 };
Lock m_big_lock { "Process" };
2019-06-07 09:30:07 +00:00
u64 m_alarm_deadline { 0 };
int m_icon_id { -1 };
class ProcessInspectionHandle {
ProcessInspectionHandle(Process& process)
: m_process(process)
if (&process != &current->process()) {
Process& process() { return m_process; }
static OwnPtr<ProcessInspectionHandle> from_pid(pid_t pid)
InterruptDisabler disabler;
auto* process = Process::from_pid(pid);
if (process)
return make<ProcessInspectionHandle>(*process);
return nullptr;
Process* operator->() { return &m_process; }
Process& operator*() { return m_process; }
Process& m_process;
const char* to_string(ThreadPriority);
extern InlineLinkedList<Process>* g_processes;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each(Callback callback)
for (auto* process = g_processes->head(); process;) {
auto* next_process = process->next();
if (callback(*process) == IterationDecision::Break)
process = next_process;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each_child(Callback callback)
pid_t my_pid = pid();
for (auto* process = g_processes->head(); process;) {
auto* next_process = process->next();
if (process->ppid() == my_pid) {
if (callback(*process) == IterationDecision::Break)
process = next_process;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each_thread(Callback callback) const
InterruptDisabler disabler;
pid_t my_pid = pid();
if (my_pid == 0) {
// NOTE: Special case the colonel process, since its main thread is not in the global thread table.
Thread::for_each([callback, my_pid](Thread& thread) -> IterationDecision {
if ( == my_pid)
return callback(thread);
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each_in_pgrp(pid_t pgid, Callback callback)
for (auto* process = g_processes->head(); process;) {
auto* next_process = process->next();
if (process->pgid() == pgid) {
if (callback(*process) == IterationDecision::Break)
process = next_process;
inline bool InodeMetadata::may_read(Process& process) const
return may_read(process.euid(), process.gids());
inline bool InodeMetadata::may_write(Process& process) const
return may_write(process.euid(), process.gids());
inline bool InodeMetadata::may_execute(Process& process) const
return may_execute(process.euid(), process.gids());
inline int Thread::pid() const
inline const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const Process& process)
return stream << << '(' << << ')';