Stefan Hajnoczi 7ac9a9d6e1 qapi.py: avoid Python 2.5+ any() function
There is one instance of any() in qapi.py that breaks builds on older
distros that ship Python 2.4 (like RHEL5):

  GEN   qmp-commands.h
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "build/scripts/qapi-commands.py", line 445, in ?
    exprs = parse_schema(input_file)
  File "build/scripts/qapi.py", line 329, in parse_schema
    schema = QAPISchema(open(input_file, "r"))
  File "build/scripts/qapi.py", line 110, in __init__
    if any(include_path == elem[1]
NameError: global name 'any' is not defined

Signed-off-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Benoît Canet <benoit.canet@nodalink.com>
2014-08-28 13:42:25 +01:00

601 lines
19 KiB

# QAPI helper library
# Copyright IBM, Corp. 2011
# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat Inc.
# Authors:
# Anthony Liguori <aliguori@us.ibm.com>
# Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import re
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
import os
import sys
builtin_types = [
'str', 'int', 'number', 'bool',
'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64',
'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64'
builtin_type_qtypes = {
'int': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'number': 'QTYPE_QFLOAT',
'bool': 'QTYPE_QBOOL',
'int8': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'int16': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'int32': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'int64': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'uint8': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'uint16': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'uint32': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'uint64': 'QTYPE_QINT',
def error_path(parent):
res = ""
while parent:
res = ("In file included from %s:%d:\n" % (parent['file'],
parent['line'])) + res
parent = parent['parent']
return res
class QAPISchemaError(Exception):
def __init__(self, schema, msg):
self.input_file = schema.input_file
self.msg = msg
self.col = 1
self.line = schema.line
for ch in schema.src[schema.line_pos:schema.pos]:
if ch == '\t':
self.col = (self.col + 7) % 8 + 1
self.col += 1
self.info = schema.parent_info
def __str__(self):
return error_path(self.info) + \
"%s:%d:%d: %s" % (self.input_file, self.line, self.col, self.msg)
class QAPIExprError(Exception):
def __init__(self, expr_info, msg):
self.info = expr_info
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return error_path(self.info['parent']) + \
"%s:%d: %s" % (self.info['file'], self.info['line'], self.msg)
class QAPISchema:
def __init__(self, fp, input_relname=None, include_hist=[],
previously_included=[], parent_info=None):
""" include_hist is a stack used to detect inclusion cycles
previously_included is a global state used to avoid multiple
inclusions of the same file"""
input_fname = os.path.abspath(fp.name)
if input_relname is None:
input_relname = fp.name
self.input_dir = os.path.dirname(input_fname)
self.input_file = input_relname
self.include_hist = include_hist + [(input_relname, input_fname)]
self.parent_info = parent_info
self.src = fp.read()
if self.src == '' or self.src[-1] != '\n':
self.src += '\n'
self.cursor = 0
self.line = 1
self.line_pos = 0
self.exprs = []
while self.tok != None:
expr_info = {'file': input_relname, 'line': self.line, 'parent': self.parent_info}
expr = self.get_expr(False)
if isinstance(expr, dict) and "include" in expr:
if len(expr) != 1:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info, "Invalid 'include' directive")
include = expr["include"]
if not isinstance(include, str):
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
'Expected a file name (string), got: %s'
% include)
include_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, include)
for elem in self.include_hist:
if include_path == elem[1]:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info, "Inclusion loop for %s"
% include)
# skip multiple include of the same file
if include_path in previously_included:
fobj = open(include_path, 'r')
except IOError, e:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
'%s: %s' % (e.strerror, include))
exprs_include = QAPISchema(fobj, include, self.include_hist,
previously_included, expr_info)
expr_elem = {'expr': expr,
'info': expr_info}
def accept(self):
while True:
self.tok = self.src[self.cursor]
self.pos = self.cursor
self.cursor += 1
self.val = None
if self.tok == '#':
self.cursor = self.src.find('\n', self.cursor)
elif self.tok in ['{', '}', ':', ',', '[', ']']:
elif self.tok == "'":
string = ''
esc = False
while True:
ch = self.src[self.cursor]
self.cursor += 1
if ch == '\n':
raise QAPISchemaError(self,
'Missing terminating "\'"')
if esc:
string += ch
esc = False
elif ch == "\\":
esc = True
elif ch == "'":
self.val = string
string += ch
elif self.tok == '\n':
if self.cursor == len(self.src):
self.tok = None
self.line += 1
self.line_pos = self.cursor
elif not self.tok.isspace():
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Stray "%s"' % self.tok)
def get_members(self):
expr = OrderedDict()
if self.tok == '}':
return expr
if self.tok != "'":
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected string or "}"')
while True:
key = self.val
if self.tok != ':':
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected ":"')
if key in expr:
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Duplicate key "%s"' % key)
expr[key] = self.get_expr(True)
if self.tok == '}':
return expr
if self.tok != ',':
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "," or "}"')
if self.tok != "'":
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected string')
def get_values(self):
expr = []
if self.tok == ']':
return expr
if not self.tok in [ '{', '[', "'" ]:
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "{", "[", "]" or string')
while True:
if self.tok == ']':
return expr
if self.tok != ',':
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "," or "]"')
def get_expr(self, nested):
if self.tok != '{' and not nested:
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "{"')
if self.tok == '{':
expr = self.get_members()
elif self.tok == '[':
expr = self.get_values()
elif self.tok == "'":
expr = self.val
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "{", "[" or string')
return expr
def find_base_fields(base):
base_struct_define = find_struct(base)
if not base_struct_define:
return None
return base_struct_define['data']
# Return the discriminator enum define if discriminator is specified as an
# enum type, otherwise return None.
def discriminator_find_enum_define(expr):
base = expr.get('base')
discriminator = expr.get('discriminator')
if not (discriminator and base):
return None
base_fields = find_base_fields(base)
if not base_fields:
return None
discriminator_type = base_fields.get(discriminator)
if not discriminator_type:
return None
return find_enum(discriminator_type)
def check_event(expr, expr_info):
params = expr.get('data')
if params:
for argname, argentry, optional, structured in parse_args(params):
if structured:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Nested structure define in event is not "
"supported, event '%s', argname '%s'"
% (expr['event'], argname))
def check_union(expr, expr_info):
name = expr['union']
base = expr.get('base')
discriminator = expr.get('discriminator')
members = expr['data']
# If the object has a member 'base', its value must name a complex type.
if base:
base_fields = find_base_fields(base)
if not base_fields:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Base '%s' is not a valid type"
% base)
# If the union object has no member 'discriminator', it's an
# ordinary union.
if not discriminator:
enum_define = None
# Else if the value of member 'discriminator' is {}, it's an
# anonymous union.
elif discriminator == {}:
enum_define = None
# Else, it's a flat union.
# The object must have a member 'base'.
if not base:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Flat union '%s' must have a base field"
% name)
# The value of member 'discriminator' must name a member of the
# base type.
discriminator_type = base_fields.get(discriminator)
if not discriminator_type:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Discriminator '%s' is not a member of base "
"type '%s'"
% (discriminator, base))
enum_define = find_enum(discriminator_type)
# Do not allow string discriminator
if not enum_define:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Discriminator '%s' must be of enumeration "
"type" % discriminator)
# Check every branch
for (key, value) in members.items():
# If this named member's value names an enum type, then all members
# of 'data' must also be members of the enum type.
if enum_define and not key in enum_define['enum_values']:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Discriminator value '%s' is not found in "
"enum '%s'" %
(key, enum_define["enum_name"]))
# Todo: add checking for values. Key is checked as above, value can be
# also checked here, but we need more functions to handle array case.
def check_exprs(schema):
for expr_elem in schema.exprs:
expr = expr_elem['expr']
if expr.has_key('union'):
check_union(expr, expr_elem['info'])
if expr.has_key('event'):
check_event(expr, expr_elem['info'])
def parse_schema(input_file):
schema = QAPISchema(open(input_file, "r"))
except (QAPISchemaError, QAPIExprError), e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
exprs = []
for expr_elem in schema.exprs:
expr = expr_elem['expr']
if expr.has_key('enum'):
add_enum(expr['enum'], expr['data'])
elif expr.has_key('union'):
elif expr.has_key('type'):
# Try again for hidden UnionKind enum
for expr_elem in schema.exprs:
expr = expr_elem['expr']
if expr.has_key('union'):
if not discriminator_find_enum_define(expr):
add_enum('%sKind' % expr['union'])
except QAPIExprError, e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
return exprs
def parse_args(typeinfo):
if isinstance(typeinfo, basestring):
struct = find_struct(typeinfo)
assert struct != None
typeinfo = struct['data']
for member in typeinfo:
argname = member
argentry = typeinfo[member]
optional = False
structured = False
if member.startswith('*'):
argname = member[1:]
optional = True
if isinstance(argentry, OrderedDict):
structured = True
yield (argname, argentry, optional, structured)
def de_camel_case(name):
new_name = ''
for ch in name:
if ch.isupper() and new_name:
new_name += '_'
if ch == '-':
new_name += '_'
new_name += ch.lower()
return new_name
def camel_case(name):
new_name = ''
first = True
for ch in name:
if ch in ['_', '-']:
first = True
elif first:
new_name += ch.upper()
first = False
new_name += ch.lower()
return new_name
def c_var(name, protect=True):
# ANSI X3J11/88-090, 3.1.1
c89_words = set(['auto', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'const', 'continue',
'default', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extern', 'float',
'for', 'goto', 'if', 'int', 'long', 'register', 'return',
'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'struct', 'switch',
'typedef', 'union', 'unsigned', 'void', 'volatile', 'while'])
# ISO/IEC 9899:1999, 6.4.1
c99_words = set(['inline', 'restrict', '_Bool', '_Complex', '_Imaginary'])
# ISO/IEC 9899:2011, 6.4.1
c11_words = set(['_Alignas', '_Alignof', '_Atomic', '_Generic', '_Noreturn',
'_Static_assert', '_Thread_local'])
# GCC http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.7.1/gcc/C-Extensions.html
# excluding _.*
gcc_words = set(['asm', 'typeof'])
# C++ ISO/IEC 14882:2003 2.11
cpp_words = set(['bool', 'catch', 'class', 'const_cast', 'delete',
'dynamic_cast', 'explicit', 'false', 'friend', 'mutable',
'namespace', 'new', 'operator', 'private', 'protected',
'public', 'reinterpret_cast', 'static_cast', 'template',
'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typeid', 'typename',
'using', 'virtual', 'wchar_t',
# alternative representations
'and', 'and_eq', 'bitand', 'bitor', 'compl', 'not',
'not_eq', 'or', 'or_eq', 'xor', 'xor_eq'])
# namespace pollution:
polluted_words = set(['unix', 'errno'])
if protect and (name in c89_words | c99_words | c11_words | gcc_words | cpp_words | polluted_words):
return "q_" + name
return name.replace('-', '_').lstrip("*")
def c_fun(name, protect=True):
return c_var(name, protect).replace('.', '_')
def c_list_type(name):
return '%sList' % name
def type_name(name):
if type(name) == list:
return c_list_type(name[0])
return name
enum_types = []
struct_types = []
union_types = []
def add_struct(definition):
global struct_types
def find_struct(name):
global struct_types
for struct in struct_types:
if struct['type'] == name:
return struct
return None
def add_union(definition):
global union_types
def find_union(name):
global union_types
for union in union_types:
if union['union'] == name:
return union
return None
def add_enum(name, enum_values = None):
global enum_types
enum_types.append({"enum_name": name, "enum_values": enum_values})
def find_enum(name):
global enum_types
for enum in enum_types:
if enum['enum_name'] == name:
return enum
return None
def is_enum(name):
return find_enum(name) != None
eatspace = '\033EATSPACE.'
# A special suffix is added in c_type() for pointer types, and it's
# stripped in mcgen(). So please notice this when you check the return
# value of c_type() outside mcgen().
def c_type(name, is_param=False):
if name == 'str':
if is_param:
return 'const char *' + eatspace
return 'char *' + eatspace
elif name == 'int':
return 'int64_t'
elif (name == 'int8' or name == 'int16' or name == 'int32' or
name == 'int64' or name == 'uint8' or name == 'uint16' or
name == 'uint32' or name == 'uint64'):
return name + '_t'
elif name == 'size':
return 'uint64_t'
elif name == 'bool':
return 'bool'
elif name == 'number':
return 'double'
elif type(name) == list:
return '%s *%s' % (c_list_type(name[0]), eatspace)
elif is_enum(name):
return name
elif name == None or len(name) == 0:
return 'void'
elif name == name.upper():
return '%sEvent *%s' % (camel_case(name), eatspace)
return '%s *%s' % (name, eatspace)
def is_c_ptr(name):
suffix = "*" + eatspace
return c_type(name).endswith(suffix)
def genindent(count):
ret = ""
for i in range(count):
ret += " "
return ret
indent_level = 0
def push_indent(indent_amount=4):
global indent_level
indent_level += indent_amount
def pop_indent(indent_amount=4):
global indent_level
indent_level -= indent_amount
def cgen(code, **kwds):
indent = genindent(indent_level)
lines = code.split('\n')
lines = map(lambda x: indent + x, lines)
return '\n'.join(lines) % kwds + '\n'
def mcgen(code, **kwds):
raw = cgen('\n'.join(code.split('\n')[1:-1]), **kwds)
return re.sub(re.escape(eatspace) + ' *', '', raw)
def basename(filename):
return filename.split("/")[-1]
def guardname(filename):
guard = basename(filename).rsplit(".", 1)[0]
for substr in [".", " ", "-"]:
guard = guard.replace(substr, "_")
return guard.upper() + '_H'
def guardstart(name):
return mcgen('''
#ifndef %(name)s
#define %(name)s
def guardend(name):
return mcgen('''
#endif /* %(name)s */
# ENUMName -> ENUM_NAME, EnumName1 -> ENUM_NAME1
# ENUM24_Name -> ENUM24_NAME
def _generate_enum_string(value):
c_fun_str = c_fun(value, False)
if value.isupper():
return c_fun_str
new_name = ''
l = len(c_fun_str)
for i in range(l):
c = c_fun_str[i]
# When c is upper and no "_" appears before, do more checks
if c.isupper() and (i > 0) and c_fun_str[i - 1] != "_":
# Case 1: next string is lower
# Case 2: previous string is digit
if (i < (l - 1) and c_fun_str[i + 1].islower()) or \
c_fun_str[i - 1].isdigit():
new_name += '_'
new_name += c
return new_name.lstrip('_').upper()
def generate_enum_full_value(enum_name, enum_value):
abbrev_string = _generate_enum_string(enum_name)
value_string = _generate_enum_string(enum_value)
return "%s_%s" % (abbrev_string, value_string)