John Snow c7b7a7ded9 qapi: remove JSON value FIXME
With the two major JSON-ish type hierarchies clarified for distinct
purposes; QAPIExpression for parsed expressions and JSONValue for
introspection data, remove this FIXME as no longer an action item.

A third JSON-y data type, _ExprValue, is not meant to represent JSON in
the abstract but rather only the possible legal return values from a
single function, get_expr(). It isn't appropriate to attempt to merge it
with either of the above two types.

In theory, it may be possible to define a completely agnostic
one-size-fits-all JSON type hierarchy that any other user could borrow -
in practice, it's tough to wrangle the differences between invariant,
covariant and contravariant types: input and output parameters demand
different properties of such a structure.

However, QAPIExpression serves to authoritatively type user input to the
QAPI parser, while JSONValue serves to authoritatively type qapi
generator *output* to be served back to client users at runtime via
QMP. The AST for these two types are different and cannot be wholly
merged into a unified syntax.

They could, in theory, share some JSON primitive definitions. In
practice, this is currently more trouble than it's worth with mypy's
current expressive power. As such, declare this "done enough for now".

Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>
Message-Id: <20230215000011.1725012-7-jsnow@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
2023-02-23 13:01:45 +01:00

816 lines
30 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# QAPI schema parser
# Copyright IBM, Corp. 2011
# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Red Hat Inc.
# Authors:
# Anthony Liguori <aliguori@us.ibm.com>
# Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
# Marc-André Lureau <marcandre.lureau@redhat.com>
# Kevin Wolf <kwolf@redhat.com>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import re
from typing import (
from .common import must_match
from .error import QAPISemError, QAPISourceError
from .source import QAPISourceInfo
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
# TODO: Remove cycle. [schema -> expr -> parser -> schema]
from .schema import QAPISchemaFeature, QAPISchemaMember
# Return value alias for get_expr().
_ExprValue = Union[List[object], Dict[str, object], str, bool]
class QAPIExpression(Dict[str, object]):
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __init__(self,
data: Mapping[str, object],
info: QAPISourceInfo,
doc: Optional['QAPIDoc'] = None):
self.info = info
self.doc: Optional['QAPIDoc'] = doc
class QAPIParseError(QAPISourceError):
"""Error class for all QAPI schema parsing errors."""
def __init__(self, parser: 'QAPISchemaParser', msg: str):
col = 1
for ch in parser.src[parser.line_pos:parser.pos]:
if ch == '\t':
col = (col + 7) % 8 + 1
col += 1
super().__init__(parser.info, msg, col)
class QAPISchemaParser:
Parse QAPI schema source.
Parse a JSON-esque schema file and process directives. See
qapi-code-gen.txt section "Schema Syntax" for the exact syntax.
Grammatical validation is handled later by `expr.check_exprs()`.
:param fname: Source file name.
:param previously_included:
The absolute names of previously included source files,
if being invoked from another parser.
:param incl_info:
`QAPISourceInfo` belonging to the parent module.
``None`` implies this is the root module.
:ivar exprs: Resulting parsed expressions.
:ivar docs: Resulting parsed documentation blocks.
:raise OSError: For problems reading the root schema document.
:raise QAPIError: For errors in the schema source.
def __init__(self,
fname: str,
previously_included: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
incl_info: Optional[QAPISourceInfo] = None):
self._fname = fname
self._included = previously_included or set()
self.src = ''
# Lexer state (see `accept` for details):
self.info = QAPISourceInfo(self._fname, incl_info)
self.tok: Union[None, str] = None
self.pos = 0
self.cursor = 0
self.val: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None
self.line_pos = 0
# Parser output:
self.exprs: List[QAPIExpression] = []
self.docs: List[QAPIDoc] = []
# Showtime!
def _parse(self) -> None:
Parse the QAPI schema document.
:return: None. Results are stored in ``.exprs`` and ``.docs``.
cur_doc = None
# May raise OSError; allow the caller to handle it.
with open(self._fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
self.src = fp.read()
if self.src == '' or self.src[-1] != '\n':
self.src += '\n'
# Prime the lexer:
# Parse until done:
while self.tok is not None:
info = self.info
if self.tok == '#':
for cur_doc in self.get_doc(info):
expr = self.get_expr()
if not isinstance(expr, dict):
raise QAPISemError(
info, "top-level expression must be an object")
if 'include' in expr:
if len(expr) != 1:
raise QAPISemError(info, "invalid 'include' directive")
include = expr['include']
if not isinstance(include, str):
raise QAPISemError(info,
"value of 'include' must be a string")
incl_fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._fname),
self._add_expr(OrderedDict({'include': incl_fname}), info)
exprs_include = self._include(include, info, incl_fname,
if exprs_include:
elif "pragma" in expr:
if len(expr) != 1:
raise QAPISemError(info, "invalid 'pragma' directive")
pragma = expr['pragma']
if not isinstance(pragma, dict):
raise QAPISemError(
info, "value of 'pragma' must be an object")
for name, value in pragma.items():
self._pragma(name, value, info)
if cur_doc and not cur_doc.symbol:
raise QAPISemError(
cur_doc.info, "definition documentation required")
self._add_expr(expr, info, cur_doc)
cur_doc = None
def _add_expr(self, expr: Mapping[str, object],
info: QAPISourceInfo,
doc: Optional['QAPIDoc'] = None) -> None:
self.exprs.append(QAPIExpression(expr, info, doc))
def reject_expr_doc(doc: Optional['QAPIDoc']) -> None:
if doc and doc.symbol:
raise QAPISemError(
"documentation for '%s' is not followed by the definition"
% doc.symbol)
def _include(include: str,
info: QAPISourceInfo,
incl_fname: str,
previously_included: Set[str]
) -> Optional['QAPISchemaParser']:
incl_abs_fname = os.path.abspath(incl_fname)
# catch inclusion cycle
inf: Optional[QAPISourceInfo] = info
while inf:
if incl_abs_fname == os.path.abspath(inf.fname):
raise QAPISemError(info, "inclusion loop for %s" % include)
inf = inf.parent
# skip multiple include of the same file
if incl_abs_fname in previously_included:
return None
return QAPISchemaParser(incl_fname, previously_included, info)
except OSError as err:
raise QAPISemError(
f"can't read include file '{incl_fname}': {err.strerror}"
) from err
def _pragma(name: str, value: object, info: QAPISourceInfo) -> None:
def check_list_str(name: str, value: object) -> List[str]:
if (not isinstance(value, list) or
any(not isinstance(elt, str) for elt in value)):
raise QAPISemError(
"pragma %s must be a list of strings" % name)
return value
pragma = info.pragma
if name == 'doc-required':
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise QAPISemError(info,
"pragma 'doc-required' must be boolean")
pragma.doc_required = value
elif name == 'command-name-exceptions':
pragma.command_name_exceptions = check_list_str(name, value)
elif name == 'command-returns-exceptions':
pragma.command_returns_exceptions = check_list_str(name, value)
elif name == 'member-name-exceptions':
pragma.member_name_exceptions = check_list_str(name, value)
raise QAPISemError(info, "unknown pragma '%s'" % name)
def accept(self, skip_comment: bool = True) -> None:
Read and store the next token.
:param skip_comment:
When false, return COMMENT tokens ("#").
This is used when reading documentation blocks.
None. Several instance attributes are updated instead:
- ``.tok`` represents the token type. See below for values.
- ``.info`` describes the token's source location.
- ``.val`` is the token's value, if any. See below.
- ``.pos`` is the buffer index of the first character of
the token.
* Single-character tokens:
These are "{", "}", ":", ",", "[", and "]".
``.tok`` holds the single character and ``.val`` is None.
* Multi-character tokens:
This token is not normally returned by the lexer, but it can
be when ``skip_comment`` is False. ``.tok`` is "#", and
``.val`` is a string including all chars until end-of-line,
including the "#" itself.
``.tok`` is "'", the single quote. ``.val`` contains the
string, excluding the surrounding quotes.
``.tok`` is either "t" or "f", ``.val`` will be the
corresponding bool value.
* EOF:
``.tok`` and ``.val`` will both be None at EOF.
while True:
self.tok = self.src[self.cursor]
self.pos = self.cursor
self.cursor += 1
self.val = None
if self.tok == '#':
if self.src[self.cursor] == '#':
# Start of doc comment
skip_comment = False
self.cursor = self.src.find('\n', self.cursor)
if not skip_comment:
self.val = self.src[self.pos:self.cursor]
elif self.tok in '{}:,[]':
elif self.tok == "'":
# Note: we accept only printable ASCII
string = ''
esc = False
while True:
ch = self.src[self.cursor]
self.cursor += 1
if ch == '\n':
raise QAPIParseError(self, "missing terminating \"'\"")
if esc:
# Note: we recognize only \\ because we have
# no use for funny characters in strings
if ch != '\\':
raise QAPIParseError(self,
"unknown escape \\%s" % ch)
esc = False
elif ch == '\\':
esc = True
elif ch == "'":
self.val = string
if ord(ch) < 32 or ord(ch) >= 127:
raise QAPIParseError(
self, "funny character in string")
string += ch
elif self.src.startswith('true', self.pos):
self.val = True
self.cursor += 3
elif self.src.startswith('false', self.pos):
self.val = False
self.cursor += 4
elif self.tok == '\n':
if self.cursor == len(self.src):
self.tok = None
self.info = self.info.next_line()
self.line_pos = self.cursor
elif not self.tok.isspace():
# Show up to next structural, whitespace or quote
# character
match = must_match('[^[\\]{}:,\\s\'"]+',
raise QAPIParseError(self, "stray '%s'" % match.group(0))
def get_members(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
expr: Dict[str, object] = OrderedDict()
if self.tok == '}':
return expr
if self.tok != "'":
raise QAPIParseError(self, "expected string or '}'")
while True:
key = self.val
assert isinstance(key, str) # Guaranteed by tok == "'"
if self.tok != ':':
raise QAPIParseError(self, "expected ':'")
if key in expr:
raise QAPIParseError(self, "duplicate key '%s'" % key)
expr[key] = self.get_expr()
if self.tok == '}':
return expr
if self.tok != ',':
raise QAPIParseError(self, "expected ',' or '}'")
if self.tok != "'":
raise QAPIParseError(self, "expected string")
def get_values(self) -> List[object]:
expr: List[object] = []
if self.tok == ']':
return expr
if self.tok not in tuple("{['tf"):
raise QAPIParseError(
self, "expected '{', '[', ']', string, or boolean")
while True:
if self.tok == ']':
return expr
if self.tok != ',':
raise QAPIParseError(self, "expected ',' or ']'")
def get_expr(self) -> _ExprValue:
expr: _ExprValue
if self.tok == '{':
expr = self.get_members()
elif self.tok == '[':
expr = self.get_values()
elif self.tok in tuple("'tf"):
assert isinstance(self.val, (str, bool))
expr = self.val
raise QAPIParseError(
self, "expected '{', '[', string, or boolean")
return expr
def get_doc(self, info: QAPISourceInfo) -> List['QAPIDoc']:
if self.val != '##':
raise QAPIParseError(
self, "junk after '##' at start of documentation comment")
docs = []
cur_doc = QAPIDoc(self, info)
while self.tok == '#':
assert isinstance(self.val, str)
if self.val.startswith('##'):
# End of doc comment
if self.val != '##':
raise QAPIParseError(
"junk after '##' at end of documentation comment")
return docs
if self.val.startswith('# ='):
if cur_doc.symbol:
raise QAPIParseError(
"unexpected '=' markup in definition documentation")
if cur_doc.body.text:
cur_doc = QAPIDoc(self, info)
raise QAPIParseError(self, "documentation comment must end with '##'")
class QAPIDoc:
A documentation comment block, either definition or free-form
Definition documentation blocks consist of
* a body section: one line naming the definition, followed by an
overview (any number of lines)
* argument sections: a description of each argument (for commands
and events) or member (for structs, unions and alternates)
* features sections: a description of each feature flag
* additional (non-argument) sections, possibly tagged
Free-form documentation blocks consist only of a body section.
class Section:
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __init__(self, parser: QAPISchemaParser,
name: Optional[str] = None, indent: int = 0):
# parser, for error messages about indentation
self._parser = parser
# optional section name (argument/member or section name)
self.name = name
self.text = ''
# the expected indent level of the text of this section
self._indent = indent
def append(self, line: str) -> None:
# Strip leading spaces corresponding to the expected indent level
# Blank lines are always OK.
if line:
indent = must_match(r'\s*', line).end()
if indent < self._indent:
raise QAPIParseError(
"unexpected de-indent (expected at least %d spaces)" %
line = line[self._indent:]
self.text += line.rstrip() + '\n'
class ArgSection(Section):
def __init__(self, parser: QAPISchemaParser,
name: str, indent: int = 0):
super().__init__(parser, name, indent)
self.member: Optional['QAPISchemaMember'] = None
def connect(self, member: 'QAPISchemaMember') -> None:
self.member = member
class NullSection(Section):
Immutable dummy section for use at the end of a doc block.
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def append(self, line: str) -> None:
assert False, "Text appended after end_comment() called."
def __init__(self, parser: QAPISchemaParser, info: QAPISourceInfo):
# self._parser is used to report errors with QAPIParseError. The
# resulting error position depends on the state of the parser.
# It happens to be the beginning of the comment. More or less
# servicable, but action at a distance.
self._parser = parser
self.info = info
self.symbol: Optional[str] = None
self.body = QAPIDoc.Section(parser)
# dicts mapping parameter/feature names to their ArgSection
self.args: Dict[str, QAPIDoc.ArgSection] = OrderedDict()
self.features: Dict[str, QAPIDoc.ArgSection] = OrderedDict()
self.sections: List[QAPIDoc.Section] = []
# the current section
self._section = self.body
self._append_line = self._append_body_line
def has_section(self, name: str) -> bool:
"""Return True if we have a section with this name."""
for i in self.sections:
if i.name == name:
return True
return False
def append(self, line: str) -> None:
Parse a comment line and add it to the documentation.
The way that the line is dealt with depends on which part of
the documentation we're parsing right now:
* The body section: ._append_line is ._append_body_line
* An argument section: ._append_line is ._append_args_line
* A features section: ._append_line is ._append_features_line
* An additional section: ._append_line is ._append_various_line
line = line[1:]
if not line:
if line[0] != ' ':
raise QAPIParseError(self._parser, "missing space after #")
line = line[1:]
def end_comment(self) -> None:
def _is_section_tag(name: str) -> bool:
return name in ('Returns:', 'Since:',
# those are often singular or plural
'Note:', 'Notes:',
'Example:', 'Examples:',
def _append_body_line(self, line: str) -> None:
Process a line of documentation text in the body section.
If this a symbol line and it is the section's first line, this
is a definition documentation block for that symbol.
If it's a definition documentation block, another symbol line
begins the argument section for the argument named by it, and
a section tag begins an additional section. Start that
section and append the line to it.
Else, append the line to the current section.
name = line.split(' ', 1)[0]
# FIXME not nice: things like '# @foo:' and '# @foo: ' aren't
# recognized, and get silently treated as ordinary text
if not self.symbol and not self.body.text and line.startswith('@'):
if not line.endswith(':'):
raise QAPIParseError(self._parser, "line should end with ':'")
self.symbol = line[1:-1]
# Invalid names are not checked here, but the name provided MUST
# match the following definition, which *is* validated in expr.py.
if not self.symbol:
raise QAPIParseError(
self._parser, "name required after '@'")
elif self.symbol:
# This is a definition documentation block
if name.startswith('@') and name.endswith(':'):
self._append_line = self._append_args_line
elif line == 'Features:':
self._append_line = self._append_features_line
elif self._is_section_tag(name):
self._append_line = self._append_various_line
# This is a free-form documentation block
def _append_args_line(self, line: str) -> None:
Process a line of documentation text in an argument section.
A symbol line begins the next argument section, a section tag
section or a non-indented line after a blank line begins an
additional section. Start that section and append the line to
Else, append the line to the current section.
name = line.split(' ', 1)[0]
if name.startswith('@') and name.endswith(':'):
# If line is "@arg: first line of description", find
# the index of 'f', which is the indent we expect for any
# following lines. We then remove the leading "@arg:"
# from line and replace it with spaces so that 'f' has the
# same index as it did in the original line and can be
# handled the same way we will handle following lines.
indent = must_match(r'@\S*:\s*', line).end()
line = line[indent:]
if not line:
# Line was just the "@arg:" header; following lines
# are not indented
indent = 0
line = ' ' * indent + line
self._start_args_section(name[1:-1], indent)
elif self._is_section_tag(name):
self._append_line = self._append_various_line
elif (self._section.text.endswith('\n\n')
and line and not line[0].isspace()):
if line == 'Features:':
self._append_line = self._append_features_line
self._append_line = self._append_various_line
def _append_features_line(self, line: str) -> None:
name = line.split(' ', 1)[0]
if name.startswith('@') and name.endswith(':'):
# If line is "@arg: first line of description", find
# the index of 'f', which is the indent we expect for any
# following lines. We then remove the leading "@arg:"
# from line and replace it with spaces so that 'f' has the
# same index as it did in the original line and can be
# handled the same way we will handle following lines.
indent = must_match(r'@\S*:\s*', line).end()
line = line[indent:]
if not line:
# Line was just the "@arg:" header; following lines
# are not indented
indent = 0
line = ' ' * indent + line
self._start_features_section(name[1:-1], indent)
elif self._is_section_tag(name):
self._append_line = self._append_various_line
elif (self._section.text.endswith('\n\n')
and line and not line[0].isspace()):
self._append_line = self._append_various_line
def _append_various_line(self, line: str) -> None:
Process a line of documentation text in an additional section.
A symbol line is an error.
A section tag begins an additional section. Start that
section and append the line to it.
Else, append the line to the current section.
name = line.split(' ', 1)[0]
if name.startswith('@') and name.endswith(':'):
raise QAPIParseError(self._parser,
"'%s' can't follow '%s' section"
% (name, self.sections[0].name))
if self._is_section_tag(name):
# If line is "Section: first line of description", find
# the index of 'f', which is the indent we expect for any
# following lines. We then remove the leading "Section:"
# from line and replace it with spaces so that 'f' has the
# same index as it did in the original line and can be
# handled the same way we will handle following lines.
indent = must_match(r'\S*:\s*', line).end()
line = line[indent:]
if not line:
# Line was just the "Section:" header; following lines
# are not indented
indent = 0
line = ' ' * indent + line
self._start_section(name[:-1], indent)
def _start_symbol_section(
symbols_dict: Dict[str, 'QAPIDoc.ArgSection'],
name: str,
indent: int) -> None:
# FIXME invalid names other than the empty string aren't flagged
if not name:
raise QAPIParseError(self._parser, "invalid parameter name")
if name in symbols_dict:
raise QAPIParseError(self._parser,
"'%s' parameter name duplicated" % name)
assert not self.sections
new_section = QAPIDoc.ArgSection(self._parser, name, indent)
symbols_dict[name] = new_section
def _start_args_section(self, name: str, indent: int) -> None:
self._start_symbol_section(self.args, name, indent)
def _start_features_section(self, name: str, indent: int) -> None:
self._start_symbol_section(self.features, name, indent)
def _start_section(self, name: Optional[str] = None,
indent: int = 0) -> None:
if name in ('Returns', 'Since') and self.has_section(name):
raise QAPIParseError(self._parser,
"duplicated '%s' section" % name)
new_section = QAPIDoc.Section(self._parser, name, indent)
def _switch_section(self, new_section: 'QAPIDoc.Section') -> None:
text = self._section.text = self._section.text.strip()
# Only the 'body' section is allowed to have an empty body.
# All other sections, including anonymous ones, must have text.
if self._section != self.body and not text:
# We do not create anonymous sections unless there is
# something to put in them; this is a parser bug.
assert self._section.name
raise QAPIParseError(
"empty doc section '%s'" % self._section.name)
self._section = new_section
def _append_freeform(self, line: str) -> None:
match = re.match(r'(@\S+:)', line)
if match:
raise QAPIParseError(self._parser,
"'%s' not allowed in free-form documentation"
% match.group(1))
def connect_member(self, member: 'QAPISchemaMember') -> None:
if member.name not in self.args:
# Undocumented TODO outlaw
self.args[member.name] = QAPIDoc.ArgSection(self._parser,
def connect_feature(self, feature: 'QAPISchemaFeature') -> None:
if feature.name not in self.features:
raise QAPISemError(feature.info,
"feature '%s' lacks documentation"
% feature.name)
def check_expr(self, expr: QAPIExpression) -> None:
if self.has_section('Returns') and 'command' not in expr:
raise QAPISemError(self.info,
"'Returns:' is only valid for commands")
def check(self) -> None:
def check_args_section(
args: Dict[str, QAPIDoc.ArgSection], what: str
) -> None:
bogus = [name for name, section in args.items()
if not section.member]
if bogus:
raise QAPISemError(
"documented %s%s '%s' %s not exist" % (
"s" if len(bogus) > 1 else "",
"', '".join(bogus),
"do" if len(bogus) > 1 else "does"
check_args_section(self.args, 'member')
check_args_section(self.features, 'feature')