#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Pretty-printer for simple trace backend binary trace files # # Copyright IBM, Corp. 2010 # # This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See # the COPYING file in the top-level directory. # # For help see docs/devel/tracing.rst import sys import struct import inspect from tracetool import read_events, Event from tracetool.backend.simple import is_string __all__ = ['Analyzer', 'process', 'run'] # This is the binary format that the QEMU "simple" trace backend # emits. There is no specification documentation because the format is # not guaranteed to be stable. Trace files must be parsed with the # same trace-events-all file and the same simpletrace.py file that # QEMU was built with. header_event_id = 0xffffffffffffffff header_magic = 0xf2b177cb0aa429b4 dropped_event_id = 0xfffffffffffffffe record_type_mapping = 0 record_type_event = 1 log_header_fmt = '=QQQ' rec_header_fmt = '=QQII' class SimpleException(Exception): pass def read_header(fobj, hfmt): '''Read a trace record header''' hlen = struct.calcsize(hfmt) hdr = fobj.read(hlen) if len(hdr) != hlen: raise SimpleException('Error reading header. Wrong filetype provided?') return struct.unpack(hfmt, hdr) def get_record(event_mapping, event_id_to_name, rechdr, fobj): """Deserialize a trace record from a file into a tuple (name, timestamp, pid, arg1, ..., arg6).""" event_id, timestamp_ns, length, pid = rechdr if event_id != dropped_event_id: name = event_id_to_name[event_id] try: event = event_mapping[name] except KeyError as e: raise SimpleException( f'{e} event is logged but is not declared in the trace events' 'file, try using trace-events-all instead.' ) rec = (name, timestamp_ns, pid) for type, name in event.args: if is_string(type): l = fobj.read(4) (len,) = struct.unpack('=L', l) s = fobj.read(len) rec = rec + (s,) else: (value,) = struct.unpack('=Q', fobj.read(8)) rec = rec + (value,) else: (dropped_count,) = struct.unpack('=Q', fobj.read(8)) rec = ("dropped", timestamp_ns, pid, dropped_count) return rec def get_mapping(fobj): (event_id, ) = struct.unpack('=Q', fobj.read(8)) (len, ) = struct.unpack('=L', fobj.read(4)) name = fobj.read(len).decode() return (event_id, name) def read_record(event_mapping, event_id_to_name, fobj): """Deserialize a trace record from a file into a tuple (event_num, timestamp, pid, arg1, ..., arg6).""" rechdr = read_header(fobj, rec_header_fmt) return get_record(event_mapping, event_id_to_name, rechdr, fobj) def read_trace_header(fobj): """Read and verify trace file header""" _header_event_id, _header_magic, log_version = read_header(fobj, log_header_fmt) if _header_event_id != header_event_id: raise ValueError(f'Not a valid trace file, header id {_header_event_id} != {header_event_id}') if _header_magic != header_magic: raise ValueError(f'Not a valid trace file, header magic {_header_magic} != {header_magic}') if log_version not in [0, 2, 3, 4]: raise ValueError(f'Unknown version {log_version} of tracelog format!') if log_version != 4: raise ValueError(f'Log format {log_version} not supported with this QEMU release!') def read_trace_records(event_mapping, event_id_to_name, fobj): """Deserialize trace records from a file, yielding record tuples (event_num, timestamp, pid, arg1, ..., arg6). Note that `event_id_to_name` is modified if the file contains mapping records. Args: event_mapping (str -> Event): events dict, indexed by name event_id_to_name (int -> str): event names dict, indexed by event ID fobj (file): input file """ while True: t = fobj.read(8) if len(t) == 0: break (rectype, ) = struct.unpack('=Q', t) if rectype == record_type_mapping: event_id, name = get_mapping(fobj) event_id_to_name[event_id] = name else: rec = read_record(event_mapping, event_id_to_name, fobj) yield rec class Analyzer(object): """A trace file analyzer which processes trace records. An analyzer can be passed to run() or process(). The begin() method is invoked, then each trace record is processed, and finally the end() method is invoked. If a method matching a trace event name exists, it is invoked to process that trace record. Otherwise the catchall() method is invoked. Example: The following method handles the runstate_set(int new_state) trace event:: def runstate_set(self, new_state): ... The method can also take a timestamp argument before the trace event arguments:: def runstate_set(self, timestamp, new_state): ... Timestamps have the uint64_t type and are in nanoseconds. The pid can be included in addition to the timestamp and is useful when dealing with traces from multiple processes:: def runstate_set(self, timestamp, pid, new_state): ... """ def begin(self): """Called at the start of the trace.""" pass def catchall(self, event, rec): """Called if no specific method for processing a trace event has been found.""" pass def end(self): """Called at the end of the trace.""" pass def process(events, log, analyzer, read_header=True): """Invoke an analyzer on each event in a log. Args: events (file-object or list or str): events list or file-like object or file path as str to read event data from log (file-object or str): file-like object or file path as str to read log data from analyzer (Analyzer): Instance of Analyzer to interpret the event data read_header (bool, optional): Whether to read header data from the log data. Defaults to True. """ if isinstance(events, str): with open(events, 'r') as f: events_list = read_events(f, events) elif isinstance(events, list): # Treat as a list of events already produced by tracetool.read_events events_list = events else: # Treat as an already opened file-object events_list = read_events(events, events.name) close_log = False if isinstance(log, str): log = open(log, 'rb') close_log = True if read_header: read_trace_header(log) frameinfo = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()) dropped_event = Event.build("Dropped_Event(uint64_t num_events_dropped)", frameinfo.lineno + 1, frameinfo.filename) event_mapping = {"dropped": dropped_event} event_id_to_name = {dropped_event_id: "dropped"} for event in events_list: event_mapping[event.name] = event # If there is no header assume event ID mapping matches events list if not read_header: for event_id, event in enumerate(events_list): event_id_to_name[event_id] = event.name def build_fn(analyzer, event): if isinstance(event, str): return analyzer.catchall fn = getattr(analyzer, event.name, None) if fn is None: return analyzer.catchall event_argcount = len(event.args) fn_argcount = len(inspect.getfullargspec(fn)[0]) - 1 if fn_argcount == event_argcount + 1: # Include timestamp as first argument return lambda _, rec: fn(*(rec[1:2] + rec[3:3 + event_argcount])) elif fn_argcount == event_argcount + 2: # Include timestamp and pid return lambda _, rec: fn(*rec[1:3 + event_argcount]) else: # Just arguments, no timestamp or pid return lambda _, rec: fn(*rec[3:3 + event_argcount]) analyzer.begin() fn_cache = {} for rec in read_trace_records(event_mapping, event_id_to_name, log): event_num = rec[0] event = event_mapping[event_num] if event_num not in fn_cache: fn_cache[event_num] = build_fn(analyzer, event) fn_cache[event_num](event, rec) analyzer.end() if close_log: log.close() def run(analyzer): """Execute an analyzer on a trace file given on the command-line. This function is useful as a driver for simple analysis scripts. More advanced scripts will want to call process() instead.""" try: # NOTE: See built-in `argparse` module for a more robust cli interface *no_header, trace_event_path, trace_file_path = sys.argv[1:] assert no_header == [] or no_header == ['--no-header'], 'Invalid no-header argument' except (AssertionError, ValueError): raise SimpleException(f'usage: {sys.argv[0]} [--no-header] \n') with open(trace_event_path, 'r') as events_fobj, open(trace_file_path, 'rb') as log_fobj: process(events_fobj, log_fobj, analyzer, read_header=not no_header) if __name__ == '__main__': class Formatter(Analyzer): def __init__(self): self.last_timestamp = None def catchall(self, event, rec): timestamp = rec[1] if self.last_timestamp is None: self.last_timestamp = timestamp delta_ns = timestamp - self.last_timestamp self.last_timestamp = timestamp fields = [event.name, '%0.3f' % (delta_ns / 1000.0), 'pid=%d' % rec[2]] i = 3 for type, name in event.args: if is_string(type): fields.append('%s=%s' % (name, rec[i])) else: fields.append('%s=0x%x' % (name, rec[i])) i += 1 print(' '.join(fields)) try: run(Formatter()) except SimpleException as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e) + "\n") sys.exit(1)