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/** \page page_dma_buf DMA-BUF Sharing
PipeWire supports sharing Direct Memory Access buffers (DMA-BUFs) between
clients via the \ref SPA_DATA_DmaBuf data type. However properly negotiating
DMA-BUF support on both the producer and the consumer side require following
a specific procedure. This page describes said procedure by using events and
methods from the filter or stream API.
Note: This article focuses mostly on DMA-BUF sharing from arbitrary devices,
like discrete GPUs. For using DMA-BUFs created by v4l2 please refer to the
corresponding paragraph.
# Capability Negotiations
The capability negotiation for DMA-BUFs is complicated by the fact that a
usable and preferred optimal modifier for a given format can only be
determined by the allocator. This allocator has to be invoked with the intersection
of all supported modifiers for every client. As a result, the fixation of the
modifier is delegated from PipeWire to the node responsible for
allocating the buffers.
## pw_stream_connect
The stream parameters should contain two \ref SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat objects for
each format: one for DMA-BUFs, one for shared memory buffers as a fallback.
Query the list of all supported modifiers from your graphics API of choice.
Add a \ref SPA_FORMAT_VIDEO_modifier property to the first stream parameter with
value of the property should be set to a \ref SPA_CHOICE_Enum containing one
`long` choice per supported modifier, plus `DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID` if the
graphics API supports modifier-less buffers.
Note: When a producer is only supporting modifier-less buffers it can omit
the \ref SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_DONT_FIXATE (see param_changed hook, For producers).
The second stream parameter should not contain any \ref SPA_FORMAT_VIDEO_modifier
To prioritise DMA-BUFs place those \ref SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat containing modifiers
first, when emitting them to PipeWire.
## param_changed Hook
When the `param_changed` hook is called for a \ref SPA_PARAM_Format the client
has to parse the `spa_pod` directly. Use
`spa_pod_find_prop(param, NULL, SPA_FORMAT_VIDEO_modifier)` to check
whether modifiers were negotiated. If they were negotiated, set the
\ref SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_dataType property to `1 << SPA_DATA_DmaBuf`. If they were
not negotiated, fall back to shared memory by setting the
\ref SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_dataType property to `1 << SPA_DATA_MemFd`,
`1 << SPA_DATA_MemPtr`, or both.
While consumers only have to parse the resulting \ref SPA_PARAM_Format for any
format related information, it's up to the producer to fixate onto a single
format modifier pair. The producer is also responsible to check if all clients
announce sufficient capabilities or fallback to shared memory buffers when
### For Consumers
Use \ref spa_format_video_raw_parse to get the format and modifier.
### For Producers
Producers have to handle two cases when it comes to modifiers wrt. to the
previous announced capabilities: Using only the modifier-less API, only the
modifier-aware one, or supporting both.
- modifier-less:
In this case only the modifier `DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID` was announced with
the format.
It is sufficient to check if the \ref SPA_PARAM_Format contains the modifier
property as described above. If that is the case, use DMA-BUFs for screen-sharing,
else fall back to SHM, if possible.
- modifier-aware:
In this case a list with all supported modifiers will be returned in the format.
(using `DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID` as the token for the modifier-less API).
On the `param_changed` event check if the modifier key is present and has the flag
\ref SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_DONT_FIXATE attached to it. In this case, extract all modifiers
from the list and do a test allocation with your allocator to choose the preferred
modifier. Fixate on that \ref EnumFormat by announcing a \ref SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat with
only one modifier in the \ref SPA_CHOICE_Enum and without the
\ref SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_DONT_FIXATE flag, followed by the previous announced
\ref EnumFormat. This will retrigger the `param_changed` event with an
\ref SPA_PARAM_Format as described below.
If the \ref SPA_PARAM_Format contains a modifier key, without the flag
\ref SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_DONT_FIXATE, it should only contain one value in the
\ref SPA_CHOICE_Enum. In this case announce the \ref SPA_PARAM_Buffers accordingly
to the selected format and modifier. It is important to query the plane count
of the used format modifier pair and set `SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_blocks` accordingly.
Note: When test allocating a buffer, collect all possible modifiers, while omitting
`DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID` from the \ref SPA_FORMAT_VIDEO_modifier property and
pass them all to the graphics API. If the allocation fails and the list of
possible modifiers contains `DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID`, fall back to allocating
without an explicit modifier if the graphics API allows it.
## add_buffer Hook
This is relevant for producers.
Allocate a DMA-BUF only using the negotiated format and modifier.
## on_event Hook
This is relevant for consumers.
Check the type of the dequeued buffer. If its \ref SPA_DATA_MemFd or
\ref SPA_DATA_MemPtr use the fallback SHM import mechanism.
If it's \ref SPA_DATA_DmaBuf
get the DMA-BUF FDs (the plane count is encoded in the `n_datas` variable of the
`spa_buffer` struct) and import them with the graphics API.
Note: Some graphics APIs have separated functions for the modifier-less case
(`DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID`) or are omitting the modifier, since it might be used
for error handling.
## Example Programs
- \ref video-src-fixate.c "": \snippet{doc} video-src-fixate.c title
- \ref video-play-fixate.c "": \snippet{doc} video-play-fixate.c title
# DMA-BUF Mapping Warning
It's important to make sure all consumers of the PipeWire stream are prepared
to deal with DMA-BUFs. Most DMA-BUFs cannot be treated like shared memory in general
because of the following issues:
- DMA-BUFs can use hardware-specific tiling and compression as described by
modifiers. Thus, a `mmap(3)` on the DMA-BUF FD will not give a linear view of
the buffer contents.
- DMA-BUFs need to be properly synchronized with the asynchronous reads and
writes of the hardware. A `mmap(3)` call is not enough to guarantee proper
synchronization. (Maybe add link to linux syscall doc??)
- Blindly accessing the DMA-BUFs via `mmap(3)` can be extremely slow if the
buffer has been allocated on discrete hardware. Consumers are better off
using a proper graphics API (such as EGL, Vulkan or VA-API) to process the
# Size of DMA-BUFs
When importing a DMA-BUF with a proper graphics API the size of a single buffer plane
is no relevant property since it will be derived by the driver from the other properties.
Therefore consumers should ignore the field `maxsize` of a `spa_data` and the field
`size` of a `spa_chunk` struct. Producers are allowed to set both to 0.
In cases where mapping a single plane is required the size should be obtained locally
via the filedescriptor.
# SPA param video format helpers
SPA offers helper functions to parse and build a spa_pod object to/from the spa_video_info_*
are used to indicate modifier usage with the format. `SPA_VIDEO_FLAG_MODIFIER` declares the
parsed/provided spa_video_info_* struct contains valid modifier information. For legacy
reasons `spa_format_video_*_build` will announce any modifier != 0 even when this flag is
unused. `SPA_VIDEO_FLAG_MODIFIER_FIXATION_REQUIRED` is exclusive to the parse helpers and
declares that the parsed spa_pod contains modifier information which needs to be fixated as
described above. The list of available modifiers has to be parsed manually from the spa_pod
- \ref spa_video_info_raw, \ref spa_format_video_raw_parse, \ref spa_format_video_raw_build
- \ref spa_video_info_dsp, \ref spa_format_video_dsp_parse, \ref spa_format_video_dsp_build
# v4l2
Another use case for streaming via DMA-BUFs are exporting a camera feed from v4l2
as DMA-BUFs. Those are located in the main memory where it is possible to mmap them.
This should be done as follows: Neither producer nor consumer should announce a
modifier, but both should include `1 << SPA_DATA_DmaBuf` in the
`SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_dataType` property. It's the the responsibility of the producer
while the `add_buffer` event to choose DMA-BUF as the used buffer type even though
no modifier is present, if it can guarantee, that the used buffer is mmapable.
Note: For now v4l2 uses planar buffers without modifiers. This is the reason for
this special case.