/* Spa * Copyright (C) 2016 Wim Taymans * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_BUFFERS 8 typedef struct { SpaBuffer buffer; SpaMeta metas[2]; SpaMetaHeader header; SpaMetaPointer ptr; SpaData datas[1]; } SDLBuffer; typedef struct { SpaNode *source; SDL_Renderer *renderer; SDL_Window *window; SDL_Texture *texture; bool use_buffer; bool running; pthread_t thread; SpaPollFd fds[16]; unsigned int n_fds; SpaPollItem poll; SpaBuffer *bp[MAX_BUFFERS]; SDLBuffer buffers[MAX_BUFFERS]; unsigned int n_buffers; } AppData; static SpaResult make_node (SpaNode **node, const char *lib, const char *name) { SpaHandle *handle; SpaResult res; void *hnd; SpaEnumHandleFactoryFunc enum_func; unsigned int i; void *state = NULL; if ((hnd = dlopen (lib, RTLD_NOW)) == NULL) { printf ("can't load %s: %s\n", lib, dlerror()); return SPA_RESULT_ERROR; } if ((enum_func = dlsym (hnd, "spa_enum_handle_factory")) == NULL) { printf ("can't find enum function\n"); return SPA_RESULT_ERROR; } for (i = 0; ;i++) { const SpaHandleFactory *factory; void *iface; if ((res = enum_func (&factory, &state)) < 0) { if (res != SPA_RESULT_ENUM_END) printf ("can't enumerate factories: %d\n", res); break; } if (strcmp (factory->name, name)) continue; handle = calloc (1, factory->size); if ((res = factory->init (factory, handle)) < 0) { printf ("can't make factory instance: %d\n", res); return res; } if ((res = handle->get_interface (handle, SPA_INTERFACE_ID_NODE, &iface)) < 0) { printf ("can't get interface %d\n", res); return res; } *node = iface; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } return SPA_RESULT_ERROR; } static void on_source_event (SpaNode *node, SpaEvent *event, void *user_data) { AppData *data = user_data; switch (event->type) { case SPA_EVENT_TYPE_HAVE_OUTPUT: { SpaOutputInfo info[1] = { 0, }; SpaResult res; SpaBuffer *b; void *sdata, *ddata; int sstride, dstride; int i; uint8_t *src, *dst; SpaMeta *metas; SpaData *datas; SpaMemory *mem; if ((res = spa_node_port_pull_output (data->source, 1, info)) < 0) printf ("got pull error %d\n", res); b = data->bp[info->buffer_id]; metas = SPA_BUFFER_METAS (b); datas = SPA_BUFFER_DATAS (b); if (metas[1].type == SPA_META_TYPE_POINTER && strcmp (SPA_MEMBER (b, metas[1].offset, SpaMetaPointer)->ptr_type, "SDL_Texture") == 0) { SDL_Texture *texture; texture = SPA_MEMBER (b, metas[1].offset, SpaMetaPointer)->ptr; SDL_UnlockTexture(texture); SDL_RenderClear (data->renderer); SDL_RenderCopy (data->renderer, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent (data->renderer); if (SDL_LockTexture (texture, NULL, &sdata, &sstride) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't lock texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return; } mem = spa_memory_find (&datas[0].mem.mem); mem->ptr = sdata; mem->type = "sysmem"; mem->size = sstride * 240; datas[0].mem.size = sstride * 240; datas[0].stride = sstride; } else { if (SDL_LockTexture (data->texture, NULL, &ddata, &dstride) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't lock texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return; } mem = spa_memory_find (&datas[0].mem.mem); sdata = spa_memory_ensure_ptr (mem); sstride = datas[0].stride; for (i = 0; i < 240; i++) { src = ((uint8_t*)sdata + i * sstride); dst = ((uint8_t*)ddata + i * dstride); memcpy (dst, src, SPA_MIN (sstride, dstride)); } SDL_UnlockTexture(data->texture); SDL_RenderClear (data->renderer); SDL_RenderCopy (data->renderer, data->texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent (data->renderer); } spa_node_port_reuse_buffer (data->source, 0, info->buffer_id); break; } case SPA_EVENT_TYPE_ADD_POLL: { SpaPollItem *poll = event->data; data->poll = *poll; data->fds[0] = poll->fds[0]; data->n_fds = 1; data->poll.fds = data->fds; break; } default: printf ("got event %d\n", event->type); break; } } static SpaResult make_nodes (AppData *data, const char *device) { SpaResult res; SpaProps *props; SpaPropValue value; if ((res = make_node (&data->source, "plugins/v4l2/libspa-v4l2.so", "v4l2-source")) < 0) { printf ("can't create v4l2-source: %d\n", res); return res; } spa_node_set_event_callback (data->source, on_source_event, data); if ((res = spa_node_get_props (data->source, &props)) < 0) printf ("got get_props error %d\n", res); value.type = SPA_PROP_TYPE_STRING; value.value = device ? device : "/dev/video0"; value.size = strlen (value.value)+1; spa_props_set_prop (props, spa_props_index_for_name (props, "device"), &value); if ((res = spa_node_set_props (data->source, props)) < 0) printf ("got set_props error %d\n", res); return res; } static void alloc_buffers (AppData *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) { SDLBuffer *b = &data->buffers[i]; SDL_Texture *texture; SpaMemory *mem; void *ptr; int stride; data->bp[i] = &b->buffer; texture = SDL_CreateTexture (data->renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YUY2, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, 320, 240); if (!texture) { printf ("can't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); return; } if (SDL_LockTexture (texture, NULL, &ptr, &stride) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't lock texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return; } b->buffer.id = i; b->buffer.mem.mem.pool_id = SPA_ID_INVALID; b->buffer.mem.mem.id = SPA_ID_INVALID; b->buffer.mem.offset = 0; b->buffer.mem.size = sizeof (SDLBuffer); b->buffer.n_metas = 2; b->buffer.metas = offsetof (SDLBuffer, metas); b->buffer.n_datas = 1; b->buffer.datas = offsetof (SDLBuffer, datas); b->header.flags = 0; b->header.seq = 0; b->header.pts = 0; b->header.dts_offset = 0; b->metas[0].type = SPA_META_TYPE_HEADER; b->metas[0].offset = offsetof (SDLBuffer, header); b->metas[0].size = sizeof (b->header); b->ptr.ptr_type = "SDL_Texture"; b->ptr.ptr = texture; b->metas[1].type = SPA_META_TYPE_POINTER; b->metas[1].offset = offsetof (SDLBuffer, ptr); b->metas[1].size = sizeof (b->ptr); mem = spa_memory_alloc (SPA_MEMORY_POOL_LOCAL); mem->flags = SPA_MEMORY_FLAG_READWRITE; mem->type = "sysmem"; mem->fd = -1; mem->ptr = ptr; mem->size = stride * 240; b->datas[0].mem.mem = mem->mem; b->datas[0].mem.offset = 0; b->datas[0].mem.size = mem->size; b->datas[0].stride = stride; } data->n_buffers = MAX_BUFFERS; spa_node_port_use_buffers (data->source, 0, data->bp, MAX_BUFFERS); } typedef struct { SpaFormat fmt; SpaPropInfo infos[3]; SpaVideoFormat format; SpaRectangle size; SpaFraction framerate; } VideoFormat; static SpaResult negotiate_formats (AppData *data) { SpaResult res; const SpaPortInfo *info; VideoFormat f; #if 0 void *state = NULL; if ((res = spa_node_port_enum_formats (data->source, 0, &format, NULL, &state)) < 0) return res; #else f.fmt.media_type = SPA_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; f.fmt.media_subtype = SPA_MEDIA_SUBTYPE_RAW; f.fmt.props.n_prop_info = 3; f.fmt.props.prop_info = f.infos; spa_video_raw_fill_prop_info (&f.infos[0], SPA_PROP_ID_VIDEO_FORMAT, offsetof (VideoFormat, format)); f.format = SPA_VIDEO_FORMAT_YUY2; spa_video_raw_fill_prop_info (&f.infos[1], SPA_PROP_ID_VIDEO_SIZE, offsetof (VideoFormat, size)); f.size.width = 320; f.size.height = 240; spa_video_raw_fill_prop_info (&f.infos[2], SPA_PROP_ID_VIDEO_FRAMERATE, offsetof (VideoFormat, framerate)); f.framerate.num = 25; f.framerate.denom = 1; #endif if ((res = spa_node_port_set_format (data->source, 0, false, &f.fmt)) < 0) return res; if ((res = spa_node_port_get_info (data->source, 0, &info)) < 0) return res; spa_debug_port_info (info); if (data->use_buffer) { alloc_buffers (data); } else { unsigned int n_buffers; data->texture = SDL_CreateTexture (data->renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YUY2, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, 320, 240); if (!data->texture) { printf ("can't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); return -1; } n_buffers = MAX_BUFFERS; if ((res = spa_node_port_alloc_buffers (data->source, 0, NULL, 0, data->bp, &n_buffers)) < 0) { printf ("can't allocate buffers: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); return -1; } data->n_buffers = n_buffers; } return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static void * loop (void *user_data) { AppData *data = user_data; int r; printf ("enter thread\n"); while (data->running) { SpaPollNotifyData ndata; r = poll ((struct pollfd *) data->fds, data->n_fds, -1); if (r < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; break; } if (r == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "select timeout\n"); break; } if (data->poll.after_cb) { ndata.fds = data->poll.fds; ndata.n_fds = data->poll.n_fds; ndata.user_data = data->poll.user_data; data->poll.after_cb (&ndata); } } printf ("leave thread\n"); return NULL; } static void run_async_source (AppData *data) { SpaResult res; SpaCommand cmd; bool done = false; int err; cmd.type = SPA_COMMAND_START; if ((res = spa_node_send_command (data->source, &cmd)) < 0) printf ("got error %d\n", res); data->running = true; if ((err = pthread_create (&data->thread, NULL, loop, data)) != 0) { printf ("can't create thread: %d %s", err, strerror (err)); data->running = false; } while (!done) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent (&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { done = SDL_TRUE; } break; case SDL_QUIT: done = SDL_TRUE; break; } sleep (1); } } if (data->running) { data->running = false; pthread_join (data->thread, NULL); } cmd.type = SPA_COMMAND_STOP; if ((res = spa_node_send_command (data->source, &cmd)) < 0) printf ("got error %d\n", res); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { AppData data; SpaResult res; spa_memory_init (); data.use_buffer = true; if (SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { printf ("can't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); return -1; } if (SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer (320, 240, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, &data.window, &data.renderer)) { printf ("can't create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); return -1; } if ((res = make_nodes (&data, argv[1])) < 0) { printf ("can't make nodes: %d\n", res); return -1; } if ((res = negotiate_formats (&data)) < 0) { printf ("can't negotiate nodes: %d\n", res); return -1; } run_async_source (&data); SDL_DestroyRenderer (data.renderer); return 0; }