/* Spa FFMpeg Encoder * Copyright (C) 2016 Wim Taymans * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct _SpaFFMpegEnc SpaFFMpegEnc; #define IS_VALID_PORT(this,d,id) ((id) == 0) #define MAX_BUFFERS 32 typedef struct _FFMpegBuffer FFMpegBuffer; struct _FFMpegBuffer { SpaBuffer buffer; SpaMeta metas[1]; SpaMetaHeader header; SpaData datas[1]; SpaFFMpegEnc *enc; SpaBuffer *imported; bool outstanding; FFMpegBuffer *next; }; typedef struct { bool have_format; SpaVideoInfo current_format; bool have_buffers; FFMpegBuffer buffers[MAX_BUFFERS]; SpaPortInfo info; SpaPortIO *io; } SpaFFMpegPort; typedef struct { uint32_t node; SpaTypeMediaType media_type; SpaTypeMediaSubtype media_subtype; SpaTypeFormatVideo format_video; SpaTypeCommandNode command_node; } Type; static inline void init_type (Type *type, SpaTypeMap *map) { type->node = spa_type_map_get_id (map, SPA_TYPE__Node); spa_type_media_type_map (map, &type->media_type); spa_type_media_subtype_map (map, &type->media_subtype); spa_type_format_video_map (map, &type->format_video); spa_type_command_node_map (map, &type->command_node); } struct _SpaFFMpegEnc { SpaHandle handle; SpaNode node; Type type; SpaTypeMap *map; SpaLog *log; SpaNodeCallbacks callbacks; void *user_data; SpaFFMpegPort in_ports[1]; SpaFFMpegPort out_ports[1]; bool started; }; static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_get_props (SpaNode *node, SpaProps **props) { return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_set_props (SpaNode *node, const SpaProps *props) { return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_send_command (SpaNode *node, SpaCommand *command) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; if (node == NULL || command == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; this = SPA_CONTAINER_OF (node, SpaFFMpegEnc, node); if (SPA_COMMAND_TYPE (command) == this->type.command_node.Start) { this->started = true; } else if (SPA_COMMAND_TYPE (command) == this->type.command_node.Pause) { this->started = false; } else return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_set_callbacks (SpaNode *node, const SpaNodeCallbacks *callbacks, size_t callbacks_size, void *user_data) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; if (node == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; this = SPA_CONTAINER_OF (node, SpaFFMpegEnc, node); this->callbacks = *callbacks; this->user_data = user_data; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_get_n_ports (SpaNode *node, uint32_t *n_input_ports, uint32_t *max_input_ports, uint32_t *n_output_ports, uint32_t *max_output_ports) { if (node == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; if (n_input_ports) *n_input_ports = 1; if (n_output_ports) *n_output_ports = 1; if (max_input_ports) *max_input_ports = 1; if (max_output_ports) *max_output_ports = 1; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_get_port_ids (SpaNode *node, uint32_t n_input_ports, uint32_t *input_ids, uint32_t n_output_ports, uint32_t *output_ids) { if (node == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; if (n_input_ports > 0 && input_ids != NULL) input_ids[0] = 0; if (n_output_ports > 0 && output_ids != NULL) output_ids[0] = 0; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_add_port (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id) { return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_remove_port (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id) { return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_enum_formats (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, SpaFormat **format, const SpaFormat *filter, uint32_t index) { //SpaFFMpegEnc *this; //SpaFFMpegPort *port; if (node == NULL || format == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; //this = SPA_CONTAINER_OF (node, SpaFFMpegEnc, node); if (!IS_VALID_PORT (this, direction, port_id)) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_PORT; //port = direction == SPA_DIRECTION_INPUT ? &this->in_ports[port_id] : &this->out_ports[port_id]; switch (index) { case 0: break; default: return SPA_RESULT_ENUM_END; } *format = NULL; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_set_format (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, uint32_t flags, const SpaFormat *format) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; SpaFFMpegPort *port; if (node == NULL || format == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; this = SPA_CONTAINER_OF (node, SpaFFMpegEnc, node); if (!IS_VALID_PORT (this, direction, port_id)) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_PORT; port = direction == SPA_DIRECTION_INPUT ? &this->in_ports[port_id] : &this->out_ports[port_id]; if (format == NULL) { port->have_format = false; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } else { SpaVideoInfo info = { SPA_FORMAT_MEDIA_TYPE (format), SPA_FORMAT_MEDIA_SUBTYPE (format), }; if (info.media_type != this->type.media_type.video && info.media_subtype != this->type.media_subtype.raw) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE; if (!spa_format_video_raw_parse (format, &info.info.raw, &this->type.format_video)) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE; if (!(flags & SPA_PORT_FORMAT_FLAG_TEST_ONLY)) { port->current_format = info; port->have_format = true; } } return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_get_format (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, const SpaFormat **format) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; SpaFFMpegPort *port; if (node == NULL || format == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; this = SPA_CONTAINER_OF (node, SpaFFMpegEnc, node); if (!IS_VALID_PORT (this, direction, port_id)) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_PORT; port = direction == SPA_DIRECTION_INPUT ? &this->in_ports[port_id] : &this->out_ports[port_id]; if (!port->have_format) return SPA_RESULT_NO_FORMAT; *format = NULL; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_get_info (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, const SpaPortInfo **info) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; SpaFFMpegPort *port; if (node == NULL || info == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; this = SPA_CONTAINER_OF (node, SpaFFMpegEnc, node); if (!IS_VALID_PORT (this, direction, port_id)) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_PORT; port = direction == SPA_DIRECTION_INPUT ? &this->in_ports[port_id] : &this->out_ports[port_id]; *info = &port->info; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_enum_params (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, uint32_t index, SpaParam **param) { return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_set_param (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, const SpaParam *param) { return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_use_buffers (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, SpaBuffer **buffers, uint32_t n_buffers) { if (node == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; if (!IS_VALID_PORT (node, direction, port_id)) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_PORT; return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_alloc_buffers (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, SpaParam **params, uint32_t n_params, SpaBuffer **buffers, uint32_t *n_buffers) { return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_set_io (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, SpaPortIO *io) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; SpaFFMpegPort *port; if (node == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; this = SPA_CONTAINER_OF (node, SpaFFMpegEnc, node); if (!IS_VALID_PORT (this, direction, port_id)) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_PORT; port = direction == SPA_DIRECTION_INPUT ? &this->in_ports[port_id] : &this->out_ports[port_id]; port->io = io; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_reuse_buffer (SpaNode *node, uint32_t port_id, uint32_t buffer_id) { if (node == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; if (port_id != 0) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_PORT; return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_send_command (SpaNode *node, SpaDirection direction, uint32_t port_id, SpaCommand *command) { return SPA_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_process_input (SpaNode *node) { return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_PORT; } static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_process_output (SpaNode *node) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; SpaFFMpegPort *port; SpaPortIO *output; if (node == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; this = SPA_CONTAINER_OF (node, SpaFFMpegEnc, node); if ((output = this->out_ports[0].io) == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_OK; port = &this->out_ports[0]; if (!port->have_format) { output->status = SPA_RESULT_NO_FORMAT; return SPA_RESULT_ERROR; } output->status = SPA_RESULT_OK; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } static const SpaNode ffmpeg_enc_node = { sizeof (SpaNode), NULL, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_get_props, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_set_props, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_send_command, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_set_callbacks, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_get_n_ports, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_get_port_ids, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_add_port, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_remove_port, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_enum_formats, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_set_format, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_get_format, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_get_info, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_enum_params, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_set_param, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_use_buffers, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_alloc_buffers, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_set_io, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_reuse_buffer, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_port_send_command, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_process_input, spa_ffmpeg_enc_node_process_output, }; static SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_get_interface (SpaHandle *handle, uint32_t interface_id, void **interface) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; if (handle == NULL || interface == NULL) return SPA_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; this = (SpaFFMpegEnc *) handle; if (interface_id == this->type.node) *interface = &this->node; else return SPA_RESULT_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE; return SPA_RESULT_OK; } SpaResult spa_ffmpeg_enc_init (SpaHandle *handle, const SpaDict *info, const SpaSupport *support, uint32_t n_support) { SpaFFMpegEnc *this; uint32_t i; handle->get_interface = spa_ffmpeg_enc_get_interface; this = (SpaFFMpegEnc *) handle; for (i = 0; i < n_support; i++) { if (strcmp (support[i].type, SPA_TYPE__TypeMap) == 0) this->map = support[i].data; else if (strcmp (support[i].type, SPA_TYPE__Log) == 0) this->log = support[i].data; } if (this->map == NULL) { spa_log_error (this->log, "a type-map is needed"); return SPA_RESULT_ERROR; } this->node = ffmpeg_enc_node; this->in_ports[0].info.flags = 0; this->out_ports[0].info.flags = 0; return SPA_RESULT_OK; }