docs: add dbus docs

This commit is contained in:
Wim Taymans 2015-04-21 16:02:40 +02:00
parent 09de2d3db9
commit 4378f34664
2 changed files with 141 additions and 96 deletions

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@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
Service: org.pulsevideo
Interface: org.pulsevideo.Source1
Object Path: freely definable
The Source object defines a source of video. You can query the list of
supported formats and get a SourceOutput object that can be used to
control the video Source.
Methods a{a{sv}} GetCapabilities (dict args)
Get a list of supported formats
Possible Errors: org.pulsevideo.Error.NotAuthorized
object CreateSourceOutput (dict args)
Create a sourceoutput with given capabilities
Possible Errors: org.pulsevideo.Error.NotAuthorized
void RemoveSourceOutput (object sourceoutput)
Remove a sourceoutput.
Possible Errors: org.pulsevideo.Error.NotAuthorized
Properties string Name [readonly]
Name of the source
strinf Priority [readonly]
Priority of the source
Service org.pulsevideo
Interface org.pulsevideo.SourceOutput1
Object Path: freely definable
Methods fd Acquire()
Acquire transport file descriptor read and .
Possible Errors: org.pulsevideo.Error.NotAuthorized
void Release ()
Release transport file descriptor
Properties object Source [readonly]
Path of the Source object
dict transport [readonly]
Transport properties
Service org.pulsevideo
Interface org.pulsevideo.Client1

View file

@ -1,77 +1,206 @@
"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
"" >
<node xmlns:doc="">
@short_description: Main interface for the pulsevideo daemon
Interface to get properties from the pulsevideo daemon and to
establish a client connection.
<interface name='org.pulsevideo.Daemon1'>
<!-- UserName: Name of the user that started the daemon -->
<property name='UserName' type='s' access='read' />
<!-- HostName: Name of the machine the daemon is running on -->
<property name='HostName' type='s' access='read' />
<!-- Version: Version of the daemon -->
<property name='Version' type='s' access='read' />
<!-- Name: Name of the daemon -->
<property name='Name' type='s' access='read' />
<!-- Properties: Extra properties of the daemon -->
<property name='Properties' type='a{sv}' access='read' />
<!-- ConnectClient:
@properties: properties of the client
@client: a new client object
Register a client to the pulsevideo daemon. A new client object
will be generated that should be used to perform any other
action on the server.
<method name='ConnectClient'>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='properties' direction='in'/>
<arg type='o' name='client' direction='out'/>
@short_description: Main client interface
Interface obtained after connecting a client and allows for
obtaining an output object from a source.
<interface name='org.pulsevideo.Client1'>
<!-- Name: Name of the client -->
<property name='Name' type='s' access='read' />
<!-- Name: Properties of the client -->
<property name='Properties' type='a{sv}' access='read' />
<!-- CreateSourceOutput:
@source: the name of a source or an empty string
@props: properties to use
@sender: the result sender of the output
@output: the result output object
This method requests an output from @source with given @props.
@source can be the empty string, in which case the server will
select a good source.
@sender and @output contain the unique name and object of the
owner of the source.
<method name='CreateSourceOutput'>
<arg type='o' name='source' direction='in'/>
<arg type='s' name='source' direction='in'/>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='props' direction='in'/>
<arg type='s' name='sender' direction='out'/>
<arg type='o' name='output' direction='out'/>
<method name='RegisterSource'>
<arg type='o' name='source' direction='in'/>
<method name='UnregisterSource'>
<arg type='o' name='source' direction='in'/>
<method name='Disconnect'>
<!-- Disconnect:
Disconnect the client from the server.
<method name='Disconnect'/>
@short_description: Main introspection interface
This interface allows one to introspect the object on the
<interface name='org.pulsevideo.Introspect1'>
<!-- GetClients:
@clients: an array of client objects
Get a list of clients connected to this server
<method name='GetClients'>
<arg type='ao' name='clients' direction='out'/>
<!-- GetSources:
@sources: an array of source objects
Get a list of sources available on this server
<method name='GetSources'>
<arg type='ao' name='sources' direction='out'/>
@short_description: Interface for source provider
This interface lists the unique name and path of a
<interface name='org.pulsevideo.SourceProvider1'>
<!-- Name: unique name of the provider -->
<property name='Name' type='s' access='read' />
<!-- Path: object path of the source -->
<property name='Path' type='o' access='read' />
@short_description: Main source interface
A source is an object that can provide media content.
<interface name='org.pulsevideo.Source1'>
<!-- Name: the name of the source -->
<property name='Name' type='s' access='read' />
<property name='Suspended' type='b' access='read' />
<!-- Properties: extra source properties -->
<property name='Properties' type='a{sv}' access='read' />
<!-- Suspended: if the source is suspended -->
<property name='Suspended' type='b' access='read' />
<!-- GetCapabilities:
@props: input properties
@caps: result capabilities
Get a list of capabilities of this source. This includes
supported data formats and transports. @props is used to
filter the amount of output capabilities
<method name='GetCapabilities'>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='props' direction='in'/>
<arg type='aa{sv}' name='caps' direction='out'/>
<!-- CreateSourceOutput:
@props: input properties
@output: the SourceOutput1 object path
Create a new output for this source with given @props
<method name='CreateSourceOutput'>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='props' direction='in'/>
<arg type='o' name='output' direction='out'/>
@short_description: Interface for source output
This interface is used to control the output of a source and
start/stop the media transport.
<interface name='org.pulsevideo.SourceOutput1'>
<!-- Source: the source of this source output -->
<property name='Source' type='o' access='read' />
<!-- Start:
@props: input properties
@fd: output file descriptor
@props: output properties
Start the datatransfer of the source with @props.
The result is a file descriptor that can be used to get metadata
and media. @props contains the final media format and transport
<method name='Start'>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='props' direction='in'/>
<arg type='h' name='fd' direction='out'/>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='props' direction='out'/>
<!-- RequestReconfigure:
@props: new properties
This signal is fired when the source wants to change the format
or transport. The client should Stop and Start the source output
with new properties
<signal name='RequestReconfigure'>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='props' direction='in'/>
<!-- Stop:
Stop data transport
<method name='Stop'/>
<!-- Remove:
Remove the source output
<method name='Remove'/>
<!-- This is a possible push based API. It would require a dbus call
for each media packet, which is probably not a good idea right now.
We would probably also want something more lightweight for sending
the properties with each fd.
<method name='Start'>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='props' direction='in'/>
<arg type='a{sv}' name='props' direction='out'/>