Mauro Carvalho Chehab 01096e5cfe scripts/ allow output the parsed file names
Such output could be helpful while debugging it, but its main
goal is to tell about what files were used
by the script. Thie way, can add those as
documentation dependencies.

Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Corbet <>
2022-03-28 13:53:46 -06:00

642 lines
15 KiB
Executable file

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
use strict;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
use Fcntl ':mode';
use Cwd 'abs_path';
my $help;
my $man;
my $debug;
my $arch;
my $feat;
my $enable_fname;
my $basename = abs_path($0);
$basename =~ s,/[^/]+$,/,;
my $prefix=$basename . "../Documentation/features";
# Used only at for full features output. The script will auto-adjust
# such values for the minimal possible values
my $status_size = 1;
my $description_size = 1;
"debug|d+" => \$debug,
"dir=s" => \$prefix,
'help|?' => \$help,
'arch=s' => \$arch,
'feat=s' => \$feat,
'feature=s' => \$feat,
"enable-fname" => \$enable_fname,
man => \$man
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
pod2usage(1) if (scalar @ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 2);
my ($cmd, $arg) = @ARGV;
pod2usage(2) if ($cmd ne "current" && $cmd ne "rest" && $cmd ne "validate"
&& $cmd ne "ls" && $cmd ne "list");
require Data::Dumper if ($debug);
my %data;
my %archs;
# Displays an error message, printing file name and line
sub parse_error($$$$) {
my ($file, $ln, $msg, $data) = @_;
$data =~ s/\s+$/\n/;
print STDERR "Warning: file $file#$ln:\n\t$msg";
if ($data ne "") {
print STDERR ". Line\n\t\t$data";
} else {
print STDERR "\n";
# Parse a features file, storing its contents at %data
my $h_name = "Feature";
my $h_kconfig = "Kconfig";
my $h_description = "Description";
my $h_subsys = "Subsystem";
my $h_status = "Status";
my $h_arch = "Architecture";
my $max_size_name = length($h_name);
my $max_size_kconfig = length($h_kconfig);
my $max_size_description = length($h_description);
my $max_size_subsys = length($h_subsys);
my $max_size_status = length($h_status);
my $max_size_arch = 0;
my $max_size_arch_with_header;
my $max_description_word = 0;
sub parse_feat {
my $file = $File::Find::name;
my $mode = (stat($file))[2];
return if ($mode & S_IFDIR);
return if ($file =~ m,($prefix)/arch-support.txt,);
return if (!($file =~ m,arch-support.txt$,));
if ($enable_fname) {
printf ".. FILE %s\n", abs_path($file);
my $subsys = "";
$subsys = $2 if ( m,.*($prefix)/([^/]+).*,);
if (length($subsys) > $max_size_subsys) {
$max_size_subsys = length($subsys);
my $name;
my $kconfig;
my $description;
my $comments = "";
my $last_status;
my $ln;
my %arch_table;
print STDERR "Opening $file\n" if ($debug > 1);
open IN, $file;
while(<IN>) {
if (m/^\#\s+Feature\s+name:\s*(.*\S)/) {
$name = $1;
if (length($name) > $max_size_name) {
$max_size_name = length($name);
if (m/^\#\s+Kconfig:\s*(.*\S)/) {
$kconfig = $1;
if (length($kconfig) > $max_size_kconfig) {
$max_size_kconfig = length($kconfig);
if (m/^\#\s+description:\s*(.*\S)/) {
$description = $1;
if (length($description) > $max_size_description) {
$max_size_description = length($description);
foreach my $word (split /\s+/, $description) {
if (length($word) > $max_description_word) {
$max_description_word = length($word);
next if (m/^\\s*$/);
next if (m/^\s*\-+\s*$/);
next if (m/^\s*\|\s*arch\s*\|\s*status\s*\|\s*$/);
if (m/^\#\s*(.*)/) {
$comments .= "$1\n";
if (m/^\s*\|\s*(\S+):\s*\|\s*(\S+)\s*\|\s*$/) {
my $a = $1;
my $status = $2;
if (length($status) > $max_size_status) {
$max_size_status = length($status);
if (length($a) > $max_size_arch) {
$max_size_arch = length($a);
$status = "---" if ($status =~ m/^\.\.$/);
$archs{$a} = 1;
$arch_table{$a} = $status;
#Everything else is an error
parse_error($file, $ln, "line is invalid", $_);
close IN;
if (!$name) {
parse_error($file, $ln, "Feature name not found", "");
parse_error($file, $ln, "Subsystem not found", "") if (!$subsys);
parse_error($file, $ln, "Kconfig not found", "") if (!$kconfig);
parse_error($file, $ln, "Description not found", "") if (!$description);
if (!%arch_table) {
parse_error($file, $ln, "Architecture table not found", "");
$data{$name}->{where} = $file;
$data{$name}->{subsys} = $subsys;
$data{$name}->{kconfig} = $kconfig;
$data{$name}->{description} = $description;
$data{$name}->{comments} = $comments;
$data{$name}->{table} = \%arch_table;
$max_size_arch_with_header = $max_size_arch + length($h_arch);
# Output feature(s) for a given architecture
sub output_arch_table {
my $title = "Feature status on $arch architecture";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n";
print "$title\n";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n\n";
print "=" x $max_size_subsys;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_name;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_kconfig;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_description;
print "\n";
printf "%-${max_size_subsys}s ", $h_subsys;
printf "%-${max_size_name}s ", $h_name;
printf "%-${max_size_kconfig}s ", $h_kconfig;
printf "%-${max_size_status}s ", $h_status;
printf "%-${max_size_description}s\n", $h_description;
print "=" x $max_size_subsys;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_name;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_kconfig;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_description;
print "\n";
foreach my $name (sort {
($data{$a}->{subsys} cmp $data{$b}->{subsys}) ||
("\L$a" cmp "\L$b")
} keys %data) {
next if ($feat && $name ne $feat);
my %arch_table = %{$data{$name}->{table}};
printf "%-${max_size_subsys}s ", $data{$name}->{subsys};
printf "%-${max_size_name}s ", $name;
printf "%-${max_size_kconfig}s ", $data{$name}->{kconfig};
printf "%-${max_size_status}s ", $arch_table{$arch};
printf "%-s\n", $data{$name}->{description};
print "=" x $max_size_subsys;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_name;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_kconfig;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_description;
print "\n";
# list feature(s) for a given architecture
sub list_arch_features {
print "#\n# Kernel feature support matrix of the '$arch' architecture:\n#\n";
foreach my $name (sort {
($data{$a}->{subsys} cmp $data{$b}->{subsys}) ||
("\L$a" cmp "\L$b")
} keys %data) {
next if ($feat && $name ne $feat);
my %arch_table = %{$data{$name}->{table}};
my $status = $arch_table{$arch};
$status = " " x ((4 - length($status)) / 2) . $status;
printf " %${max_size_subsys}s/ ", $data{$name}->{subsys};
printf "%-${max_size_name}s: ", $name;
printf "%-5s| ", $status;
printf "%${max_size_kconfig}s # ", $data{$name}->{kconfig};
printf " %s\n", $data{$name}->{description};
# Output a feature on all architectures
sub output_feature {
my $title = "Feature $feat";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n";
print "$title\n";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n\n";
print ":Subsystem: $data{$feat}->{subsys} \n" if ($data{$feat}->{subsys});
print ":Kconfig: $data{$feat}->{kconfig} \n" if ($data{$feat}->{kconfig});
my $desc = $data{$feat}->{description};
$desc =~ s/^([a-z])/\U$1/;
$desc =~ s/\.?\s*//;
print "\n$desc.\n\n";
my $com = $data{$feat}->{comments};
$com =~ s/^\s+//;
$com =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($com) {
print "Comments\n";
print "--------\n\n";
print "$com\n\n";
print "=" x $max_size_arch_with_header;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print "\n";
printf "%-${max_size_arch}s ", $h_arch;
printf "%-${max_size_status}s", $h_status . "\n";
print "=" x $max_size_arch_with_header;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print "\n";
my %arch_table = %{$data{$feat}->{table}};
foreach my $arch (sort keys %arch_table) {
printf "%-${max_size_arch}s ", $arch;
printf "%-${max_size_status}s\n", $arch_table{$arch};
print "=" x $max_size_arch_with_header;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print "\n";
# Output all features for all architectures
sub matrix_lines($$$) {
my $desc_size = shift;
my $status_size = shift;
my $header = shift;
my $fill;
my $ln_marker;
if ($header) {
$ln_marker = "=";
} else {
$ln_marker = "-";
$fill = $ln_marker;
print "+";
print $fill x $max_size_name;
print "+";
print $fill x $desc_size;
print "+";
print $ln_marker x $status_size;
print "+\n";
sub output_matrix {
my $title = "Feature status on all architectures";
my $notcompat = "Not compatible";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n";
print "$title\n";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n\n";
my $desc_title = "$h_kconfig / $h_description";
my $desc_size = $max_size_kconfig + 4;
if (!$description_size) {
$desc_size = $max_size_description if ($max_size_description > $desc_size);
} else {
$desc_size = $description_size if ($description_size > $desc_size);
$desc_size = $max_description_word if ($max_description_word > $desc_size);
$desc_size = length($desc_title) if (length($desc_title) > $desc_size);
$max_size_status = length($notcompat) if (length($notcompat) > $max_size_status);
# Ensure that the status will fit
my $min_status_size = $max_size_status + $max_size_arch + 6;
$status_size = $min_status_size if ($status_size < $min_status_size);
my $cur_subsys = "";
foreach my $name (sort {
($data{$a}->{subsys} cmp $data{$b}->{subsys}) or
("\L$a" cmp "\L$b")
} keys %data) {
if ($cur_subsys ne $data{$name}->{subsys}) {
if ($cur_subsys ne "") {
printf "\n";
$cur_subsys = $data{$name}->{subsys};
my $title = "Subsystem: $cur_subsys";
print "$title\n";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n\n";
matrix_lines($desc_size, $status_size, 0);
printf "|%-${max_size_name}s", $h_name;
printf "|%-${desc_size}s", $desc_title;
printf "|%-${status_size}s|\n", "Status per architecture";
matrix_lines($desc_size, $status_size, 1);
my %arch_table = %{$data{$name}->{table}};
my $cur_status = "";
my (@lines, @descs);
my $line = "";
foreach my $arch (sort {
($arch_table{$b} cmp $arch_table{$a}) or
("\L$a" cmp "\L$b")
} keys %arch_table) {
my $status = $arch_table{$arch};
if ($status eq "---") {
$status = $notcompat;
if ($status ne $cur_status) {
if ($line ne "") {
push @lines, $line;
$line = "";
$line = "- **" . $status . "**: " . $arch;
} elsif (length($line) + length ($arch) + 2 < $status_size) {
$line .= ", " . $arch;
} else {
push @lines, $line;
$line = " " . $arch;
$cur_status = $status;
push @lines, $line if ($line ne "");
my $description = $data{$name}->{description};
while (length($description) > $desc_size) {
my $d = substr $description, 0, $desc_size;
# Ensure that it will end on a space
# if it can't, it means that the size is too small
# Instead of aborting it, let's print what we have
if (!($d =~ s/^(.*)\s+.*/$1/)) {
$d = substr $d, 0, -1;
push @descs, "$d\\";
$description =~ s/^\Q$d\E//;
} else {
push @descs, $d;
$description =~ s/^\Q$d\E\s+//;
push @descs, $description;
# Ensure that the full description will be printed
push @lines, "" while (scalar(@lines) < 2 + scalar(@descs));
my $ln = 0;
for my $line(@lines) {
if (!$ln) {
printf "|%-${max_size_name}s", $name;
printf "|%-${desc_size}s", "``" . $data{$name}->{kconfig} . "``";
} elsif ($ln >= 2 && scalar(@descs)) {
printf "|%-${max_size_name}s", "";
printf "|%-${desc_size}s", shift @descs;
} else {
printf "|%-${max_size_name}s", "";
printf "|%-${desc_size}s", "";
printf "|%-${status_size}s|\n", $line;
matrix_lines($desc_size, $status_size, 0);
# Parses all feature files located at $prefix dir
find({wanted =>\&parse_feat, no_chdir => 1}, $prefix);
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\%data], [qw(*data)]) if ($debug);
# Handles the command
if ($cmd eq "current") {
$arch = qx(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/x86/' | sed 's/i386/x86/');
$arch =~s/\s+$//;
if ($cmd eq "ls" or $cmd eq "list") {
if (!$arch) {
$arch = qx(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/x86/' | sed 's/i386/x86/');
$arch =~s/\s+$//;
if ($cmd ne "validate") {
if ($arch) {
} elsif ($feat) {
} else {
=head1 NAME - parse the Linux Feature files and produce a ReST book.
B<> [--debug] [--man] [--help] [--dir=<dir>] [--arch=<arch>]
[--feature=<feature>|--feat=<feature>] <COMAND> [<ARGUMENT>]
Where <COMMAND> can be:
=over 8
B<current> - output table in ReST compatible ASCII format
with features for this machine's architecture
B<rest> - output table(s) in ReST compatible ASCII format
with features in ReST markup language. The output
is affected by --arch or --feat/--feature flags.
B<validate> - validate the contents of the files under
B<ls> or B<list> - list features for this machine's architecture,
using an easier to parse format.
The output is affected by --arch flag.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--arch>
Output features for an specific architecture, optionally filtering for
a single specific feature.
=item B<--feat> or B<--feature>
Output features for a single specific feature.
=item B<--dir>
Changes the location of the Feature files. By default, it uses
the Documentation/features directory.
=item B<--enable-fname>
Prints the file name of the feature files. This can be used in order to
track dependencies during documentation build.
=item B<--debug>
Put the script in verbose mode, useful for debugging. Can be called multiple
times, to increase verbosity.
=item B<--help>
Prints a brief help message and exits.
=item B<--man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
Parse the Linux feature files from Documentation/features (by default),
optionally producing results at ReST format.
It supports output data per architecture, per feature or a
feature x arch matrix.
When used with B<rest> command, it will use either one of the tree formats:
If neither B<--arch> or B<--feature> arguments are used, it will output a
matrix with features per architecture.
If B<--arch> argument is used, it will output the features availability for
a given architecture.
If B<--feat> argument is used, it will output the content of the feature
file using ReStructured Text markup.
=head1 BUGS
Report bugs to Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>
Copyright (c) 2019 by Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>.
License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.