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2744 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Giovanni Gherdovich 1567c3e346 x86, sched: Add support for frequency invariance
Implement arch_scale_freq_capacity() for 'modern' x86. This function
is used by the scheduler to correctly account usage in the face of

The present patch addresses Intel processors specifically and has positive
performance and performance-per-watt implications for the schedutil cpufreq
governor, bringing it closer to, if not on-par with, the powersave governor
from the intel_pstate driver/framework.

Large performance gains are obtained when the machine is lightly loaded and
no regression are observed at saturation. The benchmarks with the largest
gains are kernel compilation, tbench (the networking version of dbench) and
shell-intensive workloads.

   * Without it, a task looks larger if the CPU runs slower

   * freq invariance accounting requires knowing the ratio freq_curr/freq_max
       * Use delta_APERF / delta_MPERF * freq_base (a.k.a "BusyMHz")
       * It varies with time (turbo). As an approximation, we set it to a
         constant, i.e. 4-cores turbo frequency.

   * The invariant schedutil's formula has no feedback loop and reacts faster
     to utilization changes

   * In some cases tasks can't reach max util despite how hard they try

       * Skylake, Broadwell, Haswell
   5.2 SETUP
       * baseline Linux v5.2 w/ non-invariant schedutil. Tested freq_max = 1-2-3-4-8-12
         active cores turbo w/ invariant schedutil, and intel_pstate/powersave
             * NAS Parallel Benchmark (HPC), hackbench
             * tbench (10-30% better), kernbench (10-15% better),
               shell-intensive-scripts (30-50% better)
             * no regressions
             * dbench (5% worse on one machine), kernbench (3% worse),
               tbench (5-10% better), shell-intensive-scripts (10-40% better)

   * Xeon Core before Scalable Performance processors line (Xeon Gold/Platinum
     etc have different MSRs semantic for querying turbo levels)

   * MMTests performance testing framework,


For example; suppose a CPU has two frequencies: 500 and 1000 Mhz. When
running a task that would consume 1/3rd of a CPU at 1000 MHz, it would
appear to consume 2/3rd (or 66.6%) when running at 500 MHz, giving the
false impression this CPU is almost at capacity, even though it can go
faster [*]. In a nutshell, without frequency scale-invariance tasks look
larger just because the CPU is running slower.

[*] (footnote: this assumes a linear frequency/performance relation; which
everybody knows to be false, but given realities its the best approximation
we can make.)


Accounting for frequency changes in PELT signals requires the computation of
the ratio freq_curr / freq_max. On x86 neither of those terms is readily


Since modern x86 has hardware control over the actual frequency we run
at (because amongst other things, Turbo-Mode), we cannot simply use
the frequency as requested through cpufreq.

Instead we use the APERF/MPERF MSRs to compute the effective frequency
over the recent past. Also, because reading MSRs is expensive, don't
do so every time we need the value, but amortize the cost by doing it
every tick.


Obtaining freq_max is also non-trivial because at any time the hardware can
provide a frequency boost to a selected subset of cores if the package has
enough power to spare (eg: Turbo Boost). This means that the maximum frequency
available to a given core changes with time.

The approach taken in this change is to arbitrarily set freq_max to a constant
value at boot. The value chosen is the "4-cores (4C) turbo frequency" on most
microarchitectures, after evaluating the following candidates:

    * 1-core (1C) turbo frequency (the fastest turbo state available)
    * around base frequency (a.k.a. max P-state)
    * something in between, such as 4C turbo

To interpret these options, consider that this is the denominator in
freq_curr/freq_max, and that ratio will be used to scale PELT signals such as
util_avg and load_avg. A large denominator will undershoot (util_avg looks a
bit smaller than it really is), viceversa with a smaller denominator PELT
signals will tend to overshoot. Given that PELT drives frequency selection
in the schedutil governor, we will have:

    freq_max set to     | effect on DVFS
    1C turbo            | power efficiency (lower freq choices)
    base freq           | performance (higher util_avg, higher freq requests)
    4C turbo            | a bit of both

4C turbo proves to be a good compromise in a number of benchmarks (see below).


Once an architecture implements a frequency scale-invariant utilization (the
PELT signal util_avg), schedutil switches its frequency selection formula from

    freq_next = 1.25 * freq_curr * util            [non-invariant util signal]


    freq_next = 1.25 * freq_max * util             [invariant util signal]

where, in the second formula, freq_max is set to the 1C turbo frequency (max
turbo). The advantage of the second formula, whose usage we unlock with this
patch, is that freq_next doesn't depend on the current frequency in an
iterative fashion, but can jump to any frequency in a single update. This
absence of feedback in the formula makes it quicker to react to utilization
changes and more robust against pathological instabilities.

Compare it to the update formula of intel_pstate/powersave:

    freq_next = 1.25 * freq_max * Busy%

where again freq_max is 1C turbo and Busy% is the percentage of time not spent
idling (calculated with delta_MPERF / delta_TSC); essentially the same as
invariant schedutil, and largely responsible for intel_pstate/powersave good
reputation. The non-invariant schedutil formula is derived from the invariant
one by approximating util_inv with util_raw * freq_curr / freq_max, but this
has limitations.

Testing shows improved performances due to better frequency selections when
the machine is lightly loaded, and essentially no change in behaviour at
saturation / overutilization.


It's been shown that it is possible to create pathological scenarios where a
CPU-bound task cannot reach max utilization, if the normalizing factor
freq_max is fixed to a constant value (see [Lelli-2018]).

If freq_max is set to 4C turbo as we do here, one needs to peg at least 5
cores in a package doing some busywork, and observe that none of those task
will ever reach max util (1024) because they're all running at less than the
4C turbo frequency.

While this concern still applies, we believe the performance benefit of
frequency scale-invariant PELT signals outweights the cost of this limitation.




We tested the patch on three machines, with Skylake, Broadwell and Haswell
CPUs. The details are below, together with the available turbo ratios as
reported by the appropriate MSRs.

  Single socket E3-1240 v5, Skylake 4 cores/8 threads
  Max EFFiciency, BASE frequency and available turbo levels (MHz):

    EFFIC    800 |********
    BASE    3500 |***********************************
    4C      3700 |*************************************
    3C      3800 |**************************************
    2C      3900 |***************************************
    1C      3900 |***************************************

  Two sockets E5-2698 v4, 2x Broadwell 20 cores/40 threads
  Max EFFiciency, BASE frequency and available turbo levels (MHz):

    EFFIC   1200 |************
    BASE    2200 |**********************
    8C      2900 |*****************************
    7C      3000 |******************************
    6C      3100 |*******************************
    5C      3200 |********************************
    4C      3300 |*********************************
    3C      3400 |**********************************
    2C      3600 |************************************
    1C      3600 |************************************

  Two sockets E5-2670 v3, 2x Haswell 12 cores/24 threads
  Max EFFiciency, BASE frequency and available turbo levels (MHz):

    EFFIC   1200 |************
    BASE    2300 |***********************
    12C     2600 |**************************
    11C     2600 |**************************
    10C     2600 |**************************
    9C      2600 |**************************
    8C      2600 |**************************
    7C      2600 |**************************
    6C      2600 |**************************
    5C      2700 |***************************
    4C      2800 |****************************
    3C      2900 |*****************************
    2C      3100 |*******************************
    1C      3100 |*******************************


* The baseline is Linux v5.2 with schedutil (non-invariant) and the intel_pstate
  driver in passive mode.
* The rationale for choosing the various freq_max values to test have been to
  try all the 1-2-3-4C turbo levels (note that 1C and 2C turbo are identical
  on all machines), plus one more value closer to base_freq but still in the
  turbo range (8C turbo for both 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA and 48x-HASWELL-NUMA).
* In addition we've run all tests with intel_pstate/powersave for comparison.
* The filesystem is always XFS, the userspace is openSUSE Leap 15.1.
* 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA is capable of HWP (Hardware-Managed P-States), so the runs
  with active intel_pstate on this machine use that.

This gives, in terms of combinations tested on each machine:

  * Baseline: Linux v5.2, non-invariant schedutil, intel_pstate passive
  * intel_pstate active + powersave + HWP
  * invariant schedutil, freq_max = 1C turbo
  * invariant schedutil, freq_max = 3C turbo
  * invariant schedutil, freq_max = 4C turbo

  * [same as 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA, but no HWP capable]
  * invariant schedutil, freq_max = 8C turbo
    (which on 48x-HASWELL-NUMA is the same as 12C turbo, or "all cores turbo")



Tests that didn't show any measurable difference in performance on any of the
test machines between non-invariant schedutil and our patch are:

* NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) using either MPI or openMP for IPC, any
  computational kernel
* flexible I/O (FIO)
* hackbench (using threads or processes, and using pipes or sockets)


What follow are summary tables where each benchmark result is given a score.

* A tilde (~) means a neutral result, i.e. no difference from baseline.
* Scores are computed with the ratio result_new / result_baseline, so a tilde
  means a score of 1.00.
* The results in the score ratio are the geometric means of results running
  the benchmark with different parameters (eg: for kernbench: using 1, 2, 4,
  ... number of processes; for pgbench: varying the number of clients, and so
* The first three tables show higher-is-better kind of tests (i.e. measured in
  operations/second), the subsequent three show lower-is-better kind of tests
  (i.e. the workload is fixed and we measure elapsed time, think kernbench).
* "gitsource" is a name we made up for the test consisting in running the
  entire unit tests suite of the Git SCM and measuring how long it takes. We
  take it as a typical example of shell-intensive serialized workload.
* In the "I_PSTATE" column we have the results for intel_pstate/powersave. Other
  columns show invariant schedutil for different values of freq_max. 4C turbo
  is circled as it's the value we've chosen for the final implementation.

80x-BROADWELL-NUMA (comparison ratio; higher is better)
                 I_PSTATE   1C     3C    | 4C   |  8C
pgbench-ro           1.14   ~      ~     | 1.11 |  1.14
pgbench-rw           ~      ~      ~     | ~    |  ~
netperf-udp          1.06   ~      1.06  | 1.05 |  1.07
netperf-tcp          ~      1.03   ~     | 1.01 |  1.02
tbench4              1.57   1.18   1.22  | 1.30 |  1.56

8x-SKYLAKE-UMA (comparison ratio; higher is better)
             I_PSTATE/HWP   1C     3C    | 4C   |
pgbench-ro           ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
pgbench-rw           ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
netperf-udp          ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
netperf-tcp          ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
tbench4              1.30   1.14   1.14  | 1.16 |

48x-HASWELL-NUMA (comparison ratio; higher is better)
                 I_PSTATE   1C     3C    | 4C   |  12C
pgbench-ro           1.15   ~      ~     | 1.06 |  1.16
pgbench-rw           ~      ~      ~     | ~    |  ~
netperf-udp          1.05   0.97   1.04  | 1.04 |  1.02
netperf-tcp          0.96   1.01   1.01  | 1.01 |  1.01
tbench4              1.50   1.05   1.13  | 1.13 |  1.25

In the table above we see that active intel_pstate is slightly better than our
4C-turbo patch (both in reference to the baseline non-invariant schedutil) on
read-only pgbench and much better on tbench. Both cases are notable in which
it shows that lowering our freq_max (to 8C-turbo and 12C-turbo on
80x-BROADWELL-NUMA and 48x-HASWELL-NUMA respectively) helps invariant
schedutil to get closer.

If we ignore active intel_pstate and focus on the comparison with baseline
alone, there are several instances of double-digit performance improvement.

80x-BROADWELL-NUMA (comparison ratio; lower is better)
                 I_PSTATE   1C     3C    | 4C   |  8C
dbench4              1.23   0.95   0.95  | 0.95 |  0.95
kernbench            0.93   0.83   0.83  | 0.83 |  0.82
gitsource            0.98   0.49   0.49  | 0.49 |  0.48

8x-SKYLAKE-UMA (comparison ratio; lower is better)
             I_PSTATE/HWP   1C     3C    | 4C   |
dbench4              ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
kernbench            ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
gitsource            0.92   0.55   0.55  | 0.55 |

48x-HASWELL-NUMA (comparison ratio; lower is better)
                 I_PSTATE   1C     3C    | 4C   |  8C
dbench4              ~      ~      ~     | ~    |  ~
kernbench            0.94   0.90   0.89  | 0.90 |  0.90
gitsource            0.97   0.69   0.69  | 0.69 |  0.69

dbench is not very remarkable here, unless we notice how poorly active
intel_pstate is performing on 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA: 23% regression versus
non-invariant schedutil. We repeated that run getting consistent results. Out
of scope for the patch at hand, but deserving future investigation. Other than
that, we previously ran this campaign with Linux v5.0 and saw the patch doing
better on dbench a the time. We haven't checked closely and can only speculate
at this point.

On the NUMA boxes kernbench gets 10-15% improvements on average; we'll see in
the detailed tables that the gains concentrate on low process counts (lightly
loaded machines).

The test we call "gitsource" (running the git unit test suite, a long-running
single-threaded shell script) appears rather spectacular in this table (gains
of 30-50% depending on the machine). It is to be noted, however, that
gitsource has no adjustable parameters (such as the number of jobs in
kernbench, which we average over in order to get a single-number summary
score) and is exactly the kind of low-parallelism workload that benefits the
most from this patch. When looking at the detailed tables of kernbench or
tbench4, at low process or client counts one can see similar numbers.


Machine            : 48x-HASWELL-NUMA
Benchmark          : tbench4 (i.e. dbench4 over the network, actually loopback)
Varying parameter  : number of clients
Unit               : MB/sec (higher is better)

                   5.2.0 vanilla (BASELINE)               5.2.0 intel_pstate                   5.2.0 1C-turbo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hmean  1        126.73  +- 0.31% (        )      315.91  +- 0.66% ( 149.28%)      125.03  +- 0.76% (  -1.34%)
Hmean  2        258.04  +- 0.62% (        )      614.16  +- 0.51% ( 138.01%)      269.58  +- 1.45% (   4.47%)
Hmean  4        514.30  +- 0.67% (        )     1146.58  +- 0.54% ( 122.94%)      533.84  +- 1.99% (   3.80%)
Hmean  8       1111.38  +- 2.52% (        )     2159.78  +- 0.38% (  94.33%)     1359.92  +- 1.56% (  22.36%)
Hmean  16      2286.47  +- 1.36% (        )     3338.29  +- 0.21% (  46.00%)     2720.20  +- 0.52% (  18.97%)
Hmean  32      4704.84  +- 0.35% (        )     4759.03  +- 0.43% (   1.15%)     4774.48  +- 0.30% (   1.48%)
Hmean  64      7578.04  +- 0.27% (        )     7533.70  +- 0.43% (  -0.59%)     7462.17  +- 0.65% (  -1.53%)
Hmean  128     6998.52  +- 0.16% (        )     6987.59  +- 0.12% (  -0.16%)     6909.17  +- 0.14% (  -1.28%)
Hmean  192     6901.35  +- 0.25% (        )     6913.16  +- 0.10% (   0.17%)     6855.47  +- 0.21% (  -0.66%)

                             5.2.0 3C-turbo                   5.2.0 4C-turbo                  5.2.0 12C-turbo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hmean  1        128.43  +- 0.28% (   1.34%)      130.64  +- 3.81% (   3.09%)      153.71  +- 5.89% (  21.30%)
Hmean  2        311.70  +- 6.15% (  20.79%)      281.66  +- 3.40% (   9.15%)      305.08  +- 5.70% (  18.23%)
Hmean  4        641.98  +- 2.32% (  24.83%)      623.88  +- 5.28% (  21.31%)      906.84  +- 4.65% (  76.32%)
Hmean  8       1633.31  +- 1.56% (  46.96%)     1714.16  +- 0.93% (  54.24%)     2095.74  +- 0.47% (  88.57%)
Hmean  16      3047.24  +- 0.42% (  33.27%)     3155.02  +- 0.30% (  37.99%)     3634.58  +- 0.15% (  58.96%)
Hmean  32      4734.31  +- 0.60% (   0.63%)     4804.38  +- 0.23% (   2.12%)     4674.62  +- 0.27% (  -0.64%)
Hmean  64      7699.74  +- 0.35% (   1.61%)     7499.72  +- 0.34% (  -1.03%)     7659.03  +- 0.25% (   1.07%)
Hmean  128     6935.18  +- 0.15% (  -0.91%)     6942.54  +- 0.10% (  -0.80%)     7004.85  +- 0.12% (   0.09%)
Hmean  192     6901.62  +- 0.12% (   0.00%)     6856.93  +- 0.10% (  -0.64%)     6978.74  +- 0.10% (   1.12%)

This is one of the cases where the patch still can't surpass active
intel_pstate, not even when freq_max is as low as 12C-turbo. Otherwise, gains are
visible up to 16 clients and the saturated scenario is the same as baseline.

The scores in the summary table from the previous sections are ratios of
geometric means of the results over different clients, as seen in this table.

Machine            : 80x-BROADWELL-NUMA
Benchmark          : kernbench (kernel compilation)
Varying parameter  : number of jobs
Unit               : seconds (lower is better)

                   5.2.0 vanilla (BASELINE)               5.2.0 intel_pstate                   5.2.0 1C-turbo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amean  2        379.68  +- 0.06% (        )      330.20  +- 0.43% (  13.03%)      285.93  +- 0.07% (  24.69%)
Amean  4        200.15  +- 0.24% (        )      175.89  +- 0.22% (  12.12%)      153.78  +- 0.25% (  23.17%)
Amean  8        106.20  +- 0.31% (        )       95.54  +- 0.23% (  10.03%)       86.74  +- 0.10% (  18.32%)
Amean  16        56.96  +- 1.31% (        )       53.25  +- 1.22% (   6.50%)       48.34  +- 1.73% (  15.13%)
Amean  32        34.80  +- 2.46% (        )       33.81  +- 0.77% (   2.83%)       30.28  +- 1.59% (  12.99%)
Amean  64        26.11  +- 1.63% (        )       25.04  +- 1.07% (   4.10%)       22.41  +- 2.37% (  14.16%)
Amean  128       24.80  +- 1.36% (        )       23.57  +- 1.23% (   4.93%)       21.44  +- 1.37% (  13.55%)
Amean  160       24.85  +- 0.56% (        )       23.85  +- 1.17% (   4.06%)       21.25  +- 1.12% (  14.49%)

                             5.2.0 3C-turbo                   5.2.0 4C-turbo                   5.2.0 8C-turbo
- - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amean  2        284.08  +- 0.13% (  25.18%)      283.96  +- 0.51% (  25.21%)      285.05  +- 0.21% (  24.92%)
Amean  4        153.18  +- 0.22% (  23.47%)      154.70  +- 1.64% (  22.71%)      153.64  +- 0.30% (  23.24%)
Amean  8         87.06  +- 0.28% (  18.02%)       86.77  +- 0.46% (  18.29%)       86.78  +- 0.22% (  18.28%)
Amean  16        48.03  +- 0.93% (  15.68%)       47.75  +- 1.99% (  16.17%)       47.52  +- 1.61% (  16.57%)
Amean  32        30.23  +- 1.20% (  13.14%)       30.08  +- 1.67% (  13.57%)       30.07  +- 1.67% (  13.60%)
Amean  64        22.59  +- 2.02% (  13.50%)       22.63  +- 0.81% (  13.32%)       22.42  +- 0.76% (  14.12%)
Amean  128       21.37  +- 0.67% (  13.82%)       21.31  +- 1.15% (  14.07%)       21.17  +- 1.93% (  14.63%)
Amean  160       21.68  +- 0.57% (  12.76%)       21.18  +- 1.74% (  14.77%)       21.22  +- 1.00% (  14.61%)

The patch outperform active intel_pstate (and baseline) by a considerable
margin; the summary table from the previous section says 4C turbo and active
intel_pstate are 0.83 and 0.93 against baseline respectively, so 4C turbo is
0.83/0.93=0.89 against intel_pstate (~10% better on average). There is no
noticeable difference with regard to the value of freq_max.

Machine            : 8x-SKYLAKE-UMA
Benchmark          : gitsource (time to run the git unit test suite)
Varying parameter  : none
Unit               : seconds (lower is better)

                            5.2.0 vanilla           5.2.0 intel_pstate/hwp         5.2.0 1C-turbo
- - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amean         858.85  +- 1.16% (        )      791.94  +- 0.21% (   7.79%)      474.95 (  44.70%)

                           5.2.0 3C-turbo                   5.2.0 4C-turbo
- - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amean         475.26  +- 0.20% (  44.66%)      474.34  +- 0.13% (  44.77%)

In this test, which is of interest as representing shell-intensive
(i.e. fork-intensive) serialized workloads, invariant schedutil outperforms
intel_pstate/powersave by a whopping 40% margin.


The following table shows average power consumption in watt for each
benchmark. Data comes from turbostat (package average), which in turn is read
from the RAPL interface on CPUs. We know the patch affects CPU frequencies so
it's reasonable to ignore other power consumers (such as memory or I/O). Also,
we don't have a power meter available in the lab so RAPL is the best we have.

turbostat sampled average power every 10 seconds for the entire duration of
each benchmark. We took all those values and averaged them (i.e. with don't
have detail on a per-parameter granularity, only on whole benchmarks).

80x-BROADWELL-NUMA (power consumption, watts)
               BASELINE I_PSTATE       1C       3C  |     4C |      8C
pgbench-ro       130.01   142.77   131.11   132.45  | 134.65 |  136.84
pgbench-rw        68.30    60.83    71.45    71.70  |  71.65 |   72.54
dbench4           90.25    59.06   101.43    99.89  | 101.10 |  102.94
netperf-udp       65.70    69.81    66.02    68.03  |  68.27 |   68.95
netperf-tcp       88.08    87.96    88.97    88.89  |  88.85 |   88.20
tbench4          142.32   176.73   153.02   163.91  | 165.58 |  176.07
kernbench         92.94   101.95   114.91   115.47  | 115.52 |  115.10
gitsource         40.92    41.87    75.14    75.20  |  75.40 |   75.70
8x-SKYLAKE-UMA (power consumption, watts)
              BASELINE I_PSTATE/HWP    1C       3C  |     4C |
pgbench-ro        46.49    46.68    46.56    46.59  |  46.52 |
pgbench-rw        29.34    31.38    30.98    31.00  |  31.00 |
dbench4           27.28    27.37    27.49    27.41  |  27.38 |
netperf-udp       22.33    22.41    22.36    22.35  |  22.36 |
netperf-tcp       27.29    27.29    27.30    27.31  |  27.33 |
tbench4           41.13    45.61    43.10    43.33  |  43.56 |
kernbench         42.56    42.63    43.01    43.01  |  43.01 |
gitsource         13.32    13.69    17.33    17.30  |  17.35 |
48x-HASWELL-NUMA (power consumption, watts)
               BASELINE I_PSTATE       1C       3C  |     4C |     12C
pgbench-ro       128.84   136.04   129.87   132.43  | 132.30 |  134.86
pgbench-rw        37.68    37.92    37.17    37.74  |  37.73 |   37.31
dbench4           28.56    28.73    28.60    28.73  |  28.70 |   28.79
netperf-udp       56.70    60.44    56.79    57.42  |  57.54 |   57.52
netperf-tcp       75.49    75.27    75.87    76.02  |  76.01 |   75.95
tbench4          115.44   139.51   119.53   123.07  | 123.97 |  130.22
kernbench         83.23    91.55    95.58    95.69  |  95.72 |   96.04
gitsource         36.79    36.99    39.99    40.34  |  40.35 |   40.23

A lower power consumption isn't necessarily better, it depends on what is done
with that energy. Here are tables with the ratio of performance-per-watt on
each machine and benchmark. Higher is always better; a tilde (~) means a
neutral ratio (i.e. 1.00).

80x-BROADWELL-NUMA (performance-per-watt ratios; higher is better)
             I_PSTATE     1C     3C  |   4C |    8C
pgbench-ro       1.04   1.06   0.94  | 1.07 |  1.08
pgbench-rw       1.10   0.97   0.96  | 0.96 |  0.97
dbench4          1.24   0.94   0.95  | 0.94 |  0.92
netperf-udp      ~      1.02   1.02  | ~    |  1.02
netperf-tcp      ~      1.02   ~     | ~    |  1.02
tbench4          1.26   1.10   1.06  | 1.12 |  1.26
kernbench        0.98   0.97   0.97  | 0.97 |  0.98
gitsource        ~      1.11   1.11  | 1.11 |  1.13

8x-SKYLAKE-UMA (performance-per-watt ratios; higher is better)
         I_PSTATE/HWP     1C     3C  |   4C |
pgbench-ro       ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
pgbench-rw       0.95   0.97   0.96  | 0.96 |
dbench4          ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
netperf-udp      ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
netperf-tcp      ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
tbench4          1.17   1.09   1.08  | 1.10 |
kernbench        ~      ~      ~     | ~    |
gitsource        1.06   1.40   1.40  | 1.40 |

48x-HASWELL-NUMA  (performance-per-watt ratios; higher is better)
             I_PSTATE     1C     3C  |   4C |   12C
pgbench-ro       1.09   ~      1.09  | 1.03 |  1.11
pgbench-rw       ~      0.86   ~     | ~    |  0.86
dbench4          ~      1.02   1.02  | 1.02 |  ~
netperf-udp      ~      0.97   1.03  | 1.02 |  ~
netperf-tcp      0.96   ~      ~     | ~    |  ~
tbench4          1.24   ~      1.06  | 1.05 |  1.11
kernbench        0.97   0.97   0.98  | 0.97 |  0.96
gitsource        1.03   1.33   1.32  | 1.32 |  1.33

These results are overall pleasing: in plenty of cases we observe
performance-per-watt improvements. The few regressions (read/write pgbench and
dbench on the Broadwell machine) are of small magnitude. kernbench loses a few
percentage points (it has a 10-15% performance improvement, but apparently the
increase in power consumption is larger than that). tbench4 and gitsource, which
benefit the most from the patch, keep a positive score in this table which is
a welcome surprise; that suggests that in those particular workloads the
non-invariant schedutil (and active intel_pstate, too) makes some rather
suboptimal frequency selections.


The patch addresses Xeon Core processors that use MSR_PLATFORM_INFO and
MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT to advertise their base frequency and turbo frequencies
respectively. This excludes the recent Xeon Scalable Performance processors
line (Xeon Gold, Platinum etc) whose MSRs have to be parsed differently.

Subsequent patches will address:

* Xeon Scalable Performance processors and Atom Goldmont/Goldmont Plus
* Xeon Phi (Knights Landing, Knights Mill)
* Atom Silvermont


Tests have been run with the help of the MMTests performance testing
framework, see The configuration file names for
the benchmark used are:


All those benchmarks are generally available on the web:

gitsource: git unit test suite,
NAS Parallel Benchmarks:

Suggested-by: Peter Zijlstra <>
Signed-off-by: Giovanni Gherdovich <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
Acked-by: Doug Smythies <>
Acked-by: Rafael J. Wysocki <>
2020-01-28 21:36:59 +01:00
Vincent Guittot 2a4b03ffc6 sched/fair: Prevent unlimited runtime on throttled group
When a running task is moved on a throttled task group and there is no
other task enqueued on the CPU, the task can keep running using 100% CPU
whatever the allocated bandwidth for the group and although its cfs rq is
throttled. Furthermore, the group entity of the cfs_rq and its parents are
not enqueued but only set as curr on their respective cfs_rqs.

We have the following sequence:

  -dequeue_task: dequeue task and group_entities.
  -put_prev_task: put task and group entities.
  -sched_change_group: move task to new group.
  -enqueue_task: enqueue only task but not group entities because cfs_rq is
  -set_next_task : set task and group_entities as current sched_entity of
    their cfs_rq.

Another impact is that the root cfs_rq runnable_load_avg at root rq stays
null because the group_entities are not enqueued. This situation will stay
the same until an "external" event triggers a reschedule. Let trigger it
immediately instead.

Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
Acked-by: Ben Segall <>
2020-01-28 21:36:58 +01:00
Wanpeng Li e938b9c941 sched/nohz: Optimize get_nohz_timer_target()
On a machine, CPU 0 is used for housekeeping, the other 39 CPUs in the
same socket are in nohz_full mode. We can observe huge time burn in the
loop for seaching nearest busy housekeeper cpu by ftrace.

  2)               |                        get_nohz_timer_target() {
  2)   0.240 us    |                          housekeeping_test_cpu();
  2)   0.458 us    |                          housekeeping_test_cpu();


  2)   0.292 us    |                          housekeeping_test_cpu();
  2)   0.240 us    |                          housekeeping_test_cpu();
  2)   0.227 us    |                          housekeeping_any_cpu();
  2) + 43.460 us   |                        }

This patch optimizes the searching logic by finding a nearest housekeeper
CPU in the housekeeping cpumask, it can minimize the worst searching time
from ~44us to < 10us in my testing. In addition, the last iterated busy
housekeeper can become a random candidate while current CPU is a better
fallback if it is a housekeeper.

Signed-off-by: Wanpeng Li <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
Reviewed-by: Frederic Weisbecker <>
2020-01-28 21:36:57 +01:00
Qais Yousef b562d14064 sched/uclamp: Reject negative values in cpu_uclamp_write()
The check to ensure that the new written value into cpu.uclamp.{min,max}
is within range, [0:100], wasn't working because of the signed

 7301                 if (req.percent > UCLAMP_PERCENT_SCALE) {
 7302                         req.ret = -ERANGE;
 7303                         return req;
 7304                 }

	# echo -1 > cpu.uclamp.min
	# cat cpu.uclamp.min

Cast req.percent into u64 to force the comparison to be unsigned and
work as intended in capacity_from_percent().

	# echo -1 > cpu.uclamp.min
	sh: write error: Numerical result out of range

Fixes: 2480c09313 ("sched/uclamp: Extend CPU's cgroup controller")
Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2020-01-28 21:36:56 +01:00
Mel Gorman b396f52326 sched/fair: Allow a small load imbalance between low utilisation SD_NUMA domains
The CPU load balancer balances between different domains to spread load
and strives to have equal balance everywhere. Communicating tasks can
migrate so they are topologically close to each other but these decisions
are independent. On a lightly loaded NUMA machine, two communicating tasks
pulled together at wakeup time can be pushed apart by the load balancer.
In isolation, the load balancer decision is fine but it ignores the tasks
data locality and the wakeup/LB paths continually conflict. NUMA balancing
is also a factor but it also simply conflicts with the load balancer.

This patch allows a fixed degree of imbalance of two tasks to exist
between NUMA domains regardless of utilisation levels. In many cases,
this prevents communicating tasks being pulled apart. It was evaluated
whether the imbalance should be scaled to the domain size. However, no
additional benefit was measured across a range of workloads and machines
and scaling adds the risk that lower domains have to be rebalanced. While
this could change again in the future, such a change should specify the
use case and benefit.

The most obvious impact is on netperf TCP_STREAM -- two simple
communicating tasks with some softirq offload depending on the
transmission rate.

 2-socket Haswell machine 48 core, HT enabled
 netperf-tcp -- mmtests config config-network-netperf-unbound
			      baseline              lbnuma-v3
 Hmean     64         568.73 (   0.00%)      577.56 *   1.55%*
 Hmean     128       1089.98 (   0.00%)     1128.06 *   3.49%*
 Hmean     256       2061.72 (   0.00%)     2104.39 *   2.07%*
 Hmean     1024      7254.27 (   0.00%)     7557.52 *   4.18%*
 Hmean     2048     11729.20 (   0.00%)    13350.67 *  13.82%*
 Hmean     3312     15309.08 (   0.00%)    18058.95 *  17.96%*
 Hmean     4096     17338.75 (   0.00%)    20483.66 *  18.14%*
 Hmean     8192     25047.12 (   0.00%)    27806.84 *  11.02%*
 Hmean     16384    27359.55 (   0.00%)    33071.88 *  20.88%*
 Stddev    64           2.16 (   0.00%)        2.02 (   6.53%)
 Stddev    128          2.31 (   0.00%)        2.19 (   5.05%)
 Stddev    256         11.88 (   0.00%)        3.22 (  72.88%)
 Stddev    1024        23.68 (   0.00%)        7.24 (  69.43%)
 Stddev    2048        79.46 (   0.00%)       71.49 (  10.03%)
 Stddev    3312        26.71 (   0.00%)       57.80 (-116.41%)
 Stddev    4096       185.57 (   0.00%)       96.15 (  48.19%)
 Stddev    8192       245.80 (   0.00%)      100.73 (  59.02%)
 Stddev    16384      207.31 (   0.00%)      141.65 (  31.67%)

In this case, there was a sizable improvement to performance and
a general reduction in variance. However, this is not univeral.
For most machines, the impact was roughly a 3% performance gain.

 Ops NUMA base-page range updates       19796.00         292.00
 Ops NUMA PTE updates                   19796.00         292.00
 Ops NUMA PMD updates                       0.00           0.00
 Ops NUMA hint faults                   16113.00         143.00
 Ops NUMA hint local faults %            8407.00         142.00
 Ops NUMA hint local percent               52.18          99.30
 Ops NUMA pages migrated                 4244.00           1.00

Without the patch, only 52.18% of sampled accesses are local.  In an
earlier changelog, 100% of sampled accesses are local and indeed on
most machines, this was still the case. In this specific case, the
local sampled rates was 99.3% but note the "base-page range updates"
and "PTE updates".  The activity with the patch is negligible as were
the number of faults. The small number of pages migrated were related to
shared libraries.  A 2-socket Broadwell showed better results on average
but are not presented for brevity as the performance was similar except
it showed 100% of the sampled NUMA hints were local. The patch holds up
for a 4-socket Haswell, an AMD EPYC and AMD Epyc 2 machine.

For dbench, the impact depends on the filesystem used and the number of
clients. On XFS, there is little difference as the clients typically
communicate with workqueues which have a separate class of scheduler
problem at the moment. For ext4, performance is generally better,
particularly for small numbers of clients as NUMA balancing activity is
negligible with the patch applied.

A more interesting example is the Facebook schbench which uses a
number of messaging threads to communicate with worker threads. In this
configuration, one messaging thread is used per NUMA node and the number of
worker threads is varied. The 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 99.5 and 99.9 percentiles
for response latency is then reported.

 Lat 50.00th-qrtle-1        44.00 (   0.00%)       37.00 (  15.91%)
 Lat 75.00th-qrtle-1        53.00 (   0.00%)       41.00 (  22.64%)
 Lat 90.00th-qrtle-1        57.00 (   0.00%)       42.00 (  26.32%)
 Lat 95.00th-qrtle-1        63.00 (   0.00%)       43.00 (  31.75%)
 Lat 99.00th-qrtle-1        76.00 (   0.00%)       51.00 (  32.89%)
 Lat 99.50th-qrtle-1        89.00 (   0.00%)       52.00 (  41.57%)
 Lat 99.90th-qrtle-1        98.00 (   0.00%)       55.00 (  43.88%)
 Lat 50.00th-qrtle-2        42.00 (   0.00%)       42.00 (   0.00%)
 Lat 75.00th-qrtle-2        48.00 (   0.00%)       47.00 (   2.08%)
 Lat 90.00th-qrtle-2        53.00 (   0.00%)       52.00 (   1.89%)
 Lat 95.00th-qrtle-2        55.00 (   0.00%)       53.00 (   3.64%)
 Lat 99.00th-qrtle-2        62.00 (   0.00%)       60.00 (   3.23%)
 Lat 99.50th-qrtle-2        63.00 (   0.00%)       63.00 (   0.00%)
 Lat 99.90th-qrtle-2        68.00 (   0.00%)       66.00 (   2.94%

For higher worker threads, the differences become negligible but it's
interesting to note the difference in wakeup latency at low utilisation
and mpstat confirms that activity was almost all on one node until
the number of worker threads increase.

Hackbench generally showed neutral results across a range of machines.
This is different to earlier versions of the patch which allowed imbalances
for higher degrees of utilisation. perf bench pipe showed negligible
differences in overall performance as the differences are very close to
the noise.

An earlier prototype of the patch showed major regressions for NAS C-class
when running with only half of the available CPUs -- 20-30% performance
hits were measured at the time. With this version of the patch, the impact
is negligible with small gains/losses within the noise measured. This is
because the number of threads far exceeds the small imbalance the aptch
cares about. Similarly, there were report of regressions for the autonuma
benchmark against earlier versions but again, normal load balancing now
applies for that workload.

In general, the patch simply seeks to avoid unnecessary cross-node
migrations in the basic case where imbalances are very small.  For low
utilisation communicating workloads, this patch generally behaves better
with less NUMA balancing activity. For high utilisation, there is no
change in behaviour.

Signed-off-by: Mel Gorman <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
Reviewed-by: Valentin Schneider <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Reviewed-by: Srikar Dronamraju <>
Acked-by: Phil Auld <>
Tested-by: Phil Auld <>
2020-01-28 21:36:55 +01:00
Peter Zijlstra (Intel) ebc0f83c78 timers/nohz: Update NOHZ load in remote tick
The way loadavg is tracked during nohz only pays attention to the load
upon entering nohz.  This can be particularly noticeable if full nohz is
entered while non-idle, and then the cpu goes idle and stays that way for
a long time.

Use the remote tick to ensure that full nohz cpus report their deltas
within a reasonable time.

[ swood: Added changelog and removed recheck of stopped tick. ]

Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Signed-off-by: Scott Wood <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2020-01-28 21:36:44 +01:00
Scott Wood 488603b815 sched/core: Don't skip remote tick for idle CPUs
This will be used in the next patch to get a loadavg update from
nohz cpus.  The delta check is skipped because idle_sched_class
doesn't update se.exec_start.

Signed-off-by: Scott Wood <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2020-01-28 21:36:16 +01:00
Viresh Kumar afa70d941f sched/fair: Define sched_idle_cpu() only for SMP configurations
sched_idle_cpu() isn't used for non SMP configuration and with a recent
change, we have started getting following warning:

  kernel/sched/fair.c:5221:12: warning: ‘sched_idle_cpu’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]

Fix that by defining sched_idle_cpu() only for SMP configurations.

Fixes: 323af6deaf ("sched/fair: Load balance aggressively for SCHED_IDLE CPUs")
Reported-by: Stephen Rothwell <>
Signed-off-by: Viresh Kumar <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
Cc: Juri Lelli <>
Cc: Vincent Guittot <>
Cc: Dietmar Eggemann <>
2020-01-20 08:03:39 +01:00
Valentin Schneider ccf74128d6 sched/topology: Assert non-NUMA topology masks don't (partially) overlap
topology.c::get_group() relies on the assumption that non-NUMA domains do
not partially overlap. Zeng Tao pointed out in [1] that such topology
descriptions, while completely bogus, can end up being exposed to the

In his example (8 CPUs, 2-node system), we end up with:
  MC span for CPU3 == 3-7
  MC span for CPU4 == 4-7

The first pass through get_group(3, sdd@MC) will result in the following
sched_group list:

  3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7
  ^                  /

And a later pass through get_group(4, sdd@MC) will "corrupt" that to:

  3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7
       ^             /

which will completely break things like 'while (sg != sd->groups)' when
using CPU3's base sched_domain.

There already are some architecture-specific checks in place such as
x86/kernel/smpboot.c::topology.sane(), but this is something we can detect
in the core scheduler, so it seems worthwhile to do so.

Warn and abort the construction of the sched domains if such a broken
topology description is detected. Note that this is somewhat
expensive (O(t.c²), 't' non-NUMA topology levels and 'c' CPUs) and could be
gated under SCHED_DEBUG if deemed necessary.


Dietmar managed to reproduce this using the following qemu incantation:

  $ qemu-system-aarch64 -kernel ./Image -hda ./qemu-image-aarch64.img \
  -append 'root=/dev/vda console=ttyAMA0 loglevel=8 sched_debug' -smp \
  cores=8 --nographic -m 512 -cpu cortex-a53 -machine virt -numa \
  node,cpus=0-2,nodeid=0 -numa node,cpus=3-7,nodeid=1

alongside the following drivers/base/arch_topology.c hack (AIUI wouldn't be
needed if '-smp cores=X, sockets=Y' would work with qemu):

@@ -465,6 +465,9 @@ void update_siblings_masks(unsigned int cpuid)
 		if (cpuid_topo->package_id != cpu_topo->package_id)

+		if ((cpu < 4 && cpuid > 3) || (cpu > 3 && cpuid < 4))
+			continue;
 		cpumask_set_cpu(cpuid, &cpu_topo->core_sibling);
 		cpumask_set_cpu(cpu, &cpuid_topo->core_sibling);



Reported-by: Zeng Tao <>
Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
2020-01-17 10:19:23 +01:00
Hewenliang 3e0de271ff idle: fix spelling mistake "iterrupts" -> "interrupts"
There is a spelling misake in comments of cpuidle_idle_call. Fix it.

Signed-off-by: Hewenliang <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Steven Rostedt (VMware) <>
2020-01-17 10:19:22 +01:00
Vincent Guittot a4f9a0e51b sched/fair: Remove redundant call to cpufreq_update_util()
With commit

  bef69dd878 ("sched/cpufreq: Move the cfs_rq_util_change() call to cpufreq_update_util()")

update_load_avg() has become the central point for calling cpufreq
(not including the update of blocked load). This change helps to
simplify further the number of calls to cpufreq_update_util() and to
remove last redundant ones. With update_load_avg(), we are now sure
that cpufreq_update_util() will be called after every task attachment
to a cfs_rq and especially after propagating this event down to the
util_avg of the root cfs_rq, which is the level that is used by
cpufreq governors like schedutil to set the frequency of a CPU.

The SCHED_CPUFREQ_MIGRATION flag forces an early call to cpufreq when
the migration happens in a cgroup whereas util_avg of root cfs_rq is
not yet updated and this call is duplicated with the one that happens
immediately after when the migration event reaches the root cfs_rq.
The dedicated flag SCHED_CPUFREQ_MIGRATION is now useless and can be
removed. The interface of attach_entity_load_avg() can also be
simplified accordingly.

Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Rafael J. Wysocki <>
2020-01-17 10:19:22 +01:00
Wang Long 3d817689a6 sched/psi: create /proc/pressure and /proc/pressure/{io|memory|cpu} only when psi enabled
when CONFIG_PSI_DEFAULT_DISABLED set to N or the command line set psi=0,
I think we should not create /proc/pressure and

In the future, user maybe determine whether the psi feature is enabled by
checking the existence of the /proc/pressure dir or
/proc/pressure/{io|memory|cpu} files.

Signed-off-by: Wang Long <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Acked-by: Johannes Weiner <>
2020-01-17 10:19:22 +01:00
Peng Liu 4c58f57fa6 sched/fair: Fix sgc->{min,max}_capacity calculation for SD_OVERLAP
commit bf475ce0a3 ("sched/fair: Add per-CPU min capacity to
sched_group_capacity") introduced per-cpu min_capacity.

commit e3d6d0cb66 ("sched/fair: Add sched_group per-CPU max capacity")
introduced per-cpu max_capacity.

In the SD_OVERLAP case, the local variable 'capacity' represents the sum
of CPU capacity of all CPUs in the first sched group (sg) of the sched
domain (sd).

It is erroneously used to calculate sg's min and max CPU capacity.
To fix this use capacity_of(cpu) instead of 'capacity'.

The code which achieves this via cpu_rq(cpu)->sd->groups->sgc->capacity
(for rq->sd != NULL) can be removed since it delivers the same value as
capacity_of(cpu) which is currently only used for the (!rq->sd) case
(see update_cpu_capacity()).
An sg of the lowest sd (rq->sd or sd->child == NULL) represents a single
CPU (and hence sg->sgc->capacity == capacity_of(cpu)).

Signed-off-by: Peng Liu <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Valentin Schneider <>
2020-01-17 10:19:21 +01:00
Peng Wang fe71bbb21e sched/fair: calculate delta runnable load only when it's needed
Move the code of calculation for delta_sum/delta_avg to where
it is really needed to be done.

Signed-off-by: Peng Wang <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
2020-01-17 10:19:21 +01:00
Alex Shi 9dec1b6949 sched/cputime: move rq parameter in irqtime_account_process_tick
Every time we call irqtime_account_process_tick() is in a interrupt,
Every caller will get and assign a parameter rq = this_rq(), This is
unnecessary and increase the code size a little bit. Move the rq getting
action to irqtime_account_process_tick internally is better.

             base               with this patch
cputime.o    578792 bytes        577888 bytes

Signed-off-by: Alex Shi <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
2020-01-17 10:19:21 +01:00
Wei Li 02d4ac5885 sched/debug: Reset watchdog on all CPUs while processing sysrq-t
Lengthy output of sysrq-t may take a lot of time on slow serial console
with lots of processes and CPUs.

So we need to reset NMI-watchdog to avoid spurious lockup messages, and
we also reset softlockup watchdogs on all other CPUs since another CPU
might be blocked waiting for us to process an IPI or stop_machine.

Add to sysrq_sched_debug_show() as what we did in show_state_filter().

Signed-off-by: Wei Li <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Steven Rostedt (VMware) <>
2020-01-17 10:19:20 +01:00
Li Guanglei dcd6dffb0a sched/core: Fix size of rq::uclamp initialization
rq::uclamp is an array of struct uclamp_rq, make sure we clear the
whole thing.

Fixes: 69842cba9a ("sched/uclamp: Add CPU's clamp buckets refcountinga")
Signed-off-by: Li Guanglei <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Qais Yousef <>
2020-01-17 10:19:20 +01:00
Qais Yousef 7226017ad3 sched/uclamp: Fix a bug in propagating uclamp value in new cgroups
When a new cgroup is created, the effective uclamp value wasn't updated
with a call to cpu_util_update_eff() that looks at the hierarchy and
update to the most restrictive values.

Fix it by ensuring to call cpu_util_update_eff() when a new cgroup
becomes online.

Without this change, the newly created cgroup uses the default
root_task_group uclamp values, which is 1024 for both uclamp_{min, max},
which will cause the rq to to be clamped to max, hence cause the
system to run at max frequency.

The problem was observed on Ubuntu server and was reproduced on Debian
and Buildroot rootfs.

By default, Ubuntu and Debian create a cpu controller cgroup hierarchy
and add all tasks to it - which creates enough noise to keep the rq
uclamp value at max most of the time. Imitating this behavior makes the
problem visible in Buildroot too which otherwise looks fine since it's a
minimal userspace.

Fixes: 0b60ba2dd3 ("sched/uclamp: Propagate parent clamps")
Reported-by: Doug Smythies <>
Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Tested-by: Doug Smythies <>
2020-01-17 10:19:20 +01:00
Viresh Kumar 323af6deaf sched/fair: Load balance aggressively for SCHED_IDLE CPUs
The fair scheduler performs periodic load balance on every CPU to check
if it can pull some tasks from other busy CPUs. The duration of this
periodic load balance is set to sd->balance_interval for the idle CPUs
and is calculated by multiplying the sd->balance_interval with the
sd->busy_factor (set to 32 by default) for the busy CPUs. The
multiplication is done for busy CPUs to avoid doing load balance too
often and rather spend more time executing actual task. While that is
the right thing to do for the CPUs busy with SCHED_OTHER or SCHED_BATCH
tasks, it may not be the optimal thing for CPUs running only SCHED_IDLE

With the recent enhancements in the fair scheduler around SCHED_IDLE
CPUs, we now prefer to enqueue a newly-woken task to a SCHED_IDLE
CPU instead of other busy or idle CPUs. The same reasoning should be
applied to the load balancer as well to make it migrate tasks more
aggressively to a SCHED_IDLE CPU, as that will reduce the scheduling
latency of the migrated (SCHED_OTHER) tasks.

This patch makes minimal changes to the fair scheduler to do the next
load balance soon after the last non SCHED_IDLE task is dequeued from a
runqueue, i.e. making the CPU SCHED_IDLE. Also the sd->busy_factor is
ignored while calculating the balance_interval for such CPUs. This is
done to avoid delaying the periodic load balance by few hundred
milliseconds for SCHED_IDLE CPUs.

This is tested on ARM64 Hikey620 platform (octa-core) with the help of
rt-app and it is verified, using kernel traces, that the newly
SCHED_IDLE CPU does load balancing shortly after it becomes SCHED_IDLE
and pulls tasks from other busy CPUs.

Signed-off-by: Viresh Kumar <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
2020-01-17 10:19:20 +01:00
Vincent Guittot 5f68eb19b5 sched/fair : Improve update_sd_pick_busiest for spare capacity case
Similarly to calculate_imbalance() and find_busiest_group(), using the
number of idle CPUs when there is only 1 CPU in the group is not efficient
because we can't make a difference between a CPU running 1 task and a CPU
running dozens of small tasks competing for the same CPU but not enough
to overload it. More generally speaking, we should use the number of
running tasks when there is the same number of idle CPUs in a group instead
of blindly select the 1st one.

When the groups have spare capacity and the same number of idle CPUs, we
compare the number of running tasks to select the busiest group.

Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
2020-01-17 10:19:19 +01:00
Qais Yousef 804d402fb6 sched/rt: Make RT capacity-aware
Capacity Awareness refers to the fact that on heterogeneous systems
(like Arm big.LITTLE), the capacity of the CPUs is not uniform, hence
when placing tasks we need to be aware of this difference of CPU

In such scenarios we want to ensure that the selected CPU has enough
capacity to meet the requirement of the running task. Enough capacity
means here that capacity_orig_of(cpu) >= task.requirement.

The definition of task.requirement is dependent on the scheduling class.

For CFS, utilization is used to select a CPU that has >= capacity value
than the cfs_task.util.

	capacity_orig_of(cpu) >= cfs_task.util

DL isn't capacity aware at the moment but can make use of the bandwidth
reservation to implement that in a similar manner CFS uses utilization.
The following patchset implements that:

	capacity_orig_of(cpu)/SCHED_CAPACITY >= dl_deadline/dl_runtime

For RT we don't have a per task utilization signal and we lack any
information in general about what performance requirement the RT task
needs. But with the introduction of uclamp, RT tasks can now control
that by setting uclamp_min to guarantee a minimum performance point.

ATM the uclamp value are only used for frequency selection; but on
heterogeneous systems this is not enough and we need to ensure that the
capacity of the CPU is >= uclamp_min. Which is what implemented here.

	capacity_orig_of(cpu) >= rt_task.uclamp_min

Note that by default uclamp.min is 1024, which means that RT tasks will
always be biased towards the big CPUs, which make for a better more
predictable behavior for the default case.

Must stress that the bias acts as a hint rather than a definite
placement strategy. For example, if all big cores are busy executing
other RT tasks we can't guarantee that a new RT task will be placed

On non-heterogeneous systems the original behavior of RT should be
retained. Similarly if uclamp is not selected in the config.

[ mingo: Minor edits to comments. ]

Signed-off-by: Qais Yousef <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Reviewed-by: Steven Rostedt (VMware) <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:42:10 +01:00
Valentin Schneider 1d42509e47 sched/fair: Make EAS wakeup placement consider uclamp restrictions
task_fits_capacity() has just been made uclamp-aware, and
find_energy_efficient_cpu() needs to go through the same treatment.

Things are somewhat different here however - using the task max clamp isn't
sufficient. Consider the following setup:

  The target runqueue, rq:
    rq.cpu_capacity_orig = 512
    rq.cfs.avg.util_avg = 200
    rq.uclamp.max = 768 // the max p.uclamp.max of all enqueued p's is 768

  The waking task, p (not yet enqueued on rq):
    p.util_est = 600
    p.uclamp.max = 100

Now, consider the following code which doesn't use the rq clamps:

  util = uclamp_task_util(p);
  // Does the task fit in the spare CPU capacity?
  cpu = cpu_of(rq);
  fits_capacity(util, cpu_capacity(cpu) - cpu_util(cpu))

This would lead to:

  util = 100;
  fits_capacity(100, 512 - 200)

fits_capacity() would return true. However, enqueuing p on that CPU *will*
cause it to become overutilized since rq clamp values are max-aggregated,
so we'd remain with

  rq.uclamp.max = 768

which comes from the other tasks already enqueued on rq. Thus, we could
select a high enough frequency to reach beyond 0.8 * 512 utilization
(== overutilized) after enqueuing p on rq. What find_energy_efficient_cpu()
needs here is uclamp_rq_util_with() which lets us peek at the future
utilization landscape, including rq-wide uclamp values.

Make find_energy_efficient_cpu() use uclamp_rq_util_with() for its
fits_capacity() check. This is in line with what compute_energy() ends up
using for estimating utilization.

Tested-By: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Suggested-by: Quentin Perret <>
Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:42:09 +01:00
Valentin Schneider a7008c07a5 sched/fair: Make task_fits_capacity() consider uclamp restrictions
task_fits_capacity() drives CPU selection at wakeup time, and is also used
to detect misfit tasks. Right now it does so by comparing task_util_est()
with a CPU's capacity, but doesn't take into account uclamp restrictions.

There's a few interesting uses that can come out of doing this. For
instance, a low uclamp.max value could prevent certain tasks from being
flagged as misfit tasks, so they could merrily remain on low-capacity CPUs.
Similarly, a high uclamp.min value would steer tasks towards high capacity
CPUs at wakeup (and, should that fail, later steered via misfit balancing),
so such "boosted" tasks would favor CPUs of higher capacity.

Introduce uclamp_task_util() and make task_fits_capacity() use it.

Tested-By: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Quentin Perret <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:42:09 +01:00
Valentin Schneider d2b58a286e sched/uclamp: Rename uclamp_util_with() into uclamp_rq_util_with()
The current helper returns (CPU) rq utilization with uclamp restrictions
taken into account. A uclamp task utilization helper would be quite
helpful, but this requires some renaming.

Prepare the code for the introduction of a uclamp_task_util() by renaming
the existing uclamp_util_with() to uclamp_rq_util_with().

Tested-By: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Quentin Perret <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:42:08 +01:00
Valentin Schneider 686516b55e sched/uclamp: Make uclamp util helpers use and return UL values
Vincent pointed out recently that the canonical type for utilization
values is 'unsigned long'. Internally uclamp uses 'unsigned int' values for
cache optimization, but this doesn't have to be exported to its users.

Make the uclamp helpers that deal with utilization use and return unsigned
long values.

Tested-By: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Quentin Perret <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:42:08 +01:00
Valentin Schneider 59fe675248 sched/uclamp: Remove uclamp_util()
The sole user of uclamp_util(), schedutil_cpu_util(), was made to use
uclamp_util_with() instead in commit:

  af24bde8df ("sched/uclamp: Add uclamp support to energy_compute()")

From then on, uclamp_util() has remained unused. Being a simple wrapper
around uclamp_util_with(), we can get rid of it and win back a few lines.

Tested-By: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Suggested-by: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Signed-off-by: Valentin Schneider <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Dietmar Eggemann <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:42:07 +01:00
Viresh Kumar 17346452b2 sched/fair: Make sched-idle CPU selection consistent throughout
There are instances where we keep searching for an idle CPU despite
already having a sched-idle CPU (in find_idlest_group_cpu(),
select_idle_smt() and select_idle_cpu() and then there are places where
we don't necessarily do that and return a sched-idle CPU as soon as we
find one (in select_idle_sibling()). This looks a bit inconsistent and
it may be worth having the same policy everywhere.

On the other hand, choosing a sched-idle CPU over a idle one shall be
beneficial from performance and power point of view as well, as we don't
need to get the CPU online from a deep idle state which wastes quite a
lot of time and energy and delays the scheduling of the newly woken up

This patch tries to simplify code around sched-idle CPU selection and
make it consistent throughout.

Testing is done with the help of rt-app on hikey board (ARM64 octa-core,
2 clusters, 0-3 and 4-7). The cpufreq governor was set to performance to
avoid any side affects from CPU frequency. Following are the tests

Test 1: 1-cfs-task:

 A single SCHED_NORMAL task is pinned to CPU5 which runs for 2333 us
 out of 7777 us (so gives time for the cluster to go in deep idle

Test 2: 1-cfs-1-idle-task:

 A single SCHED_NORMAL task is pinned on CPU5 and single SCHED_IDLE
 task is pinned on CPU6 (to make sure cluster 1 doesn't go in deep idle

Test 3: 1-cfs-8-idle-task:

 A single SCHED_NORMAL task is pinned on CPU5 and eight SCHED_IDLE
 tasks are created which run forever (not pinned anywhere, so they run
 on all CPUs). Checked with kernelshark that as soon as NORMAL task
 sleeps, the SCHED_IDLE task starts running on CPU5.

And here are the results on mean latency (in us), using the "st" tool.

  $ st 1-cfs-task/rt-app-cfs_thread-0.log
  N       min     max     sum     mean    stddev
  642     90      592     197180  307.134 109.906

  $ st 1-cfs-1-idle-task/rt-app-cfs_thread-0.log
  N       min     max     sum     mean    stddev
  642     67      311     113850  177.336 41.4251

  $ st 1-cfs-8-idle-task/rt-app-cfs_thread-0.log
  N       min     max     sum     mean    stddev
  643     29      173     41364   64.3297 13.2344

The mean latency when we need to:

 - wakeup from deep idle state is 307 us.
 - wakeup from shallow idle state is 177 us.
 - preempt a SCHED_IDLE task is 64 us.

Signed-off-by: Viresh Kumar <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:42:07 +01:00
Qian Cai 53a23364b6 sched/core: Remove unused variable from set_user_nice()
This commit left behind an unused variable:

  5443a0be61 ("sched: Use fair:prio_changed() instead of ad-hoc implementation") left behind an unused variable.

  kernel/sched/core.c: In function 'set_user_nice':
  kernel/sched/core.c:4507:16: warning: variable 'delta' set but not used
    int old_prio, delta;

Signed-off-by: Qian Cai <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Fixes: 5443a0be61 ("sched: Use fair:prio_changed() instead of ad-hoc implementation")
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:42:06 +01:00
Ingo Molnar 1e5f8a3085 Linux 5.5-rc3

Merge tag 'v5.5-rc3' into sched/core, to pick up fixes

Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-25 10:41:37 +01:00
Linus Torvalds fd7a6d2b8f Merge branch 'sched-urgent-for-linus' of git://
Pull scheduler fixes from Ingo Molnar:
 "Misc fixes: a (rare) PSI crash fix, a CPU affinity related balancing
  fix, and a toning down of active migration attempts"

* 'sched-urgent-for-linus' of git://
  sched/cfs: fix spurious active migration
  sched/fair: Fix find_idlest_group() to handle CPU affinity
  psi: Fix a division error in psi poll()
  sched/psi: Fix sampling error and rare div0 crashes with cgroups and high uptime
2019-12-21 10:52:10 -08:00
Peng Wang d040e0734f schied/fair: Skip calculating @contrib without load
Because of the:

	if (!load)
		runnable = running = 0;

clause in ___update_load_sum(), all the actual users of @contrib in

	if (load)
		sa->load_sum += load * contrib;
	if (runnable)
		sa->runnable_load_sum += runnable * contrib;
	if (running)
		sa->util_sum += contrib << SCHED_CAPACITY_SHIFT;

don't happen, and therefore we don't care what @contrib actually is and
calculating it is pointless.

If we count the times when @load equals zero and not as below:

	if (load) {
		contrib = __accumulate_pelt_segments(periods,
				1024 - sa->period_contrib,delta);
	} else

As we can see, load_is_zero_count is much bigger than
load_is_zero_count, and the gap is gradually widening:

	load_is_zero_count:            6016044 times
	load_is_not_zero_count:         244316 times
	19:50:43 up 1 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 0.06, 0.02

	load_is_zero_count:            7956168 times
	load_is_not_zero_count:         261472 times
	19:51:42 up 2 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.03, 0.05, 0.01

	load_is_zero_count:           10199896 times
	load_is_not_zero_count:         278364 times
	19:52:51 up 3 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.05, 0.01

	load_is_zero_count:           14333700 times
	load_is_not_zero_count:         318424 times
	19:54:53 up 5 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00

Perhaps we can gain some performance advantage by saving these
unnecessary calculation.

Signed-off-by: Peng Wang <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
2019-12-17 13:32:51 +01:00
Cheng Jian 60588bfa22 sched/fair: Optimize select_idle_cpu
select_idle_cpu() will scan the LLC domain for idle CPUs,
it's always expensive. so the next commit :

	1ad3aaf3fc ("sched/core: Implement new approach to scale select_idle_cpu()")

introduces a way to limit how many CPUs we scan.

But it consume some CPUs out of 'nr' that are not allowed
for the task and thus waste our attempts. The function
always return nr_cpumask_bits, and we can't find a CPU
which our task is allowed to run.

Cpumask may be too big, similar to select_idle_core(), use
per_cpu_ptr 'select_idle_mask' to prevent stack overflow.

Fixes: 1ad3aaf3fc ("sched/core: Implement new approach to scale select_idle_cpu()")
Signed-off-by: Cheng Jian <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Srikar Dronamraju <>
Reviewed-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Reviewed-by: Valentin Schneider <>
2019-12-17 13:32:51 +01:00
Oleg Nesterov cde6519450 sched/wait: fix ___wait_var_event(exclusive)
init_wait_var_entry() forgets to initialize wq_entry->flags.

Currently not a problem, we don't have wait_var_event_exclusive().

Signed-off-by: Oleg Nesterov <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Cc: Vincent Guittot <>
Cc: Ingo Molnar <>
Cc: Felipe Balbi <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Miklos Szeredi <>
Cc: Juri Lelli <>
2019-12-17 13:32:50 +01:00
Frederic Weisbecker 5443a0be61 sched: Use fair:prio_changed() instead of ad-hoc implementation
set_user_nice() implements its own version of fair::prio_changed() and
therefore misses a specific optimization towards nohz_full CPUs that
avoid sending an resched IPI to a reniced task running alone. Use the
proper callback instead.

Reported-by: Peter Zijlstra <>
Signed-off-by: Frederic Weisbecker <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Cc: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-17 13:32:50 +01:00
Frederic Weisbecker 7c2e8bbd87 sched: Spare resched IPI when prio changes on a single fair task
The runqueue of a fair task being remotely reniced is going to get a
resched IPI in order to reassess which task should be the current
running on the CPU. However that evaluation is useless if the fair task
is running alone, in which case we can spare that IPI, preventing
nohz_full CPUs from being disturbed.

Reported-by: Peter Zijlstra <>
Signed-off-by: Frederic Weisbecker <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Cc: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-17 13:32:50 +01:00
Vincent Guittot 6cf82d559e sched/cfs: fix spurious active migration
The load balance can fail to find a suitable task during the periodic check
because  the imbalance is smaller than half of the load of the waiting
tasks. This results in the increase of the number of failed load balance,
which can end up to start an active migration. This active migration is
useless because the current running task is not a better choice than the
waiting ones. In fact, the current task was probably not running but
waiting for the CPU during one of the previous attempts and it had already
not been selected.

When load balance fails too many times to migrate a task, we should relax
the contraint on the maximum load of the tasks that can be migrated
similarly to what is done with cache hotness.

Before the rework, load balance used to set the imbalance to the average
load_per_task in order to mitigate such situation. This increased the
likelihood of migrating a task but also of selecting a larger task than
needed while more appropriate ones were in the list.

Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
2019-12-17 13:32:48 +01:00
Vincent Guittot 7ed735c331 sched/fair: Fix find_idlest_group() to handle CPU affinity
Because of CPU affinity, the local group can be skipped which breaks the
assumption that statistics are always collected for local group. With
uninitialized local_sgs, the comparison is meaningless and the behavior
unpredictable. This can even end up to use local pointer which is to
NULL in this case.

If the local group has been skipped because of CPU affinity, we return
the idlest group.

Fixes: 57abff067a ("sched/fair: Rework find_idlest_group()")
Reported-by: John Stultz <>
Signed-off-by: Vincent Guittot <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Valentin Schneider <>
Tested-by: John Stultz <>
2019-12-17 13:32:48 +01:00
Johannes Weiner c3466952ca psi: Fix a division error in psi poll()
The psi window size is a u64 an can be up to 10 seconds right now,
which exceeds the lower 32 bits of the variable. We currently use
div_u64 for it, which is meant only for 32-bit divisors. The result is
garbage pressure sampling values and even potential div0 crashes.

Use div64_u64.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Weiner <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Reviewed-by: Suren Baghdasaryan <>
Cc: Jingfeng Xie <>
2019-12-17 13:32:48 +01:00
Johannes Weiner 3dfbe25c27 sched/psi: Fix sampling error and rare div0 crashes with cgroups and high uptime
Jingfeng reports rare div0 crashes in psi on systems with some uptime:

[58914.066423] divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP
[58914.070416] Modules linked in: ipmi_poweroff ipmi_watchdog toa overlay fuse tcp_diag inet_diag binfmt_misc aisqos(O) aisqos_hotfixes(O)
[58914.083158] CPU: 94 PID: 140364 Comm: kworker/94:2 Tainted: G W OE K 4.9.151-015.ali3000.alios7.x86_64 #1
[58914.093722] Hardware name: Alibaba Alibaba Cloud ECS/Alibaba Cloud ECS, BIOS 3.23.34 02/14/2019
[58914.102728] Workqueue: events psi_update_work
[58914.107258] task: ffff8879da83c280 task.stack: ffffc90059dcc000
[58914.113336] RIP: 0010:[] [] psi_update_stats+0x1c1/0x330
[58914.122183] RSP: 0018:ffffc90059dcfd60 EFLAGS: 00010246
[58914.127650] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff8858fe98be50 RCX: 000000007744d640
[58914.134947] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 00003594f700648e
[58914.142243] RBP: ffffc90059dcfdf8 R08: 0000359500000000 R09: 0000000000000000
[58914.149538] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 0000359500000000
[58914.156837] R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff8858fe98bd78
[58914.164136] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff887f7f380000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
[58914.172529] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
[58914.178467] CR2: 00007f2240452090 CR3: 0000005d5d258000 CR4: 00000000007606f0
[58914.185765] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000
[58914.193061] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400
[58914.200360] PKRU: 55555554
[58914.203221] Stack:
[58914.205383] ffff8858fe98bd48 00000000000002f0 0000002e81036d09 ffffc90059dcfde8
[58914.213168] ffff8858fe98bec8 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
[58914.220951] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
[58914.228734] Call Trace:
[58914.231337] [] psi_update_work+0x22/0x60
[58914.237067] [] process_one_work+0x189/0x420
[58914.243063] [] worker_thread+0x4e/0x4b0
[58914.248701] [] ? process_one_work+0x420/0x420
[58914.254869] [] kthread+0xe6/0x100
[58914.259994] [] ? kthread_park+0x60/0x60
[58914.265640] [] ret_from_fork+0x39/0x50
[58914.271193] Code: 41 29 c3 4d 39 dc 4d 0f 42 dc <49> f7 f1 48 8b 13 48 89 c7 48 c1
[58914.279691] RIP [] psi_update_stats+0x1c1/0x330

The crashing instruction is trying to divide the observed stall time
by the sampling period. The period, stored in R8, is not 0, but we are
dividing by the lower 32 bits only, which are all 0 in this instance.

We could switch to a 64-bit division, but the period shouldn't be that
big in the first place. It's the time between the last update and the
next scheduled one, and so should always be around 2s and comfortably
fit into 32 bits.

The bug is in the initialization of new cgroups: we schedule the first
sampling event in a cgroup as an offset of sched_clock(), but fail to
initialize the last_update timestamp, and it defaults to 0. That
results in a bogusly large sampling period the first time we run the
sampling code, and consequently we underreport pressure for the first
2s of a cgroup's life. But worse, if sched_clock() is sufficiently
advanced on the system, and the user gets unlucky, the period's lower
32 bits can all be 0 and the sampling division will crash.

Fix this by initializing the last update timestamp to the creation
time of the cgroup, thus correctly marking the start of the first
pressure sampling period in a new cgroup.

Reported-by: Jingfeng Xie <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Weiner <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
Cc: Suren Baghdasaryan <>
2019-12-17 13:32:47 +01:00
Rafael J. Wysocki 85572c2c4a cpufreq: Avoid leaving stale IRQ work items during CPU offline
The scheduler code calling cpufreq_update_util() may run during CPU
offline on the target CPU after the IRQ work lists have been flushed
for it, so the target CPU should be prevented from running code that
may queue up an IRQ work item on it at that point.

Unfortunately, that may not be the case if dvfs_possible_from_any_cpu
is set for at least one cpufreq policy in the system, because that
allows the CPU going offline to run the utilization update callback
of the cpufreq governor on behalf of another (online) CPU in some

If that happens, the cpufreq governor callback may queue up an IRQ
work on the CPU running it, which is going offline, and the IRQ work
may not be flushed after that point.  Moreover, that IRQ work cannot
be flushed until the "offlining" CPU goes back online, so if any
other CPU calls irq_work_sync() to wait for the completion of that
IRQ work, it will have to wait until the "offlining" CPU is back
online and that may not happen forever.  In particular, a system-wide
deadlock may occur during CPU online as a result of that.

The failing scenario is as follows.  CPU0 is the boot CPU, so it
creates a cpufreq policy and becomes the "leader" of it
(policy->cpu).  It cannot go offline, because it is the boot CPU.
Next, other CPUs join the cpufreq policy as they go online and they
leave it when they go offline.  The last CPU to go offline, say CPU3,
may queue up an IRQ work while running the governor callback on
behalf of CPU0 after leaving the cpufreq policy because of the
dvfs_possible_from_any_cpu effect described above.  Then, CPU0 is
the only online CPU in the system and the stale IRQ work is still
queued on CPU3.  When, say, CPU1 goes back online, it will run
irq_work_sync() to wait for that IRQ work to complete and so it
will wait for CPU3 to go back online (which may never happen even
in principle), but (worse yet) CPU0 is waiting for CPU1 at that
point too and a system-wide deadlock occurs.

To address this problem notice that CPUs which cannot run cpufreq
utilization update code for themselves (for example, because they
have left the cpufreq policies that they belonged to), should also
be prevented from running that code on behalf of the other CPUs that
belong to a cpufreq policy with dvfs_possible_from_any_cpu set and so
in that case the cpufreq_update_util_data pointer of the CPU running
the code must not be NULL as well as for the CPU which is the target
of the cpufreq utilization update in progress.

Accordingly, change cpufreq_this_cpu_can_update() into a regular
function in kernel/sched/cpufreq.c (instead of a static inline in a
header file) and make it check the cpufreq_update_util_data pointer
of the local CPU if dvfs_possible_from_any_cpu is set for the target
cpufreq policy.

Also update the schedutil governor to do the
cpufreq_this_cpu_can_update() check in the non-fast-switch
case too to avoid the stale IRQ work issues.

Fixes: 99d14d0e16 ("cpufreq: Process remote callbacks from any CPU if the platform permits")
Reported-by: Anson Huang <>
Tested-by: Anson Huang <>
Cc: 4.14+ <> # 4.14+
Signed-off-by: Rafael J. Wysocki <>
Acked-by: Viresh Kumar <>
Tested-by: Peng Fan <> (i.MX8QXP-MEK)
Signed-off-by: Rafael J. Wysocki <>
2019-12-12 17:59:43 +01:00
Ingo Molnar 4f797f56c3 Merge branch 'linus' into sched/urgent, to pick up the latest before merging new patches
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-12-08 14:37:10 +01:00
Linus Torvalds fb3da48a86 Merge branch 'thermal/next' of git://
Pull thermal management updates from Zhang Rui:

 - Fix a deadlock regression in thermal core framework, which was
   introduced in 5.3 (Wei Wang)

 - Initialize thermal control framework earlier to enable thermal
   mitigation during boot (Amit Kucheria)

 - Convert the Intelligent Power Allocator (IPA) thermal governor to
   follow the generic PM_EM instead of its own Energy Model (Quentin

 - Introduce a new Amlogic soc thermal driver (Guillaume La Roque)

 - Add interrupt support for tsens thermal driver (Amit Kucheria)

 - Add support for MSM8956/8976 in tsens thermal driver
   (AngeloGioacchino Del Regno)

 - Add support for r8a774b1 in rcar thermal driver (Biju Das)

 - Add support for Thermal Monitor Unit v2 in qoriq thermal driver
   (Yuantian Tang)

 - Some other fixes/cleanups on thermal core framework and soc thermal
   drivers (Colin Ian King, Daniel Lezcano, Hsin-Yi Wang, Tian Tao)

* 'thermal/next' of git:// (32 commits)
  thermal: Fix deadlock in thermal thermal_zone_device_check
  thermal: cpu_cooling: Migrate to using the EM framework
  thermal: cpu_cooling: Make the power-related code depend on IPA
  PM / EM: Declare EM data types unconditionally
  arm64: defconfig: Enable CONFIG_ENERGY_MODEL
  drivers: thermal: tsens: fix potential integer overflow on multiply
  thermal: cpu_cooling: Reorder the header file
  thermal: cpu_cooling: Remove pointless dependency on CONFIG_OF
  thermal: no need to set .owner when using module_platform_driver
  thermal: qcom: tsens-v1: Fix kfree of a non-pointer value
  cpufreq: qcom-hw: Move driver initialization earlier
  clk: qcom: Initialize clock drivers earlier
  cpufreq: Initialize cpufreq-dt driver earlier
  cpufreq: Initialize the governors in core_initcall
  thermal: Initialize thermal subsystem earlier
  thermal: Remove netlink support
  dt: thermal: tsens: Document compatible for MSM8976/56
  thermal: qcom: tsens-v1: Add support for MSM8956 and MSM8976
  MAINTAINERS: add entry for Amlogic Thermal driver
  thermal: amlogic: Add thermal driver to support G12 SoCs
2019-12-05 11:21:24 -08:00
Linus Torvalds 6a965666b7 Pipework for general notification queue

Merge tag 'notifications-pipe-prep-20191115' of git://

Pull pipe rework from David Howells:
 "This is my set of preparatory patches for building a general
  notification queue on top of pipes. It makes a number of significant

   - It removes the nr_exclusive argument from __wake_up_sync_key() as
     this is always 1. This prepares for the next step:

   - Adds wake_up_interruptible_sync_poll_locked() so that poll can be
     woken up from a function that's holding the poll waitqueue

   - Change the pipe buffer ring to be managed in terms of unbounded
     head and tail indices rather than bounded index and length. This
     means that reading the pipe only needs to modify one index, not

   - A selection of helper functions are provided to query the state of
     the pipe buffer, plus a couple to apply updates to the pipe

   - The pipe ring is allowed to have kernel-reserved slots. This allows
     many notification messages to be spliced in by the kernel without
     allowing userspace to pin too many pages if it writes to the same

   - Advance the head and tail indices inside the pipe waitqueue lock
     and use wake_up_interruptible_sync_poll_locked() to poke poll
     without having to take the lock twice.

   - Rearrange pipe_write() to preallocate the buffer it is going to
     write into and then drop the spinlock. This allows kernel
     notifications to then be added the ring whilst it is filling the
     buffer it allocated. The read side is stalled because the pipe
     mutex is still held.

   - Don't wake up readers on a pipe if there was already data in it
     when we added more.

   - Don't wake up writers on a pipe if the ring wasn't full before we
     removed a buffer"

* tag 'notifications-pipe-prep-20191115' of git://
  pipe: Remove sync on wake_ups
  pipe: Increase the writer-wakeup threshold to reduce context-switch count
  pipe: Check for ring full inside of the spinlock in pipe_write()
  pipe: Remove redundant wakeup from pipe_write()
  pipe: Rearrange sequence in pipe_write() to preallocate slot
  pipe: Conditionalise wakeup in pipe_read()
  pipe: Advance tail pointer inside of wait spinlock in pipe_read()
  pipe: Allow pipes to have kernel-reserved slots
  pipe: Use head and tail pointers for the ring, not cursor and length
  Add wake_up_interruptible_sync_poll_locked()
  Remove the nr_exclusive argument from __wake_up_sync_key()
  pipe: Reduce #inclusion of pipe_fs_i.h
2019-11-30 14:12:13 -08:00
Zhenzhong Duan c5105d764e sched/clock: Use static_branch_likely() with sched_clock_running
sched_clock_running is enabled early at bootup stage and never
disabled. So hint that to the compiler by using static_branch_likely()
rather than static_branch_unlikely().

The branch probability mis-annotation was introduced in the original
commit that converted the plain sched_clock_running flag to a static key:

  46457ea464 ("sched/clock: Use static key for sched_clock_running")

Steve further notes:

  | Looks like the confusion was the moving of the "!":
  | -       if (unlikely(!sched_clock_running))
  | +       if (!static_branch_unlikely(&sched_clock_running))
  | Where, it was unlikely that !sched_clock_running would be true, but
  | because the "!" was moved outside the "unlikely()" it makes the test
  | "likely()". That is, if we added an intermediate step, it would have
  | been:
  |         if (!likely(sched_clock_running))
  | which would have prevented the mistake that this patch fixes.

  [ mingo: Edited the changelog. ]

Signed-off-by: Zhenzhong Duan <>
Reviewed-by: Steven Rostedt (VMware) <>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Thomas Gleixner <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-11-29 08:10:54 +01:00
Linus Torvalds 9e7a03233e Power management updates for 5.5-rc1
- Use nanoseconds (instead of microseconds) as the unit of time in
    the cpuidle core and simplify checks for disabled idle states in
    the idle loop (Rafael Wysocki).
  - Fix and clean up the teo cpuidle governor (Rafael Wysocki).
  - Fix the cpuidle registration error code path (Zhenzhong Duan).
  - Avoid excessive vmexits in the ACPI cpuidle driver (Yin Fengwei).
  - Extend the idle injection infrastructure to be able to measure the
    requested duration in nanoseconds and to allow an exit latency
    limit for idle states to be specified (Daniel Lezcano).
  - Fix cpufreq driver registration and clarify a comment in the
    cpufreq core (Viresh Kumar).
  - Add NULL checks to the show() and store() methods of sysfs
    attributes exposed by cpufreq (Kai Shen).
  - Update cpufreq drivers:
    * Fix for a plain int as pointer warning from sparse in
      intel_pstate (Jamal Shareef).
    * Fix for a hardcoded number of CPUs and stack bloat in the
      powernv driver (John Hubbard).
    * Updates to the ti-cpufreq driver and DT files to support new
      platforms and migrate bindings from opp-v1 to opp-v2 (Adam Ford,
      H. Nikolaus Schaller).
    * Merging of the arm_big_little and vexpress-spc drivers and
      related cleanup (Sudeep Holla).
    * Fix for imx's default speed grade value (Anson Huang).
    * Minor cleanup of the s3c64xx driver (Nathan Chancellor).
    * CPU speed bin detection fix for sun50i (Ondrej Jirman).
  - Appoint Chanwoo Choi as the new devfreq maintainer.
  - Update the devfreq core:
    * Check NULL governor in available_governors_show sysfs to prevent
      showing wrong governor information and fix a race condition
      between devfreq_update_status() and trans_stat_show() (Leonard
    * Add new 'interrupt-driven' flag for devfreq governors to allow
      interrupt-driven governors to prevent the devfreq core from
      polling devices for status (Dmitry Osipenko).
    * Improve an error message in devfreq_add_device() (Matthias
  - Update devfreq drivers:
    * tegra30 driver fixes and cleanups (Dmitry Osipenko).
    * Removal of unused property from dt-binding documentation for
      the exynos-bus driver (Kamil Konieczny).
    * exynos-ppmu cleanup and DT bindings update (Lukasz Luba, Marek
  - Add new CPU IDs for CometLake Mobile and Desktop to the Intel RAPL
    power capping driver (Zhang Rui).
  - Allow device initialization in the generic power domains (genpd)
    framework to be more straightforward and clean it up (Ulf Hansson).
  - Add support for adjusting OPP voltages at run time to the OPP
    framework (Stephen Boyd).
  - Avoid freeing memory that has never been allocated in the
    hibernation core (Andy Whitcroft).
  - Clean up function headers in a header file and coding style in the
    wakeup IRQs handling code (Ulf Hansson, Xiaofei Tan).
  - Clean up the SmartReflex adaptive voltage scaling (AVS) driver for
    ARM (Ben Dooks, Geert Uytterhoeven).
  - Wrap power management documentation to fit in 80 columns (Bjorn
  - Add pm-graph utility entry to MAINTAINERS (Todd Brandt).
  - Update the cpupower utility:
    * Fix the handling of set and info subcommands (Abhishek Goel).
    * Fix build warnings (Nathan Chancellor).
    * Improve mperf_monitor handling (Janakarajan Natarajan).

Merge tag 'pm-5.5-rc1' of git://

Pull power management updates from Rafael Wysocki:
 "These include cpuidle changes to use nanoseconds (instead of
  microseconds) as the unit of time and to simplify checks for disabled
  idle states in the idle loop, some cpuidle fixes and governor updates,
  assorted cpufreq updates (driver updates mostly and a few core fixes
  and cleanups), devfreq updates (dominated by the tegra30 driver
  changes), new CPU IDs for the RAPL power capping driver, relatively
  minor updates of the generic power domains (genpd) and operation
  performance points (OPP) frameworks, and assorted fixes and cleanups.

  There are also two maintainer information updates: Chanwoo Choi will
  be maintaining the devfreq subsystem going forward and Todd Brandt is
  going to maintain the pm-graph utility (created by him).


   - Use nanoseconds (instead of microseconds) as the unit of time in
     the cpuidle core and simplify checks for disabled idle states in
     the idle loop (Rafael Wysocki)

   - Fix and clean up the teo cpuidle governor (Rafael Wysocki)

   - Fix the cpuidle registration error code path (Zhenzhong Duan)

   - Avoid excessive vmexits in the ACPI cpuidle driver (Yin Fengwei)

   - Extend the idle injection infrastructure to be able to measure the
     requested duration in nanoseconds and to allow an exit latency
     limit for idle states to be specified (Daniel Lezcano)

   - Fix cpufreq driver registration and clarify a comment in the
     cpufreq core (Viresh Kumar)

   - Add NULL checks to the show() and store() methods of sysfs
     attributes exposed by cpufreq (Kai Shen)

   - Update cpufreq drivers:
      * Fix for a plain int as pointer warning from sparse in
        intel_pstate (Jamal Shareef)
      * Fix for a hardcoded number of CPUs and stack bloat in the
        powernv driver (John Hubbard)
      * Updates to the ti-cpufreq driver and DT files to support new
        platforms and migrate bindings from opp-v1 to opp-v2 (Adam Ford,
        H. Nikolaus Schaller)
      * Merging of the arm_big_little and vexpress-spc drivers and
        related cleanup (Sudeep Holla)
      * Fix for imx's default speed grade value (Anson Huang)
      * Minor cleanup of the s3c64xx driver (Nathan Chancellor)
      * CPU speed bin detection fix for sun50i (Ondrej Jirman)

   - Appoint Chanwoo Choi as the new devfreq maintainer.

   - Update the devfreq core:
      * Check NULL governor in available_governors_show sysfs to prevent
        showing wrong governor information and fix a race condition
        between devfreq_update_status() and trans_stat_show() (Leonard
      * Add new 'interrupt-driven' flag for devfreq governors to allow
        interrupt-driven governors to prevent the devfreq core from
        polling devices for status (Dmitry Osipenko)
      * Improve an error message in devfreq_add_device() (Matthias

   - Update devfreq drivers:
      * tegra30 driver fixes and cleanups (Dmitry Osipenko)
      * Removal of unused property from dt-binding documentation for the
        exynos-bus driver (Kamil Konieczny)
      * exynos-ppmu cleanup and DT bindings update (Lukasz Luba, Marek

   - Add new CPU IDs for CometLake Mobile and Desktop to the Intel RAPL
     power capping driver (Zhang Rui)

   - Allow device initialization in the generic power domains (genpd)
     framework to be more straightforward and clean it up (Ulf Hansson)

   - Add support for adjusting OPP voltages at run time to the OPP
     framework (Stephen Boyd)

   - Avoid freeing memory that has never been allocated in the
     hibernation core (Andy Whitcroft)

   - Clean up function headers in a header file and coding style in the
     wakeup IRQs handling code (Ulf Hansson, Xiaofei Tan)

   - Clean up the SmartReflex adaptive voltage scaling (AVS) driver for
     ARM (Ben Dooks, Geert Uytterhoeven)

   - Wrap power management documentation to fit in 80 columns (Bjorn

   - Add pm-graph utility entry to MAINTAINERS (Todd Brandt)

   - Update the cpupower utility:
      * Fix the handling of set and info subcommands (Abhishek Goel)
      * Fix build warnings (Nathan Chancellor)
      * Improve mperf_monitor handling (Janakarajan Natarajan)"

* tag 'pm-5.5-rc1' of git:// (83 commits)
  PM: Wrap documentation to fit in 80 columns
  cpuidle: Pass exit latency limit to cpuidle_use_deepest_state()
  cpuidle: Allow idle injection to apply exit latency limit
  cpuidle: Introduce cpuidle_driver_state_disabled() for driver quirks
  cpuidle: teo: Avoid code duplication in conditionals
  cpufreq: Register drivers only after CPU devices have been registered
  cpuidle: teo: Avoid using "early hits" incorrectly
  cpuidle: teo: Exclude cpuidle overhead from computations
  PM / Domains: Convert to dev_to_genpd_safe() in genpd_syscore_switch()
  mmc: tmio: Avoid boilerplate code in ->runtime_suspend()
  PM / Domains: Implement the ->start() callback for genpd
  PM / Domains: Introduce dev_pm_domain_start()
  ARM: OMAP2+: SmartReflex: add omap_sr_pdata definition
  PM / wakeirq: remove unnecessary parentheses
  power: avs: smartreflex: Remove superfluous cast in debugfs_create_file() call
  cpuidle: Use nanoseconds as the unit of time
  PM / OPP: Support adjusting OPP voltages at runtime
  PM / core: Clean up some function headers in power.h
  cpufreq: Add NULL checks to show() and store() methods of cpufreq
  cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix plain int as pointer warning from sparse
2019-11-26 19:06:44 -08:00
Linus Torvalds 168829ad09 Merge branch 'locking-core-for-linus' of git://
Pull locking updates from Ingo Molnar:
 "The main changes in this cycle were:

   - A comprehensive rewrite of the robust/PI futex code's exit handling
     to fix various exit races. (Thomas Gleixner et al)

   - Rework the generic REFCOUNT_FULL implementation using
     atomic_fetch_* operations so that the performance impact of the
     cmpxchg() loops is mitigated for common refcount operations.

     With these performance improvements the generic implementation of
     refcount_t should be good enough for everybody - and this got
     confirmed by performance testing, so remove ARCH_HAS_REFCOUNT and
     REFCOUNT_FULL entirely, leaving the generic implementation enabled
     unconditionally. (Will Deacon)

   - Other misc changes, fixes, cleanups"

* 'locking-core-for-linus' of git:// (27 commits)
  lkdtm: Remove references to CONFIG_REFCOUNT_FULL
  locking/refcount: Remove unused 'refcount_error_report()' function
  locking/refcount: Consolidate implementations of refcount_t
  locking/refcount: Consolidate REFCOUNT_{MAX,SATURATED} definitions
  locking/refcount: Move saturation warnings out of line
  locking/refcount: Improve performance of generic REFCOUNT_FULL code
  locking/refcount: Move the bulk of the REFCOUNT_FULL implementation into the <linux/refcount.h> header
  locking/refcount: Remove unused refcount_*_checked() variants
  locking/refcount: Ensure integer operands are treated as signed
  locking/refcount: Define constants for saturation and max refcount values
  futex: Prevent exit livelock
  futex: Provide distinct return value when owner is exiting
  futex: Add mutex around futex exit
  futex: Provide state handling for exec() as well
  futex: Sanitize exit state handling
  futex: Mark the begin of futex exit explicitly
  futex: Set task::futex_state to DEAD right after handling futex exit
  futex: Split futex_mm_release() for exit/exec
  exit/exec: Seperate mm_release()
  futex: Replace PF_EXITPIDONE with a state
2019-11-26 16:02:40 -08:00
Linus Torvalds 77a05940ee Merge branch 'sched-core-for-linus' of git://
Pull scheduler updates from Ingo Molnar:
 "The biggest changes in this cycle were:

   - Make kcpustat vtime aware (Frederic Weisbecker)

   - Rework the CFS load_balance() logic (Vincent Guittot)

   - Misc cleanups, smaller enhancements, fixes.

  The load-balancing rework is the most intrusive change: it replaces
  the old heuristics that have become less meaningful after the
  introduction of the PELT metrics, with a grounds-up load-balancing

  As such it's not really an iterative series, but replaces the old
  load-balancing logic with the new one. We hope there are no
  performance regressions left - but statistically it's highly probable
  that there *is* going to be some workload that is hurting from these
  chnages. If so then we'd prefer to have a look at that workload and
  fix its scheduling, instead of reverting the changes"

* 'sched-core-for-linus' of git:// (46 commits)
  rackmeter: Use vtime aware kcpustat accessor
  leds: Use all-in-one vtime aware kcpustat accessor
  cpufreq: Use vtime aware kcpustat accessors for user time
  procfs: Use all-in-one vtime aware kcpustat accessor
  sched/vtime: Bring up complete kcpustat accessor
  sched/cputime: Support other fields on kcpustat_field()
  sched/cpufreq: Move the cfs_rq_util_change() call to cpufreq_update_util()
  sched/fair: Add comments for group_type and balancing at SD_NUMA level
  sched/fair: Fix rework of find_idlest_group()
  sched/uclamp: Fix overzealous type replacement
  sched/Kconfig: Fix spelling mistake in user-visible help text
  sched/core: Further clarify sched_class::set_next_task()
  sched/fair: Use mul_u32_u32()
  sched/core: Simplify sched_class::pick_next_task()
  sched/core: Optimize pick_next_task()
  sched/core: Make pick_next_task_idle() more consistent
  sched/fair: Better document newidle_balance()
  leds: Use vtime aware kcpustat accessor to fetch CPUTIME_SYSTEM
  cpufreq: Use vtime aware kcpustat accessor to fetch CPUTIME_SYSTEM
  procfs: Use vtime aware kcpustat accessor to fetch CPUTIME_SYSTEM
2019-11-26 15:23:14 -08:00
Rafael J. Wysocki 6221403952 Merge branch 'pm-cpuidle'
* pm-cpuidle:
  cpuidle: Pass exit latency limit to cpuidle_use_deepest_state()
  cpuidle: Allow idle injection to apply exit latency limit
  cpuidle: Introduce cpuidle_driver_state_disabled() for driver quirks
  cpuidle: teo: Avoid code duplication in conditionals
  cpuidle: teo: Avoid using "early hits" incorrectly
  cpuidle: teo: Exclude cpuidle overhead from computations
  cpuidle: Use nanoseconds as the unit of time
  cpuidle: Consolidate disabled state checks
  ACPI: processor_idle: Skip dummy wait if kernel is in guest
  cpuidle: Do not unset the driver if it is there already
  cpuidle: teo: Fix "early hits" handling for disabled idle states
  cpuidle: teo: Consider hits and misses metrics of disabled states
  cpuidle: teo: Rename local variable in teo_select()
  cpuidle: teo: Ignore disabled idle states that are too deep
2019-11-26 10:26:26 +01:00
Linus Torvalds fb4b3d3fd0 for-5.5/io_uring-20191121

Merge tag 'for-5.5/io_uring-20191121' of git://

Pull io_uring updates from Jens Axboe:
 "A lot of stuff has been going on this cycle, with improving the
  support for networked IO (and hence unbounded request completion
  times) being one of the major themes. There's been a set of fixes done
  this week, I'll send those out as well once we're certain we're fully
  happy with them.

  This contains:

   - Unification of the "normal" submit path and the SQPOLL path (Pavel)

   - Support for sparse (and bigger) file sets, and updating of those
     file sets without needing to unregister/register again.

   - Independently sized CQ ring, instead of just making it always 2x
     the SQ ring size. This makes it more flexible for networked

   - Support for overflowed CQ ring, never dropping events but providing
     backpressure on submits.

   - Add support for absolute timeouts, not just relative ones.

   - Support for generic cancellations. This divorces io_uring from
     workqueues as well, which additionally gets us one step closer to
     generic async system call support.

   - With cancellations, we can support grabbing the process file table
     as well, just like we do mm context. This allows support for system
     calls that create file descriptors, like accept4() support that's
     built on top of that.

   - Support for io_uring tracing (Dmitrii)

   - Support for linked timeouts. These abort an operation if it isn't
     completed by the time noted in the linke timeout.

   - Speedup tracking of poll requests

   - Various cleanups making the coder easier to follow (Jackie, Pavel,
     Bob, YueHaibing, me)

   - Update MAINTAINERS with new io_uring list"

* tag 'for-5.5/io_uring-20191121' of git:// (64 commits)
  io_uring: make POLL_ADD/POLL_REMOVE scale better
  io-wq: remove now redundant struct io_wq_nulls_list
  io_uring: Fix getting file for non-fd opcodes
  io_uring: introduce req_need_defer()
  io_uring: clean up io_uring_cancel_files()
  io-wq: ensure free/busy list browsing see all items
  io-wq: ensure we have a stable view of ->cur_work for cancellations
  io_wq: add get/put_work handlers to io_wq_create()
  io_uring: check for validity of ->rings in teardown
  io_uring: fix potential deadlock in io_poll_wake()
  io_uring: use correct "is IO worker" helper
  io_uring: fix -ENOENT issue with linked timer with short timeout
  io_uring: don't do flush cancel under inflight_lock
  io_uring: flag SQPOLL busy condition to userspace
  io_uring: make ASYNC_CANCEL work with poll and timeout
  io_uring: provide fallback request for OOM situations
  io_uring: convert accept4() -ERESTARTSYS into -EINTR
  io_uring: fix error clear of ->file_table in io_sqe_files_register()
  io_uring: separate the io_free_req and io_free_req_find_next interface
  io_uring: keep io_put_req only responsible for release and put req
2019-11-25 10:40:27 -08:00
Frederic Weisbecker 74722bb223 sched/vtime: Bring up complete kcpustat accessor
Many callsites want to fetch the values of system, user, user_nice, guest
or guest_nice kcpustat fields altogether or at least a pair of these.

In that case calling kcpustat_field() for each requested field brings
unecessary overhead when we could fetch all of them in a row.

So provide kcpustat_cpu_fetch() that fetches the whole kcpustat array
in a vtime safe way under the same RCU and seqcount block.

Signed-off-by: Frederic Weisbecker <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Wanpeng Li <>
Cc: Yauheni Kaliuta <>
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
2019-11-21 07:33:24 +01:00