
1103 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
BEGIN { $Pod::Usage::Formatter = 'Pod::Text::Termcap'; }
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
use IO::Handle;
use Fcntl ':mode';
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Data::Dumper;
my $help = 0;
my $hint = 0;
my $man = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $enable_lineno = 0;
my $show_warnings = 1;
my $prefix="Documentation/ABI";
my $sysfs_prefix="/sys";
my $search_string;
# Debug options
my $dbg_what_parsing = 1;
my $dbg_what_open = 2;
my $dbg_dump_abi_structs = 4;
my $dbg_undefined = 8;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
# If true, assumes that the description is formatted with ReST
my $description_is_rst = 1;
"debug=i" => \$debug,
"enable-lineno" => \$enable_lineno,
"rst-source!" => \$description_is_rst,
"dir=s" => \$prefix,
'help|?' => \$help,
"show-hints" => \$hint,
"search-string=s" => \$search_string,
man => \$man
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -noperldoc, -verbose => 2) if $man;
pod2usage(2) if (scalar @ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 2);
my ($cmd, $arg) = @ARGV;
pod2usage(2) if ($cmd ne "search" && $cmd ne "rest" && $cmd ne "validate" && $cmd ne "undefined");
pod2usage(2) if ($cmd eq "search" && !$arg);
require Data::Dumper if ($debug & $dbg_dump_abi_structs);
my %data;
my %symbols;
# Displays an error message, printing file name and line
sub parse_error($$$$) {
my ($file, $ln, $msg, $data) = @_;
return if (!$show_warnings);
$data =~ s/\s+$/\n/;
print STDERR "Warning: file $file#$ln:\n\t$msg";
if ($data ne "") {
print STDERR ". Line\n\t\t$data";
} else {
print STDERR "\n";
# Parse an ABI file, storing its contents at %data
sub parse_abi {
my $file = $File::Find::name;
my $mode = (stat($file))[2];
return if ($mode & S_IFDIR);
return if ($file =~ m,/README,);
return if ($file =~ m,/\.,);
my $name = $file;
$name =~ s,.*/,,;
my $fn = $file;
$fn =~ s,Documentation/ABI/,,;
my $nametag = "File $fn";
$data{$nametag}->{what} = "File $name";
$data{$nametag}->{type} = "File";
$data{$nametag}->{file} = $name;
$data{$nametag}->{filepath} = $file;
$data{$nametag}->{is_file} = 1;
$data{$nametag}->{line_no} = 1;
my $type = $file;
$type =~ s,.*/(.*)/.*,$1,;
my $what;
my $new_what;
my $tag = "";
my $ln;
my $xrefs;
my $space;
my @labels;
my $label = "";
print STDERR "Opening $file\n" if ($debug & $dbg_what_open);
open IN, $file;
while(<IN>) {
if (m/^(\S+)(:\s*)(.*)/i) {
my $new_tag = lc($1);
my $sep = $2;
my $content = $3;
if (!($new_tag =~ m/(what|where|date|kernelversion|contact|description|users)/)) {
if ($tag eq "description") {
# New "tag" is actually part of
# description. Don't consider it a tag
$new_tag = "";
} elsif ($tag ne "") {
parse_error($file, $ln, "tag '$tag' is invalid", $_);
# Invalid, but it is a common mistake
if ($new_tag eq "where") {
parse_error($file, $ln, "tag 'Where' is invalid. Should be 'What:' instead", "");
$new_tag = "what";
if ($new_tag =~ m/what/) {
$space = "";
$content =~ s/[,.;]$//;
push @{$symbols{$content}->{file}}, " $file:" . ($ln - 1);
if ($tag =~ m/what/) {
$what .= "\xac" . $content;
} else {
if ($what) {
parse_error($file, $ln, "What '$what' doesn't have a description", "") if (!$data{$what}->{description});
foreach my $w(split /\xac/, $what) {
$symbols{$w}->{xref} = $what;
$what = $content;
$label = $content;
$new_what = 1;
push @labels, [($content, $label)];
$tag = $new_tag;
push @{$data{$nametag}->{symbols}}, $content if ($data{$nametag}->{what});
if ($tag ne "" && $new_tag) {
$tag = $new_tag;
if ($new_what) {
@{$data{$what}->{label_list}} = @labels if ($data{$nametag}->{what});
@labels = ();
$label = "";
$new_what = 0;
$data{$what}->{type} = $type;
if (!defined($data{$what}->{file})) {
$data{$what}->{file} = $name;
$data{$what}->{filepath} = $file;
} else {
$data{$what}->{description} .= "\n\n" if (defined($data{$what}->{description}));
if ($name ne $data{$what}->{file}) {
$data{$what}->{file} .= " " . $name;
$data{$what}->{filepath} .= " " . $file;
print STDERR "\twhat: $what\n" if ($debug & $dbg_what_parsing);
$data{$what}->{line_no} = $ln;
} else {
$data{$what}->{line_no} = $ln if (!defined($data{$what}->{line_no}));
if (!$what) {
parse_error($file, $ln, "'What:' should come first:", $_);
if ($new_tag eq "description") {
$sep =~ s,:, ,;
$content = ' ' x length($new_tag) . $sep . $content;
while ($content =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e) {}
if ($content =~ m/^(\s*)(\S.*)$/) {
# Preserve initial spaces for the first line
$space = $1;
$content = "$2\n";
$data{$what}->{$tag} .= $content;
} else {
} else {
$data{$what}->{$tag} = $content;
# Store any contents before tags at the database
if (!$tag && $data{$nametag}->{what}) {
$data{$nametag}->{description} .= $_;
if ($tag eq "description") {
my $content = $_;
while ($content =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e) {}
if (m/^\s*\n/) {
$data{$what}->{$tag} .= "\n";
if (!defined($space)) {
# Preserve initial spaces for the first line
if ($content =~ m/^(\s*)(\S.*)$/) {
$space = $1;
$content = "$2\n";
} else {
$space = "" if (!($content =~ s/^($space)//));
$data{$what}->{$tag} .= $content;
if (m/^\s*(.*)/) {
$data{$what}->{$tag} .= "\n$1";
$data{$what}->{$tag} =~ s/\n+$//;
# Everything else is error
parse_error($file, $ln, "Unexpected content", $_);
$data{$nametag}->{description} =~ s/^\n+// if ($data{$nametag}->{description});
if ($what) {
parse_error($file, $ln, "What '$what' doesn't have a description", "") if (!$data{$what}->{description});
foreach my $w(split /\xac/,$what) {
$symbols{$w}->{xref} = $what;
close IN;
sub create_labels {
my %labels;
foreach my $what (keys %data) {
next if ($data{$what}->{file} eq "File");
foreach my $p (@{$data{$what}->{label_list}}) {
my ($content, $label) = @{$p};
$label = "abi_" . $label . " ";
$label =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
# Convert special chars to "_"
$label =~s/([\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\xff])/_/g;
$label =~ s,_+,_,g;
$label =~ s,_$,,;
# Avoid duplicated labels
while (defined($labels{$label})) {
my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z");
$label .= $chars[rand @chars];
$labels{$label} = 1;
$data{$what}->{label} = $label;
# only one label is enough
# Outputs the book on ReST format
# \b doesn't work well with paths. So, we need to define something else:
# Boundaries are punct characters, spaces and end-of-line
my $start = qr {(^|\s|\() }x;
my $bondary = qr { ([,.:;\)\s]|\z) }x;
my $xref_match = qr { $start(\/(sys|config|proc|dev|kvd)\/[^,.:;\)\s]+)$bondary }x;
my $symbols = qr { ([\x01-\x08\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x7b-\xff]) }x;
sub output_rest {
my $part = "";
foreach my $what (sort {
($data{$a}->{type} eq "File") cmp ($data{$b}->{type} eq "File") ||
$a cmp $b
} keys %data) {
my $type = $data{$what}->{type};
my @file = split / /, $data{$what}->{file};
my @filepath = split / /, $data{$what}->{filepath};
if ($enable_lineno) {
printf ".. LINENO %s%s#%s\n\n",
$prefix, $file[0],
my $w = $what;
if ($type ne "File") {
my $cur_part = $what;
if ($what =~ '/') {
if ($what =~ m#^(\/?(?:[\w\-]+\/?){1,2})#) {
$cur_part = "Symbols under $1";
$cur_part =~ s,/$,,;
if ($cur_part ne "" && $part ne $cur_part) {
$part = $cur_part;
my $bar = $part;
$bar =~ s/./-/g;
print "$part\n$bar\n\n";
printf ".. _%s:\n\n", $data{$what}->{label};
my @names = split /\xac/,$w;
my $len = 0;
foreach my $name (@names) {
$name =~ s/$symbols/\\$1/g;
$name = "**$name**";
$len = length($name) if (length($name) > $len);
print "+-" . "-" x $len . "-+\n";
foreach my $name (@names) {
printf "| %s", $name . " " x ($len - length($name)) . " |\n";
print "+-" . "-" x $len . "-+\n";
print "\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@filepath); $i++) {
my $path = $filepath[$i];
my $f = $file[$i];
$path =~ s,.*/(.*/.*),$1,;;
$path =~ s,[/\-],_,g;;
my $fileref = "abi_file_".$path;
if ($type eq "File") {
print ".. _$fileref:\n\n";
} else {
print "Defined on file :ref:`$f <$fileref>`\n\n";
if ($type eq "File") {
my $bar = $w;
$bar =~ s/./-/g;
print "$w\n$bar\n\n";
my $desc = "";
$desc = $data{$what}->{description} if (defined($data{$what}->{description}));
$desc =~ s/\s+$/\n/;
if (!($desc =~ /^\s*$/)) {
if ($description_is_rst) {
scripts: Don't let ABI files to create subtitles The ReST output should only contain documentation titles automatically created by the script. There are two reasons for that: 1) Consistency. just a handful ABI docs define titles 2) To avoid critical errors. Docutils (which is the basis for Sphinx) allows a free assign of documentation title markups. So, one document could be doing things like: Level 1 ======= Level 2 ------- While another one could do the reverse: Level 1 ------- Level 2 ======= But the same document can't mix. As the output of will join contents from multiple files, if they don't define the levels on a consistent errors, errors like this can happen: Sphinx parallel build error: docutils.utils.SystemMessage: /home/rdunlap/lnx/lnx-510-rc2/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-rapidio:2: (SEVERE/4) Title level inconsistent: Attributes Common for All RapidIO Devices ----------------------------------------- Which cause some versions of Sphinx to go into an endless loop. It should be noticed that an alternative to that would be to replace all title occurrences by a single markup, but that will make the parser more complex, and, due to (1) it would generate an inconsistent output. So, better to just remove the titles defined at the ABI files from the output. Reported-by: Randy Dunlap <> Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <> Link: Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
2020-11-02 10:32:15 +00:00
# Remove title markups from the description
# Having titles inside ABI files will only work if extra
# care would be taken in order to strictly follow the same
# level order for each markup.
$desc =~ s/\n[\-\*\=\^\~]+\n/\n\n/g;
# Enrich text by creating cross-references
my $new_desc = "";
my $init_indent = -1;
my $literal_indent = -1;
open(my $fh, "+<", \$desc);
while (my $d = <$fh>) {
my $indent = $d =~ m/^(\s+)/;
my $spaces = length($indent);
$init_indent = $indent if ($init_indent < 0);
if ($literal_indent >= 0) {
if ($spaces > $literal_indent) {
$new_desc .= $d;
} else {
$literal_indent = -1;
} else {
if ($d =~ /()::$/ && !($d =~ /^\s*\.\./)) {
$literal_indent = $spaces;
$d =~ s,Documentation/(?!devicetree)(\S+)\.rst,:doc:`/$1`,g;
my @matches = $d =~ m,Documentation/ABI/([\w\/\-]+),g;
foreach my $f (@matches) {
my $xref = $f;
my $path = $f;
$path =~ s,.*/(.*/.*),$1,;;
$path =~ s,[/\-],_,g;;
$xref .= " <abi_file_" . $path . ">";
$d =~ s,\bDocumentation/ABI/$f\b,:ref:`$xref`,g;
# Seek for cross reference symbols like /sys/...
@matches = $d =~ m/$xref_match/g;
foreach my $s (@matches) {
next if (!($s =~ m,/,));
if (defined($data{$s}) && defined($data{$s}->{label})) {
my $xref = $s;
$xref =~ s/$symbols/\\$1/g;
$xref = ":ref:`$xref <" . $data{$s}->{label} . ">`";
$d =~ s,$start$s$bondary,$1$xref$2,g;
$new_desc .= $d;
close $fh;
print "$new_desc\n\n";
} else {
$desc =~ s/^\s+//;
# Remove title markups from the description, as they won't work
$desc =~ s/\n[\-\*\=\^\~]+\n/\n\n/g;
if ($desc =~ m/\:\n/ || $desc =~ m/\n[\t ]+/ || $desc =~ m/[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x1f\x7b-\xff]/) {
# put everything inside a code block
$desc =~ s/\n/\n /g;
print "::\n\n";
print " $desc\n\n";
} else {
# Escape any special chars from description
$desc =~s/([\x00-\x08\x0b-\x1f\x21-\x2a\x2d\x2f\x3c-\x40\x5c\x5e-\x60\x7b-\xff])/\\$1/g;
print "$desc\n\n";
} else {
print "DESCRIPTION MISSING for $what\n\n" if (!$data{$what}->{is_file});
if ($data{$what}->{symbols}) {
printf "Has the following ABI:\n\n";
foreach my $content(@{$data{$what}->{symbols}}) {
my $label = $data{$symbols{$content}->{xref}}->{label};
# Escape special chars from content
$content =~s/([\x00-\x1f\x21-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x7b-\xff])/\\$1/g;
print "- :ref:`$content <$label>`\n\n";
if (defined($data{$what}->{users})) {
my $users = $data{$what}->{users};
$users =~ s/\n/\n\t/g;
printf "Users:\n\t%s\n\n", $users if ($users ne "");
# Searches for ABI symbols
sub search_symbols {
foreach my $what (sort keys %data) {
next if (!($what =~ m/($arg)/));
my $type = $data{$what}->{type};
next if ($type eq "File");
my $file = $data{$what}->{filepath};
$what =~ s/\xac/, /g;
my $bar = $what;
$bar =~ s/./-/g;
print "\n$what\n$bar\n\n";
my $kernelversion = $data{$what}->{kernelversion} if (defined($data{$what}->{kernelversion}));
my $contact = $data{$what}->{contact} if (defined($data{$what}->{contact}));
my $users = $data{$what}->{users} if (defined($data{$what}->{users}));
my $date = $data{$what}->{date} if (defined($data{$what}->{date}));
my $desc = $data{$what}->{description} if (defined($data{$what}->{description}));
$kernelversion =~ s/^\s+// if ($kernelversion);
$contact =~ s/^\s+// if ($contact);
if ($users) {
$users =~ s/^\s+//;
$users =~ s/\n//g;
$date =~ s/^\s+// if ($date);
$desc =~ s/^\s+// if ($desc);
printf "Kernel version:\t\t%s\n", $kernelversion if ($kernelversion);
printf "Date:\t\t\t%s\n", $date if ($date);
printf "Contact:\t\t%s\n", $contact if ($contact);
printf "Users:\t\t\t%s\n", $users if ($users);
print "Defined on file(s):\t$file\n\n";
print "Description:\n\n$desc";
# Exclude /sys/kernel/debug and /sys/kernel/tracing from the search path
sub dont_parse_special_attributes {
if (($File::Find::dir =~ m,^/sys/kernel,)) {
return grep {!/(debug|tracing)/ } @_;
if (($File::Find::dir =~ m,^/sys/fs,)) {
return grep {!/(pstore|bpf|fuse)/ } @_;
return @_
my %leaf;
my %aliases;
my @files;
my %root;
sub graph_add_file {
my $file = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $dir = $file;
$dir =~ s,^(.*/).*,$1,;
$file =~ s,.*/,,;
my $name;
my $file_ref = \%root;
foreach my $edge(split "/", $dir) {
$name .= "$edge/";
if (!defined ${$file_ref}{$edge}) {
${$file_ref}{$edge} = { };
$file_ref = \%{$$file_ref{$edge}};
${$file_ref}{"__name"} = [ $name ];
$name .= "$file";
${$file_ref}{$file} = {
"__name" => [ $name ]
return \%{$$file_ref{$file}};
sub graph_add_link {
my $file = shift;
my $link = shift;
# Traverse graph to find the reference
my $file_ref = \%root;
foreach my $edge(split "/", $file) {
$file_ref = \%{$$file_ref{$edge}} || die "Missing node!";
# do a BFS
my @queue;
my %seen;
my $st;
push @queue, $file_ref;
while (@queue) {
my $v = shift @queue;
my @child = keys(%{$v});
foreach my $c(@child) {
next if $seen{$$v{$c}};
next if ($c eq "__name");
if (!defined($$v{$c}{"__name"})) {
printf STDERR "Error: Couldn't find a non-empty name on a children of $file/.*: ";
print STDERR Dumper(%{$v});
# Add new name
my $name = @{$$v{$c}{"__name"}}[0];
if ($name =~ s#^$file/#$link/#) {
push @{$$v{$c}{"__name"}}, $name;
# Add child to the queue and mark as seen
push @queue, $$v{$c};
my $escape_symbols = qr { ([\x01-\x08\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x29\x2b-\x2d\x3a-\x40\x7b-\xfe]) }x;
sub parse_existing_sysfs {
my $file = $File::Find::name;
my $mode = (lstat($file))[2];
my $abs_file = abs_path($file);
my @tmp;
push @tmp, $file;
push @tmp, $abs_file if ($abs_file ne $file);
foreach my $f(@tmp) {
# Ignore cgroup, as this is big and has zero docs under ABI
return if ($f =~ m#^/sys/fs/cgroup/#);
# Ignore firmware as it is documented elsewhere
# Either ACPI or under Documentation/devicetree/bindings/
return if ($f =~ m#^/sys/firmware/#);
# Ignore some sysfs nodes that aren't actually part of ABI
return if ($f =~ m#/sections|notes/#);
# Would need to check at
# Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt, but this
# is not easily parseable.
return if ($f =~ m#/parameters/#);
if (S_ISLNK($mode)) {
$aliases{$file} = $abs_file;
return if (S_ISDIR($mode));
# Trivial: file is defined exactly the same way at ABI What:
return if (defined($data{$file}));
return if (defined($data{$abs_file}));
push @files, graph_add_file($abs_file, "file");
sub get_leave($)
my $what = shift;
my $leave;
my $l = $what;
my $stop = 1;
$leave = $l;
$leave =~ s,/$,,;
$leave =~ s,.*/,,;
$leave =~ s/[\(\)]//g;
# $leave is used to improve search performance at
# check_undefined_symbols, as the algorithm there can seek
# for a small number of "what". It also allows giving a
# hint about a leave with the same name somewhere else.
# However, there are a few occurences where the leave is
# either a wildcard or a number. Just group such cases
# altogether.
if ($leave =~ m/\.\*/ || $leave eq "" || $leave =~ /\\d/) {
$leave = "others";
return $leave;
my @not_found;
sub check_file($$)
my $file_ref = shift;
my $names_ref = shift;
my @names = @{$names_ref};
my $file = $names[0];
my $found_string;
my $leave = get_leave($file);
if (!defined($leaf{$leave})) {
$leave = "others";
my @expr = @{$leaf{$leave}->{expr}};
die ("\rmissing rules for $leave") if (!defined($leaf{$leave}));
my $path = $file;
$path =~ s,(.*/).*,$1,;
if ($search_string) {
return if (!($file =~ m#$search_string#));
$found_string = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @names; $i++) {
if ($found_string && $hint) {
if (!$i) {
print STDERR "--> $names[$i]\n";
} else {
print STDERR " $names[$i]\n";
foreach my $re (@expr) {
print STDERR "$names[$i] =~ /^$re\$/\n" if ($debug && $dbg_undefined);
if ($names[$i] =~ $re) {
if ($leave ne "others") {
my @expr = @{$leaf{"others"}->{expr}};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @names; $i++) {
foreach my $re (@expr) {
print STDERR "$names[$i] =~ /^$re\$/\n" if ($debug && $dbg_undefined);
if ($names[$i] =~ $re) {
push @not_found, $file if (!$search_string || $found_string);
if ($hint && (!$search_string || $found_string)) {
my $what = $leaf{$leave}->{what};
$what =~ s/\xac/\n\t/g;
if ($leave ne "others") {
print STDERR "\r more likely regexes:\n\t$what\n";
} else {
print STDERR "\r tested regexes:\n\t$what\n";
sub check_undefined_symbols {
my $num_files = scalar @files;
my $next_i = 0;
my $start_time = times;
@files = sort @files;
my $last_time = $start_time;
# When either debug or hint is enabled, there's no sense showing
# progress, as the progress will be overriden.
if ($hint || ($debug && $dbg_undefined)) {
$next_i = $num_files;
my $is_console;
$is_console = 1 if (-t STDERR);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_files; $i++) {
my $file_ref = $files[$i];
my @names = @{$$file_ref{"__name"}};
check_file($file_ref, \@names);
my $cur_time = times;
if ($i == $next_i || $cur_time > $last_time + 1) {
my $percent = $i * 100 / $num_files;
my $tm = $cur_time - $start_time;
my $time = sprintf "%d:%02d", int($tm), 60 * ($tm - int($tm));
printf STDERR "\33[2K\r", if ($is_console);
printf STDERR "%s: processing sysfs files... %i%%: $names[0]", $time, $percent;
printf STDERR "\n", if (!$is_console);
$next_i = int (($percent + 1) * $num_files / 100);
$last_time = $cur_time;
my $cur_time = times;
my $tm = $cur_time - $start_time;
my $time = sprintf "%d:%02d", int($tm), 60 * ($tm - int($tm));
printf STDERR "\33[2K\r", if ($is_console);
printf STDERR "%s: processing sysfs files... done\n", $time;
foreach my $file (@not_found) {
print "$file not found.\n";
sub undefined_symbols {
print STDERR "Reading $sysfs_prefix directory contents...";
wanted =>\&parse_existing_sysfs,
preprocess =>\&dont_parse_special_attributes,
no_chdir => 1
}, $sysfs_prefix);
print STDERR "done.\n";
$leaf{"others"}->{what} = "";
print STDERR "Converting ABI What fields into regexes...";
foreach my $w (sort keys %data) {
foreach my $what (split /\xac/,$w) {
next if (!($what =~ m/^$sysfs_prefix/));
# Convert what into regular expressions
# Escape dot characters
$what =~ s/\./\xf6/g;
# Temporarily change [0-9]+ type of patterns
$what =~ s/\[0\-9\]\+/\xff/g;
# Temporarily change [\d+-\d+] type of patterns
$what =~ s/\[0\-\d+\]/\xff/g;
$what =~ s/\[(\d+)\]/\xf4$1\xf5/g;
# Temporarily change [0-9] type of patterns
$what =~ s/\[(\d)\-(\d)\]/\xf4$1-$2\xf5/g;
# Handle multiple option patterns
$what =~ s/[\{\<\[]([\w_]+)(?:[,|]+([\w_]+)){1,}[\}\>\]]/($1|$2)/g;
# Handle wildcards
$what =~ s,\*,.*,g;
$what =~ s,/\xf6..,/.*,g;
$what =~ s/\<[^\>]+\>/.*/g;
$what =~ s/\{[^\}]+\}/.*/g;
$what =~ s/\[[^\]]+\]/.*/g;
$what =~ s/[XYZ]/.*/g;
# Recover [0-9] type of patterns
$what =~ s/\xf4/[/g;
$what =~ s/\xf5/]/g;
# Remove duplicated spaces
$what =~ s/\s+/ /g;
# Special case: this ABI has a parenthesis on it
$what =~ s/sqrt\(x^2\+y^2\+z^2\)/sqrt\(x^2\+y^2\+z^2\)/;
# Special case: drop comparition as in:
# What: foo = <something>
# (this happens on a few IIO definitions)
$what =~ s,\s*\=.*$,,;
# Escape all other symbols
$what =~ s/$escape_symbols/\\$1/g;
$what =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$what =~ s/\\([\[\]\(\)\|])/$1/g;
$what =~ s/(\d+)\\(-\d+)/$1$2/g;
$what =~ s/\xff/\\d+/g;
# Special case: IIO ABI which a parenthesis.
$what =~ s/sqrt(.*)/sqrt\(.*\)/;
# Simplify regexes with multiple .*
$what =~ s#(?:\.\*){2,}##g;
# $what =~ s#\.\*/\.\*#.*#g;
# Recover dot characters
$what =~ s/\xf6/\./g;
my $leave = get_leave($what);
my $added = 0;
foreach my $l (split /\|/, $leave) {
if (defined($leaf{$l})) {
next if ($leaf{$l}->{what} =~ m/\b$what\b/);
$leaf{$l}->{what} .= "\xac" . $what;
$added = 1;
} else {
$leaf{$l}->{what} = $what;
$added = 1;
if ($search_string && $added) {
print STDERR "What: $what\n" if ($what =~ m#$search_string#);
# Compile regexes
foreach my $l (sort keys %leaf) {
my @expr;
foreach my $w(sort split /\xac/, $leaf{$l}->{what}) {
push @expr, qr /^$w$/;
$leaf{$l}->{expr} = \@expr;
# Take links into account
foreach my $link (sort keys %aliases) {
my $abs_file = $aliases{$link};
graph_add_link($abs_file, $link);
print STDERR "done.\n";
# Ensure that the prefix will always end with a slash
# While this is not needed for find, it makes the patch nicer
# with --enable-lineno
$prefix =~ s,/?$,/,;
if ($cmd eq "undefined" || $cmd eq "search") {
$show_warnings = 0;
# Parses all ABI files located at $prefix dir
find({wanted =>\&parse_abi, no_chdir => 1}, $prefix);
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\%data], [qw(*data)]) if ($debug & $dbg_dump_abi_structs);
# Handles the command
if ($cmd eq "undefined") {
} elsif ($cmd eq "search") {
} else {
if ($cmd eq "rest") {
# Warn about duplicated ABI entries
foreach my $what(sort keys %symbols) {
my @files = @{$symbols{$what}->{file}};
next if (scalar(@files) == 1);
printf STDERR "Warning: $what is defined %d times: @files\n",
=head1 NAME - parse the Linux ABI files and produce a ReST book.
B<> [--debug <level>] [--enable-lineno] [--man] [--help]
[--(no-)rst-source] [--dir=<dir>] [--show-hints]
[--search-string <regex>]
Where B<COMMAND> can be:
=over 8
B<search> I<SEARCH_REGEX> - search for I<SEARCH_REGEX> inside ABI
B<rest> - output the ABI in ReST markup language
B<validate> - validate the ABI contents
B<undefined> - existing symbols at the system that aren't
defined at Documentation/ABI
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--dir>
Changes the location of the ABI search. By default, it uses
the Documentation/ABI directory.
=item B<--rst-source> and B<--no-rst-source>
The input file may be using ReST syntax or not. Those two options allow
selecting between a rst-compliant source ABI (B<--rst-source>), or a
plain text that may be violating ReST spec, so it requres some escaping
logic (B<--no-rst-source>).
=item B<--enable-lineno>
Enable output of .. LINENO lines.
=item B<--debug> I<debug level>
Print debug information according with the level, which is given by the
following bitmask:
- 1: Debug parsing What entries from ABI files;
- 2: Shows what files are opened from ABI files;
- 4: Dump the structs used to store the contents of the ABI files.
=item B<--show-hints>
Show hints about possible definitions for the missing ABI symbols.
Used only when B<undefined>.
=item B<--search-string> I<regex string>
Show only occurences that match a search string.
Used only when B<undefined>.
=item B<--help>
Prints a brief help message and exits.
=item B<--man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
Parse the Linux ABI files from ABI DIR (usually located at Documentation/ABI),
allowing to search for ABI symbols or to produce a ReST book containing
the Linux ABI documentation.
Search for all stable symbols with the word "usb":
=over 8
$ scripts/ search usb --dir Documentation/ABI/stable
Search for all symbols that match the regex expression "usb.*cap":
=over 8
$ scripts/ search usb.*cap
Output all obsoleted symbols in ReST format
=over 8
$ scripts/ rest --dir Documentation/ABI/obsolete
=head1 BUGS
Report bugs to Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>
Copyright (c) 2016-2021 by Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>.
License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.