1995-05-30 03:37:36 +00:00

1388 lines
40 KiB

* monster.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan.
* This file contains the following functions:
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* createmonster(monstno) Function to create a monster next to the player
* int monstno;
* int cgood(x,y,itm,monst) Function to check location for emptiness
* int x,y,itm,monst;
* createitem(it,arg) Routine to place an item next to the player
* int it,arg;
* cast() Subroutine called by parse to cast a spell for the user
* speldamage(x) Function to perform spell functions cast by the player
* int x;
* loseint() Routine to decrement your int (intelligence) if > 3
* isconfuse() Routine to check to see if player is confused
* nospell(x,monst) Routine to return 1 if a spell doesn't affect a monster
* int x,monst;
* fullhit(xx) Function to return full damage against a monst (aka web)
* int xx;
* direct(spnum,dam,str,arg) Routine to direct spell damage 1 square in 1 dir
* int spnum,dam,arg;
* char *str;
* godirect(spnum,dam,str,delay,cshow) Function to perform missile attacks
* int spnum,dam,delay;
* char *str,cshow;
* ifblind(x,y) Routine to put "monster" or the monster name into lastmosnt
* int x,y;
* tdirect(spnum) Routine to teleport away a monster
* int spnum;
* omnidirect(sp,dam,str) Routine to damage all monsters 1 square from player
* int sp,dam;
* char *str;
* dirsub(x,y) Routine to ask for direction, then modify x,y for it
* int *x,*y;
* vxy(x,y) Routine to verify/fix (*x,*y) for being within bounds
* int *x,*y;
* dirpoly(spnum) Routine to ask for a direction and polymorph a monst
* int spnum;
* hitmonster(x,y) Function to hit a monster at the designated coordinates
* int x,y;
* hitm(x,y,amt) Function to just hit a monster at a given coordinates
* int x,y,amt;
* hitplayer(x,y) Function for the monster to hit the player from (x,y)
* int x,y;
* dropsomething(monst) Function to create an object when a monster dies
* int monst;
* dropgold(amount) Function to drop some gold around player
* int amount;
* something(level) Function to create a random item around player
* int level;
* newobject(lev,i) Routine to return a randomly selected new object
* int lev,*i;
* spattack(atckno,xx,yy) Function to process special attacks from monsters
* int atckno,xx,yy;
* checkloss(x) Routine to subtract hp from user and flag bottomline display
* int x;
* annihilate() Routine to annihilate monsters around player, playerx,playery
* newsphere(x,y,dir,lifetime) Function to create a new sphere of annihilation
* int x,y,dir,lifetime;
* rmsphere(x,y) Function to delete a sphere of annihilation from list
* int x,y;
* sphboom(x,y) Function to perform the effects of a sphere detonation
* int x,y;
* genmonst() Function to ask for monster and genocide from game
#include "header.h"
struct isave /* used for altar reality */
char type; /* 0=item, 1=monster */
char id; /* item number or monster number */
short arg; /* the type of item or hitpoints of monster */
* createmonster(monstno) Function to create a monster next to the player
* int monstno;
* Enter with the monster number (1 to MAXMONST+8)
* Returns no value.
int mon;
register int x,y,k,i;
if (mon<1 || mon>MAXMONST+8) /* check for monster number out of bounds */
beep(); lprintf("\ncan't createmonst(%d)\n",(long)mon); nap(3000); return;
while (monster[mon].genocided && mon<MAXMONST) mon++; /* genocided? */
for (k=rnd(8), i= -8; i<0; i++,k++) /* choose direction, then try all */
if (k>8) k=1; /* wraparound the diroff arrays */
x = playerx + diroffx[k]; y = playery + diroffy[k];
if (cgood(x,y,0,1)) /* if we can create here */
mitem[x][y] = mon;
hitp[x][y] = monster[mon].hitpoints;
case ROTHE: case POLTERGEIST: case VAMPIRE: stealth[x][y]=1;
* int cgood(x,y,itm,monst) Function to check location for emptiness
* int x,y,itm,monst;
* Routine to return TRUE if a location does not have itm or monst there
* returns FALSE (0) otherwise
* Enter with itm or monst TRUE or FALSE if checking it
* Example: if itm==TRUE check for no item at this location
* if monst==TRUE check for no monster at this location
* This routine will return FALSE if at a wall or the dungeon exit on level 1
int cgood(x,y,itm,monst)
register int x,y;
int itm,monst;
if ((y>=0) && (y<=MAXY-1) && (x>=0) && (x<=MAXX-1)) /* within bounds? */
if (item[x][y]!=OWALL) /* can't make anything on walls */
if (itm==0 || (item[x][y]==0)) /* is it free of items? */
if (monst==0 || (mitem[x][y]==0)) /* is it free of monsters? */
if ((level!=1) || (x!=33) || (y!=MAXY-1)) /* not exit to level 1 */
* createitem(it,arg) Routine to place an item next to the player
* int it,arg;
* Enter with the item number and its argument (iven[], ivenarg[])
* Returns no value, thus we don't know about createitem() failures.
int it,arg;
register int x,y,k,i;
if (it >= MAXOBJ) return; /* no such object */
for (k=rnd(8), i= -8; i<0; i++,k++) /* choose direction, then try all */
if (k>8) k=1; /* wraparound the diroff arrays */
x = playerx + diroffx[k]; y = playery + diroffy[k];
if (cgood(x,y,1,0)) /* if we can create here */
item[x][y] = it; know[x][y]=0; iarg[x][y]=arg; return;
* cast() Subroutine called by parse to cast a spell for the user
* No arguments and no return value.
static char eys[] = "\nEnter your spell: ";
register int i,j,a,b,d;
if (c[SPELLS]<=0) { lprcat("\nYou don't have any spells!"); return; }
lprcat(eys); --c[SPELLS];
while ((a=getchar())=='D')
{ seemagic(-1); cursors(); lprcat(eys); }
if (a=='\33') goto over; /* to escape casting a spell */
if ((b=getchar())=='\33') goto over; /* to escape casting a spell */
if ((d=getchar())=='\33')
{ over: lprcat(aborted); c[SPELLS]++; return; } /* to escape casting a spell */
#ifdef EXTRA
for (lprc('\n'),j= -1,i=0; i<SPNUM; i++) /*seq search for his spell, hash?*/
if ((spelcode[i][0]==a) && (spelcode[i][1]==b) && (spelcode[i][2]==d))
if (spelknow[i])
{ speldamage(i); j = 1; i=SPNUM; }
if (j == -1) lprcat(" Nothing Happened ");
static int dirsub();
* speldamage(x) Function to perform spell functions cast by the player
* int x;
* Enter with the spell number, returns no value.
* Please insure that there are 2 spaces before all messages here
int x;
register int i,j,clev;
int xl,xh,yl,yh;
register char *p,*kn,*pm;
if (x>=SPNUM) return; /* no such spell */
if (c[TIMESTOP]) { lprcat(" It didn't seem to work"); return; } /* not if time stopped */
clev = c[LEVEL];
if ((rnd(23)==7) || (rnd(18) > c[INTELLIGENCE]))
{ lprcat(" It didn't work!"); return; }
if (clev*3+2 < x) { lprcat(" Nothing happens. You seem inexperienced at this"); return; }
/* ----- LEVEL 1 SPELLS ----- */
case 0: if (c[PROTECTIONTIME]==0) c[MOREDEFENSES]+=2; /* protection field +2 */
c[PROTECTIONTIME] += 250; return;
case 1: i = rnd(((clev+1)<<1)) + clev + 3;
godirect(x,i,(clev>=2)?" Your missiles hit the %s":" Your missile hit the %s",100,'+'); /* magic missile */
case 2: if (c[DEXCOUNT]==0) c[DEXTERITY]+=3; /* dexterity */
c[DEXCOUNT] += 400; return;
case 3: i=rnd(3)+1;
p=" While the %s slept, you smashed it %d times";
ws: direct(x,fullhit(i),p,i); /* sleep */ return;
case 4: /* charm monster */ c[CHARMCOUNT] += c[CHARISMA]<<1; return;
case 5: godirect(x,rnd(10)+15+clev," The sound damages the %s",70,'@'); /* sonic spear */
/* ----- LEVEL 2 SPELLS ----- */
case 6: i=rnd(3)+2; p=" While the %s is entangled, you hit %d times";
goto ws; /* web */
case 7: if (c[STRCOUNT]==0) c[STREXTRA]+=3; /* strength */
c[STRCOUNT] += 150+rnd(100); return;
case 8: yl = playery-5; /* enlightenment */
yh = playery+6; xl = playerx-15; xh = playerx+16;
vxy(&xl,&yl); vxy(&xh,&yh); /* check bounds */
for (i=yl; i<=yh; i++) /* enlightenment */
for (j=xl; j<=xh; j++) know[j][i]=1;
draws(xl,xh+1,yl,yh+1); return;
case 9: raisehp(20+(clev<<1)); return; /* healing */
case 10: c[BLINDCOUNT]=0; return; /* cure blindness */
case 11: createmonster(makemonst(level+1)+8); return;
case 12: if (rnd(11)+7 <= c[WISDOM]) direct(x,rnd(20)+20+clev," The %s believed!",0);
else lprcat(" It didn't believe the illusions!");
case 13: /* if he has the amulet of invisibility then add more time */
for (j=i=0; i<26; i++)
if (iven[i]==OAMULET) j+= 1+ivenarg[i];
c[INVISIBILITY] += (j<<7)+12; return;
/* ----- LEVEL 3 SPELLS ----- */
case 14: godirect(x,rnd(25+clev)+25+clev," The fireball hits the %s",40,'*'); return; /* fireball */
case 15: godirect(x,rnd(25)+20+clev," Your cone of cold strikes the %s",60,'O'); /* cold */
case 16: dirpoly(x); return; /* polymorph */
case 17: c[CANCELLATION]+= 5+clev; return; /* cancellation */
case 18: c[HASTESELF]+= 7+clev; return; /* haste self */
case 19: omnidirect(x,30+rnd(10)," The %s gasps for air"); /* cloud kill */
case 20: xh = min(playerx+1,MAXX-2); yh = min(playery+1,MAXY-2);
for (i=max(playerx-1,1); i<=xh; i++) /* vaporize rock */
for (j=max(playery-1,1); j<=yh; j++)
kn = &know[i][j]; pm = &mitem[i][j];
switch(*(p= &item[i][j]))
case OWALL: if (level < MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1)
*p = *kn = 0;
case OSTATUE: if (c[HARDGAME]<3)
*p=OBOOK; iarg[i][j]=level; *kn=0;
case OTHRONE: *pm=GNOMEKING; *kn=0; *p= OTHRONE2;
hitp[i][j]=monster[GNOMEKING].hitpoints; break;
case OALTAR: *pm=DEMONPRINCE; *kn=0;
hitp[i][j]=monster[DEMONPRINCE].hitpoints; break;
case XORN: ifblind(i,j); hitm(i,j,200); break; /* Xorn takes damage from vpr */
/* ----- LEVEL 4 SPELLS ----- */
case 21: direct(x,100+clev," The %s shrivels up",0); /* dehydration */
case 22: godirect(x,rnd(25)+20+(clev<<1)," A lightning bolt hits the %s",1,'~'); /* lightning */
case 23: i=min(c[HP]-1,c[HPMAX]/2); /* drain life */
direct(x,i+i,"",0); c[HP] -= i; return;
case 24: if (c[GLOBE]==0) c[MOREDEFENSES] += 10;
c[GLOBE] += 200; loseint(); /* globe of invulnerability */
case 25: omnidirect(x,32+clev," The %s struggles for air in your flood!"); /* flood */
case 26: if (rnd(151)==63) { beep(); lprcat("\nYour heart stopped!\n"); nap(4000); died(270); return; }
if (c[WISDOM]>rnd(10)+10) direct(x,2000," The %s's heart stopped",0); /* finger of death */
else lprcat(" It didn't work"); return;
/* ----- LEVEL 5 SPELLS ----- */
case 27: c[SCAREMONST] += rnd(10)+clev; return; /* scare monster */
case 28: c[HOLDMONST] += rnd(10)+clev; return; /* hold monster */
case 29: c[TIMESTOP] += rnd(20)+(clev<<1); return; /* time stop */
case 30: tdirect(x); return; /* teleport away */
case 31: omnidirect(x,35+rnd(10)+clev," The %s cringes from the flame"); /* magic fire */
/* ----- LEVEL 6 SPELLS ----- */
case 32: if ((rnd(23)==5) && (wizard==0)) /* sphere of annihilation */
beep(); lprcat("\nYou have been enveloped by the zone of nothingness!\n");
nap(4000); died(258); return;
xl=playerx; yl=playery;
i=dirsub(&xl,&yl); /* get direction of sphere */
newsphere(xl,yl,i,rnd(20)+11); /* make a sphere */
case 33: genmonst(); spelknow[33]=0; /* genocide */
case 34: /* summon demon */
if (rnd(100) > 30) { direct(x,150," The demon strikes at the %s",0); return; }
if (rnd(100) > 15) { lprcat(" Nothing seems to have happened"); return; }
lprcat(" The demon turned on you and vanished!"); beep();
i=rnd(40)+30; lastnum=277;
losehp(i); /* must say killed by a demon */ return;
case 35: /* walk through walls */
c[WTW] += rnd(10)+5; return;
case 36: /* alter reality */
struct isave *save; /* pointer to item save structure */
int sc; sc=0; /* # items saved */
save = (struct isave *)malloc(sizeof(struct isave)*MAXX*MAXY*2);
for (j=0; j<MAXY; j++)
for (i=0; i<MAXX; i++) /* save all items and monsters */
xl = item[i][j];
if (xl && xl!=OWALL && xl!=OANNIHILATION)
save[sc].type=0; save[sc].id=item[i][j];
if (mitem[i][j])
save[sc].type=1; save[sc].id=mitem[i][j];
item[i][j]=OWALL; mitem[i][j]=0;
if (wizard) know[i][j]=1; else know[i][j]=0;
eat(1,1); if (level==1) item[33][MAXY-1]=0;
for (j=rnd(MAXY-2), i=1; i<MAXX-1; i++) item[i][j]=0;
while (sc>0) /* put objects back in level */
if (save[sc].type == 0)
int trys;
for (trys=100, i=j=1; --trys>0 && item[i][j]; i=rnd(MAXX-1), j=rnd(MAXY-1));
if (trys) { item[i][j]=save[sc].id; iarg[i][j]=save[sc].arg; }
{ /* put monsters back in */
int trys;
for (trys=100, i=j=1; --trys>0 && (item[i][j]==OWALL || mitem[i][j]); i=rnd(MAXX-1), j=rnd(MAXY-1));
if (trys) { mitem[i][j]=save[sc].id; hitp[i][j]=save[sc].arg; }
draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); if (wizard==0) spelknow[36]=0;
free((char*)save); positionplayer(); return;
case 37: /* permanence */ adjtime(-99999L); spelknow[37]=0; /* forget */
default: lprintf(" spell %d not available!",(long)x); beep(); return;
* loseint() Routine to subtract 1 from your int (intelligence) if > 3
* No arguments and no return value
* isconfuse() Routine to check to see if player is confused
* This routine prints out a message saying "You can't aim your magic!"
* returns 0 if not confused, non-zero (time remaining confused) if confused
if (c[CONFUSE]) { lprcat(" You can't aim your magic!"); beep(); }
* nospell(x,monst) Routine to return 1 if a spell doesn't affect a monster
* int x,monst;
* Subroutine to return 1 if the spell can't affect the monster
* otherwise returns 0
* Enter with the spell number in x, and the monster number in monst.
int x,monst;
register int tmp;
if (x>=SPNUM || monst>=MAXMONST+8 || monst<0 || x<0) return(0); /* bad spell or monst */
if ((tmp=spelweird[monst-1][x])==0) return(0);
cursors(); lprc('\n'); lprintf(spelmes[tmp],monster[monst].name); return(1);
* fullhit(xx) Function to return full damage against a monster (aka web)
* int xx;
* Function to return hp damage to monster due to a number of full hits
* Enter with the number of full hits being done
int xx;
register int i;
if (xx<0 || xx>20) return(0); /* fullhits are out of range */
if (c[LANCEDEATH]) return(10000); /* lance of death */
i = xx * ((c[WCLASS]>>1)+c[STRENGTH]+c[STREXTRA]-c[HARDGAME]-12+c[MOREDAM]);
return( (i>=1) ? i : xx );
* direct(spnum,dam,str,arg) Routine to direct spell damage 1 square in 1 dir
* int spnum,dam,arg;
* char *str;
* Routine to ask for a direction to a spell and then hit the monster
* Enter with the spell number in spnum, the damage to be done in dam,
* lprintf format string in str, and lprintf's argument in arg.
* Returns no value.
int spnum,dam,arg;
char *str;
int x,y;
register int m;
if (spnum<0 || spnum>=SPNUM || str==0) return; /* bad arguments */
if (isconfuse()) return;
m = mitem[x][y];
if (item[x][y]==OMIRROR)
if (spnum==3) /* sleep */
lprcat("You fall asleep! "); beep();
arg += 2;
while (arg-- > 0) { parse2(); nap(1000); }
else if (spnum==6) /* web */
lprcat("You get stuck in your own web! "); beep();
goto fool;
lprintf(str,"spell caster (thats you)",(long)arg);
beep(); losehp(dam); return;
if (m==0)
{ lprcat(" There wasn't anything there!"); return; }
if (nospell(spnum,m)) { lasthx=x; lasthy=y; return; }
lprintf(str,lastmonst,(long)arg); hitm(x,y,dam);
* godirect(spnum,dam,str,delay,cshow) Function to perform missile attacks
* int spnum,dam,delay;
* char *str,cshow;
* Function to hit in a direction from a missile weapon and have it keep
* on going in that direction until its power is exhausted
* Enter with the spell number in spnum, the power of the weapon in hp,
* lprintf format string in str, the # of milliseconds to delay between
* locations in delay, and the character to represent the weapon in cshow.
* Returns no value.
int spnum,dam,delay;
char *str,cshow;
register char *p;
register int x,y,m;
int dx,dy;
if (spnum<0 || spnum>=SPNUM || str==0 || delay<0) return; /* bad args */
if (isconfuse()) return;
dirsub(&dx,&dy); x=dx; y=dy;
dx = x-playerx; dy = y-playery; x = playerx; y = playery;
while (dam>0)
x += dx; y += dy;
if ((x > MAXX-1) || (y > MAXY-1) || (x < 0) || (y < 0))
dam=0; break; /* out of bounds */
if ((x==playerx) && (y==playery)) /* if energy hits player */
cursors(); lprcat("\nYou are hit my your own magic!"); beep();
lastnum=278; losehp(dam); return;
if (c[BLINDCOUNT]==0) /* if not blind show effect */
cursor(x+1,y+1); lprc(cshow); nap(delay); show1cell(x,y);
if ((m=mitem[x][y])) /* is there a monster there? */
if (nospell(spnum,m)) { lasthx=x; lasthy=y; return; }
cursors(); lprc('\n');
lprintf(str,lastmonst); dam -= hitm(x,y,dam);
show1cell(x,y); nap(1000); x -= dx; y -= dy;
else switch (*(p= &item[x][y]))
case OWALL: cursors(); lprc('\n'); lprintf(str,"wall");
if (dam>=50+c[HARDGAME]) /* enough damage? */
if (level<MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1) /* not on V3 */
if ((x<MAXX-1) && (y<MAXY-1) && (x) && (y))
lprcat(" The wall crumbles");
god3: *p=0;
god: know[x][y]=0;
god2: dam = 0; break;
case OCLOSEDDOOR: cursors(); lprc('\n'); lprintf(str,"door");
if (dam>=40)
lprcat(" The door is blasted apart");
goto god3;
goto god2;
case OSTATUE: cursors(); lprc('\n'); lprintf(str,"statue");
if (c[HARDGAME]<3)
if (dam>44)
lprcat(" The statue crumbles");
*p=OBOOK; iarg[x][y]=level;
goto god;
goto god2;
case OTHRONE: cursors(); lprc('\n'); lprintf(str,"throne");
if (dam>39)
mitem[x][y]=GNOMEKING; hitp[x][y]=monster[GNOMEKING].hitpoints;
*p = OTHRONE2;
goto god;
goto god2;
case OMIRROR: dx *= -1; dy *= -1; break;
dam -= 3 + (c[HARDGAME]>>1);
* ifblind(x,y) Routine to put "monster" or the monster name into lastmosnt
* int x,y;
* Subroutine to copy the word "monster" into lastmonst if the player is blind
* Enter with the coordinates (x,y) of the monster
* Returns no value.
int x,y;
char *p;
vxy(&x,&y); /* verify correct x,y coordinates */
if (c[BLINDCOUNT]) { lastnum=279; p="monster"; }
else { lastnum=mitem[x][y]; p=monster[lastnum].name; }
* tdirect(spnum) Routine to teleport away a monster
* int spnum;
* Routine to ask for a direction to a spell and then teleport away monster
* Enter with the spell number that wants to teleport away
* Returns no value.
int spnum;
int x,y;
register int m;
if (spnum<0 || spnum>=SPNUM) return; /* bad args */
if (isconfuse()) return;
if ((m=mitem[x][y])==0)
{ lprcat(" There wasn't anything there!"); return; }
if (nospell(spnum,m)) { lasthx=x; lasthy=y; return; }
fillmonst(m); mitem[x][y]=know[x][y]=0;
* omnidirect(sp,dam,str) Routine to damage all monsters 1 square from player
* int sp,dam;
* char *str;
* Routine to cast a spell and then hit the monster in all directions
* Enter with the spell number in sp, the damage done to wach square in dam,
* and the lprintf string to identify the spell in str.
* Returns no value.
int spnum,dam;
char *str;
register int x,y,m;
if (spnum<0 || spnum>=SPNUM || str==0) return; /* bad args */
for (x=playerx-1; x<playerx+2; x++)
for (y=playery-1; y<playery+2; y++)
if (m=mitem[x][y])
if (nospell(spnum,m) == 0)
cursors(); lprc('\n'); lprintf(str,lastmonst);
hitm(x,y,dam); nap(800);
else { lasthx=x; lasthy=y; }
* static dirsub(x,y) Routine to ask for direction, then modify x,y for it
* int *x,*y;
* Function to ask for a direction and modify an x,y for that direction
* Enter with the origination coordinates in (x,y).
* Returns index into diroffx[] (0-8).
static int
int *x,*y;
register int i;
lprcat("\nIn What Direction? ");
for (i=0; ; )
case 'b': i++;
case 'n': i++;
case 'y': i++;
case 'u': i++;
case 'h': i++;
case 'k': i++;
case 'l': i++;
case 'j': i++; goto out;
*x = playerx+diroffx[i]; *y = playery+diroffy[i];
vxy(x,y); return(i);
* vxy(x,y) Routine to verify/fix coordinates for being within bounds
* int *x,*y;
* Function to verify x & y are within the bounds for a level
* If *x or *y is not within the absolute bounds for a level, fix them so that
* they are on the level.
* Returns TRUE if it was out of bounds, and the *x & *y in the calling
* routine are affected.
int *x,*y;
int flag=0;
if (*x<0) { *x=0; flag++; }
if (*y<0) { *y=0; flag++; }
if (*x>=MAXX) { *x=MAXX-1; flag++; }
if (*y>=MAXY) { *y=MAXY-1; flag++; }
* dirpoly(spnum) Routine to ask for a direction and polymorph a monst
* int spnum;
* Subroutine to polymorph a monster and ask for the direction its in
* Enter with the spell number in spmun.
* Returns no value.
int spnum;
int x,y,m;
if (spnum<0 || spnum>=SPNUM) return; /* bad args */
if (isconfuse()) return; /* if he is confused, he can't aim his magic */
if (mitem[x][y]==0)
{ lprcat(" There wasn't anything there!"); return; }
if (nospell(spnum,mitem[x][y])) { lasthx=x; lasthy=y; return; }
while ( monster[m = mitem[x][y] = rnd(MAXMONST+7)].genocided );
hitp[x][y] = monster[m].hitpoints;
show1cell(x,y); /* show the new monster */
* hitmonster(x,y) Function to hit a monster at the designated coordinates
* int x,y;
* This routine is used for a bash & slash type attack on a monster
* Enter with the coordinates of the monster in (x,y).
* Returns no value.
int x,y;
register int tmp,monst,damag,flag;
if (c[TIMESTOP]) return; /* not if time stopped */
vxy(&x,&y); /* verify coordinates are within range */
if ((monst = mitem[x][y]) == 0) return;
hit3flag=1; ifblind(x,y);
tmp = monster[monst].armorclass + c[LEVEL] + c[DEXTERITY] + c[WCLASS]/4 - 12;
if ((rnd(20) < tmp-c[HARDGAME]) || (rnd(71) < 5)) /* need at least random chance to hit */
lprcat("\nYou hit"); flag=1;
damag = fullhit(1);
if (damag<9999) damag=rnd(damag)+1;
lprcat("\nYou missed"); flag=0;
lprcat(" the "); lprcat(lastmonst);
if (flag) /* if the monster was hit */
if ((monst==RUSTMONSTER) || (monst==DISENCHANTRESS) || (monst==CUBE))
if (c[WIELD]>0)
if (ivenarg[c[WIELD]] > -10)
lprintf("\nYour weapon is dulled by the %s",lastmonst); beep();
if (flag) hitm(x,y,damag);
if (monst == VAMPIRE) if (hitp[x][y]<25) { mitem[x][y]=BAT; know[x][y]=0; }
* hitm(x,y,amt) Function to just hit a monster at a given coordinates
* int x,y,amt;
* Returns the number of hitpoints the monster absorbed
* This routine is used to specifically damage a monster at a location (x,y)
* Called by hitmonster(x,y)
int x,y;
register amt;
register int monst;
int hpoints,amt2;
vxy(&x,&y); /* verify coordinates are within range */
amt2 = amt; /* save initial damage so we can return it */
monst = mitem[x][y];
if (c[HALFDAM]) amt >>= 1; /* if half damage curse adjust damage points */
if (amt<=0) amt2 = amt = 1;
lasthx=x; lasthy=y;
stealth[x][y]=1; /* make sure hitting monst breaks stealth condition */
c[HOLDMONST]=0; /* hit a monster breaks hold monster spell */
switch(monst) /* if a dragon and orb(s) of dragon slaying */
amt *= 1+(c[SLAYING]<<1); break;
/* invincible monster fix is here */
if (hitp[x][y] > monster[monst].hitpoints)
hitp[x][y] = monster[monst].hitpoints;
if ((hpoints = hitp[x][y]) <= amt)
#ifdef EXTRA
lprintf("\nThe %s died!",lastmonst);
amt = monster[monst].gold; if (amt>0) dropgold(rnd(amt)+amt);
dropsomething(monst); disappear(x,y); bottomline();
hitp[x][y] = hpoints-amt; return(amt2);
* hitplayer(x,y) Function for the monster to hit the player from (x,y)
* int x,y;
* Function for the monster to hit the player with monster at location x,y
* Returns nothing of value.
int x,y;
register int dam,tmp,mster,bias;
vxy(&x,&y); /* verify coordinates are within range */
lastnum = mster = mitem[x][y];
/* spirit naga's and poltergeist's do nothing if scarab of negate spirit */
if (c[NEGATESPIRIT] || c[SPIRITPRO]) if ((mster ==POLTERGEIST) || (mster ==SPIRITNAGA)) return;
/* if undead and cube of undead control */
if (c[CUBEofUNDEAD] || c[UNDEADPRO]) if ((mster ==VAMPIRE) || (mster ==WRAITH) || (mster ==ZOMBIE)) return;
if ((know[x][y]&1) == 0)
know[x][y]=1; show1cell(x,y);
bias = (c[HARDGAME]) + 1;
hitflag = hit2flag = hit3flag = 1;
cursors(); ifblind(x,y);
if (c[INVISIBILITY]) if (rnd(33)<20)
lprintf("\nThe %s misses wildly",lastmonst); return;
if (c[CHARMCOUNT]) if (rnd(30)+5*monster[mster].level-c[CHARISMA]<30)
lprintf("\nThe %s is awestruck at your magnificence!",lastmonst);
if (mster==BAT) dam=1;
dam = monster[mster].damage;
dam += rnd((int)((dam<1)?1:dam)) + monster[mster].level;
tmp = 0;
if (monster[mster].attack>0)
if (((dam + bias + 8) > c[AC]) || (rnd((int)((c[AC]>0)?c[AC]:1))==1))
{ if (spattack(monster[mster].attack,x,y)) { flushall(); return; }
tmp = 1; bias -= 2; cursors(); }
if (((dam + bias) > c[AC]) || (rnd((int)((c[AC]>0)?c[AC]:1))==1))
lprintf("\n The %s hit you ",lastmonst); tmp = 1;
if ((dam -= c[AC]) < 0) dam=0;
if (dam > 0) { losehp(dam); bottomhp(); flushall(); }
if (tmp == 0) lprintf("\n The %s missed ",lastmonst);
* dropsomething(monst) Function to create an object when a monster dies
* int monst;
* Function to create an object near the player when certain monsters are killed
* Enter with the monster number
* Returns nothing of value.
int monst;
case ORC: case NYMPH: case ELF: case TROGLODYTE:
something(level); return;
case LEPRECHAUN: if (rnd(101)>=75) creategem();
if (rnd(5)==1) dropsomething(LEPRECHAUN); return;
* dropgold(amount) Function to drop some gold around player
* int amount;
* Enter with the number of gold pieces to drop
* Returns nothing of value.
register int amount;
if (amount > 250) createitem(OMAXGOLD,amount/100); else createitem(OGOLDPILE,amount);
* something(level) Function to create a random item around player
* int level;
* Function to create an item from a designed probability around player
* Enter with the cave level on which something is to be dropped
* Returns nothing of value.
int level;
register int j;
int i;
if (level<0 || level>MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL) return; /* correct level? */
if (rnd(101)<8) something(level); /* possibly more than one item */
j = newobject(level,&i); createitem(j,i);
* newobject(lev,i) Routine to return a randomly selected new object
* int lev,*i;
* Routine to return a randomly selected object to be created
* Returns the object number created, and sets *i for its argument
* Enter with the cave level and a pointer to the items arg
static char nobjtab[] = { 0, OSCROLL, OSCROLL, OSCROLL, OSCROLL, OPOTION,
register int lev,*i;
register int tmp=32,j;
if (level<0 || level>MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL) return(0); /* correct level? */
if (lev>6) tmp=37; else if (lev>4) tmp=35;
j = nobjtab[tmp=rnd(tmp)]; /* the object type */
case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: *i=newscroll(); break;
case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: *i=newpotion(); break;
case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: *i=rnd((lev+1)*10)+lev*10+10; break;
case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: *i=lev; break;
case 17: case 18: case 19: if (!(*i=newdagger())) return(0); break;
case 20: case 21: case 22: if (!(*i=newleather())) return(0); break;
case 23: case 32: case 35: *i=rund(lev/3+1); break;
case 24: case 26: *i=rnd(lev/4+1); break;
case 25: *i=rund(lev/4+1); break;
case 27: *i=rnd(lev/2+1); break;
case 30: case 33: *i=rund(lev/2+1); break;
case 28: *i=rund(lev/3+1); if (*i==0) return(0); break;
case 29: case 31: *i=rund(lev/2+1); if (*i==0) return(0); break;
case 34: *i=newchain(); break;
case 36: *i=newplate(); break;
case 37: *i=newsword(); break;
* spattack(atckno,xx,yy) Function to process special attacks from monsters
* int atckno,xx,yy;
* Enter with the special attack number, and the coordinates (xx,yy)
* of the monster that is special attacking
* Returns 1 if must do a show1cell(xx,yy) upon return, 0 otherwise
* atckno monster effect
* ---------------------------------------------------
* 0 none
* 1 rust monster eat armor
* 2 hell hound breathe light fire
* 3 dragon breathe fire
* 4 giant centipede weakening sing
* 5 white dragon cold breath
* 6 wraith drain level
* 7 waterlord water gusher
* 8 leprechaun steal gold
* 9 disenchantress disenchant weapon or armor
* 10 ice lizard hits with barbed tail
* 11 umber hulk confusion
* 12 spirit naga cast spells taken from special attacks
* 13 platinum dragon psionics
* 14 nymph steal objects
* 15 bugbear bite
* 16 osequip bite
* char rustarm[ARMORTYPES][2];
* special array for maximum rust damage to armor from rustmonster
* format is: { armor type , minimum attribute
#define ARMORTYPES 6
static char rustarm[ARMORTYPES][2] = { OSTUDLEATHER,-2, ORING,-4, OCHAIN,-5,
static char spsel[] = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 };
int x,xx,yy;
register int i,j=0,k,m;
register char *p=0;
if (c[CANCELLATION]) return(0);
vxy(&xx,&yy); /* verify x & y coordinates */
case 1: /* rust your armor, j=1 when rusting has occurred */
m = k = c[WEAR];
if ((i=c[SHIELD]) != -1)
if (--ivenarg[i] < -1) ivenarg[i]= -1; else j=1;
if ((j==0) && (k != -1))
m = iven[k];
for (i=0; i<ARMORTYPES; i++)
if (m == rustarm[i][0]) /* find his armor in table */
if (--ivenarg[k]< rustarm[i][1])
ivenarg[k]= rustarm[i][1]; else j=1;
if (j==0) /* if rusting did not occur */
case OLEATHER: p = "\nThe %s hit you -- Your lucky you have leather on";
case OSSPLATE: p = "\nThe %s hit you -- Your fortunate to have stainless steel armor!";
else { beep(); p = "\nThe %s hit you -- your armor feels weaker"; }
case 2: i = rnd(15)+8-c[AC];
spout: p="\nThe %s breathes fire at you!";
p="\nThe %s's flame doesn't phase you!";
spout2: if (p) { lprintf(p,lastmonst); beep(); }
case 3: i = rnd(20)+25-c[AC]; goto spout;
case 4: if (c[STRENGTH]>3)
p="\nThe %s stung you! You feel weaker"; beep();
else p="\nThe %s stung you!";
case 5: p="\nThe %s blasts you with his cold breath";
i = rnd(15)+18-c[AC]; goto spout2;
case 6: lprintf("\nThe %s drains you of your life energy!",lastmonst);
loselevel(); beep(); return(0);
case 7: p="\nThe %s got you with a gusher!";
i = rnd(15)+25-c[AC]; goto spout2;
case 8: if (c[NOTHEFT]) return(0); /* he has a device of no theft */
if (c[GOLD])
p="\nThe %s hit you -- Your purse feels lighter";
if (c[GOLD]>32767) c[GOLD]>>=1;
else c[GOLD] -= rnd((int)(1+(c[GOLD]>>1)));
if (c[GOLD] < 0) c[GOLD]=0;
else p="\nThe %s couldn't find any gold to steal";
lprintf(p,lastmonst); disappear(xx,yy); beep();
bottomgold(); return(1);
case 9: for(j=50; ; ) /* disenchant */
i=rund(26); m=iven[i]; /* randomly select item */
if (m>0 && ivenarg[i]>0 && m!=OSCROLL && m!=OPOTION)
if ((ivenarg[i] -= 3)<0) ivenarg[i]=0;
lprintf("\nThe %s hits you -- you feel a sense of loss",lastmonst);
srcount=0; beep(); show3(i); bottomline(); return(0);
if (--j<=0)
p="\nThe %s nearly misses"; break;
case 10: p="\nThe %s hit you with his barbed tail";
i = rnd(25)-c[AC]; goto spout2;
case 11: p="\nThe %s has confused you"; beep();
c[CONFUSE]+= 10+rnd(10); break;
case 12: /* performs any number of other special attacks */
case 13: p="\nThe %s flattens you with his psionics!";
i = rnd(15)+30-c[AC]; goto spout2;
case 14: if (c[NOTHEFT]) return(0); /* he has device of no theft */
if (emptyhanded()==1)
p="\nThe %s couldn't find anything to steal";
lprintf("\nThe %s picks your pocket and takes:",lastmonst);
if (stealsomething()==0) lprcat(" nothing"); disappear(xx,yy);
bottomline(); return(1);
case 15: i= rnd(10)+ 5-c[AC];
spout3: p="\nThe %s bit you!";
goto spout2;
case 16: i= rnd(15)+10-c[AC]; goto spout3;
if (p) { lprintf(p,lastmonst); bottomline(); }
* checkloss(x) Routine to subtract hp from user and flag bottomline display
* int x;
* Routine to subtract hitpoints from the user and flag the bottomline display
* Enter with the number of hit points to lose
* Note: if x > c[HP] this routine could kill the player!
int x;
if (x>0) { losehp(x); bottomhp(); }
* annihilate() Routine to annihilate all monsters around player (playerx,playery)
* Gives player experience, but no dropped objects
* Returns the experience gained from all monsters killed
int i,j;
register long k;
register char *p;
for (k=0, i=playerx-1; i<=playerx+1; i++)
for (j=playery-1; j<=playery+1; j++)
if (!vxy(&i,&j)) /* if not out of bounds */
if (*(p= &mitem[i][j])) /* if a monster there */
if (*p<DEMONLORD+2)
k += monster[*p].experience; *p=know[i][j]=0;
lprintf("\nThe %s barely escapes being annihilated!",monster[*p].name);
hitp[i][j] = (hitp[i][j]>>1) + 1; /* lose half hit points*/
if (k>0)
lprcat("\nYou hear loud screams of agony!"); raiseexperience((long)k);
* newsphere(x,y,dir,lifetime) Function to create a new sphere of annihilation
* int x,y,dir,lifetime;
* Enter with the coordinates of the sphere in x,y
* the direction (0-8 diroffx format) in dir, and the lifespan of the
* sphere in lifetime (in turns)
* Returns the number of spheres currently in existence
int x,y,dir,life;
int m;
struct sphere *sp;
if (((sp=(struct sphere *)malloc(sizeof(struct sphere)))) == 0)
return(c[SPHCAST]); /* can't malloc, therefore failure */
if (dir>=9) dir=0; /* no movement if direction not found */
if (level==0) vxy(&x,&y); /* don't go out of bounds */
if (x<1) x=1; if (x>=MAXX-1) x=MAXX-2;
if (y<1) y=1; if (y>=MAXY-1) y=MAXY-2;
if ((m=mitem[x][y]) >= DEMONLORD+4) /* demons dispel spheres */
know[x][y]=1; show1cell(x,y); /* show the demon (ha ha) */
cursors(); lprintf("\nThe %s dispels the sphere!",monster[m].name);
beep(); rmsphere(x,y); /* remove any spheres that are here */
if (m==DISENCHANTRESS) /* disenchantress cancels spheres */
cursors(); lprintf("\nThe %s causes cancellation of the sphere!",monster[m].name); beep();
boom: sphboom(x,y); /* blow up stuff around sphere */
rmsphere(x,y); /* remove any spheres that are here */
if (c[CANCELLATION]) /* cancellation cancels spheres */
cursors(); lprcat("\nAs the cancellation takes effect, you hear a great earth shaking blast!"); beep();
goto boom;
if (item[x][y]==OANNIHILATION) /* collision of spheres detonates spheres */
cursors(); lprcat("\nTwo spheres of annihilation collide! You hear a great earth shaking blast!"); beep();
goto boom;
if (playerx==x && playery==y) /* collision of sphere and player! */
lprcat("\nYou have been enveloped by the zone of nothingness!\n");
beep(); rmsphere(x,y); /* remove any spheres that are here */
nap(4000); died(258);
item[x][y]=OANNIHILATION; mitem[x][y]=0; know[x][y]=1;
show1cell(x,y); /* show the new sphere */
sp->x=x; sp->y=y; sp->lev=level; sp->dir=dir; sp->lifetime=life; sp->p=0;
if (spheres==0) spheres=sp; /* if first node in the sphere list */
else /* add sphere to beginning of linked list */
sp->p = spheres; spheres = sp;
return(++c[SPHCAST]); /* one more sphere in the world */
* rmsphere(x,y) Function to delete a sphere of annihilation from list
* int x,y;
* Enter with the coordinates of the sphere (on current level)
* Returns the number of spheres currently in existence
int x,y;
register struct sphere *sp,*sp2=0;
for (sp=spheres; sp; sp2=sp,sp=sp->p)
if (level==sp->lev) /* is sphere on this level? */
if ((x==sp->x) && (y==sp->y)) /* locate sphere at this location */
item[x][y]=mitem[x][y]=0; know[x][y]=1;
show1cell(x,y); /* show the now missing sphere */
if (sp==spheres) { sp2=sp; spheres=sp->p; free((char*)sp2); }
{ sp2->p = sp->p; free((char*)sp); }
return(c[SPHCAST]); /* return number of spheres in the world */
* sphboom(x,y) Function to perform the effects of a sphere detonation
* int x,y;
* Enter with the coordinates of the blast, Returns no value
int x,y;
register int i,j;
for (j=max(1,x-2); j<min(x+3,MAXX-1); j++)
for (i=max(1,y-2); i<min(y+3,MAXY-1); i++)
if (playerx==j && playery==i)
cursors(); beep();
lprcat("\nYou were too close to the sphere!");
died(283); /* player killed in explosion */
* genmonst() Function to ask for monster and genocide from game
* This is done by setting a flag in the monster[] structure
register int i,j;
cursors(); lprcat("\nGenocide what monster? ");
for (i=0; (!isalpha(i)) && (i!=' '); i=getchar());
for (j=0; j<MAXMONST; j++) /* search for the monster type */
if (monstnamelist[j]==i) /* have we found it? */
monster[j].genocided=1; /* genocided from game */
lprintf(" There will be no more %s's",monster[j].name);
/* now wipe out monsters on this level */
newcavelevel(level); draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex();
lprcat(" You sense failure!");