1997-02-22 15:48:31 +00:00

222 lines
6.3 KiB

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
# <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
# can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id$
# Generic procedures usable in the process of gnu-to-bmake jobs.
# sh -- execute command.
# argv[1] shell command to execute.
proc sh {cmd} {
puts stdout "+ $cmd"
flush stdout
exec sh -e -c $cmd >&@ stdout
# cp -- execute cp(1)
# argv arguments to cp(1)
proc cp {args} {
sh "cp $args"
# copy_l -- Copy list of files, try to make(1) them if missing.
# argv[1] source directory
# argv[2] destination directory
# argv[3] list of filenames
proc copy_l {src dst files} {
foreach f $files {
if {![file exists $src/${f}]} {
sh "cd $src ; set +e ; make ${f}"
if {![file exists $src/${f}]} {
error "Couldn't produce ${f} in $src"
cp $src/${f} $dst
# copy_c -- Copy list of .c files, try to make(1) them if missing.
# argv[1] source directory
# argv[2] destination directory
# argv[3] list of filenames, with or without .c suffixes.
proc copy_c {src dst files} {
regsub -all {\.c} $files {} files
foreach f $files {
if {![file exists $src/${f}.c]} {
sh "cd $src ; set +e ; make ${f}.c ; exit 0"
if {![file exists $src/${f}.c]} {
sh "cd $src ; set +e ; make ${f}.o ; exit 0"
if {![file exists $src/${f}.c]} {
error "Couldn't produce ${f}.c in $src"
cp $src/${f}.c $dst
# find_source -- Return a list of sourcefiles.
# argv[1] source directory
# argv[2] source list.
# argv[3] list of extensions
proc find_source {dir files ext} {
set l ""
foreach f $files {
set k ""
foreach i $ext {
if {[file exists $dir/${f}${i}]} { set k ${f}${i} ; break }
if {$k == ""} {
error "cannot find source for $f using extensions <$ext>"
lappend l $k
return $l
# zap_suffix -- remove suffixes from list if filenames
# argv[1] list of filenames
# argv[2] (optional) regex matching suffixes to be removed,
# default removes all known suffixes, (AND warts too!).
proc zap_suffix {lst {suf {\.cc$|\.[cyolhsxS]$}}} {
set a ""
foreach i $lst {
regsub -all $suf $i {} i
lappend a $i
return $a
# add_suffix -- add suffixes to list if filenames
# argv[1] list of filenames
# argv[2] string to add.
proc add_suffix {lst suf} {
set l ""
foreach i $lst {lappend l ${i}${suf}}
return $l
# add_prefix -- add prefixes to list if filenames
# argv[1] list of filenames
# argv[2] string to add.
proc add_prefix {lst prf} {
set l ""
foreach i $lst {lappend l ${prf}${i}}
return $l
# basename -- removes directory-prefixes from list of names.
# argv[1] list of filenames
proc basename {lst} {
set l ""
foreach i $lst {regsub {.*/} $i {} i ; lappend l $i}
return $l
# makefile_macro -- return the contents of a Makefile macro
# argv[1] name of macro
# argv[2] source directory
# argv[3] (optional) name of makefile
proc makefile_macro {macro dir {makefile Makefile}} {
# Nobody will miss a core file, right ?
sh "cd $dir ; cp $makefile make.core"
set f [open $dir/make.core a]
puts $f "\n\nGNU2TCL_test:\n\t@echo \$\{$macro\}"
close $f
set a [exec sh -e -c "cd $dir ; make -f make.core GNU2TCL_test"]
sh "rm -f $dir/make.core"
return $a
# mk_prog -- Make a directory and Makefile for a program.
# argv[1] name of the parent-directory
# argv[2] name of the program
# argv[3] list of .c files (the SRCS macro content).
# argv[4] (optional) list of lines for the Makefile
proc mk_prog {ddir name list {make ""}} {
sh "mkdir $ddir/$name"
set f [open $ddir/$name/Makefile w]
puts $f "#\n# \$Id$\n#\n"
puts $f "PROG =\t$name"
puts $f "SRCS =\t[lsort $list]"
foreach i $make {puts $f $i}
puts $f "\n.include <>"
close $f
# mk_lib -- Make a directory and Makefile for a library
# argv[1] name of the parent-directory
# argv[2] name of the library
# argv[3] list of .c files (the SRCS macro content).
# argv[4] (optional) list of lines for the Makefile
proc mk_lib {ddir name list {make ""}} {
sh "mkdir $ddir/$name"
set f [open $ddir/$name/Makefile w]
puts $f "#\n# \$Id$\n#\n"
puts $f "SRCS =\t[lsort $list]"
puts $f "LIB =\t$name"
foreach i $make {puts $f $i}
puts $f "\n.include <>"
close $f
# common_set -- Return the files common to a list of lists.
# argv[] lists of filenames
proc common_set {args} {
set a(0) 0 ; unset a(0)
foreach i $args {
foreach j $i {if {[catch {incr a($j)} k]} {set a($j) 1}}
set j ""
foreach i [array names a] {
if {$a($i) > 1} {lappend j $i}
return $j
# reduce_by -- Remove elements from list, if present in 2nd list.
# argv[1] lists of filenames
# argv[2] lists of filenames to be removed.
proc reduce_by {l1 l2} {
set a(0) 0 ; unset a(0)
foreach j $l1 { if {[catch {incr a($j)} k]} {set a($j) 1} }
foreach j $l2 { catch {unset a($j)} }
return [array names a]