1995-05-30 03:37:36 +00:00

161 lines
4.4 KiB

/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* hack.h - version 1.0.3 */
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#ifndef BSD
#define index strchr
#define rindex strrchr
#endif BSD
#define Null(type) ((struct type *) 0)
#include "def.objclass.h"
typedef struct {
xchar x,y;
} coord;
#include "def.monst.h" /* uses coord */
#include ""
#include "def.trap.h"
#include "def.obj.h"
#include "def.flag.h"
#define plur(x) (((x) == 1) ? "" : "s")
#define BUFSZ 256 /* for getlin buffers */
#define PL_NSIZ 32 /* name of player, ghost, shopkeeper */
#include "def.rm.h"
#include "def.permonst.h"
extern long *alloc();
extern xchar xdnstair, ydnstair, xupstair, yupstair; /* stairs up and down. */
extern xchar dlevel;
#define newstring(x) (char *) alloc((unsigned)(x))
#include "hack.onames.h"
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
extern struct obj *invent, *uwep, *uarm, *uarm2, *uarmh, *uarms, *uarmg,
*uleft, *uright, *fcobj;
extern struct obj *uchain; /* defined iff PUNISHED */
extern struct obj *uball; /* defined if PUNISHED */
struct obj *o_at(), *getobj(), *sobj_at();
struct prop {
#define TIMEOUT 007777 /* mask */
#define LEFT_RING W_RINGL /* 010000L */
#define RIGHT_RING W_RINGR /* 020000L */
#define INTRINSIC 040000L
long p_flgs;
int (*p_tofn)(); /* called after timeout */
struct you {
xchar ux, uy;
schar dx, dy, dz; /* direction of move (or zap or ... ) */
#ifdef QUEST
schar di; /* direction of FF */
xchar ux0, uy0; /* initial position FF */
#endif QUEST
xchar udisx, udisy; /* last display pos */
char usym; /* usually '@' */
schar uluck;
#define LUCKMAX 10 /* on moonlit nights 11 */
#define LUCKMIN (-10)
int last_str_turn:3; /* 0: none, 1: half turn, 2: full turn */
/* +: turn right, -: turn left */
unsigned udispl:1; /* @ on display */
unsigned ulevel:4; /* 1 - 14 */
#ifdef QUEST
unsigned uhorizon:7;
#endif QUEST
unsigned utrap:3; /* trap timeout */
unsigned utraptype:1; /* defined if utrap nonzero */
#define TT_BEARTRAP 0
#define TT_PIT 1
unsigned uinshop:6; /* used only in shk.c - (roomno+1) of shop */
/* perhaps these #define's should also be generated by makedefs */
#define TELEPAT LAST_RING /* not a ring */
#define Telepat u.uprops[TELEPAT].p_flgs
#define FAST (LAST_RING+1) /* not a ring */
#define Fast u.uprops[FAST].p_flgs
#define CONFUSION (LAST_RING+2) /* not a ring */
#define Confusion u.uprops[CONFUSION].p_flgs
#define INVIS (LAST_RING+3) /* not a ring */
#define Invis u.uprops[INVIS].p_flgs
#define Invisible (Invis && !See_invisible)
#define GLIB (LAST_RING+4) /* not a ring */
#define Glib u.uprops[GLIB].p_flgs
#define PUNISHED (LAST_RING+5) /* not a ring */
#define Punished u.uprops[PUNISHED].p_flgs
#define SICK (LAST_RING+6) /* not a ring */
#define Sick u.uprops[SICK].p_flgs
#define BLIND (LAST_RING+7) /* not a ring */
#define Blind u.uprops[BLIND].p_flgs
#define WOUNDED_LEGS (LAST_RING+8) /* not a ring */
#define Wounded_legs u.uprops[WOUNDED_LEGS].p_flgs
#define STONED (LAST_RING+9) /* not a ring */
#define Stoned u.uprops[STONED].p_flgs
#define PROP(x) (x-RIN_ADORNMENT) /* convert ring to index in uprops */
unsigned umconf:1;
char *usick_cause;
struct prop uprops[LAST_RING+10];
unsigned uswallow:1; /* set if swallowed by a monster */
unsigned uswldtim:4; /* time you have been swallowed */
unsigned uhs:3; /* hunger state - see */
schar ustr,ustrmax;
schar udaminc;
schar uac;
int uhp,uhpmax;
long int ugold,ugold0,uexp,urexp;
int uhunger; /* refd only in eat.c and shk.c */
int uinvault;
struct monst *ustuck;
int nr_killed[CMNUM+2]; /* used for experience bookkeeping */
extern struct you u;
extern char *traps[];
extern char *monnam(), *Monnam(), *amonnam(), *Amonnam(),
*doname(), *aobjnam();
extern char readchar();
extern char vowels[];
extern xchar curx,cury; /* cursor location on screen */
extern coord bhitpos; /* place where thrown weapon falls to the ground */
extern xchar seehx,seelx,seehy,seely; /* where to see*/
extern char *save_cm,*killer;
extern xchar dlevel, maxdlevel; /* dungeon level */
extern long moves;
extern int multi;
extern char lock[];
#define DIST(x1,y1,x2,y2) (((x1)-(x2))*((x1)-(x2)) + ((y1)-(y2))*((y1)-(y2)))
#define PL_CSIZ 20 /* sizeof pl_character */
#define MAX_CARR_CAP 120 /* so that boulders can be heavier */
#define MAXLEVEL 40
#define FAR (COLNO+2) /* position outside screen */