Greg Lehey 156bc71b92 Add the date of Turing's death.
Change the entry for Turing's birthday to be the same as in
calendar.birthday.  This enables cron jobs to uniq(1) the entry.
2003-06-23 00:16:00 +00:00

76 lines
3.1 KiB

* Computer
* $FreeBSD$
#ifndef _calendar_computer_
#define _calendar_computer_
01/01 AT&T officially divests its local Bell companies, 1984
01/01 The Epoch (Time 0 for UNIX systems, Midnight GMT, 1970)
01/03 Apple Computer founded, 1977
01/08 American Telephone and Telegraph loses antitrust case, 1982
01/08 Herman Hollerith patents first data processing computer, 1889
01/08 Justice Dept. drops IBM suit, 1982
01/10 First CDC 1604 delivered to Navy, 1960
01/16 Set uid bit patent issued, to Dennis Ritchie, 1979
01/17 Justice Dept. begins IBM anti-trust suit, 1969 (drops it, January 8, 1982)
01/24 DG Nova introduced, 1969
01/25 First U.S. meeting of ALGOL definition committee, 1958
01/26 EDVAC demonstrated, 1952
01/31 Hewlett-Packard founded, 1939
02/11 Last day of JOSS service at RAND Corp., 1966
02/14 First micro-on-a-chip patented (TI), 1978
02/15 ENIAC demonstrated, 1946
03/01 First NPL (later PL/I) report published, 1964
03/04 First Cray-1 shipped to Los Alamos
03/09 "GOTO considered harmful" (E.J. Dijkstra) published in CACM, 1968
03/14 LISP introduced, 1960
03/28 DEC announces PDP-11, 1970
03/31 Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. founded, Phila, 1946
04/01 Yourdon, Inc. founded, 1974 (It figures.)
04/03 IBM 701 introduced, 1953
04/04 Tandy Corp. acquires Radio Shack, 1963 (9 stores)
04/07 IBM announces System/360, 1964
04/09 ENIAC Project begun, 1943
04/28 Zilog Z-80 introduced, 1976
05/06 EDSAC demonstrated, 1949
05/01 First BASIC program run at Dartmouth, 1964
05/16 First report on SNOBOL distributed (within BTL), 1963
05/19 UNIX is 10000 days old, 1997
05/21 DEC announces PDP-8, 1965
05/22 Ethernet first described, 1973
05/27 First joint meeting of U.S. and European ALGOL definition cte., 1958
05/28 First meeting of COBOL definition cte. (eventually CODASYL), 1959
05/30 Colossus Mark II, 1944
06/02 First issue of Computerworld, 1967
06/07 Alan Mathison Turing died, 1954
06/10 First Apple II shipped, 1977
06/15 UNIVAC I delivered to the Census Bureau, 1951
06/16 First publicized programming error at Census Bureau, 1951
06/23 IBM unbundles software, 1969
06/23 Alan Mathison Turing born, 1912
06/30 First advanced degree on computer related topic: to H. Karamanian,
Temple Univ., Phila, 1948, for symbolic differentiation on the ENIAC
07/08 Bell Telephone Co. formed (predecessor of AT&T), 1877
07/08 CDC incorporated, 1957
08/14 First Unix-based mallet created, 1954
08/14 IBM PC announced, 1981
08/22 CDC 6600 introduced, 1963
08/23 DEC founded, 1957
09/15 ACM founded, 1947
09/20 Harlan Herrick runs first FORTRAN program, 1954
10/02 First robotics-based CAM, 1939
10/06 First GPSS manual published, 1961
10/08 First VisiCalc prototype, 1978
10/12 Univac gives contract for SIMULA compiler to Nygaard and Dahl, 1962
10/14 British Computer Society founded, 1957
10/15 First FORTRAN Programmer's Reference Manual published, 1956
10/20 Zurich ALGOL report published, 1958
10/25 DEC announces VAX-11/780
11/04 UNIVAC I program predicts Eisenhower victory based on 7% of votes, 1952
12/08 First Ph.D. awarded by Computer Science Dept, Univ. of Penna, 1965
#endif /* !_calendar_computer_ */