John Baldwin 6a50ba658c Remove a few more debugging bits and turn on twiddle output while reading
from the CD.  This turns off the dual console output to COM1.
2001-11-07 01:20:33 +00:00

554 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2001 John Baldwin
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
# permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
# paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
# such forms.
# This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
# implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
# warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
# purpose.
# $FreeBSD$
# This program is a freestanding boot program to load an a.out binary
# from a CD-ROM booted with no emulation mode as described by the El
# Torito standard. Due to broken BIOSen that do not load the desired
# number of sectors, we try to fit this in as small a space as possible.
# Basically, we first create a set of boot arguments to pass to the loaded
# binary. Then we attempt to load /boot/loader from the CD we were booted
# off of.
# Memory locations.
.set MEM_PAGE_SIZE,0x1000 # memory page size, 4k
.set MEM_ARG,0x900 # Arguments at start
.set MEM_ARG_BTX,0xa100 # Where we move them to so the
# BTX client can see them
.set MEM_ARG_SIZE,0x18 # Size of the arguments
.set MEM_BTX_ADDRESS,0x9000 # where BTX lives
.set MEM_BTX_ENTRY,0x9010 # where BTX starts to execute
.set MEM_BTX_OFFSET,MEM_PAGE_SIZE # offset of BTX in the loader
.set MEM_BTX_CLIENT,0xa000 # where BTX clients live
# a.out header fields
.set AOUT_TEXT,0x04 # text segment size
.set AOUT_DATA,0x08 # data segment size
.set AOUT_BSS,0x0c # zero'd BSS size
.set AOUT_SYMBOLS,0x10 # symbol table
.set AOUT_ENTRY,0x14 # entry point
.set AOUT_HEADER,MEM_PAGE_SIZE # size of the a.out header
# Flags for kargs->bootflags
.set KARGS_FLAGS_CD,0x1 # flag to indicate booting from
# CD loader
# Segment selectors.
.set SEL_SDATA,0x8 # Supervisor data
.set SEL_RDATA,0x10 # Real mode data
.set SEL_SCODE,0x18 # PM-32 code
.set SEL_SCODE16,0x20 # PM-16 code
# BTX constants
.set INT_SYS,0x30 # BTX syscall interrupt
# Constants for reading from the CD.
.set ERROR_TIMEOUT,0x80 # BIOS timeout on read
.set NUM_RETRIES,3 # Num times to retry
.set SECTOR_SIZE,0x800 # size of a sector
.set SECTOR_SHIFT,11 # number of place to shift
.set BUFFER_LEN,0x100 # number of sectors in buffer
.set MAX_READ,0x10000 # max we can read at a time
.set MEM_READ_BUFFER,0x9000 # buffer to read from CD
.set MEM_VOLDESC,MEM_READ_BUFFER # volume descriptor
.set VOLDESC_LBA,0x10 # LBA of vol descriptor
.set VD_PRIMARY,1 # Primary VD
.set VD_END,255 # VD Terminator
.set VD_ROOTDIR,156 # Offset of Root Dir Record
.set DIR_LEN,0 # Offset of Dir Record length
.set DIR_EA_LEN,1 # Offset of EA length
.set DIR_EXTENT,2 # Offset of 64-bit LBA
.set DIR_SIZE,10 # Offset of 64-bit length
.set DIR_NAMELEN,32 # Offset of 8-bit name len
.set DIR_NAME,33 # Offset of dir name
# We expect to be loaded by the BIOS at 0x7c00 (standard boot loader entry
# point)
.globl start
.org 0x0, 0x0
# Program start.
start: cld # string ops inc
xor %ax,%ax # zero %ax
mov %ax,%ss # setup the
mov $start,%sp # stack
mov %ax,%ds # setup the
mov %ax,%es # data segments
mov %dl,drive # Save BIOS boot device
mov $msg_welcome,%si # %ds:(%si) -> welcome message
call putstr # display the welcome message
# Setup the arguments that the loader is expecting from boot[12]
mov $msg_bootinfo,%si # %ds:(%si) -> boot args message
call putstr # display the message
mov $MEM_ARG,%bx # %ds:(%bx) -> boot args
mov %bx,%di # %es:(%di) -> boot args
xor %eax,%eax # zero %eax
mov $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4),%cx # Size of arguments in 32-bit
# dwords
rep # Clear the arguments
stosl # to zero
mov drive,%dl # Store BIOS boot device
mov %dl,0x4(%bx) # in kargs->bootdev
or $KARGS_FLAGS_CD,0x8(%bx) # kargs->bootflags |=
# Load Volume Descriptor
mov $VOLDESC_LBA,%eax # Set LBA of first VD
load_vd: push %eax # Save %eax
mov $1,%dh # One sector
mov $MEM_VOLDESC,%ebx # Destination
call read # Read it in
cmpb $VD_PRIMARY,(%bx) # Primary VD?
je have_vd # Yes
pop %eax # Prepare to
inc %eax # try next
cmpb $VD_END,(%bx) # Last VD?
jne load_vd # No, read next
mov $msg_novd,%si # No VD
jmp error # Halt
have_vd: # Have Primary VD
# Lookup the loader binary.
mov $loader_path,%si # File to lookup
call lookup # Try to find it
# Load the binary into the buffer. Due to real mode addressing limitations
# we have to read it in in 64k chunks.
mov DIR_SIZE(%bx),%eax # Read file length
add $SECTOR_SIZE-1,%eax # Convert length to sectors
shr $11,%eax
cmp $BUFFER_LEN,%eax
jbe load_sizeok
mov $msg_load2big,%si # Error message
call error
load_sizeok: movzbw %al,%cx # Num sectors to read
mov DIR_EXTENT(%bx),%eax # Load extent
xor %edx,%edx
mov DIR_EA_LEN(%bx),%dl
add %edx,%eax # Skip extended
mov $MEM_READ_BUFFER,%ebx # Read into the buffer
load_loop: mov %cl,%dh
cmp $MAX_READ_SEC,%cl # Truncate to max read size
jbe load_notrunc
mov $MAX_READ_SEC,%dh
load_notrunc: sub %dh,%cl # Update count
push %eax # Save
call read # Read it in
pop %eax # Restore
add $MAX_READ_SEC,%eax # Update LBA
add $MAX_READ,%ebx # Update dest addr
jcxz load_done # Done?
jmp load_loop # Keep going
# Turn on the A20 address line
call seta20 # Turn A20 on
# Relocate the loader and BTX using a very lazy protected mode
mov $msg_relocate,%si # Display the
call putstr # relocation message
mov MEM_READ_BUFFER+AOUT_ENTRY,%edi # %edi is the destination
mov $(MEM_READ_BUFFER+AOUT_HEADER),%esi # %esi is
# the start of the text
# segment
mov MEM_READ_BUFFER+AOUT_TEXT,%ecx # %ecx = length of the text
# segment
push %edi # Save entry point for later
lgdt gdtdesc # setup our own gdt
cli # turn off interrupts
mov %cr0,%eax # Turn on
or $0x1,%al # protected
mov %eax,%cr0 # mode
ljmp $SEL_SCODE,$pm_start # long jump to clear the
# instruction pre-fetch queue
pm_start: mov $SEL_SDATA,%ax # Initialize
mov %ax,%ds # %ds and
mov %ax,%es # %es to a flat selector
rep # Relocate the
movsb # text segment
add $(MEM_PAGE_SIZE - 1),%edi # pad %edi out to a new page
and $~(MEM_PAGE_SIZE - 1),%edi # for the data segment
mov MEM_READ_BUFFER+AOUT_DATA,%ecx # size of the data segment
rep # Relocate the
movsb # data segment
mov MEM_READ_BUFFER+AOUT_BSS,%ecx # size of the bss
xor %eax,%eax # zero %eax
add $3,%cl # round %ecx up to
shr $2,%ecx # a multiple of 4
rep # zero the
stosl # bss
mov MEM_READ_BUFFER+AOUT_ENTRY,%esi # %esi -> relocated loader
add $MEM_BTX_OFFSET,%esi # %esi -> BTX in the loader
mov $MEM_BTX_ADDRESS,%edi # %edi -> where BTX needs to go
movzwl 0xa(%esi),%ecx # %ecx -> length of BTX
rep # Relocate
movsb # BTX
ljmp $SEL_SCODE16,$pm_16 # Jump to 16-bit PM
pm_16: mov $SEL_RDATA,%ax # Initialize
mov %ax,%ds # %ds and
mov %ax,%es # %es to a real mode selector
mov %cr0,%eax # Turn off
and $~0x1,%al # protected
mov %eax,%cr0 # mode
ljmp $0,$pm_end # Long jump to clear the
# instruction pre-fetch queue
pm_end: sti # Turn interrupts back on now
# Copy the BTX client to MEM_BTX_CLIENT
xor %ax,%ax # zero %ax and set
mov %ax,%ds # %ds and %es
mov %ax,%es # to segment 0
mov $MEM_BTX_CLIENT,%di # Prepare to relocate
mov $btx_client,%si # the simple btx client
mov $(btx_client_end-btx_client),%cx # length of btx client
rep # Relocate the
movsb # simple BTX client
# Copy the boot[12] args to where the BTX client can see them
mov $MEM_ARG,%si # where the args are at now
mov $MEM_ARG_BTX,%di # where the args are moving to
mov $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4),%cx # size of the arguments in longs
rep # Relocate
movsl # the words
# Save the entry point so the client can get to it later on
pop %eax # Restore saved entry point
stosl # and add it to the end of
# the arguments
# Now we just start up BTX and let it do the rest
mov $msg_jump,%si # Display the
call putstr # jump message
ljmp $0,$MEM_BTX_ENTRY # Jump to the BTX entry point
# Lookup the file in the path at [SI] from the root directory.
# Trashes: All but BX
# Returns: BX = pointer to record
lookup: mov $VD_ROOTDIR+MEM_VOLDESC,%bx # Root directory record
push %si
mov $msg_lookup,%si # Display lookup message
call putstr
pop %si
push %si
call putstr
mov $msg_lookup2,%si
call putstr
pop %si
lookup_dir: lodsb # Get first char of path
cmp $0,%al # Are we done?
je lookup_done # Yes
cmp $'/',%al # Skip path separator.
je lookup_dir
dec %si # Undo lodsb side effect
call find_file # Lookup first path item
jnc lookup_dir # Try next component
mov $msg_lookupfail,%si # Not found.
jmp error
lookup_done: mov $msg_lookupok,%si # Success message
call putstr
# Lookup file at [SI] in directory whose record is at [BX].
# Trashes: All but returns
# Returns: CF = 0 (success), BX = pointer to record, SX = next path item
# CF = 1 (not found), SI = preserved
find_file: mov DIR_EXTENT(%bx),%eax # Load extent
xor %edx,%edx
mov DIR_EA_LEN(%bx),%dl
add %edx,%eax # Skip extended attributes
mov %eax,rec_lba # Save LBA
mov DIR_SIZE(%bx),%eax # Save size
mov %eax,rec_size
xor %cl,%cl # Zero length
push %si # Save
ff.namelen: inc %cl # Update length
lodsb # Read char
cmp $0,%al # Nul?
je ff.namedone # Yes
cmp $'/',%al # Path separator?
jnz ff.namelen # No, keep going
ff.namedone: dec %cl # Adjust length and save
mov %cl,name_len
pop %si # Restore
ff.load: mov rec_lba,%eax # Load LBA
mov $MEM_DIR,%ebx # Address buffer
mov $1,%dh # One sector
call read # Read directory block
incl rec_lba # Update LBA to next block
ff.scan: mov %ebx,%edx # Check for EOF
sub $MEM_DIR,%edx
cmp %edx,rec_size
ja ff.scan.1
stc # EOF reached
ff.scan.1: cmpb $0,DIR_LEN(%bx) # Last record in block?
je ff.nextblock
push %si # Save
movzbw DIR_NAMELEN(%bx),%si # Find end of string
ff.checkver: cmpb $'0',DIR_NAME-1(%bx,%si) # Less than '0'?
jb ff.checkver.1
cmpb $'9',DIR_NAME-1(%bx,%si) # Greater than '9'?
ja ff.checkver.1
dec %si # Next char
jnz ff.checkver
jmp ff.checklen # All numbers in name, so
# no version
ff.checkver.1: movzbw DIR_NAMELEN(%bx),%cx
cmp %cx,%si # Did we find any digits?
je ff.checkdot # No
cmpb $';',DIR_NAME-1(%bx,%si) # Check for semicolon
jne ff.checkver.2
dec %si # Skip semicolon
mov %si,%cx
mov %cl,DIR_NAMELEN(%bx) # Adjust length
jmp ff.checkdot
ff.checkver.2: mov %cx,%si # Restore %si to end of string
ff.checkdot: cmpb $'.',DIR_NAME-1(%bx,%si) # Trailing dot?
jne ff.checklen # No
decb DIR_NAMELEN(%bx) # Adjust length
ff.checklen: pop %si # Restore
movzbw name_len,%cx # Load length of name
cmp %cl,DIR_NAMELEN(%bx) # Does length match?
je ff.checkname # Yes, check name
ff.nextrec: add DIR_LEN(%bx),%bl # Next record
adc $0,%bh
jmp ff.scan
ff.nextblock: subl $SECTOR_SIZE,rec_size # Adjust size
jnc ff.load # If subtract ok, keep going
ret # End of file, so not found
ff.checkname: lea DIR_NAME(%bx),%di # Address name in record
push %si # Save
repe cmpsb # Compare name
jcxz ff.match # We have a winner!
pop %si # Restore
jmp ff.nextrec # Keep looking.
ff.match: add $2,%sp # Discard saved %si
clc # Clear carry
# Load DH sectors starting at LBA EAX into [EBX].
# Trashes: EAX
read: push %si # Save
mov %eax,edd_lba # LBA to read from
mov %ebx,%eax # Convert address
shr $4,%eax # to segment
mov %ax,edd_addr+0x2 # and store
read.retry: call twiddle # Entertain the user
push %dx # Save
mov $edd_packet,%si # Address Packet
mov %dh,edd_len # Set length
mov drive,%dl # BIOS Device
mov $0x42,%ah # BIOS: Extended Read
int $0x13 # Call BIOS
pop %dx # Restore
jc # Worked?
pop %si # Restore
ret # Return cmp $ERROR_TIMEOUT,%ah # Timeout?
je read.retry # Yes, Retry.
read.error: mov %ah,%al # Save error
mov $hex_error,%di # Format it
call hex8 # as hex
mov $msg_badread,%si # Display Read error message
# Display error message at [SI] and halt.
error: call putstr # Display message
halt: hlt
jmp halt # Spin
# Display a null-terminated string.
# Trashes: AX, SI
putstr: push %bx # Save
putstr.load: lodsb # load %al from %ds:(%si)
test %al,%al # stop at null
jnz putstr.putc # if the char != null, output it
pop %bx # Restore
ret # return when null is hit
putstr.putc: call putc # output char
jmp putstr.load # next char
# Display a single char.
putc: mov $0x7,%bx # attribute for output
mov $0xe,%ah # BIOS: put_char
int $0x10 # call BIOS, print char in %al
ret # Return to caller
# Output the "twiddle"
twiddle: push %ax # Save
push %bx # Save
mov twiddle_index,%al # Load index
mov twiddle_chars,%bx # Address table
inc %al # Next
and $3,%al # char
xlat # Get char
call putc # Output it
mov $8,%al # Backspace
call putc # Output it
pop %bx # Restore
pop %ax # Restore
# Enable A20
seta20: cli # Disable interrupts
seta20.1: in $0x64,%al # Get status
test $0x2,%al # Busy?
jnz seta20.1 # Yes
mov $0xd1,%al # Command: Write
out %al,$0x64 # output port
seta20.2: in $0x64,%al # Get status
test $0x2,%al # Busy?
jnz seta20.2 # Yes
mov $0xdf,%al # Enable
out %al,$0x60 # A20
sti # Enable interrupts
ret # To caller
# Convert AL to hex, saving the result to [EDI].
hex8: pushl %eax # Save
shrb $0x4,%al # Do upper
call hex8.1 # 4
popl %eax # Restore
hex8.1: andb $0xf,%al # Get lower 4
cmpb $0xa,%al # Convert
sbbb $0x69,%al # to hex
das # digit
orb $0x20,%al # To lower case
stosb # Save char
ret # (Recursive)
# BTX client to start btxldr
btx_client: mov $(MEM_ARG_BTX-MEM_BTX_CLIENT+MEM_ARG_SIZE-4), %esi
# %ds:(%esi) -> end
# of boot[12] args
mov $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4),%ecx # Number of words to push
std # Go backwards
push_arg: lodsl # Read argument
push %eax # Push it onto the stack
loop push_arg # Push all of the arguments
cld # In case anyone depends on this
# the loader
push %eax # Emulate a near call
mov $0x1,%eax # 'exec' system call
int $INT_SYS # BTX system call
.p2align 4
# Global descriptor table.
gdt: .word 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 # Null entry
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9200,0xcf # SEL_SDATA
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9200,0x0 # SEL_RDATA
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9a00,0xcf # SEL_SCODE (32-bit)
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9a00,0x8f # SEL_SCODE16 (16-bit)
# Pseudo-descriptors.
gdtdesc: .word gdt.1-gdt-1 # Limit
.long gdt # Base
# EDD Packet
edd_packet: .byte 0x10 # Length
.byte 0 # Reserved
edd_len: .byte 0x0 # Num to read
.byte 0 # Reserved
edd_addr: .word 0x0,0x0 # Seg:Off
edd_lba: .quad 0x0 # LBA
drive: .byte 0
# State for searching dir
rec_lba: .long 0x0 # LBA (adjusted for EA)
rec_size: .long 0x0 # File size
name_len: .byte 0x0 # Length of current name
twiddle_index: .byte 0x0
msg_welcome: .asciz "CD Loader 1.01\r\n\n"
msg_bootinfo: .asciz "Building the boot loader arguments\r\n"
msg_relocate: .asciz "Relocating the loader and the BTX\r\n"
msg_jump: .asciz "Starting the BTX loader\r\n"
msg_badread: .ascii "Read Error: 0x"
hex_error: .ascii "00\r\n"
msg_novd: .asciz "Could not find Primary Volume Descriptor\r\n"
msg_lookup: .asciz "Looking up "
msg_lookup2: .asciz "... "
msg_lookupok: .asciz "Found\r\n"
msg_lookupfail: .asciz "File not found\r\n"
msg_load2big: .asciz "File too big\r\n"
loader_path: .asciz "/BOOT/LOADER"
twiddle_chars: .ascii "|/-\\"