Peter Wemm 40b0c0d936 Update the -current sources from the 2.1 branch.
Approved (in spirit) by: jkh
1995-12-07 10:34:59 +00:00

552 lines
18 KiB

README for XFree86 3.1.2 on FreeBSD 2.1
Rich Murphey, David Dawes
20 January 1995
[Last Updated: 14 October 1995]
1. What and Where is XFree86?
XFree86 is a port of X11R6 that supports several versions of Intel-
based Unix. It is derived from X386 1.2, which was the X server
distributed with X11R5. This release consists of many new features
and performance improvements as well as many bug fixes. The release
is available as source patches against the X Consortium X11R6 code, as
well as binary distributions for many architectures.
See the Copyright Notice (COPYRIGHT.html).
The sources for XFree86 are available as part of the FreeBSD 2.1
distribution, or by anonymous ftp from:
Binaries for XFree86 on FreeBSD are also available as part of
2.1 or from:
Send email to or if you have
comments or suggestions about this file and we'll revise it.
2. Installing the Binaries
In the FreeBSD 2.1 distribution, XFree86 comes in 3 major sections:
"basic" distributions, fonts and servers. At the minimum, you will
need the binaries and libraries from the basic distribution, the
"misc" fonts collection and at least one server. The smallest usable
distribution is around 9MB.
If you can't decide what to pick and you have 52Mb of disk
space, it's safe to unpack everything.
What follows is a description of the various distribution files
comprising XFree86. If you are installing this as part of FreeBSD 2.1
then there's no need to use these files directly: You may simply check
the desired components off the installation menus provided for that
purpose. If you're installing this manually, then the following
information should prove useful:
Required (6.7Mb):
all the executable X client applications and shared libs
the misc and 75 dpi fonts
data files needed at runtime
Required unless you have already customized your configuration
customizable xinit runtime configuration file
customizable xdm runtime configuration file
Choose at least one server ( 2.3Mb):
8-bit color for IBM 8514 and true compatibles.
8-bit color for AGX boards.
8 and 16-bit color for ATI Mach32 boards.
8-bit color for ATI Mach8 boards.
1-bit monochrome for VGA, Super-VGA, Hercules, and others.
8, 16, and 24-bit color for Weitek P9000 boards (Diamond
8, 16 and 24-bit color for S3 boards (#9 GXE, Actix GE32,
SPEA Mercury, STB Pegasus)
8-bit color for Super-VGA cards.
4-bit color for VGA and Super-VGA cards
8-bit Color for ET4000/W32, /W32i and /W32p cards.
A nested server running as a client window on another
(.5Mb) READMEs and XFree86 specific man pages
(1.7Mb) man pages except XFree86 specific ones in etc archive
(1.0Mb) Contributed clients like ico, xeyes, etc.
(1.8Mb) 100dpi fonts
(1.8Mb) Cyrillic fonts
(1.6Mb) Speedo and Type1 fonts
(3.3Mb) Japanese, Chinese and other non-English fonts
(.3Mb) the font server and it's man page
(3.9Mb) config, lib*.a and *.h files needed only for
(7.8Mb) X server reconfiguration kit
(.5Mb) PEX fonts and shared libs needed by PEX applications.
(.2Mb) low bandwidth X proxy server and libraries.
Note that there is no longer a separate xdm archive. FreeBSD 2.0
and later handles this in shared libraries now, so that the xdm
binary does not itself contain des and there is no more need for
us to provide separate tar balls.
2.1. Full Install:
[ Note: Unless you're installing XFree86 3.1.2 manually, that is
to say not as part of the FreeBSD 2.1 installation, you may skip
to section 2.3 ]
1. You must be logged in as root to unpack the archives because
several executables are set-user-id. Otherwise the server may
abort if you unpack it as an ordinary user. You must also use a
``umask'' value of 022 because the X server requires special
% su
# umask 022
2. If you have 52Mb free in the /usr partition ``cd /usr'' and skip
to no. 3. Otherwise, create a directory on another partition
and sym link it into /usr:
# cd /usr/local
# mkdir X11R6
# ln -s /usr/local/X11R6 /usr/X11R6
3. Unpack everything:
If you are using sh (as root usually does):
# for i in X312*.tgz; do
# tar -xzf $i
# done
Else, if you are using csh:
% foreach i (X312*.tgz)
% tar -xzf $i
% end
4. Create a symbolic link ``X'' that points to the server that
matches your video card. The XF86_* man pages list which vga
chip sets are supported by each server. For example, if you
have an ET4000 based card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
# cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
2.2. Minimal Install:
First do numbers 1 and 2 above. Then unpack the required archives:
# for i in bin fnts lib xicf; do
# tar -xzf X312$i.tgz
# done
Then unpack a server archive corresponding to your vga card. The
server man pages, X11R6/man/man1/XF86_*, list the vga chip sets
supported by each server. For example, if you have an ET4000 based
card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
# tar -xzf X312SVGA.tgz
# cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
2.3. After either Full or Minimal Install above:
Add /usr/X11R6/bin to the default path for sh in /etc/profile and for
csh in /etc/csh.login if they are not already there:
# echo 'set path = ($path /usr/X11R6/bin)' >>/etc/csh.login
# echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin' >>/etc/profile
Or make sure all who use X put /usr/X11R6/bin in their shell's
``path'' variable.
Next either reboot or invoke ldconfig as root to put the shared
libraries in's cache:
# ldconfig /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X11R6/lib
If you had already configured X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc or
X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/* omit the xinit-config or xdm-config archive or
unpack it separately and merge in your customizations.
The fscl and f100 archives are optional and can be omitted if you are
short on space. The optional link archive allows you to reconfigure
and customize a X server binary. The optional prog archive is needed
only for writing or compiling X applications. The optional pex
archive contains pex clients and libraries for building 3D graphics
NOTE: You don't need to uncompress the font files, but if
you uncompress them anyway you must run mkfontdir in the
corresponding font directory; otherwise your server will
abort with the message ``could not open default font
3. Installing The Display Manager (xdm)
The display manager makes your PC look like an X terminal. That is,
it presents you with a login screen that runs under X.
The easiest way to automatically start the display manager on boot is
to add a line in /etc/ttys to start it on one of the unoccupied
virtual terminals:
ttyv4 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm on secure
You should also make sure that /usr/X11R6/bin/X is a symbolic link to
the Xserver that matches your video card or edit the file Xservers in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm to specify the pathname of the X server.
The change to /etc/ttys won't take effect until you either reboot or
``kill -HUP 1'' to force initd to reread /etc/ttys. You can also test
the display manager manually by loging in as root on the console and
typing ``xdm -nodaemon''.
4. Configuring X for Your Hardware
The XF86Config file tells the X server what kind of monitor, video
card and mouse you have. You must create it to tell the server what
specific hardware you have.
If you are installing XFree86 as part of FreeBSD 2.1, you may invoke
XF86Config automatically from the FreeBSD configuration menu. You
should still read this document first, however, as it contains
valuable information on mouse and VGA card selection below.
XFree86 3.1 uses a new configuration file format. Consult the
XF86Config man page and the general INSTALL (INSTALL.html) file for
If you have a Xconfig file for XFree86 2.x, use reconfig to translate
part of it into the new format:
# reconfig <Xconfig >XF86Config
and complete the rest according to the XF86Config man page and the
XF86Config.sample file as a template.
In order to protect your hardware from damage, the server no longer
will read XF86Config files from a user's home directory, but requires
that it be in /etc/XF86Config, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.hostname
or /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.
You'll need info on your hardware:
o Your mouse type, baud rate and it's /dev entry.
o The video card's chipset (e.g. ET4000, S3, etc).
o Your monitor's sync frequencies.
Bus Mice:
In FreeBSD, the bus mouse is generally found on /dev/mse0. Specify
/dev/mse0 when asked, and in case of failure ensure that your Bus
mouse was indeed "probed" when the system was booted. To make
sure of this, type:
% dmesg | grep mse
If you do not see something like this:
mse0 at 0x23c irq 5 on isa
then it means that your bus mouse was not detected properly and you
should reboot with the `-c' flag and verify that the device entry for
mse0 matches your bus mouse settings.
If the mouse is probed properly but still fails to function then you
might double check that the /dev entry for the bus mouse exists. Use
the script /dev/MAKEDEV to create the entry if it doesn't already
exist, e.g:
% cd /dev
% sh MAKEDEV mse0
Serial Mice:
The easiest way to find which port your mouse is plugged into is to
use ``cat'' or ``kermit'' to look at the output of the mouse. Connect
to it and just make sure that it generates output when the mouse is
moved or clicked. If your mouse is plugged into the first serial port
(COM1), for example, you could do this:
% cat < /dev/cuaa0
Where /dev/cuaa0 represents the first serial port, /dev/cuaa1 the
second, /dev/cuaa2 the third and so on.
If you can't find the right mouse port then use ``dmesg | grep sio''
to get a list of serial devices that were detected at boot time:
% dmesg|grep sio
sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa
The presence of sio0 will indicate that COM1 was found. If you see
sio1, sio2 or sio3 then it means that a serial port was found at one
of the other com addresses and you should use the appropriate
/dev/cuaa<n> device entry to talk to it.
If things still aren't working then double check that the /dev entries
corresponding to these devices exist. Use the script /dev/MAKEDEV to
create entries if they don't already exist, e.g:
% cd /dev
% sh MAKEDEV cuaa0 [cuaa1, cuaa2, etc..]
If you plan to fine tune the screen size or position on your monitor
you'll need the specs for sync frequencies from your monitor's manual.
5. Running X
8mb of memory is a recommended minimum for running X. The server,
window manager, display manager and an xterm take about 8Mb of virtual
memory themselves. Even if their resident set size is smaller, on a
8Mb system that leaves very space for other applications such as gcc
that expect a few meg free. The R6 X servers may work with 4Mb of
memory, but in practice compilation while running X can take 5 or 10
times as long due to constant paging.
The easiest way for new users to start X windows is to type ``startx
>& startx.log''. Error messages are lost unless you redirect them
because the server takes over the screen.
To get out of X windows, type: ``exit'' in the console xterm. You can
customize your X by creating .xinitrc, .xserverrc, and .twmrc files in
your home directory as described in the xinit and startx man pages.
6. Rebuilding Kernels for X
The GENERIC FreeBSD 2.x kernel supports XFree86 without any
modifications required. You do not need to make any changes to the
GENERIC kernel or any kernel configuration which is a superset.
For a general description of BSD kernel configuration get
( It is
a ready-to-print postscript copy of the kernel configuration chapter
from the system maintainers manual.
Alternatively, you can read the kernel configuration section of the
FreeBSD handbook (
If you do decide to reduce your kernel configuration file, do not
remove the two lines below (in /sys/arch/i386/conf). They are both
required for X support:
options XSERVER #Xserver
options UCONSOLE #X Console support
The generic FreeBSD 2.x kernel is configured by default with the
syscons driver. To configure your kernel similarly, it should have a
line like this in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC:
device sc0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector scintr
The maximum number of virtual consoles can be set using the MAXCONS
options "MAXCONS=4" #4 virtual consoles
Otherwise, the default without a line like this is 12. You must have
more VTs than gettys as described in the end of section 3, and 4 is a
reasonable minimum.
The server supports several console drivers: pccons, syscons and pcvt.
The syscons driver is the default in FreeBSD 1.1.5 and higher. They
are detected at runtime and no configuration of the server itself is
The pcvt console driver is bundled into FreeBSD and may be enabled
by changing the `sc0' line in your kernel configuration file to
`vt0'. See /sys/i386/conf/LINT for more details.
The XFree86 servers include support for the MIT-SHM extension. The
GENERIC kernel does not support this, so if you want to make use of
this, you will need a kernel configured with SYSV shared memory
support. To do this, add the following line to your kernel config
options SYSVSHM # System V shared memory
options SYSVSEM # System V semaphores
options SYSVMSG # System V message queues
If you are using a SoundBlaster 16 on IRQ 2 (9), then you need a patch
for sb16_dsp.c. Otherwise a kernel configured with the SoundBlaster
driver will claim interrupt 9 doesn't exist and X server will lock up.
S3 cards and serial port COM 4 cannot be installed together on a
system because the I/O port addresses overlap.
7. Rebuilding XFree86
The server link kit allows you to build an X server using a minimum
amount of disk space. Just unpack it, make the appropriate changes to
site.def, type ``./mkmf' and ``make'' to link the server. See
README.LinkKit (LinkKit.html) for more info.
The source tree takes about 114Mb before compiling and an additional
100Mb after ``make World''. You should configure the distribution by
editing xf86site.def and site.def in xc/config/cf before compiling.
By default, the config files are set up to build shared libraries. If
you are running a version of FreeBSD that doesn't include shared
library support, add the following line to site.def:
#define BuildBsdSharedLibs NO
If your system doesn't have support or SYSV shared memory (for
example, if you don't have the <sys/shm.h> header), you should disable
the MIT-SHM extension by adding the following line to site.def:
#define HasShm NO
To compile the sources on FreeBSD 1.1 and later, type:
make World
8. Building Other X Clients
The easiest way to build a new client (X application) is to use xmkmf
if an Imakefile is included with it. Type ``xmkmf -a'' to create the
Makefiles, then type ``make''. Whenever you install additional man
pages you should update whatis.db by running ``makewhatis
Note: Starting with XFree86 2.1 and FreeBSD 1.1, the symbol __386BSD__
no longer gets defined either by the compiler or via the X config
files for FreeBSD systems. When porting clients to BSD systems, make
use of the symbol BSD for code which is truly BSD-specific. The value
of the symbol can be used to distinguish different BSD releases. For
example, code specific to the Net-2 and later releases can use:
#if (BSD >= 199103)
To ensure that this symbol is correctly defined, include <sys/param.h>
in the source that requires it. Note that the symbol CSRG_BASED is
defined for *BSD systems in XFree86 3.1.1 and later. This should be
used to protect the inclusion of <sys/param.h>.
For code that really is specific to a particular i386 BSD port, use
__FreeBSD__ for FreeBSD, __NetBSD__ for NetBSD, __386BSD__ for 386BSD,
and __bsdi__ for BSD/386.
9. Thanks
Many thanks to:
o Pace Willison for providing initial *BSD support.
o Amancio Hasty for 386BSD kernel and S3 chipset support.
o David Greenman, Nate Williams, Jordan Hubbard for FreeBSD kernel
o Rod Grimes, Jordan Hubbard and Jack Velte for the use of Walnut
Creek Cdrom's hardware.
o Orest Zborowski, Simon Cooper and Dirk Hohndel for ideas from
the Linux distribution.
$XConsortium: FreeBSD.sgml,v 1.3 95/01/23 15:34:41 kaleb Exp $
Generated from XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/FreeBSD.sgml,v 3.10 1995/01/28 16:01:28 dawes Exp $
$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/READ.FreeBSD,v 3.12 1995/01/28 16:19:37 dawes Exp $