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The following instructions apply if you have a Linux or FreeBSD platform and
want libpcap to support the DAG range of passive network monitoring cards from
Endace (, see below for further contact details).
1) Install and build the DAG software distribution by following the
instructions supplied with that package. Current Endace customers can download
the DAG software distibution from
2) Configure libcap. To allow the 'configure' script to locate the DAG
software distribution use the '--with-dag' option:
./configure --with-dag=DIR
Where DIR is the root of the DAG software distribution, for example
/var/src/dag. If the DAG software is correctly detected 'configure' will
checking whether we have DAG API... yes
If 'configure' reports that there is no DAG API, the directory may have been
incorrectly specified or the DAG software was not built before configuring
See also the libpcap INSTALL.txt file for further libpcap configuration
Building libpcap at this stage will include support for both the native packet
capture stream (linux or bpf) and for capturing from DAG cards. To build
libpcap with only DAG support specify the capture type as 'dag' when
configuring libpcap:
./configure --with-dag=DIR --with-pcap=dag
Applications built with libpcap configured in this way will only detect DAG
cards and will not capture from the native OS packet stream.
Please submit bug reports via <>.
Please also visit our Web pages at:
For more information about Endace DAG cards contact <>.