/*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pathnames.h" /* * xstr - extract and hash strings in a C program * * Bill Joy UCB * November, 1978 */ #define ignore(a) ((void) a) static off_t tellpt; static off_t mesgpt; static char cstrings[] = "strings"; static char *strings = cstrings; static int cflg; static int vflg; static int readstd; static char lastchr(char *); static int fgetNUL(char *, int, FILE *); static int istail(char *, char *); static int octdigit(char); static int xgetc(FILE *); static off_t hashit(char *, int); static off_t yankstr(char **); static void usage(void) __dead2; static void flushsh(void); static void found(int, off_t, char *); static void inithash(void); static void onintr(int); static void process(const char *); static void prstr(char *); static void xsdotc(void); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int fdesc; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "-cv")) != -1) switch (c) { case '-': readstd++; break; case 'c': cflg++; break; case 'v': vflg++; break; default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) signal(SIGINT, onintr); if (cflg || (argc == 0 && !readstd)) inithash(); else { strings = strdup(_PATH_TMP); if (strings == NULL) err(1, "strdup() failed"); fdesc = mkstemp(strings); if (fdesc == -1) err(1, "Unable to create temporary file"); close(fdesc); } while (readstd || argc > 0) { if (freopen("x.c", "w", stdout) == NULL) err(1, "x.c"); if (!readstd && freopen(argv[0], "r", stdin) == NULL) err(2, "%s", argv[0]); process("x.c"); if (readstd == 0) argc--, argv++; else readstd = 0; } flushsh(); if (cflg == 0) xsdotc(); if (strings[0] == '/') ignore(unlink(strings)); exit(0); } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: xstr [-cv] [-] [file ...]\n"); exit (1); } static char linebuf[BUFSIZ]; static void process(const char *name) { char *cp; int c; int incomm = 0; int ret; printf("extern char\txstr[];\n"); for (;;) { if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, stdin) == NULL) { if (ferror(stdin)) err(3, "%s", name); break; } if (linebuf[0] == '#') { if (linebuf[1] == ' ' && isdigit(linebuf[2])) printf("#line%s", &linebuf[1]); else printf("%s", linebuf); continue; } for (cp = linebuf; (c = *cp++);) switch (c) { case '"': if (incomm) goto def; if ((ret = (int) yankstr(&cp)) == -1) goto out; printf("(&xstr[%d])", ret); break; case '\'': if (incomm) goto def; putchar(c); if (*cp) putchar(*cp++); break; case '/': if (incomm || *cp != '*') goto def; incomm = 1; cp++; printf("/*"); continue; case '*': if (incomm && *cp == '/') { incomm = 0; cp++; printf("*/"); continue; } goto def; def: default: putchar(c); break; } } out: if (ferror(stdout)) warn("x.c"), onintr(0); } static off_t yankstr(char **cpp) { char *cp = *cpp; int c, ch; char dbuf[BUFSIZ]; char *dp = dbuf; char *tp; static char tmp[] = "b\bt\tr\rn\nf\f\\\\\"\""; while ((c = *cp++)) { if (dp == dbuf + sizeof(dbuf) - 3) errx(1, "message too long"); switch (c) { case '"': cp++; goto out; case '\\': c = *cp++; if (c == 0) break; if (c == '\n') { if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, stdin) == NULL) { if (ferror(stdin)) err(3, "x.c"); return(-1); } cp = linebuf; continue; } for (tp = tmp; (ch = *tp++); tp++) if (c == ch) { c = *tp; goto gotc; } if (!octdigit(c)) { *dp++ = '\\'; break; } c -= '0'; if (!octdigit(*cp)) break; c <<= 3, c += *cp++ - '0'; if (!octdigit(*cp)) break; c <<= 3, c += *cp++ - '0'; break; } gotc: *dp++ = c; } out: *cpp = --cp; *dp = 0; return (hashit(dbuf, 1)); } static int octdigit(char c) { return (isdigit(c) && c != '8' && c != '9'); } static void inithash(void) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; FILE *mesgread = fopen(strings, "r"); if (mesgread == NULL) return; for (;;) { mesgpt = tellpt; if (fgetNUL(buf, sizeof buf, mesgread) == 0) break; ignore(hashit(buf, 0)); } ignore(fclose(mesgread)); } static int fgetNUL(char *obuf, int rmdr, FILE *file) { int c; char *buf = obuf; while (--rmdr > 0 && (c = xgetc(file)) != 0 && c != EOF) *buf++ = c; *buf++ = 0; return ((feof(file) || ferror(file)) ? 0 : 1); } static int xgetc(FILE *file) { tellpt++; return (getc(file)); } #define BUCKETS 128 static struct hash { off_t hpt; char *hstr; struct hash *hnext; short hnew; } bucket[BUCKETS]; static off_t hashit(char *str, int new) { int i; struct hash *hp, *hp0; hp = hp0 = &bucket[lastchr(str) & 0177]; while (hp->hnext) { hp = hp->hnext; i = istail(str, hp->hstr); if (i >= 0) return (hp->hpt + i); } if ((hp = (struct hash *) calloc(1, sizeof (*hp))) == NULL) errx(8, "calloc"); hp->hpt = mesgpt; if (!(hp->hstr = strdup(str))) err(1, NULL); mesgpt += strlen(hp->hstr) + 1; hp->hnext = hp0->hnext; hp->hnew = new; hp0->hnext = hp; return (hp->hpt); } static void flushsh(void) { int i; struct hash *hp; FILE *mesgwrit; int old = 0, new = 0; for (i = 0; i < BUCKETS; i++) for (hp = bucket[i].hnext; hp != NULL; hp = hp->hnext) if (hp->hnew) new++; else old++; if (new == 0 && old != 0) return; mesgwrit = fopen(strings, old ? "r+" : "w"); if (mesgwrit == NULL) err(4, "%s", strings); for (i = 0; i < BUCKETS; i++) for (hp = bucket[i].hnext; hp != NULL; hp = hp->hnext) { found(hp->hnew, hp->hpt, hp->hstr); if (hp->hnew) { fseek(mesgwrit, hp->hpt, 0); ignore(fwrite(hp->hstr, strlen(hp->hstr) + 1, 1, mesgwrit)); if (ferror(mesgwrit)) err(4, "%s", strings); } } if (fclose(mesgwrit) == EOF) err(4, "%s", strings); } static void found(int new, off_t off, char *str) { if (vflg == 0) return; if (!new) fprintf(stderr, "found at %d:", (int) off); else fprintf(stderr, "new at %d:", (int) off); prstr(str); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } static void prstr(char *cp) { int c; while ((c = (*cp++ & 0377))) if (c < ' ') fprintf(stderr, "^%c", c + '`'); else if (c == 0177) fprintf(stderr, "^?"); else if (c > 0200) fprintf(stderr, "\\%03o", c); else fprintf(stderr, "%c", c); } static void xsdotc(void) { FILE *strf = fopen(strings, "r"); FILE *xdotcf; if (strf == NULL) err(5, "%s", strings); xdotcf = fopen("xs.c", "w"); if (xdotcf == NULL) err(6, "xs.c"); fprintf(xdotcf, "char\txstr[] = {\n"); for (;;) { int i, c; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { c = getc(strf); if (ferror(strf)) { warn("%s", strings); onintr(0); } if (feof(strf)) { fprintf(xdotcf, "\n"); goto out; } fprintf(xdotcf, "0x%02x,", c); } fprintf(xdotcf, "\n"); } out: fprintf(xdotcf, "};\n"); ignore(fclose(xdotcf)); ignore(fclose(strf)); } static char lastchr(char *cp) { while (cp[0] && cp[1]) cp++; return (*cp); } static int istail(char *str, char *of) { int d = strlen(of) - strlen(str); if (d < 0 || strcmp(&of[d], str) != 0) return (-1); return (d); } static void onintr(int dummy __unused) { ignore(signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN)); if (strings[0] == '/') ignore(unlink(strings)); ignore(unlink("x.c")); ignore(unlink("xs.c")); exit(7); }