#!/usr/bin/awk -f #- # Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 # The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # @(#)vnode_if.sh 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93 # $FreeBSD$ # # Script to produce VFS front-end sugar. # # usage: vnode_if.awk [-c | -h] # (where is currently /sys/kern/vnode_if.src) # function usage() { print "usage: vnode_if.awk [-c|-h|-p|-q]"; exit 1; } function die(msg, what) { printf msg "\n", what > "/dev/stderr"; exit 1; } function t_spc(type) { # Append a space if the type is not a pointer return (type ~ /\*$/) ? type : type " "; } # These are just for convenience ... function printc(s) {print s > cfile;} function printh(s) {print s > hfile;} function printp(s) {print s > pfile;} function printq(s) {print s > qfile;} function add_debug_code(name, arg, pos, ind) { if (arg == "vpp") star = "*"; else star = ""; if (lockdata[name, arg, pos] && (lockdata[name, arg, pos] != "-")) { if (arg ~ /^\*/) { printc(ind"if ("substr(arg, 2)" != NULL) {"); } printc(ind"ASSERT_VI_UNLOCKED("star"a->a_"arg", \""uname"\");"); # Add assertions for locking if (lockdata[name, arg, pos] == "L") printc(ind"ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(" star "a->a_"arg", \""uname"\");"); else if (lockdata[name, arg, pos] == "U") printc(ind"ASSERT_VOP_UNLOCKED(" star "a->a_"arg", \""uname"\");"); else if (0) { # XXX More checks! } if (arg ~ /^\*/) { printc("ind}"); } } } function add_debug_pre(name) { if (lockdata[name, "pre"]) { printc("#ifdef DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS"); printc("\t"lockdata[name, "pre"]"(a);"); printc("#endif"); } } function add_debug_post(name) { if (lockdata[name, "post"]) { printc("#ifdef DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS"); printc("\t"lockdata[name, "post"]"(a, rc);"); printc("#endif"); } } function find_arg_with_type (type) { for (jj = 0; jj < numargs; jj++) { if (types[jj] == type) { return "VOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct " \ name "_args,a_" args[jj] ")"; } } return "VDESC_NO_OFFSET"; } BEGIN{ # Process the command line for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) { arg = ARGV[i]; if (arg !~ /^-[chpq]+$/ && arg !~ /\.src$/) usage(); if (arg ~ /^-.*c/) cfile = "vnode_if.c"; if (arg ~ /^-.*h/) hfile = "vnode_if.h"; if (arg ~ /^-.*p/) pfile = "vnode_if_newproto.h"; if (arg ~ /^-.*q/) qfile = "vnode_if_typedef.h"; if (arg ~ /\.src$/) srcfile = arg; } ARGC = 1; if (!cfile && !hfile && !pfile && !qfile) exit 0; if (!srcfile) usage(); common_head = \ "/*\n" \ " * This file is produced automatically.\n" \ " * Do not modify anything in here by hand.\n" \ " *\n" \ " * Created from $FreeBSD$\n" \ " */\n" \ "\n"; if (pfile) { printp(common_head) printp("struct vop_vector {") printp("\tstruct vop_vector\t*vop_default;") printp("\tvop_bypass_t\t*vop_bypass;") } if (qfile) { printq(common_head) } if (hfile) { printh(common_head "extern struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc;"); printh("#include \"vnode_if_typedef.h\"") printh("#include \"vnode_if_newproto.h\"") } if (cfile) { printc(common_head \ "#include \n" \ "#include \n" \ "#include \n" \ "\n" \ "struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc = {\n" \ " \"default\",\n" \ " 0,\n" \ " (void *)(uintptr_t)vop_panic,\n" \ " NULL,\n" \ " VDESC_NO_OFFSET,\n" \ " VDESC_NO_OFFSET,\n" \ " VDESC_NO_OFFSET,\n" \ " VDESC_NO_OFFSET,\n" \ " NULL,\n" \ "};\n"); } while ((getline < srcfile) > 0) { if (NF == 0) continue; if ($1 ~ /^#%/) { if (NF != 6 || $1 != "#%" || \ $2 !~ /^[a-z]+$/ || $3 !~ /^[a-z]+$/ || \ $4 !~ /^.$/ || $5 !~ /^.$/ || $6 !~ /^.$/) continue; lockdata["vop_" $2, $3, "Entry"] = $4; lockdata["vop_" $2, $3, "OK"] = $5; lockdata["vop_" $2, $3, "Error"] = $6; continue; } if ($1 ~ /^#!/) { if (NF != 4 || $1 != "#!") continue; if ($3 != "pre" && $3 != "post") continue; lockdata["vop_" $2, $3] = $4; continue; } if ($1 ~ /^#/) continue; # Get the function name. name = $1; uname = toupper(name); # Start constructing a ktrpoint string ctrstr = "\"" uname; # Get the function arguments. for (numargs = 0; ; ++numargs) { if ((getline < srcfile) <= 0) { die("Unable to read through the arguments for \"%s\"", name); } if ($1 ~ /^\};/) break; # Delete comments, if any. gsub (/\/\*.*\*\//, ""); # Condense whitespace and delete leading/trailing space. gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, " "); sub(/^ /, ""); sub(/ $/, ""); # Pick off direction. if ($1 != "INOUT" && $1 != "IN" && $1 != "OUT") die("No IN/OUT direction for \"%s\".", $0); dirs[numargs] = $1; sub(/^[A-Z]* /, ""); if ((reles[numargs] = $1) == "WILLRELE") sub(/^[A-Z]* /, ""); else reles[numargs] = "WONTRELE"; # kill trailing ; if (sub(/;$/, "") < 1) die("Missing end-of-line ; in \"%s\".", $0); # pick off variable name if ((argp = match($0, /[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/)) < 1) die("Missing var name \"a_foo\" in \"%s\".", $0); args[numargs] = substr($0, argp); $0 = substr($0, 1, argp - 1); # what is left must be type # remove trailing space (if any) sub(/ $/, ""); types[numargs] = $0; # We can do a maximum of 6 arguments to CTR* if (numargs <= 6) { if (numargs == 0) ctrstr = ctrstr "(" args[numargs]; else ctrstr = ctrstr ", " args[numargs]; if (types[numargs] ~ /\*/) ctrstr = ctrstr " 0x%lX"; else ctrstr = ctrstr " %ld"; } } if (numargs > 6) ctrargs = 6; else ctrargs = numargs; ctrstr = "\tCTR" ctrargs "(KTR_VOP,\n\t " ctrstr ")\",\n\t "; ctrstr = ctrstr "a->a_" args[0]; for (i = 1; i < ctrargs; ++i) ctrstr = ctrstr ", a->a_" args[i]; ctrstr = ctrstr ");"; if (pfile) { printp("\t"name"_t\t*"name";") } if (qfile) { printq("struct "name"_args;") printq("typedef int "name"_t(struct "name"_args *);\n") } if (hfile) { # Print out the vop_F_args structure. printh("struct "name"_args {\n\tstruct vop_generic_args a_gen;"); for (i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) printh("\t" t_spc(types[i]) "a_" args[i] ";"); printh("};"); printh(""); # Print out extern declaration. printh("extern struct vnodeop_desc " name "_desc;"); printh(""); # Print out function prototypes. printh("int " uname "_AP(struct " name "_args *);"); printh(""); printh("static __inline int " uname "("); for (i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) { printh("\t" t_spc(types[i]) args[i] \ (i < numargs - 1 ? "," : ")")); } printh("{"); printh("\tstruct " name "_args a;"); printh(""); printh("\ta.a_gen.a_desc = VDESC(" name ");"); for (i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) printh("\ta.a_" args[i] " = " args[i] ";"); printh("\treturn (" uname "_AP(&a));"); printh("}"); printh(""); } if (cfile) { # Print out the vop_F_vp_offsets structure. This all depends # on naming conventions and nothing else. printc("static int " name "_vp_offsets[] = {"); # as a side effect, figure out the releflags releflags = ""; vpnum = 0; for (i = 0; i < numargs; i++) { if (types[i] == "struct vnode *") { printc("\tVOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct " name \ "_args,a_" args[i] "),"); if (reles[i] == "WILLRELE") { releflags = releflags \ "|VDESC_VP" vpnum "_WILLRELE"; } vpnum++; } } sub(/^\|/, "", releflags); printc("\tVDESC_NO_OFFSET"); printc("};"); # Print out function. printc("\nint\n" uname "_AP(struct " name "_args *a)"); printc("{"); printc("\tint rc;"); printc("\tstruct vnode *vp = a->a_" args[0]";"); printc("\tstruct vop_vector *vop = vp->v_op;"); printc(""); printc("\tKASSERT(a->a_gen.a_desc == VDESC(" name "),"); printc("\t (\"Wrong a_desc in " name "(%p, %p)\", vp, a));"); printc("\twhile(vop != NULL && \\"); printc("\t vop->"name" == NULL && vop->vop_bypass == NULL)") printc("\t\tvop = vop->vop_default;") printc("\tKASSERT(vop != NULL, (\"No "name"(%p, %p)\", vp, a));") for (i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) add_debug_code(name, args[i], "Entry", "\t"); add_debug_pre(name); printc("\tif (vop->"name" != NULL)") printc("\t\trc = vop->"name"(a);") printc("\telse") printc("\t\trc = vop->vop_bypass(&a->a_gen);") printc(ctrstr); printc("\tif (rc == 0) {"); for (i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) add_debug_code(name, args[i], "OK", "\t\t"); printc("\t} else {"); for (i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) add_debug_code(name, args[i], "Error", "\t\t"); printc("\t}"); add_debug_post(name); printc("\treturn (rc);"); printc("}\n"); # Print out the vnodeop_desc structure. printc("struct vnodeop_desc " name "_desc = {"); # printable name printc("\t\"" name "\","); # flags vppwillrele = ""; for (i = 0; i < numargs; i++) { if (types[i] == "struct vnode **" && \ reles[i] == "WILLRELE") { vppwillrele = "|VDESC_VPP_WILLRELE"; } } if (!releflags) releflags = "0"; printc("\t" releflags vppwillrele ","); # function to call printc("\t(void*)(uintptr_t)" uname "_AP,"); # vp offsets printc("\t" name "_vp_offsets,"); # vpp (if any) printc("\t" find_arg_with_type("struct vnode **") ","); # cred (if any) printc("\t" find_arg_with_type("struct ucred *") ","); # thread (if any) printc("\t" find_arg_with_type("struct thread *") ","); # componentname printc("\t" find_arg_with_type("struct componentname *") ","); # transport layer information printc("\tNULL,\n};\n"); } } if (pfile) printp("};") if (hfile) close(hfile); if (cfile) close(cfile); if (pfile) close(pfile); close(srcfile); exit 0; }