#!/bin/sh # tcl magic \ exec tclsh $0 $* ################################################################################ # Copyright (C) 1997 # Michael Smith. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Michael Smith AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Michael Smith OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. ################################################################################ # # LibraryReport; produce a list of shared libraries on the system, and a list of # all executables that use them. # ################################################################################ # # Stage 1 looks for shared libraries; the output of 'ldconfig -r' is examined # for hints as to where to look for libraries (but not trusted as a complete # list). # # These libraries each get an entry in the global 'Libs()' array. # # Stage 2 walks the entire system directory heirachy looking for executable # files, applies 'ldd' to them and attempts to determine which libraries are # used. The path of the executable is then added to the 'Libs()' array # for each library used. # # Stage 3 reports on the day's findings. # ################################################################################ # # ######################################################################################### # findLibs # # Ask ldconfig where it thinks libraries are to be found. Go look for them, and # add an element to 'Libs' for everything that looks like a library. # proc findLibs {} { global Libs stats verbose; # Older ldconfigs return a junk value when asked for a report if {[catch {set liblist [exec ldconfig -r]} err]} { # get ldconfig output puts stderr "ldconfig returned nonzero, persevering."; set liblist $err; # there's junk in this } # remove hintsfile name, convert to list set liblist [lrange [split $liblist "\n"] 1 end]; set libdirs ""; # no directories yet foreach line $liblist { # parse ldconfig output if {[scan $line "%s => %s" junk libname] == 2} { # find directory name set libdir [file dirname $libname]; # have we got this one already? if {[lsearch -exact $libdirs $libdir] == -1} { lappend libdirs $libdir; } } else { puts stderr "Unparseable ldconfig output line :"; puts stderr $line; } } # libdirs is now a list of directories that we might find libraries in foreach dir $libdirs { # get the names of anything that looks like a library set libnames [glob -nocomplain "$dir/lib*.so.*"] foreach lib $libnames { set type [file type $lib]; # what is it? switch $type { file { # looks like a library # may have already been referenced by a symlink if {![info exists Libs($lib)]} { set Libs($lib) ""; # add it to our list if {$verbose} {puts "+ $lib";} } } link { # symlink; probably to another library # If the readlink fails, the symlink is stale if {[catch {set ldest [file readlink $lib]}]} { puts stderr "Symbolic link points to nothing : $lib"; } else { # may have already been referenced by another symlink if {![info exists Libs($lib)]} { set Libs($lib) ""; # add it to our list if {$verbose} {puts "+ $lib";} } # list the symlink as a consumer of this library lappend Libs($ldest) "($lib)"; if {$verbose} {puts "-> $ldest";} } } } } } set stats(libs) [llength [array names Libs]]; } ################################################################################ # findLibUsers # # Look in the directory (dir) for executables. If we find any, call # examineExecutable to see if it uses any shared libraries. Call ourselves # on any directories we find. # # Note that the use of "*" as a glob pattern means we miss directories and # executables starting with '.'. This is a Feature. # proc findLibUsers {dir} { global stats verbose; if {[catch { set ents [glob -nocomplain "$dir/*"]; } msg]} { if {$msg == ""} { set msg "permission denied"; } puts stderr "Can't search under '$dir' : $msg"; return ; } if {$verbose} {puts "===>> $dir";} incr stats(dirs); # files? foreach f $ents { # executable? if {[file executable $f]} { # really a file? if {[file isfile $f]} { incr stats(files); examineExecutable $f; } } } # subdirs? foreach f $ents { # maybe a directory with more files? # don't use 'file isdirectory' because that follows symlinks if {[catch {set type [file type $f]}]} { continue ; # may not be able to stat } if {$type == "directory"} { findLibUsers $f; } } } ################################################################################ # examineExecutable # # Look at (fname) and see if ldd thinks it references any shared libraries. # If it does, update Libs with the information. # proc examineExecutable {fname} { global Libs stats verbose; # ask Mr. Ldd. if {[catch {set result [exec ldd $fname]} msg]} { return ; # not dynamic } if {$verbose} {puts -nonewline "$fname : ";} incr stats(execs); # For a non-shared executable, we get a single-line error message. # For a shared executable, we get a heading line, so in either case # we can discard the first line and any subsequent lines are libraries # that are required. set llist [lrange [split $result "\n"] 1 end]; set uses ""; foreach line $llist { if {[scan $line "%s => %s %s" junk1 lib junk2] == 3} { if {$lib == "not"} { # "not found" error set mlname [string range $junk1 2 end]; puts stderr "$fname : library '$mlname' not known."; } else { lappend Libs($lib) $fname; lappend uses $lib; } } else { puts stderr "Unparseable ldd output line :"; puts stderr $line; } } if {$verbose} {puts "$uses";} } ################################################################################ # emitLibDetails # # Emit a listing of libraries and the executables that use them. # proc emitLibDetails {} { global Libs; # divide into used/unused set used ""; set unused ""; foreach lib [array names Libs] { if {$Libs($lib) == ""} { lappend unused $lib; } else { lappend used $lib; } } # emit used list puts "== Current Shared Libraries =================================================="; foreach lib [lsort $used] { # sort executable names set users [lsort $Libs($lib)]; puts [format "%-30s %s" $lib $users]; } # emit unused puts "== Stale Shared Libraries ===================================================="; foreach lib [lsort $unused] { # sort executable names set users [lsort $Libs($lib)]; puts [format "%-30s %s" $lib $users]; } } ################################################################################ # Run the whole shebang # proc main {} { global stats verbose argv; set verbose 0; foreach arg $argv { switch -- $arg { -v { set verbose 1; } default { puts stderr "Unknown option '$arg'."; exit ; } } } set stats(libs) 0; set stats(dirs) 0; set stats(files) 0; set stats(execs) 0 findLibs; findLibUsers "/"; emitLibDetails; puts [format "Searched %d directories, %d executables (%d dynamic) for %d libraries." \ $stats(dirs) $stats(files) $stats(execs) $stats(libs)]; } ################################################################################ main;