/*matcd.c-------------------------------------------------------------------- Matsushita(Panasonic) / Creative CD-ROM Driver (matcd) Authored by Frank Durda IV Copyright 1994, 1995 Frank Durda IV. All rights reserved. "FDIV" is a trademark of Frank Durda IV. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice positioned at the very beginning of this file without modification, all copyright strings, all related programming codes that display the copyright strings, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must contain all copyright strings and related programming code that display the copyright strings. 3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 4. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: "The Matsushita/Panasonic CD-ROM driver was developed by Frank Durda IV for use with "FreeBSD" and similar operating systems." "Similar operating systems" includes mainly non-profit oriented systems for research and education, including but not restricted to "NetBSD", "386BSD", and "Mach" (by CMU). The wording of the acknowledgement (in electronic form or printed text) may not be changed without permission from the author. 5. Absolutely no warranty of function, fitness or purpose is made by the author Frank Durda IV. 6. Neither the name of the author nor the name "FreeBSD" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. (The author can be reached at bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org) 7. The product containing this software must meet all of these conditions even if it is unsupported, not a complete system and/or does not contain compiled code. 8. These conditions will be in force for the full life of the copyright. 9. If all the above conditions are met, modifications to other parts of this file may be freely made, although any person or persons making changes do not receive the right to add their name or names to the copyright strings and notices in this software. Persons making changes are encouraged to insert edit history in matcd.c and to put your name and details of the change there. 10. You must have prior written permission from the author to deviate from these terms. Vendors who produce product(s) containing this code are encouraged (but not required) to provide copies of the finished product(s) to the author and to correspond with the author about development activity relating to this code. Donations of development hardware and/or software are also welcome. (This is one of the faster ways to get a driver developed for a device.) THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPER(S) ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE DEVELOPER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dedicated to: My family and Max, my Golden Retriever Thanks to: Jordan Hubbard (jkh) for getting me ramped-up to 2.x system quickly enough to make the 2.1 release. He put up with plenty of silly questions. and The people who donated equipment and other material to make development of this driver possible. Donations and sponsors for projects are appreciated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit History - (should be in sync with any source control log entries) Never seen one of these before? Ok, here is how it works. Every time you change the code, you increment the edit number, that number over there in the <%d> and in the (%d) in the version string. You never set this number lower than it is. Near, or preferably on lines that change, insert the edit number. If there is a number there already, you can replace it with a newer one. In the edit history, start with the edit number, and a good description of what changes were made. Then follow it with the date, your name and an EMAIL address where you can be reached. Please follow this practice; it helps leave understandable code in your wake. FYI, you have major and minor release codes. These are numbered 1 thru n. Major feature additions should get a new major release number. Minor releases start with a null and then letters A thru Z. So 3A(456) is Major release 3, Minor release 1, Edit 456 (in Microsoft-ese that would be 03.01.456), and 5(731) is Major release 5, Minor release 0, Edit 731. Typically only the author will change the major and minor release codes. EDIT edit Edit HISTORY history History <1> This initial version is to get basic filesystem I/O working using the SoundBlaster 16 interface. The stand-alone adapter card doesn't work yet. December 1994 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org <2> Corrections to resolve a race condition when multiple drives on the same controller was active. Fixed drive 1 & 2 swap problem. See selectdrive(). 21-Jan-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org <3> Added automatic probing and support for all Creative Labs sound cards with the Creative/Panasonic interface and the stand-alone interface adapters. See AUTOHUNT and FULLCONFIG conditionals for more information. 21-Jan-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org <4> Rebundled debug conditionals. 14-Feb-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org <5> Changes needed to work on FreeBSD 2.1. Also added draincmd since some conditions cause the drive to produce surprise data. See setmode and draincmd 19-Feb-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org <6> Got rid of some redundant error code by creating chk_error(). Also built a nice generic buss-lock function. 20-Feb-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org <7> Improved comments, general structuring. Fixed a problem with disc eject not working if LOCKDRIVE was set. Apparently the drive will reject an EJECT command if the drive is LOCKED. 21-Feb-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org Edit number code marking begins here - earlier edits were during development. <8> Final device name selected and actually made to compile under >2.0. For newer systems, it is "matcd", for older it is "mat". 24-Feb-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org <9> Added some additional disk-related ioctl functions that didn't make it into earlier versions. 26-Feb-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org <10> Updated some conditionals so the code will compile under, although this is not the supported platform. Also found that some other devices probe code was changing the settings for the port 0x302 debug board, so added code to set it to a sane state before we use it. 26-Feb-95 Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*Match this format: Version__dc(d)__dd-mmm-yy */ static char MATCDVERSION[]="Version 1(10) 26-Feb-95"; /* The following strings may not be changed*/ static char MATCDCOPYRIGHT[] = "Matsushita CD-ROM driver, Copr. 1994,1995 Frank Durda IV"; /* The proceeding strings may not be changed*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Include declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "types.h" #include "param.h" #include "systm.h" #include "buf.h" #include "dkbad.h" #include "cdio.h" #include "conf.h" #include "disklabel.h" #include "errno.h" #include "file.h" #include "i386/isa/isa.h" #include "i386/isa/isa_device.h" #include "ioctl.h" #include "proc.h" #include "stat.h" #include "uio.h" #include "options.h" /*Conditional compile options and probe port hints*/ #include "matcd.h" /*Drive-related defines and strings*/ #include "creative.h" /*Host interface related defines*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defines and structures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef FULLCONFIG #define NUMCTRLRS 4 /*With modern boards, four is max*/ #else /*FULLCONFIG*/ #define NUMCTRLRS 1 /*Produces a slightly smaller kernel*/ #endif /*FULLCONFIG*/ #define DRIVESPERC 4 /*This is a constant*/ #define TOTALDRIVES NUMCTRLRS*DRIVESPERC /*Max possible drives*/ #if DIAGPORT > 0xff /*<10>*/ #define DIAGOUT outw /*<10>*/ #else /*DIAGPORT*/ /*<10>*/ #define DIAGOUT outb /*<10>*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ /*<10>*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT int diagloop; /*Used to show looping*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ #define TICKRES 10 /*Our coarse timer resolution*/ #define ISABUSKHZ 8330 /*Number of IN/OUT ISA/sec*/ #ifndef FREE2 #define RAW_PART 2 /*Needs to be defined in*/ #endif /*FREE2*/ #define MATCDBLK 2048 /*Standard block size*/ #define MATCDRBLK 2352 /*Raw and/or DA block size*/ #define MATCD_RETRYS 5 /*Number of retries for read ops*/ #define MATCD_READ_1 0x80 /*Read state machine defines*/ #define MATCD_READ_2 0x90 /*Read state machine defines*/ struct matcd_volinfo { unsigned char type; /*00 CD-DA or CD-ROM 10 CD-I 20 XA */ unsigned char trk_low; /*Normally 1*/ unsigned char trk_high; /*Highest track number*/ unsigned char vol_msf[3]; /*Size of disc in min/sec/frame*/ }; struct matcd_mbx { short controller; short ldrive; short partition; short port; short retry; short nblk; int sz; u_long skip; struct buf *bp; int p_offset; short count; }; struct matcd_data { short config; short drivemode; /*Last state drive was set to*/ short flags; short status; int blksize; u_long disksize; int iobase; struct disklabel dlabel; int partflags[MAXPARTITIONS]; int openflags; struct matcd_volinfo volinfo; short debug; struct matcd_mbx mbx; } matcd_data[TOTALDRIVES]; /* Bit equates for matcd_data.flags*/ #define MATCDINIT 0x0001 /*Probe ran on host adapter*/ #define MATCDLABEL 0x0004 /*Valid TOC exists*/ #define MATCDWARN 0x0020 /*Have reported an open disc change*/ /* Bit equates for matcd_data.partflags*/ #define MATCDOPEN 0x0001 #define MATCDREADRAW 0x0002 #define DELAY_STATUS 10000l /* 10000 * 1us */ #define DELAY_GETREPLY 200000l /* 200000 * 2us */ #define DELAY_SEEKREAD 20000l /* 20000 * 1us */ #define matcd_delay DELAY /* Error classes returned by chk_error()*/ #define ERR_RETRY 1 /*A retry might recover this*/ #define ERR_INIT 2 /*A retry almost certainly will get this*/ #define ERR_FATAL 3 /*This cannot be recovered from*/ struct buf request_head[NUMCTRLRS]; /*A queue for each host interface*/ int nextcontroller=0; /*Number of interface units found*/ int drivepresent=0; /*Don't change this - see license*/ static struct matcd_mbx *mbxsave; unsigned char if_state[4]={0,0,0,0}; /*State of the host I/F and buss*/ /* Flags in the if_state array */ #define BUSSBUSY 0x01 /*Buss is already busy*/ struct matcd_read2 { unsigned char start_msf[3]; unsigned char end_msf[3]; }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- These macros take apart the minor number and yield the partition, drive on controller, and controller. This must match the settings in /dev/MAKEDEV. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define matcd_partition(dev) ((minor(dev)) & 0x07) #define matcd_ldrive(dev) (((minor(dev)) & 0x78) >> 3) #define matcd_cdrive(dev) (((minor(dev)) & 0x18) >> 3) #define matcd_controller(dev) (((minor(dev)) & 0x60) >> 5) #ifndef FREE2 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- This makes the long function names shorter for systems using the older kernel config program ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define matcdopen matopen /*<8>*/ #define matcdclose matclose /*<8>*/ #define matcdstrategy matstrategy /*<8>*/ #define matcdioctl matioctl /*<8>*/ #define matcdsize matsize /*<8>*/ #define matcddriver matdriver /*<10>*/ #endif /*FREE2*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry points and other connections to/from kernel - see conf.c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int matcdopen(dev_t dev); int matcdclose(dev_t dev); void matcdstrategy(struct buf *bp); int matcdioctl(dev_t dev, int command, caddr_t addr, int flags); int matcdsize(dev_t dev); extern int hz; extern int matcd_probe(struct isa_device *dev); extern int matcd_attach(struct isa_device *dev); struct isa_driver matcddriver={matcd_probe, matcd_attach, "matcd interface "}; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal function declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int matcd_getdisklabel(int ldrive); static void matcd_start(struct buf *dp); static void zero_cmd(char *); static void matcd_pread(int port, int count, unsigned char * data); static int matcd_fastcmd(int port,int ldrive,int cdrive, unsigned char * cp); static void matcd_slowcmd(int port,int ldrive,int cdrive, unsigned char * cp); static int matcd_getstat(int ldrive, int sflg); static void matcd_setflags(int ldrive, struct matcd_data *cd); static int msf2hsg(unsigned char *msf); static void matcd_blockread(int state); static int matcd_getreply(int ldrive, int dly); static void selectdrive(int port,int drive); static void doreset(int port,int cdrive); static int doprobe(int port,int cdrive); static void watchdog(int state, char * foo); static void lockbuss(int controller, int ldrive); static void unlockbuss(int controller, int ldrive); static int matcd_volinfo(int ldrive); static void draincmd(int port,int cdrive,int ldrive); static int get_error(int port, int ldrive, int cdrive); static int chk_error(int errnum); static int msf_to_blk(unsigned char * cd); int docmd(char *cmd, int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, int port); int get_stat(int port, int ldrive); int matcd_eject(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller); int media_chk(struct matcd_data *cd, int errnum, int ldrive); int waitforit(int timelimit, int state, int port, char *where); #ifdef FULLDRIVER static int matcd_playtracks(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, struct ioc_play_track *pt); static int matcd_playmsf(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, struct ioc_play_msf *pt); static int matcd_pause(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, struct ioc_play_msf * addr,int action); static int matcd_stop(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, struct ioc_play_msf * addr); #endif /*FULLDRIVER*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcdopen - Open the device This routine actually gets called every time anybody opens any partition on a drive. But the first call is the one that does all the work. If you #define LOCKDRIVE, the drive eject button will be ignored while any partition on the drive is open. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int matcdopen(dev_t dev) { int cdrive,ldrive,partition,controller; struct matcd_data *cd; int i,z,port; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; #if DIAGPORT == 0x302 /*<10>*/ DIAGOUT(0x300,0x00); /*<10>Init diag board in case some other device probe scrambled it*/ #endif /*<10>DIAGPORT*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0x10); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ ldrive=matcd_ldrive(dev); cdrive=matcd_cdrive(dev); partition=matcd_partition(dev); controller=matcd_controller(dev); cd= &matcd_data[ldrive]; port=cd->iobase; /*and port#*/ if (ldrive >= TOTALDRIVES) return(ENXIO); #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Open: dev %x partition %x controller %x flags %x cdrive %x\n", ldrive,dev,partition,controller,cd->flags,matcd_cdrive(dev)); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ if (!(cd->flags & MATCDINIT)) { /*Did probe find this drive*/ return(ENXIO); } if (!(cd->flags & MATCDLABEL) && cd->openflags) { /*Has drive completely closed?*/ return(ENXIO); /*No, all partitions must close*/ } /* Now, test to see if the media is ready */ lockbuss(controller,ldrive); zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=NOP; /*Test drive*/ matcd_slowcmd(port,ldrive,cdrive,cmd); i=waitforit(10*TICKRES,DTEN,port,"matcdopen"); z=get_stat(port,ldrive); /*Read and toss status byte*/ unlockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Release buss lock*/ if ((z & MATCD_ST_DSKIN)==0) { /*Is there a disc in the drive?*/ #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: No Disc in open\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ return(ENXIO); } if (z & MATCD_ST_ERROR) { /*Was there an error*/ i=get_error(port,ldrive,cdrive); /*Find out what it was*/ if (cd->openflags) { /*Any parts open?*/ if (media_chk(cd,i,ldrive)) { /*Was it a disc chg?*/ #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Disc change detected i %x z %x\n", ldrive,i,z); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ return(ENOTTY); } } } /* Here we fill in the disklabel structure although most is hardcoded. */ if ((cd->flags & MATCDLABEL)==0) { bzero(&cd->dlabel,sizeof(struct disklabel)); /* Now we query the drive for the actual size of the media. This is where we find out of there is any media or if the media isn't a Mode 1 or Mode 2/XA disc. See version information about Mode 2/XA support. */ lockbuss(controller,ldrive); i=matcdsize(dev); unlockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Release buss lock*/ #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Buss unlocked in open\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ if (i < 0) { printf("matcd%d: Could not read the disc size\n",ldrive); return(ENXIO); } /*matcdsize filled in rest of dlabel*/ /* Based on the results, fill in the variable entries in the disklabel */ cd->dlabel.d_secsize=cd->blksize; cd->dlabel.d_ncylinders=(cd->disksize/100)+1; cd->dlabel.d_secperunit=cd->disksize; cd->dlabel.d_partitions[0].p_size=cd->disksize; cd->dlabel.d_checksum=dkcksum(&cd->dlabel); /* Now fill in the hardcoded section */ /*123456789012345678*/ strncpy(cd->dlabel.d_typename,"Matsushita CDR ",16); strncpy(cd->dlabel.d_packname,"(c) 1994, fdiv ",16); cd->dlabel.d_magic=DISKMAGIC; cd->dlabel.d_magic2=DISKMAGIC; cd->dlabel.d_nsectors=100; cd->dlabel.d_secpercyl=100; cd->dlabel.d_ntracks=1; cd->dlabel.d_interleave=1; cd->dlabel.d_rpm=300; cd->dlabel.d_npartitions=1; /*See note below*/ cd->dlabel.d_partitions[0].p_offset=0; cd->dlabel.d_partitions[0].p_fstype=9; cd->dlabel.d_flags=D_REMOVABLE; /* I originally considered allowing the partition match tracks or sessions on the media, but since you are allowed up to 99 tracks in the RedBook world, this would not fit in with the BSD fixed partition count scheme. So ioctls are used to shift the track to be accessed into partition 1. */ cd->flags |= MATCDLABEL; /*Mark drive as having TOC*/ } #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d open2: partition=%d disksize=%d blksize=%x flags=%x\n", ldrive,partition,cd->disksize,cd->blksize,cd->flags); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ #ifdef LOCKDRIVE if (cd->openflags==0) { lockbuss(controller,ldrive); zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=LOCK; /*Lock drive*/ cmd[1]=1; matcd_slowcmd(port,ldrive,cdrive,cmd); i=waitforit(10*TICKRES,DTEN,port,"matcdopen"); z=get_stat(port,ldrive);/*Read and toss status byte*/ unlockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Release buss lock*/ } #endif /*LOCKDRIVE*/ cd->openflags |= (1<dlabel.d_npartitions && cd->dlabel.d_partitions[partition].p_fstype != FS_UNUSED)) { cd->partflags[partition] |= MATCDOPEN; if (partition == RAW_PART) { cd->partflags[partition] |= MATCDREADRAW; } #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Open is complete\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ return(0); } #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Open FAILED\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ return(ENXIO); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcdclose - Close the device Depending on how you compiled the driver, close may not do much other than clear some driver settings. Note that audio playback will continue. If you did #define LOCKDRIVE, the drive was locked when the matcdopen call is done. If we did that, then we unlock the drive now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int matcdclose(dev_t dev) { int ldrive,cdrive,port,partition,controller,i,z; struct matcd_data *cd; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; ldrive = matcd_ldrive(dev); cdrive=matcd_cdrive(dev); cd=matcd_data + ldrive; port=cd->iobase; /*and port#*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0x20); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ if (ldrive >= TOTALDRIVES) return(ENXIO); partition = matcd_partition(dev); controller=matcd_controller(dev); #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Close partition=%d\n", ldrive, partition); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ if (!(cd->flags & MATCDINIT)) return(ENXIO); cd->partflags[partition] &= ~(MATCDOPEN|MATCDREADRAW); cd->openflags &= ~(1<openflags==0) { lockbuss(controller,ldrive); zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=LOCK; /*Unlock drive*/ matcd_slowcmd(port,ldrive,cdrive,cmd); i=waitforit(10*TICKRES,DTEN,port,"matcdopen"); z=get_stat(port,ldrive);/*Read and toss status byte*/ unlockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Release buss lock*/ } #endif /*LOCKDRIVE*/ cd->flags &= ~MATCDWARN; /*Clear any warning flag*/ return(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcdstrategy - Accepts I/O requests from kernel for processing This routine accepts a read request block pointer (historically but somewhat inaccurately called *bp for buffer pointer). Various sanity checks are performed on the request. When we are happy with the request and the state of the device, the request is added to the queue of requests for the controller that the drive is connected to. We support multiple controllers so there are multiple queues. Once the request is added, we call the matcd_start routine to start the device in case it isn't doing something already. All I/O including ioctl requests rely on the current request starting the next one before exiting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void matcdstrategy(struct buf *bp) { struct matcd_data *cd; struct buf *dp; int s; int ldrive,controller; #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0x30); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ ldrive=matcd_ldrive(bp->b_dev); controller=matcd_controller(bp->b_dev); cd= &matcd_data[ldrive]; #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Strategy: buf=0x%lx, block#=%ld bcount=%ld\n", ldrive,bp,bp->b_blkno,bp->b_bcount); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ if (ldrive >= TOTALDRIVES || bp->b_blkno < 0) { printf("matcd%d: Bogus parameters received - kernel may be corrupted\n",ldrive); bp->b_error=EINVAL; bp->b_flags|=B_ERROR; goto bad; } if (!(cd->flags & MATCDLABEL)) { bp->b_error = EIO; goto bad; } if (!(bp->b_flags & B_READ)) { bp->b_error = EROFS; goto bad; } if (bp->b_bcount==0) /*Request is zero-length - all done*/ goto done; if (matcd_partition(bp->b_dev) != RAW_PART) { if (!(cd->flags & MATCDLABEL)) { bp->b_error = EIO; goto bad; } if (bounds_check_with_label(bp,&cd->dlabel,1) <= 0) { goto done; } } else { bp->b_pblkno=bp->b_blkno; bp->b_resid=0; } s=splbio(); /*Make sure we don't get intr'ed*/ dp=&request_head[controller]; /*Pointer to controller queue*/ disksort(dp,bp); /*Add new request (bp) to queue (dp and sort the requests in a way that may not be ideal for CD-ROM media*/ #ifdef DEBUGQUEUE printf("matcd%d: Dump BP chain: -------\n",ldrive); while (bp) { printf("Block %d\n",bp->b_pblkno); #ifdef FREE2 bp=bp->b_actf; #else /*FREE2*/ bp=bp->av_forw; #endif /*FREE2*/ } printf("matcd%d: ---------------------\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGQUEUE*/ matcd_start(dp); /*Ok, with our newly sorted queue, see if we can start an I/O operation right now*/ splx(s); /*Return priorities to normal*/ return; /*All done*/ bad: bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR; /*Request bad in some way*/ done: bp->b_resid = bp->b_bcount; /*Show un read amount*/ biodone(bp); /*Signal we have done all we plan to*/ return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_start - Pull a request from the queue and consider doing it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void matcd_start(struct buf *dp) { struct matcd_data *cd; struct buf *bp; struct partition *p; int part,ldrive,controller; register s; #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0x40); /*Show where we are*/ diagloop=0; #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ if ((bp=dp->b_actf) == NULL) { /*Nothing on read queue to do?*/ wakeup((caddr_t)&matcd_data->status); /*Wakeup any blocked*/ return; /* opens, ioctls, etc*/ } ldrive=matcd_ldrive(bp->b_dev); /*Get logical drive#*/ cd=&matcd_data[ldrive]; /*Get pointer to data for this drive*/ controller=matcd_controller(bp->b_dev); /*Also get interface #*/ #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: In start controller %d\n",ldrive,controller); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ if (if_state[controller] & BUSSBUSY) { #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Dropping thread in start, controller %d\n", ldrive,controller); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ return; } #ifdef FREE2 dp->b_actf = bp->b_actf; #else /*FREE2*/ dp->b_actf = bp->av_forw; /*Get next request from queue*/ #endif /*FREE2*/ part=matcd_partition(bp->b_dev); p=cd->dlabel.d_partitions + part; if_state[controller] |= BUSSBUSY;/*Mark buss as busy*/ cd->mbx.ldrive=ldrive; /*Save current logical drive*/ cd->mbx.controller=controller; /*and controller*/ cd->mbx.partition=part; /*and partition (2048 vs 2532)*/ cd->mbx.port=cd->iobase; /*and port#*/ cd->mbx.retry=MATCD_RETRYS; /*and the retry count*/ cd->mbx.bp=bp; /*and the bp*/ cd->mbx.p_offset=p->p_offset; /*and where the data will go*/ matcd_blockread(MATCD_READ_1+ldrive); /*Actually start the read*/ return; /*Dropping thread. matcd_blockread must have scheduled a timeout or we will go to sleep forever*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcdioctl - Process things that aren't block reads In this driver, ioctls are used mainly to change the mode the drive is running in, play audio and other things that don't fit into the block read scheme of things. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int matcdioctl(dev_t dev, int command, caddr_t addr, int flags) { struct matcd_data *cd; int ldrive,cdrive,partition; int i,z; unsigned char * p; int port, controller; unsigned char zz; #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0x50); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ ldrive=matcd_ldrive(dev); cdrive=matcd_cdrive(dev); partition=matcd_partition(dev); controller=ldrive>>2; cd = &matcd_data[ldrive]; port=cd->iobase; #ifdef DEBUGIOCTL printf("matcd%d: ioctl %x cdrive %x parms ",ldrive,command,cdrive); for (i=0;i<10;i++) { zz=addr[i]; printf("%02x ",zz); } printf(" flags %x\n",cd->flags); #endif /*DEBUGIOCTL*/ if (!(cd->flags & MATCDLABEL)) /*Did we read TOC OK?*/ return(EIO); switch(command) { case DIOCSBAD: /*<9>*/ return(EINVAL); /*<9>*/ case DIOCGDINFO: /*<9>*/ *(struct disklabel *) addr = cd->dlabel; /*<9>*/ return(0); /*<9>*/ case DIOCGPART: /*<9>*/ ((struct partinfo *) addr)->disklab=&cd->dlabel;/*<9>*/ ((struct partinfo *) addr)->part= /*<9>*/ &cd->dlabel.d_partitions[matcd_partition(dev)];/*<9>*/ return(0); /*<9>*/ case DIOCWDINFO: /*<9>*/ case DIOCSDINFO: /*<9>*/ #ifdef FREE2 /*<10>*/ if ((flags & FWRITE) == 0) { /*<9>*/ return(EBADF); /*<9>*/ } /*<9>*/ else { /*<9>*/ return setdisklabel(&cd->dlabel, /*<9>*/ (struct disklabel *) addr, 0);/*<9>*/ } /*<9>*/ #endif /*<10>FREE2*/ case DIOCWLABEL: /*<9>*/ return(EBADF); /*<9>*/ case CDIOCEJECT: return(matcd_eject(ldrive, cdrive, controller)); #ifdef FULLDRIVER case CDIOCPLAYTRACKS: return(matcd_playtracks(ldrive, cdrive, controller, (struct ioc_play_track *) addr)); case CDIOCPLAYMSF: return(matcd_playmsf(ldrive, cdrive, controller, (struct ioc_play_msf *) addr)); case CDIOCRESUME: return(matcd_pause(ldrive, cdrive, controller, (struct ioc_play_msf *) addr,RESUME)); case CDIOCPAUSE: return(matcd_pause(ldrive, cdrive, controller, (struct ioc_play_msf *) addr,0)); case CDIOCSTOP: return(matcd_stop(ldrive, cdrive, controller, (struct ioc_play_msf *) addr)); case CDIOCGETVOL: case CDIOCSETVOL: case CDIOCSETMONO: case CDIOCSETSTERIO: case CDIOCSETMUTE: case CDIOCSETLEFT: case CDIOCSETRIGHT: #endif /*FULLDRIVER*/ case CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL: case CDIOREADTOCHEADER: case CDIOREADTOCENTRYS: case CDIOCSETPATCH: case CDIOCSTART: case CDIOCRESET: return(EINVAL); default: return(ENOTTY); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcdsize - Reports how many blocks exist on the disc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int matcdsize(dev_t dev) { int size,blksize; int ldrive,part; struct matcd_data *cd; ldrive=matcd_ldrive(dev); part=matcd_partition(dev); if (part==RAW_PART) blksize=MATCDRBLK; /*2353*/ else blksize=MATCDBLK; /*2048*/ cd = &matcd_data[ldrive]; if (matcd_volinfo(ldrive) >= 0) { cd->blksize=blksize; size=msf_to_blk((char * )&cd->volinfo.vol_msf); cd->disksize=size*(blksize/DEV_BSIZE); #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Media size %d\n",ldrive,size); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ return(0); } return(-1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_probe - Search for host interface/adapters The probe routine hunts for the first drive on the interface since there is no way to locate just the adapter. It also resets the entire drive chain while it is there. matcd_attach() takes care of the rest of the initialization. The probe routine can be compiled two ways. In AUTOHUNT mode, the kernel config file can say "port?" and we will check all ports listed in the port_hint array (see above). Without AUTOHUNT set, the config file must list a specific port address to check. Note that specifying the explicit addresses makes boot-up a lot faster. The probe will locate Panasonic/Creative interface on the following Creative adapter boards: #1730 Sound Blaster 16 #1740 Sound Blaster 16 (cost reduced) #1810 omniCD upgrade kit adapter card (stand-alone CD) #3100 PhoneBlaster SB16 + Sierra 14.4K modem combo Creative releases a newer and cheaper-to-make Sound Blaster board every few months, so by the original release date of this software, there are probably 8 different board models called Sound Blaster 16. These include "Vibra", "Value", etc. Please report additional part numbers and board descriptions and new port numbers that work to the author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int matcd_probe(struct isa_device *dev) { int i,cdrive; unsigned char y,z,drive; int level; int port = dev->id_iobase; /*Take port hint from config file*/ cdrive=nextcontroller; /*Controller defined by pass for now*/ #if DIAGPORT == 0x302 /*<10>*/ DIAGOUT(0x300,0x00); /*<10>Init diag board in case some other device probe scrambled it*/ #endif /*<10>DIAGPORT*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0x60); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ if (nextcontroller==NUMCTRLRS) { printf("matcdc%d: - Too many interfaces specified in config\n", nextcontroller); return(0); } if (nextcontroller==0) { /*Very first time to be called*/ for (i=0; iid_iobase=-1; /*Put port ? back*/ return(0);/*Nothing left to try*/ } if (port!=0) { /*Unused port found*/ dev->id_iobase=port; port_hints[i]=0;/*Don't use that port again*/ if (doprobe(port,cdrive)==0) return(NUMPORTS); } } dev->id_iobase=-1; /*Put port ? back as it was*/ return(0); /*Interface not found*/ } else { /*Config specified a port*/ i=0; /*so eliminate it from the hint list*/ for(i=0;;i++) { /*or we might try to assign it again*/ if (port_hints[i]== -1) break; /*End of list*/ if (port_hints[i]==port) { port_hints[i]=0; /*Clear duplicate*/ break; } } if (doprobe(port,cdrive)==0) return(NUMPORTS); else return(0); } #else /*AUTOHUNT*/ if (port==-1) { printf("matcd%d: AUTOHUNT disabled but port? specified in config\n", nextcontroller); return(0); } if (doprobe(port,cdrive)==0) return(NUMPORTS); else return(0); #endif /*AUTOHUNT*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- doprobe - Common probe code that actually checks the ports we have decided to test. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int doprobe(int port,int cdrive) { unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; #ifdef RESETONBOOT doreset(port,cdrive); /*Reset what might be our device*/ #endif /*RESETONBOOT*/ zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=NOP; /*A reasonably harmless command. This command will fail after power-up or after reset. That's OK*/ if (matcd_fastcmd(port,0,0,cmd)==0) {/*Issue command*/ inb(port+CMD); /*Read status byte*/ #ifdef DEBUGPROBE printf("matcdc%d: Probe found something\n",nextcontroller); #endif /*DEBUGPROBE*/ if (drivepresent==0) { /*Don't change this - see license*/ printf("matcd - Matsushita (Panasonic) CD-ROM Driver by FDIV, %s\n",MATCDVERSION); /*Don't change this - see license*/ drivepresent++; /*Don't change this - see license*/ } /*Don't change this - see license*/ return(0); /*Drive 0 detected*/ } #ifdef DEBUGPROBE printf("matcdc%d: Probe DID NOT find something\n",nextcontroller); #endif /*DEBUGPROBE*/ return(1); /*Nothing detected*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_attach - Locates drives on the adapters that were located. If we got here, we located a interface and at least one drive. Now we figure out how many drives are under that interface. The Panasonic interface is too simple to call it a controller, but in the existing PDP model, that is what it would be. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int matcd_attach(struct isa_device *dev) { int i; unsigned char y,z,cdrive; int level; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; unsigned char data[12]; struct matcd_data *cd; int port = dev->id_iobase; /*Take port ID selected in probe()*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0x70); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ #ifdef DEBUGPROBE printf("matcdc: Attach dev %x id_unit %d\n",dev,dev->id_unit); #endif /*DEBUGPROBE*/ for (cdrive=0; cdrive<4; cdrive++) { /*We're hunting drives...*/ zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=NOP; /*A reasonably harmless command. This command will fail after power-up or after reset. It's OK*/ i=cdrive+(DRIVESPERC*nextcontroller); if (matcd_fastcmd(port,i,cdrive,cmd)==0) { /*Issue command*/ z=get_stat(port,cdrive);/*Read and toss status byte*/ if ((z & MATCD_ST_ERROR)) { /*If there was an error, we must ask for error info or subsequent cmds fail*/ zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=READERROR; /*Inquire*/ matcd_fastcmd(port,i,cdrive,cmd); matcd_pread(port,8,data);/*Read data returned*/ z=get_stat(port,i);/*Read and toss status byte*/ #ifdef DEBUGPROBE printf("matcd%d: Status byte %x ",i,z); #endif /*DEBUGPROBE*/ } zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=READID; /*Get drive ID*/ matcd_fastcmd(port,i,cdrive,cmd); matcd_pread(port,10,data);/*Read Drive Parm*/ z=get_stat(port,i); /*Read and toss status byte*/ data[10]=0; /*Build ASCIZ string*/ printf("matcd%d: [%s] ",i,data); cd=&matcd_data[i]; cd->flags |= MATCDINIT; cd->iobase=dev->id_iobase; cd->openflags=0; for (i=0; ipartflags[i]=0; } } } nextcontroller++; /*Bump ctlr assign to next number*/ printf("\n"); /*End line of drive reports*/ return(1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- zero_cmd - Initialize command buffer ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void zero_cmd(char * lcmd) { int i; for (i=0; i 0x00*/ outb(port+SELECT,CRDRIVE0); break; case 1: /*0x01 -> 0x02*/ outb(port+SELECT,CRDRIVE1); break; case 2: /*0x02 -> 0x01*/ outb(port+SELECT,CRDRIVE2); break; case 3: /*0x03 -> 0x03*/ outb(port+SELECT,CRDRIVE3); break; } return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_pread - Read small blocks of control data from a drive ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void matcd_pread(int port, int count, unsigned char * data) { int i; for (i=0; iiobase; if (cd->drivemode==mode) { return(0); /*Drive already set*/ } /* The drive is not in the right mode, so we need to set it. */ zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=MODESELECT; /*Set drive transfer modes*/ /* cmd[1]=BLOCKPARAM; BLOCKPARAM==0*/ cmd[2]=mode; switch(mode) { case MODE_DATA: cmd[3]=0x08; /*2048 bytes*/ break; case MODE_USER: cmd[3]=0x09; /*2352 bytes*/ cmd[4]=0x30; break; case MODE_DA: cmd[3]=0x09; /*2352 bytes*/ cmd[4]=0x30; break; } i=0; while(retries-- > 0) { i=matcd_fastcmd(port,ldrive,cdrive,cmd); z=get_stat(port,ldrive);/*Read and toss status byte*/ if (i==0) { cd->drivemode=mode; /*Set new mode*/ return(i); } get_error(port,ldrive,cdrive); } cd->drivemode=MODE_UNKNOWN; /*We failed*/ return(i); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_volinfo - Read information from disc Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int matcd_volinfo(int ldrive) { struct matcd_data *cd; int port,i; int z,cdrive; int retry; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; unsigned char data[12]; retry=5; cd = &matcd_data[ldrive]; cdrive=ldrive&0x03; port=cd->iobase; #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: In volinfo, port %x\n",ldrive,port); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ while(retry>0) { #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xB0); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=READDINFO; /*Read Disc Info*/ matcd_slowcmd(port,ldrive,cdrive,cmd); i=waitforit(10*TICKRES,DTEN,port,"volinfo"); if (i) { /*THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN*/ z=get_stat(port,ldrive);/*Read and toss status byte*/ printf("matcd%d: command failed, status %x\n", ldrive,z); return(-1); } matcd_pread(port, 6, data); /*Read data returned*/ z=get_stat(port,ldrive);/*Read and toss status byte*/ #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Data got was %x %x %x %x %x %x ",ldrive, data[0],data[1],data[2], data[3],data[4],data[5]); printf("status byte %x\n",z); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ if ((z & MATCD_ST_ERROR)==0) break; /*No Error*/ /* If media change or other error, you have to read error data or the drive will reject subsequent commands. */ if (chk_error(get_error(port, ldrive, cdrive))==ERR_FATAL) { #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: command failed, status %x\n", ldrive,z); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ return(-1); } if ((--retry)==0) return(-1); #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Retrying",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ } #ifdef DEBUGOPEN printf("matcd%d: Status port %x \n",ldrive,inb(port+STATUS)); #endif /*DEBUGOPEN*/ cd->volinfo.type=data[0]; cd->volinfo.trk_high=data[2]; cd->volinfo.trk_low=data[1]; cd->volinfo.vol_msf[0]=data[3]; cd->volinfo.vol_msf[1]=data[4]; cd->volinfo.vol_msf[2]=data[5]; if (cd->volinfo.trk_low + cd->volinfo.trk_high) { cd->flags |= MATCDLABEL; return(0); } return(-1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- blk_to_msf - Convert block numbers into CD disk block ids ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void blk_to_msf(int blk, unsigned char *msf) { blk += 150; /*2 seconds skip required to reach ISO data*/ msf[0] = blk/4500; blk %= 4500; msf[1] = blk / 75; msf[2] = blk % 75; return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- msf_to_blk - Convert CD disk block ids into block numbers ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int msf_to_blk(unsigned char * cd) { return(((cd[0]*60) /*Convert MSF to*/ +cd[1])*75 /*Blocks minus 2*/ +cd[2]-150); /*seconds*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_blockread - Performs actual background disc I/O operations This routine is handed the block number to read, issues the command to the drive, waits for it to complete, reads the data or error, retries if needed, and returns the results to the host. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void matcd_blockread(int state) { struct matcd_mbx *mbx; int ldrive,cdrive; int port; struct buf *bp; struct buf *dp; struct matcd_data *cd; int i,k,z; int l,m; struct matcd_read2 rbuf; int blknum; caddr_t addr; int status; int errtyp; int phase; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xC0 + (diagloop * 0x100));/*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ mbx = &matcd_data[state & 0x0f].mbx; ldrive=mbx->ldrive; /*ldrive is logical drive #*/ cdrive=ldrive & 0x03; /*cdrive is drive # on a controller*/ port=mbx->port; /*port is base port for i/f*/ bp= mbx->bp; cd=&matcd_data[ldrive]; dp=&request_head[mbx->controller]; #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Show state %x cdrive %d partition %d\n", ldrive,state,cdrive,mbx->partition); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ loop: #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Top dp %x\n",ldrive,dp); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xCF + (diagloop * 0x100));/*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ switch (state & 0xf0) { case MATCD_READ_1: #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: State 1 cd->flags %x\n",ldrive,cd->flags); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT diagloop=0; DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xC1); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ /* to check for raw/cooked mode */ if (cd->partflags[mbx->partition] & MATCDREADRAW) { mbx->sz = MATCDRBLK; i=matcd_setmode(ldrive, MODE_DA); #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Set MODE_DA result %d\n",ldrive,i); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ } else { mbx->sz = cd->blksize; i=matcd_setmode(ldrive, MODE_DATA); #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Set MODE_DATA result %d\n",ldrive,i); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ } /*for first block*/ #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: A mbx %x bp %x b_bcount %x sz %x\n", ldrive,mbx,bp,bp->b_bcount,mbx->sz); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ mbx->nblk = (bp->b_bcount + (mbx->sz-1)) / mbx->sz; mbx->skip=0; nextblock: #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: at Nextblock b_blkno %d\n", ldrive,bp->b_blkno); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ blknum=(bp->b_blkno / (mbx->sz/DEV_BSIZE)) + mbx->p_offset + mbx->skip/mbx->sz; blk_to_msf(blknum,rbuf.start_msf); zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=READ; /*Get drive ID*/ cmd[1]=rbuf.start_msf[0]; cmd[2]=rbuf.start_msf[1]; cmd[3]=rbuf.start_msf[2]; cmd[6]=1; matcd_slowcmd(port,ldrive,cdrive,cmd); /* Now that we have issued the command, check immediately to see if data is ready. The drive has read-ahead caching, so it is possible the data is already in the drive buffer. If the data is not ready, schedule a wakeup and later on this code will run again to see if the data is ready then. */ case MATCD_READ_2: state=MATCD_READ_2+ldrive; phase = (inb(port+STATUS)) & (DTEN|STEN); #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: In state 2 status %x ",ldrive,phase); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xC2 + (diagloop++ * 0x100));/*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ switch(phase) { case (DTEN|STEN): /*DTEN==H STEN==H*/ #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Sleeping\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ timeout((timeout_func_t)matcd_blockread, (caddr_t)MATCD_READ_2+ldrive,hz/100); return; case STEN: /*DTEN=L STEN=H*/ case 0: /*DTEN=L STEN=L*/ #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Data Phase\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ outb(port+STATUS,1); /*Enable data read*/ addr=bp->b_un.b_addr + mbx->skip; #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Xfer Addr %x size %x", ldrive,addr,mbx->sz); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ i=0; while(inb(port+STATUS)==0xfd) { *addr++=inb(port+DATA); i++; } #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Read %d bytes\n",ldrive,i); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ outb(port+STATUS,0); /*Disable data read*/ /* Now, wait for the Status phase to arrive. This will also tell us if any went wrong with the request. */ while((inb(port+STATUS)&(DTEN|STEN)) != DTEN); status=get_stat(port,ldrive); /*Read and toss status byte*/ #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Status port %x byte %x ", ldrive,i,status); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ if (status & MATCD_ST_ERROR) { i=get_error(port,ldrive,cdrive); printf("matcd%d: %s while reading block %d [Soft]\n", ldrive,matcderrors[i],bp->b_blkno); } media_chk(cd,i,ldrive); if (--mbx->nblk > 0) { mbx->skip += mbx->sz; goto nextblock; /*Oooooh, you flunk the course*/ } bp->b_resid=0; biodone(bp); unlockbuss(ldrive>>2, ldrive); /*Release buss lock*/ matcd_start(dp); return; /* Here we skipped the data phase and went directly to status. This indicates a hard error. */ case DTEN: /*DTEN=H STEN=L*/ status=get_stat(port,ldrive); /*Read and toss status byte*/ #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: error, status was %x\n", ldrive,status); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ /* Ok, we need more details, so read error. This is needed to issue any further commands anyway */ errtyp=get_error(port,ldrive,cdrive); printf("matcd%d: %s while reading block %d\n", ldrive,matcderrors[errtyp],bp->b_blkno); if (media_chk(cd,errtyp,ldrive)) goto giveup; errtyp=chk_error(errtyp); switch(errtyp) { case ERR_RETRY: /*We can retry this error, but the drive probably has already*/ if (mbx->retry-- > 0 ) { state=MATCD_READ_1+ldrive; #ifdef DEBUGIO printf("matcd%d: Attempting retry\n", ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGIO*/ goto loop; } goto giveup; /* These errors usually indicate the user took the media from the drive while the dev was open. We will invalidate the unit until it closes when we see this. */ case ERR_INIT:/*Media probably was removed while the dev was open. Invalidate the unit until it is closed.*/ case ERR_FATAL:/*This type of error is so bad we will never recover even if we retry.*/ default: giveup: #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xCE + (diagloop * 0x100));/*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR; bp->b_resid = bp->b_bcount; biodone(bp); unlockbuss(ldrive>>2, ldrive); matcd_start(dp); return; } } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_eject - Open drive tray ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int matcd_eject(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller) { int retries,i,z,port; struct matcd_data *cd; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; cd=&matcd_data[ldrive]; port=cd->iobase; /*Get I/O port base*/ zero_cmd(cmd); /*Initialize command buffer*/ #ifdef LOCKDRIVE cmd[0]=LOCK; /*Unlock drive*/ i=docmd(cmd,ldrive,cdrive,controller,port); /*Issue command*/ #endif /*LOCKDRIVE*/ cmd[0]=DOOROPEN; /*Open Door*/ i=docmd(cmd,ldrive,cdrive,controller,port); /*Issue command*/ cd->flags &= ~MATCDLABEL; /*Mark volume info invalid*/ return(i); /*Return result we got*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- docmd - Get the buss, do the command, wait for completion, attempt retries, give up the buss. For commands that do not return data. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int docmd(char * cmd, int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, int port) { int retries,i,z; lockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Request buss*/ retries=3; while(retries-- > 0) { #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xD0); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ matcd_slowcmd(port,ldrive,cdrive,cmd); i=waitforit(80*TICKRES,DTEN,port,"cmd"); z=get_stat(port,ldrive);/*Read and toss status byte*/ if ((z & MATCD_ST_ERROR)==0) break; i=chk_error(get_error(port,ldrive,cdrive)); if (i!=ERR_INIT) { unlockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Release buss*/ return(EFAULT); } } unlockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Release buss*/ return(i); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- get_error - Read the error that aborted a command. Created in Edit 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_error(int port, int ldrive, int cdrive) { int status,errnum; unsigned char cmd1[MAXCMDSIZ]; unsigned char data[12]; zero_cmd(cmd1); cmd1[0]=READERROR; /*Enquire*/ matcd_fastcmd(port,ldrive,cdrive,cmd1); matcd_pread(port, 8, data); /*Read data returned*/ errnum=data[2]; /*Caller wants it classified*/ status=get_stat(port,ldrive); /*Read and toss status byte*/ #ifdef DEBUGCMD printf("matcd%d: Chkerror found %x on command %x addrval %x statusdata %x statusport %x\n", ldrive,errnum,data[1],data[0],status,inb(port+STATUS)); #endif /*DEBUGCMD*/ return(errnum); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- chk_error - Classify the error that the drive reported Created in Edit 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int chk_error(int errnum) { switch(errnum) { /* These are errors we can attempt a retry for, although the drive has already done so. */ case UNRECV_ERROR: case SEEK_ERROR: case TRACK_ERROR: case FOCUS_ERROR: case CLV_ERROR: case DATA_ERROR: return(ERR_RETRY); /* These errors usually indicate the user took the media from the drive while the dev was open. We will invalidate the unit until it closes when we see this. */ case NOT_READY: case MEDIA_CHANGED: case DISC_OUT: case HARD_RESET: return (ERR_INIT); /* These errors indicate the system is confused about the drive or media, and point to bugs in the driver or OS. These errors cannot be retried since you will always get the same error. */ case RAM_ERROR: case DIAG_ERROR: case CDB_ERROR: case END_ADDRESS: case MODE_ERROR: case ILLEGAL_REQ: case ADDRESS_ERROR: default: return (ERR_FATAL); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- get_stat - Reads status byte This routine should be totally unnecessary, performing the task with a single line of in-line code. However in special cases, the drives return blocks of data that are not associated with the command in question. This appears to be a firmware error and the rest of the driver makes an effort to avoid triggering the fault. However, reading and throwing this bogus data is faster and less destructive than resetting all the drives on a given controller, plus it leaves the other drives unaffected. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_stat(int port,int ldrive) { int status; status=inb(port+DATA); /*Read the status byte, last step of cmd*/ while ((inb(port+STATUS))!=0xff) { printf("matcd%d: get_stat: After reading status byte, buss didn't go idle\n",ldrive); if (( status & DTEN|STEN) == STEN) { int k; k=0; #ifdef DEBUGCMD printf("matcd%d: DATA PRESENT!!!! DISCARDING\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGCMD*/ outb(port+STATUS,1); /*Enable data read*/ while ((inb(port+STATUS) & (DTEN|STEN)) == STEN) { inb(port+DATA); /* printf("%2x ",inb(port+DATA));*/ k++; } outb(port+STATUS,0); #ifdef DEBUGCMD printf("\nmatcd%d: BYTES READ IN DATA was %d\n", ldrive,k); #endif /*DEBUGCMD*/ } status=inb(port+DATA); /*Read the status byte again*/ #ifdef DEBUGCMD printf("matcd%d: Next status byte is %x\n",ldrive,status); #endif /*DEBUGCMD*/ } return(status); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- waitforit - Waits for a command started by slowcmd to complete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int waitforit(int timelimit, int state, int port, char * where) { int i,j; j=i=0; #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xE0); /*Show where we are*/ diagloop=0; #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ #ifdef DEBUGCMD printf("matcd: waitforit port %x timelimit %x hz %x\n", port,timelimit,hz); #endif /*DEBUGCMD*/ while (istatus, PRIBIO, "matcdopen", 0); } if_state[controller] |= BUSSBUSY; /*It's ours NOW*/ #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xF2); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ #ifdef DEBUGSLEEP printf("matcd%d: BUSS locked in lockbuss\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGSLEEP*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- lockbuss - Wait for the buss on the requested driver interface to go idle and acquire it. Created in Edit 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void unlockbuss(int controller, int ldrive) { #ifdef DIAGPORT DIAGOUT(DIAGPORT,0xF4); /*Show where we are*/ #endif /*DIAGPORT*/ if_state[controller] &= ~BUSSBUSY; #ifdef DEBUGSLEEP printf("matcd%d: bussunlocked\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGSLEEP*/ wakeup((caddr_t)&matcd_data->status); /*Wakeup other users*/ matcd_start(&request_head[controller]); /*Wake up any block I/O*/ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- media_chk - Checks error for types related to media changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int media_chk(struct matcd_data *cd,int errnum,int ldrive) { if (errnum==NOT_READY || errnum==MEDIA_CHANGED || errnum==HARD_RESET || errnum==DISC_OUT) { cd->flags &= ~MATCDLABEL; /*Mark label as invalid*/ if ((cd->flags & MATCDWARN)==0) { /*Have we said this*/ printf("matcd%d: Media changed - Further I/O aborted until device closed\n",ldrive); cd->flags |= MATCDWARN; } return(1); } return(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following functions are related to the audio playback capabilities of the drive. They can be omitted from the finished driver using the FULLDRIVER conditional. The full set of features the drive is capable of are currently not implemented but will be added in an upcoming release. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef FULLDRIVER /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_playtracks - Plays one or more audio tracks ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int matcd_playtracks(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, struct ioc_play_track *pt) { struct matcd_data *cd; int start,end; int i,port; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; cd=&matcd_data[ldrive]; port=cd->iobase; if ((cd->flags & MATCDLABEL)==0) return(EIO); /*Refuse after chg error*/ start=pt->start_track; end=pt->end_track; if (start < 1 || /*Starting track valid?*/ end < 1 || /*Ending track valid?*/ start > end || /*Start higher than end?*/ end > cd->volinfo.trk_high) /*End track higher than disc size?*/ return(ESPIPE); /*Track out of range*/ lockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Request buss*/ i=matcd_setmode(ldrive, MODE_DA);/*Force drive into audio mode*/ unlockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Release buss*/ if (i!=0) { return(i); /*Not legal for this media?*/ } zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=PLAYTRKS; /*Play Audio Track/Index*/ cmd[1]=start; cmd[2]=pt->start_index; cmd[3]=end; cmd[4]=pt->end_index; i=docmd(cmd,ldrive,cdrive,controller,port); /*Issue command*/ #ifdef DEBUGIOCTL printf("matcd%d: Play track results %d \n",ldrive,i); #endif /*DEBUGIOCTL*/ return(i); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_playmsf - Plays between a range of blocks ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int matcd_playmsf(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, struct ioc_play_msf *pt) { struct matcd_data *cd; int i,port; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; cd=&matcd_data[ldrive]; port=cd->iobase; #ifdef DEBUGIOCTL printf("matcd%d: playmsf %2x %2x %2x -> %2x %2x %2x\n", ldrive,pt->start_m, pt->start_s, pt->start_f, pt->end_m, pt->end_s,pt->end_f); #endif /*DEBUGIOCTL*/ if ((cd->flags & MATCDLABEL)==0) return(EIO); /*Refuse after chg error*/ if ((cd->volinfo.vol_msf[0]==0 && cd->volinfo.vol_msf[1]<2) || /*Must be after 0'1"75F*/ msf_to_blk((char *)&pt->start_m) > msf_to_blk((char *)&cd->volinfo.vol_msf)) { #ifdef DEBUGIOCTL printf("matcd%d: Invalid block combination\n",ldrive); #endif /*DEBUGIOCTL*/ return(ESPIPE); /*Track out of range*/ } lockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Request buss*/ i=matcd_setmode(ldrive, MODE_DA);/*Force drive into audio mode*/ unlockbuss(controller, ldrive); /*Release buss*/ if (i!=0) { return(i); /*Not legal for this media?*/ } zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=PLAYBLOCKS; /*Play Audio Blocks*/ cmd[1]=pt->start_m; cmd[2]=pt->start_s; cmd[3]=pt->start_f; cmd[4]=pt->end_m; cmd[5]=pt->end_s; cmd[6]=pt->end_f; i=docmd(cmd,ldrive,cdrive,controller,port); /*Issue command*/ return(i); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_pause - Pause or Resume audio playback ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int matcd_pause(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, struct ioc_play_msf * addr,int action) { struct matcd_data *cd; int i,port; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; cd=&matcd_data[ldrive]; port=cd->iobase; if ((cd->flags & MATCDLABEL)==0) return(EIO); /*Refuse after chg error*/ zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=PAUSE; /*Pause or Resume playing audio*/ cmd[1]=action; i=docmd(cmd,ldrive,cdrive,controller,port); /*Issue command*/ #ifdef DEBUGIOCTL printf("matcd%d: Pause / Resume results %d \n",ldrive,i); #endif /*DEBUGIOCTL*/ return(i); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- matcd_stop - Stop audio playback ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int matcd_stop(int ldrive, int cdrive, int controller, struct ioc_play_msf * addr) { struct matcd_data *cd; int i,port; unsigned char cmd[MAXCMDSIZ]; cd=&matcd_data[ldrive]; port=cd->iobase; if ((cd->flags & MATCDLABEL)==0) return(EIO); /*Refuse after chg error*/ zero_cmd(cmd); cmd[0]=ABORT; /*Abort playing audio*/ i=docmd(cmd,ldrive,cdrive,controller,port); /*Issue command*/ #ifdef DEBUGIOCTL printf("matcd%d: Abort results %d \n",ldrive,i); #endif /*DEBUGIOCTL*/ return(i); } #endif /*FULLDRIVER*/ /*End of matcd.c*/