1. Download latest less(1) tarball. The homepage of less(1) is at: http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/ 2. Checkout $FSVN/vendor/less/ into less/ 3. Extract new code to, say, less/lessv429 4. cd less/dist 5. svn list -R | grep -v '/$' | sort >../old 6. cd ../lessv429 7. find . -type f | cut -c 3- | sort >../new 8. tar cf - . | tar xf - -C ../dist 9. cd ../dist 10. comm -23 ../old ../new | xargs svn rm 11. comm -13 ../old ../new | xargs svn add 12. Check svn status output and make sure that all changes are appropriate. 13. Commit and tag the result. 14. Resolve any conflicts that happen in head/contrib/less. 15. Regenerate defines.h: ./configure --prefix=/ --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin \ --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --datarootdir=/usr/share 16. Manually merge changes into src/usr.bin/less/defines.h; adjust Makefile glue to reflect added/removed files. 17. Replace your src/contrib/less with the merged copy, and do a ``make universe'' to make sure that nothing was broken; 18. Commit the result. delphij@FreeBSD.org - May 08, 2009