import pytest import logging import threading import time logging.getLogger("scapy").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) from import ToolsHelper from import VnetTestTemplate class DelayedSend(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, packet): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._packet = packet self.start() def run(self): import scapy.all as sp time.sleep(1) sp.send(self._packet) class TestFrag6(VnetTestTemplate): REQUIRED_MODULES = ["pf"] TOPOLOGY = { "vnet1": {"ifaces": ["if1"]}, "vnet2": {"ifaces": ["if1"]}, "if1": {"prefixes6": [("2001:db8::1/64", "2001:db8::2/64")]}, } def vnet2_handler(self, vnet): ToolsHelper.print_output("/sbin/pfctl -e") ToolsHelper.pf_rules([ "scrub fragment reassemble", "pass", "block in inet6 proto icmp6 icmp6-type echoreq", ]) def check_ping_reply(self, packet): print(packet) return False @pytest.mark.require_user("root") def test_dup_frag_hdr(self): "Test packets with duplicate fragment headers" srv_vnet = self.vnet_map["vnet2"] # Import in the correct vnet, so at to not confuse Scapy import scapy.all as sp packet = sp.IPv6(src="2001:db8::1", dst="2001:db8::2") \ / sp.IPv6ExtHdrFragment(offset = 0, m = 0) \ / sp.IPv6ExtHdrFragment(offset = 0, m = 0) \ / sp.ICMPv6EchoRequest(data=sp.raw(bytes.fromhex('f00f') * 128)) # Delay the send so the sniffer is running when we transmit. s = DelayedSend(packet) packets = sp.sniff(iface=self.vnet.iface_alias_map["if1"].name, timeout=3) for p in packets: assert not p.getlayer(sp.ICMPv6EchoReply)