Old Perl is leaving us. Goodbye, faithful friend.

This commit is contained in:
Mark Murray 1998-09-09 06:49:33 +00:00
parent 2b0daddd6a
commit bae7411889
Notes: svn2git 2020-12-20 02:59:44 +00:00
svn path=/head/; revision=38979
250 changed files with 0 additions and 68813 deletions

View file

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
The "Artistic License"
The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a
Package may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some
semblance of artistic control over the development of the package,
while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute
the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make
reasonable modifications.
"Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the
Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files
created through textual modification.
"Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been
modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes
of the Copyright Holder.
"Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or
copyrights for the package.
"You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing
this Package.
"Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the
basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved,
and so on. (You will not be required to justify it to the
Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large
as a market that must bear the fee.)
"Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item
itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item.
It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it
under the same conditions they received it.
1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications
derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package
modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided
that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and
when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the
a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or
an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive
site such as uunet.uu.net, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include
your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict
with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide
a separate manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly
documents how it differs from the Standard Version.
d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or
executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where
to get the Standard Version.
b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of
the Package with your modifications.
c) accompany any non-standard executables with their corresponding
Standard Version executables, giving the non-standard executables
non-standard names, and clearly documenting the differences in manual
pages (or equivalent), together with instructions on where to get
the Standard Version.
d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package.
You may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However,
you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly
commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software
distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a
product of your own.
6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as
output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall
under the copyright of this Package, but belong to whomever generated
them, and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this
7. C subroutines supplied by you and linked into this Package in order
to emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this
Package shall not be considered part of this Package, but are the
equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6, provided these subroutines do
not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the
regression tests for the language.
8. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
The End

View file

@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
Version 1, February 1989
Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
You can use it for your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must tell them their rights.
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications. Each
licensee is addressed as "you".
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of
transferring a copy.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
1 above, provided that you also do the following:
a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
you changed the files and the date of any change; and
b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
third parties, at your option).
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
Public License.
d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
exchange for a fee.
Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
the other work under the scope of these terms.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
corresponding source code may be obtained. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
modifications to it. For an executable file, complete source code means
all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
accompany that operating system.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
the Program under this License. However, parties who have received
copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
remain in full compliance.
5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
and all its terms and conditions.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to
attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
That's all there is to it!

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Bmake file for perl 4.036
# Note: I'm not sure what to do with c2ph located in misc...
SUBDIR= perl tperl usub lib x2p
.if !defined(NOSUIDPERL) && exists(${.CURDIR}/sperl)
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>

View file

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
Perl Kit, Version 4.0
Copyright (c) 1989,1990,1991, Larry Wall
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of either:
a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
later version, or
b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this
Kit, in the file named "Artistic". If not, I'll be glad to provide one.
You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
For those of you that choose to use the GNU General Public License,
my interpretation of the GNU General Public License is that no Perl
script falls under the terms of the GPL unless you explicitly put
said script under the terms of the GPL yourself. Furthermore, any
object code linked with uperl.o does not automatically fall under the
terms of the GPL, provided such object code only adds definitions
of subroutines and variables, and does not otherwise impair the
resulting interpreter from executing any standard Perl script. I
consider linking in C subroutines in this manner to be the moral
equivalent of defining subroutines in the Perl language itself. You
may sell such an object file as proprietary provided that you provide
or offer to provide the Perl source, as specified by the GNU General
Public License. (This is merely an alternate way of specifying input
to the program.) You may also sell a binary produced by the dumping of
a running Perl script that belongs to you, provided that you provide or
offer to provide the Perl source as specified by the GPL. (The
fact that a Perl interpreter and your code are in the same binary file
is, in this case, a form of mere aggregation.) This is my interpretation
of the GPL. If you still have concerns or difficulties understanding
my intent, feel free to contact me. Of course, the Artistic License
spells all this out for your protection, so you may prefer to use that.
Perl is a language that combines some of the features of C, sed, awk and shell.
See the manual page for more hype. There's also a Nutshell Handbook published
by O'Reilly & Assoc. Their U.S. number is 1-800-338-6887 (dev-nuts) and
their international number is 1-707-829-0515. E-mail to nuts@ora.com.
Perl will probably not run on machines with a small address space.
Please read all the directions below before you proceed any further, and
then follow them carefully.
After you have unpacked your kit, you should have all the files listed
1) Run Configure. This will figure out various things about your system.
Some things Configure will figure out for itself, other things it will
ask you about. It will then proceed to make config.h, config.sh, and
Makefile. If you're a hotshot, run Configure -d to take all the
defaults and then edit config.sh to patch up any flaws.
You might possibly have to trim # comments from the front of Configure
if your sh doesn't handle them, but all other # comments will be taken
care of.
(If you don't have sh, you'll have to copy the sample file config.H to
config.h and edit the config.h to reflect your system's peculiarities.)
2) Glance through config.h to make sure system dependencies are correct.
Most of them should have been taken care of by running the Configure script.
If you have any additional changes to make to the C definitions, they
can be done in cflags.SH. For instance, to turn off the optimizer
on eval.c, find the line in the switch structure for eval.c and
put the command $optimize='-g' before the ;;. You will probably
want to change the entry for teval.c too. To change the C flags
for all the files, edit config.sh and change either $ccflags or $optimize.
3) make depend
This will look for all the includes and modify Makefile accordingly.
Configure will offer to do this for you.
4) make
This will attempt to make perl in the current directory.
If you can't compile successfully, try adding a -DCRIPPLED_CC flag.
(Just because you get no errors doesn't mean it compiled right!)
This simplifies some complicated expressions for compilers that
get indigestion easily. If that has no effect, try turning off
optimization. If you have missing routines, you probably need to
add some library or other, or you need to undefine some feature that
Configure thought was there but is defective or incomplete.
Some compilers will not compile or optimize the larger files without
some extra switches to use larger jump offsets or allocate larger
internal tables. You can customize the switches for each file in
cflags.SH. It's okay to insert rules for specific files into
Makefile.SH, since a default rule only takes effect in the
absence of a specific rule.
Most of the following hints are now done automatically by Configure.
The 3b2 needs to turn off -O.
Compilers with limited switch tables may have to define -DSMALLSWITCHES
Domain/OS 10.3 (at least) native C 6.7 may need -opt 2 for eval.c
AIX/RT may need a -a switch and -DCRIPPLED_CC.
AIX RS/6000 needs to use system malloc and avoid -O on eval.c and toke.c.
AIX RS/6000 needs -D_NO_PROTO.
SUNOS 4.0.[12] needs -DFPUTS_BOTCH.
SUNOS 3.[45] should use the system malloc.
SGI machines may need -Ddouble="long float" and -O1.
Vax-based systems may need to hand assemble teval.s with a -J switch.
Ultrix on MIPS machines may need -DLANGUAGE_C.
Ultrix 4.0 on MIPS machines may need -Olimit 2900 or so.
Ultrix 3.[01] on MIPS needs to undefine WAITPID--the system call is busted.
MIPS machines need /bin before /bsd43/bin in PATH.
MIPS machines may need to undef d_volatile.
MIPS machines may need to turn off -O on cmd.c, perl.c and tperl.c.
Some MIPS machines may need to undefine CASTNEGFLOAT.
Xenix 386 needs -Sm11000 for yacc, and may need -UM_I86.
SCO Xenix may need -m25000 for yacc. See also README.xenix.
Genix needs to use libc rather than libc_s, or #undef VARARGS.
NCR Tower 32 (OS 2.01.01) may need -W2,-Sl,2000 and #undef MKDIR.
A/UX may appears to work with -O -B/usr/lib/big/ optimizer flags.
A/UX needs -lposix to find rewinddir.
A/UX may need -ZP -DPOSIX, and -g if big cc is used.
FPS machines may need -J and -DBADSWITCH.
UTS may need one or more of -DCRIPPLED_CC, -K or -g, and undef LSTAT.
dynix may need to undefine CASTNEGFLOAT (d_castneg='undef' in config.sh).
Dnix (not dynix) may need to remove -O.
IRIX 3.3 may need to undefine VFORK.
HP/UX may need to pull cerror.o and syscall.o out of libc.a and link
them in explicitly.
If you get syntax errors on '(', try -DCRIPPLED_CC or -DBADSWITCH or both.
Machines with half-implemented dbm routines will need to #undef ODBM & NDBM.
If you have GDBM available and want it instead of NDBM, say -DHAS_GDBM.
C's that don't try to restore registers on longjmp() may need -DJMPCLOBBER.
(Try this if you get random glitches.)
If you get duplicates upon linking for malloc et al, say -DHIDEMYMALLOC.
Turn on support for 64-bit integers (long longs) with -DQUAD.
5) make test
This will run the regression tests on the perl you just made.
If it doesn't say "All tests successful" then something went wrong.
See the README in the t subdirectory. Note that you can't run it
in background if this disables opening of /dev/tty. If "make test"
bombs out, just cd to the t directory and run TEST by hand to see if
it makes any difference. If individual tests bomb, you can run
them by hand, e.g., ./perl op/groups.t
6) make install
This will put perl into a public directory (such as /usr/local/bin).
It will also try to put the man pages in a reasonable place. It will not
nroff the man page, however. You may need to be root to do this. If
you are not root, you must own the directories in question and you should
ignore any messages about chown not working.
7) Read the manual entry before running perl.
8) IMPORTANT! Help save the world! Communicate any problems and suggested
patches to me, lwall@netlabs.com (Larry Wall), so we can
keep the world in sync. If you have a problem, there's someone else
out there who either has had or will have the same problem.
If possible, send in patches such that the patch program will apply them.
Context diffs are the best, then normal diffs. Don't send ed scripts--
I've probably changed my copy since the version you have. It's also
helpful if you send the output of "uname -a".
Watch for perl patches in comp.lang.perl. Patches will generally be
in a form usable by the patch program. If you are just now bringing up
perl and aren't sure how many patches there are, write to me and I'll
send any you don't have. Your current patch level is shown in patchlevel.h.
Just a personal note: I want you to know that I create nice things like this
because it pleases the Author of my story. If this bothers you, then your
notion of Authorship needs some revision. But you can use perl anyway. :-)
The author.

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Perl 4.0 patchlevel 36

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
built-in cpp
perl to C translator
make more easily embeddable
built-in globbing
compile to threaded code
rewrite regexp parser for better integrated optimization
add structured types and objects
allow for lexical scoping

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/ADB,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# This script is only useful when used in your crash directory.
$num = shift;
exec 'adb', '-k', "vmunix.$num", "vmcore.$num";

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Although supplied with the perl package, the perl scripts in this eg
directory and its subdirectories are placed in the public domain, and
you may do anything with them that you wish.
This stuff is supplied on an as-is basis--little attempt has been made to make
any of it portable. It's mostly here to give you an idea of what perl code
looks like, and what tricks and idioms are used.
System administrators responsible for many computers will enjoy the items
down in the g directory very much. The scan directory contains the beginnings
of a system to check on and report various kinds of anomalies.
If you machine doesn't support #!, the first thing you'll want to do is
replace the #! with a couple of lines that look like this:
eval "exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 $*"
if $running_under_some_shell;
being sure to include any flags that were on the #! line. A supplied script
called "nih" will translate perl scripts in place for you:
nih g/g??

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -P
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/changes,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
($dir, $days) = @ARGV;
$dir = '/' if $dir eq '';
$days = '14' if $days eq '';
# Masscomps do things differently from Suns
#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
open(Find, "find $dir -mtime -$days -print |") ||
die "changes: can't run find";
open(Find, "find $dir \\( -fstype nfs -prune \\) -o -mtime -$days -ls |") ||
die "changes: can't run find";
while (<Find>) {
#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
$x = `/bin/ls -ild $_`;
$_ = $x;
= split(' ');
= split(' ');
printf("%10s%3s %-8s %-8s%9s %3s %2s %s\n",

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
$pat = 'S n C4 x8';
$inet = 2;
$echo = 7;
$smtp = 25;
$nntp = 119;
$test = 2345;
$SIG{'INT'} = 'dokill';
$this = pack($pat,$inet,0, 128,149,13,43);
$that = pack($pat,$inet,$test,127,0,0,1);
if (socket(S,2,1,6)) { print "socket ok\n"; } else { die $!; }
if (bind(S,$this)) { print "bind ok\n"; } else { die $!; }
if (connect(S,$that)) { print "connect ok\n"; } else { die $!; }
select(S); $| = 1; select(stdout);
if ($child = fork) {
while (<STDIN>) {
print S;
sleep 3;
do dokill();
else {
while (<S>) {
sub dokill { kill 9,$child if $child; }

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
$| = 1;
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
$cmd = join(' ',@ARGV);
else {
print "Command: ";
$cmd = <stdin>;
while ($cmd =~ s/\\$//) {
print "+ ";
$cmd .= <stdin>;
$cwd = `pwd`; chop($cwd);
open(FIND,'find . -type d -print|') || die "Can't run find";
while (<FIND>) {
unless (chdir $_) {
print stderr "Can't cd to $_\n";
print "\t--> ",$_,"\n";
system $cmd;
chdir $cwd;

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/dus,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# This script does a du -s on any directories in the current directory that
# are not mount points for another filesystem.
$blksize,$blocks) = stat('.');
open(ls,'ls -F1|');
while (<ls>) {
next unless s|/$||;
$blksize,$blocks) = stat($_);
next unless $dev == $mydev;
exec 'du', '-s', @ary;

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/findcp,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# This is a wrapper around the find command that pretends find has a switch
# of the form -cp host:destination. It presumes your find implements -ls.
# It uses tar to do the actual copy. If your tar knows about the I switch
# you may prefer to use findtar, since this one has to do the tar in batches.
sub copy {
`tar cf - $list | rsh $desthost cd $destdir '&&' tar xBpf -`;
$sourcedir = $ARGV[0];
if ($sourcedir =~ /^\//) {
$ARGV[0] = '.';
unless (chdir($sourcedir)) { die "Can't find directory $sourcedir: $!"; }
$args = join(' ',@ARGV);
if ($args =~ s/-cp *([^ ]+)/-ls/) {
$dest = $1;
if ($dest =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
$desthost = $1;
$destdir = $2;
else {
die "Malformed destination--should be host:directory";
else {
die("No destination specified");
open(find,"find $args |") || die "Can't run find for you: $!";
while (<find>) {
@x = split(' ');
if ($x[2] =~ /^d/) { next;}
chop($filename = $x[10]);
if (length($list) > 5000) {
do copy();
$list = '';
else {
$list .= ' ';
$list .= $filename;
if ($list) {
do copy();

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/findtar,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# findtar takes find-style arguments and spits out a tarfile on stdout.
# It won't work unless your find supports -ls and your tar the I flag.
$args = join(' ',@ARGV);
open(find,"/usr/bin/find $args -ls |") || die "Can't run find for you.";
open(tar,"| /bin/tar cIf - -") || die "Can't run tar for you: $!";
while (<find>) {
@x = split(' ');
if ($x[2] =~ /^d/) { print tar '-d ';}
print tar $x[10],"\n";

View file

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/g/gcp,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
# Here is a script to do global rcps. See man page.
$#ARGV >= 1 || die "Not enough arguments.\n";
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-r') {
$rcp = 'rcp -r';
} else {
$rcp = 'rcp';
$args = $rcp;
$dest = $ARGV[$#ARGV];
$SIG{'INT'} = 'CONT';
while ($arg = shift) {
if ($arg =~ /^([-a-zA-Z0-9_+]+):/) {
if ($systype && $systype ne $1) {
die "Can't mix system type specifers ($systype vs $1).\n";
$#ARGV < 0 || $arg !~ /:$/ || die "No source file specified.\n";
$systype = $1;
$args .= " $arg";
} else {
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
if ($arg =~ /^[\/~]/) {
$arg =~ /^(.*)\// && ($dir = $1);
} else {
if (!$pwd) {
chop($pwd = `pwd`);
$dir = $pwd;
if ($olddir && $dir ne $olddir && $dest =~ /:$/) {
$args .= " $dest$olddir; $rcp";
$olddir = $dir;
$args .= " $arg";
die "No system type specified.\n" unless $systype;
$args =~ s/:$/:$olddir/;
chop($thishost = `hostname`);
$one_of_these = ":$systype:";
if ($systype =~ s/\+/[+]/g) {
$one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g;
$one_of_these =~ s/-/:-/g;
@ARGV = ();
push(@ARGV,'.grem') if -f '.grem';
push(@ARGV,'.ghosts') if -f '.ghosts';
$remainder = '';
line: while (<>) {
s/[ \t]*\n//;
if (!$_ || /^#/) {
next line;
if (/^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)=(.+)/) {
$name = $1; $repl = $2;
$repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
$repl =~ s/-/:-/g;
$one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/;
$repl =~ s/:/:-/g;
$one_of_these =~ s/:-$name:/:-$repl:/g;
next line;
@gh = split(' ');
$host = $gh[0];
next line if $host eq $thishost; # should handle aliases too
$wanted = 0;
foreach $class (@gh) {
$wanted++ if index($one_of_these,":$class:") >= 0;
$wanted = -9999 if index($one_of_these,":-$class:") >= 0;
if ($wanted > 0) {
($cmd = $args) =~ s/[ \t]$systype:/ $host:/g;
print "$cmd\n";
$result = `$cmd 2>&1`;
$remainder .= "$host+" if
$result =~ /Connection timed out|Permission denied/;
print $result;
if ($remainder) {
open(grem,">.grem") || (printf stderr "Can't create .grem: $!\n");
print grem 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
print 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
sub CONT {
print "Continuing...\n"; # Just ignore the signal that kills rcp
$remainder .= "$host+";

View file

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
.\" $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/g/gcp.man,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
.TH GCP 1C "13 May 1988"
gcp \- global file copy
.B gcp
file1 file2
.B gcp
.B \-r
] file ... directory
.I gcp
works just like rcp(1C) except that you may specify a set of hosts to copy files
from or to.
The host sets are defined in the file /etc/ghosts.
(An individual host name can be used as a set containing one member.)
You can give a command like
gcp /etc/motd sun:
to copy your /etc/motd file to /etc/motd on all the Suns.
If, on the other hand, you say
gcp /a/foo /b/bar sun:/tmp
then your files will be copied to /tmp on all the Suns.
The general rule is that if you don't specify the destination directory,
files go to the same directory they are in currently.
You may specify the union of two or more sets by using + as follows:
gcp /a/foo /b/bar 750+mc:
which will copy /a/foo to /a/foo on all 750's and Masscomps, and then copy
/b/bar to /b/bar on all 750's and Masscomps.
Commonly used sets should be defined in /etc/ghosts.
For example, you could add a line that says
Another way to do that would be to add the word "pep" after each of the host
manny sun3 pep
moe sun3 pep
jack sun3 pep
Hosts and sets of host can also be excluded:
Any host so excluded will never be included, even if a subsequent set on the
line includes it:
comes out to xyz+def.
You can define private host sets by creating .ghosts in your current directory
with entries just like /etc/ghosts.
Also, if there is a file .grem, it defines "rem" to be the remaining hosts
from the last gsh or gcp that didn't succeed everywhere.
Interrupting with a SIGINT will cause the rcp to the current host to be skipped
and execution resumed with the next host.
To stop completely, send a SIGQUIT.
All the bugs of rcp, since it calls rcp.

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/g/ged,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
# Does inplace edits on a set of files on a set of machines.
# Typical invokation:
# ged vax+sun /etc/passwd
# s/Freddy/Freddie/;
# ^D
$class = shift;
$files = join(' ',@ARGV);
die "Usage: ged class files <perlcmds\n" unless $files;
exec "gsh", $class, "-d", "perl -pi.bak - $files";
die "Couldn't execute gsh for some reason, stopped";

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# This first section gives alternate sets defined in terms of the sets given
# by the second section. The order is important--all references must be
# forward references.
# This second section defines the basic sets. Each host should have a line
# that specifies which sets it is a member of. Extra sets should be separated
# by white space. (The first section isn't strictly necessary, since all sets
# could be defined in the second section, but then it wouldn't be so readable.)
basvax 8600 src
cdb0 sun3 sys
cdb1 sun3 sys
cdb2 sun3 sys
chief sun3 src
tis0 sun3
manny sun3 sys
moe sun3 sys
jack sun3 sys
disney sun3 sys
huey sun3 nd
dewey sun3 nd
louie sun3 nd
bizet sun2 src sys
gif0 mc src
mc0 mc
dtv0 mc

View file

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/g/gsh,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
# Do rsh globally--see man page
$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'quit'; # install signal handler for SIGQUIT
sub getswitches {
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { # parse switches
$ARGV[0] =~ /^-h/ && ($showhost++,$silent++,shift(@ARGV),next);
$ARGV[0] =~ /^-s/ && ($silent++,shift(@ARGV),next);
$ARGV[0] =~ /^-d/ && ($dodist++,shift(@ARGV),next);
$ARGV[0] =~ /^-n/ && ($n=' -n',shift(@ARGV),next);
$ARGV[0] =~ /^-l/ && ($l=' -l ' . $ARGV[1],shift(@ARGV),shift(@ARGV),
do getswitches(); # get any switches before class
$systype = shift; # get name representing set of hosts
do getswitches(); # same switches allowed after class
if ($dodist) { # distribute input over all rshes?
`cat >/tmp/gsh$$`; # get input into a handy place
$dist = " </tmp/gsh$$"; # each rsh takes input from there
$cmd = join(' ',@ARGV); # remaining args constitute the command
$cmd =~ s/'/'"'"'/g; # quote any embedded single quotes
$one_of_these = ":$systype:"; # prepare to expand "macros"
$one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g; # we hope to end up with list of
$one_of_these =~ s/-/:-/g; # colon separated attributes
@ARGV = ();
push(@ARGV,'.grem') if -f '.grem';
push(@ARGV,'.ghosts') if -f '.ghosts';
$remainder = '';
line: while (<>) { # for each line of ghosts
s/[ \t]*\n//; # trim trailing whitespace
if (!$_ || /^#/) { # skip blank line or comment
next line;
if (/^(\w+)=(.+)/) { # a macro line?
$name = $1; $repl = $2;
$repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
$repl =~ s/-/:-/g;
$one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/; # do expansion in "wanted" list
$repl =~ s/:/:-/g;
$one_of_these =~ s/:-$name:/:-$repl:/;
next line;
# we have a normal line
@attr = split(' '); # a list of attributes to match against
# which we put into an array
$host = $attr[0]; # the first attribute is the host name
if ($showhost) {
$showhost = "$host:\t";
$wanted = 0;
foreach $attr (@attr) { # iterate over attribute array
$wanted++ if index($one_of_these,":$attr:") >= 0;
$wanted = -9999 if index($one_of_these,":-$attr:") >= 0;
if ($wanted > 0) {
print "rsh $host$l$n '$cmd'\n" unless $silent;
if (open(PIPE,"rsh $host$l$n '$cmd'$dist 2>&1|")) { # start an rsh
$SIG{'INT'} = 'cont';
for ($iter=0; <PIPE>; $iter++) {
unless ($iter) {
$remainder .= "$host+"
if /Connection timed out|Permission denied/;
print $showhost,$_;
} else {
print "(Can't execute rsh: $!)\n";
$SIG{'INT'} = 'cont';
unlink "/tmp/gsh$$" if $dodist;
if ($remainder) {
open(grem,">.grem") || (printf stderr "Can't make a .grem file: $!\n");
print grem 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
print 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
# here are a couple of subroutines that serve as signal handlers
sub cont {
print "\rContinuing...\n";
$remainder .= "$host+";
sub quit {
$| = 1;
print "\r";
$SIG{'INT'} = '';
kill 2, $$;

View file

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
.\" $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/g/gsh.man,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
.TH GSH 8 "13 May 1988"
gsh \- global shell
.B gsh
.I host
.I command
.I gsh
works just like rsh(1C) except that you may specify a set of hosts to execute
the command on.
The host sets are defined in the file /etc/ghosts.
(An individual host name can be used as a set containing one member.)
You can give a command like
gsh sun /etc/mungmotd
to run /etc/mungmotd on all your Suns.
You may specify the union of two or more sets by using + as follows:
gsh 750+mc /etc/mungmotd
which will run mungmotd on all 750's and Masscomps.
Commonly used sets should be defined in /etc/ghosts.
For example, you could add a line that says
Another way to do that would be to add the word "pep" after each of the host
manny sun3 pep
moe sun3 pep
jack sun3 pep
Hosts and sets of host can also be excluded:
Any host so excluded will never be included, even if a subsequent set on the
line includes it:
comes out to xyz+def.
You can define private host sets by creating .ghosts in your current directory
with entries just like /etc/ghosts.
Also, if there is a file .grem, it defines "rem" to be the remaining hosts
from the last gsh or gcp that didn't succeed everywhere.
Options include all those defined by rsh, as well as
.IP "\-d" 8
Causes gsh to collect input till end of file, and then distribute that input
to each invokation of rsh.
.IP "\-h" 8
Rather than print out the command followed by the output, merely prepends the
host name to each line of output.
.IP "\-s" 8
Do work silently.
Interrupting with a SIGINT will cause the rsh to the current host to be skipped
and execution resumed with the next host.
To stop completely, send a SIGQUIT.
All the bugs of rsh, since it calls rsh.
Also, will not properly return data from the remote execution that contains
null characters.

View file

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
$M = '-M';
$M = '-m' if -d '/usr/uts' && -f '/etc/master';
do 'getopt.pl';
do Getopt('f');
if ($opt_f) {
$makefile = $opt_f;
elsif (-f 'makefile') {
$makefile = 'makefile';
elsif (-f 'Makefile') {
$makefile = 'Makefile';
else {
die "No makefile\n";
$MF = 'mf00';
while(($key,$val) = each(ENV)) {
$mac{$key} = $val;
do scan($makefile);
$co = $action{'.c.o'};
$co = ' ' unless $co;
$missing = "Missing dependencies:\n";
foreach $key (sort keys(o)) {
if ($oc{$key}) {
$src = $oc{$key};
$action = $action{$key};
else {
$action = '';
if (!$action) {
if ($co && ($c = $key) =~ s/\.o$/.c/ && -f $c) {
$src = $c;
$action = $co;
else {
print "No source found for $key $c\n";
$I = '';
$D = '';
$I .= $1 while $action =~ s/(-I\S+\s*)//;
$D .= $1 . ' ' while $action =~ s/(-D\w+)//;
if ($opt_v) {
$cmd = "Checking $key: cc $M $D $I $src";
$cmd =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
print stderr $cmd,"\n";
open(CPP,"cc $M $D $I $src|") || die "Can't run C preprocessor: $!";
while (<CPP>) {
($name,$dep) = split;
$dep =~ s|^\./||;
(print $missing,"$key: $dep\n"),($missing='')
unless ($dep{"$key: $dep"} += 2) > 2;
$extra = "\nExtraneous dependencies:\n";
foreach $key (sort keys(dep)) {
if ($key =~ /\.o: .*\.h$/ && $dep{$key} == 1) {
print $extra,$key,"\n";
$extra = '';
sub scan {
local($makefile) = @_;
local($MF) = $MF;
print stderr "Analyzing $makefile.\n" if $opt_v;
open($MF,$makefile) || die "Can't open $makefile: $!";
while (<$MF>) {
chop($_ = $_ . <$MF>) while s/\\$//;
next if /^#/;
next if /^$/;
s/\$\((\w+):([^=)]*)=([^)]*)\)/do subst("$1","$2","$3")/eg;
$mac{$1} = $2, next if /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/;
if (/^include\s+(.*)/) {
do scan($1);
print stderr "Continuing $makefile.\n" if $opt_v;
if (/^([^:]+):\s*(.*)/) {
$left = $1;
$right = $2;
if ($right =~ /^([^;]*);(.*)/) {
$right = $1;
$action = $2;
else {
$action = '';
while (<$MF>) {
last unless /^\t/;
chop($_ = $_ . <$MF>) while s/\\$//;
next if /^#/;
last if /^$/;
s/\$\((\w+):([^=)]*)=([^)]*)\)/do subst("$1","$2","$3")/eg;
$action .= $_;
foreach $targ (split(' ',$left)) {
$targ =~ s|^\./||;
foreach $src (split(' ',$right)) {
$src =~ s|^\./||;
$deplist{$targ} .= ' ' . $src;
$dep{"$targ: $src"} = 1;
$o{$src} = 1 if $src =~ /\.o$/;
$oc{$targ} = $src if $targ =~ /\.o$/ && $src =~ /\.[yc]$/;
$action{$targ} .= $action;
redo if $_;
sub subst {
local($foo,$from,$to) = @_;
$foo = $mac{$foo};
$from =~ s/\./[.]/;
$foo =~ s/\b$from\b/$to/g;

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
.\" $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/muck.man,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
.TH MUCK 1 "10 Jan 1989"
muck \- make usage checker
.B muck
.I muck
looks at your current makefile and complains if you've left out any dependencies
between .o and .h files.
It also complains about extraneous dependencies.
You can use the -f FILENAME option to specify an alternate name for your
The -v option is a little more verbose about what muck is mucking around
with at the moment.
Only knows about .h, .c and .o files.

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/myrup,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# This was a customization of ruptime requested by someone here who wanted
# to be able to find the least loaded machine easily. It uses the
# /etc/ghosts file that's defined for gsh and gcp to prune down the
# number of entries to those hosts we have administrative control over.
print "node load (u)\n------- --------\n";
open(ghosts,'/etc/ghosts') || die "Can't open /etc/ghosts: $!";
line: while (<ghosts>) {
next line if /^#/;
next line if /^$/;
next line if /=/;
($host) = split;
$wanted{$host} = 1;
open(ruptime,'ruptime|') || die "Can't run ruptime: $!";
open(sort,'|sort +1n');
while (<ruptime>) {
($host,$upness,$foo,$users,$foo,$foo,$load) = split(/[\s,]+/);
if ($wanted{$host} && $upness eq 'up') {
printf sort "%s\t%s (%d)\n", $host, $load, $users;

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
eval "exec /usr/bin/perl -Spi.bak $0 $*"
if $running_under_some_shell;
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/nih,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# This script makes #! scripts directly executable on machines that don't
# support #!. It edits in place any scripts mentioned on the command line.
s|^#!(.*)|#!$1\neval "exec $1 -S \$0 \$*"\n\tif \$running_under_some_shell;|
if $. == 1;

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# Poor man's perl shell.
# Simply type two carriage returns every time you want to evaluate.
# Note that it must be a complete perl statement--don't type double
# carriage return in the middle of a loop.
$/ = "\n\n"; # set paragraph mode
$SHlinesep = "\n";
while ($SHcmd = <>) {
$/ = $SHlinesep;
eval $SHcmd; print $@ || "\n";
$SHlinesep = $/; $/ = '';

View file

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/relink,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# $Log: relink,v $
# Revision 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate
# Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:11:40 lwall
# 4.0 baseline.
# Revision 90/08/09 03:17:44 lwall
# patch19: added man page for relink and rename
($op = shift) || die "Usage: relink perlexpr [filenames]\n";
if (!@ARGV) {
for (@ARGV) {
next unless -l; # symbolic link?
$name = $_;
$_ = readlink($_);
$was = $_;
eval $op;
die $@ if $@;
if ($was ne $_) {
symlink($_, $name);
# These next few lines are legal in both Perl and nroff.
.00; # finish .ig
'di \" finish diversion--previous line must be blank
.nr nl 0-1 \" fake up transition to first page again
.nr % 0 \" start at page 1
';<<'.ex'; #__END__ ############# From here on it's a standard manual page ############
.TH RELINK 1 "July 30, 1990"
.AT 3
relink \- relinks multiple symbolic links
.B relink perlexpr [symlinknames]
.I Relink
relinks the symbolic links given according to the rule specified as the
first argument.
The argument is a Perl expression which is expected to modify the $_
string in Perl for at least some of the names specified.
For each symbolic link named on the command line, the Perl expression
will be executed on the contents of the symbolic link with that name.
If a given symbolic link's contents is not modified by the expression,
it will not be changed.
If a name given on the command line is not a symbolic link, it will be ignored.
If no names are given on the command line, names will be read
via standard input.
For example, to relink all symbolic links in the current directory
pointing to somewhere in X11R3 so that they point to X11R4, you might say
relink 's/X11R3/X11R4/' *
To change all occurences of links in the system from /usr/spool to /var/spool,
you'd say
find / -type l -print | relink 's#/usr/spool#/var/spool#'
No environment variables are used.
Larry Wall
If you give an invalid Perl expression you'll get a syntax error.

View file

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/rename,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# $Log: rename,v $
# Revision 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate
# Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:11:53 lwall
# 4.0 baseline.
# Revision 90/08/09 03:17:57 lwall
# patch19: added man page for relink and rename
($op = shift) || die "Usage: rename perlexpr [filenames]\n";
if (!@ARGV) {
for (@ARGV) {
$was = $_;
eval $op;
die $@ if $@;
rename($was,$_) unless $was eq $_;
# These next few lines are legal in both Perl and nroff.
.00; # finish .ig
'di \" finish diversion--previous line must be blank
.nr nl 0-1 \" fake up transition to first page again
.nr % 0 \" start at page 1
';<<'.ex'; #__END__ ############# From here on it's a standard manual page ############
.TH RENAME 1 "July 30, 1990"
.AT 3
rename \- renames multiple files
.B rename perlexpr [files]
.I Rename
renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified as the
first argument.
The argument is a Perl expression which is expected to modify the $_
string in Perl for at least some of the filenames specified.
If a given filename is not modified by the expression, it will not be
If no filenames are given on the command line, filenames will be read
via standard input.
For example, to rename all files matching *.bak to strip the extension,
you might say
rename 's/\e.bak$//' *.bak
To translate uppercase names to lower, you'd use
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
No environment variables are used.
Larry Wall
If you give an invalid Perl expression you'll get a syntax error.
.I Rename
does not check for the existence of target filenames, so use with care.

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/rmfrom,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# A handy (but dangerous) script to put after a find ... -print.
chop; unlink;

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -P
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/scan/scan_df,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
# This report points out filesystems that are in danger of overflowing.
(chdir '/usr/adm/private/memories') || die "Can't cd to memories: $!\n";
`df >newdf`;
open(Df, 'olddf');
while (<Df>) {
($fs,$kbytes,$used,$avail,$capacity,$mounted_on) = split;
next if $fs =~ /:/;
next if $fs eq '';
$oldused{$fs} = $used;
open(Df, 'newdf') || die "scan_df: can't open newdf";
while (<Df>) {
($fs,$kbytes,$used,$avail,$capacity,$mounted_on) = split;
next if $fs =~ /:/;
next if $fs eq '';
$oldused = $oldused{$fs};
next if ($oldused == $used && $capacity < 99); # inactive filesystem
if ($capacity >= 90) {
#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
$_ = substr($_,0,13) . ' ' . substr($_,13,1000);
$kbytes /= 2; # translate blocks to K
$used /= 2;
$oldused /= 2;
$avail /= 2;
$diff = int($used - $oldused);
if ($avail < $diff * 2) { # mark specially if in danger
$mounted_on .= ' *';
next if $diff < 50 && $mounted_on eq '/';
$fs =~ s|/dev/||;
if ($diff >= 0) {
$diff = '(+' . $diff . ')';
else {
$diff = '(' . $diff . ')';
printf "%-8s%8d%8d %-8s%8d%7s %s\n",

View file

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -P
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/scan/scan_last,v 1993/08/23 21:29:45 nate Exp $
# This reports who was logged on at weird hours
($dy, $mo, $lastdt) = split(/ +/,`date`);
open(Last, 'exec last 2>&1 |') || die "scan_last: can't run last";
while (<Last>) {
#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
$_ = substr($_,0,19) . substr($_,23,100);
next if /^$/;
(print),next if m|^/|;
$login = substr($_,0,8);
$tty = substr($_,10,7);
$from = substr($_,19,15);
$day = substr($_,36,3);
$mo = substr($_,40,3);
$dt = substr($_,44,2);
$hr = substr($_,47,2);
$min = substr($_,50,2);
$dash = substr($_,53,1);
$tohr = substr($_,55,2);
$tomin = substr($_,58,2);
$durhr = substr($_,63,2);
$durmin = substr($_,66,2);
next unless $hr;
next if $login eq 'reboot ';
next if $login eq 'shutdown';
if ($dt != $lastdt) {
if ($lastdt < $dt) {
$seen += $dt - $lastdt;
else {
$lastdt = $dt;
$inat = $hr + $min / 60;
if ($tohr =~ /^[a-z]/) {
$outat = 12; # something innocuous
} else {
$outat = $tohr + $tomin / 60;
last if $seen + ($inat < 8) > 1;
if ($inat < 5 || $inat > 21 || $outat < 6 || $outat > 23) {

View file

@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -P
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/scan/scan_messages,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
# This prints out extraordinary console messages. You'll need to customize.
chdir('/usr/adm/private/memories') || die "Can't cd to memories: $!\n";
$maxpos = `cat oldmsgs 2>&1`;
#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
open(Msgs, '/dev/null') || die "scan_messages: can't open messages";
open(Msgs, '/usr/adm/messages') || die "scan_messages: can't open messages";
$blksize,$blocks) = stat(Msgs);
if ($size < $maxpos) { # Did somebody truncate messages file?
$maxpos = 0;
seek(Msgs,$maxpos,0); # Start where we left off last time.
while (<Msgs>) {
s/\[(\d+)\]/#/ && s/$1/#/g;
#ifdef vax
$_ =~ s/[A-Z][a-z][a-z] +\w+ +[0-9:]+ +\w+ +//;
next if /root@.*:/;
next if /^vmunix: 4.3 BSD UNIX/;
next if /^vmunix: Copyright/;
next if /^vmunix: avail mem =/;
next if /^vmunix: SBIA0 at /;
next if /^vmunix: disk ra81 is/;
next if /^vmunix: dmf. at uba/;
next if /^vmunix: dmf.:.*asynch/;
next if /^vmunix: ex. at uba/;
next if /^vmunix: ex.: HW/;
next if /^vmunix: il. at uba/;
next if /^vmunix: il.: hardware/;
next if /^vmunix: ra. at uba/;
next if /^vmunix: ra.: media/;
next if /^vmunix: real mem/;
next if /^vmunix: syncing disks/;
next if /^vmunix: tms/;
next if /^vmunix: tmscp. at uba/;
next if /^vmunix: uba. at /;
next if /^vmunix: uda. at /;
next if /^vmunix: uda.: unit . ONLIN/;
next if /^vmunix: .*buffers containing/;
next if /^syslogd: .*newslog/;
next if /unknown service/;
next if /^\.\.\.$/;
if (/^[A-Z][a-z][a-z] [ 0-9][0-9] [ 0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/) {
$pfx = '';
next if /^[ \t]*$/;
next if /^[ 0-9]*done$/;
if (/^A/) {
next if /^Accounting [sr]/;
elsif (/^C/) {
next if /^Called from/;
next if /^Copyright/;
elsif (/^E/) {
next if /^End traceback/;
next if /^Ethernet address =/;
elsif (/^K/) {
next if /^KERNEL MODE/;
elsif (/^R/) {
next if /^Rebooting Unix/;
elsif (/^S/) {
next if /^Sun UNIX 4\.2 Release/;
elsif (/^W/) {
next if /^WARNING: clock gained/;
elsif (/^a/) {
next if /^arg /;
next if /^avail mem =/;
elsif (/^b/) {
next if /^bwtwo[0-9] at /;
elsif (/^c/) {
next if /^cgone[0-9] at /;
next if /^cdp[0-9] at /;
next if /^csr /;
elsif (/^d/) {
next if /^dcpa: init/;
next if /^done$/;
next if /^dts/;
next if /^dump i\/o error/;
next if /^dumping to dev/;
next if /^dump succeeded/;
$pfx = '*' if /^dev = /;
elsif (/^e/) {
next if /^end \*\*/;
next if /^error in copy/;
elsif (/^f/) {
next if /^found /;
elsif (/^i/) {
next if /^ib[0-9] at /;
next if /^ie[0-9] at /;
elsif (/^l/) {
next if /^le[0-9] at /;
elsif (/^m/) {
next if /^mem = /;
next if /^mt[0-9] at /;
next if /^mti[0-9] at /;
$pfx = '*' if /^mode = /;
elsif (/^n/) {
next if /^not found /;
elsif (/^p/) {
next if /^page map /;
next if /^pi[0-9] at /;
$pfx = '*' if /^panic/;
elsif (/^q/) {
next if /^qqq /;
elsif (/^r/) {
next if /^read /;
next if /^revarp: Requesting/;
next if /^root [od]/;
elsif (/^s/) {
next if /^sc[0-9] at /;
next if /^sd[0-9] at /;
next if /^sd[0-9]: </;
next if /^si[0-9] at /;
next if /^si_getstatus/;
next if /^sk[0-9] at /;
next if /^skioctl/;
next if /^skopen/;
next if /^skprobe/;
next if /^skread/;
next if /^skwrite/;
next if /^sky[0-9] at /;
next if /^st[0-9] at /;
next if /^st0:.*load/;
next if /^stat1 = /;
next if /^syncing disks/;
next if /^syslogd: going down on signal 15/;
elsif (/^t/) {
next if /^timeout [0-9]/;
next if /^tm[0-9] at /;
next if /^tod[0-9] at /;
next if /^tv [0-9]/;
$pfx = '*' if /^trap address/;
elsif (/^u/) {
next if /^unit nsk/;
next if /^use one of/;
$pfx = '' if /^using/;
next if /^using [0-9]+ buffers/;
elsif (/^x/) {
next if /^xy[0-9] at /;
next if /^write [0-9]/;
next if /^xy[0-9]: </;
next if /^xyc[0-9] at /;
elsif (/^y/) {
next if /^yyy [0-9]/;
elsif (/^z/) {
next if /^zs[0-9] at /;
$pfx = '*' if /^[a-z]+:$/;
s/pid [0-9]+: //;
if (/last message repeated ([0-9]+) time/) {
$seen{$last} += $1;
s/^/$pfx/ if $pfx;
unless ($seen{$_}++) {
$last = $_;
$max = tell(Msgs);
open(tmp,'|sort >oldmsgs.tmp') || die "Can't create tmp file: $!\n";
while ($_ = pop(@seen)) {
print tmp $_;
open(tmp,'oldmsgs.tmp') || die "Can't reopen tmp file: $!\n";
while (<tmp>) {
if (/^nd:/) {
next if $seen{$_} < 20;
if (/NFS/) {
next if $seen{$_} < 20;
if (/no carrier/) {
next if $seen{$_} < 20;
if (/silo overflow/) {
next if $seen{$_} < 20;
print $seen{$_},":\t",$_;
print `rm -f oldmsgs.tmp 2>&1; echo $max > oldmsgs 2>&1`;

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/scan/scan_passwd,v 1993/08/23 21:29:45 nate Exp $
# This scans passwd file for security holes.
open(Pass,'/etc/passwd') || die "Can't open passwd file: $!\n";
# $dotriv = (`date` =~ /^Mon/);
$dotriv = 1;
while (<Pass>) {
($login,$pass,$uid,$gid,$gcos,$home,$shell) = split(/:/);
if ($shell eq '') {
print "Short: $_";
next if /^[+]/;
if ($pass eq '') {
if (index(":sync:lpq:+:", ":$login:") < 0) {
print "No pass: $login\t$gcos\n";
elsif ($dotriv && crypt($login,substr($pass,0,2)) eq $pass) {
print "Trivial: $login\t$gcos\n";
if ($uid == 0) {
if ($login !~ /^.?root$/ && $pass ne '*') {
print "Extra root: $_";

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -P
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/scan/scan_ps,v 1993/08/23 21:29:45 nate Exp $
# This looks for looping processes.
#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
open(Ps, '/bin/ps -el|') || die "scan_ps: can't run ps";
while (<Ps>) {
next if /rwhod/;
print if index(' T', substr($_,62,1)) < 0;
open(Ps, '/bin/ps auxww|') || die "scan_ps: can't run ps";
while (<Ps>) {
next if /dataserver/;
next if /nfsd/;
next if /update/;
next if /ypserv/;
next if /rwhod/;
next if /routed/;
next if /pagedaemon/;
#ifdef vax
($user,$pid,$cpu,$mem,$sz,$rss,$tt,$stat,$start,$time) = split;
($user,$pid,$cpu,$mem,$sz,$rss,$tt,$stat,$time) = split;
print if length($time) > 4;

View file

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -P
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/scan/scan_sudo,v 1993/08/23 21:29:45 nate Exp $
# Analyze the sudo log.
chdir('/usr/adm/private/memories') || die "Can't cd to memories: $!\n";
if (open(Oldsudo,'oldsudo')) {
$maxpos = <Oldsudo>;
close Oldsudo;
else {
$maxpos = 0;
`echo 0 >oldsudo`;
unless (open(Sudo, '/usr/adm/sudo.log')) {
print "Somebody removed sudo.log!!!\n" if $maxpos;
exit 0;
$blksize,$blocks) = stat(Sudo);
if ($size < $maxpos) {
$maxpos = 0;
print "Somebody reset sudo.log!!!\n";
while (<Sudo>) {
s/^.* :[ \t]+//;
unless ($seen{$_}++) {
$last = $_;
$max = tell(Sudo);
open(tmp,'|sort >oldsudo.tmp') || die "Can't create tmp file: $!\n";
while ($_ = pop(@seen)) {
print tmp $_;
open(tmp,'oldsudo.tmp') || die "Can't reopen tmp file: $!\n";
while (<tmp>) {
print $seen{$_},":\t",$_;
print `(rm -f oldsudo.tmp; echo $max > oldsudo) 2>&1`;

View file

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -P
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/scan/scan_suid,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
# Look for new setuid root files.
chdir '/usr/adm/private/memories' || die "Can't cd to memories: $!\n";
$blksize,$blocks) = stat('oldsuid');
if ($nlink) {
$lasttime = $mtime;
$tmp = $ctime - $atime;
if ($tmp <= 0 || $tmp >= 10) {
print "WARNING: somebody has read oldsuid!\n";
$tmp = $ctime - $mtime;
if ($tmp <= 0 || $tmp >= 10) {
print "WARNING: somebody has modified oldsuid!!!\n";
} else {
$lasttime = time - 60 * 60 * 24; # one day ago
$thistime = time;
#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
open(Find, 'find / -perm -04000 -print |') ||
die "scan_find: can't run find";
open(Find, 'find / \( -fstype nfs -prune \) -o -perm -04000 -ls |') ||
die "scan_find: can't run find";
open(suid, '>newsuid.tmp');
while (<Find>) {
#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
$x = `/bin/ls -il $_`;
$_ = $x;
s/^ *//;
= split;
s/^ *//;
= split;
if ($perm =~ /[sS]/ && $owner eq 'root') {
$blksize,$blocks) = stat($name);
$foo = sprintf("%10s%3s %-8s %-8s%9s %3s %2s %s %s\n",
print suid $foo;
if ($ctime > $lasttime) {
if ($ctime > $thistime) {
print "Future file: $foo";
else {
$ct .= $foo;
print `sort +7 -8 newsuid.tmp >newsuid 2>&1`;
$foo = `/bin/diff oldsuid newsuid 2>&1`;
print "Differences in suid info:\n",$foo if $foo;
print `mv oldsuid oldoldsuid 2>&1; mv newsuid oldsuid 2>&1`;
print `touch oldsuid 2>&1;sleep 2 2>&1;chmod o+w oldsuid 2>&1`;
print `rm -f newsuid.tmp 2>&1`;
@ct = split(/\n/,$ct);
$ct = '';
$* = 1;
while ($#ct >= 0) {
$tmp = shift(@ct);
unless ($foo =~ "^>.*$tmp\n") { $ct .= "$tmp\n"; }
print "Inode changed since last time:\n",$ct if $ct;

View file

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/scan/scanner,v 1993/08/23 21:29:44 nate Exp $
# This runs all the scan_* routines on all the machines in /etc/ghosts.
# We run this every morning at about 6 am:
# !/bin/sh
# cd /usr/adm/private
# decrypt scanner | perl >scan.out 2>&1
# mail admin <scan.out
# Note that the scan_* files should be encrypted with the key "-inquire", and
# scanner should be encrypted somehow so that people can't find that key.
# I leave it up to you to figure out how to unencrypt it before executing.
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:.';
$| = 1; # command buffering on stdout
print "Subject: bizarre happenings\n\n";
(chdir '/usr/adm/private') || die "Can't cd to /usr/adm/private: $!\n";
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
@scanlist = @ARGV;
} else {
@scanlist = split(/[ \t\n]+/,`echo scan_*`);
scan: while ($scan = shift(@scanlist)) {
print "\n********** $scan **********\n";
$systype = 'all';
open(ghosts, '/etc/ghosts') || die 'No /etc/ghosts file';
$one_of_these = ":$systype:";
if ($systype =~ s/\+/[+]/g) {
$one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g;
line: while (<ghosts>) {
s/[ \t]*\n//;
if (!$_ || /^#/) {
next line;
if (/^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)=(.+)/) {
$name = $1; $repl = $2;
$repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
$one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/;
next line;
@gh = split;
$host = $gh[0];
if ($showhost) { $showhost = "$host:\t"; }
class: while ($class = pop(gh)) {
if (index($one_of_these,":$class:") >=0) {
$iter = 0;
`exec crypt -inquire <$scan >.x 2>/dev/null`;
unless (open(scan,'.x')) {
print "Can't run $scan: $!\n";
next scan;
$cmd = <scan>;
unless ($cmd =~ s/#!(.*)\n/$1/) {
$cmd = '/usr/bin/perl';
if (open(PIPE,"exec rsh $host '$cmd' <.x|")) {
unlink '.x';
while (<PIPE>) {
last if $iter++ > 1000; # must be looping
next if /^[0-9.]+u [0-9.]+s/;
print $showhost,$_;
} else {
print "(Can't execute rsh: $!)\n";
last class;

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
$pat = 'S n C4 x8';
$inet = 2;
$echo = 7;
$smtp = 25;
$nntp = 119;
$this = pack($pat,$inet,2345, 0,0,0,0);
select(NS); $| = 1; select(stdout);
if (socket(S,2,1,6)) { print "socket ok\n"; } else { die $!; }
if (bind(S,$this)) { print "bind ok\n"; } else { die $!; }
if (listen(S,5)) { print "listen ok\n"; } else { die $!; }
for (;;) {
print "Listening again\n";
if ($addr = accept(NS,S)) { print "accept ok\n"; } else { die $!; }
@ary = unpack($pat,$addr);
$, = ' ';
print @ary; print "\n";
while (<NS>) {
print NS;

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/shmkill,v 1993/08/23 21:29:43 nate Exp $
# A script to call from crontab periodically when people are leaving shared
# memory sitting around unattached.
open(ipcs,'ipcs -m -o|') || die "Can't run ipcs: $!";
while (<ipcs>) {
$tmp = index($_,'NATTCH');
$pos = $tmp if $tmp >= 0;
if (/^m/) {
($m,$id,$key,$mode,$owner,$group,$attach) = split;
if ($attach != substr($_,$pos,6)) {
die "Different ipcs format--can't parse!\n";
if ($attach == 0) {
exec 'ipcrm', @goners if $#goners >= 0;

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
FYEnjoyment, here are the test scripts I used while implementing SysV
IPC in Perl. Each of them must be run with the parameter "s" for
"send" or "r" for "receive"; in each case, the receiver is the server
and the sender is the client.
Chip Salzenberg at ComDev/TCT <chip@tct.uucp>, <uunet!ateng!tct!chip>

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
require 'sys/ipc.ph';
require 'sys/msg.ph';
$| = 1;
$mode = shift;
die "usage: ipcmsg {r|s}\n" unless $mode =~ /^[rs]$/;
$send = ($mode eq "s");
$id = msgget(0x1234, ($send ? 0 : &IPC_CREAT) | 0644);
die "Can't get message queue: $!\n" unless defined($id);
print "message queue id: $id\n";
if ($send) {
while (<STDIN>) {
unless (msgsnd($id, pack("LA*", $., $_), 0)) {
die "Can't send message: $!\n";
else {
$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'QUIT'} = "leave";
for (;;) {
unless (msgrcv($id, $_, 512, 0, 0)) {
die "Can't receive message: $!\n";
($type, $message) = unpack("La*", $_);
printf "[%d] %s\n", $type, $message;
sub leave {
if (!$send) {
$x = msgctl($id, &IPC_RMID, 0);
if (!defined($x) || $x < 0) {
die "Can't remove message queue: $!\n";

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
require 'sys/ipc.ph';
require 'sys/msg.ph';
$| = 1;
$mode = shift;
die "usage: ipcmsg {r|s}\n" unless $mode =~ /^[rs]$/;
$signal = ($mode eq "s");
$id = semget(0x1234, 1, ($signal ? 0 : &IPC_CREAT) | 0644);
die "Can't get semaphore: $!\n" unless defined($id);
print "semaphore id: $id\n";
if ($signal) {
while (<STDIN>) {
print "Signalling\n";
unless (semop($id, 0, pack("sss", 0, 1, 0))) {
die "Can't signal semaphore: $!\n";
else {
$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'QUIT'} = "leave";
for (;;) {
unless (semop($id, 0, pack("sss", 0, -1, 0))) {
die "Can't wait for semaphore: $!\n";
print "Unblocked\n";
sub leave {
if (!$signal) {
$x = semctl($id, 0, &IPC_RMID, 0);
if (!defined($x) || $x < 0) {
die "Can't remove semaphore: $!\n";

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
require 'sys/ipc.ph';
require 'sys/shm.ph';
$| = 1;
$mode = shift;
die "usage: ipcshm {r|s}\n" unless $mode =~ /^[rs]$/;
$send = ($mode eq "s");
$SIZE = 32;
$id = shmget(0x1234, $SIZE, ($send ? 0 : &IPC_CREAT) | 0644);
die "Can't get shared memory: $!\n" unless defined($id);
print "shared memory id: $id\n";
if ($send) {
while (<STDIN>) {
unless (shmwrite($id, pack("La*", length($_), $_), 0, $SIZE)) {
die "Can't write to shared memory: $!\n";
else {
$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'QUIT'} = "leave";
for (;;) {
$_ = <STDIN>;
unless (shmread($id, $_, 0, $SIZE)) {
die "Can't read shared memory: $!\n";
$len = unpack("L", $_);
$message = substr($_, length(pack("L",0)), $len);
printf "[%d] %s\n", $len, $message;
sub leave {
if (!$send) {
$x = shmctl($id, &IPC_RMID, 0);
if (!defined($x) || $x < 0) {
die "Can't remove shared memory: $!\n";

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
while (<>) {
next if /^\./;
next if /^From / .. /^$/;
next if /^Path: / .. /^$/;
push(@ary,split(' '));
while ($#ary > 1) {
$a = $p;
$p = $n;
$w = shift(@ary);
$n = $num{$w};
if ($n eq '') {
$n = pack('S',$#word);
$num{$w} = $n;
$lookup{$a . $p} .= $n;
for (;;) {
$n = $lookup{$a . $p};
($foo,$n) = each(lookup) if $n eq '';
$n = substr($n,int(rand(length($n))) & 0177776,2);
$a = $p;
$p = $n;
($w) = unpack('S',$n);
$w = $word[$w];
$col += length($w) + 1;
if ($col >= 65) {
$col = 0;
print "\n";
else {
print ' ';
print $w;
if ($w =~ /\.$/) {
if (rand() < .1) {
print "\n";
$col = 80;

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/van/empty,v 1993/08/23 21:29:45 nate Exp $
# This script empties a trashcan.
$recursive = shift if $ARGV[0] eq '-r';
@ARGV = '.' if $#ARGV < 0;
chop($pwd = `pwd`);
dir: foreach $dir (@ARGV) {
unless (chdir $dir) {
print stderr "Can't find directory $dir: $!\n";
next dir;
if ($recursive) {
do cmd('find . -name .deleted -exec /bin/rm -rf {} ;');
else {
if (-d '.deleted') {
do cmd('rm -rf .deleted');
else {
if ($dir eq '.' && $pwd =~ m|/\.deleted$|) {
chdir '..';
do cmd('rm -rf .deleted');
else {
print stderr "No trashcan found in directory $dir\n";
continue {
chdir $pwd;
# force direct execution with no shell
sub cmd {
system split(' ',join(' ',@_));

View file

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/van/unvanish,v 1993/08/23 21:29:45 nate Exp $
sub it {
if ($olddir ne '.') {
chop($pwd = `pwd`) if $pwd eq '';
(chdir $olddir) || die "Directory $olddir is not accesible";
unless ($olddir eq '.deleted') {
if (-d '.deleted') {
chdir '.deleted' || die "Directory .deleted is not accesible";
else {
chop($pwd = `pwd`) if $pwd eq '';
die "Directory .deleted does not exist" unless $pwd =~ /\.deleted$/;
print `mv $startfiles$filelist..$force`;
if ($olddir ne '.') {
(chdir $pwd) || die "Can't get back to original directory $pwd: $!\n";
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
open(lastcmd,'.deleted/.lastcmd') ||
open(lastcmd,'.lastcmd') ||
die "No previous vanish in this dir";
$ARGV = <lastcmd>;
@ARGV = split(/[\n ]+/,$ARGV);
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
$_ = shift;
/^-f/ && ($force = ' >/dev/null 2>&1');
/^-i/ && ($interactive = 1);
if (/^-+$/) {
$startfiles = '- ';
while ($file = shift) {
if ($file =~ s|^(.*)/||) {
$dir = $1;
else {
$dir = '.';
if ($dir ne $olddir) {
do it() if $olddir;
$olddir = $dir;
if ($interactive) {
print "unvanish: restore $dir/$file? ";
next unless <stdin> =~ /^y/i;
$filelist .= $file; $filelist .= ' ';
do it() if $olddir;

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/van/vanexp,v 1993/08/23 21:29:45 nate Exp $
# This is for running from a find at night to expire old .deleteds
$can = $ARGV[0];
exit 1 unless $can =~ /.deleted$/;
$blksize,$blocks) = stat($can);
exit 0 unless $size;
if (time - $mtime > 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) {
`/bin/rm -rf $can`;
else {
`find $can -ctime +2 -exec rm -f {} \;`;

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/eg/van/vanish,v 1993/08/23 21:29:45 nate Exp $
sub it {
if ($olddir ne '.') {
chop($pwd = `pwd`) if $pwd eq '';
(chdir $olddir) || die "Directory $olddir is not accesible";
if (!-d .deleted) {
print `mkdir .deleted; chmod 775 .deleted`;
die "You can't remove files from $olddir" if $?;
$filelist =~ s/ $//;
$filelist =~ s/#/\\#/g;
if ($filelist !~ /^[ \t]*$/) {
print lastcmd $filelist,"\n";
print `/bin/mv $startfiles$filelist .deleted$force`;
if ($olddir ne '.') {
(chdir $pwd) || die "Can't get back to original directory $pwd: $!\n";
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
$_ = shift;
/^-f/ && ($force = ' >/dev/null 2>&1');
/^-i/ && ($interactive = 1);
if (/^-+$/) {
$startfiles = '- ';
chop($pwd = `pwd`);
while ($file = shift) {
if ($file =~ s|^(.*)/||) {
$dir = $1;
else {
$dir = '.';
if ($interactive) {
print "vanish: remove $dir/$file? ";
next unless <stdin> =~ /^y/i;
if ($file eq '.deleted') {
print stderr "To delete .deleted (the trashcan) use the 'empty' command.\n";
if ($dir ne $olddir) {
do it() if $olddir;
$olddir = $dir;
$filelist .= $file; $filelist .= ' ';
do it() if $olddir;

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# This assumes your /etc/utmp file looks like ours
@mo = (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec);
while (read(UTMP,$utmp,36)) {
($line,$name,$host,$time) = unpack('A8A8A16l',$utmp);
if ($name) {
$host = "($host)" if ord($host);
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon) = localtime($time);
printf "%-9s%-8s%s %2d %02d:%02d %s\n",

View file

@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
;; Perl code editing commands for GNU Emacs
;; Copyright (C) 1990 William F. Mann
;; Adapted from C code editing commands 'c-mode.el', Copyright 1987 by the
;; Free Software Foundation, under terms of its General Public License.
;; This file may be made part of GNU Emacs at the option of the FSF, or
;; of the perl distribution at the option of Larry Wall.
;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.
;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; this code, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
;; To enter perl-mode automatically, add (autoload 'perl-mode "perl-mode")
;; to your .emacs file and change the first line of your perl script to:
;; #!/usr/bin/perl -- # -*-Perl-*-
;; With argments to perl:
;; #!/usr/bin/perl -P- # -*-Perl-*-
;; To handle files included with do 'filename.pl';, add something like
;; (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.pl$" 'perl-mode))
;; auto-mode-alist))
;; to your .emacs file; otherwise the .pl suffix defaults to prolog-mode.
;; This code is based on the 18.53 version c-mode.el, with extensive
;; rewriting. Most of the features of c-mode survived intact.
;; I added a new feature which adds functionality to TAB; it is controlled
;; by the variable perl-tab-to-comment. With it enabled, TAB does the
;; first thing it can from the following list: change the indentation;
;; move past leading white space; delete an empty comment; reindent a
;; comment; move to end of line; create an empty comment; tell you that
;; the line ends in a quoted string, or has a # which should be a \#.
;; If your machine is slow, you may want to remove some of the bindings
;; to electric-perl-terminator. I changed the indenting defaults to be
;; what Larry Wall uses in perl/lib, but left in all the options.
;; I also tuned a few things: comments and labels starting in column
;; zero are left there by indent-perl-exp; perl-beginning-of-function
;; goes back to the first open brace/paren in column zero, the open brace
;; in 'sub ... {', or the equal sign in 'format ... ='; indent-perl-exp
;; (meta-^q) indents from the current line through the close of the next
;; brace/paren, so you don't need to start exactly at a brace or paren.
;; It may be good style to put a set of redundant braces around your
;; main program. This will let you reindent it with meta-^q.
;; Known problems (these are all caused by limitations in the elisp
;; parsing routine (parse-partial-sexp), which was not designed for such
;; a rich language; writing a more suitable parser would be a big job):
;; 1) Regular expression delimitors do not act as quotes, so special
;; characters such as `'"#:;[](){} may need to be backslashed
;; in regular expressions and in both parts of s/// and tr///.
;; 2) The globbing syntax <pattern> is not recognized, so special
;; characters in the pattern string must be backslashed.
;; 3) The q, qq, and << quoting operators are not recognized; see below.
;; 4) \ (backslash) always quotes the next character, so '\' is
;; treated as the start of a string. Use "\\" as a work-around.
;; 5) To make variables such a $' and $#array work, perl-mode treats
;; $ just like backslash, so '$' is the same as problem 5.
;; 6) Unfortunately, treating $ like \ makes ${var} be treated as an
;; unmatched }. See below.
;; 7) When ' (quote) is used as a package name separator, perl-mode
;; doesn't understand, and thinks it is seeing a quoted string.
;; Here are some ugly tricks to bypass some of these problems: the perl
;; expression /`/ (that's a back-tick) usually evaluates harmlessly,
;; but will trick perl-mode into starting a quoted string, which
;; can be ended with another /`/. Assuming you have no embedded
;; back-ticks, this can used to help solve problem 3:
;; /`/; $ugly = q?"'$?; /`/;
;; To solve problem 6, add a /{/; before each use of ${var}:
;; /{/; while (<${glob_me}>) ...
;; Problem 7 is even worse, but this 'fix' does work :-(
;; $DB'stop#'
;; [$DB'line#'
;; ] =~ s/;9$//;
(defvar perl-mode-abbrev-table nil
"Abbrev table in use in perl-mode buffers.")
(define-abbrev-table 'perl-mode-abbrev-table ())
(defvar perl-mode-map ()
"Keymap used in Perl mode.")
(if perl-mode-map
(setq perl-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key perl-mode-map "{" 'electric-perl-terminator)
(define-key perl-mode-map "}" 'electric-perl-terminator)
(define-key perl-mode-map ";" 'electric-perl-terminator)
(define-key perl-mode-map ":" 'electric-perl-terminator)
(define-key perl-mode-map "\e\C-a" 'perl-beginning-of-function)
(define-key perl-mode-map "\e\C-e" 'perl-end-of-function)
(define-key perl-mode-map "\e\C-h" 'mark-perl-function)
(define-key perl-mode-map "\e\C-q" 'indent-perl-exp)
(define-key perl-mode-map "\177" 'backward-delete-char-untabify)
(define-key perl-mode-map "\t" 'perl-indent-command))
(autoload 'c-macro-expand "cmacexp"
"Display the result of expanding all C macros occurring in the region.
The expansion is entirely correct because it uses the C preprocessor."
(defvar perl-mode-syntax-table nil
"Syntax table in use in perl-mode buffers.")
(if perl-mode-syntax-table
(setq perl-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table (standard-syntax-table)))
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?# "<" perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?$ "/" perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?% "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?& "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?* "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?- "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?< "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?= "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?> "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?` "\"" perl-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?| "." perl-mode-syntax-table)
(defconst perl-indent-level 4
"*Indentation of Perl statements with respect to containing block.")
(defconst perl-continued-statement-offset 4
"*Extra indent for lines not starting new statements.")
(defconst perl-continued-brace-offset -4
"*Extra indent for substatements that start with open-braces.
This is in addition to perl-continued-statement-offset.")
(defconst perl-brace-offset 0
"*Extra indentation for braces, compared with other text in same context.")
(defconst perl-brace-imaginary-offset 0
"*Imagined indentation of an open brace that actually follows a statement.")
(defconst perl-label-offset -2
"*Offset of Perl label lines relative to usual indentation.")
(defconst perl-tab-always-indent t
"*Non-nil means TAB in Perl mode should always indent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.")
(defconst perl-tab-to-comment t
"*Non-nil means that for lines which don't need indenting, TAB will
either indent an existing comment, move to end-of-line, or if at end-of-line
already, create a new comment.")
(defconst perl-nochange ";?#\\|\f\\|\\s(\\|\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+:"
"*Lines starting with this regular expression will not be auto-indented.")
(defun perl-mode ()
"Major mode for editing Perl code.
Expression and list commands understand all Perl brackets.
Tab indents for Perl code.
Comments are delimited with # ... \\n.
Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
Variables controlling indentation style:
Non-nil means TAB in Perl mode should always indent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.
Non-nil means that for lines which don't need indenting, TAB will
either delete an empty comment, indent an existing comment, move
to end-of-line, or if at end-of-line already, create a new comment.
Lines starting with this regular expression will not be auto-indented.
Indentation of Perl statements within surrounding block.
The surrounding block's indentation is the indentation
of the line on which the open-brace appears.
Extra indentation given to a substatement, such as the
then-clause of an if or body of a while.
Extra indentation given to a brace that starts a substatement.
This is in addition to perl-continued-statement-offset.
Extra indentation for line if it starts with an open brace.
An open brace following other text is treated as if it were
this far to the right of the start of its line.
Extra indentation for line that is a label.
Various indentation styles: K&R BSD BLK GNU LW
perl-indent-level 5 8 0 2 4
perl-continued-statement-offset 5 8 4 2 4
perl-continued-brace-offset 0 0 0 0 -4
perl-brace-offset -5 -8 0 0 0
perl-brace-imaginary-offset 0 0 4 0 0
perl-label-offset -5 -8 -2 -2 -2
Turning on Perl mode calls the value of the variable perl-mode-hook with no
args, if that value is non-nil."
(use-local-map perl-mode-map)
(setq major-mode 'perl-mode)
(setq mode-name "Perl")
(setq local-abbrev-table perl-mode-abbrev-table)
(set-syntax-table perl-mode-syntax-table)
(make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
(setq paragraph-start (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter))
(make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
(setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
(make-local-variable 'paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)
(setq paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix t)
(make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
(setq indent-line-function 'perl-indent-line)
(make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
(setq require-final-newline t)
(make-local-variable 'comment-start)
(setq comment-start "# ")
(make-local-variable 'comment-end)
(setq comment-end "")
(make-local-variable 'comment-column)
(setq comment-column 32)
(make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
(setq comment-start-skip "\\(^\\|\\s-\\);?#+ *")
(make-local-variable 'comment-indent-hook)
(setq comment-indent-hook 'perl-comment-indent)
(make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
(setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments nil)
(run-hooks 'perl-mode-hook))
;; This is used by indent-for-comment
;; to decide how much to indent a comment in Perl code
;; based on its context.
(defun perl-comment-indent ()
(if (and (bolp) (not (eolp)))
0 ;Existing comment at bol stays there.
(skip-chars-backward " \t")
(max (1+ (current-column)) ;Else indent at comment column
comment-column)))) ; except leave at least one space.
(defun electric-perl-terminator (arg)
"Insert character. If at end-of-line, and not in a comment or a quote,
correct the line's indentation."
(interactive "P")
(let ((insertpos (point)))
(and (not arg) ; decide whether to indent
(and (not ; eliminate comments quickly
(re-search-forward comment-start-skip insertpos t))
(or (/= last-command-char ?:)
;; Colon is special only after a label ....
(looking-at "\\s-*\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+$"))
(let ((pps (parse-partial-sexp
(perl-beginning-of-function) insertpos)))
(not (or (nth 3 pps) (nth 4 pps) (nth 5 pps))))))
(progn ; must insert, indent, delete
(insert-char last-command-char 1)
(delete-char -1))))
(self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
;; not used anymore, but may be useful someday:
;;(defun perl-inside-parens-p ()
;; (condition-case ()
;; (save-excursion
;; (save-restriction
;; (narrow-to-region (point)
;; (perl-beginning-of-function))
;; (goto-char (point-max))
;; (= (char-after (or (scan-lists (point) -1 1) (point-min))) ?\()))
;; (error nil)))
(defun perl-indent-command (&optional arg)
"Indent current line as Perl code, or optionally, insert a tab character.
With an argument, indent the current line, regardless of other options.
If perl-tab-always-indent is nil and point is not in the indentation
area at the beginning of the line, simply insert a tab.
Otherwise, indent the current line. If point was within the indentation
area it is moved to the end of the indentation area. If the line was
already indented properly and point was not within the indentation area,
and if perl-tab-to-comment is non-nil (the default), then do the first
possible action from the following list:
1) delete an empty comment
2) move forward to start of comment, indenting if necessary
3) move forward to end of line
4) create an empty comment
5) move backward to start of comment, indenting if necessary."
(interactive "P")
(if arg ; If arg, just indent this line
(perl-indent-line "\f")
(if (and (not perl-tab-always-indent)
(<= (current-column) (current-indentation)))
(let (bof lsexp delta (oldpnt (point)))
(setq lsexp (point))
(setq bof (perl-beginning-of-function))
(goto-char oldpnt)
(setq delta (perl-indent-line "\f\\|;?#" bof))
(and perl-tab-to-comment
(= oldpnt (point)) ; done if point moved
(if (listp delta) ; if line starts in a quoted string
(setq lsexp (or (nth 2 delta) bof))
(= delta 0)) ; done if indenting occurred
(let (eol state)
(setq eol (point))
(if (= (char-after bof) ?=)
(if (= oldpnt eol)
(message "In a format statement"))
(setq state (parse-partial-sexp lsexp eol))
(if (nth 3 state)
(if (= oldpnt eol) ; already at eol in a string
(message "In a string which starts with a %c."
(nth 3 state)))
(if (not (nth 4 state))
(if (= oldpnt eol) ; no comment, create one?
(if (re-search-forward comment-start-skip eol 'move)
(if (eolp)
(progn ; kill existing comment
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(skip-chars-backward " \t")
(kill-region (point) eol))
(if (or (< oldpnt (point)) (= oldpnt eol))
(indent-for-comment) ; indent existing comment
(if (/= oldpnt eol)
(message "Use backslash to quote # characters.")
(ding t))))))))))))
(defun perl-indent-line (&optional nochange parse-start)
"Indent current line as Perl code. Return the amount the indentation
changed by, or (parse-state) if line starts in a quoted string."
(let ((case-fold-search nil)
(pos (- (point-max) (point)))
(bof (or parse-start (save-excursion (perl-beginning-of-function))))
beg indent shift-amt)
(setq beg (point))
(setq shift-amt
(cond ((= (char-after bof) ?=) 0)
((listp (setq indent (calculate-perl-indent bof))) indent)
((looking-at (or nochange perl-nochange)) 0)
(skip-chars-forward " \t\f")
(cond ((looking-at "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+:")
(setq indent (max 1 (+ indent perl-label-offset))))
((= (following-char) ?})
(setq indent (- indent perl-indent-level)))
((= (following-char) ?{)
(setq indent (+ indent perl-brace-offset))))
(- indent (current-column)))))
(skip-chars-forward " \t\f")
(if (and (numberp shift-amt) (/= 0 shift-amt))
(progn (delete-region beg (point))
(indent-to indent)))
;; If initial point was within line's indentation,
;; position after the indentation. Else stay at same point in text.
(if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
(goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
(defun calculate-perl-indent (&optional parse-start)
"Return appropriate indentation for current line as Perl code.
In usual case returns an integer: the column to indent to.
Returns (parse-state) if line starts inside a string."
(let ((indent-point (point))
(case-fold-search nil)
(colon-line-end 0)
state containing-sexp)
(if parse-start ;used to avoid searching
(goto-char parse-start)
(while (< (point) indent-point) ;repeat until right sexp
(setq parse-start (point))
(setq state (parse-partial-sexp (point) indent-point 0))
; state = (depth_in_parens innermost_containing_list last_complete_sexp
; string_terminator_or_nil inside_commentp following_quotep
; minimum_paren-depth_this_scan)
; Parsing stops if depth in parentheses becomes equal to third arg.
(setq containing-sexp (nth 1 state)))
(cond ((nth 3 state) state) ; In a quoted string?
((null containing-sexp) ; Line is at top level.
(skip-chars-forward " \t\f")
(if (= (following-char) ?{)
0 ; move to beginning of line if it starts a function body
;; indent a little if this is a continuation line
(if (or (bobp)
(memq (preceding-char) '(?\; ?\})))
0 perl-continued-statement-offset)))
((/= (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)
;; line is expression, not statement:
;; indent to just after the surrounding open.
(goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
;; Statement level. Is it a continuation or a new statement?
;; Find previous non-comment character.
;; Back up over label lines, since they don't
;; affect whether our line is a continuation.
(while (or (eq (preceding-char) ?\,)
(and (eq (preceding-char) ?:)
(memq (char-syntax (char-after (- (point) 2)))
'(?w ?_))))
(if (eq (preceding-char) ?\,)
(perl-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp containing-sexp))
;; Now we get the answer.
(if (not (memq (preceding-char) '(?\; ?\} ?\{)))
;; This line is continuation of preceding line's statement;
;; indent perl-continued-statement-offset more than the
;; previous line of the statement.
(perl-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp containing-sexp)
(+ perl-continued-statement-offset (current-column)
(if (save-excursion (goto-char indent-point)
(looking-at "[ \t]*{"))
perl-continued-brace-offset 0)))
;; This line starts a new statement.
;; Position at last unclosed open.
(goto-char containing-sexp)
;; If open paren is in col 0, close brace is special
(and (bolp)
(save-excursion (goto-char indent-point)
(looking-at "[ \t]*}"))
;; Is line first statement after an open-brace?
;; If no, find that first statement and indent like it.
(forward-char 1)
;; Skip over comments and labels following openbrace.
(while (progn
(skip-chars-forward " \t\f\n")
(cond ((looking-at ";?#")
(forward-line 1) t)
((looking-at "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+:")
(setq colon-line-end (point)))
(search-forward ":")))))
;; The first following code counts
;; if it is before the line we want to indent.
(and (< (point) indent-point)
(if (> colon-line-end (point))
(- (current-indentation) perl-label-offset)
;; If no previous statement,
;; indent it relative to line brace is on.
;; For open paren in column zero, don't let statement
;; start there too. If perl-indent-level is zero,
;; use perl-brace-offset + perl-continued-statement-offset
;; For open-braces not the first thing in a line,
;; add in perl-brace-imaginary-offset.
(+ (if (and (bolp) (zerop perl-indent-level))
(+ perl-brace-offset perl-continued-statement-offset)
;; Move back over whitespace before the openbrace.
;; If openbrace is not first nonwhite thing on the line,
;; add the perl-brace-imaginary-offset.
(progn (skip-chars-backward " \t")
(if (bolp) 0 perl-brace-imaginary-offset))
;; If the openbrace is preceded by a parenthesized exp,
;; move to the beginning of that;
;; possibly a different line
(if (eq (preceding-char) ?\))
(forward-sexp -1))
;; Get initial indentation of the line we are on.
(defun perl-backward-to-noncomment ()
"Move point backward to after the first non-white-space, skipping comments."
(let (opoint stop)
(while (not stop)
(setq opoint (point))
(if (re-search-forward comment-start-skip opoint 'move 1)
(progn (goto-char (match-end 1))
(skip-chars-forward ";")))
(skip-chars-backward " \t\f")
(setq stop (or (bobp)
(not (bolp))
(forward-char -1))))))
(defun perl-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp (lim)
(if (= (preceding-char) ?\))
(forward-sexp -1))
(if (<= (point) lim)
(goto-char (1+ lim)))
(skip-chars-forward " \t\f"))
;; note: this may be slower than the c-mode version, but I can understand it.
(defun indent-perl-exp ()
"Indent each line of the Perl grouping following point."
(let* ((case-fold-search nil)
(oldpnt (point-marker))
(bof-mark (save-excursion
(end-of-line 2)
eol last-mark lsexp-mark delta)
(if (= (char-after (marker-position bof-mark)) ?=)
(message "Can't indent a format statement")
(message "Indenting Perl expression...")
(save-excursion (end-of-line) (setq eol (point)))
(save-excursion ; locate matching close paren
(while (and (not (eobp)) (<= (point) eol))
(parse-partial-sexp (point) (point-max) 0))
(setq last-mark (point-marker)))
(setq lsexp-mark bof-mark)
(while (< (point) (marker-position last-mark))
(setq delta (perl-indent-line nil (marker-position bof-mark)))
(if (numberp delta) ; unquoted start-of-line?
(if (eolp)
(setq lsexp-mark (point-marker))))
(setq eol (point))
(if (nth 4 (parse-partial-sexp (marker-position lsexp-mark) eol))
(progn ; line ends in a comment
(if (or (not (looking-at "\\s-*;?#"))
(listp delta)
(and (/= 0 delta)
(= (- (current-indentation) delta) comment-column)))
(if (re-search-forward comment-start-skip eol t)
(indent-for-comment))))) ; indent existing comment
(forward-line 1))
(goto-char (marker-position oldpnt))
(message "Indenting Perl expression...done"))))
(defun perl-beginning-of-function (&optional arg)
"Move backward to next beginning-of-function, or as far as possible.
With argument, repeat that many times; negative args move forward.
Returns new value of point in all cases."
(interactive "p")
(or arg (setq arg 1))
(if (< arg 0) (forward-char 1))
(and (/= arg 0)
(re-search-backward "^\\s(\\|^\\s-*sub\\b[^{]+{\\|^\\s-*format\\b[^=]*=\\|^\\."
nil 'move arg)
(goto-char (1- (match-end 0))))
;; note: this routine is adapted directly from emacs lisp.el, end-of-defun;
;; no bugs have been removed :-)
(defun perl-end-of-function (&optional arg)
"Move forward to next end-of-function.
The end of a function is found by moving forward from the beginning of one.
With argument, repeat that many times; negative args move backward."
(interactive "p")
(or arg (setq arg 1))
(let ((first t))
(while (and (> arg 0) (< (point) (point-max)))
(let ((pos (point)) npos)
(while (progn
(if (and first
(forward-char 1)
(perl-beginning-of-function 1)
(not (bobp))))
(or (bobp) (forward-char -1))
(perl-beginning-of-function -1))
(setq first nil)
(forward-list 1)
(skip-chars-forward " \t")
(if (looking-at "[#\n]")
(forward-line 1))
(<= (point) pos))))
(setq arg (1- arg)))
(while (< arg 0)
(let ((pos (point)))
(perl-beginning-of-function 1)
(forward-sexp 1)
(forward-line 1)
(if (>= (point) pos)
(if (progn (perl-beginning-of-function 2) (not (bobp)))
(forward-list 1)
(skip-chars-forward " \t")
(if (looking-at "[#\n]")
(forward-line 1)))
(goto-char (point-min)))))
(setq arg (1+ arg)))))
(defun mark-perl-function ()
"Put mark at end of Perl function, point at beginning."
(push-mark (point))
(push-mark (point))
;;;;;;;; That's all, folks! ;;;;;;;;;

View file

@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
;; Run perl -d under Emacs
;; Based on gdb.el, as written by W. Schelter, and modified by rms.
;; Modified for Perl by Ray Lischner (uunet!mntgfx!lisch), Nov 1990.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; Copyright (C) 1988,1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
;; to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves
;; any particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing.
;; Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public License for full details.
;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute GNU
;; Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the GNU Emacs
;; General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have
;; been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you can know your rights and
;; responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
;; things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
;; copies.
;; Description of perl -d interface:
;; A facility is provided for the simultaneous display of the source code
;; in one window, while using perldb to step through a function in the
;; other. A small arrow in the source window, indicates the current
;; line.
;; Starting up:
;; In order to use this facility, invoke the command PERLDB to obtain a
;; shell window with the appropriate command bindings. You will be asked
;; for the name of a file to run and additional command line arguments.
;; Perldb will be invoked on this file, in a window named *perldb-foo*
;; if the file is foo.
;; M-s steps by one line, and redisplays the source file and line.
;; You may easily create additional commands and bindings to interact
;; with the display. For example to put the perl debugger command n on \M-n
;; (def-perldb n "\M-n")
;; This causes the emacs command perldb-next to be defined, and runs
;; perldb-display-frame after the command.
;; perldb-display-frame is the basic display function. It tries to display
;; in the other window, the file and line corresponding to the current
;; position in the perldb window. For example after a perldb-step, it would
;; display the line corresponding to the position for the last step. Or
;; if you have done a backtrace in the perldb buffer, and move the cursor
;; into one of the frames, it would display the position corresponding to
;; that frame.
;; perldb-display-frame is invoked automatically when a filename-and-line-number
;; appears in the output.
(require 'shell)
(defvar perldb-prompt-pattern "^ DB<[0-9]+> "
"A regexp to recognize the prompt for perldb.")
(defvar perldb-mode-map nil
"Keymap for perldb-mode.")
(if perldb-mode-map
(setq perldb-mode-map (copy-keymap shell-mode-map))
(define-key perldb-mode-map "\C-l" 'perldb-refresh))
(define-key ctl-x-map " " 'perldb-break)
(define-key ctl-x-map "&" 'send-perldb-command)
;;Of course you may use `def-perldb' with any other perldb command, including
;;user defined ones.
(defmacro def-perldb (name key &optional doc)
(let* ((fun (intern (concat "perldb-" name))))
(` (progn
(defun (, fun) (arg)
(, (or doc ""))
(interactive "p")
(perldb-call (if (not (= 1 arg))
(concat (, name) arg)
(, name))))
(define-key perldb-mode-map (, key) (quote (, fun)))))))
(def-perldb "s" "\M-s" "Step one source line with display")
(def-perldb "n" "\M-n" "Step one source line (skip functions)")
(def-perldb "c" "\M-c" "Continue with display")
(def-perldb "r" "\C-c\C-r" "Return from current subroutine")
(def-perldb "A" "\C-c\C-a" "Delete all actions")
(defun perldb-mode ()
"Major mode for interacting with an inferior Perl debugger process.
The following commands are available:
\\[perldb-display-frame] displays in the other window
the last line referred to in the perldb buffer.
\\[perldb-s],\\[perldb-n], and \\[perldb-n] in the perldb window,
call perldb to step, next or continue and then update the other window
with the current file and position.
If you are in a source file, you may select a point to break
at, by doing \\[perldb-break].
Many commands are inherited from shell mode.
Additionally we have:
\\[perldb-display-frame] display frames file in other window
\\[perldb-s] advance one line in program
\\[perldb-n] advance one line in program (skip over calls).
\\[send-perldb-command] used for special printing of an arg at the current point.
C-x SPACE sets break point at current line."
(setq major-mode 'perldb-mode)
(setq mode-name "Inferior Perl")
(setq mode-line-process '(": %s"))
(use-local-map perldb-mode-map)
(make-local-variable 'last-input-start)
(setq last-input-start (make-marker))
(make-local-variable 'last-input-end)
(setq last-input-end (make-marker))
(make-local-variable 'perldb-last-frame)
(setq perldb-last-frame nil)
(make-local-variable 'perldb-last-frame-displayed-p)
(setq perldb-last-frame-displayed-p t)
(make-local-variable 'perldb-delete-prompt-marker)
(setq perldb-delete-prompt-marker nil)
(make-local-variable 'perldb-filter-accumulator)
(setq perldb-filter-accumulator nil)
(make-local-variable 'shell-prompt-pattern)
(setq shell-prompt-pattern perldb-prompt-pattern)
(run-hooks 'shell-mode-hook 'perldb-mode-hook))
(defvar current-perldb-buffer nil)
(defvar perldb-command-name "perl"
"Pathname for executing perl -d.")
(defun end-of-quoted-arg (argstr start end)
(let* ((chr (substring argstr start (1+ start)))
(idx (string-match (concat "[^\\]" chr) argstr (1+ start))))
(and idx (1+ idx))
(defun parse-args-helper (arglist argstr start end)
(while (and (< start end) (string-match "[ \t\n\f\r\b]"
(substring argstr start (1+ start))))
(setq start (1+ start)))
((= start end) arglist)
((string-match "[\"']" (substring argstr start (1+ start)))
(let ((next (end-of-quoted-arg argstr start end)))
(parse-args-helper (cons (substring argstr (1+ start) next) arglist)
argstr (1+ next) end)))
(t (let ((next (string-match "[ \t\n\f\b\r]" argstr start)))
(if next
(parse-args-helper (cons (substring argstr start next) arglist)
argstr (1+ next) end)
(cons (substring argstr start) arglist))))
(defun parse-args (args)
"Extract arguments from a string ARGS.
White space separates arguments, with single or double quotes
used to protect spaces. A list of strings is returned, e.g.,
(parse-args \"foo bar 'two args'\") => (\"foo\" \"bar\" \"two args\")."
(nreverse (parse-args-helper '() args 0 (length args)))
(defun perldb (path args)
"Run perldb on program FILE in buffer *perldb-FILE*.
The default directory for the current buffer becomes the initial
working directory, by analogy with gdb . If you wish to change this, use
the Perl command `chdir(DIR)'."
(interactive "FRun perl -d on file: \nsCommand line arguments: ")
(setq path (expand-file-name path))
(let ((file (file-name-nondirectory path))
(dir default-directory))
(switch-to-buffer (concat "*perldb-" file "*"))
(setq default-directory dir)
(or (bolp) (newline))
(insert "Current directory is " default-directory "\n")
(apply 'make-shell
(concat "perldb-" file) perldb-command-name nil "-d" path "-emacs"
(parse-args args))
(set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) 'perldb-filter)
(set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) 'perldb-sentinel)
(defun perldb-set-buffer ()
(cond ((eq major-mode 'perldb-mode)
(setq current-perldb-buffer (current-buffer)))))
;; This function is responsible for inserting output from Perl
;; into the buffer.
;; Aside from inserting the text, it notices and deletes
;; each filename-and-line-number;
;; that Perl prints to identify the selected frame.
;; It records the filename and line number, and maybe displays that file.
(defun perldb-filter (proc string)
(let ((inhibit-quit t))
(if perldb-filter-accumulator
(perldb-filter-accumulate-marker proc
(concat perldb-filter-accumulator string))
(perldb-filter-scan-input proc string))))
(defun perldb-filter-accumulate-marker (proc string)
(setq perldb-filter-accumulator nil)
(if (> (length string) 1)
(if (= (aref string 1) ?\032)
(let ((end (string-match "\n" string)))
(if end
(let* ((first-colon (string-match ":" string 2))
(string-match ":" string (1+ first-colon))))
(setq perldb-last-frame
(cons (substring string 2 first-colon)
(substring string (1+ first-colon)
(setq perldb-last-frame-displayed-p nil)
(perldb-filter-scan-input proc
(substring string (1+ end))))
(setq perldb-filter-accumulator string)))
(perldb-filter-insert proc "\032")
(perldb-filter-scan-input proc (substring string 1)))
(setq perldb-filter-accumulator string)))
(defun perldb-filter-scan-input (proc string)
(if (equal string "")
(setq perldb-filter-accumulator nil)
(let ((start (string-match "\032" string)))
(if start
(progn (perldb-filter-insert proc (substring string 0 start))
(perldb-filter-accumulate-marker proc
(substring string start)))
(perldb-filter-insert proc string)))))
(defun perldb-filter-insert (proc string)
(let ((moving (= (point) (process-mark proc)))
(output-after-point (< (point) (process-mark proc)))
(old-buffer (current-buffer))
(set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
;; Insert the text, moving the process-marker.
(goto-char (process-mark proc))
(setq start (point))
(insert string)
(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
;; Check for a filename-and-line number.
;; Don't display the specified file
;; unless (1) point is at or after the position where output appears
;; and (2) this buffer is on the screen.
(or output-after-point
(not (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))))
;; Display a file only when a new filename-and-line-number appears.
(set-buffer old-buffer))
(if moving (goto-char (process-mark proc)))))
(defun perldb-sentinel (proc msg)
(cond ((null (buffer-name (process-buffer proc)))
;; buffer killed
;; Stop displaying an arrow in a source file.
(setq overlay-arrow-position nil)
(set-process-buffer proc nil))
((memq (process-status proc) '(signal exit))
;; Stop displaying an arrow in a source file.
(setq overlay-arrow-position nil)
;; Fix the mode line.
(setq mode-line-process
(concat ": "
(symbol-name (process-status proc))))
(let* ((obuf (current-buffer)))
;; save-excursion isn't the right thing if
;; process-buffer is current-buffer
;; Write something in *compilation* and hack its mode line,
(set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
;; Force mode line redisplay soon
(set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
(if (eobp)
(insert ?\n mode-name " " msg)
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert ?\n mode-name " " msg)))
;; If buffer and mode line will show that the process
;; is dead, we can delete it now. Otherwise it
;; will stay around until M-x list-processes.
(delete-process proc))
;; Restore old buffer, but don't restore old point
;; if obuf is the perldb buffer.
(set-buffer obuf))))))
(defun perldb-refresh ()
"Fix up a possibly garbled display, and redraw the arrow."
(defun perldb-display-frame (&optional nodisplay noauto)
"Find, obey and delete the last filename-and-line marker from PERLDB.
The marker looks like \\032\\032FILENAME:LINE:CHARPOS\\n.
Obeying it means displaying in another window the specified file and line."
(and perldb-last-frame (not nodisplay)
(or (not perldb-last-frame-displayed-p) (not noauto))
(progn (perldb-display-line (car perldb-last-frame) (cdr perldb-last-frame))
(setq perldb-last-frame-displayed-p t))))
;; Make sure the file named TRUE-FILE is in a buffer that appears on the screen
;; and that its line LINE is visible.
;; Put the overlay-arrow on the line LINE in that buffer.
(defun perldb-display-line (true-file line)
(let* ((buffer (find-file-noselect true-file))
(window (display-buffer buffer t))
(set-buffer buffer)
(goto-line line)
(setq pos (point))
(setq overlay-arrow-string "=>")
(or overlay-arrow-position
(setq overlay-arrow-position (make-marker)))
(set-marker overlay-arrow-position (point) (current-buffer)))
(cond ((or (< pos (point-min)) (> pos (point-max)))
(goto-char pos))))
(set-window-point window overlay-arrow-position)))
(defun perldb-call (command)
"Invoke perldb COMMAND displaying source in other window."
(goto-char (point-max))
(setq perldb-delete-prompt-marker (point-marker))
(send-string (get-buffer-process current-perldb-buffer)
(concat command "\n")))
(defun perldb-maybe-delete-prompt ()
(if (and perldb-delete-prompt-marker
(> (point-max) (marker-position perldb-delete-prompt-marker)))
(let (start)
(goto-char perldb-delete-prompt-marker)
(setq start (point))
(delete-region (point) start)
(setq perldb-delete-prompt-marker nil))))
(defun perldb-break ()
"Set PERLDB breakpoint at this source line."
(let ((line (save-restriction
(1+ (count-lines 1 (point))))))
(send-string (get-buffer-process current-perldb-buffer)
(concat "b " line "\n"))))
(defun perldb-read-token()
"Return a string containing the token found in the buffer at point.
A token can be a number or an identifier. If the token is a name prefaced
by `$', `@', or `%', the leading character is included in the token."
(let (begin)
(or (looking-at "[$@%]")
(re-search-backward "[^a-zA-Z_0-9]" (point-min) 'move))
(setq begin (point))
(or (looking-at "[$@%]") (setq begin (+ begin 1)))
(forward-char 1)
(buffer-substring begin
(if (re-search-forward "[^a-zA-Z_0-9]"
(point-max) 'move)
(- (point) 1)
(defvar perldb-commands nil
"List of strings or functions used by send-perldb-command.
It is for customization by the user.")
(defun send-perldb-command (arg)
"Issue a Perl debugger command selected by the prefix arg. A numeric
arg selects the ARG'th member COMMAND of the list perldb-commands.
The token under the cursor is passed to the command. If COMMAND is a
string, (format COMMAND TOKEN) is inserted at the end of the perldb
buffer, otherwise (funcall COMMAND TOKEN) is inserted. If there is
no such COMMAND, then the token itself is inserted. For example,
\"p %s\" is a possible string to be a member of perldb-commands,
or \"p $ENV{%s}\"."
(interactive "P")
(let (comm token)
(if arg (setq comm (nth arg perldb-commands)))
(setq token (perldb-read-token))
(if (eq (current-buffer) current-perldb-buffer)
(set-mark (point)))
(cond (comm
(setq comm
(if (stringp comm) (format comm token) (funcall comm token))))
(t (setq comm token)))
(switch-to-buffer-other-window current-perldb-buffer)
(goto-char (dot-max))
(insert-string comm)))

View file

@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
package DB;
# modified Perl debugger, to be run from Emacs in perldb-mode
# Ray Lischner (uunet!mntgfx!lisch) as of 5 Nov 1990
$header = '$Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/emacs/perldb.pl,v 1993/08/23 21:29:46 nate Exp $';
# This file is automatically included if you do perl -d.
# It's probably not useful to include this yourself.
# Perl supplies the values for @line and %sub. It effectively inserts
# a do DB'DB(<linenum>); in front of every place that can
# have a breakpoint. It also inserts a do 'perldb.pl' before the first line.
# $Log: perldb.pl,v $
# Revision 1993/08/23 21:29:46 nate
# Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:18:58 lwall
# 4.0 baseline.
# Revision 91/01/11 18:08:58 lwall
# patch42: @_ couldn't be accessed from debugger
# Revision 90/11/10 01:40:26 lwall
# patch38: the debugger wouldn't stop correctly or do action routines
# Revision 90/10/15 17:40:38 lwall
# patch29: added caller
# patch29: the debugger now understands packages and evals
# patch29: scripts now run at almost full speed under the debugger
# patch29: more variables are settable from debugger
# Revision 90/08/09 04:00:58 lwall
# patch19: debugger now allows continuation lines
# patch19: debugger can now dump lists of variables
# patch19: debugger can now add aliases easily from prompt
# Revision 90/03/12 16:39:39 lwall
# patch13: perl -d didn't format stack traces of *foo right
# patch13: perl -d wiped out scalar return values of subroutines
# Revision 89/10/26 23:14:02 lwall
# patch1: RCS expanded an unintended $Header in lib/perldb.pl
# Revision 3.0 89/10/18 15:19:46 lwall
# 3.0 baseline
# Revision 2.0 88/06/05 00:09:45 root
# Baseline version 2.0.
open(IN, "</dev/tty") || open(IN, "<&STDIN"); # so we don't dingle stdin
open(OUT,">/dev/tty") || open(OUT, ">&STDOUT"); # so we don't dongle stdout
$| = 1; # for DB'OUT
$| = 1; # for real STDOUT
$sub = '';
# Is Perl being run from Emacs?
$emacs = $main'ARGV[$[] eq '-emacs';
shift(@main'ARGV) if $emacs;
$header =~ s/.Header: ([^,]+),v(\s+\S+\s+\S+).*$/$1$2/;
print OUT "\nLoading DB routines from $header\n\nEnter h for help.\n\n";
sub DB {
($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
$usercontext = '($@, $!, $[, $,, $/, $\) = @saved;' .
"package $package;"; # this won't let them modify, alas
local(*dbline) = "_<$filename";
$max = $#dbline;
if (($stop,$action) = split(/\0/,$dbline{$line})) {
if ($stop eq '1') {
$signal |= 1;
else {
$evalarg = "\$DB'signal |= do {$stop;}"; &eval;
$dbline{$line} =~ s/;9($|\0)/$1/;
if ($single || $trace || $signal) {
if ($emacs) {
print OUT "\032\032$filename:$line:0\n";
} else {
print OUT "$package'" unless $sub =~ /'/;
print OUT "$sub($filename:$line):\t",$dbline[$line];
for ($i = $line + 1; $i <= $max && $dbline[$i] == 0; ++$i) {
last if $dbline[$i] =~ /^\s*(}|#|\n)/;
print OUT "$sub($filename:$i):\t",$dbline[$i];
$evalarg = $action, &eval if $action;
if ($single || $signal) {
$evalarg = $pre, &eval if $pre;
print OUT $#stack . " levels deep in subroutine calls!\n"
if $single & 4;
$start = $line;
while ((print OUT " DB<", $#hist+1, "> "), $cmd=&gets) {
$single = 0;
$signal = 0;
$cmd eq '' && exit 0;
$cmd =~ s/\\$// && do {
print OUT " cont: ";
$cmd .= &gets;
$cmd =~ /^q$/ && exit 0;
$cmd =~ /^$/ && ($cmd = $laststep);
push(@hist,$cmd) if length($cmd) > 1;
($i) = split(/\s+/,$cmd);
eval "\$cmd =~ $alias{$i}", print OUT $@ if $alias{$i};
$cmd =~ /^h$/ && do {
print OUT "
T Stack trace.
s Single step.
n Next, steps over subroutine calls.
r Return from current subroutine.
c [line] Continue; optionally inserts a one-time-only breakpoint
at the specified line.
<CR> Repeat last n or s.
l min+incr List incr+1 lines starting at min.
l min-max List lines.
l line List line;
l List next window.
- List previous window.
w line List window around line.
l subname List subroutine.
f filename Switch to filename.
/pattern/ Search forwards for pattern; final / is optional.
?pattern? Search backwards for pattern.
L List breakpoints and actions.
S List subroutine names.
t Toggle trace mode.
b [line] [condition]
Set breakpoint; line defaults to the current execution line;
condition breaks if it evaluates to true, defaults to \'1\'.
b subname [condition]
Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine.
d [line] Delete breakpoint.
D Delete all breakpoints.
a [line] command
Set an action to be done before the line is executed.
Sequence is: check for breakpoint, print line if necessary,
do action, prompt user if breakpoint or step, evaluate line.
A Delete all actions.
V [pkg [vars]] List some (default all) variables in package (default current).
X [vars] Same as \"V currentpackage [vars]\".
< command Define command before prompt.
| command Define command after prompt.
! number Redo command (default previous command).
! -number Redo number\'th to last command.
H -number Display last number commands (default all).
q or ^D Quit.
p expr Same as \"print DB'OUT expr\" in current package.
= [alias value] Define a command alias, or list current aliases.
command Execute as a perl statement in current package.
next; };
$cmd =~ /^t$/ && do {
$trace = !$trace;
print OUT "Trace = ".($trace?"on":"off")."\n";
next; };
$cmd =~ /^S$/ && do {
foreach $subname (sort(keys %sub)) {
print OUT $subname,"\n";
next; };
$cmd =~ s/^X\b/V $package/;
$cmd =~ /^V$/ && do {
$cmd = 'V $package'; };
$cmd =~ /^V\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/ && do {
$packname = $1;
@vars = split(' ',$2);
do 'dumpvar.pl' unless defined &main'dumpvar;
if (defined &main'dumpvar) {
else {
print DB'OUT "dumpvar.pl not available.\n";
next; };
$cmd =~ /^f\s*(.*)/ && do {
$file = $1;
if (!$file) {
print OUT "The old f command is now the r command.\n";
print OUT "The new f command switches filenames.\n";
if (!defined $_main{'_<' . $file}) {
if (($try) = grep(m#^_<.*$file#, keys %_main)) {
$file = substr($try,2);
print "\n$file:\n";
if (!defined $_main{'_<' . $file}) {
print OUT "There's no code here anything matching $file.\n";
elsif ($file ne $filename) {
*dbline = "_<$file";
$max = $#dbline;
$filename = $file;
$start = 1;
$cmd = "l";
} };
$cmd =~ /^l\s*(['A-Za-z_]['\w]*)/ && do {
$subname = $1;
$subname = "main'" . $subname unless $subname =~ /'/;
$subname = "main" . $subname if substr($subname,0,1) eq "'";
($file,$subrange) = split(/:/,$sub{$subname});
if ($file ne $filename) {
*dbline = "_<$file";
$max = $#dbline;
$filename = $file;
if ($subrange) {
if (eval($subrange) < -$window) {
$subrange =~ s/-.*/+/;
$cmd = "l $subrange";
} else {
print OUT "Subroutine $1 not found.\n";
} };
$cmd =~ /^w\s*(\d*)$/ && do {
$incr = $window - 1;
$start = $1 if $1;
$start -= $preview;
$cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
$cmd =~ /^-$/ && do {
$incr = $window - 1;
$cmd = 'l ' . ($start-$window*2) . '+'; };
$cmd =~ /^l$/ && do {
$incr = $window - 1;
$cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
$cmd =~ /^l\s*(\d*)\+(\d*)$/ && do {
$start = $1 if $1;
$incr = $2;
$incr = $window - 1 unless $incr;
$cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
$cmd =~ /^l\s*(([\d\$\.]+)([-,]([\d\$\.]+))?)?/ && do {
$end = (!$2) ? $max : ($4 ? $4 : $2);
$end = $max if $end > $max;
$i = $2;
$i = $line if $i eq '.';
$i = 1 if $i < 1;
if ($emacs) {
print OUT "\032\032$filename:$i:0\n";
$i = $end;
} else {
for (; $i <= $end; $i++) {
print OUT "$i:\t", $dbline[$i];
last if $signal;
$start = $i; # remember in case they want more
$start = $max if $start > $max;
next; };
$cmd =~ /^D$/ && do {
print OUT "Deleting all breakpoints...\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
$dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]+//;
if ($dbline{$i} =~ s/^\0?$//) {
delete $dbline{$i};
next; };
$cmd =~ /^L$/ && do {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++) {
if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
print OUT "$i:\t", $dbline[$i];
($stop,$action) = split(/\0/, $dbline{$i});
print OUT " break if (", $stop, ")\n"
if $stop;
print OUT " action: ", $action, "\n"
if $action;
last if $signal;
next; };
$cmd =~ /^b\s*(['A-Za-z_]['\w]*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
$subname = $1;
$cond = $2 || '1';
$subname = "$package'" . $subname unless $subname =~ /'/;
$subname = "main" . $subname if substr($subname,0,1) eq "'";
($filename,$i) = split(/[:-]/, $sub{$subname});
if ($i) {
*dbline = "_<$filename";
++$i while $dbline[$i] == 0 && $i < $#dbline;
$dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*/$cond/;
} else {
print OUT "Subroutine $subname not found.\n";
next; };
$cmd =~ /^b\s*(\d*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
$i = ($1?$1:$line);
$cond = $2 || '1';
if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
print OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
} else {
$dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*/$cond/;
next; };
$cmd =~ /^d\s*(\d+)?/ && do {
$i = ($1?$1:$line);
$dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*//;
delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
next; };
$cmd =~ /^A$/ && do {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
$dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
next; };
$cmd =~ /^<\s*(.*)/ && do {
$pre = do action($1);
next; };
$cmd =~ /^>\s*(.*)/ && do {
$post = do action($1);
next; };
$cmd =~ /^a\s*(\d+)(\s+(.*))?/ && do {
$i = $1;
if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
print OUT "Line $i may not have an action.\n";
} else {
$dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
$dbline{$i} .= "\0" . do action($3);
next; };
$cmd =~ /^n$/ && do {
$single = 2;
$laststep = $cmd;
last; };
$cmd =~ /^s$/ && do {
$single = 1;
$laststep = $cmd;
last; };
$cmd =~ /^c\s*(\d*)\s*$/ && do {
$i = $1;
if ($i) {
if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
print OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
$dbline{$i} =~ s/(\0|$)/;9$1/; # add one-time-only b.p.
for ($i=0; $i <= $#stack; ) {
$stack[$i++] &= ~1;
last; };
$cmd =~ /^r$/ && do {
$stack[$#stack] |= 2;
last; };
$cmd =~ /^T$/ && do {
for ($i = 1; ($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$w) = caller($i); $i++) {
@a = @args;
for (@a) {
if (/^StB\000/ && length($_) == length($_main{'_main'})) {
$_ = sprintf("%s",$_);
else {
s/([^\0]*)/'$1'/ unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
$w = $w ? '@ = ' : '$ = ';
$a = $h ? '(' . join(', ', @a) . ')' : '';
push(@sub, "$w&$s$a from file $f line $l\n");
last if $signal;
for ($i=0; $i <= $#sub; $i++) {
last if $signal;
print OUT $sub[$i];
next; };
$cmd =~ /^\/(.*)$/ && do {
$inpat = $1;
$inpat =~ s:([^\\])/$:$1:;
if ($inpat ne "") {
eval '$inpat =~ m'."\n$inpat\n";
if ($@ ne "") {
print OUT "$@";
$pat = $inpat;
$end = $start;
eval '
for (;;) {
$start = 1 if ($start > $max);
last if ($start == $end);
if ($dbline[$start] =~ m'."\n$pat\n".'i) {
if ($emacs) {
print OUT "\032\032$filename:$start:0\n";
} else {
print OUT "$start:\t", $dbline[$start], "\n";
} ';
print OUT "/$pat/: not found\n" if ($start == $end);
next; };
$cmd =~ /^\?(.*)$/ && do {
$inpat = $1;
$inpat =~ s:([^\\])\?$:$1:;
if ($inpat ne "") {
eval '$inpat =~ m'."\n$inpat\n";
if ($@ ne "") {
print OUT "$@";
$pat = $inpat;
$end = $start;
eval '
for (;;) {
$start = $max if ($start <= 0);
last if ($start == $end);
if ($dbline[$start] =~ m'."\n$pat\n".'i) {
if ($emacs) {
print OUT "\032\032$filename:$start:0\n";
} else {
print OUT "$start:\t", $dbline[$start], "\n";
} ';
print OUT "?$pat?: not found\n" if ($start == $end);
next; };
$cmd =~ /^!+\s*(-)?(\d+)?$/ && do {
pop(@hist) if length($cmd) > 1;
$i = ($1?($#hist-($2?$2:1)):($2?$2:$#hist));
$cmd = $hist[$i] . "\n";
print OUT $cmd;
redo; };
$cmd =~ /^!(.+)$/ && do {
$pat = "^$1";
pop(@hist) if length($cmd) > 1;
for ($i = $#hist; $i; --$i) {
last if $hist[$i] =~ $pat;
if (!$i) {
print OUT "No such command!\n\n";
$cmd = $hist[$i] . "\n";
print OUT $cmd;
redo; };
$cmd =~ /^H\s*(-(\d+))?/ && do {
$end = $2?($#hist-$2):0;
$hist = 0 if $hist < 0;
for ($i=$#hist; $i>$end; $i--) {
print OUT "$i: ",$hist[$i],"\n"
unless $hist[$i] =~ /^.?$/;
next; };
$cmd =~ s/^p( .*)?$/print DB'OUT$1/;
$cmd =~ /^=/ && do {
if (local($k,$v) = ($cmd =~ /^=\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) {
print OUT "$k = $v\n";
} elsif ($cmd =~ /^=\s*$/) {
foreach $k (sort keys(%alias)) {
if (($v = $alias{$k}) =~ s~^s\~$k\~(.*)\~$~$1~) {
print OUT "$k = $v\n";
} else {
print OUT "$k\t$alias{$k}\n";
next; };
$evalarg = $cmd; &eval;
print OUT "\n";
if ($post) {
$evalarg = $post; &eval;
($@, $!, $[, $,, $/, $\) = @saved;
sub save {
@saved = ($@, $!, $[, $,, $/, $\);
$[ = 0; $, = ""; $/ = "\n"; $\ = "";
# The following takes its argument via $evalarg to preserve current @_
sub eval {
eval "$usercontext $evalarg; &DB'save";
print OUT $@;
sub action {
local($action) = @_;
while ($action =~ s/\\$//) {
print OUT "+ ";
$action .= &gets;
sub gets {
sub catch {
$signal = 1;
sub sub {
push(@stack, $single);
$single &= 1;
$single |= 4 if $#stack == $deep;
if (wantarray) {
@i = &$sub;
$single |= pop(@stack);
else {
$i = &$sub;
$single |= pop(@stack);
$single = 1; # so it stops on first executable statement
@hist = ('?');
$SIG{'INT'} = "DB'catch";
$deep = 100; # warning if stack gets this deep
$window = 10;
$preview = 3;
@stack = (0);
for (@args) {
s/(.*)/'$1'/ unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
if (-f '.perldb') {
do './.perldb';
elsif (-f "$ENV{'LOGDIR'}/.perldb") {
do "$ENV{'LOGDIR'}/.perldb";
elsif (-f "$ENV{'HOME'}/.perldb") {
do "$ENV{'HOME'}/.perldb";

View file

@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
Article 4417 of comp.lang.perl:
Path: jpl-devvax!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!decwrl!mcnc!uvaarpa!mmdf
From: ted@evi.com (Ted Stefanik)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl
Subject: Correction to Perl fatal error marking in GNU Emacs
Message-ID: <1991Feb27.065853.15801@uvaarpa.Virginia.EDU>
Date: 27 Feb 91 06:58:53 GMT
Sender: mmdf@uvaarpa.Virginia.EDU (Uvaarpa Mail System)
Reply-To: ted@evi.com (Ted Stefanik)
Organization: The Internet
Lines: 282
Reading my own message, it occurred to me that I didn't quite satisfy the
request of stef@zweig.sun (Stephane Payrard):
| Does anyone has extended perdb/perdb.el to position the
| point to the first syntax error? It would be cool.
What I posted is a way to use the "M-x compile" command to test perl scripts.
(Needless to say, the script cannot be not interactive; you can't provide input
to a *compilation* buffer). When creating new Perl programs, I use "M-x
compile" until I'm sure that they are syntatically correct; if syntax errors
occur, C-x` takes me to each in sequence. After I'm sure the syntax is
correct, I start worrying about semantics, and switch to "M-x perldb" if
Therefore, the stuff I posted works great with "M-x compile", but not at all
with "M-x perldb".
Next, let me update what I posted. I found that perl's die() command doesn't
print the same format error message as perl does when it dies with a syntax
error. If you put the following in your ".emacs" file, it causes C-x` to
recognize both kinds of errors:
(load-library "compile")
(setq compilation-error-regexp
"\\([^ :\n]+\\(: *\\|, line \\|(\\)[0-9]+\\)\\|\\([0-9]+ *of *[^ \n]+\\|[^ \n]+ \\(at \\)*line [0-9]+\\)")
Last, so I don't look like a total fool, let me propose a way to satisfy
Stephane Payrard's original request (repeated again):
| Does anyone has extended perdb/perdb.el to position the
| point to the first syntax error? It would be cool.
I'm not satisfied with just the "first syntax error". Perl's parser is better
than most about not getting out of sync; therefore, if it reports multiple
errors, you can usually be assured they are all real errors.
So... I hacked in the "next-error" function from "compile.el" to form
"perldb-next-error". You can apply the patches at the end of this message
to add "perldb-next-error" to your "perldb.el".
1) The patch binds "perldb-next-error" to C-x~ (because ~ is the shift
of ` on my keyboard, and C-x~ is not yet taken in my version of EMACS).
2) "next-error" is meant to work on a single *compilation* buffer; any new
"M-x compile" or "M-x grep" command will clear the old *compilation*
buffer and reset the compilation-error parser to start at the top of the
*compilation* buffer.
"perldb-next-error", on the other hand, has to deal with multiple
*perldb-<foo>* buffers, each of which keep growing. "perldb-next-error"
correctly handles the constantly growing *perldb-<foo>* buffers by
keeping track of the last reported error in the "current-perldb-buffer".
Sadly however, when you invoke a new "M-x perldb" on a different Perl
script, "perldb-next-error" will start parsing the new *perldb-<bar>*
buffer at the top (even if it was previously parsed), and will completely
lose the marker of the last reported error in *perldb-<foo>*.
3) "perldb-next-error" still uses "compilation-error-regexp" to find
fatal errors. Therefore, both the "M-x compile"/C-x` scheme and
the "M-x perldb"/C-x~ scheme can be used to find fatal errors that
match the common "compilation-error-regexp". You *will* want to install
that "compilation-error-regexp" stuff into your .emacs file.
4) The patch was developed and tested with GNU Emacs 18.55.
5) Since the patch was ripped off from compile.el, the code is (of
course) subject to the GNU copyleft.
*** perldb.el.orig Wed Feb 27 00:44:27 1991
--- perldb.el Wed Feb 27 00:44:30 1991
*** 199,205 ****
(defun perldb-set-buffer ()
(cond ((eq major-mode 'perldb-mode)
! (setq current-perldb-buffer (current-buffer)))))
;; This function is responsible for inserting output from Perl
;; into the buffer.
--- 199,211 ----
(defun perldb-set-buffer ()
(cond ((eq major-mode 'perldb-mode)
! (cond ((not (eq current-perldb-buffer (current-buffer)))
! (perldb-forget-errors)
! (setq perldb-parsing-end 2)) ;; 2 to defeat grep defeater
! (t
! (if (> perldb-parsing-end (point-max))
! (setq perldb-parsing-end (max (point-max) 2)))))
! (setq current-perldb-buffer (current-buffer)))))
;; This function is responsible for inserting output from Perl
;; into the buffer.
*** 291,297 ****
;; process-buffer is current-buffer
! ;; Write something in *compilation* and hack its mode line,
(set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
;; Force mode line redisplay soon
(set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
--- 297,303 ----
;; process-buffer is current-buffer
! ;; Write something in *perldb-<foo>* and hack its mode line,
(set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
;; Force mode line redisplay soon
(set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
*** 421,423 ****
--- 427,593 ----
(switch-to-buffer-other-window current-perldb-buffer)
(goto-char (dot-max))
(insert-string comm)))
+ (defvar perldb-error-list nil
+ "List of error message descriptors for visiting erring functions.
+ Each error descriptor is a list of length two.
+ Its car is a marker pointing to an error message.
+ Its cadr is a marker pointing to the text of the line the message is about,
+ or nil if that is not interesting.
+ The value may be t instead of a list;
+ this means that the buffer of error messages should be reparsed
+ the next time the list of errors is wanted.")
+ (defvar perldb-parsing-end nil
+ "Position of end of buffer when last error messages parsed.")
+ (defvar perldb-error-message "No more fatal Perl errors"
+ "Message to print when no more matches for compilation-error-regexp are found")
+ (defun perldb-next-error (&optional argp)
+ "Visit next perldb error message and corresponding source code.
+ This operates on the output from the \\[perldb] command.
+ If all preparsed error messages have been processed,
+ the error message buffer is checked for new ones.
+ A non-nil argument (prefix arg, if interactive)
+ means reparse the error message buffer and start at the first error."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (or (eq perldb-error-list t)
+ argp)
+ (progn (perldb-forget-errors)
+ (setq perldb-parsing-end 2))) ;; 2 to defeat grep defeater
+ (if perldb-error-list
+ nil
+ (save-excursion
+ (switch-to-buffer current-perldb-buffer)
+ (perldb-parse-errors)))
+ (let ((next-error (car perldb-error-list)))
+ (if (null next-error)
+ (error (concat perldb-error-message
+ (if (and (get-buffer-process current-perldb-buffer)
+ (eq (process-status
+ (get-buffer-process
+ current-perldb-buffer))
+ 'run))
+ " yet" ""))))
+ (setq perldb-error-list (cdr perldb-error-list))
+ (if (null (car (cdr next-error)))
+ nil
+ (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer (car (cdr next-error))))
+ (goto-char (car (cdr next-error)))
+ (set-marker (car (cdr next-error)) nil))
+ (let* ((pop-up-windows t)
+ (w (display-buffer (marker-buffer (car next-error)))))
+ (set-window-point w (car next-error))
+ (set-window-start w (car next-error)))
+ (set-marker (car next-error) nil)))
+ ;; Set perldb-error-list to nil, and
+ ;; unchain the markers that point to the error messages and their text,
+ ;; so that they no longer slow down gap motion.
+ ;; This would happen anyway at the next garbage collection,
+ ;; but it is better to do it right away.
+ (defun perldb-forget-errors ()
+ (if (eq perldb-error-list t)
+ (setq perldb-error-list nil))
+ (while perldb-error-list
+ (let ((next-error (car perldb-error-list)))
+ (set-marker (car next-error) nil)
+ (if (car (cdr next-error))
+ (set-marker (car (cdr next-error)) nil)))
+ (setq perldb-error-list (cdr perldb-error-list))))
+ (defun perldb-parse-errors ()
+ "Parse the current buffer as error messages.
+ This makes a list of error descriptors, perldb-error-list.
+ For each source-file, line-number pair in the buffer,
+ the source file is read in, and the text location is saved in perldb-error-list.
+ The function next-error, assigned to \\[next-error], takes the next error off the list
+ and visits its location."
+ (setq perldb-error-list nil)
+ (message "Parsing error messages...")
+ (let (text-buffer
+ last-filename last-linenum)
+ ;; Don't reparse messages already seen at last parse.
+ (goto-char perldb-parsing-end)
+ ;; Don't parse the first two lines as error messages.
+ ;; This matters for grep.
+ (if (bobp)
+ (forward-line 2))
+ (while (re-search-forward compilation-error-regexp nil t)
+ (let (linenum filename
+ error-marker text-marker)
+ ;; Extract file name and line number from error message.
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (skip-chars-backward "[0-9]")
+ ;; If it's a lint message, use the last file(linenum) on the line.
+ ;; Normally we use the first on the line.
+ (if (= (preceding-char) ?\()
+ (progn
+ (narrow-to-region (point-min) (1+ (buffer-size)))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (re-search-backward compilation-error-regexp)
+ (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n")
+ (narrow-to-region (point) (match-end 0))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (skip-chars-backward "[0-9]")))
+ ;; Are we looking at a "filename-first" or "line-number-first" form?
+ (if (looking-at "[0-9]")
+ (progn
+ (setq linenum (read (current-buffer)))
+ (goto-char (point-min)))
+ ;; Line number at start, file name at end.
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq linenum (read (current-buffer)))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n")))
+ (setq filename (perldb-grab-filename)))
+ ;; Locate the erring file and line.
+ (if (and (equal filename last-filename)
+ (= linenum last-linenum))
+ nil
+ (beginning-of-line 1)
+ (setq error-marker (point-marker))
+ ;; text-buffer gets the buffer containing this error's file.
+ (if (not (equal filename last-filename))
+ (setq text-buffer
+ (and (file-exists-p (setq last-filename filename))
+ (find-file-noselect filename))
+ last-linenum 0))
+ (if text-buffer
+ ;; Go to that buffer and find the erring line.
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer text-buffer)
+ (if (zerop last-linenum)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char 1)
+ (setq last-linenum 1)))
+ (forward-line (- linenum last-linenum))
+ (setq last-linenum linenum)
+ (setq text-marker (point-marker))
+ (setq perldb-error-list
+ (cons (list error-marker text-marker)
+ perldb-error-list)))))
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ (setq perldb-parsing-end (point-max)))
+ (message "Parsing error messages...done")
+ (setq perldb-error-list (nreverse perldb-error-list)))
+ (defun perldb-grab-filename ()
+ "Return a string which is a filename, starting at point.
+ Ignore quotes and parentheses around it, as well as trailing colons."
+ (if (eq (following-char) ?\")
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (point)
+ (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (read (current-buffer)))
+ (buffer-substring (point)
+ (progn
+ (skip-chars-forward "^ :,\n\t(")
+ (point)))))
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "~" 'perldb-next-error)

View file

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
[This file of Tom Christiansen's has been edited to change makelib to h2ph
and .h to .ph where appropriate--law.]
This directory contains files to help you convert the *.ph files generated my
h2ph out of the perl source directory into *.pl files with all the
indirection of the subroutine calls removed. The .ph version will be more
safely portable, because if something isn't defined on the new system, like
&TIOCGETP, then you'll get a fatal run-time error on the system lacking that
function. Using the .pl version means that the subsequent scripts will give
you a 0 $TIOCGETP and God only knows what may then happen. Still, I like the
.pl stuff because they're faster to load.
FIrst, you need to run h2ph on things like sys/ioctl.h to get stuff
into the perl library directory, often /usr/local/lib/perl. For example,
# h2ph sys/ioctl.h
takes /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h as input and writes (without i/o redirection)
the file /usr/local/lib/perl/sys/ioctl.ph, which looks like this
eval 'sub TIOCM_RTS {0004;}';
eval 'sub TIOCM_ST {0010;}';
eval 'sub TIOCM_SR {0020;}';
eval 'sub TIOCM_CTS {0040;}';
eval 'sub TIOCM_CAR {0100;}';
and much worse, rather than what Larry's ioctl.pl from the perl source dir has,
which is:
$TIOCM_RTS = 0004;
$TIOCM_ST = 0010;
$TIOCM_SR = 0020;
$TIOCM_CTS = 0040;
$TIOCM_CAR = 0100;
[Workaround for fixed bug in makedir/h2ph deleted--law.]
The more complicated ioctl subs look like this:
eval 'sub TIOCGWINSZ {&_IOR("t", 104, \'struct winsize\');}';
eval 'sub TIOCSETD {&_IOW("t", 1, \'int\');}';
eval 'sub TIOCGETP {&_IOR("t", 8,\'struct sgttyb\');}';
The _IO[RW] routines use a %sizeof array, which (presumably)
is keyed on the type name with the value being the size in bytes.
To build %sizeof, try running this in this directory:
% ./getioctlsizes
Which will tell you which things the %sizeof array needs
to hold. You can try to build a sizeof.ph file with:
% ./getioctlsizes | ./mksizes > sizeof.ph
Note that mksizes hardcodes the #include files for all the types, so it will
probably require customization. Once you have sizeof.ph, install it in the
perl library directory. Run my tcbreak script to see whether you can do
ioctls in perl now. You'll get some kind of fatal run-time error if you
can't. That script should be included in this directory.
If this works well, now you can try to convert the *.ph files into
*.pl files. Try this:
foreach file ( sysexits.ph sys/{errno.ph,ioctl.ph} )
./mkvars $file > t/$file:r.pl
The last one will be the hardest. If it works, should be able to
run tcbreak2 and have it work the same as tcbreak.
Good luck.

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
$sgttyb_t = 'C4 S';
sub cbreak {
sub cooked {
sub set_cbreak {
local($on) = @_;
require 'sizeof.ph';
require 'sys/ioctl.ph';
|| die "Can't ioctl TIOCGETP: $!";
@ary = unpack($sgttyb_t,$sgttyb);
if ($on) {
$ary[4] |= &CBREAK;
$ary[4] &= ~&ECHO;
} else {
$ary[4] &= ~&CBREAK;
$ary[4] |= &ECHO;
$sgttyb = pack($sgttyb_t,@ary);
|| die "Can't ioctl TIOCSETP: $!";

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
$sgttyb_t = 'C4 S';
sub cbreak {
sub cooked {
sub set_cbreak {
local($on) = @_;
require 'sys/ioctl.pl';
|| die "Can't ioctl TIOCGETP: $!";
@ary = unpack($sgttyb_t,$sgttyb);
if ($on) {
$ary[4] |= $CBREAK;
$ary[4] &= ~$ECHO;
} else {
$ary[4] &= ~$CBREAK;
$ary[4] |= $ECHO;
$sgttyb = pack($sgttyb_t,@ary);
|| die "Can't ioctl TIOCSETP: $!";

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
$sizeof{'char'} = 1;
$sizeof{'int'} = 4;
$sizeof{'long'} = 4;
$sizeof{'struct arpreq'} = 36;
$sizeof{'struct ifconf'} = 8;
$sizeof{'struct ifreq'} = 32;
$sizeof{'struct ltchars'} = 6;
$sizeof{'struct pcntl'} = 116;
$sizeof{'struct rtentry'} = 52;
$sizeof{'struct sgttyb'} = 6;
$sizeof{'struct tchars'} = 6;
$sizeof{'struct ttychars'} = 14;
$sizeof{'struct winsize'} = 8;
$sizeof{'struct termios'} = 132;

View file

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
$EPERM = 0x1;
$ENOENT = 0x2;
$ESRCH = 0x3;
$EINTR = 0x4;
$EIO = 0x5;
$ENXIO = 0x6;
$E2BIG = 0x7;
$ENOEXEC = 0x8;
$EBADF = 0x9;
$ECHILD = 0xA;
$EAGAIN = 0xB;
$ENOMEM = 0xC;
$EACCES = 0xD;
$EFAULT = 0xE;
$EBUSY = 0x10;
$EEXIST = 0x11;
$EXDEV = 0x12;
$ENODEV = 0x13;
$ENOTDIR = 0x14;
$EISDIR = 0x15;
$EINVAL = 0x16;
$ENFILE = 0x17;
$EMFILE = 0x18;
$ENOTTY = 0x19;
$ETXTBSY = 0x1A;
$EFBIG = 0x1B;
$ENOSPC = 0x1C;
$ESPIPE = 0x1D;
$EROFS = 0x1E;
$EMLINK = 0x1F;
$EPIPE = 0x20;
$EDOM = 0x21;
$ERANGE = 0x22;
$EALREADY = 0x25;
$ENOTSOCK = 0x26;
$EMSGSIZE = 0x28;
$ENETDOWN = 0x32;
$ENETRESET = 0x34;
$ENOBUFS = 0x37;
$EISCONN = 0x38;
$ENOTCONN = 0x39;
$ELOOP = 0x3E;
$EHOSTDOWN = 0x40;
$ENOTEMPTY = 0x42;
$EPROCLIM = 0x43;
$EUSERS = 0x44;
$EDQUOT = 0x45;
$ESTALE = 0x46;
$EREMOTE = 0x47;
$EDEADLK = 0x48;
$ENOLCK = 0x49;
$MTH_OVF_EXP = 0x12D;
$MTH_NEG_BASE = 0x12F;
$MTH_ZERO_BASE = 0x130;
$MTH_OVF_POW = 0x131;
$MTH_LRG_SIN = 0x132;
$MTH_LRG_COS = 0x133;
$MTH_LRG_TAN = 0x134;
$MTH_LRG_COT = 0x135;
$MTH_OVF_TAN = 0x136;
$MTH_OVF_COT = 0x137;
$MTH_UNDEF_ASIN = 0x138;
$MTH_UNDEF_ACOS = 0x139;
$MTH_OVF_SINH = 0x13B;
$MTH_OVF_COSH = 0x13C;

View file

@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
$_IOCTL_ = 0x1;
$TIOCGSIZE = 0x40087468;
$TIOCSSIZE = 0x80087467;
$IOC_VOID = 0x20000000;
$IOC_OUT = 0x40000000;
$IOC_IN = 0x80000000;
$IOC_INOUT = 0xC0000000;
$TIOCGETD = 0x40047400;
$TIOCSETD = 0x80047401;
$TIOCHPCL = 0x20007402;
$TIOCMODG = 0x40047403;
$TIOCMODS = 0x80047404;
$TIOCM_LE = 0x1;
$TIOCM_DTR = 0x2;
$TIOCM_RTS = 0x4;
$TIOCM_ST = 0x8;
$TIOCM_SR = 0x10;
$TIOCM_CTS = 0x20;
$TIOCM_CAR = 0x40;
$TIOCM_CD = 0x40;
$TIOCM_RNG = 0x80;
$TIOCM_RI = 0x80;
$TIOCM_DSR = 0x100;
$TIOCGETP = 0x40067408;
$TIOCSETP = 0x80067409;
$TIOCSETN = 0x8006740A;
$TIOCEXCL = 0x2000740D;
$TIOCNXCL = 0x2000740E;
$TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410;
$TIOCSETC = 0x80067411;
$TIOCGETC = 0x40067412;
$TIOCSET = 0x80047413;
$TIOCBIS = 0x80047414;
$TIOCBIC = 0x80047415;
$TIOCGET = 0x40047416;
$TANDEM = 0x1;
$CBREAK = 0x2;
$LCASE = 0x4;
$ECHO = 0x8;
$CRMOD = 0x10;
$RAW = 0x20;
$ODDP = 0x40;
$EVENP = 0x80;
$ANYP = 0xC0;
$NLDELAY = 0x300;
$NL0 = 0x0;
$NL1 = 0x100;
$NL2 = 0x200;
$NL3 = 0x300;
$TBDELAY = 0xC00;
$TAB0 = 0x0;
$TAB1 = 0x400;
$TAB2 = 0x800;
$XTABS = 0xC00;
$CRDELAY = 0x3000;
$CR0 = 0x0;
$CR1 = 0x1000;
$CR2 = 0x2000;
$CR3 = 0x3000;
$VTDELAY = 0x4000;
$FF0 = 0x0;
$FF1 = 0x4000;
$BSDELAY = 0x8000;
$BS0 = 0x0;
$BS1 = 0x8000;
$CRTBS = 0x10000;
$PRTERA = 0x20000;
$CRTERA = 0x40000;
$TILDE = 0x80000;
$MDMBUF = 0x100000;
$LITOUT = 0x200000;
$TOSTOP = 0x400000;
$FLUSHO = 0x800000;
$NOHANG = 0x1000000;
$L001000 = 0x2000000;
$CRTKIL = 0x4000000;
$L004000 = 0x8000000;
$CTLECH = 0x10000000;
$PENDIN = 0x20000000;
$DECCTQ = 0x40000000;
$NOFLSH = 0x80000000;
$TIOCCSET = 0x800E7417;
$TIOCCGET = 0x400E7418;
$TIOCLBIS = 0x8004747F;
$TIOCLBIC = 0x8004747E;
$TIOCLSET = 0x8004747D;
$TIOCLGET = 0x4004747C;
$LCRTBS = 0x1;
$LPRTERA = 0x2;
$LCRTERA = 0x4;
$LTILDE = 0x8;
$LMDMBUF = 0x10;
$LLITOUT = 0x20;
$LTOSTOP = 0x40;
$LFLUSHO = 0x80;
$LNOHANG = 0x100;
$LCRTKIL = 0x400;
$LCTLECH = 0x1000;
$LPENDIN = 0x2000;
$LDECCTQ = 0x4000;
$LNOFLSH = 0x8000;
$TIOCSBRK = 0x2000747B;
$TIOCCBRK = 0x2000747A;
$TIOCSDTR = 0x20007479;
$TIOCCDTR = 0x20007478;
$TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477;
$TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476;
$TIOCSLTC = 0x80067475;
$TIOCGLTC = 0x40067474;
$TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473;
$TIOCSTI = 0x80017472;
$TIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471;
$TIOCPKT = 0x80047470;
$TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746F;
$TIOCSTART = 0x2000746E;
$TIOCREMOTE = 0x20007469;
$TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468;
$TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467;
$TIOCRESET = 0x20007466;
$OTTYDISC = 0x0;
$NETLDISC = 0x1;
$NTTYDISC = 0x2;
$FIOCLEX = 0x20006601;
$FIONCLEX = 0x20006602;
$FIONREAD = 0x4004667F;
$FIONBIO = 0x8004667E;
$FIOASYNC = 0x8004667D;
$FIOSETOWN = 0x8004667C;
$FIOGETOWN = 0x4004667B;
$STPUTTABLE = 0x8004667A;
$STGETTABLE = 0x80046679;
$SIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300;
$SIOCGHIWAT = 0x40047301;
$SIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302;
$SIOCGLOWAT = 0x40047303;
$SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307;
$SIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308;
$SIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309;
$SIOCADDRT = 0x8034720A;
$SIOCDELRT = 0x8034720B;
$SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690C;
$SIOCGIFADDR = 0xC020690D;
$SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910;
$SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xC0206911;
$SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913;
$SIOCGIFCONF = 0xC0086914;
$SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916;
$SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xC0206917;
$SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918;
$SIOCSARP = 0x8024691E;
$SIOCGARP = 0xC024691F;
$SIOCDARP = 0x80246920;
$PIXCONTINUE = 0x80747000;
$PIXSTEP = 0x80747001;
$PIXTERMINATE = 0x20007002;
$PIGETFLAGS = 0x40747003;
$PIXINHERIT = 0x80747004;
$PIXDETACH = 0x20007005;
$PIXGETSUBCODE = 0xC0747006;
$PIXRDREGS = 0xC0747007;
$PIXWRREGS = 0xC0747008;
$PIXRDVREGS = 0xC0747009;
$PIXWRVREGS = 0xC074700A;
$PIXRDVSTATE = 0xC074700B;
$PIXWRVSTATE = 0xC074700C;
$PIXRDCREGS = 0xC074700D;
$PIXWRCREGS = 0xC074700E;
$PIRDSDRS = 0xC074700F;
$PIGETU = 0xC0747011;
$PISETRWTID = 0xC0747012;
$PIXGETTHCOUNT = 0xC0747013;
$PIXRUN = 0x20007014;

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
$EX_OK = 0x0;
$EX__BASE = 0x40;
$EX_USAGE = 0x40;
$EX_DATAERR = 0x41;
$EX_NOINPUT = 0x42;
$EX_NOUSER = 0x43;
$EX_NOHOST = 0x44;
$EX_SOFTWARE = 0x46;
$EX_OSERR = 0x47;
$EX_OSFILE = 0x48;
$EX_IOERR = 0x4A;
$EX_NOPERM = 0x4D;

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
open (IOCTLS,'/usr/include/sys/ioctl.h') || die "ioctl open failed";
while (<IOCTLS>) {
if (/^\s*#\s*define\s+\w+\s+_IO(R|W|WR)\('?\w+'?,\s*\w+,\s*([^)]+)/) {
foreach $key ( sort keys %need ) {
print $key,"\n";

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
($iam = $0) =~ s%.*/%%;
$tmp = "$iam.$$";
open (CODE,">$tmp.c") || die "$iam: cannot create $tmp.c: $!\n";
$mask = q/printf ("$sizeof{'%s'} = %d;\n"/;
# write C program
print <<EO_C_PROGRAM;
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if_arp.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/route.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
main() {
while ( <> ) {
printf "\t%s, \n\t\t\"%s\", sizeof(%s));\n", $mask, $_,$_;
print "\n}\n";
close CODE;
# compile C program
system "cc $tmp.c -o $tmp";
die "couldn't compile $tmp.c" if $?;
system "./$tmp";
die "couldn't run $tmp" if $?;
unlink "$tmp.c", $tmp;

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
require 'sizeof.ph';
$LIB = '/usr/share/perl';
foreach $include (@ARGV) {
printf STDERR "including %s\n", $include;
do $include;
warn "sourcing $include: $@\n" if ($@);
if (!open (INCLUDE,"$LIB/$include")) {
warn "can't open $LIB/$include: $!\n";
while (<INCLUDE>) {
if (/^\s*eval\s+'sub\s+(\w+)\s.*[^{]$/ || /^\s*sub\s+(\w+)\s.*[^{]$/) {
$var = $1;
$val = eval "&$var;";
if ($@) {
warn "$@: $_";
print <<EOT;
warn "\$$var isn't correctly set" if defined \$_main{'$var'};
( $nval = sprintf ("%x",$val ) ) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
printf "\$%s = 0x%s;\n", $var, $nval;

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
require 'cbreak.pl';
$| = 1;
print "gimme a char: ";
$c = getc;
print "$c\n";
printf "you gave me `%s', which is 0x%02x\n", $c, ord($c);

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
require 'cbreak2.pl';
$| = 1;
print "gimme a char: ";
$c = getc;
print "$c\n";
printf "you gave me `%s', which is 0x%02x\n", $c, ord($c);

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
PLIBDIR= ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/perl
PLIB+= abbrev.pl assert.pl bigfloat.pl bigint.pl bigrat.pl cacheout.pl
PLIB+= chat2.pl complete.pl ctime.pl dumpvar.pl exceptions.pl fastcwd.pl
PLIB+= find.pl finddepth.pl flush.pl getcwd.pl gethostname.pl getopts.pl
PLIB+= importenv.pl look.pl newgetopt.pl open2.pl perldb.pl pwd.pl
PLIB+= shellwords.pl stat.pl syslog.pl termcap.pl timelocal.pl validate.pl
${INSTALL} -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 ${PLIB} ${PLIBDIR}
.include <bsd.prog.mk>

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
;# Usage:
;# %foo = ();
;# &abbrev(*foo,LIST);
;# ...
;# $long = $foo{$short};
package abbrev;
sub main'abbrev {
local(*domain) = @_;
@cmp = @_;
local($[) = 0;
foreach $name (@_) {
@extra = split(//,$name);
$abbrev = shift(@extra);
$len = 1;
foreach $cmp (@cmp) {
next if $cmp eq $name;
while (substr($cmp,0,$len) eq $abbrev) {
$abbrev .= shift(@extra);
$domain{$abbrev} = $name;
while ($#extra >= 0) {
$abbrev .= shift(@extra);
$domain{$abbrev} = $name;

View file

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# assert.pl
# tchrist@convex.com (Tom Christiansen)
# Usage:
# &assert('@x > @y');
# &assert('$var > 10', $var, $othervar, @various_info);
# That is, if the first expression evals false, we blow up. The
# rest of the args, if any, are nice to know because they will
# be printed out by &panic, which is just the stack-backtrace
# routine shamelessly borrowed from the perl debugger.
sub assert {
&panic("ASSERTION BOTCHED: $_[0]",$@) unless eval $_[0];
sub panic {
print "\npanic: @_\n";
exit 1 if $] <= 4.003; # caller broken
# stack traceback gratefully borrowed from perl debugger
for ($i = 0; ($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$w) = caller($i); $i++) {
@a = @DB'args;
for (@a) {
if (/^StB\000/ && length($_) == length($_main{'_main'})) {
$_ = sprintf("%s",$_);
else {
s/([^\0]*)/'$1'/ unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
$w = $w ? '@ = ' : '$ = ';
$a = $h ? '(' . join(', ', @a) . ')' : '';
push(@sub, "$w&$s$a from file $f line $l\n");
for ($i=0; $i <= $#sub; $i++) {
print $sub[$i];
exit 1;

View file

@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
package bigfloat;
require "bigint.pl";
# Arbitrary length float math package
# by Mark Biggar
# number format
# canonical strings have the form /[+-]\d+E[+-]\d+/
# Input values can have inbedded whitespace
# Error returns
# 'NaN' An input parameter was "Not a Number" or
# divide by zero or sqrt of negative number
# Division is computed to
# max($div_scale,length(dividend).length(divisor))
# digits by default.
# Also used for default sqrt scale
$div_scale = 40;
# Rounding modes one of 'even', 'odd', '+inf', '-inf', 'zero' or 'trunc'.
$rnd_mode = 'even';
# bigfloat routines
# fadd(NSTR, NSTR) return NSTR addition
# fsub(NSTR, NSTR) return NSTR subtraction
# fmul(NSTR, NSTR) return NSTR multiplication
# fdiv(NSTR, NSTR[,SCALE]) returns NSTR division to SCALE places
# fneg(NSTR) return NSTR negation
# fabs(NSTR) return NSTR absolute value
# fcmp(NSTR,NSTR) return CODE compare undef,<0,=0,>0
# fround(NSTR, SCALE) return NSTR round to SCALE digits
# ffround(NSTR, SCALE) return NSTR round at SCALEth place
# fnorm(NSTR) return (NSTR) normalize
# fsqrt(NSTR[, SCALE]) return NSTR sqrt to SCALE places
# Convert a number to canonical string form.
# Takes something that looks like a number and converts it to
# the form /^[+-]\d+E[+-]\d+$/.
sub main'fnorm { #(string) return fnum_str
local($_) = @_;
s/\s+//g; # strip white space
if (/^([+-]?)(\d*)(\.(\d*))?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/ && "$2$4" ne '') {
&norm(($1 ? "$1$2$4" : "+$2$4"),(($4 ne '') ? $6-length($4) : $6));
} else {
# normalize number -- for internal use
sub norm { #(mantissa, exponent) return fnum_str
local($_, $exp) = @_;
if ($_ eq 'NaN') {
} else {
s/^([+-])0+/$1/; # strip leading zeros
if (length($_) == 1) {
} else {
$exp += length($1) if (s/(0+)$//); # strip trailing zeros
sprintf("%sE%+ld", $_, $exp);
# negation
sub main'fneg { #(fnum_str) return fnum_str
local($_) = &'fnorm($_[0]);
vec($_,0,8) ^= ord('+') ^ ord('-') unless $_ eq '+0E+0'; # flip sign
# absolute value
sub main'fabs { #(fnum_str) return fnum_str
local($_) = &'fnorm($_[0]);
s/^-/+/; # mash sign
# multiplication
sub main'fmul { #(fnum_str, fnum_str) return fnum_str
local($x,$y) = (&'fnorm($_[0]),&'fnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq 'NaN' || $y eq 'NaN') {
} else {
local($xm,$xe) = split('E',$x);
local($ym,$ye) = split('E',$y);
# addition
sub main'fadd { #(fnum_str, fnum_str) return fnum_str
local($x,$y) = (&'fnorm($_[0]),&'fnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq 'NaN' || $y eq 'NaN') {
} else {
local($xm,$xe) = split('E',$x);
local($ym,$ye) = split('E',$y);
($xm,$xe,$ym,$ye) = ($ym,$ye,$xm,$xe) if ($xe < $ye);
&norm(&'badd($ym,$xm.('0' x ($xe-$ye))),$ye);
# subtraction
sub main'fsub { #(fnum_str, fnum_str) return fnum_str
# division
# args are dividend, divisor, scale (optional)
# result has at most max(scale, length(dividend), length(divisor)) digits
sub main'fdiv #(fnum_str, fnum_str[,scale]) return fnum_str
local($x,$y,$scale) = (&'fnorm($_[0]),&'fnorm($_[1]),$_[2]);
if ($x eq 'NaN' || $y eq 'NaN' || $y eq '+0E+0') {
} else {
local($xm,$xe) = split('E',$x);
local($ym,$ye) = split('E',$y);
$scale = $div_scale if (!$scale);
$scale = length($xm)-1 if (length($xm)-1 > $scale);
$scale = length($ym)-1 if (length($ym)-1 > $scale);
$scale = $scale + length($ym) - length($xm);
&norm(&round(&'bdiv($xm.('0' x $scale),$ym),$ym),
# round int $q based on fraction $r/$base using $rnd_mode
sub round { #(int_str, int_str, int_str) return int_str
local($q,$r,$base) = @_;
if ($q eq 'NaN' || $r eq 'NaN') {
} elsif ($rnd_mode eq 'trunc') {
$q; # just truncate
} else {
local($cmp) = &'bcmp(&'bmul($r,'+2'),$base);
if ( $cmp < 0 ||
($cmp == 0 &&
( $rnd_mode eq 'zero' ||
($rnd_mode eq '-inf' && (substr($q,0,1) eq '+')) ||
($rnd_mode eq '+inf' && (substr($q,0,1) eq '-')) ||
($rnd_mode eq 'even' && $q =~ /[24680]$/) ||
($rnd_mode eq 'odd' && $q =~ /[13579]$/) )) ) {
$q; # round down
} else {
&'badd($q, ((substr($q,0,1) eq '-') ? '-1' : '+1'));
# round up
# round the mantissa of $x to $scale digits
sub main'fround { #(fnum_str, scale) return fnum_str
local($x,$scale) = (&'fnorm($_[0]),$_[1]);
if ($x eq 'NaN' || $scale <= 0) {
} else {
local($xm,$xe) = split('E',$x);
if (length($xm)-1 <= $scale) {
} else {
# round $x at the 10 to the $scale digit place
sub main'ffround { #(fnum_str, scale) return fnum_str
local($x,$scale) = (&'fnorm($_[0]),$_[1]);
if ($x eq 'NaN') {
} else {
local($xm,$xe) = split('E',$x);
if ($xe >= $scale) {
} else {
$xe = length($xm)+$xe-$scale;
if ($xe < 1) {
} elsif ($xe == 1) {
&norm(&round('+0',"+0".substr($xm,1,1),"+10"), $scale);
} else {
"+0".substr($xm,$trunc,1),"+10"), $scale);
# compare 2 values returns one of undef, <0, =0, >0
# returns undef if either or both input value are not numbers
sub main'fcmp #(fnum_str, fnum_str) return cond_code
local($x, $y) = (&'fnorm($_[0]),&'fnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq "NaN" || $y eq "NaN") {
} else {
ord($y) <=> ord($x)
( local($xm,$xe,$ym,$ye) = split('E', $x."E$y"),
(($xe <=> $ye) * (substr($x,0,1).'1')
|| &bigint'cmp($xm,$ym))
# square root by Newtons method.
sub main'fsqrt { #(fnum_str[, scale]) return fnum_str
local($x, $scale) = (&'fnorm($_[0]), $_[1]);
if ($x eq 'NaN' || $x =~ /^-/) {
} elsif ($x eq '+0E+0') {
} else {
local($xm, $xe) = split('E',$x);
$scale = $div_scale if (!$scale);
$scale = length($xm)-1 if ($scale < length($xm)-1);
local($gs, $guess) = (1, sprintf("1E%+d", (length($xm)+$xe-1)/2));
while ($gs < 2*$scale) {
$guess = &'fmul(&'fadd($guess,&'fdiv($x,$guess,$gs*2)),".5");
$gs *= 2;
&'fround($guess, $scale);

View file

@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
package bigint;
# arbitrary size integer math package
# by Mark Biggar
# Canonical Big integer value are strings of the form
# /^[+-]\d+$/ with leading zeros suppressed
# Input values to these routines may be strings of the form
# /^\s*[+-]?[\d\s]+$/.
# Examples:
# '+0' canonical zero value
# ' -123 123 123' canonical value '-123123123'
# '1 23 456 7890' canonical value '+1234567890'
# Output values always always in canonical form
# Actual math is done in an internal format consisting of an array
# whose first element is the sign (/^[+-]$/) and whose remaining
# elements are base 100000 digits with the least significant digit first.
# The string 'NaN' is used to represent the result when input arguments
# are not numbers, as well as the result of dividing by zero
# routines provided are:
# bneg(BINT) return BINT negation
# babs(BINT) return BINT absolute value
# bcmp(BINT,BINT) return CODE compare numbers (undef,<0,=0,>0)
# badd(BINT,BINT) return BINT addition
# bsub(BINT,BINT) return BINT subtraction
# bmul(BINT,BINT) return BINT multiplication
# bdiv(BINT,BINT) return (BINT,BINT) division (quo,rem) just quo if scalar
# bmod(BINT,BINT) return BINT modulus
# bgcd(BINT,BINT) return BINT greatest common divisor
# bnorm(BINT) return BINT normalization
# normalize string form of number. Strip leading zeros. Strip any
# white space and add a sign, if missing.
# Strings that are not numbers result the value 'NaN'.
sub main'bnorm { #(num_str) return num_str
local($_) = @_;
s/\s+//g; # strip white space
if (s/^([+-]?)0*(\d+)$/$1$2/) { # test if number
substr($_,0,0) = '+' unless $1; # Add missing sign
} else {
# Convert a number from string format to internal base 100000 format.
# Assumes normalized value as input.
sub internal { #(num_str) return int_num_array
local($d) = @_;
($is,$il) = (substr($d,0,1),length($d)-2);
substr($d,0,1) = '';
($is, reverse(unpack("a" . ($il%5+1) . ("a5" x ($il/5)), $d)));
# Convert a number from internal base 100000 format to string format.
# This routine scribbles all over input array.
sub external { #(int_num_array) return num_str
$es = shift;
grep($_ > 9999 || ($_ = substr('0000'.$_,-5)), @_); # zero pad
&'bnorm(join('', $es, reverse(@_))); # reverse concat and normalize
# Negate input value.
sub main'bneg { #(num_str) return num_str
local($_) = &'bnorm(@_);
vec($_,0,8) ^= ord('+') ^ ord('-') unless $_ eq '+0';
# Returns the absolute value of the input.
sub main'babs { #(num_str) return num_str
sub abs { # post-normalized abs for internal use
local($_) = @_;
# Compares 2 values. Returns one of undef, <0, =0, >0. (suitable for sort)
sub main'bcmp { #(num_str, num_str) return cond_code
local($x,$y) = (&'bnorm($_[0]),&'bnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq 'NaN') {
} elsif ($y eq 'NaN') {
} else {
sub cmp { # post-normalized compare for internal use
local($cx, $cy) = @_;
$cx cmp $cy
ord($cy) <=> ord($cx)
($cx cmp ',') * (length($cy) <=> length($cx) || $cy cmp $cx)
sub main'badd { #(num_str, num_str) return num_str
local(*x, *y); ($x, $y) = (&'bnorm($_[0]),&'bnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq 'NaN') {
} elsif ($y eq 'NaN') {
} else {
@x = &internal($x); # convert to internal form
@y = &internal($y);
local($sx, $sy) = (shift @x, shift @y); # get signs
if ($sx eq $sy) {
&external($sx, &add(*x, *y)); # if same sign add
} else {
($x, $y) = (&abs($x),&abs($y)); # make abs
if (&cmp($y,$x) > 0) {
&external($sy, &sub(*y, *x));
} else {
&external($sx, &sub(*x, *y));
sub main'bsub { #(num_str, num_str) return num_str
# GCD -- Euclids algorithm Knuth Vol 2 pg 296
sub main'bgcd { #(num_str, num_str) return num_str
local($x,$y) = (&'bnorm($_[0]),&'bnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq 'NaN' || $y eq 'NaN') {
} else {
($x, $y) = ($y,&'bmod($x,$y)) while $y ne '+0';
# routine to add two base 1e5 numbers
# stolen from Knuth Vol 2 Algorithm A pg 231
# there are separate routines to add and sub as per Kunth pg 233
sub add { #(int_num_array, int_num_array) return int_num_array
local(*x, *y) = @_;
$car = 0;
for $x (@x) {
last unless @y || $car;
$x -= 1e5 if $car = (($x += shift(@y) + $car) >= 1e5);
for $y (@y) {
last unless $car;
$y -= 1e5 if $car = (($y += $car) >= 1e5);
(@x, @y, $car);
# subtract base 1e5 numbers -- stolen from Knuth Vol 2 pg 232, $x > $y
sub sub { #(int_num_array, int_num_array) return int_num_array
local(*sx, *sy) = @_;
$bar = 0;
for $sx (@sx) {
last unless @y || $bar;
$sx += 1e5 if $bar = (($sx -= shift(@sy) + $bar) < 0);
# multiply two numbers -- stolen from Knuth Vol 2 pg 233
sub main'bmul { #(num_str, num_str) return num_str
local(*x, *y); ($x, $y) = (&'bnorm($_[0]), &'bnorm($_[1]));
if ($x eq 'NaN') {
} elsif ($y eq 'NaN') {
} else {
@x = &internal($x);
@y = &internal($y);
local($signr) = (shift @x ne shift @y) ? '-' : '+';
@prod = ();
for $x (@x) {
($car, $cty) = (0, 0);
for $y (@y) {
$prod = $x * $y + $prod[$cty] + $car;
$prod[$cty++] =
$prod - ($car = int($prod * 1e-5)) * 1e5;
$prod[$cty] += $car if $car;
$x = shift @prod;
&external($signr, @x, @prod);
# modulus
sub main'bmod { #(num_str, num_str) return num_str
sub main'bdiv { #(dividend: num_str, divisor: num_str) return num_str
local (*x, *y); ($x, $y) = (&'bnorm($_[0]), &'bnorm($_[1]));
return wantarray ? ('NaN','NaN') : 'NaN'
if ($x eq 'NaN' || $y eq 'NaN' || $y eq '+0');
return wantarray ? ('+0',$x) : '+0' if (&cmp(&abs($x),&abs($y)) < 0);
@x = &internal($x); @y = &internal($y);
$srem = $y[0];
$sr = (shift @x ne shift @y) ? '-' : '+';
$car = $bar = $prd = 0;
if (($dd = int(1e5/($y[$#y]+1))) != 1) {
for $x (@x) {
$x = $x * $dd + $car;
$x -= ($car = int($x * 1e-5)) * 1e5;
push(@x, $car); $car = 0;
for $y (@y) {
$y = $y * $dd + $car;
$y -= ($car = int($y * 1e-5)) * 1e5;
else {
push(@x, 0);
@q = (); ($v2,$v1) = @y[$#y-1,$#y];
while ($#x > $#y) {
($u2,$u1,$u0) = @x[($#x-2)..$#x];
$q = (($u0 == $v1) ? 99999 : int(($u0*1e5+$u1)/$v1));
--$q while ($v2*$q > ($u0*1e5+$u1-$q*$v1)*1e5+$u2);
if ($q) {
($car, $bar) = (0,0);
for ($y = 0, $x = $#x-$#y-1; $y <= $#y; ++$y,++$x) {
$prd = $q * $y[$y] + $car;
$prd -= ($car = int($prd * 1e-5)) * 1e5;
$x[$x] += 1e5 if ($bar = (($x[$x] -= $prd + $bar) < 0));
if ($x[$#x] < $car + $bar) {
$car = 0; --$q;
for ($y = 0, $x = $#x-$#y-1; $y <= $#y; ++$y,++$x) {
$x[$x] -= 1e5
if ($car = (($x[$x] += $y[$y] + $car) > 1e5));
pop(@x); unshift(@q, $q);
if (wantarray) {
@d = ();
if ($dd != 1) {
$car = 0;
for $x (reverse @x) {
$prd = $car * 1e5 + $x;
$car = $prd - ($tmp = int($prd / $dd)) * $dd;
unshift(@d, $tmp);
else {
@d = @x;
(&external($sr, @q), &external($srem, @d, 0));
} else {
&external($sr, @q);

View file

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
package bigrat;
require "bigint.pl";
# Arbitrary size rational math package
# by Mark Biggar
# Input values to these routines consist of strings of the form
# m|^\s*[+-]?[\d\s]+(/[\d\s]+)?$|.
# Examples:
# "+0/1" canonical zero value
# "3" canonical value "+3/1"
# " -123/123 123" canonical value "-1/1001"
# "123 456/7890" canonical value "+20576/1315"
# Output values always include a sign and no leading zeros or
# white space.
# This package makes use of the bigint package.
# The string 'NaN' is used to represent the result when input arguments
# that are not numbers, as well as the result of dividing by zero and
# the sqrt of a negative number.
# Extreamly naive algorthims are used.
# Routines provided are:
# rneg(RAT) return RAT negation
# rabs(RAT) return RAT absolute value
# rcmp(RAT,RAT) return CODE compare numbers (undef,<0,=0,>0)
# radd(RAT,RAT) return RAT addition
# rsub(RAT,RAT) return RAT subtraction
# rmul(RAT,RAT) return RAT multiplication
# rdiv(RAT,RAT) return RAT division
# rmod(RAT) return (RAT,RAT) integer and fractional parts
# rnorm(RAT) return RAT normalization
# rsqrt(RAT, cycles) return RAT square root
# Convert a number to the canonical string form m|^[+-]\d+/\d+|.
sub main'rnorm { #(string) return rat_num
local($_) = @_;
if (m#^([+-]?\d+)(/(\d*[1-9]0*))?$#) {
&norm($1, $3 ? $3 : '+1');
} else {
# Normalize by reducing to lowest terms
sub norm { #(bint, bint) return rat_num
local($num,$dom) = @_;
if ($num eq 'NaN') {
} elsif ($dom eq 'NaN') {
} elsif ($dom =~ /^[+-]?0+$/) {
} else {
local($gcd) = &'bgcd($num,$dom);
if ($gcd ne '+1') {
$num = &'bdiv($num,$gcd);
$dom = &'bdiv($dom,$gcd);
} else {
$num = &'bnorm($num);
$dom = &'bnorm($dom);
substr($dom,0,1) = '';
# negation
sub main'rneg { #(rat_num) return rat_num
local($_) = &'rnorm($_[0]);
tr/-+/+-/ if ($_ ne '+0/1');
# absolute value
sub main'rabs { #(rat_num) return $rat_num
local($_) = &'rnorm($_[0]);
substr($_,0,1) = '+' unless $_ eq 'NaN';
# multipication
sub main'rmul { #(rat_num, rat_num) return rat_num
local($xn,$xd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[0]));
local($yn,$yd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[1]));
# division
sub main'rdiv { #(rat_num, rat_num) return rat_num
local($xn,$xd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[0]));
local($yn,$yd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[1]));
# addition
sub main'radd { #(rat_num, rat_num) return rat_num
local($xn,$xd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[0]));
local($yn,$yd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[1]));
# subtraction
sub main'rsub { #(rat_num, rat_num) return rat_num
local($xn,$xd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[0]));
local($yn,$yd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[1]));
# comparison
sub main'rcmp { #(rat_num, rat_num) return cond_code
local($xn,$xd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[0]));
local($yn,$yd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[1]));
# int and frac parts
sub main'rmod { #(rat_num) return (rat_num,rat_num)
local($xn,$xd) = split('/',&'rnorm($_[0]));
local($i,$f) = &'bdiv($xn,$xd);
if (wantarray) {
("$i/1", "$f/$xd");
} else {
# square root by Newtons method.
# cycles specifies the number of iterations default: 5
sub main'rsqrt { #(fnum_str[, cycles]) return fnum_str
local($x, $scale) = (&'rnorm($_[0]), $_[1]);
if ($x eq 'NaN') {
} elsif ($x =~ /^-/) {
} else {
local($gscale, $guess) = (0, '+1/1');
$scale = 5 if (!$scale);
while ($gscale++ < $scale) {
$guess = &'rmul(&'radd($guess,&'rdiv($x,$guess)),"+1/2");
"$guess"; # quotes necessary due to perl bug

View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# Open in their package.
sub cacheout'open {
open($_[0], $_[1]);
# But only this sub name is visible to them.
sub cacheout {
package cacheout;
($file) = @_;
if (!$isopen{$file}) {
if (++$numopen > $maxopen) {
local(@lru) = sort {$isopen{$a} <=> $isopen{$b};} keys(%isopen);
splice(@lru, $maxopen / 3);
$numopen -= @lru;
for (@lru) { close $_; delete $isopen{$_}; }
&open($file, ($saw{$file}++ ? '>>' : '>') . $file)
|| die "Can't create $file: $!\n";
$isopen{$file} = ++$seq;
package cacheout;
$seq = 0;
$numopen = 0;
if (open(PARAM,'/usr/include/sys/param.h')) {
while (<PARAM>) {
$maxopen = $1 - 4 if /^\s*#\s*define\s+NOFILE\s+(\d+)/;
close PARAM;
$maxopen = 16 unless $maxopen;

View file

@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
## chat.pl: chat with a server
## V2.01.alpha.7 91/06/16
## Randal L. Schwartz
package chat;
$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
chop($thishost = `hostname`); $thisaddr = (gethostbyname($thishost))[4];
$thisproc = pack($sockaddr, 2, 0, $thisaddr);
# *S = symbol for current I/O, gets assigned *chatsymbol....
$next = "chatsymbol000000"; # next one
$nextpat = "^chatsymbol"; # patterns that match next++, ++, ++, ++
## $handle = &chat'open_port("server.address",$port_number);
## opens a named or numbered TCP server
sub open_port { ## public
local($server, $port) = @_;
*S = ++$next;
if ($server =~ /^(\d+)+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
$serveraddr = pack('C4', $1, $2, $3, $4);
} else {
local(@x) = gethostbyname($server);
return undef unless @x;
$serveraddr = $x[4];
$serverproc = pack($sockaddr, 2, $port, $serveraddr);
unless (socket(S, 2, 1, 6)) {
# XXX hardwired $AF_SOCKET, $SOCK_STREAM, 'tcp'
# but who the heck would change these anyway? (:-)
($!) = ($!, close(S)); # close S while saving $!
return undef;
unless (bind(S, $thisproc)) {
($!) = ($!, close(S)); # close S while saving $!
return undef;
unless (connect(S, $serverproc)) {
($!) = ($!, close(S)); # close S while saving $!
return undef;
select((select(S), $| = 1)[0]);
$next; # return symbol for switcharound
## ($host, $port, $handle) = &chat'open_listen([$port_number]);
## opens a TCP port on the current machine, ready to be listened to
## if $port_number is absent or zero, pick a default port number
## process must be uid 0 to listen to a low port number
sub open_listen { ## public
*S = ++$next;
local($thisport) = shift || 0;
local($thisproc_local) = pack($sockaddr, 2, $thisport, $thisaddr);
local(*NS) = "__" . time;
unless (socket(NS, 2, 1, 6)) {
# XXX hardwired $AF_SOCKET, $SOCK_STREAM, 'tcp'
# but who the heck would change these anyway? (:-)
($!) = ($!, close(NS));
return undef;
unless (bind(NS, $thisproc_local)) {
($!) = ($!, close(NS));
return undef;
unless (listen(NS, 1)) {
($!) = ($!, close(NS));
return undef;
select((select(NS), $| = 1)[0]);
local($family, $port, @myaddr) =
unpack("S n C C C C x8", getsockname(NS));
$S{"needs_accept"} = *NS; # so expect will open it
(@myaddr, $port, $next); # returning this
## $handle = &chat'open_proc("command","arg1","arg2",...);
## opens a /bin/sh on a pseudo-tty
sub open_proc { ## public
local(@cmd) = @_;
*S = ++$next;
local(*TTY) = "__TTY" . time;
local($pty,$tty) = &_getpty(S,TTY);
die "Cannot find a new pty" unless defined $pty;
local($pid) = fork;
die "Cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
unless ($pid) {
close STDIN; close STDOUT; close STDERR;
if (open(DEVTTY, "/dev/tty")) {
ioctl(DEVTTY,0x20007471,0); # XXX s/b &TIOCNOTTY
close DEVTTY;
die "Oops" unless fileno(STDERR) == 2; # sanity
exec @cmd;
die "Cannot exec @cmd: $!";
$PID{$next} = $pid;
$next; # return symbol for switcharound
# $S is the read-ahead buffer
## $return = &chat'expect([$handle,] $timeout_time,
## $pat1, $body1, $pat2, $body2, ... )
## $handle is from previous &chat'open_*().
## $timeout_time is the time (either relative to the current time, or
## absolute, ala time(2)) at which a timeout event occurs.
## $pat1, $pat2, and so on are regexs which are matched against the input
## stream. If a match is found, the entire matched string is consumed,
## and the corresponding body eval string is evaled.
## Each pat is a regular-expression (probably enclosed in single-quotes
## in the invocation). ^ and $ will work, respecting the current value of $*.
## If pat is 'TIMEOUT', the body is executed if the timeout is exceeded.
## If pat is 'EOF', the body is executed if the process exits before
## the other patterns are seen.
## Pats are scanned in the order given, so later pats can contain
## general defaults that won't be examined unless the earlier pats
## have failed.
## The result of eval'ing body is returned as the result of
## the invocation. Recursive invocations are not thought
## through, and may work only accidentally. :-)
## undef is returned if either a timeout or an eof occurs and no
## corresponding body has been defined.
## I/O errors of any sort are treated as eof.
$nextsubname = "expectloop000000"; # used for subroutines
sub expect { ## public
if ($_[0] =~ /$nextpat/) {
*S = shift;
local($endtime) = shift;
local($timeout,$eof) = (1,1);
local($caller) = caller;
local($rmask, $nfound, $timeleft, $thisbuf);
local($cases, $pattern, $action, $subname);
$endtime += time if $endtime < 600_000_000;
if (defined $S{"needs_accept"}) { # is it a listen socket?
local(*NS) = $S{"needs_accept"};
delete $S{"needs_accept"};
$S{"needs_close"} = *NS;
unless(accept(S,NS)) {
($!) = ($!, close(S), close(NS));
return undef;
select((select(S), $| = 1)[0]);
# now see whether we need to create a new sub:
unless ($subname = $expect_subname{$caller,@_}) {
# nope. make a new one:
$expect_subname{$caller,@_} = $subname = $nextsubname++;
$cases .= <<"EDQ"; # header is funny to make everything elsif's
sub $subname {
if (0) { ; }
while (@_) {
($pattern,$action) = splice(@_,0,2);
if ($pattern =~ /^eof$/i) {
$cases .= <<"EDQ";
elsif (\$eof) {
package $caller;
$eof = 0;
} elsif ($pattern =~ /^timeout$/i) {
$cases .= <<"EDQ";
elsif (\$timeout) {
package $caller;
$timeout = 0;
} else {
$pattern =~ s#/#\\/#g;
$cases .= <<"EDQ";
elsif (\$S =~ /$pattern/) {
\$S = \$';
package $caller;
$cases .= <<"EDQ" if $eof;
elsif (\$eof) {
$cases .= <<"EDQ" if $timeout;
elsif (\$timeout) {
$cases .= <<'ESQ';
else {
$rmask = "";
vec($rmask,fileno(S),1) = 1;
($nfound, $rmask) =
select($rmask, undef, undef, $endtime - time);
if ($nfound) {
$nread = sysread(S, $thisbuf, 1024);
if ($nread > 0) {
$S .= $thisbuf;
} else {
$eof++, redo LOOP; # any error is also eof
} else {
$timeout++, redo LOOP; # timeout
redo LOOP;
eval $cases; die "$cases:\n$@" if $@;
$eof = $timeout = 0;
do $subname();
## &chat'print([$handle,] @data)
## $handle is from previous &chat'open().
## like print $handle @data
sub print { ## public
if ($_[0] =~ /$nextpat/) {
*S = shift;
print S @_;
## &chat'close([$handle,])
## $handle is from previous &chat'open().
## like close $handle
sub close { ## public
if ($_[0] =~ /$nextpat/) {
$pid = $PID{$_[0]};
*S = shift;
} else {
$pid = $PID{$next};
if (defined $S{"needs_close"}) { # is it a listen socket?
local(*NS) = $S{"needs_close"};
delete $S{"needs_close"};
## @ready_handles = &chat'select($timeout, @handles)
## select()'s the handles with a timeout value of $timeout seconds.
## Returns an array of handles that are ready for I/O.
## Both user handles and chat handles are supported (but beware of
## stdio's buffering for user handles).
sub select { ## public
local($timeout) = shift;
local(@handles) = @_;
local(%handlename) = ();
local(%ready) = ();
local($caller) = caller;
local($rmask) = "";
for (@handles) {
if (/$nextpat/o) { # one of ours... see if ready
local(*SYM) = $_;
if (length($SYM)) {
$timeout = 0; # we have a winner
$handlename{fileno($_)} = $_;
} else {
$handlename{fileno(/'/ ? $_ : "$caller\'$_")} = $_;
for (sort keys %handlename) {
vec($rmask, $_, 1) = 1;
select($rmask, undef, undef, $timeout);
for (sort keys %handlename) {
$ready{$handlename{$_}}++ if vec($rmask,$_,1);
sort keys %ready;
# ($pty,$tty) = $chat'_getpty(PTY,TTY):
# internal procedure to get the next available pty.
# opens pty on handle PTY, and matching tty on handle TTY.
# returns undef if can't find a pty.
sub _getpty { ## private
local($_PTY,$_TTY) = @_;
$_PTY =~ s/^([^']+)$/(caller)[$[]."'".$1/e;
$_TTY =~ s/^([^']+)$/(caller)[$[]."'".$1/e;
for $bank (112..127) {
next unless -e sprintf("/dev/pty%c0", $bank);
for $unit (48..57) {
$pty = sprintf("/dev/pty%c%c", $bank, $unit);
open($_PTY,"+>$pty") || next;
select((select($_PTY), $| = 1)[0]);
($tty = $pty) =~ s/pty/tty/;
open($_TTY,"+>$tty") || next;
select((select($_TTY), $| = 1)[0]);
system "stty nl>$tty";
return ($pty,$tty);

View file

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
;# @(#)complete.pl,v1.1 (me@anywhere.EBay.Sun.COM) 09/23/91
;# Author: Wayne Thompson
;# Description:
;# This routine provides word completion.
;# (TAB) attempts word completion.
;# (^D) prints completion list.
;# (These may be changed by setting $Complete'complete, etc.)
;# Diagnostics:
;# Bell when word completion fails.
;# Dependencies:
;# The tty driver is put into raw mode.
;# Bugs:
;# Usage:
;# $input = &Complete('prompt_string', *completion_list);
;# or
;# $input = &Complete('prompt_string', @completion_list);
package Complete;
$complete = "\004";
$kill = "\025";
$erase1 = "\177";
$erase2 = "\010";
sub Complete {
package Complete;
local($[) = 0;
if ($_[1] =~ /^StB\0/) {
($prompt, *_) = @_;
else {
$prompt = shift(@_);
@cmp_lst = sort(@_);
system('stty raw -echo');
print($prompt, $return);
while (($_ = getc(STDIN)) ne "\r") {
# (TAB) attempt completion
$_ eq "\t" && do {
@match = grep(/^$return/, @cmp_lst);
$l = length($test = shift(@match));
unless ($#match < 0) {
foreach $cmp (@match) {
until (substr($cmp, 0, $l) eq substr($test, 0, $l)) {
print($test = substr($test, $r, $l - $r));
$r = length($return .= $test);
last CASE;
# (^D) completion list
$_ eq $complete && do {
print(join("\r\n", '', grep(/^$return/, @cmp_lst)), "\r\n");
redo LOOP;
# (^U) kill
$_ eq $kill && do {
if ($r) {
undef($r, $return);
redo LOOP;
last CASE;
# (DEL) || (BS) erase
($_ eq $erase1 || $_ eq $erase2) && do {
if($r) {
print("\b \b");
last CASE;
# printable char
ord >= 32 && do {
$return .= $_;
last CASE;
system('stty -raw echo');

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
;# ctime.pl is a simple Perl emulation for the well known ctime(3C) function.
;# Waldemar Kebsch, Federal Republic of Germany, November 1988
;# kebsch.pad@nixpbe.UUCP
;# Modified March 1990, Feb 1991 to properly handle timezones
;# $RCSfile: ctime.pl,v $$Revision: $$Date: 1993/08/23 21:29:52 $
;# Marion Hakanson (hakanson@cse.ogi.edu)
;# Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
;# usage:
;# #include <ctime.pl> # see the -P and -I option in perl.man
;# $Date = &ctime(time);
package ctime;
@DoW = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
@MoY = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',
sub ctime {
package ctime;
local($time) = @_;
local($[) = 0;
local($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
# Determine what time zone is in effect.
# Use GMT if TZ is defined as null, local time if TZ undefined.
# There's no portable way to find the system default timezone.
$TZ = defined($ENV{'TZ'}) ? ( $ENV{'TZ'} ? $ENV{'TZ'} : 'GMT' ) : '';
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
($TZ eq 'GMT') ? gmtime($time) : localtime($time);
# Hack to deal with 'PST8PDT' format of TZ
# Note that this can't deal with all the esoteric forms, but it
# does recognize the most common: [:]STDoff[DST[off][,rule]]
$TZ = $isdst ? $4 : $1;
$TZ .= ' ' unless $TZ eq '';
$year += ($year < 70) ? 2000 : 1900;
sprintf("%s %s %2d %2d:%02d:%02d %s%4d\n",
$DoW[$wday], $MoY[$mon], $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $TZ, $year);

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
package dumpvar;
# translate control chars to ^X - Randal Schwartz
sub unctrl {
local($_) = @_;
sub main'dumpvar {
($package,@vars) = @_;
local(*stab) = eval("*_$package");
while (($key,$val) = each(%stab)) {
next if @vars && !grep($key eq $_,@vars);
local(*entry) = $val;
if (defined $entry) {
print "\$$key = '",&unctrl($entry),"'\n";
if (defined @entry) {
print "\@$key = (\n";
foreach $num ($[ .. $#entry) {
print " $num\t'",&unctrl($entry[$num]),"'\n";
print ")\n";
if ($key ne "_$package" && $key ne "_DB" && defined %entry) {
print "\%$key = (\n";
foreach $key (sort keys(%entry)) {
print " $key\t'",&unctrl($entry{$key}),"'\n";
print ")\n";

View file

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# exceptions.pl
# tchrist@convex.com
# Here's a little code I use for exception handling. It's really just
# glorfied eval/die. The way to use use it is when you might otherwise
# exit, use &throw to raise an exception. The first enclosing &catch
# handler looks at the exception and decides whether it can catch this kind
# (catch takes a list of regexps to catch), and if so, it returns the one it
# caught. If it *can't* catch it, then it will reraise the exception
# for someone else to possibly see, or to die otherwise.
# I use oddly named variables in order to make darn sure I don't conflict
# with my caller. I also hide in my own package, and eval the code in his.
# The EXCEPTION: prefix is so you can tell whether it's a user-raised
# exception or a perl-raised one (eval error).
# --tom
# examples:
# if (&catch('/$user_input/', 'regexp', 'syntax error') {
# warn "oops try again";
# redo;
# }
# if ($error = &catch('&subroutine()')) { # catches anything
# &throw('bad input') if /^$/;
sub catch {
package exception;
local($__code__, @__exceptions__) = @_;
local($__package__) = caller;
eval "package $__package__; $__code__";
if ($__exception__ = &'thrown) {
for (@__exceptions__) {
return $__exception__ if /$__exception__/;
sub throw {
local($exception) = @_;
die "EXCEPTION: $exception\n";
sub thrown {
$@ =~ /^(EXCEPTION: )+(.+)/ && $2;

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# By John Bazik
# Usage: $cwd = &fastcwd;
# This is a faster version of getcwd. It's also more dangerous because
# you might chdir out of a directory that you can't chdir back into.
sub fastcwd {
local($odev, $oino, $cdev, $cino, $tdev, $tino);
local(@path, $path);
($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
for (;;) {
($odev, $oino) = ($cdev, $cino);
($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
last if $odev == $cdev && $oino == $cino;
opendir(DIR, '.');
for (;;) {
$_ = readdir(DIR);
next if $_ eq '.';
next if $_ eq '..';
last unless $_;
($tdev, $tino) = lstat($_);
last unless $tdev != $odev || $tino != $oino;
unshift(@path, $_);
chdir($path = '/' . join('/', @path));

View file

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
# Usage:
# require "find.pl";
# &find('/foo','/bar');
# sub wanted { ... }
# where wanted does whatever you want. $dir contains the
# current directory name, and $_ the current filename within
# that directory. $name contains "$dir/$_". You are cd'ed
# to $dir when the function is called. The function may
# set $prune to prune the tree.
# This library is primarily for find2perl, which, when fed
# find2perl / -name .nfs\* -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \; -o -fstype nfs -prune
# spits out something like this
# sub wanted {
# /^\.nfs.*$/ &&
# (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
# int(-M _) > 7 &&
# unlink($_)
# ||
# ($nlink || (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_))) &&
# $dev < 0 &&
# ($prune = 1);
# }
sub find {
chop($cwd = `pwd`);
foreach $topdir (@_) {
(($topdev,$topino,$topmode,$topnlink) = stat($topdir))
|| (warn("Can't stat $topdir: $!\n"), next);
if (-d _) {
if (chdir($topdir)) {
($dir,$_) = ($topdir,'.');
$name = $topdir;
$topdir =~ s,/$,, ;
else {
warn "Can't cd to $topdir: $!\n";
else {
unless (($dir,$_) = $topdir =~ m#^(.*/)(.*)$#) {
($dir,$_) = ('.', $topdir);
$name = $topdir;
chdir $dir && &wanted;
chdir $cwd;
sub finddir {
local($dir,$nlink) = @_;
# Get the list of files in the current directory.
opendir(DIR,'.') || (warn "Can't open $dir: $!\n", return);
local(@filenames) = readdir(DIR);
if ($nlink == 2) { # This dir has no subdirectories.
for (@filenames) {
next if $_ eq '.';
next if $_ eq '..';
$name = "$dir/$_";
$nlink = 0;
else { # This dir has subdirectories.
$subcount = $nlink - 2;
for (@filenames) {
next if $_ eq '.';
next if $_ eq '..';
$nlink = $prune = 0;
$name = "$dir/$_";
if ($subcount > 0) { # Seen all the subdirs?
# Get link count and check for directoriness.
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink) = lstat($_) unless $nlink;
if (-d _) {
# It really is a directory, so do it recursively.
if (!$prune && chdir $_) {
chdir '..';

View file

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
# Usage:
# require "finddepth.pl";
# &finddepth('/foo','/bar');
# sub wanted { ... }
# where wanted does whatever you want. $dir contains the
# current directory name, and $_ the current filename within
# that directory. $name contains "$dir/$_". You are cd'ed
# to $dir when the function is called. The function may
# set $prune to prune the tree.
# This library is primarily for find2perl, which, when fed
# find2perl / -name .nfs\* -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \; -o -fstype nfs -prune
# spits out something like this
# sub wanted {
# /^\.nfs.*$/ &&
# (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
# int(-M _) > 7 &&
# unlink($_)
# ||
# ($nlink || (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_))) &&
# $dev < 0 &&
# ($prune = 1);
# }
sub finddepth {
chop($cwd = `pwd`);
foreach $topdir (@_) {
(($topdev,$topino,$topmode,$topnlink) = stat($topdir))
|| (warn("Can't stat $topdir: $!\n"), next);
if (-d _) {
if (chdir($topdir)) {
$topdir =~ s,/$,, ;
($dir,$_) = ($topdir,'.');
$name = $topdir;
else {
warn "Can't cd to $topdir: $!\n";
else {
unless (($dir,$_) = $topdir =~ m#^(.*/)(.*)$#) {
($dir,$_) = ('.', $topdir);
chdir $dir && &wanted;
chdir $cwd;
sub finddepthdir {
local($dir,$nlink) = @_;
# Get the list of files in the current directory.
opendir(DIR,'.') || warn "Can't open $dir: $!\n";
local(@filenames) = readdir(DIR);
if ($nlink == 2) { # This dir has no subdirectories.
for (@filenames) {
next if $_ eq '.';
next if $_ eq '..';
$name = "$dir/$_";
$nlink = 0;
else { # This dir has subdirectories.
$subcount = $nlink - 2;
for (@filenames) {
next if $_ eq '.';
next if $_ eq '..';
$nlink = $prune = 0;
$name = "$dir/$_";
if ($subcount > 0) { # Seen all the subdirs?
# Get link count and check for directoriness.
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink) = lstat($_) unless $nlink;
if (-d _) {
# It really is a directory, so do it recursively.
if (!$prune && chdir $_) {
chdir '..';

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
;# Usage: &flush(FILEHANDLE)
;# flushes the named filehandle
;# Usage: &printflush(FILEHANDLE, "prompt: ")
;# prints arguments and flushes filehandle
sub flush {
local($old) = select(shift);
$| = 1;
print "";
$| = 0;
sub printflush {
local($old) = select(shift);
$| = 1;
print @_;
$| = 0;

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
# By Brandon S. Allbery
# Usage: $cwd = &getcwd;
sub getcwd
local($dotdots, $cwd, @pst, @cst, $dir, @tst);
unless (@cst = stat('.'))
warn "stat(.): $!";
return '';
$cwd = '';
$dotdots .= '/' if $dotdots;
$dotdots .= '..';
@pst = @cst;
unless (opendir(getcwd'PARENT, $dotdots)) #'))
warn "opendir($dotdots): $!";
return '';
unless (@cst = stat($dotdots))
warn "stat($dotdots): $!";
closedir(getcwd'PARENT); #');
return '';
if ($pst[$[] == $cst[$[] && $pst[$[ + 1] == $cst[$[ + 1])
$dir = '';
unless ($dir = readdir(getcwd'PARENT)) #'))
warn "readdir($dotdots): $!";
closedir(getcwd'PARENT); #');
return '';
unless (@tst = lstat("$dotdots/$dir"))
warn "lstat($dotdots/$dir): $!";
closedir(getcwd'PARENT); #');
return '';
while ($dir eq '.' || $dir eq '..' || $tst[$[] != $pst[$[] ||
$tst[$[ + 1] != $pst[$[ + 1]);
$cwd = "$dir/$cwd";
closedir(getcwd'PARENT); #');
} while ($dir);

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# Simple package to get the hostname via __sysctl(2).
# Written 13-Feb-96 by Jörg Wunsch, interface business GmbH Dresden.
# Placed in the public domain.
# $Id$
package gethostname;
require "sys/syscall.ph";
require "sys/sysctl.ph";
# usage:
# require "gethostname.pl";
# printf "This machine is named \"%s\".\n", &gethostname;
sub main'gethostname {
# get hostname via sysctl(2)
local($name, $oldval, $oldlen, $len);
$name = pack("LL", &CTL_KERN, &KERN_HOSTNAME);
# 64-byte string to get the hostname
$oldval = " " x 64;
$oldlen = pack("L", length($oldval));
syscall(&SYS___sysctl, $name, 2, $oldval, $oldlen, 0, 0) != -1 ||
die "Cannot get hostname via sysctl(2), errno = $!\n";
($len) = unpack("L", $oldlen);
return substr($oldval, 0, $len - 1);

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
;# $RCSfile: getopt.pl,v $$Revision: $$Date: 1993/08/23 21:29:52 $
;# Process single-character switches with switch clustering. Pass one argument
;# which is a string containing all switches that take an argument. For each
;# switch found, sets $opt_x (where x is the switch name) to the value of the
;# argument, or 1 if no argument. Switches which take an argument don't care
;# whether there is a space between the switch and the argument.
;# Usage:
;# do Getopt('oDI'); # -o, -D & -I take arg. Sets opt_* as a side effect.
sub Getopt {
local($argumentative) = @_;
local($[) = 0;
while (@ARGV && ($_ = $ARGV[0]) =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) {
($first,$rest) = ($1,$2);
if (index($argumentative,$first) >= $[) {
if ($rest ne '') {
else {
$rest = shift(@ARGV);
eval "\$opt_$first = \$rest;";
else {
eval "\$opt_$first = 1;";
if ($rest ne '') {
$ARGV[0] = "-$rest";
else {

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
;# getopts.pl - a better getopt.pl
;# Usage:
;# do Getopts('a:bc'); # -a takes arg. -b & -c not. Sets opt_* as a
;# # side effect.
sub Getopts {
local($argumentative) = @_;
local($errs) = 0;
local($[) = 0;
@args = split( / */, $argumentative );
while(@ARGV && ($_ = $ARGV[0]) =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) {
($first,$rest) = ($1,$2);
$pos = index($argumentative,$first);
if($pos >= $[) {
if($args[$pos+1] eq ':') {
if($rest eq '') {
++$errs unless @ARGV;
$rest = shift(@ARGV);
eval "\$opt_$first = \$rest;";
else {
eval "\$opt_$first = 1";
if($rest eq '') {
else {
$ARGV[0] = "-$rest";
else {
print STDERR "Unknown option: $first\n";
if($rest ne '') {
$ARGV[0] = "-$rest";
else {
$errs == 0;

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
;# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/lib/importenv.pl,v 1993/08/23 21:29:53 nate Exp $
;# This file, when interpreted, pulls the environment into normal variables.
;# Usage:
;# require 'importenv.pl';
;# or
;# #include <importenv.pl>
local($tmp,$key) = '';
foreach $key (keys(ENV)) {
$tmp .= "\$$key = \$ENV{'$key'};" if $key =~ /^[A-Za-z]\w*$/;
eval $tmp;

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
;# Usage: &look(*FILEHANDLE,$key,$dict,$fold)
;# Sets file position in FILEHANDLE to be first line greater than or equal
;# (stringwise) to $key. Pass flags for dictionary order and case folding.
sub look {
local(*FH,$key,$dict,$fold) = @_;
$blksize,$blocks) = stat(FH);
$blksize = 8192 unless $blksize;
$key =~ s/[^\w\s]//g if $dict;
$key =~ y/A-Z/a-z/ if $fold;
$max = int($size / $blksize);
while ($max - $min > 1) {
$mid = int(($max + $min) / 2);
seek(FH,$mid * $blksize,0);
$_ = <FH> if $mid; # probably a partial line
$_ = <FH>;
s/[^\w\s]//g if $dict;
y/A-Z/a-z/ if $fold;
if ($_ lt $key) {
$min = $mid;
else {
$max = $mid;
$min *= $blksize;
<FH> if $min;
while (<FH>) {
s/[^\w\s]//g if $dict;
y/A-Z/a-z/ if $fold;
last if $_ ge $key;
$min = tell(FH);

View file

@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
# newgetopt.pl -- new options parsing
# SCCS Status : @(#)@ newgetopt.pl 1.13
# Author : Johan Vromans
# Created On : Tue Sep 11 15:00:12 1990
# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
# Last Modified On: Tue Jun 2 11:24:03 1992
# Update Count : 75
# Status : Okay
# This package implements a new getopt function. This function adheres
# to the new syntax (long option names, no bundling).
# Arguments to the function are:
# - a list of possible options. These should designate valid perl
# identifiers, optionally followed by an argument specifier ("="
# for mandatory arguments or ":" for optional arguments) and an
# argument type specifier: "n" or "i" for integer numbers, "f" for
# real (fix) numbers or "s" for strings.
# If an "@" sign is appended, the option is treated as an array.
# Value(s) are not set, but pushed.
# - if the first option of the list consists of non-alphanumeric
# characters only, it is interpreted as a generic option starter.
# Everything starting with one of the characters from the starter
# will be considered an option.
# Likewise, a double occurrence (e.g. "--") signals end of
# the options list.
# The default value for the starter is "-", "--" or "+".
# Upon return, the option variables, prefixed with "opt_", are defined
# and set to the respective option arguments, if any.
# Options that do not take an argument are set to 1. Note that an
# option with an optional argument will be defined, but set to '' if
# no actual argument has been supplied.
# A return status of 0 (false) indicates that the function detected
# one or more errors.
# Special care is taken to give a correct treatment to optional arguments.
# E.g. if option "one:i" (i.e. takes an optional integer argument),
# then the following situations are handled:
# -one -two -> $opt_one = '', -two is next option
# -one -2 -> $opt_one = -2
# Also, assume "foo=s" and "bar:s" :
# -bar -xxx -> $opt_bar = '', '-xxx' is next option
# -foo -bar -> $opt_foo = '-bar'
# -foo -- -> $opt_foo = '--'
# 2-Jun-1992 Johan Vromans
# Do not use //o to allow multiple NGetOpt calls with different delimeters.
# Prevent typeless option from using previous $array state.
# Prevent empty option from being eaten as a (negative) number.
# 25-May-1992 Johan Vromans
# Add array options. "foo=s@" will return an array @opt_foo that
# contains all values that were supplied. E.g. "-foo one -foo -two" will
# return @opt_foo = ("one", "-two");
# Correct bug in handling options that allow for a argument when followed
# by another option.
# 4-May-1992 Johan Vromans
# Add $ignorecase to match options in either case.
# Allow '' option.
# 19-Mar-1992 Johan Vromans
# Allow require from packages.
# NGetOpt is now defined in the package that requires it.
# @ARGV and $opt_... are taken from the package that calls it.
# Use standard (?) option prefixes: -, -- and +.
# 20-Sep-1990 Johan Vromans
# Set options w/o argument to 1.
# Correct the dreadful semicolon/require bug.
{ package newgetopt;
$debug = 0; # for debugging
$ignorecase = 1; # ignore case when matching options
sub NGetOpt {
@newgetopt'optionlist = @_;
*newgetopt'ARGV = *ARGV;
package newgetopt;
local ($[) = 0;
local ($genprefix) = "(--|-|\\+)";
local ($argend) = "--";
local ($error) = 0;
local ($opt, $optx, $arg, $type, $mand, %opctl);
local ($pkg) = (caller)[0];
print STDERR "NGetOpt 1.13 -- called from $pkg\n" if $debug;
# See if the first element of the optionlist contains option
# starter characters.
if ( $optionlist[0] =~ /^\W+$/ ) {
$genprefix = shift (@optionlist);
# Turn into regexp.
$genprefix =~ s/(\W)/\\\1/g;
$genprefix = "[" . $genprefix . "]";
undef $argend;
# Verify correctness of optionlist.
%opctl = ();
foreach $opt ( @optionlist ) {
$opt =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ if $ignorecase;
if ( $opt !~ /^(\w*)([=:][infse]@?)?$/ ) {
print STDERR ("Error in option spec: \"", $opt, "\"\n");
$opctl{$1} = defined $2 ? $2 : "";
return 0 if $error;
if ( $debug ) {
local ($arrow, $k, $v);
$arrow = "=> ";
while ( ($k,$v) = each(%opctl) ) {
print STDERR ($arrow, "\$opctl{\"$k\"} = \"$v\"\n");
$arrow = " ";
# Process argument list
while ( $#ARGV >= 0 ) {
# >>> See also the continue block <<<
# Get next argument
$opt = shift (@ARGV);
print STDERR ("=> option \"", $opt, "\"\n") if $debug;
$arg = undef;
# Check for exhausted list.
if ( $opt =~ /^$genprefix/ ) {
# Double occurrence is terminator
return ($error == 0)
if ($opt eq "$+$+") || ((defined $argend) && $opt eq $argend);
$opt = $'; # option name (w/o prefix)
else {
# Apparently not an option - push back and exit.
unshift (@ARGV, $opt);
return ($error == 0);
# Look it up.
$opt =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ if $ignorecase;
unless ( defined ( $type = $opctl{$opt} ) ) {
print STDERR ("Unknown option: ", $opt, "\n");
# Determine argument status.
print STDERR ("=> found \"$type\" for ", $opt, "\n") if $debug;
# If it is an option w/o argument, we're almost finished with it.
if ( $type eq "" ) {
$arg = 1; # supply explicit value
$array = 0;
# Get mandatory status and type info.
($mand, $type, $array) = $type =~ /^(.)(.)(@?)$/;
# Check if the argument list is exhausted.
if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
# Complain if this option needs an argument.
if ( $mand eq "=" ) {
print STDERR ("Option ", $opt, " requires an argument\n");
if ( $mand eq ":" ) {
$arg = $type eq "s" ? "" : 0;
# Get (possibly optional) argument.
$arg = shift (@ARGV);
# Check if it is a valid argument. A mandatory string takes
# anything.
if ( "$mand$type" ne "=s" && $arg =~ /^$genprefix/ ) {
# Check for option list terminator.
if ( $arg eq "$+$+" ||
((defined $argend) && $arg eq $argend)) {
# Push back so the outer loop will terminate.
unshift (@ARGV, $arg);
# Complain if an argument is required.
if ($mand eq "=") {
print STDERR ("Option ", $opt, " requires an argument\n");
undef $arg; # don't assign it
else {
# Supply empty value.
$arg = $type eq "s" ? "" : 0;
# Maybe the optional argument is the next option?
if ( $mand eq ":" && ($' eq "" || $' =~ /[a-zA-Z_]/) ) {
# Yep. Push back.
unshift (@ARGV, $arg);
$arg = $type eq "s" ? "" : 0;
if ( $type eq "n" || $type eq "i" ) { # numeric/integer
if ( $arg !~ /^-?[0-9]+$/ ) {
print STDERR ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
$opt, " (number expected)\n");
undef $arg; # don't assign it
if ( $type eq "f" ) { # fixed real number, int is also ok
if ( $arg !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/ ) {
print STDERR ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
$opt, " (real number expected)\n");
undef $arg; # don't assign it
if ( $type eq "s" ) { # string
continue {
if ( defined $arg ) {
if ( $array ) {
print STDERR ('=> push (@', $pkg, '\'opt_', $opt, ", \"$arg\")\n")
if $debug;
eval ('push(@' . $pkg . '\'opt_' . $opt . ", \$arg);");
else {
print STDERR ('=> $', $pkg, '\'opt_', $opt, " = \"$arg\"\n")
if $debug;
eval ('$' . $pkg . '\'opt_' . $opt . " = \$arg;");
return ($error == 0);

View file

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# &open2: tom christiansen, <tchrist@convex.com>
# usage: $pid = &open2('rdr', 'wtr', 'some cmd and args');
# or $pid = &open2('rdr', 'wtr', 'some', 'cmd', 'and', 'args');
# spawn the given $cmd and connect $rdr for
# reading and $wtr for writing. return pid
# of child, or 0 on failure.
# WARNING: this is dangerous, as you may block forever
# unless you are very careful.
# $wtr is left unbuffered.
# abort program if
# rdr or wtr are null
# pipe or fork or exec fails
package open2;
$fh = 'FHOPEN000'; # package static in case called more than once
sub main'open2 {
local($dad_rdr, $dad_wtr, @cmd) = @_;
$dad_rdr ne '' || die "open2: rdr should not be null";
$dad_wtr ne '' || die "open2: wtr should not be null";
# force unqualified filehandles into callers' package
local($package) = caller;
$dad_rdr =~ s/^[^']+$/$package'$&/;
$dad_wtr =~ s/^[^']+$/$package'$&/;
local($kid_rdr) = ++$fh;
local($kid_wtr) = ++$fh;
pipe($dad_rdr, $kid_wtr) || die "open2: pipe 1 failed: $!";
pipe($kid_rdr, $dad_wtr) || die "open2: pipe 2 failed: $!";
if (($kidpid = fork) < 0) {
die "open2: fork failed: $!";
} elsif ($kidpid == 0) {
close $dad_rdr; close $dad_wtr;
open(STDIN, "<&$kid_rdr");
open(STDOUT, ">&$kid_wtr");
warn "execing @cmd\n" if $debug;
exec @cmd;
die "open2: exec of @cmd failed";
close $kid_rdr; close $kid_wtr;
select((select($dad_wtr), $| = 1)[0]); # unbuffer pipe
1; # so require is happy

View file

@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
package DB;
# modified Perl debugger, to be run from Emacs in perldb-mode
# Ray Lischner (uunet!mntgfx!lisch) as of 5 Nov 1990
# Johan Vromans -- upgrade to 4.0 pl 10
$header = '$RCSfile: perldb.pl,v $$Revision: $$Date: 1993/08/23 21:29:51 $';
# This file is automatically included if you do perl -d.
# It's probably not useful to include this yourself.
# Perl supplies the values for @line and %sub. It effectively inserts
# a do DB'DB(<linenum>); in front of every place that can
# have a breakpoint. It also inserts a do 'perldb.pl' before the first line.
# $Log: perldb.pl,v $
# Revision 1993/08/23 21:29:51 nate
# Revision 92/06/08 13:43:57 lwall
# patch20: support for MSDOS folded into perldb.pl
# patch20: perldb couldn't debug file containing '-', such as STDIN designator
# Revision 91/11/05 17:55:58 lwall
# patch11: perldb.pl modified to run within emacs in perldb-mode
# Revision 91/06/07 11:17:44 lwall
# patch4: added $^P variable to control calling of perldb routines
# patch4: debugger sometimes listed wrong number of lines for a statement
# Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:25:50 lwall
# 4.0 baseline.
# Revision 91/01/11 18:08:58 lwall
# patch42: @_ couldn't be accessed from debugger
# Revision 90/11/10 01:40:26 lwall
# patch38: the debugger wouldn't stop correctly or do action routines
# Revision 90/10/15 17:40:38 lwall
# patch29: added caller
# patch29: the debugger now understands packages and evals
# patch29: scripts now run at almost full speed under the debugger
# patch29: more variables are settable from debugger
# Revision 90/08/09 04:00:58 lwall
# patch19: debugger now allows continuation lines
# patch19: debugger can now dump lists of variables
# patch19: debugger can now add aliases easily from prompt
# Revision 90/03/12 16:39:39 lwall
# patch13: perl -d didn't format stack traces of *foo right
# patch13: perl -d wiped out scalar return values of subroutines
# Revision 89/10/26 23:14:02 lwall
# patch1: RCS expanded an unintended $Header in lib/perldb.pl
# Revision 3.0 89/10/18 15:19:46 lwall
# 3.0 baseline
# Revision 2.0 88/06/05 00:09:45 root
# Baseline version 2.0.
if (-e "/dev/tty") {
$console = "/dev/tty";
else {
$console = "con";
open(IN, "<$console") || open(IN, "<&STDIN"); # so we don't dingle stdin
open(OUT,">$console") || open(OUT, ">&STDOUT"); # so we don't dongle stdout
$| = 1; # for DB'OUT
$| = 1; # for real STDOUT
$sub = '';
# Is Perl being run from Emacs?
$emacs = $main'ARGV[$[] eq '-emacs';
shift(@main'ARGV) if $emacs;
$header =~ s/.Header: ([^,]+),v(\s+\S+\s+\S+).*$/$1$2/;
print OUT "\nLoading DB routines from $header\n";
print OUT ("Emacs support ",
$emacs ? "enabled" : "available",
print OUT "\nEnter h for help.\n\n";
sub DB {
($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
$usercontext = '($@, $!, $[, $,, $/, $\) = @saved;' .
"package $package;"; # this won't let them modify, alas
local($^P) = 0; # don't debug our own evals
local(*dbline) = "_<$filename";
$max = $#dbline;
if (($stop,$action) = split(/\0/,$dbline{$line})) {
if ($stop eq '1') {
$signal |= 1;
else {
$evalarg = "\$DB'signal |= do {$stop;}"; &eval;
$dbline{$line} =~ s/;9($|\0)/$1/;
if ($single || $trace || $signal) {
if ($emacs) {
print OUT "\032\032$filename:$line:0\n";
} else {
print OUT "$package'" unless $sub =~ /'/;
print OUT "$sub($filename:$line):\t",$dbline[$line];
for ($i = $line + 1; $i <= $max && $dbline[$i] == 0; ++$i) {
last if $dbline[$i] =~ /^\s*(}|#|\n)/;
print OUT "$sub($filename:$i):\t",$dbline[$i];
$evalarg = $action, &eval if $action;
if ($single || $signal) {
$evalarg = $pre, &eval if $pre;
print OUT $#stack . " levels deep in subroutine calls!\n"
if $single & 4;
$start = $line;
while ((print OUT " DB<", $#hist+1, "> "), $cmd=&gets) {
$single = 0;
$signal = 0;
$cmd eq '' && exit 0;
$cmd =~ s/\\$// && do {
print OUT " cont: ";
$cmd .= &gets;
redo CMD;
$cmd =~ /^q$/ && exit 0;
$cmd =~ /^$/ && ($cmd = $laststep);
push(@hist,$cmd) if length($cmd) > 1;
($i) = split(/\s+/,$cmd);
eval "\$cmd =~ $alias{$i}", print OUT $@ if $alias{$i};
$cmd =~ /^h$/ && do {
print OUT "
T Stack trace.
s Single step.
n Next, steps over subroutine calls.
r Return from current subroutine.
c [line] Continue; optionally inserts a one-time-only breakpoint
at the specified line.
<CR> Repeat last n or s.
l min+incr List incr+1 lines starting at min.
l min-max List lines.
l line List line;
l List next window.
- List previous window.
w line List window around line.
l subname List subroutine.
f filename Switch to filename.
/pattern/ Search forwards for pattern; final / is optional.
?pattern? Search backwards for pattern.
L List breakpoints and actions.
S List subroutine names.
t Toggle trace mode.
b [line] [condition]
Set breakpoint; line defaults to the current execution line;
condition breaks if it evaluates to true, defaults to \'1\'.
b subname [condition]
Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine.
d [line] Delete breakpoint.
D Delete all breakpoints.
a [line] command
Set an action to be done before the line is executed.
Sequence is: check for breakpoint, print line if necessary,
do action, prompt user if breakpoint or step, evaluate line.
A Delete all actions.
V [pkg [vars]] List some (default all) variables in package (default current).
X [vars] Same as \"V currentpackage [vars]\".
< command Define command before prompt.
> command Define command after prompt.
! number Redo command (default previous command).
! -number Redo number\'th to last command.
H -number Display last number commands (default all).
q or ^D Quit.
p expr Same as \"print DB'OUT expr\" in current package.
= [alias value] Define a command alias, or list current aliases.
command Execute as a perl statement in current package.
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^t$/ && do {
$trace = !$trace;
print OUT "Trace = ".($trace?"on":"off")."\n";
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^S$/ && do {
foreach $subname (sort(keys %sub)) {
print OUT $subname,"\n";
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ s/^X\b/V $package/;
$cmd =~ /^V$/ && do {
$cmd = 'V $package'; };
$cmd =~ /^V\b\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/ && do {
$packname = $1;
@vars = split(' ',$2);
do 'dumpvar.pl' unless defined &main'dumpvar;
if (defined &main'dumpvar) {
else {
print DB'OUT "dumpvar.pl not available.\n";
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^f\b\s*(.*)/ && do {
$file = $1;
if (!$file) {
print OUT "The old f command is now the r command.\n";
print OUT "The new f command switches filenames.\n";
next CMD;
if (!defined $_main{'_<' . $file}) {
if (($try) = grep(m#^_<.*$file#, keys %_main)) {
$file = substr($try,2);
print "\n$file:\n";
if (!defined $_main{'_<' . $file}) {
print OUT "There's no code here anything matching $file.\n";
next CMD;
elsif ($file ne $filename) {
*dbline = "_<$file";
$max = $#dbline;
$filename = $file;
$start = 1;
$cmd = "l";
} };
$cmd =~ /^l\b\s*(['A-Za-z_]['\w]*)/ && do {
$subname = $1;
$subname = "main'" . $subname unless $subname =~ /'/;
$subname = "main" . $subname if substr($subname,0,1) eq "'";
($file,$subrange) = split(/:/,$sub{$subname});
if ($file ne $filename) {
*dbline = "_<$file";
$max = $#dbline;
$filename = $file;
if ($subrange) {
if (eval($subrange) < -$window) {
$subrange =~ s/-.*/+/;
$cmd = "l $subrange";
} else {
print OUT "Subroutine $1 not found.\n";
next CMD;
} };
$cmd =~ /^w\b\s*(\d*)$/ && do {
$incr = $window - 1;
$start = $1 if $1;
$start -= $preview;
$cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
$cmd =~ /^-$/ && do {
$incr = $window - 1;
$cmd = 'l ' . ($start-$window*2) . '+'; };
$cmd =~ /^l$/ && do {
$incr = $window - 1;
$cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
$cmd =~ /^l\b\s*(\d*)\+(\d*)$/ && do {
$start = $1 if $1;
$incr = $2;
$incr = $window - 1 unless $incr;
$cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
$cmd =~ /^l\b\s*(([\d\$\.]+)([-,]([\d\$\.]+))?)?/ && do {
$end = (!$2) ? $max : ($4 ? $4 : $2);
$end = $max if $end > $max;
$i = $2;
$i = $line if $i eq '.';
$i = 1 if $i < 1;
if ($emacs) {
print OUT "\032\032$filename:$i:0\n";
$i = $end;
} else {
for (; $i <= $end; $i++) {
print OUT "$i:\t", $dbline[$i];
last if $signal;
$start = $i; # remember in case they want more
$start = $max if $start > $max;
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^D$/ && do {
print OUT "Deleting all breakpoints...\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
$dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]+//;
if ($dbline{$i} =~ s/^\0?$//) {
delete $dbline{$i};
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^L$/ && do {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++) {
if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
print OUT "$i:\t", $dbline[$i];
($stop,$action) = split(/\0/, $dbline{$i});
print OUT " break if (", $stop, ")\n"
if $stop;
print OUT " action: ", $action, "\n"
if $action;
last if $signal;
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^b\b\s*(['A-Za-z_]['\w]*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
$subname = $1;
$cond = $2 || '1';
$subname = "$package'" . $subname unless $subname =~ /'/;
$subname = "main" . $subname if substr($subname,0,1) eq "'";
($filename,$i) = split(/:/, $sub{$subname});
$i += 0;
if ($i) {
*dbline = "_<$filename";
++$i while $dbline[$i] == 0 && $i < $#dbline;
$dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*/$cond/;
} else {
print OUT "Subroutine $subname not found.\n";
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^b\b\s*(\d*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
$i = ($1?$1:$line);
$cond = $2 || '1';
if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
print OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
} else {
$dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*/$cond/;
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^d\b\s*(\d+)?/ && do {
$i = ($1?$1:$line);
$dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*//;
delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^A$/ && do {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
$dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^<\s*(.*)/ && do {
$pre = do action($1);
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^>\s*(.*)/ && do {
$post = do action($1);
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^a\b\s*(\d+)(\s+(.*))?/ && do {
$i = $1;
if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
print OUT "Line $i may not have an action.\n";
} else {
$dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
$dbline{$i} .= "\0" . do action($3);
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^n$/ && do {
$single = 2;
$laststep = $cmd;
last CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^s$/ && do {
$single = 1;
$laststep = $cmd;
last CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^c\b\s*(\d*)\s*$/ && do {
$i = $1;
if ($i) {
if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
print OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
next CMD;
$dbline{$i} =~ s/(\0|$)/;9$1/; # add one-time-only b.p.
for ($i=0; $i <= $#stack; ) {
$stack[$i++] &= ~1;
last CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^r$/ && do {
$stack[$#stack] |= 2;
last CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^T$/ && do {
for ($i = 1; ($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$w) = caller($i); $i++) {
@a = @args;
for (@a) {
if (/^StB\000/ && length($_) == length($_main{'_main'})) {
$_ = sprintf("%s",$_);
else {
s/([^\0]*)/'$1'/ unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
$w = $w ? '@ = ' : '$ = ';
$a = $h ? '(' . join(', ', @a) . ')' : '';
push(@sub, "$w&$s$a from file $f line $l\n");
last if $signal;
for ($i=0; $i <= $#sub; $i++) {
last if $signal;
print OUT $sub[$i];
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^\/(.*)$/ && do {
$inpat = $1;
$inpat =~ s:([^\\])/$:$1:;
if ($inpat ne "") {
eval '$inpat =~ m'."\n$inpat\n";
if ($@ ne "") {
print OUT "$@";
next CMD;
$pat = $inpat;
$end = $start;
eval '
for (;;) {
$start = 1 if ($start > $max);
last if ($start == $end);
if ($dbline[$start] =~ m'."\n$pat\n".'i) {
if ($emacs) {
print OUT "\032\032$filename:$start:0\n";
} else {
print OUT "$start:\t", $dbline[$start], "\n";
} ';
print OUT "/$pat/: not found\n" if ($start == $end);
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^\?(.*)$/ && do {
$inpat = $1;
$inpat =~ s:([^\\])\?$:$1:;
if ($inpat ne "") {
eval '$inpat =~ m'."\n$inpat\n";
if ($@ ne "") {
print OUT "$@";
next CMD;
$pat = $inpat;
$end = $start;
eval '
for (;;) {
$start = $max if ($start <= 0);
last if ($start == $end);
if ($dbline[$start] =~ m'."\n$pat\n".'i) {
if ($emacs) {
print OUT "\032\032$filename:$start:0\n";
} else {
print OUT "$start:\t", $dbline[$start], "\n";
} ';
print OUT "?$pat?: not found\n" if ($start == $end);
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^!+\s*(-)?(\d+)?$/ && do {
pop(@hist) if length($cmd) > 1;
$i = ($1?($#hist-($2?$2:1)):($2?$2:$#hist));
$cmd = $hist[$i] . "\n";
print OUT $cmd;
redo CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^!(.+)$/ && do {
$pat = "^$1";
pop(@hist) if length($cmd) > 1;
for ($i = $#hist; $i; --$i) {
last if $hist[$i] =~ $pat;
if (!$i) {
print OUT "No such command!\n\n";
next CMD;
$cmd = $hist[$i] . "\n";
print OUT $cmd;
redo CMD; };
$cmd =~ /^H\b\s*(-(\d+))?/ && do {
$end = $2?($#hist-$2):0;
$hist = 0 if $hist < 0;
for ($i=$#hist; $i>$end; $i--) {
print OUT "$i: ",$hist[$i],"\n"
unless $hist[$i] =~ /^.?$/;
next CMD; };
$cmd =~ s/^p( .*)?$/print DB'OUT$1/;
$cmd =~ /^=/ && do {
if (local($k,$v) = ($cmd =~ /^=\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) {
print OUT "$k = $v\n";
} elsif ($cmd =~ /^=\s*$/) {
foreach $k (sort keys(%alias)) {
if (($v = $alias{$k}) =~ s~^s\~$k\~(.*)\~$~$1~) {
print OUT "$k = $v\n";
} else {
print OUT "$k\t$alias{$k}\n";
next CMD; };
$evalarg = $cmd; &eval;
print OUT "\n";
if ($post) {
$evalarg = $post; &eval;
($@, $!, $[, $,, $/, $\) = @saved;
sub save {
@saved = ($@, $!, $[, $,, $/, $\);
$[ = 0; $, = ""; $/ = "\n"; $\ = "";
# The following takes its argument via $evalarg to preserve current @_
sub eval {
eval "$usercontext $evalarg; &DB'save";
print OUT $@;
sub action {
local($action) = @_;
while ($action =~ s/\\$//) {
print OUT "+ ";
$action .= &gets;
sub gets {
sub catch {
$signal = 1;
sub sub {
push(@stack, $single);
$single &= 1;
$single |= 4 if $#stack == $deep;
if (wantarray) {
@i = &$sub;
$single |= pop(@stack);
else {
$i = &$sub;
$single |= pop(@stack);
$single = 1; # so it stops on first executable statement
@hist = ('?');
$SIG{'INT'} = "DB'catch";
$deep = 100; # warning if stack gets this deep
$window = 10;
$preview = 3;
@stack = (0);
for (@args) {
s/(.*)/'$1'/ unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
if (-f $rcfile) {
do "./$rcfile";
elsif (-f "$ENV{'LOGDIR'}/$rcfile") {
do "$ENV{'LOGDIR'}/$rcfile";
elsif (-f "$ENV{'HOME'}/$rcfile") {
do "$ENV{'HOME'}/$rcfile";

View file

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
;# pwd.pl - keeps track of current working directory in PWD environment var
;# $RCSfile: pwd.pl,v $$Revision: $$Date: 1993/08/23 21:29:52 $
;# $Log: pwd.pl,v $
# Revision 1993/08/23 21:29:52 nate
;# Revision 92/06/08 13:45:22 lwall
;# patch20: support added to pwd.pl to strip automounter crud
;# Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:26:03 lwall
;# 4.0 baseline.
;# Revision 91/01/11 18:09:24 lwall
;# patch42: some .pl files were missing their trailing 1;
;# Revision 90/08/09 04:01:24 lwall
;# patch19: Initial revision
;# Usage:
;# require "pwd.pl";
;# &initpwd;
;# ...
;# &chdir($newdir);
package pwd;
sub main'initpwd {
if ($ENV{'PWD'}) {
local($dd,$di) = stat('.');
local($pd,$pi) = stat($ENV{'PWD'});
if ($di != $pi || $dd != $pd) {
chop($ENV{'PWD'} = `pwd`);
else {
chop($ENV{'PWD'} = `pwd`);
if ($ENV{'PWD'} =~ m|(/[^/]+(/[^/]+/[^/]+))(.*)|) {
local($pd,$pi) = stat($2);
local($dd,$di) = stat($1);
if ($di == $pi && $dd == $pd) {
sub main'chdir {
local($newdir) = shift;
if (chdir $newdir) {
if ($newdir =~ m#^/#) {
$ENV{'PWD'} = $newdir;
else {
local(@curdir) = split(m#/#,$ENV{'PWD'});
@curdir = '' unless @curdir;
foreach $component (split(m#/#, $newdir)) {
next if $component eq '.';
pop(@curdir),next if $component eq '..';
$ENV{'PWD'} = join('/',@curdir) || '/';
else {

View file

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
;# shellwords.pl
;# Usage:
;# require 'shellwords.pl';
;# @words = &shellwords($line);
;# or
;# @words = &shellwords(@lines);
;# or
;# @words = &shellwords; # defaults to $_ (and clobbers it)
sub shellwords {
package shellwords;
local($_) = join('', @_) if @_;
while ($_ ne '') {
$field = '';
for (;;) {
if (s/^"(([^"\\]|\\[\\"])*)"//) {
($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#g;
elsif (/^"/) {
die "Unmatched double quote: $_\n";
elsif (s/^'(([^'\\]|\\[\\'])*)'//) {
($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#g;
elsif (/^'/) {
die "Unmatched single quote: $_\n";
elsif (s/^\\(.)//) {
$snippet = $1;
elsif (s/^([^\s\\'"]+)//) {
$snippet = $1;
else {
$field .= $snippet;
push(@words, $field);

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
;# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/lib/stat.pl,v 1993/08/23 21:29:53 nate Exp $
;# Usage:
;# require 'stat.pl';
;# @ary = stat(foo);
;# $st_dev = @ary[$ST_DEV];
$ST_DEV = 0 + $[;
$ST_INO = 1 + $[;
$ST_MODE = 2 + $[;
$ST_NLINK = 3 + $[;
$ST_UID = 4 + $[;
$ST_GID = 5 + $[;
$ST_RDEV = 6 + $[;
$ST_SIZE = 7 + $[;
$ST_ATIME = 8 + $[;
$ST_MTIME = 9 + $[;
$ST_CTIME = 10 + $[;
$ST_BLKSIZE = 11 + $[;
$ST_BLOCKS = 12 + $[;
;# Usage:
;# require 'stat.pl';
;# do Stat('foo'); # sets st_* as a side effect
sub Stat {
$st_atime,$st_mtime,$st_ctime,$st_blksize,$st_blocks) = stat(shift(@_));

View file

@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
# syslog.pl
# $Log: syslog.pl,v $
# Revision 1993/08/23 21:29:51 nate
# Revision 92/06/08 13:48:05 lwall
# patch20: new warning for ambiguous use of unary operators
# Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:26:24 lwall
# 4.0 baseline.
# Revision 90/11/10 01:41:11 lwall
# patch38: syslog.pl was referencing an absolute path
# Revision 90/10/15 17:42:18 lwall
# patch29: various portability fixes
# Revision 90/08/09 03:57:17 lwall
# patch19: Initial revision
# Revision 1.2 90/06/11 18:45:30 18:45:30 root ()
# - Changed 'warn' to 'mail|warning' in test call (to give example of
# facility specification, and because 'warn' didn't work on HP-UX).
# - Fixed typo in &openlog ("ncons" should be "cons").
# - Added (package-global) $maskpri, and &setlogmask.
# - In &syslog:
# - put argument test ahead of &connect (why waste cycles?),
# - allowed facility to be specified in &syslog's first arg (temporarily
# overrides any $facility set in &openlog), just as in syslog(3C),
# - do a return 0 when bit for $numpri not set in log mask (see syslog(3C)),
# - changed $whoami code to use getlogin, getpwuid($<) and 'syslog'
# (in that order) when $ident is null,
# - made PID logging consistent with syslog(3C) and subject to $lo_pid only,
# - fixed typo in "print CONS" statement ($<facility should be <$facility).
# - changed \n to \r in print CONS (\r is useful, $message already has a \n).
# - Changed &xlate to return -1 for an unknown name, instead of croaking.
# tom christiansen <tchrist@convex.com>
# modified to use sockets by Larry Wall <lwall@jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov>
# NOTE: openlog now takes three arguments, just like openlog(3)
# call syslog() with a string priority and a list of printf() args
# like syslog(3)
# usage: require 'syslog.pl';
# then (put these all in a script to test function)
# do openlog($program,'cons,pid','user');
# do syslog('info','this is another test');
# do syslog('mail|warning','this is a better test: %d', time);
# do closelog();
# do syslog('debug','this is the last test');
# do openlog("$program $$",'ndelay','user');
# do syslog('notice','fooprogram: this is really done');
# $! = 55;
# do syslog('info','problem was %m'); # %m == $! in syslog(3)
package syslog;
$host = 'localhost' unless $host; # set $syslog'host to change
require 'syslog.ph';
$maskpri = &LOG_UPTO(&LOG_DEBUG);
sub main'openlog {
($ident, $logopt, $facility) = @_; # package vars
$lo_pid = $logopt =~ /\bpid\b/;
$lo_ndelay = $logopt =~ /\bndelay\b/;
$lo_cons = $logopt =~ /\bcons\b/;
$lo_nowait = $logopt =~ /\bnowait\b/;
&connect if $lo_ndelay;
sub main'closelog {
$facility = $ident = '';
sub main'setlogmask {
local($oldmask) = $maskpri;
$maskpri = shift;
sub main'syslog {
local($priority) = shift;
local($mask) = shift;
local($message, $whoami);
local(@words, $num, $numpri, $numfac, $sum);
local($facility) = $facility; # may need to change temporarily.
die "syslog: expected both priority and mask" unless $mask && $priority;
@words = split(/\W+/, $priority, 2);# Allow "level" or "level|facility".
undef $numpri;
undef $numfac;
foreach (@words) {
$num = &xlate($_); # Translate word to number.
if (/^kern$/ || $num < 0) {
die "syslog: invalid level/facility: $_\n";
elsif ($num <= &LOG_PRIMASK) {
die "syslog: too many levels given: $_\n" if defined($numpri);
$numpri = $num;
return 0 unless &LOG_MASK($numpri) & $maskpri;
else {
die "syslog: too many facilities given: $_\n" if defined($numfac);
$facility = $_;
$numfac = $num;
die "syslog: level must be given\n" unless defined($numpri);
if (!defined($numfac)) { # Facility not specified in this call.
$facility = 'user' unless $facility;
$numfac = &xlate($facility);
&connect unless $connected;
$whoami = $ident;
if (!$ident && $mask =~ /^(\S.*):\s?(.*)/) {
$whoami = $1;
$mask = $2;
unless ($whoami) {
($whoami = getlogin) ||
($whoami = getpwuid($<)) ||
($whoami = 'syslog');
$whoami .= "[$$]" if $lo_pid;
$mask =~ s/%m/$!/g;
$mask .= "\n" unless $mask =~ /\n$/;
$message = sprintf ($mask, @_);
$sum = $numpri + $numfac;
unless (send(SYSLOG,"<$sum>$whoami: $message",0)) {
if ($lo_cons) {
if ($pid = fork) {
unless ($lo_nowait) {
do {$died = wait;} until $died == $pid || $died < 0;
else {
print CONS "<$facility.$priority>$whoami: $message\r";
exit if defined $pid; # if fork failed, we're parent
close CONS;
sub xlate {
local($name) = @_;
$name =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
$name = "LOG_$name" unless $name =~ /^LOG_/;
$name = "syslog'$name";
eval(&$name) || -1;
sub connect {
$pat = 'S n C4 x8';
$af_unix = 1;
$af_inet = 2;
$stream = 1;
$datagram = 2;
($name,$aliases,$proto) = getprotobyname('udp');
$udp = $proto;
($name,$aliase,$port,$proto) = getservbyname('syslog','udp');
$syslog = $port;
if (chop($myname = `hostname`)) {
($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($myname);
die "Can't lookup $myname\n" unless $name;
@bytes = unpack("C4",$addrs[0]);
else {
@bytes = (0,0,0,0);
$this = pack($pat, $af_inet, 0, @bytes);
if ($host =~ /^\d+\./) {
@bytes = split(/\./,$host);
else {
($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($host);
die "Can't lookup $host\n" unless $name;
@bytes = unpack("C4",$addrs[0]);
$that = pack($pat,$af_inet,$syslog,@bytes);
socket(SYSLOG,$af_inet,$datagram,$udp) || die "socket: $!\n";
bind(SYSLOG,$this) || die "bind: $!\n";
connect(SYSLOG,$that) || die "connect: $!\n";
local($old) = select(SYSLOG); $| = 1; select($old);
$connected = 1;
sub disconnect {
close SYSLOG;
$connected = 0;

View file

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
;# $RCSfile: termcap.pl,v $$Revision: $$Date: 1993/08/23 21:29:52 $
;# Usage:
;# require 'ioctl.pl';
;# ioctl(TTY,$TIOCGETP,$foo);
;# ($ispeed,$ospeed) = unpack('cc',$foo);
;# require 'termcap.pl';
;# &Tgetent('vt100'); # sets $TC{'cm'}, etc.
;# &Tputs(&Tgoto($TC{'cm'},$col,$row), 0, 'FILEHANDLE');
;# &Tputs($TC{'dl'},$affcnt,'FILEHANDLE');
sub Tgetent {
local($TERM) = @_;
warn "Tgetent: no ospeed set" unless $ospeed;
foreach $key (keys(TC)) {
delete $TC{$key};
$TERM = $ENV{'TERM'} unless $TERM;
$TERMCAP = '/etc/termcap' unless $TERMCAP;
if ($TERMCAP !~ m:^/:) {
if ($TERMCAP !~ /(^|\|)$TERM[:\|]/) {
$TERMCAP = '/etc/termcap';
if ($TERMCAP =~ m:^/:) {
$entry = '';
do {
$loop = "
open(TERMCAP,'<$TERMCAP') || die \"Can't open $TERMCAP\";
while (<TERMCAP>) {
next if /^#/;
next if /^\t/;
if (/(^|\\|)$TERM[:\\|]/) {
while (chop eq '\\\\') {
\$_ .= <TERMCAP>;
\$_ .= ':';
close TERMCAP;
\$entry .= \$_;
eval $loop;
} while s/:tc=([^:]+):/:/ && ($TERM = $1);
$TERMCAP = $entry;
foreach $field (split(/:[\s:\\]*/,$TERMCAP)) {
if ($field =~ /^\w\w$/) {
$TC{$field} = 1;
elsif ($field =~ /^(\w\w)#(.*)/) {
$TC{$1} = $2 if $TC{$1} eq '';
elsif ($field =~ /^(\w\w)=(.*)/) {
$entry = $1;
$_ = $2;
s/\\(\d\d\d)/pack('c',$1 & 0177)/eg;
s/\^(.)/pack('c',ord($1) & 31)/eg;
$TC{$entry} = $_ if $TC{$entry} eq '';
$TC{'pc'} = "\0" if $TC{'pc'} eq '';
$TC{'bc'} = "\b" if $TC{'bc'} eq '';
@Tputs = (0,200,133.3,90.9,74.3,66.7,50,33.3,16.7,8.3,5.5,4.1,2,1,.5,.2);
sub Tputs {
local($string,$affcnt,$FH) = @_;
if ($string =~ /(^[\d.]+)(\*?)(.*)$/) {
$ms = $1;
$ms *= $affcnt if $2;
$string = $3;
$decr = $Tputs[$ospeed];
if ($decr > .1) {
$ms += $decr / 2;
$string .= $TC{'pc'} x ($ms / $decr);
print $FH $string if $FH;
sub Tgoto {
local($string) = shift(@_);
local($result) = '';
local($after) = '';
local($code,$tmp) = @_;
@tmp = ($tmp,$code);
local($online) = 0;
while ($string =~ /^([^%]*)%(.)(.*)/) {
$result .= $1;
$code = $2;
$string = $3;
if ($code eq 'd') {
$result .= sprintf("%d",shift(@tmp));
elsif ($code eq '.') {
$tmp = shift(@tmp);
if ($tmp == 0 || $tmp == 4 || $tmp == 10) {
if ($online) {
++$tmp, $after .= $TC{'up'} if $TC{'up'};
else {
++$tmp, $after .= $TC{'bc'};
$result .= sprintf("%c",$tmp);
$online = !$online;
elsif ($code eq '+') {
$result .= sprintf("%c",shift(@tmp)+ord($string));
$string = substr($string,1,99);
$online = !$online;
elsif ($code eq 'r') {
($code,$tmp) = @tmp;
@tmp = ($tmp,$code);
$online = !$online;
elsif ($code eq '>') {
($code,$tmp,$string) = unpack("CCa99",$string);
if ($tmp[$[] > $code) {
$tmp[$[] += $tmp;
elsif ($code eq '2') {
$result .= sprintf("%02d",shift(@tmp));
$online = !$online;
elsif ($code eq '3') {
$result .= sprintf("%03d",shift(@tmp));
$online = !$online;
elsif ($code eq 'i') {
($code,$tmp) = @tmp;
@tmp = ($code+1,$tmp+1);
else {
return "OOPS";
$result . $string . $after;

View file

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
;# timelocal.pl
;# Usage:
;# $time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hours,$mday,$mon,$year);
;# $time = timegm($sec,$min,$hours,$mday,$mon,$year);
;# These routines are quite efficient and yet are always guaranteed to agree
;# with localtime() and gmtime(). We manage this by caching the start times
;# of any months we've seen before. If we know the start time of the month,
;# we can always calculate any time within the month. The start times
;# themselves are guessed by successive approximation starting at the
;# current time, since most dates seen in practice are close to the
;# current date. Unlike algorithms that do a binary search (calling gmtime
;# once for each bit of the time value, resulting in 32 calls), this algorithm
;# calls it at most 6 times, and usually only once or twice. If you hit
;# the month cache, of course, it doesn't call it at all.
;# timelocal is implemented using the same cache. We just assume that we're
;# translating a GMT time, and then fudge it when we're done for the timezone
;# and daylight savings arguments. The timezone is determined by examining
;# the result of localtime(0) when the package is initialized. The daylight
;# savings offset is currently assumed to be one hour.
package timelocal;
local($[) = 0;
@epoch = localtime(0);
$tzmin = $epoch[2] * 60 + $epoch[1]; # minutes east of GMT
if ($tzmin > 0) {
$tzmin = 24 * 60 - $tzmin; # minutes west of GMT
$tzmin -= 24 * 60 if $epoch[5] == 70; # account for the date line
$SEC = 1;
$MIN = 60 * $SEC;
$HR = 60 * $MIN;
$DAYS = 24 * $HR;
$YearFix = ((gmtime(946684800))[5] == 100) ? 100 : 0;
sub timegm {
package timelocal;
local($[) = 0;
$ym = pack(C2, @_[5,4]);
$cheat = $cheat{$ym} || &cheat;
$cheat + $_[0] * $SEC + $_[1] * $MIN + $_[2] * $HR + ($_[3]-1) * $DAYS;
sub timelocal {
package timelocal;
local($[) = 0;
$time = &main'timegm + $tzmin*$MIN;
@test = localtime($time);
$time -= $HR if $test[2] != $_[2];
package timelocal;
sub cheat {
$year = $_[5];
$month = $_[4];
die "Month out of range 0..11 in ctime.pl\n" if $month > 11;
$guess = $^T;
@g = gmtime($guess);
$year += $YearFix if $year < $epoch[5];
while ($diff = $year - $g[5]) {
$guess += $diff * (363 * $DAYS);
@g = gmtime($guess);
while ($diff = $month - $g[4]) {
$guess += $diff * (27 * $DAYS);
@g = gmtime($guess);
$guess -= $g[0] * $SEC + $g[1] * $MIN + $g[2] * $HR + $g[3] * $DAYS;
$cheat{$ym} = $guess;

View file

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
;# $Header: /home/cvs/386BSD/ports/lang/perl/lib/validate.pl,v 1993/08/23 21:29:51 nate Exp $
;# The validate routine takes a single multiline string consisting of
;# lines containing a filename plus a file test to try on it. (The
;# file test may also be a 'cd', causing subsequent relative filenames
;# to be interpreted relative to that directory.) After the file test
;# you may put '|| die' to make it a fatal error if the file test fails.
;# The default is '|| warn'. The file test may optionally have a ! prepended
;# to test for the opposite condition. If you do a cd and then list some
;# relative filenames, you may want to indent them slightly for readability.
;# If you supply your own "die" or "warn" message, you can use $file to
;# interpolate the filename.
;# Filetests may be bunched: -rwx tests for all of -r, -w and -x.
;# Only the first failed test of the bunch will produce a warning.
;# The routine returns the number of warnings issued.
;# Usage:
;# require "validate.pl";
;# $warnings += do validate('
;# /vmunix -e || die
;# /boot -e || die
;# /bin cd
;# csh -ex
;# csh !-ug
;# sh -ex
;# sh !-ug
;# /usr -d || warn "What happened to $file?\n"
;# ');
sub validate {
foreach $check (split(/\n/,$_[0])) {
next if $check =~ /^#/;
next if $check =~ /^$/;
($file,$test) = split(' ',$check,2);
if ($test =~ s/^(!?-)(\w{2,}\b)/$1Z/) {
$testlist = $2;
@testlist = split(//,$testlist);
else {
@testlist = ('Z');
$oldwarnings = $warnings;
foreach $one (@testlist) {
$this = $test;
$this =~ s/(-\w\b)/$1 \$file/g;
$this =~ s/-Z/-$one/;
$this .= ' || warn' unless $this =~ /\|\|/;
$this =~ s/^(.*\S)\s*\|\|\s*(die|warn)$/$1 || do valmess('$2','$1')/;
$this =~ s/\bcd\b/chdir (\$cwd = \$file)/g;
eval $this;
last if $warnings > $oldwarnings;
sub valmess {
local($disposition,$this) = @_;
$file = $cwd . '/' . $file unless $file =~ m|^/|;
if ($this =~ /^(!?)-(\w)\s+\$file\s*$/) {
$neg = $1;
$tmp = $2;
$tmp eq 'r' && ($mess = "$file is not readable by uid $>.");
$tmp eq 'w' && ($mess = "$file is not writable by uid $>.");
$tmp eq 'x' && ($mess = "$file is not executable by uid $>.");
$tmp eq 'o' && ($mess = "$file is not owned by uid $>.");
$tmp eq 'R' && ($mess = "$file is not readable by you.");
$tmp eq 'W' && ($mess = "$file is not writable by you.");
$tmp eq 'X' && ($mess = "$file is not executable by you.");
$tmp eq 'O' && ($mess = "$file is not owned by you.");
$tmp eq 'e' && ($mess = "$file does not exist.");
$tmp eq 'z' && ($mess = "$file does not have zero size.");
$tmp eq 's' && ($mess = "$file does not have non-zero size.");
$tmp eq 'f' && ($mess = "$file is not a plain file.");
$tmp eq 'd' && ($mess = "$file is not a directory.");
$tmp eq 'l' && ($mess = "$file is not a symbolic link.");
$tmp eq 'p' && ($mess = "$file is not a named pipe (FIFO).");
$tmp eq 'S' && ($mess = "$file is not a socket.");
$tmp eq 'b' && ($mess = "$file is not a block special file.");
$tmp eq 'c' && ($mess = "$file is not a character special file.");
$tmp eq 'u' && ($mess = "$file does not have the setuid bit set.");
$tmp eq 'g' && ($mess = "$file does not have the setgid bit set.");
$tmp eq 'k' && ($mess = "$file does not have the sticky bit set.");
$tmp eq 'T' && ($mess = "$file is not a text file.");
$tmp eq 'B' && ($mess = "$file is not a binary file.");
if ($neg eq '!') {
$mess =~ s/ is not / should not be / ||
$mess =~ s/ does not / should not / ||
$mess =~ s/ not / /;
print stderr $mess,"\n";
else {
$this =~ s/\$file/'$file'/g;
print stderr "Can't do $this.\n";
if ($disposition eq 'die') { exit 1; }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
Article 484 of comp.lang.perl:
Xref: netlabs comp.lang.perl:484 comp.lang.c:983 alt.sources:134
Path: netlabs!psinntp!iggy.GW.Vitalink.COM!lll-winken!sun-barr!cronkite.Central.Sun.COM!spdev!texsun!convex!tchrist
From: tchrist@convex.com (Tom Christiansen)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl,comp.lang.c,alt.sources
Subject: pstruct -- a C structure formatter; AKA c2ph, a C to perl header translator
Keywords: C perl tranlator
Message-ID: <1991Jul25.081021.8104@convex.com>
Date: 25 Jul 91 08:10:21 GMT
Sender: usenet@convex.com (news access account)
Followup-To: comp.lang.perl
Organization: CONVEX Computer Corporation, Richardson, Tx., USA
Lines: 1208
Nntp-Posting-Host: pixel.convex.com
Once upon a time, I wrote a program called pstruct. It was a perl
program that tried to parse out C structures and display their member
offsets for you. This was especially useful for people looking at
binary dumps or poking around the kernel.
Pstruct was not a pretty program. Neither was it particularly robust.
The problem, you see, was that the C compiler was much better at parsing
C than I could ever hope to be.
So I got smart: I decided to be lazy and let the C compiler parse the C,
which would spit out debugger stabs for me to read. These were much
easier to parse. It's still not a pretty program, but at least it's more
Pstruct takes any .c or .h files, or preferably .s ones, since that's
the format it is going to massage them into anyway, and spits out
listings like this:
struct tty {
int tty.t_locker 000 4
int tty.t_mutex_index 004 4
struct tty * tty.t_tp_virt 008 4
struct clist tty.t_rawq 00c 20
int tty.t_rawq.c_cc 00c 4
int tty.t_rawq.c_cmax 010 4
int tty.t_rawq.c_cfx 014 4
int tty.t_rawq.c_clx 018 4
struct tty * tty.t_rawq.c_tp_cpu 01c 4
struct tty * tty.t_rawq.c_tp_iop 020 4
unsigned char * tty.t_rawq.c_buf_cpu 024 4
unsigned char * tty.t_rawq.c_buf_iop 028 4
struct clist tty.t_canq 02c 20
int tty.t_canq.c_cc 02c 4
int tty.t_canq.c_cmax 030 4
int tty.t_canq.c_cfx 034 4
int tty.t_canq.c_clx 038 4
struct tty * tty.t_canq.c_tp_cpu 03c 4
struct tty * tty.t_canq.c_tp_iop 040 4
unsigned char * tty.t_canq.c_buf_cpu 044 4
unsigned char * tty.t_canq.c_buf_iop 048 4
struct clist tty.t_outq 04c 20
int tty.t_outq.c_cc 04c 4
int tty.t_outq.c_cmax 050 4
int tty.t_outq.c_cfx 054 4
int tty.t_outq.c_clx 058 4
struct tty * tty.t_outq.c_tp_cpu 05c 4
struct tty * tty.t_outq.c_tp_iop 060 4
unsigned char * tty.t_outq.c_buf_cpu 064 4
unsigned char * tty.t_outq.c_buf_iop 068 4
(*int)() tty.t_oproc_cpu 06c 4
(*int)() tty.t_oproc_iop 070 4
(*int)() tty.t_stopproc_cpu 074 4
(*int)() tty.t_stopproc_iop 078 4
struct thread * tty.t_rsel 07c 4
Actually, this was generated by a particular set of options. You can control
the formatting of each column, whether you prefer wide or fat, hex or decimal,
leading zeroes or whatever.
All you need to be able to use this is a C compiler than generates
BSD/GCC-style stabs. The -g option on native BSD compilers and GCC
should get this for you.
To learn more, just type a bogus option, like -\?, and a long usage message
will be provided. There are a fair number of possibilities.
If you're only a C programmer, than this is the end of the message for you.
You can quit right now, and if you care to, save off the source and run it
when you feel like it. Or not.
But if you're a perl programmer, then for you I have something much more
wondrous than just a structure offset printer.
You see, if you call pstruct by its other incybernation, c2ph, you have a code
generator that translates C code into perl code! Well, structure and union
declarations at least, but that's quite a bit.
Prior to this point, anyone programming in perl who wanted to interact
with C programs, like the kernel, was forced to guess the layouts of the C
strutures, and then hardwire these into his program. Of course, when you
took your wonderfully to a system where the sgtty structure was laid out
differently, you program broke. Which is a shame.
We've had Larry's h2ph translator, which helped, but that only works on
cpp symbols, not real C, which was also very much needed. What I offer
you is a symbolic way of getting at all the C structures. I've couched
them in terms of packages and functions. Consider the following program:
require 'syscall.ph';
require 'sys/time.ph';
require 'sys/resource.ph';
$ru = "\0" x &rusage'sizeof();
syscall(&SYS_getrusage, &RUSAGE_SELF, $ru) && die "getrusage: $!";
@ru = unpack($t = &rusage'typedef(), $ru);
$utime = $ru[ &rusage'ru_utime + &timeval'tv_sec ]
+ ($ru[ &rusage'ru_utime + &timeval'tv_usec ]) / 1e6;
$stime = $ru[ &rusage'ru_stime + &timeval'tv_sec ]
+ ($ru[ &rusage'ru_stime + &timeval'tv_usec ]) / 1e6;
printf "you have used %8.3fs+%8.3fu seconds.\n", $utime, $stime;
As you see, the name of the package is the name of the structure. Regular
fields are just their own names. Plus the follwoing accessor functions are
provided for your convenience:
struct This takes no arguments, and is merely the number of first-level
elements in the structure. You would use this for indexing
into arrays of structures, perhaps like this
$usec = $u[ &user'u_utimer
+ (&ITIMER_VIRTUAL * &itimerval'struct)
+ &itimerval'it_value
+ &timeval'tv_usec
sizeof Returns the bytes in the structure, or the member if
you pass it an argument, such as
typedef This is the perl format definition for passing to pack and
unpack. If you ask for the typedef of a nothing, you get
the whole structure, otherwise you get that of the member
you ask for. Padding is taken care of, as is the magic to
guarantee that a union is unpacked into all its aliases.
Bitfields are not quite yet supported however.
offsetof This function is the byte offset into the array of that
member. You may wish to use this for indexing directly
into the packed structure with vec() if you're too lazy
to unpack it.
typeof Not to be confused with the typedef accessor function, this
one returns the C type of that field. This would allow
you to print out a nice structured pretty print of some
structure without knoning anything about it beforehand.
No args to this one is a noop. Someday I'll post such
a thing to dump out your u structure for you.
The way I see this being used is like basically this:
% h2ph <some_include_file.h > /usr/lib/perl/tmp.ph
% c2ph some_include_file.h >> /usr/lib/perl/tmp.ph
% install
It's a little tricker with c2ph because you have to get the includes right.
I can't know this for your system, but it's not usually too terribly difficult.
The code isn't pretty as I mentioned -- I never thought it would be a 1000-
line program when I started, or I might not have begun. :-) But I would have
been less cavalier in how the parts of the program communicated with each
other, etc. It might also have helped if I didn't have to divine the makeup
of the stabs on the fly, and then account for micro differences between my
compiler and gcc.
Anyway, here it is. Should run on perl v4 or greater. Maybe less.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
/* $RCSfile: EXTERN.h,v $$Revision: $$Date: 1994/09/10 06:27:34 $
* Copyright (c) 1991, Larry Wall
* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
* $Log: EXTERN.h,v $
* Revision 1994/09/10 06:27:34 gclarkii
* Initial import of Perl 4.046 bmaked
* Revision 1993/08/23 21:29:33 nate
* Revision 91/06/07 10:10:32 lwall
* patch4: new copyright notice
* Revision 4.0 91/03/20 00:58:26 lwall
* 4.0 baseline.
#undef EXT
#define EXT extern
#undef INIT
#define INIT(x)
#undef DOINIT

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