Import pyzfs source code from ClusterHQ

libzfs_core is intended to be a stable interface for programmatic
administration of ZFS.

This wrapper provides one-to-one wrappers for libzfs_core API functions,
but the signatures and types are more natural to Python.
nvlists are wrapped as dictionaries or lists depending on their usage.
Some parameters have default values depending on typical use for
increased convenience.
Enumerations and bit flags become strings and lists of strings in
Errors are reported as exceptions rather than integer errno-style
error codes.  The wrapper takes care to provide one-to-many mapping
of the error codes to the exceptions by interpreting a context
in which the error code is produced.

Unit tests and automated test for the libzfs_core API are provided
with this package.

Please note that the API tests perform lots of ZFS dataset level
operations and ZFS tries hard to ensure that any modifications
do reach stable storage. That means that the operations are done
synchronously and that, for example, disk caches are flushed.
Thus, the tests can be very slow on real hardware.
It is recommended to place the default temporary directory or
a temporary directory specified by, for instance, TMP environment
variable on a memory backed filesystem.

Original-patch-by: Andriy Gapon <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Behlendorf <>
Ported-by: loli10K <>
Signed-off-by: loli10K <>
Closes #7230
This commit is contained in:
Andriy Gapon 2018-03-03 11:10:34 +01:00 committed by Brian Behlendorf
parent 3cbe89b12a
commit 6abf922574
18 changed files with 7965 additions and 0 deletions

contrib/pyzfs/LICENSE Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

contrib/pyzfs/README Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
This package provides a wrapper for libzfs_core C library.
libzfs_core is intended to be a stable interface for programmatic
administration of ZFS.
This wrapper provides one-to-one wrappers for libzfs_core API functions,
but the signatures and types are more natural to Python.
nvlists are wrapped as dictionaries or lists depending on their usage.
Some parameters have default values depending on typical use for
increased convenience.
Enumerations and bit flags become strings and lists of strings in Python.
Errors are reported as exceptions rather than integer errno-style
error codes. The wrapper takes care to provide one-to-many mapping
of the error codes to the exceptions by interpreting a context
in which the error code is produced.
Unit tests and automated test for the libzfs_core API are provided
with this package.
Please note that the API tests perform lots of ZFS dataset level
operations and ZFS tries hard to ensure that any modifications
do reach stable storage. That means that the operations are done
synchronously and that, for example, disk caches are flushed.
Thus, the tests can be very slow on real hardware.
It is recommended to place the default temporary directory or
a temporary directory specified by, for instance, TMP environment
variable on a memory backed filesystem.
Package documentation:
Package development:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pyzfs documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 6 23:48:40 2015.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
# containing dir.
# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
# autogenerated file.
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default.
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# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
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# General information about the project.
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# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
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# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
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# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
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# unit titles (such as .. function::).
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# output. They are ignored by default.
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# "<project> v<release> documentation".
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# typographically correct entities.
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#html_show_sphinx = True
# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
#html_show_copyright = True
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# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
#html_use_opensearch = ''
# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
#html_file_suffix = None
# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index.
# Sphinx supports the following languages:
# 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja'
# 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr'
#html_search_language = 'en'
# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default.
# Now only 'ja' uses this config value
#html_search_options = {'type': 'default'}
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# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used.
#html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js'
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# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
(master_doc, 'pyzfs.tex', u'pyzfs Documentation',
u'ClusterHQ', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
# the title page.
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# not chapters.
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# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
(master_doc, 'pyzfs', u'pyzfs Documentation',
[author], 1)
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
#man_show_urls = False
# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
(master_doc, 'pyzfs', u'pyzfs Documentation',
author, 'pyzfs', 'One line description of project.',
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#texinfo_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
#texinfo_domain_indices = True
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#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
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#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
# Sort documentation in the same order as the source files.
autodoc_member_order = 'bysource'
# Neutralize effects of function wrapping on documented signatures.
# The affected signatures could be explcitly placed into the
# documentation (either in .rst files or as a first line of a
# docstring).
import functools
def no_op_wraps(func):
def wrapper(decorator):
return func
return wrapper
functools.wraps = no_op_wraps

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
.. pyzfs documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 6 23:48:40 2015.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to pyzfs's documentation!
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
Documentation for the libzfs_core
.. automodule:: libzfs_core
:exclude-members: lzc_snap, lzc_recv, lzc_destroy_one,
lzc_inherit, lzc_set_props, lzc_list
Documentation for the libzfs_core exceptions
.. automodule:: libzfs_core.exceptions
Documentation for the miscellaneous types that correspond to specific width C types
.. automodule:: libzfs_core.ctypes

View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
Python wrappers for **libzfs_core** library.
*libzfs_core* is intended to be a stable, committed interface for programmatic
administration of ZFS.
This wrapper provides one-to-one wrappers for libzfs_core API functions,
but the signatures and types are more natural to Python.
nvlists are wrapped as dictionaries or lists depending on their usage.
Some parameters have default values depending on typical use for
increased convenience.
Output parameters are not used and return values are directly returned.
Enumerations and bit flags become strings and lists of strings in Python.
Errors are reported as exceptions rather than integer errno-style
error codes. The wrapper takes care to provide one-to-many mapping
of the error codes to the exceptions by interpreting a context
in which the error code is produced.
To submit an issue or contribute to development of this package
please visit its `GitHub repository <>`_.
.. data:: MAXNAMELEN
Maximum length of any ZFS name.
from ._constants import (
from ._libzfs_core import (
__all__ = [
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
Important `libzfs_core` constants.
#: Maximum length of any ZFS name.
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
Helper routines for converting ``errno`` style error codes from C functions
to Python exceptions defined by `libzfs_core` API.
The conversion heavily depends on the context of the error: the attempted
operation and the input parameters. For this reason, there is a conversion
routine for each `libzfs_core` interface function. The conversion routines
have the return code as a parameter as well as all the parameters of the
corresponding interface functions.
The parameters and exceptions are documented in the `libzfs_core` interfaces.
import errno
import re
import string
from . import exceptions as lzc_exc
from ._constants import MAXNAMELEN
def lzc_create_translate_error(ret, name, ds_type, props):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
raise lzc_exc.PropertyInvalid(name)
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemExists(name)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.ParentNotFound(name)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to create filesystem")
def lzc_clone_translate_error(ret, name, origin, props):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
if _pool_name(name) != _pool_name(origin):
raise lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(name) # see
raise lzc_exc.PropertyInvalid(name)
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemExists(name)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
if not _is_valid_snap_name(origin):
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotNameInvalid(origin)
raise lzc_exc.DatasetNotFound(name)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to create clone")
def lzc_rollback_translate_error(ret, name):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotNotFound(name)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
if not _is_valid_fs_name(name):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(name)
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemNotFound(name)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to rollback")
def lzc_rollback_to_translate_error(ret, name, snap):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotNotLatest(snap)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to rollback")
def lzc_snapshot_translate_errors(ret, errlist, snaps, props):
if ret == 0:
def _map(ret, name):
if ret == errno.EXDEV:
pool_names = map(_pool_name, snaps)
same_pool = all(x == pool_names[0] for x in pool_names)
if same_pool:
return lzc_exc.DuplicateSnapshots(name)
return lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(name)
elif ret == errno.EINVAL:
if any(not _is_valid_snap_name(s) for s in snaps):
return lzc_exc.NameInvalid(name)
elif any(len(s) > MAXNAMELEN for s in snaps):
return lzc_exc.NameTooLong(name)
return lzc_exc.PropertyInvalid(name)
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
return lzc_exc.SnapshotExists(name)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
return lzc_exc.FilesystemNotFound(name)
return _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to create snapshot")
_handle_err_list(ret, errlist, snaps, lzc_exc.SnapshotFailure, _map)
def lzc_destroy_snaps_translate_errors(ret, errlist, snaps, defer):
if ret == 0:
def _map(ret, name):
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
return lzc_exc.SnapshotIsCloned(name)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
return lzc_exc.PoolNotFound(name)
if ret == errno.EBUSY:
return lzc_exc.SnapshotIsHeld(name)
return _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to destroy snapshot")
_handle_err_list(ret, errlist, snaps, lzc_exc.SnapshotDestructionFailure, _map)
def lzc_bookmark_translate_errors(ret, errlist, bookmarks):
if ret == 0:
def _map(ret, name):
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
if name:
snap = bookmarks[name]
pool_names = map(_pool_name, bookmarks.keys())
if not _is_valid_bmark_name(name):
return lzc_exc.BookmarkNameInvalid(name)
elif not _is_valid_snap_name(snap):
return lzc_exc.SnapshotNameInvalid(snap)
elif _fs_name(name) != _fs_name(snap):
return lzc_exc.BookmarkMismatch(name)
elif any(x != _pool_name(name) for x in pool_names):
return lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(name)
invalid_names = [b for b in bookmarks.keys() if not _is_valid_bmark_name(b)]
if invalid_names:
return lzc_exc.BookmarkNameInvalid(invalid_names[0])
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
return lzc_exc.BookmarkExists(name)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
return lzc_exc.SnapshotNotFound(name)
if ret == errno.ENOTSUP:
return lzc_exc.BookmarkNotSupported(name)
return _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to create bookmark")
_handle_err_list(ret, errlist, bookmarks.keys(), lzc_exc.BookmarkFailure, _map)
def lzc_get_bookmarks_translate_error(ret, fsname, props):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemNotFound(fsname)
raise _generic_exception(ret, fsname, "Failed to list bookmarks")
def lzc_destroy_bookmarks_translate_errors(ret, errlist, bookmarks):
if ret == 0:
def _map(ret, name):
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
return lzc_exc.NameInvalid(name)
return _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to destroy bookmark")
_handle_err_list(ret, errlist, bookmarks, lzc_exc.BookmarkDestructionFailure, _map)
def lzc_snaprange_space_translate_error(ret, firstsnap, lastsnap):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EXDEV and firstsnap is not None:
if _pool_name(firstsnap) != _pool_name(lastsnap):
raise lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(lastsnap)
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotMismatch(lastsnap)
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
if not _is_valid_snap_name(firstsnap):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(firstsnap)
elif not _is_valid_snap_name(lastsnap):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(lastsnap)
elif len(firstsnap) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(firstsnap)
elif len(lastsnap) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(lastsnap)
elif _pool_name(firstsnap) != _pool_name(lastsnap):
raise lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(lastsnap)
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotMismatch(lastsnap)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotNotFound(lastsnap)
raise _generic_exception(ret, lastsnap, "Failed to calculate space used by range of snapshots")
def lzc_hold_translate_errors(ret, errlist, holds, fd):
if ret == 0:
def _map(ret, name):
if ret == errno.EXDEV:
return lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(name)
elif ret == errno.EINVAL:
if name:
pool_names = map(_pool_name, holds.keys())
if not _is_valid_snap_name(name):
return lzc_exc.NameInvalid(name)
elif len(name) > MAXNAMELEN:
return lzc_exc.NameTooLong(name)
elif any(x != _pool_name(name) for x in pool_names):
return lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(name)
invalid_names = [b for b in holds.keys() if not _is_valid_snap_name(b)]
if invalid_names:
return lzc_exc.NameInvalid(invalid_names[0])
fs_name = None
hold_name = None
pool_name = None
if name is not None:
fs_name = _fs_name(name)
pool_name = _pool_name(name)
hold_name = holds[name]
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
return lzc_exc.FilesystemNotFound(fs_name)
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
return lzc_exc.HoldExists(name)
if ret == errno.E2BIG:
return lzc_exc.NameTooLong(hold_name)
if ret == errno.ENOTSUP:
return lzc_exc.FeatureNotSupported(pool_name)
return _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to hold snapshot")
if ret == errno.EBADF:
raise lzc_exc.BadHoldCleanupFD()
_handle_err_list(ret, errlist, holds.keys(), lzc_exc.HoldFailure, _map)
def lzc_release_translate_errors(ret, errlist, holds):
if ret == 0:
for _, hold_list in holds.iteritems():
if not isinstance(hold_list, list):
raise lzc_exc.TypeError('holds must be in a list')
def _map(ret, name):
if ret == errno.EXDEV:
return lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(name)
elif ret == errno.EINVAL:
if name:
pool_names = map(_pool_name, holds.keys())
if not _is_valid_snap_name(name):
return lzc_exc.NameInvalid(name)
elif len(name) > MAXNAMELEN:
return lzc_exc.NameTooLong(name)
elif any(x != _pool_name(name) for x in pool_names):
return lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(name)
invalid_names = [b for b in holds.keys() if not _is_valid_snap_name(b)]
if invalid_names:
return lzc_exc.NameInvalid(invalid_names[0])
elif ret == errno.ENOENT:
return lzc_exc.HoldNotFound(name)
elif ret == errno.E2BIG:
tag_list = holds[name]
too_long_tags = [t for t in tag_list if len(t) > MAXNAMELEN]
return lzc_exc.NameTooLong(too_long_tags[0])
elif ret == errno.ENOTSUP:
pool_name = None
if name is not None:
pool_name = _pool_name(name)
return lzc_exc.FeatureNotSupported(pool_name)
return _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to release snapshot hold")
_handle_err_list(ret, errlist, holds.keys(), lzc_exc.HoldReleaseFailure, _map)
def lzc_get_holds_translate_error(ret, snapname):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotNotFound(snapname)
if ret == errno.ENOTSUP:
raise lzc_exc.FeatureNotSupported(_pool_name(snapname))
raise _generic_exception(ret, snapname, "Failed to get holds on snapshot")
def lzc_send_translate_error(ret, snapname, fromsnap, fd, flags):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EXDEV and fromsnap is not None:
if _pool_name(fromsnap) != _pool_name(snapname):
raise lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(snapname)
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotMismatch(snapname)
elif ret == errno.EINVAL:
if (fromsnap is not None and not _is_valid_snap_name(fromsnap) and
not _is_valid_bmark_name(fromsnap)):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(fromsnap)
elif not _is_valid_snap_name(snapname) and not _is_valid_fs_name(snapname):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(snapname)
elif fromsnap is not None and len(fromsnap) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(fromsnap)
elif len(snapname) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(snapname)
elif fromsnap is not None and _pool_name(fromsnap) != _pool_name(snapname):
raise lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(snapname)
elif ret == errno.ENOENT:
if (fromsnap is not None and not _is_valid_snap_name(fromsnap) and
not _is_valid_bmark_name(fromsnap)):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(fromsnap)
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotNotFound(snapname)
elif ret == errno.ENAMETOOLONG:
if fromsnap is not None and len(fromsnap) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(fromsnap)
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(snapname)
raise lzc_exc.StreamIOError(ret)
def lzc_send_space_translate_error(ret, snapname, fromsnap):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EXDEV and fromsnap is not None:
if _pool_name(fromsnap) != _pool_name(snapname):
raise lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(snapname)
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotMismatch(snapname)
elif ret == errno.EINVAL:
if fromsnap is not None and not _is_valid_snap_name(fromsnap):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(fromsnap)
elif not _is_valid_snap_name(snapname):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(snapname)
elif fromsnap is not None and len(fromsnap) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(fromsnap)
elif len(snapname) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(snapname)
elif fromsnap is not None and _pool_name(fromsnap) != _pool_name(snapname):
raise lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(snapname)
elif ret == errno.ENOENT and fromsnap is not None:
if not _is_valid_snap_name(fromsnap):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(fromsnap)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotNotFound(snapname)
raise _generic_exception(ret, snapname, "Failed to estimate backup stream size")
def lzc_receive_translate_error(ret, snapname, fd, force, origin, props):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
if not _is_valid_snap_name(snapname) and not _is_valid_fs_name(snapname):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(snapname)
elif len(snapname) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(snapname)
elif origin is not None and not _is_valid_snap_name(origin):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(origin)
raise lzc_exc.BadStream()
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
if not _is_valid_snap_name(snapname):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(snapname)
raise lzc_exc.DatasetNotFound(snapname)
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
raise lzc_exc.DatasetExists(snapname)
if ret == errno.ENOTSUP:
raise lzc_exc.StreamFeatureNotSupported()
if ret == errno.ENODEV:
raise lzc_exc.StreamMismatch(_fs_name(snapname))
if ret == errno.ETXTBSY:
raise lzc_exc.DestinationModified(_fs_name(snapname))
if ret == errno.EBUSY:
raise lzc_exc.DatasetBusy(_fs_name(snapname))
if ret == errno.ENOSPC:
raise lzc_exc.NoSpace(_fs_name(snapname))
if ret == errno.EDQUOT:
raise lzc_exc.QuotaExceeded(_fs_name(snapname))
if ret == errno.ENAMETOOLONG:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(snapname)
if ret == errno.EROFS:
raise lzc_exc.ReadOnlyPool(_pool_name(snapname))
if ret == errno.EAGAIN:
raise lzc_exc.SuspendedPool(_pool_name(snapname))
raise lzc_exc.StreamIOError(ret)
def lzc_promote_translate_error(ret, name):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
raise lzc_exc.NotClone(name)
if ret == errno.ENOTSOCK:
raise lzc_exc.NotClone(name)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemNotFound(name)
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotExists(name)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to promote dataset")
def lzc_rename_translate_error(ret, source, target):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
if _pool_name(source) != _pool_name(target):
raise lzc_exc.PoolsDiffer(source)
if ret == errno.EEXIST:
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemExists(target)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemNotFound(source)
raise _generic_exception(ret, source, "Failed to rename dataset")
def lzc_destroy_translate_error(ret, name):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemNotFound(name)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to destroy dataset")
def lzc_inherit_prop_translate_error(ret, name, prop):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
raise lzc_exc.PropertyInvalid(prop)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.DatasetNotFound(name)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to inherit a property")
def lzc_set_prop_translate_error(ret, name, prop, val):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
raise lzc_exc.PropertyInvalid(prop)
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.DatasetNotFound(name)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to set a property")
def lzc_get_props_translate_error(ret, name):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.DatasetNotFound(name)
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Failed to get properties")
def lzc_list_children_translate_error(ret, name):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Error while iterating children")
def lzc_list_snaps_translate_error(ret, name):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Error while iterating snapshots")
def lzc_list_translate_error(ret, name, opts):
if ret == 0:
if ret == errno.ENOENT:
raise lzc_exc.DatasetNotFound(name)
if ret == errno.EINVAL:
raise _generic_exception(ret, name, "Error obtaining a list")
def _handle_err_list(ret, errlist, names, exception, mapper):
Convert one or more errors from an operation into the requested exception.
:param int ret: the overall return code.
:param errlist: the dictionary that maps entity names to their specific error codes.
:type errlist: dict of bytes:int
:param names: the list of all names of the entities on which the operation was attempted.
:param type exception: the type of the exception to raise if an error occurred.
The exception should be a subclass of `MultipleOperationsFailure`.
:param function mapper: the function that maps an error code and a name to a Python exception.
Unless ``ret`` is zero this function will raise the ``exception``.
If the ``errlist`` is not empty, then the compound exception will contain a list of exceptions
corresponding to each individual error code in the ``errlist``.
Otherwise, the ``exception`` will contain a list with a single exception corresponding to the
``ret`` value. If the ``names`` list contains only one element, that is, the operation was
attempted on a single entity, then the name of that entity is passed to the ``mapper``.
If the operation was attempted on multiple entities, but the ``errlist`` is empty, then we
can not know which entity caused the error and, thus, ``None`` is used as a name to signify
thati fact.
.. note::
Note that the ``errlist`` can contain a special element with a key of "N_MORE_ERRORS".
That element means that there were too many errors to place on the ``errlist``.
Those errors are suppressed and only their count is provided as a value of the special
``N_MORE_ERRORS`` element.
if ret == 0:
if len(errlist) == 0:
suppressed_count = 0
if len(names) == 1:
name = names[0]
name = None
errors = [mapper(ret, name)]
errors = []
suppressed_count = errlist.pop('N_MORE_ERRORS', 0)
for name, err in errlist.iteritems():
errors.append(mapper(err, name))
raise exception(errors, suppressed_count)
def _pool_name(name):
Extract a pool name from the given dataset or bookmark name.
'/' separates dataset name components.
'@' separates a snapshot name from the rest of the dataset name.
'#' separates a bookmark name from the rest of the dataset name.
return re.split('[/@#]', name, 1)[0]
def _fs_name(name):
Extract a dataset name from the given snapshot or bookmark name.
'@' separates a snapshot name from the rest of the dataset name.
'#' separates a bookmark name from the rest of the dataset name.
return re.split('[@#]', name, 1)[0]
def _is_valid_name_component(component):
allowed = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_.: '
return component and all(x in allowed for x in component)
def _is_valid_fs_name(name):
return name and all(_is_valid_name_component(c) for c in name.split('/'))
def _is_valid_snap_name(name):
parts = name.split('@')
return (len(parts) == 2 and _is_valid_fs_name(parts[0]) and
def _is_valid_bmark_name(name):
parts = name.split('#')
return (len(parts) == 2 and _is_valid_fs_name(parts[0]) and
def _validate_fs_name(name):
if not _is_valid_fs_name(name):
raise lzc_exc.FilesystemNameInvalid(name)
elif len(name) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(name)
def _validate_snap_name(name):
if not _is_valid_snap_name(name):
raise lzc_exc.SnapshotNameInvalid(name)
elif len(name) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(name)
def _validate_bmark_name(name):
if not _is_valid_bmark_name(name):
raise lzc_exc.BookmarkNameInvalid(name)
elif len(name) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(name)
def _validate_fs_or_snap_name(name):
if not _is_valid_fs_name(name) and not _is_valid_snap_name(name):
raise lzc_exc.NameInvalid(name)
elif len(name) > MAXNAMELEN:
raise lzc_exc.NameTooLong(name)
def _generic_exception(err, name, message):
if err in _error_to_exception:
return _error_to_exception[err](name)
return lzc_exc.ZFSGenericError(err, message, name)
_error_to_exception = {e.errno: e for e in [
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# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
nvlist_in and nvlist_out provide support for converting between
a dictionary on the Python side and an nvlist_t on the C side
with the automatic memory management for C memory allocations.
nvlist_in takes a dictionary and produces a CData object corresponding
to a C nvlist_t pointer suitable for passing as an input parameter.
The nvlist_t is populated based on the dictionary.
nvlist_out takes a dictionary and produces a CData object corresponding
to a C nvlist_t pointer to pointer suitable for passing as an output parameter.
Upon exit from a with-block the dictionary is populated based on the nvlist_t.
The dictionary must follow a certain format to be convertible
to the nvlist_t. The dictionary produced from the nvlist_t
will follow the same format.
- keys are always byte strings
- a value can be None in which case it represents boolean truth by its mere presence
- a value can be a bool
- a value can be a byte string
- a value can be an integer
- a value can be a CFFI CData object representing one of the following C types:
int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t, boolean_t, uchar_t
- a value can be a dictionary that recursively adheres to this format
- a value can be a list of bools, byte strings, integers or CData objects of types specified above
- a value can be a list of dictionaries that adhere to this format
- all elements of a list value must be of the same type
import numbers
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from .bindings import libnvpair
from .ctypes import _type_to_suffix
_ffi = libnvpair.ffi
_lib = libnvpair.lib
def nvlist_in(props):
This function converts a python dictionary to a C nvlist_t
and provides automatic memory management for the latter.
:param dict props: the dictionary to be converted.
:return: an FFI CData object representing the nvlist_t pointer.
:rtype: CData
nvlistp ="nvlist_t **")
res = _lib.nvlist_alloc(nvlistp, 1, 0) # UNIQUE_NAME == 1
if res != 0:
raise MemoryError('nvlist_alloc failed')
nvlist = _ffi.gc(nvlistp[0], _lib.nvlist_free)
_dict_to_nvlist(props, nvlist)
return nvlist
def nvlist_out(props):
A context manager that allocates a pointer to a C nvlist_t and yields
a CData object representing a pointer to the pointer via 'as' target.
The caller can pass that pointer to a pointer to a C function that
creates a new nvlist_t object.
The context manager takes care of memory management for the nvlist_t
and also populates the 'props' dictionary with data from the nvlist_t
upon leaving the 'with' block.
:param dict props: the dictionary to be populated with data from the nvlist.
:return: an FFI CData object representing the pointer to nvlist_t pointer.
:rtype: CData
nvlistp ="nvlist_t **")
nvlistp[0] = _ffi.NULL # to be sure
yield nvlistp
# clear old entries, if any
_nvlist_to_dict(nvlistp[0], props)
if nvlistp[0] != _ffi.NULL:
nvlistp[0] = _ffi.NULL
_TypeInfo = namedtuple('_TypeInfo', ['suffix', 'ctype', 'is_array', 'convert'])
def _type_info(typeid):
return {
_lib.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN: _TypeInfo(None, None, None, None),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN_VALUE: _TypeInfo("boolean_value", "boolean_t *", False, bool),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_BYTE: _TypeInfo("byte", "uchar_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_INT8: _TypeInfo("int8", "int8_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT8: _TypeInfo("uint8", "uint8_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_INT16: _TypeInfo("int16", "int16_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT16: _TypeInfo("uint16", "uint16_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_INT32: _TypeInfo("int32", "int32_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT32: _TypeInfo("uint32", "uint32_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_INT64: _TypeInfo("int64", "int64_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT64: _TypeInfo("uint64", "uint64_t *", False, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_STRING: _TypeInfo("string", "char **", False, _ffi.string),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_NVLIST: _TypeInfo("nvlist", "nvlist_t **", False, lambda x: _nvlist_to_dict(x, {})),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("boolean_array", "boolean_t **", True, bool),
# XXX use bytearray ?
_lib.DATA_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("byte_array", "uchar_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_INT8_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("int8_array", "int8_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT8_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("uint8_array", "uint8_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_INT16_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("int16_array", "int16_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT16_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("uint16_array", "uint16_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_INT32_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("int32_array", "int32_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT32_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("uint32_array", "uint32_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_INT64_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("int64_array", "int64_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT64_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("uint64_array", "uint64_t **", True, int),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("string_array", "char ***", True, _ffi.string),
_lib.DATA_TYPE_NVLIST_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("nvlist_array", "nvlist_t ***", True, lambda x: _nvlist_to_dict(x, {})),
# only integer properties need to be here
_prop_name_to_type_str = {
"rewind-request": "uint32",
"type": "uint32",
"N_MORE_ERRORS": "int32",
"pool_context": "int32",
def _nvlist_add_array(nvlist, key, array):
def _is_integer(x):
return isinstance(x, numbers.Integral) and not isinstance(x, bool)
ret = 0
specimen = array[0]
is_integer = _is_integer(specimen)
specimen_ctype = None
if isinstance(specimen, _ffi.CData):
specimen_ctype = _ffi.typeof(specimen)
for element in array[1:]:
if is_integer and _is_integer(element):
elif type(element) is not type(specimen):
raise TypeError('Array has elements of different types: ' +
type(specimen).__name__ +
' and ' +
elif specimen_ctype is not None:
ctype = _ffi.typeof(element)
if ctype is not specimen_ctype:
raise TypeError('Array has elements of different C types: ' +
_ffi.typeof(specimen).cname +
' and ' +
if isinstance(specimen, dict):
# NB: can't use automatic memory management via nvlist_in() here,
# we have a loop, but 'with' would require recursion
c_array = []
for dictionary in array:
nvlistp ='nvlist_t **')
res = _lib.nvlist_alloc(nvlistp, 1, 0) # UNIQUE_NAME == 1
if res != 0:
raise MemoryError('nvlist_alloc failed')
nested_nvlist = _ffi.gc(nvlistp[0], _lib.nvlist_free)
_dict_to_nvlist(dictionary, nested_nvlist)
ret = _lib.nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvlist, key, c_array, len(c_array))
elif isinstance(specimen, bytes):
c_array = []
for string in array:
c_array.append('char[]', string))
ret = _lib.nvlist_add_string_array(nvlist, key, c_array, len(c_array))
elif isinstance(specimen, bool):
ret = _lib.nvlist_add_boolean_array(nvlist, key, array, len(array))
elif isinstance(specimen, numbers.Integral):
suffix = _prop_name_to_type_str.get(key, "uint64")
cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvlist_add_%s_array" % (suffix,))
ret = cfunc(nvlist, key, array, len(array))
elif isinstance(specimen, _ffi.CData) and _ffi.typeof(specimen) in _type_to_suffix:
suffix = _type_to_suffix[_ffi.typeof(specimen)][True]
cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvlist_add_%s_array" % (suffix,))
ret = cfunc(nvlist, key, array, len(array))
raise TypeError('Unsupported value type ' + type(specimen).__name__)
if ret != 0:
raise MemoryError('nvlist_add failed, err = %d' % ret)
def _nvlist_to_dict(nvlist, props):
pair = _lib.nvlist_next_nvpair(nvlist, _ffi.NULL)
while pair != _ffi.NULL:
name = _ffi.string(_lib.nvpair_name(pair))
typeid = int(_lib.nvpair_type(pair))
typeinfo = _type_info(typeid)
# XXX nvpair_type_is_array() is broken for DATA_TYPE_INT8_ARRAY at the moment
# see
# is_array = bool(_lib.nvpair_type_is_array(pair))
is_array = typeinfo.is_array
cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvpair_value_%s" % (typeinfo.suffix,), None)
val = None
ret = 0
if is_array:
valptr =
lenptr ="uint_t *")
ret = cfunc(pair, valptr, lenptr)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError('nvpair_value failed')
length = int(lenptr[0])
val = []
for i in range(length):
if typeid == _lib.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
val = None # XXX or should it be True ?
valptr =
ret = cfunc(pair, valptr)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError('nvpair_value failed')
val = typeinfo.convert(valptr[0])
props[name] = val
pair = _lib.nvlist_next_nvpair(nvlist, pair)
return props
def _dict_to_nvlist(props, nvlist):
for k, v in props.items():
if not isinstance(k, bytes):
raise TypeError('Unsupported key type ' + type(k).__name__)
ret = 0
if isinstance(v, dict):
ret = _lib.nvlist_add_nvlist(nvlist, k, nvlist_in(v))
elif isinstance(v, list):
_nvlist_add_array(nvlist, k, v)
elif isinstance(v, bytes):
ret = _lib.nvlist_add_string(nvlist, k, v)
elif isinstance(v, bool):
ret = _lib.nvlist_add_boolean_value(nvlist, k, v)
elif v is None:
ret = _lib.nvlist_add_boolean(nvlist, k)
elif isinstance(v, numbers.Integral):
suffix = _prop_name_to_type_str.get(k, "uint64")
cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvlist_add_%s" % (suffix,))
ret = cfunc(nvlist, k, v)
elif isinstance(v, _ffi.CData) and _ffi.typeof(v) in _type_to_suffix:
suffix = _type_to_suffix[_ffi.typeof(v)][False]
cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvlist_add_%s" % (suffix,))
ret = cfunc(nvlist, k, v)
raise TypeError('Unsupported value type ' + type(v).__name__)
if ret != 0:
raise MemoryError('nvlist_add failed')
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
The package that contains a module per each C library that
`libzfs_core` uses. The modules expose CFFI objects required
to make calls to functions in the libraries.
import threading
import importlib
from cffi import FFI
def _setup_cffi():
class LazyLibrary(object):
def __init__(self, ffi, libname):
self._ffi = ffi
self._libname = libname
self._lib = None
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self._lib is None:
with self._lock:
if self._lib is None:
self._lib = self._ffi.dlopen(self._libname)
return getattr(self._lib, name)
MODULES = ["libnvpair", "libzfs_core"]
ffi = FFI()
for module_name in MODULES:
module = importlib.import_module("." + module_name, __package__)
lib = LazyLibrary(ffi, module.LIBRARY)
setattr(module, "ffi", ffi)
setattr(module, "lib", lib)
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
Python bindings for ``libnvpair``.
CDEF = """
typedef ... nvlist_t;
typedef ... nvpair_t;
typedef enum {
} data_type_t;
typedef enum { B_FALSE, B_TRUE } boolean_t;
typedef unsigned char uchar_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_t;
int nvlist_alloc(nvlist_t **, uint_t, int);
void nvlist_free(nvlist_t *);
int nvlist_unpack(char *, size_t, nvlist_t **, int);
void dump_nvlist(nvlist_t *, int);
int nvlist_dup(nvlist_t *, nvlist_t **, int);
int nvlist_add_boolean(nvlist_t *, const char *);
int nvlist_add_boolean_value(nvlist_t *, const char *, boolean_t);
int nvlist_add_byte(nvlist_t *, const char *, uchar_t);
int nvlist_add_int8(nvlist_t *, const char *, int8_t);
int nvlist_add_uint8(nvlist_t *, const char *, uint8_t);
int nvlist_add_int16(nvlist_t *, const char *, int16_t);
int nvlist_add_uint16(nvlist_t *, const char *, uint16_t);
int nvlist_add_int32(nvlist_t *, const char *, int32_t);
int nvlist_add_uint32(nvlist_t *, const char *, uint32_t);
int nvlist_add_int64(nvlist_t *, const char *, int64_t);
int nvlist_add_uint64(nvlist_t *, const char *, uint64_t);
int nvlist_add_string(nvlist_t *, const char *, const char *);
int nvlist_add_nvlist(nvlist_t *, const char *, nvlist_t *);
int nvlist_add_boolean_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, boolean_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_byte_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, uchar_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_int8_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, int8_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_uint8_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, uint8_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_int16_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, int16_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_uint16_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, uint16_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_int32_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, int32_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_uint32_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, uint32_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_int64_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, int64_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_uint64_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, uint64_t *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_string_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, char *const *, uint_t);
int nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvlist_t *, const char *, nvlist_t **, uint_t);
nvpair_t *nvlist_next_nvpair(nvlist_t *, nvpair_t *);
nvpair_t *nvlist_prev_nvpair(nvlist_t *, nvpair_t *);
char *nvpair_name(nvpair_t *);
data_type_t nvpair_type(nvpair_t *);
int nvpair_type_is_array(nvpair_t *);
int nvpair_value_boolean_value(nvpair_t *, boolean_t *);
int nvpair_value_byte(nvpair_t *, uchar_t *);
int nvpair_value_int8(nvpair_t *, int8_t *);
int nvpair_value_uint8(nvpair_t *, uint8_t *);
int nvpair_value_int16(nvpair_t *, int16_t *);
int nvpair_value_uint16(nvpair_t *, uint16_t *);
int nvpair_value_int32(nvpair_t *, int32_t *);
int nvpair_value_uint32(nvpair_t *, uint32_t *);
int nvpair_value_int64(nvpair_t *, int64_t *);
int nvpair_value_uint64(nvpair_t *, uint64_t *);
int nvpair_value_string(nvpair_t *, char **);
int nvpair_value_nvlist(nvpair_t *, nvlist_t **);
int nvpair_value_boolean_array(nvpair_t *, boolean_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_byte_array(nvpair_t *, uchar_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_int8_array(nvpair_t *, int8_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_uint8_array(nvpair_t *, uint8_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_int16_array(nvpair_t *, int16_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_uint16_array(nvpair_t *, uint16_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_int32_array(nvpair_t *, int32_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_uint32_array(nvpair_t *, uint32_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_int64_array(nvpair_t *, int64_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_uint64_array(nvpair_t *, uint64_t **, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_string_array(nvpair_t *, char ***, uint_t *);
int nvpair_value_nvlist_array(nvpair_t *, nvlist_t ***, uint_t *);
SOURCE = """
#include <libzfs/sys/nvpair.h>
LIBRARY = "nvpair"
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
Python bindings for ``libzfs_core``.
CDEF = """
enum lzc_send_flags {
typedef enum {
} dmu_objset_type_t;
#define MAXNAMELEN 256
struct drr_begin {
uint64_t drr_magic;
uint64_t drr_versioninfo; /* was drr_version */
uint64_t drr_creation_time;
dmu_objset_type_t drr_type;
uint32_t drr_flags;
uint64_t drr_toguid;
uint64_t drr_fromguid;
char drr_toname[MAXNAMELEN];
typedef struct zio_cksum {
uint64_t zc_word[4];
} zio_cksum_t;
typedef struct dmu_replay_record {
enum {
} drr_type;
uint32_t drr_payloadlen;
union {
struct drr_begin drr_begin;
/* ... */
struct drr_checksum {
uint64_t drr_pad[34];
zio_cksum_t drr_checksum;
} drr_checksum;
} drr_u;
} dmu_replay_record_t;
int libzfs_core_init(void);
void libzfs_core_fini(void);
int lzc_snapshot(nvlist_t *, nvlist_t *, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_create(const char *, dmu_objset_type_t, nvlist_t *);
int lzc_clone(const char *, const char *, nvlist_t *);
int lzc_destroy_snaps(nvlist_t *, boolean_t, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_bookmark(nvlist_t *, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_get_bookmarks(const char *, nvlist_t *, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_destroy_bookmarks(nvlist_t *, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_snaprange_space(const char *, const char *, uint64_t *);
int lzc_hold(nvlist_t *, int, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_release(nvlist_t *, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_get_holds(const char *, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_send(const char *, const char *, int, enum lzc_send_flags);
int lzc_send_space(const char *, const char *, enum lzc_send_flags, uint64_t *);
int lzc_receive(const char *, nvlist_t *, const char *, boolean_t, int);
int lzc_receive_with_header(const char *, nvlist_t *, const char *, boolean_t,
boolean_t, int, const struct dmu_replay_record *);
boolean_t lzc_exists(const char *);
int lzc_rollback(const char *, char *, int);
int lzc_rollback_to(const char *, const char *);
int lzc_promote(const char *, nvlist_t *, nvlist_t **);
int lzc_rename(const char *, const char *, nvlist_t *, char **);
int lzc_destroy_one(const char *fsname, nvlist_t *);
int lzc_inherit(const char *fsname, const char *name, nvlist_t *);
int lzc_set_props(const char *, nvlist_t *, nvlist_t *, nvlist_t *);
int lzc_list (const char *, nvlist_t *);
SOURCE = """
#include <libzfs/libzfs_core.h>
LIBRARY = "zfs_core"
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
Utility functions for casting to a specific C type.
from .bindings.libnvpair import ffi as _ffi
def _ffi_cast(type_name):
type_info = _ffi.typeof(type_name)
def _func(value):
# this is for overflow / underflow checking only
if type_info.kind == 'enum':
except KeyError as e:
raise OverflowError('Invalid enum <%s> value %s' %
(type_info.cname, e.message))
else: + '*', value)
return _ffi.cast(type_name, value)
_func.__name__ = type_name
return _func
uint8_t = _ffi_cast('uint8_t')
int8_t = _ffi_cast('int8_t')
uint16_t = _ffi_cast('uint16_t')
int16_t = _ffi_cast('int16_t')
uint32_t = _ffi_cast('uint32_t')
int32_t = _ffi_cast('int32_t')
uint64_t = _ffi_cast('uint64_t')
int64_t = _ffi_cast('int64_t')
boolean_t = _ffi_cast('boolean_t')
uchar_t = _ffi_cast('uchar_t')
# First element of the value tuple is a suffix for a single value function
# while the second element is for an array function
_type_to_suffix = {
_ffi.typeof('uint8_t'): ('uint8', 'uint8'),
_ffi.typeof('int8_t'): ('int8', 'int8'),
_ffi.typeof('uint16_t'): ('uint16', 'uint16'),
_ffi.typeof('int16_t'): ('int16', 'int16'),
_ffi.typeof('uint32_t'): ('uint32', 'uint32'),
_ffi.typeof('int32_t'): ('int32', 'int32'),
_ffi.typeof('uint64_t'): ('uint64', 'uint64'),
_ffi.typeof('int64_t'): ('int64', 'int64'),
_ffi.typeof('boolean_t'): ('boolean_value', 'boolean'),
_ffi.typeof('uchar_t'): ('byte', 'byte'),
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
Exceptions that can be raised by libzfs_core operations.
import errno
class ZFSError(Exception):
errno = None
message = None
name = None
def __str__(self):
if is not None:
return "[Errno %d] %s: '%s'" % (self.errno, self.message,
return "[Errno %d] %s" % (self.errno, self.message)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.errno, self.message)
class ZFSGenericError(ZFSError):
def __init__(self, errno, name, message):
self.errno = errno
self.message = message = name
class ZFSInitializationFailed(ZFSError):
message = "Failed to initialize libzfs_core"
def __init__(self, errno):
self.errno = errno
class MultipleOperationsFailure(ZFSError):
def __init__(self, errors, suppressed_count):
# Use first of the individual error codes
# as an overall error code. This is more consistent.
self.errno = errors[0].errno
self.errors = errors
#: this many errors were encountered but not placed on the `errors` list
self.suppressed_count = suppressed_count
def __str__(self):
return "%s, %d errors included, %d suppressed" % (ZFSError.__str__(self),
len(self.errors), self.suppressed_count)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r, %r, errors=%r, supressed=%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.errno, self.message, self.errors, self.suppressed_count)
class DatasetNotFound(ZFSError):
This exception is raised when an operation failure can be caused by a missing
snapshot or a missing filesystem and it is impossible to distinguish between
the causes.
errno = errno.ENOENT
message = "Dataset not found"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class DatasetExists(ZFSError):
This exception is raised when an operation failure can be caused by an existing
snapshot or filesystem and it is impossible to distinguish between
the causes.
errno = errno.EEXIST
message = "Dataset already exists"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class NotClone(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EINVAL
message = "Filesystem is not a clone, can not promote"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class FilesystemExists(DatasetExists):
message = "Filesystem already exists"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class FilesystemNotFound(DatasetNotFound):
message = "Filesystem not found"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class ParentNotFound(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOENT
message = "Parent not found"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class WrongParent(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EINVAL
message = "Parent dataset is not a filesystem"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class SnapshotExists(DatasetExists):
message = "Snapshot already exists"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class SnapshotNotFound(DatasetNotFound):
message = "Snapshot not found"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class SnapshotNotLatest(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EEXIST
message = "Snapshot is not the latest"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class SnapshotIsCloned(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EEXIST
message = "Snapshot is cloned"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class SnapshotIsHeld(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EBUSY
message = "Snapshot is held"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class DuplicateSnapshots(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EXDEV
message = "Requested multiple snapshots of the same filesystem"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class SnapshotFailure(MultipleOperationsFailure):
message = "Creation of snapshot(s) failed for one or more reasons"
def __init__(self, errors, suppressed_count):
super(SnapshotFailure, self).__init__(errors, suppressed_count)
class SnapshotDestructionFailure(MultipleOperationsFailure):
message = "Destruction of snapshot(s) failed for one or more reasons"
def __init__(self, errors, suppressed_count):
super(SnapshotDestructionFailure, self).__init__(errors, suppressed_count)
class BookmarkExists(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EEXIST
message = "Bookmark already exists"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class BookmarkNotFound(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOENT
message = "Bookmark not found"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class BookmarkMismatch(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EINVAL
message = "Bookmark is not in snapshot's filesystem"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class BookmarkNotSupported(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOTSUP
message = "Bookmark feature is not supported"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class BookmarkFailure(MultipleOperationsFailure):
message = "Creation of bookmark(s) failed for one or more reasons"
def __init__(self, errors, suppressed_count):
super(BookmarkFailure, self).__init__(errors, suppressed_count)
class BookmarkDestructionFailure(MultipleOperationsFailure):
message = "Destruction of bookmark(s) failed for one or more reasons"
def __init__(self, errors, suppressed_count):
super(BookmarkDestructionFailure, self).__init__(errors, suppressed_count)
class BadHoldCleanupFD(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EBADF
message = "Bad file descriptor as cleanup file descriptor"
class HoldExists(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EEXIST
message = "Hold with a given tag already exists on snapshot"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class HoldNotFound(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOENT
message = "Hold with a given tag does not exist on snapshot"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class HoldFailure(MultipleOperationsFailure):
message = "Placement of hold(s) failed for one or more reasons"
def __init__(self, errors, suppressed_count):
super(HoldFailure, self).__init__(errors, suppressed_count)
class HoldReleaseFailure(MultipleOperationsFailure):
message = "Release of hold(s) failed for one or more reasons"
def __init__(self, errors, suppressed_count):
super(HoldReleaseFailure, self).__init__(errors, suppressed_count)
class SnapshotMismatch(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENODEV
message = "Snapshot is not descendant of source snapshot"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class StreamMismatch(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENODEV
message = "Stream is not applicable to destination dataset"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class DestinationModified(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ETXTBSY
message = "Destination dataset has modifications that can not be undone"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class BadStream(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EINVAL
message = "Bad backup stream"
class StreamFeatureNotSupported(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOTSUP
message = "Stream contains unsupported feature"
class UnknownStreamFeature(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOTSUP
message = "Unknown feature requested for stream"
class StreamIOError(ZFSError):
message = "I/O error while writing or reading stream"
def __init__(self, errno):
self.errno = errno
class ZIOError(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EIO
message = "I/O error"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class NoSpace(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOSPC
message = "No space left"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class QuotaExceeded(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EDQUOT
message = "Quouta exceeded"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class DatasetBusy(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EBUSY
message = "Dataset is busy"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class NameTooLong(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENAMETOOLONG
message = "Dataset name is too long"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class NameInvalid(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EINVAL
message = "Invalid name"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class SnapshotNameInvalid(NameInvalid):
message = "Invalid name for snapshot"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class FilesystemNameInvalid(NameInvalid):
message = "Invalid name for filesystem or volume"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class BookmarkNameInvalid(NameInvalid):
message = "Invalid name for bookmark"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class ReadOnlyPool(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EROFS
message = "Pool is read-only"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class SuspendedPool(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EAGAIN
message = "Pool is suspended"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class PoolNotFound(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EXDEV
message = "No such pool"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class PoolsDiffer(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EXDEV
message = "Source and target belong to different pools"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class FeatureNotSupported(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOTSUP
message = "Feature is not supported in this version"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class PropertyNotSupported(ZFSError):
errno = errno.ENOTSUP
message = "Property is not supported in this version"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class PropertyInvalid(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EINVAL
message = "Invalid property or property value"
def __init__(self, name): = name
class DatasetTypeInvalid(ZFSError):
errno = errno.EINVAL
message = "Specified dataset type is unknown"
def __init__(self, name): = name
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
Tests for _nvlist module.
The tests convert from a `dict` to C ``nvlist_t`` and back to a `dict`
and verify that no information is lost and value types are correct.
The tests also check that various error conditions like unsupported
value types or out of bounds values are detected.
import unittest
from .._nvlist import nvlist_in, nvlist_out, _lib
from ..ctypes import (
uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t,
uint64_t, int64_t, boolean_t, uchar_t
class TestNVList(unittest.TestCase):
def _dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(self, props):
res = {}
nv_in = nvlist_in(props)
with nvlist_out(res) as nv_out:
_lib.nvlist_dup(nv_in, nv_out, 0)
return res
def _assertIntDictsEqual(self, dict1, dict2):
self.assertEqual(len(dict1), len(dict1), "resulting dictionary is of different size")
for key in dict1.keys():
self.assertEqual(int(dict1[key]), int(dict2[key]))
def _assertIntArrayDictsEqual(self, dict1, dict2):
self.assertEqual(len(dict1), len(dict1), "resulting dictionary is of different size")
for key in dict1.keys():
val1 = dict1[key]
val2 = dict2[key]
self.assertEqual(len(val1), len(val2), "array values of different sizes")
for x, y in zip(val1, val2):
self.assertEqual(int(x), int(y))
def test_empty(self):
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict({})
self.assertEqual(len(res), 0, "expected empty dict")
def test_invalid_key_type(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict({1: None})
def test_invalid_val_type__tuple(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict({"key": (1, 2)})
def test_invalid_val_type__set(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict({"key": set(1, 2)})
def test_invalid_array_val_type(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict({"key": [(1, 2), (3, 4)]})
def test_invalid_array_of_arrays_val_type(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict({"key": [[1, 2], [3, 4]]})
def test_string_value(self):
props = {"key": "value"}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_implicit_boolean_value(self):
props = {"key": None}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_boolean_values(self):
props = {"key1": True, "key2": False}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_boolean_true_value(self):
props = {"key": boolean_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_boolean_false_value(self):
props = {"key": boolean_t(0)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_boolean_invalid_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": boolean_t(2)}
def test_explicit_boolean_another_invalid_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": boolean_t(-1)}
def test_uint64_value(self):
props = {"key": 1}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_uint64_max_value(self):
props = {"key": 2 ** 64 - 1}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_uint64_too_large_value(self):
props = {"key": 2 ** 64}
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
def test_uint64_negative_value(self):
props = {"key": -1}
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
def test_explicit_uint64_value(self):
props = {"key": uint64_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_uint64_max_value(self):
props = {"key": uint64_t(2 ** 64 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_uint64_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uint64_t(2 ** 64)}
def test_explicit_uint64_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uint64_t(-1)}
def test_explicit_uint32_value(self):
props = {"key": uint32_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_uint32_max_value(self):
props = {"key": uint32_t(2 ** 32 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_uint32_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uint32_t(2 ** 32)}
def test_explicit_uint32_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uint32_t(-1)}
def test_explicit_uint16_value(self):
props = {"key": uint16_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_uint16_max_value(self):
props = {"key": uint16_t(2 ** 16 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_uint16_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uint16_t(2 ** 16)}
def test_explicit_uint16_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uint16_t(-1)}
def test_explicit_uint8_value(self):
props = {"key": uint8_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_uint8_max_value(self):
props = {"key": uint8_t(2 ** 8 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_uint8_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uint8_t(2 ** 8)}
def test_explicit_uint8_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uint8_t(-1)}
def test_explicit_byte_value(self):
props = {"key": uchar_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_byte_max_value(self):
props = {"key": uchar_t(2 ** 8 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_byte_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uchar_t(2 ** 8)}
def test_explicit_byte_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": uchar_t(-1)}
def test_explicit_int64_value(self):
props = {"key": int64_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int64_max_value(self):
props = {"key": int64_t(2 ** 63 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int64_min_value(self):
props = {"key": int64_t(-(2 ** 63))}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int64_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": int64_t(2 ** 63)}
def test_explicit_int64_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": int64_t(-(2 ** 63) - 1)}
def test_explicit_int32_value(self):
props = {"key": int32_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int32_max_value(self):
props = {"key": int32_t(2 ** 31 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int32_min_value(self):
props = {"key": int32_t(-(2 ** 31))}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int32_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": int32_t(2 ** 31)}
def test_explicit_int32_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": int32_t(-(2 ** 31) - 1)}
def test_explicit_int16_value(self):
props = {"key": int16_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int16_max_value(self):
props = {"key": int16_t(2 ** 15 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int16_min_value(self):
props = {"key": int16_t(-(2 ** 15))}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int16_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": int16_t(2 ** 15)}
def test_explicit_int16_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": int16_t(-(2 ** 15) - 1)}
def test_explicit_int8_value(self):
props = {"key": int8_t(1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int8_max_value(self):
props = {"key": int8_t(2 ** 7 - 1)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int8_min_value(self):
props = {"key": int8_t(-(2 ** 7))}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_int8_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": int8_t(2 ** 7)}
def test_explicit_int8_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": int8_t(-(2 ** 7) - 1)}
def test_nested_dict(self):
props = {"key": {}}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_nested_nested_dict(self):
props = {"key": {"key": {}}}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_mismatching_values_array(self):
props = {"key": [1, "string"]}
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_mismatching_values_array2(self):
props = {"key": [True, 10]}
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_mismatching_values_array3(self):
props = {"key": [1, False]}
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_string_array(self):
props = {"key": ["value", "value2"]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_boolean_array(self):
props = {"key": [True, False]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_explicit_boolean_array(self):
props = {"key": [boolean_t(False), boolean_t(True)]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_uint64_array(self):
props = {"key": [0, 1, 2 ** 64 - 1]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_uint64_array_too_large_value(self):
props = {"key": [0, 2 ** 64]}
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
def test_uint64_array_negative_value(self):
props = {"key": [0, -1]}
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
def test_mixed_explict_int_array(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
props = {"key": [uint64_t(0), uint32_t(0)]}
def test_explict_uint64_array(self):
props = {"key": [uint64_t(0), uint64_t(1), uint64_t(2 ** 64 - 1)]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_uint64_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uint64_t(0), uint64_t(2 ** 64)]}
def test_explict_uint64_array_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uint64_t(0), uint64_t(-1)]}
def test_explict_uint32_array(self):
props = {"key": [uint32_t(0), uint32_t(1), uint32_t(2 ** 32 - 1)]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_uint32_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uint32_t(0), uint32_t(2 ** 32)]}
def test_explict_uint32_array_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uint32_t(0), uint32_t(-1)]}
def test_explict_uint16_array(self):
props = {"key": [uint16_t(0), uint16_t(1), uint16_t(2 ** 16 - 1)]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_uint16_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uint16_t(0), uint16_t(2 ** 16)]}
def test_explict_uint16_array_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uint16_t(0), uint16_t(-1)]}
def test_explict_uint8_array(self):
props = {"key": [uint8_t(0), uint8_t(1), uint8_t(2 ** 8 - 1)]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_uint8_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uint8_t(0), uint8_t(2 ** 8)]}
def test_explict_uint8_array_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uint8_t(0), uint8_t(-1)]}
def test_explict_byte_array(self):
props = {"key": [uchar_t(0), uchar_t(1), uchar_t(2 ** 8 - 1)]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_byte_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uchar_t(0), uchar_t(2 ** 8)]}
def test_explict_byte_array_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [uchar_t(0), uchar_t(-1)]}
def test_explict_int64_array(self):
props = {"key": [int64_t(0), int64_t(1), int64_t(2 ** 63 - 1), int64_t(-(2 ** 63))]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_int64_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [int64_t(0), int64_t(2 ** 63)]}
def test_explict_int64_array_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [int64_t(0), int64_t(-(2 ** 63) - 1)]}
def test_explict_int32_array(self):
props = {"key": [int32_t(0), int32_t(1), int32_t(2 ** 31 - 1), int32_t(-(2 ** 31))]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_int32_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [int32_t(0), int32_t(2 ** 31)]}
def test_explict_int32_array_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [int32_t(0), int32_t(-(2 ** 31) - 1)]}
def test_explict_int16_array(self):
props = {"key": [int16_t(0), int16_t(1), int16_t(2 ** 15 - 1), int16_t(-(2 ** 15))]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_int16_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [int16_t(0), int16_t(2 ** 15)]}
def test_explict_int16_array_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [int16_t(0), int16_t(-(2 ** 15) - 1)]}
def test_explict_int8_array(self):
props = {"key": [int8_t(0), int8_t(1), int8_t(2 ** 7 - 1), int8_t(-(2 ** 7))]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntArrayDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_explict_int8_array_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [int8_t(0), int8_t(2 ** 7)]}
def test_explict_int8_array_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"key": [int8_t(0), int8_t(-(2 ** 7) - 1)]}
def test_dict_array(self):
props = {"key": [{"key": 1}, {"key": None}, {"key": {}}]}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
def test_implicit_uint32_value(self):
props = {"rewind-request": 1}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_implicit_uint32_max_value(self):
props = {"rewind-request": 2 ** 32 - 1}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_implicit_uint32_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"rewind-request": 2 ** 32}
def test_implicit_uint32_negative_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"rewind-request": -1}
def test_implicit_int32_value(self):
props = {"pool_context": 1}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_implicit_int32_max_value(self):
props = {"pool_context": 2 ** 31 - 1}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_implicit_int32_min_value(self):
props = {"pool_context": -(2 ** 31)}
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self._assertIntDictsEqual(props, res)
def test_implicit_int32_too_large_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"pool_context": 2 ** 31}
def test_implicit_int32_too_small_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
props = {"pool_context": -(2 ** 31) - 1}
def test_complex_dict(self):
props = {
"key1": "str",
"key2": 10,
"key3": {
"skey1": True,
"skey2": None,
"skey3": [
"key4": [
"key5": [
2 ** 64 - 1,
"key6": [
"skey71": "a",
"skey72": "b",
"skey71": "c",
"skey72": "d",
"skey71": "e",
"skey72": "f",
"type": 2 ** 32 - 1,
"pool_context": -(2 ** 31)
res = self._dict_to_nvlist_to_dict(props)
self.assertEqual(props, res)
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

contrib/pyzfs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ. See LICENSE file for details.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
description="Wrapper for libzfs_core",
license="Apache License, Version 2.0",
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2 :: Only",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7",
"Topic :: System :: Filesystems",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
# vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4