Joseph Crail d4e0ea41a3 Fix namespace collision for test.
To avoid linking issues with Rust's libtest, the crate for the test
utility was changed to 'uutest'. However, the user doesn't need to see
this so a few hoops were jumped through to make this transparent.

I also updated the make rules to build the individual features first and
then uutils. This makes 'make && make test' look more organized.
2015-11-27 01:54:18 -05:00

60 lines
2.4 KiB

use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
pub fn main() {
let feature_prefix = "CARGO_FEATURE_";
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let mut crates = Vec::new();
for (key, val) in env::vars() {
if val == "1" && key.starts_with(feature_prefix) {
let krate = key[feature_prefix.len()..].to_lowercase();
match krate.as_ref() {
"default" => continue,
"all" => continue,
_ => {},
let mut cf = File::create(Path::new(&out_dir).join("")).unwrap();
let mut mf = File::create(Path::new(&out_dir).join("")).unwrap();
type UtilityMap = HashMap<&'static str, fn(Vec<String>) -> i32>;
fn util_map() -> UtilityMap {
let mut map: UtilityMap = HashMap::new();\n".as_bytes()).unwrap();
for krate in crates {
match krate.as_ref() {
"false" | "true" | "test" => {},
_ => cf.write_all(format!("extern crate {krate} as uu{krate};\n", krate=krate).as_bytes()).unwrap(),
match krate.as_ref() {
"hashsum" => {
mf.write_all("map.insert(\"hashsum\", uuhashsum::uumain);
map.insert(\"md5sum\", uuhashsum::uumain);
map.insert(\"sha1sum\", uuhashsum::uumain);
map.insert(\"sha224sum\", uuhashsum::uumain);
map.insert(\"sha256sum\", uuhashsum::uumain);
map.insert(\"sha384sum\", uuhashsum::uumain);
map.insert(\"sha512sum\", uuhashsum::uumain);\n".as_bytes()).unwrap();
"false" | "true" | "test" => {
mf.write_all(format!("fn uu{}", krate).as_bytes()).unwrap();
mf.write_all("(_: Vec<String>) -> i32 { 1 }\n".as_bytes()).unwrap();
mf.write_all(format!("map.insert(\"{krate}\", uu{krate} as fn(Vec<String>) -> i32);\n", krate=krate).as_bytes()).unwrap();
_ =>
mf.write_all(format!("map.insert(\"{krate}\", uu{krate}::uumain as fn(Vec<String>) -> i32);\n", krate= krate).as_bytes()).unwrap(),