# uutils / coreutils # * see the repository LICENSE, README, and CONTRIBUTING files for more information [package] name = "uutils" description = "uutils ~ universal (as in cross-platform) CLI utils, written in Rust" license = "MIT" repository = "https://github.com/uutils/coreutils" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] build = "build.rs" autotests = false [features] default = [ "feat_common_core" ] ## OS feature shortcodes macos = [ "feat_os_unix" ] unix = [ "feat_os_unix" ] windows = [ "feat_os_windows" ] ## project-specific feature shortcodes nightly = [] test_unimplemented = [] ## feature sets # "feat_os_unix" == set of utilities which can be built/run on modern/usual *nix platforms feat_os_unix = [ "feat_common", "feat_os_unix_musl", "feat_os_unix_utmpx_required", # "stdbuf", ] # "feat_os_unix_fuchsia" == set of utilities which can be built/run on the "Fuschia" OS (refs: ; ) feat_os_unix_fuchsia = [ "feat_common_core", # "chgrp", "chmod", "chown", "du", "groups", "hostid", "install", "logname", "mkfifo", "mknod", "nice", "pathchk", "stdbuf", "tty", "uname", "unlink", ] # "feat_os_unix_gnueabihf" == set of utilities which can be built/run on the "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" target (ARMv6 Linux [hardfloat]) feat_os_unix_gnueabihf = [ "feat_common", "feat_os_unix_musl", "feat_os_unix_utmpx_required", ] # "feat_os_unix_musl" == set of utilities which can be built/run on targets binding to the "musl" library (ref: ) feat_os_unix_musl = [ "feat_common", # "chgrp", "chmod", "chown", "chroot", "du", "groups", "hostid", "id", "install", "kill", "logname", "mkfifo", "mknod", "nice", "numfmt", "nohup", "pathchk", "stat", "timeout", "touch", "tty", "uname", "unlink", ] # "feat_os_unix_redox" == set of utilities which can be built/run on "Redox OS" (refs: ; ) feat_os_unix_redox = [ "feat_common_core", # "uname", "chmod", "install", ] # "feat_os_unix_utmpx_required" == set of utilites requiring utmp/utmpx support # * ref: feat_os_unix_utmpx_required = [ "pinky", "uptime", "users", "who", ] # "feat_os_windows" == set of utilities which can be built/run on modern/usual windows platforms feat_os_windows = [ "feat_common", ## == "feat_os_windows_legacy" + "hostname" ] # "feat_os_windows_legacy" == slightly restricted set of utilities which can be built/run on early windows platforms (eg, "WinXP") feat_os_windows_legacy = [ "feat_common_core", # "arch", "nproc", "sync", "touch", "whoami", ] ## (common/core) feature sets # "feat_common" == expanded set of utilities which can be built/run on the usual rust "tier 1" target platforms (ref: ) feat_common = [ "feat_common_core", # "arch", "hostname", "nproc", "sync", "touch", "whoami", ] # "feat_common_core" == baseline core set of utilities which can be built/run on most targets feat_common_core = [ "base32", "base64", "basename", "cat", "cksum", "comm", "cp", "cut", "date", "dircolors", "dirname", "echo", "env", "expand", "expr", "factor", "false", "fmt", "fold", "hashsum", "head", "join", "link", "ln", "ls", "mkdir", "mktemp", "more", "mv", "nl", "od", "paste", "printenv", "printf", "ptx", "pwd", "readlink", "realpath", "relpath", "rm", "rmdir", "seq", "shred", "shuf", "sleep", "sort", "split", "sum", "tac", "tail", "tee", "test", "tr", "true", "truncate", "tsort", "unexpand", "uniq", "wc", "yes", ] [workspace] [dependencies] uucore = "0.0.2" arch = { optional=true, path="src/uu/arch" } base32 = { optional=true, path="src/uu/base32" } base64 = { optional=true, path="src/uu/base64" } basename = { optional=true, path="src/uu/basename" } cat = { optional=true, path="src/uu/cat" } chgrp = { optional=true, path="src/uu/chgrp" } chmod = { optional=true, path="src/uu/chmod" } chown = { optional=true, path="src/uu/chown" } chroot = { optional=true, path="src/uu/chroot" } cksum = { optional=true, path="src/uu/cksum" } comm = { optional=true, path="src/uu/comm" } cp = { optional=true, path="src/uu/cp" } cut = { optional=true, path="src/uu/cut" } date = { optional=true, path="src/uu/date" } dircolors= { optional=true, path="src/uu/dircolors" } dirname = { optional=true, path="src/uu/dirname" } du = { optional=true, path="src/uu/du" } echo = { optional=true, path="src/uu/echo" } env = { optional=true, path="src/uu/env" } expand = { optional=true, path="src/uu/expand" } expr = { optional=true, path="src/uu/expr" } factor = { optional=true, path="src/uu/factor" } false = { optional=true, path="src/uu/false" } fmt = { optional=true, path="src/uu/fmt" } fold = { optional=true, path="src/uu/fold" } groups = { optional=true, path="src/uu/groups" } hashsum = { optional=true, path="src/uu/hashsum" } head = { optional=true, path="src/uu/head" } hostid = { optional=true, path="src/uu/hostid" } hostname = { optional=true, path="src/uu/hostname" } id = { optional=true, path="src/uu/id" } install = { optional=true, path="src/uu/install" } join = { optional=true, path="src/uu/join" } kill = { optional=true, path="src/uu/kill" } link = { optional=true, path="src/uu/link" } ln = { optional=true, path="src/uu/ln" } ls = { optional=true, path="src/uu/ls" } logname = { optional=true, path="src/uu/logname" } mkdir = { optional=true, path="src/uu/mkdir" } mkfifo = { optional=true, path="src/uu/mkfifo" } mknod = { optional=true, path="src/uu/mknod" } mktemp = { optional=true, path="src/uu/mktemp" } more = { optional=true, path="src/uu/more" } mv = { optional=true, path="src/uu/mv" } nice = { optional=true, path="src/uu/nice" } nl = { optional=true, path="src/uu/nl" } nohup = { optional=true, path="src/uu/nohup" } nproc = { optional=true, path="src/uu/nproc" } numfmt = { optional=true, path="src/uu/numfmt" } od = { optional=true, path="src/uu/od" } paste = { optional=true, path="src/uu/paste" } pathchk = { optional=true, path="src/uu/pathchk" } pinky = { optional=true, path="src/uu/pinky" } printenv = { optional=true, path="src/uu/printenv" } printf = { optional=true, path="src/uu/printf" } ptx = { optional=true, path="src/uu/ptx" } pwd = { optional=true, path="src/uu/pwd" } readlink = { optional=true, path="src/uu/readlink" } realpath = { optional=true, path="src/uu/realpath" } relpath = { optional=true, path="src/uu/relpath" } rm = { optional=true, path="src/uu/rm" } rmdir = { optional=true, path="src/uu/rmdir" } seq = { optional=true, path="src/uu/seq" } shred = { optional=true, path="src/uu/shred" } shuf = { optional=true, path="src/uu/shuf" } sleep = { optional=true, path="src/uu/sleep" } sort = { optional=true, path="src/uu/sort" } split = { optional=true, path="src/uu/split" } stat = { optional=true, path="src/uu/stat" } stdbuf = { optional=true, path="src/uu/stdbuf" } sum = { optional=true, path="src/uu/sum" } sync = { optional=true, path="src/uu/sync" } tac = { optional=true, path="src/uu/tac" } tail = { optional=true, path="src/uu/tail" } tee = { optional=true, path="src/uu/tee" } test = { optional=true, path="src/uu/test" } timeout = { optional=true, path="src/uu/timeout" } touch = { optional=true, path="src/uu/touch" } tr = { optional=true, path="src/uu/tr" } true = { optional=true, path="src/uu/true" } truncate = { optional=true, path="src/uu/truncate" } tsort = { optional=true, path="src/uu/tsort" } tty = { optional=true, path="src/uu/tty" } uname = { optional=true, path="src/uu/uname" } unexpand = { optional=true, path="src/uu/unexpand" } uniq = { optional=true, path="src/uu/uniq" } unlink = { optional=true, path="src/uu/unlink" } uptime = { optional=true, path="src/uu/uptime" } users = { optional=true, path="src/uu/users" } wc = { optional=true, path="src/uu/wc" } who = { optional=true, path="src/uu/who" } whoami = { optional=true, path="src/uu/whoami" } yes = { optional=true, path="src/uu/yes" } # # * transitive dependency via 'failure'; pin to <= v0.3.30 to avoid increasing MinSRV to v1.33.0 backtrace = ">= 0.3.3, <= 0.3.30" [dev-dependencies] filetime = "0.2.5" lazy_static = "1.3.0" libc = "0.2.62" rand = "0.6.5" regex = "1.0.3" tempdir = "0.3.7" time = "0.1.42" unindent = "0.1.3" [target.'cfg(unix)'.dev-dependencies] # FIXME: this should use the normal users crate, but it conflicts with the users utility rust-users = { git = "https://github.com/uutils/rust-users" } unix_socket = "0.5.0" [[bin]] name = "uutils" path = "src/bin/uutils.rs" [[test]] name = "tests" [patch.crates-io] uucore = { git = "https://github.com/uutils/uucore/", tag = "0.0.2" }