maint/build ~ feature reorganization and polish

.## [why]

Reorganizing and minor renaming of features within *Cargo.toml* will hopefully
help to place new utilities into the best feature set, encouraging the
"universal" / cross-platform aspect of the project.

"feat_require_..." sets are used to segregate utilities with restrictions limiting
cross-platform availability and are annotated with the reasons for the limitations.
This commit is contained in:
Roy Ivy III 2020-04-19 22:05:49 -05:00
parent 3a9fb490a9
commit f4c4d0e635

View file

@ -14,118 +14,14 @@ autotests = false
default = [ "feat_common_core" ]
## OS feature shortcodes
macos = [ "feat_os_unix" ]
macos = [ "feat_os_macos" ]
unix = [ "feat_os_unix" ]
windows = [ "feat_os_windows" ]
## project-specific feature shortcodes
nightly = []
test_unimplemented = []
## feature sets
# "feat_os_unix" == set of utilities which can be built/run on modern/usual *nix platforms
feat_os_unix = [
# "feat_os_unix_fuchsia" == set of utilities which can be built/run on the "Fuschia" OS (refs: <>; <>)
feat_os_unix_fuchsia = [
# "feat_os_unix_gnueabihf" == set of utilities which can be built/run on the "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" target (ARMv6 Linux [hardfloat])
feat_os_unix_gnueabihf = [
# "feat_os_unix_musl" == set of utilities which can be built/run on targets binding to the "musl" library (ref: <>)
feat_os_unix_musl = [
# "feat_os_unix_redox" == set of utilities which can be built/run on "Redox OS" (refs: <>; <>)
feat_os_unix_redox = [
# "feat_os_unix_utmpx_required" == set of utilites requiring utmp/utmpx support
# * ref: <>
feat_os_unix_utmpx_required = [
# "feat_os_windows" == set of utilities which can be built/run on modern/usual windows platforms
feat_os_windows = [
"feat_common", ## == "feat_os_windows_legacy" + "hostname"
# "feat_os_windows_legacy" == slightly restricted set of utilities which can be built/run on early windows platforms (eg, "WinXP")
feat_os_windows_legacy = [
## (common/core) feature sets
# "feat_common" == expanded set of utilities which can be built/run on the usual rust "tier 1" target platforms (ref: <>)
feat_common = [
## (common/core and Tier1) feature sets
# "feat_common_core" == baseline core set of utilities which can be built/run on most targets
feat_common_core = [
@ -189,6 +85,130 @@ feat_common_core = [
# "feat_Tier1" == expanded set of utilities which can be built/run on the usual rust "Tier 1" target platforms (ref: <>)
feat_Tier1 = [
## (primary platforms) feature sets
# "feat_os_macos" == set of utilities which can be built/run on the MacOS platform
feat_os_macos = [
"feat_os_unix", ## == a modern/usual *nix platform
# "feat_os_unix" == set of utilities which can be built/run on modern/usual *nix platforms
feat_os_unix = [
# "feat_os_windows" == set of utilities which can be built/run on modern/usual windows platforms
feat_os_windows = [
"feat_Tier1", ## == "feat_os_windows_legacy" + "hostname"
## (secondary platforms) feature sets
# "feat_os_unix_gnueabihf" == set of utilities which can be built/run on the "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" target (ARMv6 Linux [hardfloat])
feat_os_unix_gnueabihf = [
# "feat_os_unix_musl" == set of utilities which can be built/run on targets binding to the "musl" library (ref: <>)
feat_os_unix_musl = [
## feature sets with requirements (restricting cross-platform availability)
# ** NOTE: these `feat_require_...` sets should be minimized as much as possible to encourage cross-platform availability of utilities
# "feat_require_crate_cpp" == set of utilities requiring the `cpp` crate (which fail to compile on several platforms; as of 2020-04-23)
feat_require_crate_cpp = [
# "feat_require_unix" == set of utilities requiring support which is only available on unix platforms (as of 2020-04-23)
feat_require_unix = [
# "feat_require_unix_utmpx" == set of utilites requiring unix utmp/utmpx support
# * ref: <>
feat_require_unix_utmpx = [
## (alternate/newer/smaller platforms) feature sets
# "feat_os_unix_fuchsia" == set of utilities which can be built/run on the "Fuschia" OS (refs: <>; <>)
feat_os_unix_fuchsia = [
# "feat_os_unix_redox" == set of utilities which can be built/run on "Redox OS" (refs: <>; <>)
feat_os_unix_redox = [
# "feat_os_windows_legacy" == slightly restricted set of utilities which can be built/run on early windows platforms (eg, "WinXP")
feat_os_windows_legacy = [