ci/android: Fix and improve caching. Fix and improve

This commit is contained in:
Joining7943 2023-04-19 16:08:48 +02:00
parent 56d8b5a617
commit ad5d33f1a9
2 changed files with 318 additions and 98 deletions

View file

@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ jobs:
key: avd-${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }}+nextest
key: avd-${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }}+nextest+rustc-hash
- name: Create and cache emulator image
if: steps.avd-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2
@ -44,16 +45,11 @@ jobs:
target: ${{ }}
arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
ram-size: 2048M
disk-size: 5120M
disk-size: 7GB
force-avd-creation: true
emulator-options: -no-snapshot-load -noaudio -no-boot-anim -camera-back none
script: |
set -e
wget${{ env.TERMUX }}/termux-app_${{ env.TERMUX }}+github-debug_${{ matrix.arch }}.apk
util/ snapshot termux-app_${{ env.TERMUX }}+github-debug_${{ matrix.arch }}.apk
adb -s emulator-5554 emu avd snapshot save ${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }}
echo "Emulator image created."
pkill -9 qemu-system-x86_64
util/ init "${{ matrix.arch }}" "${{ matrix.api-level }}" "${{ env.TERMUX }}"
- name: Save AVD cache
if: steps.avd-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
uses: actions/cache/save@v3
@ -62,7 +58,22 @@ jobs:
key: avd-${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }}+nextest
key: avd-${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }}+nextest+rustc-hash
- uses: juliangruber/read-file-action@v1
id: read_rustc_hash
# ~ expansion didn't work
path: /Users/runner/__rustc_hash__
trim: true
- name: Restore rust cache
id: rust-cache
uses: actions/cache/restore@v3
path: ~/__rust_cache__
# The version vX at the end of the key is just a development version to avoid conflicts in
# the github cache during the development of this workflow
key: ${{ matrix.arch }}_${{}}_${{ steps.read_rustc_hash.outputs.content }}_${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.toml', '**/Cargo.lock') }}_v3
- name: Build and Test
uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2
@ -70,10 +81,20 @@ jobs:
target: ${{ }}
arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
ram-size: 2048M
disk-size: 5120M
disk-size: 7GB
force-avd-creation: false
emulator-options: -no-snapshot-save -gpu swiftshader_indirect -noaudio -no-boot-anim -camera-back none -snapshot ${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }}
# This is not a usual script. Every line is executed in a separate shell with `sh -c`. If
# one of the lines returns with error the whole script is failed (like running a script with
# set -e) and in consequences the other lines (shells) are not executed.
script: |
util/ sync
util/ sync_host
util/ build
util/ tests
if [[ "${{ steps.rust-cache.outputs.cache-hit }}" != 'true' ]]; then util/ sync_image; fi; exit 0
- name: Save rust cache
if: steps.rust-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
uses: actions/cache/save@v3
path: ~/__rust_cache__
key: ${{ matrix.arch }}_${{}}_${{ steps.read_rustc_hash.outputs.content }}_${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.toml', '**/Cargo.lock') }}_v3

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# spell-checker:ignore termux keyevent sdcard binutils unmatch adb's dumpsys logcat pkill nextest
# spell-checker:ignore termux keyevent sdcard binutils unmatch adb's dumpsys logcat pkill nextest logfile
# There are three shells: the host's, adb, and termux. Only adb lets us run
# commands directly on the emulated device, only termux provides a GNU
@ -8,29 +8,36 @@
# This means that the commands sent to termux are first parsed as arguments in
# this shell, then as arguments in the adb shell, before finally being used as
# text inputs to the app. Hence, the "'wrapping'" on those commands.
# There's no way to get any feedback from termux, so every time we run a
# command on it, we make sure it ends by creating a unique *.probe file at the
# end of the command. The contents of the file are used as a return code: 0 on
# success, some other number for errors (an empty file is basically the same as
# 0). Note that the return codes are text, not raw bytes.
# There's no way to get any direct feedback from termux, so every time we run a
# command on it, we make sure it creates a unique *.probe file which is polled
# every 30 seconds together with the current output of the command in a *.log file.
# The contents of the probe file are used as a return code: 0 on success, some
# other number for errors (an empty file is basically the same as 0). Note that
# the return codes are text, not raw bytes.
this_repo="$(dirname "$(dirname -- "$(readlink -- "${0}")")")"
help() {
echo \
"Usage: $0 COMMAND [ARG]
where COMMAND is one of:
init download termux and initialize the emulator image
snapshot APK install APK and dependencies on an emulator to prep a snapshot
(you can, but probably don't want to, run this for physical
devices -- just set up termux and the dependencies yourself)
sync [REPO] push the repo at REPO to the device, deleting and restoring all
symlinks (locally) in the process; by default, REPO is:
sync_host [REPO]
push the repo at REPO to the device, deleting and restoring all symlinks (locally)
in the process; The cached rust directories are restored, too; by default, REPO is:
sync_image [REPO]
copy the repo/target and the HOME/.cargo directories from the device back to the
host; by default, REPO is: $this_repo
build run \`cargo build --features feat_os_unix_android\` on the
device, then pull the output as build.log
tests run \`cargo test --features feat_os_unix_android\` on the
device, then pull the output as tests.log
If you have multiple devices, use the ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable to
specify which to connect to."
@ -40,6 +47,10 @@ hit_enter() {
adb shell input keyevent 66
exit_termux() {
adb shell input text "exit" && hit_enter && hit_enter
launch_termux() {
echo "launching termux"
if ! adb shell 'am start -n com.termux/.HomeActivity'; then
@ -56,127 +67,295 @@ launch_termux() {
adb shell 'rm /sdcard/launch.probe' && echo "removed launch.probe"
# Usage: run_termux_command
# Runs the command specified in $1 in a termux shell, polling for the probe specified in $2 (and the
# current output). If polling the probe succeeded the command is considered to have finished. This
# method prints the current stdout and stderr of the command every SLEEP_INTERVAL seconds and
# finishes a command run with a summary. It returns with the exit code of the probe if specified as
# file content of the probe.
# Positional arguments
# $1 The command to execute in the termux shell
# $2 The path to the probe. The file name must end with `.probe`
# It's possible to overwrite settings by specifying the setting the variable before calling this
# method (Default in parentheses):
# keep_log 0|1 Keeps the logs after running the command if set to 1. The log file name is
# derived from the probe file name (the last component of the path) and
# `.probe` replaced with `.log. (0)
# debug 0|1 Adds additional debugging output to the log file if set to 1. (1)
# timeout SECONDS The timeout in full SECONDS for the command to complete before giving up. (3600)
# retries RETRIES The number of retries for trying to fix possible issues when we're not receiving
# any progress from the emulator. (3)
# sleep_interval
# SECONDS The time interval in full SECONDS between polls for the probe and the current
# output. (5)
run_termux_command() {
command="$1" # text of the escaped command, including creating the probe!
probe="$2" # unique file that indicates the command is complete
# shellcheck disable=SC2155
local command="$(echo "$1" | sed -E "s/^['](.*)[']$/\1/")" # text of the escaped command, including creating the probe!
local probe="$2" # unique file that indicates the command is complete
local keep_log=${keep_log:-0}
local debug=${debug:-1}
log_name="$(basename -s .probe "${probe}").log" # probe name must have suffix .probe
echo 0 >"${log_read}"
if [[ $debug -eq 1 ]]; then
shell_command="'set -x; { ${command}; } &> ${log_file}; set +x'"
shell_command="'{ ${command}; } &> ${log_file}'"
adb shell input text "$command" && hit_enter
echo "Running command: ${command}"
start=$(date +%s)
adb shell input text "$shell_command" && sleep 3 && hit_enter
# just for safety wait a little bit before polling for the probe and the log file
sleep 5
local timeout=${timeout:-3600}
local retries=${retries:-3}
local sleep_interval=${sleep_interval:-5}
while ! adb shell "ls $probe" 2>/dev/null; do
echo "waiting for $probe"
sleep 30
echo -n "Waiting for $probe: "
if [[ -e "$log_name" ]]; then
rm "$log_name"
adb pull "$log_file" . || try_fix=$((try_fix - 1))
if [[ -e "$log_name" ]]; then
tail -n +"$(<"$log_read")" "$log_name"
wc -l <"${log_name}" | tr -d "[:space:]" >"$log_read"
if [[ retries -le 0 ]]; then
echo "Maximum retries reached running command. Aborting ..."
return 1
elif [[ try_fix -le 0 ]]; then
retries=$((retries - 1))
# Since there is no output, there is no way to know what is happening inside. See if
# hitting the enter key solves the issue, sometimes the github runner is just a little
# bit slow.
echo "No output received. Trying to fix the issue ... (${retries} retries left)"
sleep "$sleep_interval"
timeout=$((timeout - sleep_interval))
if [[ $timeout -le 0 ]]; then
echo "Timeout reached running command. Aborting ..."
return 1
return_code=$(adb shell "cat $probe")
adb shell "rm $probe"
echo "return code: $return_code"
return "$return_code"
end=$(date +%s)
return_code=$(adb shell "cat $probe") || return_code=0
adb shell "rm ${probe}"
adb pull "$log_file" .
echo "==================================== SUMMARY ==================================="
echo "Command: ${command}"
echo "Finished in $((end - start)) seconds."
echo "Output was:"
cat "$log_name"
echo "Return code: $return_code"
echo "================================================================================"
adb shell "rm ${log_file}"
[[ $keep_log -ne 1 ]] && rm -f "$log_name"
rm -f "$log_read" "$probe"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
return $return_code
init() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2015
wget "${termux}/termux-app_${termux}+github-debug_${arch}.apk" &&
snapshot "termux-app_${termux}+github-debug_${arch}.apk" &&
hash_rustc &&
exit_termux &&
adb -s emulator-5554 emu avd snapshot save "${api_level}-${arch}+termux-${termux}" &&
echo "Emulator image created." || {
pkill -9 qemu-system-x86_64
return 1
pkill -9 qemu-system-x86_64 || true
snapshot() {
echo "running snapshot"
echo "Running snapshot"
adb install -g "$apk"
echo "Prepare and install system packages"
command="'{ mkdir -vp ~/.cargo/bin; yes | pkg install rust binutils openssl -y; echo \$? > $probe; } &> $log'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe"
adb pull "$log" .
cat "$(basename "$log")"
if [[ $return_code -ne 0 ]]; then return $return_code; fi
command="'mkdir -vp ~/.cargo/bin; yes | pkg install rust binutils openssl tar -y; echo \$? > $probe'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe" || return
echo "Installing cargo-nextest"
# We need to install nextest via cargo currently, since there is no pre-built binary for android x86
command="'cargo install cargo-nextest &> $log; touch $probe'"
export CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always; \
cargo install cargo-nextest; \
echo \$? > $probe'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe"
adb pull "$log" .
cat "$(basename "$log")"
echo "Info about cargo and rust"
command="'{ \
set -x; \
echo \$HOME; \
PATH=\$HOME/.cargo/bin:\$PATH; \
export PATH; \
echo \$PATH; \
pwd; \
command -v rustc && rustc --version; \
ls -la ~/.cargo/bin; \
cargo --list; \
cargo nextest --version; \
set +x; \
} &> $log; touch $probe'"
command="'echo \$HOME; \
PATH=\$HOME/.cargo/bin:\$PATH; \
export PATH; \
echo \$PATH; \
pwd; \
command -v rustc && rustc -Vv; \
ls -la ~/.cargo/bin; \
cargo --list; \
cargo nextest --version; \
touch $probe'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe"
adb pull "$log" .
cat "$(basename "$log")"
echo "snapshot complete"
adb shell input text "exit" && hit_enter && hit_enter
echo "Snapshot complete"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
return $return_code
sync() {
sync_host() {
echo "running sync $1"
echo "Running sync host -> image: ${repo}"
# android doesn't allow symlinks on shared dirs, and adb can't selectively push files
symlinks=$(find "$repo" -type l)
# dash doesn't support process substitution :(
echo "$symlinks" | sort >symlinks
git -C "$repo" diff --name-status | cut -f 2 >modified
modified_links=$(join symlinks modified)
if [ -n "$modified_links" ]; then
echo "You have modified symlinks. Either stash or commit them, then try again: $modified_links"
exit 1
if ! git ls-files --error-unmatch "$symlinks" >/dev/null; then
#shellcheck disable=SC2086
if ! git ls-files --error-unmatch $symlinks >/dev/null; then
echo "You have untracked symlinks. Either remove or commit them, then try again."
exit 1
rm "$symlinks"
#shellcheck disable=SC2086
rm $symlinks
# adb's shell user only has access to shared dirs...
adb push "$repo" /sdcard/coreutils
git -C "$repo" checkout "$symlinks"
adb push -a "$repo" /sdcard/coreutils
[[ -e "$cache_home" ]] && adb push -a "$cache_home" "$cache_dest"
#shellcheck disable=SC2086
git -C "$repo" checkout $symlinks
# ...but shared dirs can't build, so move it home as termux
command="'cp -r /sdcard/coreutils ~/; touch $probe'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe"
command="'mv /sdcard/coreutils ~/; \
cd ~/coreutils; \
if [[ -e ${cache_dest} ]]; then \
rm -rf ~/.cargo ./target; \
tar xzf ${cache_dest}/cargo.tgz -C ~/; \
ls -la ~/.cargo; \
tar xzf ${cache_dest}/target.tgz; \
ls -la ./target; \
rm -rf ${cache_dest}; \
fi; \
touch $probe'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe" || return
echo "Finished sync host -> image: ${repo}"
sync_image() {
echo "Running sync image -> host: ${repo}"
command="'rm -rf /sdcard/coreutils ${cache_dest}; \
mkdir -p ${cache_dest}; \
cd ${cache_dest}; \
tar czf cargo.tgz -C ~/ .cargo; \
tar czf target.tgz -C ~/coreutils target; \
ls -la ${cache_dest}; \
echo \$? > ${probe}'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe" || return
rm -rf "$cache_home"
adb pull -a "$cache_dest" "$cache_home" || return
echo "Finished sync image -> host: ${repo}"
build() {
echo "Running build"
command="'cd ~/coreutils && cargo build --features feat_os_unix_android 2>/sdcard/build.log; echo \$? >$probe'"
echo "running build"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe"
adb pull /sdcard/build.log .
cat build.log
return $return_code
command="'export CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always; \
cd ~/coreutils && cargo build --features feat_os_unix_android; \
echo \$? >$probe'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe" || return
echo "Finished build"
tests() {
echo "Running tests"
export PATH=\$HOME/.cargo/bin:\$PATH; \
export RUST_BACKTRACE=1; \
export CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always; \
cd ~/coreutils || { echo 1 > $probe; exit; }; \
timeout --preserve-status --verbose -k 1m 60m \
cargo nextest run --profile ci --hide-progress-bar --features feat_os_unix_android \
&>/sdcard/tests.log; \
echo \$? >$probe'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe"
adb pull /sdcard/tests.log .
cat tests.log
return $return_code
command="'export PATH=\$HOME/.cargo/bin:\$PATH; \
export RUST_BACKTRACE=1; \
export CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always; \
cd ~/coreutils; \
timeout --preserve-status --verbose -k 1m 60m \
cargo nextest run --profile ci --hide-progress-bar --features feat_os_unix_android; \
echo \$? >$probe'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe" || return
echo "Finished tests"
hash_rustc() {
echo "Hashing rustc version: ${HOME}/${hash}"
command="'rustc -Vv; echo \$? > ${probe}'"
run_termux_command "$command" "$probe" || return
rm -f "$tmp_hash"
mv "rustc.log" "$tmp_hash" || return
# sha256sum is not available. shasum is the macos native program.
shasum -a 256 "$tmp_hash" | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | tr -d '[:space:]' >"${HOME}/${hash}" || return
rm -f "$tmp_hash"
echo "Finished hashing rustc version: ${HOME}/${hash}"
#adb logcat &
@ -184,8 +363,12 @@ exit_code=0
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
case "$1" in
sync "$this_repo"
sync_host "$this_repo"
sync_image "$this_repo"
@ -204,8 +387,24 @@ elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
snapshot "$2"
sync "$2"
sync_host "$2"
sync_image "$2"
exit 1
elif [ $# -eq 4 ]; then
case "$1" in
init "$@"