maint/build ~ update show-utils for sub-crate independence transition

This commit is contained in:
Roy Ivy III 2020-05-04 00:35:15 -05:00
parent 3291f9d4db
commit 68bea8d81d
2 changed files with 4 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -20,5 +20,6 @@ if NOT DEFINED JQ (
echo WARN: missing `jq` ^(install with `scoop install jq`^)^; falling back to default ^(only fully cross-platform^) util list 1>&2
echo %default_utils%
) else (
cargo metadata %* --format-version 1 | jq -r "[.resolve.nodes[] | {id: .id, deps: [.deps[].name]}] | .[] | select(.id|startswith(\"uutils\")) | [.deps[] | select(startswith(\"uu_\"))] | [.[] | sub(\"^uu_\"; \"\")] | join(\" \")"
REM cargo metadata %* --format-version 1 | jq -r "[.resolve.nodes[] | { id: .id, deps: [.deps[] | {, pkg:.pkg }] }] | .[] | select(.id|startswith(\"uutils\")) | [.deps[] | select((.name|startswith(\"uu_\")) or (.pkg|startswith(\"uu_\")))] | [.[].pkg | match(\"^^\\w+\";\"g\")] | [.[].string | sub(\"^uu_\"; \"\")] | sort | join(\" \")"
cargo metadata %* --format-version 1 | jq -r "[.resolve.nodes[] | { id: .id, deps: [.deps[] | {, pkg:.pkg }] }] | .[] | select(.id|startswith(\"uutils\")) | [.deps[] | select((.name|startswith(\"uu_\")) or (.pkg|startswith(\"uu_\")))] | [.[].pkg | match(\"^^\\w+\";\"g\")] | [.[].string] | sort | join(\" \")"

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@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ if [ -z "${JQ}" ]; then
echo 'WARN: missing `jq` (install with `sudo apt install jq`); falling back to default (only fully cross-platform) utility list' 1>&2
echo $default_utils
cargo metadata $* --format-version 1 | jq -r "[.resolve.nodes[] | {id: .id, deps: [.deps[].name]}] | .[] | select(.id|startswith(\"uutils\")) | [.deps[] | select(startswith(\"uu_\"))] | [.[] | sub(\"^uu_\"; \"\")] | join(\" \")"
# cargo metadata $* --format-version 1 | jq -r "[.resolve.nodes[] | { id: .id, deps: [.deps[] | {, pkg:.pkg }] }] | .[] | select(.id|startswith(\"uutils\")) | [.deps[] | select((.name|startswith(\"uu_\")) or (.pkg|startswith(\"uu_\")))] | [.[].pkg | match(\"^\\\w+\";\"g\")] | [.[].string | sub(\"^uu_\"; \"\")] | sort | join(\" \")"
cargo metadata $* --format-version 1 | jq -r "[.resolve.nodes[] | { id: .id, deps: [.deps[] | {, pkg:.pkg }] }] | .[] | select(.id|startswith(\"uutils\")) | [.deps[] | select((.name|startswith(\"uu_\")) or (.pkg|startswith(\"uu_\")))] | [.[].pkg | match(\"^\\\w+\";\"g\")] | [.[].string] | sort | join(\" \")"