Implemented rmdir, which fixes #37

This commit is contained in:
Arcterus 2013-12-18 10:39:23 -08:00
parent 2d59e73fd5
commit 1d3fe8402f
3 changed files with 104 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ EXES := \
false \
printenv \
pwd \
rmdir \
true \
wc \
whoami \

View file

@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ To do
- relpath
- remove
- rm
- rmdir
- runcon
- seq
- setuidgid

rmdir/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#[link(name="rmdir", vers="1.0.0", author="Arcterus")];
* This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
* (c) Arcterus <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
extern mod extra;
use std::os;
use std::io::{stderr, io_error, fs};
use extra::getopts::groups;
fn main() {
let args = os::args();
let program = args[0].clone();
let opts = ~[
groups::optflag("", "ignore-fail-on-non-empty", "ignore each failure that is solely because a directory is non-empty"),
groups::optflag("p", "parents", "remove DIRECTORY and its ancestors; e.g., 'rmdir -p a/b/c' is similar to rmdir a/b/c a/b a"),
groups::optflag("v", "verbose", "output a diagnostic for every directory processed"),
groups::optflag("", "help", "print this help and exit"),
groups::optflag("", "version", "output version information and exit")
let matches = match groups::getopts(args.tail(), opts) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => {
writeln!(&mut stderr() as &mut Writer, "{}", f.to_err_msg());
if matches.opt_present("help") {
println("rmdir 1.0.0");
println!(" {0:s} [OPTION]... DIRECTORY...", program);
print(groups::usage("Remove the DIRECTORY(ies), if they are empty.", opts));
} else if matches.opt_present("version") {
println("rmdir 1.0.0");
} else if {
writeln!(&mut stderr() as &mut Writer, "Missing an argument");
writeln!(&mut stderr() as &mut Writer,
"For help, try '{0:s} --help'", program);
} else {
let ignore = matches.opt_present("ignore-fail-on-non-empty");
let parents = matches.opt_present("parents");
let verbose = matches.opt_present("verbose");
remove(, ignore, parents, verbose);
fn remove(dirs: &[~str], ignore: bool, parents: bool, verbose: bool) {
for dir in dirs.iter() {
let path = Path::new(dir.to_owned());
if path.exists() {
if path.is_dir() {
remove_dir(&path, dir, ignore, parents, verbose);
} else {
writeln!(&mut stderr() as &mut Writer,
"Failed to remove '{}' (file)", *dir);
} else {
writeln!(&mut stderr() as &mut Writer,
"No such file or directory '{}'", *dir);
fn remove_dir(path: &Path, dir: &~str, ignore: bool, parents: bool, verbose: bool) {
if fs::walk_dir(path).next() == None {
io_error::cond.trap(|_| {
writeln!(&mut stderr() as &mut Writer,
"Failed to remove directory '{}'", *dir);
}).inside(|| {
if verbose {
println!("Removed directory '{}'", *dir);
if parents {
let dirname = path.dirname_str().unwrap();
if dirname != "." {
remove_dir(&Path::new(dirname), &dirname.to_owned(), ignore, parents, verbose);
} else if !ignore {
writeln!(&mut stderr() as &mut Writer,
"Failed to remove directory '{}' (non-empty)", *dir);