2021-11-12 19:56:05 +08:00

515 lines
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// FAT16/32 File IO Library
// V2.6
// Copyright 2003 - 2012
// Email:
// License: GPL
// If you would like a version with a more permissive license for use in
// closed source commercial applications please contact me for details.
// This file is part of FAT File IO Library.
// FAT File IO Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// FAT File IO Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with FAT File IO Library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "fat_string.h"
// fatfs_total_path_levels: Take a filename and path and count the sub levels
// of folders. E.g. C:\folder\ = 1 level
// Acceptable input formats are:
// c:\folder\
// /dev/etc/samba.conf
// Returns: -1 = Error, 0 or more = Ok
int fatfs_total_path_levels(char *path)
int levels = 0;
char expectedchar;
if (!path)
return -1;
// Acceptable formats:
// c:\folder\
// /dev/etc/samba.conf
if (*path == '/')
expectedchar = '/';
else if (path[1] == ':' || path[2] == '\\')
expectedchar = '\\';
path += 3;
return -1;
// Count levels in path string
while (*path)
// Fast forward through actual subdir text to next slash
for (; *path; )
// If slash detected escape from for loop
if (*path == expectedchar) { path++; break; }
// Increase number of subdirs founds
// Subtract the file itself
return levels-1;
// fatfs_get_substring: Get a substring from 'path' which contains the folder
// (or file) at the specified level.
// E.g. C:\folder\ : Level 0 = C:\folder, Level 1 =
// Returns: -1 = Error, 0 = Ok
int fatfs_get_substring(char *path, int levelreq, char *output, int max_len)
int i;
int pathlen=0;
int levels=0;
int copypnt=0;
char expectedchar;
if (!path || max_len <= 0)
return -1;
// Acceptable formats:
// c:\folder\
// /dev/etc/samba.conf
if (*path == '/')
expectedchar = '/';
else if (path[1] == ':' || path[2] == '\\')
expectedchar = '\\';
path += 3;
return -1;
// Get string length of path
pathlen = (int)strlen (path);
// Loop through the number of times as characters in 'path'
for (i = 0; i<pathlen; i++)
// If a '\' is found then increase level
if (*path == expectedchar) levels++;
// If correct level and the character is not a '\' or '/' then copy text to 'output'
if ( (levels == levelreq) && (*path != expectedchar) && (copypnt < (max_len-1)))
output[copypnt++] = *path;
// Increment through path string
// Null Terminate
output[copypnt] = '\0';
// If a string was copied return 0 else return 1
if (output[0] != '\0')
return 0; // OK
return -1; // Error
// fatfs_split_path: Full path contains the passed in string.
// Returned is the path string and file Name string
// E.g. C:\folder\ -> path = C:\folder filename =
// E.g. C:\ -> path = [blank] filename =
int fatfs_split_path(char *full_path, char *path, int max_path, char *filename, int max_filename)
int strindex;
// Count the levels to the filepath
int levels = fatfs_total_path_levels(full_path);
if (levels == -1)
return -1;
// Get filename part of string
if (fatfs_get_substring(full_path, levels, filename, max_filename) != 0)
return -1;
// If root file
if (levels == 0)
path[0] = '\0';
strindex = (int)strlen(full_path) - (int)strlen(filename);
if (strindex > max_path)
strindex = max_path;
memcpy(path, full_path, strindex);
path[strindex-1] = '\0';
return 0;
// FileString_StrCmpNoCase: Compare two strings case with case sensitivity
static int FileString_StrCmpNoCase(char *s1, char *s2, int n)
int diff;
char a,b;
while (n--)
a = *s1;
b = *s2;
// Make lower case if uppercase
if ((a>='A') && (a<='Z'))
a+= 32;
if ((b>='A') && (b<='Z'))
b+= 32;
diff = a - b;
// If different
if (diff)
return diff;
// If run out of strings
if ( (*s1 == 0) || (*s2 == 0) )
return 0;
// FileString_GetExtension: Get index to extension within filename
// Returns -1 if not found or index otherwise
static int FileString_GetExtension(char *str)
int dotPos = -1;
char *strSrc = str;
// Find last '.' in string (if at all)
while (*strSrc)
if (*strSrc=='.')
dotPos = (int)(strSrc-str);
return dotPos;
// FileString_TrimLength: Get length of string excluding trailing spaces
// Returns -1 if not found or index otherwise
static int FileString_TrimLength(char *str, int strLen)
int length = strLen;
char *strSrc = str+strLen-1;
// Find last non white space
while (strLen != 0)
if (*strSrc == ' ')
length = (int)(strSrc - str);
return length;
// fatfs_compare_names: Compare two filenames (without copying or changing origonals)
// Returns 1 if match, 0 if not
int fatfs_compare_names(char* strA, char* strB)
char *ext1 = NULL;
char *ext2 = NULL;
int ext1Pos, ext2Pos;
int file1Len, file2Len;
// Get both files extension
ext1Pos = FileString_GetExtension(strA);
ext2Pos = FileString_GetExtension(strB);
// NOTE: Extension position can be different for matching
// filename if trailing space are present before it!
// Check that if one has an extension, so does the other
if ((ext1Pos==-1) && (ext2Pos!=-1))
return 0;
if ((ext2Pos==-1) && (ext1Pos!=-1))
return 0;
// If they both have extensions, compare them
if (ext1Pos!=-1)
// Set pointer to start of extension
ext1 = strA+ext1Pos+1;
ext2 = strB+ext2Pos+1;
// Verify that the file extension lengths match!
if (strlen(ext1) != strlen(ext2))
return 0;
// If they dont match
if (FileString_StrCmpNoCase(ext1, ext2, (int)strlen(ext1))!=0)
return 0;
// Filelength is upto extensions
file1Len = ext1Pos;
file2Len = ext2Pos;
// No extensions
// Filelength is actual filelength
file1Len = (int)strlen(strA);
file2Len = (int)strlen(strB);
// Find length without trailing spaces (before ext)
file1Len = FileString_TrimLength(strA, file1Len);
file2Len = FileString_TrimLength(strB, file2Len);
// Check the file lengths match
if (file1Len!=file2Len)
return 0;
// Compare main part of filenames
if (FileString_StrCmpNoCase(strA, strB, file1Len)!=0)
return 0;
return 1;
// fatfs_string_ends_with_slash: Does the string end with a slash (\ or /)
int fatfs_string_ends_with_slash(char *path)
if (path)
while (*path)
// Last character?
if (!(*(path+1)))
if (*path == '\\' || *path == '/')
return 1;
return 0;
// fatfs_get_sfn_display_name: Get display name for SFN entry
int fatfs_get_sfn_display_name(char* out, char* in)
int len = 0;
while (*in && len <= 11)
char a = *in++;
if (a == ' ')
// Make lower case if uppercase
else if ((a>='A') && (a<='Z'))
a+= 32;
*out++ = a;
*out = '\0';
return 1;
// fatfs_get_extension: Get extension of filename passed in 'filename'.
// Returned extension is always lower case.
// Returns: 1 if ok, 0 if not.
int fatfs_get_extension(char* filename, char* out, int maxlen)
int len = 0;
// Get files extension offset
int ext_pos = FileString_GetExtension(filename);
if (ext_pos > 0 && out && maxlen)
filename += ext_pos + 1;
while (*filename && len < (maxlen-1))
char a = *filename++;
// Make lowercase if uppercase
if ((a>='A') && (a<='Z'))
a+= 32;
*out++ = a;
*out = '\0';
return 1;
return 0;
// fatfs_create_path_string: Append path & filename to create file path string.
// Returns: 1 if ok, 0 if not.
int fatfs_create_path_string(char* path, char *filename, char* out, int maxlen)
int len = 0;
char last = 0;
char seperator = '/';
if (path && filename && out && maxlen > 0)
while (*path && len < (maxlen-2))
last = *path++;
if (last == '\\')
seperator = '\\';
*out++ = last;
// Add a seperator if trailing one not found
if (last != '\\' && last != '/')
*out++ = seperator;
while (*filename && len < (maxlen-1))
*out++ = *filename++;
*out = '\0';
return 1;
return 0;
// Test Bench
void main(void)
char output[255];
char output2[255];
assert(fatfs_total_path_levels("C:\\folder\\") == 1);
assert(fatfs_total_path_levels("C:\\") == 0);
assert(fatfs_total_path_levels("C:\\folder\\folder2\\") == 2);
assert(fatfs_total_path_levels("C:\\") == -1);
assert(fatfs_total_path_levels("") == -1);
assert(fatfs_total_path_levels("/dev/etc/") == 2);
assert(fatfs_total_path_levels("/dev/") == 1);
assert(fatfs_get_substring("C:\\folder\\", 0, output, sizeof(output)) == 0);
assert(strcmp(output, "folder") == 0);
assert(fatfs_get_substring("C:\\folder\\", 1, output, sizeof(output)) == 0);
assert(strcmp(output, "") == 0);
assert(fatfs_get_substring("/dev/etc/", 0, output, sizeof(output)) == 0);
assert(strcmp(output, "dev") == 0);
assert(fatfs_get_substring("/dev/etc/", 1, output, sizeof(output)) == 0);
assert(strcmp(output, "etc") == 0);
assert(fatfs_get_substring("/dev/etc/", 2, output, sizeof(output)) == 0);
assert(strcmp(output, "") == 0);
assert(fatfs_split_path("C:\\folder\\", output, sizeof(output), output2, sizeof(output2)) == 0);
assert(strcmp(output, "C:\\folder") == 0);
assert(strcmp(output2, "") == 0);
assert(fatfs_split_path("C:\\", output, sizeof(output), output2, sizeof(output2)) == 0);
assert(output[0] == 0);
assert(strcmp(output2, "") == 0);
assert(fatfs_split_path("/dev/etc/", output, sizeof(output), output2, sizeof(output2)) == 0);
assert(strcmp(output, "/dev/etc") == 0);
assert(strcmp(output2, "") == 0);
assert(FileString_GetExtension("C:\\") == strlen("C:\\file"));
assert(FileString_GetExtension("C:\\") == strlen("C:\\"));
assert(FileString_GetExtension("C:\\") == strlen("C:\\"));
assert(FileString_TrimLength("C:\\", strlen("C:\\")) == strlen("C:\\"));
assert(FileString_TrimLength("C:\\ ", strlen("C:\\ ")) == strlen("C:\\"));
assert(FileString_TrimLength(" ", strlen(" ")) == 0);
assert(fatfs_compare_names("C:\\file.ext", "C:\\file.ext") == 1);
assert(fatfs_compare_names("C:\\file2.ext", "C:\\file.ext") == 0);
assert(fatfs_compare_names("C:\\file .ext", "C:\\file.ext") == 1);
assert(fatfs_compare_names("C:\\file .ext", "C:\\file2.ext") == 0);
assert(fatfs_string_ends_with_slash("C:\\folder") == 0);
assert(fatfs_string_ends_with_slash("C:\\folder\\") == 1);
assert(fatfs_string_ends_with_slash("/path") == 0);
assert(fatfs_string_ends_with_slash("/path/a") == 0);
assert(fatfs_string_ends_with_slash("/path/") == 1);
assert(fatfs_get_extension("/mypath/file.wav", output, 4) == 1);
assert(strcmp(output, "wav") == 0);
assert(fatfs_get_extension("/mypath/file.WAV", output, 4) == 1);
assert(strcmp(output, "wav") == 0);
assert(fatfs_get_extension("/mypath/", output, 4) == 1);
assert(strcmp(output, "ext") != 0);
assert(fatfs_create_path_string("/mydir1", "myfile.txt", output, sizeof(output)) == 1);
assert(strcmp(output, "/mydir1/myfile.txt") == 0);
assert(fatfs_create_path_string("/mydir2/", "myfile2.txt", output, sizeof(output)) == 1);
assert(strcmp(output, "/mydir2/myfile2.txt") == 0);
assert(fatfs_create_path_string("C:\\mydir3", "myfile3.txt", output, sizeof(output)) == 1);
assert(strcmp(output, "C:\\mydir3\\myfile3.txt") == 0);