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nm-online(1) manual page
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<refentry id='nm-online'>
<author>NetworkManager developers</author>
<refmiscinfo class="source">NetworkManager</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="manual">General Commands Manual</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="version">&NM_VERSION;</refmiscinfo>
<refpurpose>ask NetworkManager whether the network is connected</refpurpose>
<refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable>OPTIONS</replaceable></arg>
<refsect1 id='description'><title>Description</title>
<para><command>nm-online</command> is a utility to find out whether we are
online. It is done by asking NetworkManager about its status. When run,
<command>nm-online</command> waits until NetworkManager reports an active
connection, or specified timeout expires. On exit, the returned status code
should be checked (see the return codes below).</para>
<para>This tool is not very useful to call directly. It is however used by
<literal>NetworkManager-wait-online.service</literal> with
<literal>--wait-for-startup</literal> argument. This is used to delay
the service and indirectly <literal></literal>,
until networking is up. Don't order your own systemd services after
<literal>NetworkManager-wait-online.service</literal> directly. Instead
if necessary, order your services after <literal></literal>.
Even better is to have your services react to network changes dynamically
and don't order them with respect to <literal></literal>
at all.
<para>By default, connections have the <literal>ipv4.may-fail</literal> and
<literal>ipv6.may-fail</literal> properties set to <literal>yes</literal>;
this means that NetworkManager waits for one of the two address families to
complete configuration before considering the connection activated. If you
need a specific address family configured before
<literal></literal> is reached, set the corresponding
<literal>may-fail</literal> property to <literal>no</literal>.</para>
<refsect1 id='options'><title>Options</title>
<term><group choice='plain'>
<arg choice='plain'><option>-h</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>--help</option></arg>
<para>Print help information.</para>
<term><group choice='plain'>
<arg choice='plain'><option>-q</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>--quiet</option></arg>
<para>Don't print anything.</para>
<term><group choice='plain'>
<arg choice='plain'><option>-s</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>--wait-for-startup</option></arg>
<para>Wait for NetworkManager startup to complete, rather than waiting for
network connectivity specifically. Startup is considered complete once
NetworkManager has activated (or attempted to activate) every auto-activate
connection which is available given the current network state. This corresponds
to the moment when NetworkManager logs <literal>"startup complete"</literal>.
This mode is generally only useful at boot time. After startup has completed,
<command>nm-online -s</command> will just return immediately, regardless of the
current network state.</para>
<para>There are various ways to affect when startup complete is reached.
For example, by setting a connection profile to autoconnect, such a profile
possibly will activate during startup and thus delay startup complete being reached.
Also, a profile is considered ready when it fully reached the logical <literal>connected</literal>
state in NetworkManager. That means, properties like <literal>ipv4.may-fail</literal> and <literal>ipv6.may-fail</literal>
affect whether a certain address family is required. Also, the connection property
<literal>connection.wait-device-timeout</literal> affects whether to wait for
the driver to detect a certain device. Generally, a failure of <literal>NetworkManager-wait-online.service</literal>
indicates a configuration error, where NetworkManager won't be able to reach the
desired connectivity state during startup. An example for that are bridge or bond master
profiles, that get autoconnected but without activating any slaves. Such master devices
hang in activating state indefinitely, and cause <literal>NetworkManager-wait-online.service</literal>
to fail.
<group choice='plain'>
<arg choice='plain'><option>-t</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>--timeout</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>seconds</replaceable></arg>
<para>Time to wait for a connection, in seconds. If the option is not provided,
the environment variable <literal>NM_ONLINE_TIMEOUT</literal> is honored.
The default timeout is 30 seconds.</para>
<term><group choice='plain'>
<arg choice='plain'><option>-x</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>--exit</option></arg>
<para>Exit immediately if NetworkManager is not running or connecting.</para>
<refsect1 id='exit_status'><title>Exit Status</title>
<para><command>nm-online</command> exits with status 0 if it succeeds, a value
greater than 0 is returned if an error occurs.</para>
<variablelist spacing='compact' termlength='3'>
<para>Success &ndash; already online or connection established within given timeout.</para>
<para>Offline or not online within given timeout.</para>
<para>Unknown or unspecified error.</para>
<refsect1 id='see_also'><title>See Also</title>
<para><link linkend='nmcli'><citerefentry><refentrytitle>nmcli</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry></link>,
<link linkend='NetworkManager'><citerefentry><refentrytitle>NetworkManager</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry></link>.</para>