Dan Winship c14486984e libnm, libnm-util: move settings doc generation to libnm-core
Move the settings/plugins doc generation from libnm-util to
libnm-core, since libnm-util isn't being updated for all new

With this commit, the keyfile and ifcfg-rh documentation is basically
unchanged, except that deprecated properties are now gone, and new
properties have been added, and the sections are in a different order.
( just outputs the settings in Makefile order,
and they were unsorted in libnm-util, but are sorted in libnm-core).

The settings documentation used for nm-settings.5, the D-Bus API docs,
and the nmcli help is changed a bit more at this point, and mostly for
the worse, since the libnm-core setting properties don't match up with
the D-Bus API as well as the libnm-util ones do. To be fixed...

(I also removed the "plugins docs" line in each plugin docs comment
block while moving them, since those blocks will be used for more than
just plugins soon, and it's sort of obvious anyway.)
2014-11-19 09:24:09 -05:00

211 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Copyright 2009 - 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
from __future__ import print_function
from gi.repository import NM, GObject
import argparse, datetime, re, sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
type_name_map = {
'gchararray': 'string',
'GSList_gchararray_': 'array of string',
'GArray_guchar_': 'byte array',
'gboolean': 'boolean',
'guint64': 'uint64',
'gint': 'int32',
'guint': 'uint32',
'GArray_guint_': 'array of uint32',
'GPtrArray_GArray_guint__': 'array of array of uint32',
'GPtrArray_GArray_guchar__': 'array of byte array',
'GPtrArray_gchararray_': 'array of string',
'GHashTable_gchararray+gchararray_': 'dict of (string::string)',
'GPtrArray_GValueArray_GArray_guchar_+guint+GArray_guchar___': 'array of (byte array, uint32, byte array)',
'GPtrArray_GValueArray_GArray_guchar_+guint+GArray_guchar_+guint__': 'array of (byte array, uint32, byte array, uint32)'
ns_map = {
'c': '',
'gi': '',
'glib': ''
identifier_key = '{%s}identifier' % ns_map['c']
nick_key = '{%s}nick' % ns_map['glib']
symbol_prefix_key = '{%s}symbol-prefix' % ns_map['c']
constants = {
'NULL': 'NULL' }
setting_names = {}
def init_constants(girxml, settings):
for const in girxml.findall('./gi:namespace/gi:constant', ns_map):
cname = const.attrib['{%s}type' % ns_map['c']]
cvalue = const.attrib['value']
if const.find('./gi:type[@name="utf8"]', ns_map) is not None:
cvalue = '"%s"' % cvalue
constants[cname] = cvalue
for enum in girxml.findall('./gi:namespace/gi:enumeration', ns_map):
for enumval in enum.findall('./gi:member', ns_map):
cname = enumval.attrib[identifier_key]
cvalue = '%s (%s)' % (cname, enumval.attrib['value'])
constants[cname] = cvalue
for enum in girxml.findall('./gi:namespace/gi:bitfield', ns_map):
for enumval in enum.findall('./gi:member', ns_map):
cname = enumval.attrib[identifier_key]
cvalue = '%s (0x%x)' % (cname, int(enumval.attrib['value']))
constants[cname] = cvalue
for setting in settings:
setting_type_name = 'NM' + setting.attrib['name'];
setting_name_symbol = 'NM_' + setting.attrib[symbol_prefix_key].upper() + '_SETTING_NAME'
if constants.has_key(setting_name_symbol):
setting_name = constants[setting_name_symbol]
setting_names[setting_type_name] = setting_name
def get_prop_type(setting, pspec, propxml):
prop_type =
if prop_type in type_name_map:
prop_type = type_name_map[prop_type]
if prop_type is None:
prop_type = ''
return prop_type
def get_docs(setting, pspec, propxml):
doc_xml = propxml.find('gi:doc', ns_map)
if doc_xml is None:
return None
doc = doc_xml.text
if 'deprecated' in propxml.attrib:
doc = doc + ' Deprecated: ' + propxml.attrib['deprecated']
doc = re.sub(r'\n\s*', r' ', doc)
# Expand constants
doc = re.sub(r'%([^%]\w*)', lambda match: constants[], doc)
# #NMSettingWired:mac-address -> "mac-address"
doc = re.sub(r'#[A-Za-z0-9_]*:([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)', r'"\1"', doc)
# #NMSettingWired setting -> "802-3-ethernet" setting
doc = re.sub(r'#([A-Z]\w*) setting', lambda match: setting_names[] + ' setting', doc)
# remaining gtk-doc cleanup
doc = doc.replace('%%', '%')
doc = doc.replace('<!-- -->', '')
doc = re.sub(r' Element-.ype:.*', '', doc)
doc = re.sub(r'#([A-Z]\w*)', r'\1', doc)
# Remove sentences that refer to functions
doc = re.sub(r'\.\s+[^.]*\w\(\)[^.]*\.', r'.', doc)
return doc
def get_default_value(setting, pspec, propxml):
default_value = setting.get_property('-', '_'))
if default_value is None:
return default_value
value_type = get_prop_type(setting, pspec, propxml)
if value_type == 'string' and default_value != '' and != 'name':
default_value = '"%s"' % default_value
elif value_type == 'gchar' and default_value != '':
default_value = "'%s'" % default_value
elif value_type == 'boolean':
default_value = str(default_value).upper()
elif value_type == 'byte array':
default_value = '[]'
elif str(default_value).startswith('<'):
default_value = None
return default_value
def escape(val):
return str(val).replace('"', '&quot;')
def usage():
print("Usage: %s --gir FILE --output FILE" % sys.argv[0])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-g', '--gir', metavar='FILE', help='NM-1.0.gir file')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='FILE', help='output file')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.gir is None or args.output is None:
girxml = ET.parse(args.gir).getroot()
outfile = open(args.output, mode='w')
basexml = girxml.find('./gi:namespace/gi:class[@name="Setting"]', ns_map)
settings = girxml.findall('./gi:namespace/gi:class[@parent="Setting"]', ns_map)
# Hack. Need a better way to do this
ipxml = girxml.find('./gi:namespace/gi:class[@name="SettingIPConfig"]', ns_map)
settings.extend(girxml.findall('./gi:namespace/gi:class[@parent="SettingIPConfig"]', ns_map))
settings = sorted(settings, key=lambda setting: setting.attrib['{%s}symbol-prefix' % ns_map['c']])
init_constants(girxml, settings)
outfile.write("""<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<!DOCTYPE nm-setting-docs [
<!ENTITY quot "&#34;">
for settingxml in settings:
if settingxml.attrib.has_key('abstract'):
new_func = NM.__getattr__(settingxml.attrib['name'])
setting = new_func()
outfile.write(" <setting name=\"%s\">\n" %
properties = sorted(GObject.list_properties(setting), key=lambda prop:
for pspec in properties:
propxml = settingxml.find('./gi:property[@name="%s"]' %, ns_map)
if propxml is None:
propxml = basexml.find('./gi:property[@name="%s"]' %, ns_map)
if propxml is None:
propxml = ipxml.find('./gi:property[@name="%s"]' %, ns_map)
value_type = get_prop_type(setting, pspec, propxml)
value_desc = get_docs(setting, pspec, propxml)
default_value = get_default_value(setting, pspec, propxml)
if default_value is not None:
outfile.write(" <property name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" default=\"%s\" description=\"%s\" />\n" %
(, value_type, escape(default_value), escape(value_desc)))
outfile.write(" <property name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" description=\"%s\" />\n" %
(, value_type, escape(value_desc)))
outfile.write(" </setting>\n")