
302 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -n
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# $ perldoc for eye-pleasing view of the manual:
=head1 NAME - check for common mistakes
=head1 SYNOPSIS [<file> ...]
B<> checks source files or patches for common mistakes.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<< <file> >>
A C source file or an unified diff.
use strict;
use warnings;
our $is_patch;
our $is_file;
our $is_commit_message;
our $seen_error;
our $line; # Current line
our $check_line; # Complain if errors are found on this line
our @functions_seen;
our $type;
our $filename;
our $line_no;
our $indent;
our $check_is_todo;
our $expect_spdx;
sub new_hunk
$type = undef;
$indent = undef;
sub new_file
$expect_spdx = 0;
$check_is_todo = 1;
$filename = shift;
@functions_seen = ();
my $header = $ENV{'NM_CHECKPATCH_HEADER'};
sub complain
my $message = shift;
my $plain_message = shift;
return unless $check_line;
if (defined($header)) {
warn "$header\n";
undef $header;
if ($plain_message) {
warn "$message\n";
} else {
warn "$filename:$line_no: $message:\n";
warn "> $line\n\n";
$seen_error = 1;
sub check_commit
my $commit = shift;
my $required = shift;
my $commit_id;
my $commit_message;
if ($commit =~ /^([0-9a-f]{5,})\b/) {
$commit_id = $1;
} else {
return unless $required;
if ($commit_id and not system 'git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>/dev/null') {
$commit_message = `git log --abbrev=12 --pretty=format:"%h ('%s')" -1 "$commit_id" 2>/dev/null`;
complain "Commit '$commit_id' does not seem to exist" unless $commit_message;
$commit_message //= "<12 hex digits> ('<commit subject>')";
complain "Refer to the commit id properly: $commit_message" unless $commit =~ /^[0-9a-f]{12} \('/;
if ($is_patch) {
# This is a line of an unified diff
if (/^@@.*\+(\d+)/) {
$line_no = $1 - 1;
if (/^\+\+\+ (b\/)?(.*)/) {
new_file ($2);
s/^([ \+])(.*)/$2/ or next;
$check_line = $1 eq '+';
$line = $2;
} elsif ($is_file) {
$line_no = $.;
$. = 0 if eof;
# This is a line from full C file
$check_line = 1;
$line = $_;
} elsif ($is_commit_message) {
$filename = '(commit message)';
$check_line = 1;
$line = $_;
/^---$/ and $is_commit_message = 0;
/^(Reverts|Fixes): *(.*)/ and check_commit ($2, 1);
/This reverts commit/ and next;
/cherry picked from/ and next;
/\bcommit (.*)/ and check_commit ($1, 0);
} else {
# We don't handle these yet
/^diff --cc/ and exit 0;
$filename = '';
$line_no = 1;
# We don't know if we're dealing with a patch or a C file yet
$is_commit_message = 1 if /^From \S/;
$is_file = 1 if /^#/;
$is_patch = 1 if /^---/;
if ($is_file and $filename ne $ARGV) {
new_file ($ARGV);
if ($filename !~ /\.[ch]$/) {
if ($check_is_todo) {
complain("Resolve todo list \"$filename\" first\n", 1) if $filename =~ /^TODO.txt$/;
$check_is_todo = 0;
next if $filename =~ /\/nm-[^\/]+-enum-types\.[ch]$/;
next if $filename =~ /\b(shared|src)\/systemd\//
and not $filename =~ /\/sd-adapt\//
and not $filename =~ /\/nm-/;
next if $filename =~ /\/(n-acd|c-list|c-siphash|n-dhcp4)\//;
$expect_spdx = 1 if $line_no == 1;
$expect_spdx = 0 if $line =~ /SPDX-License-Identifier/;
complain ('Missing a SPDX-License-Identifier') if $line_no == 2 and $expect_spdx;
complain ('Tabs are only allowed at the beginning of a line') if $line =~ /[^\t]\t/;
complain ('Trailing whitespace') if $line =~ /[ \t]$/;
complain ('Don\'t use glib typedefs for char/short/int/long/float/double') if $line =~ /\bg(char|short|int|long|float|double)\b/;
complain ("Don't use \"$1 $2\" instead of \"$2 $1\"") if $line =~ /\b(char|short|int|long) +(unsigned|signed)\b/;
complain ("Don't use \"unsigned int\" but just use \"unsigned\"") if $line =~ /\b(unsigned) +(int)\b/;
complain ("Please use LGPL-2.1+ SPDX tag for new files") if $is_patch and $line =~ /SPDX-License-Identifier/ and not /LGPL-2.1\+/;
complain ("Use a SPDX-License-Identifier instead of Licensing boilerplate") if $is_patch and $line =~ /under the terms of/;
complain ("Don't use space inside elvis operator ?:") if $line =~ /\?[\t ]+:/;
complain ("Don't add Emacs editor formatting hints to source files") if $line_no == 1 and $line =~ /-\*-.+-\*-/;
complain ("XXX marker are reserved for development while work-in-progress. Use TODO or FIXME comment instead?") if $line =~ /\bXXX\b/;
complain ("This gtk-doc annotation looks wrong") if $line =~ /\*.*\( *(transfer-(none|container|full)|allow none) *\) *(:|\()/;
complain ("Prefer nm_assert() or g_return*() to g_assert*()") if $line =~ /g_assert/ and (not $filename =~ /\/tests\//) and (not $filename =~ /\/nm-test-/);
complain ("Use gs_free_error with GError variables") if $line =~ /\bgs_free\b +GError *\*/;
#complain ("Use spaces instead of tabs") if $line =~ /\t/;
# Further on we process stuff without comments.
$_ = $line;
/^\s* \* / and next;
if (/^typedef*/) {
# We expect the { on the same line as the typedef. Otherwise it
# looks too much like a function declaration
complain ('Unexpected line break following a typedef') unless /[;{,]$/;
} elsif (/^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_ ]*\*?$/ and /[a-z]/) {
# A function type
$type = $_;
} elsif ($type and /^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(\s*)\(/) {
my @order = qw/^get_property$ ^set_property$ (?<!_iface|_class)_init$ ^constructor$
^constructed$ _new$ ^dispose$ ^finalize$ _class_init$/;
my @following = ();
my @tmp = ();
# A function name
my $name = $1;
complain ('No space between function name and arguments') unless $2 eq '';
# Determine which function must not be preceding this one
foreach my $func (reverse @order) {
if ($name =~ /$func/) {
@following = @tmp;
push @tmp, $func;
# Check if an out-of-order function was seen
foreach my $func (@following) {
my @wrong = grep { /$func/ } @functions_seen;
complain (join (', ', map { "'$_'" } @wrong)." should follow '$name'") if @wrong;
push @functions_seen, $1;
$type = undef;
if ($type) {
# We've seen what looked like a type in a function declaration,
# but the function declaration didn't follow.
if ($type =~ /^(struct|union)/ and $line eq '{') {
complain ("Brace should be one the same line as the '$type' declaration");
} else {
complain ("Expected a function declaration following '$type', but found something else");
$type = undef;
if ($seen_error) {
warn "The patch does not validate.\n" if $is_patch;
warn "The file does not validate.\n" if $is_file;
$? = 1
=item B< hello.c>
Check a single file.
=item B<git diff --cached |>
Check the currently staged changes.
=item B<git format-patch -U65535 --stdout -1 |contrib/scripts/ || :>
A F<.git/hooks/post-commit> oneliner that, wisely, tolerates failures while
still providing advice. The large line context allows helps
get a better idea about the changes in context of code that does not change.
=head1 BUGS
Proabably too many.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
=head1 AUTHOR
Lubomir Rintel C<>