Thomas Haller e883ae765f
settings: add "version-id" argument to Update2() D-Bus call
We want to guard against concurrent modifications of profiles. We cannot
lock profiles, so what we instead do is expose (and bump) a version ID.
The user can check the version ID, plan ahead what to do, and tell
NetworkManager to only make the modification if no concurrent
modification was done. The conflict can be detected via the version ID.

The Update2() D-Bus call gets a parameter to only allow the request if
the version ID still matches.

nmcli should use this, but it is quite some effort to retry upon
concurrent modification. This is still to do.

Note that the user might make a decision that is based on multiple
profiles. As the new version-id is only per-profile, we cannot guard
against such inter-profile modifications. What would be needed, is a
UpdateMany() call, where we could modify multiple profiles at once, and
the action only takes effect if all version IDs show no concurrent
modification. That's not done yet, and maybe never will be.
2023-06-26 10:35:36 +02:00

225 lines
8.6 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node name="/">
@short_description: Connection Settings Profile.
Represents a single network connection configuration.
<interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection">
@properties: New connection settings, properties, and (optionally) secrets.
Update the connection with new settings and properties (replacing all
previous settings and properties) and save the connection to disk. Secrets
may be part of the update request, and will be either stored in persistent
storage or sent to a Secret Agent for storage, depending on the flags
associated with each secret.
<method name="Update">
<arg name="properties" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in"/>
@properties: New connection settings, properties, and (optionally) secrets.
Update the connection with new settings and properties (replacing all
previous settings and properties) but do not immediately save the
connection to disk. Secrets may be part of the update request and may sent
to a Secret Agent for storage, depending on the flags associated with each
secret. Use the 'Save' method to save these changes to disk. Note that
unsaved changes will be lost if the connection is reloaded from disk
(either automatically on file change or due to an explicit
ReloadConnections call).
<method name="UpdateUnsaved">
<arg name="properties" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in"/>
Delete the connection.
<method name="Delete"/>
@settings: The nested settings maps describing this object.
Get the settings maps describing this network configuration. This will
never include any secrets required for connection to the network, as those
are often protected. Secrets must be requested separately using the
GetSecrets() call.
<method name="GetSettings">
<arg name="settings" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out"/>
@setting_name: Name of the setting to return secrets for. If empty, all secrets will be returned.
@secrets: Nested settings maps containing secrets.
Get the secrets belonging to this network configuration. Only secrets from
persistent storage or a Secret Agent running in the requestor's session
will be returned. The user will never be prompted for secrets as a result
of this request.
<method name="GetSecrets">
<arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="in"/>
<arg name="secrets" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out"/>
Clear the secrets belonging to this network connection profile.
<method name="ClearSecrets"/>
Saves a "dirty" connection (that had previously been updated with
UpdateUnsaved) to persistent storage.
<method name="Save"/>
Emitted when any settings or permissions change. When handling this
signal, clients should re-read the connection using the GetSettings method
to get the changes and to ensure the client still has permission to access
the connection.
<signal name="Updated"/>
@settings: New connection settings, properties, and (optionally) secrets. Provide an empty array to use the current settings.
@flags: Optional flags. Unknown flags cause the call to fail.
@args: Optional arguments dictionary, for extentibility. Specifying unknown keys causes the call to fail.
@result: Currently no results are returned.
@since: 1.12
Update the connection with new settings and properties (replacing all
previous settings and properties).
Update2 is an alternative to
<link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-NetworkManager-Settings-Connection.Update">Update</link>,
<link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-NetworkManager-Settings-Connection.UpdateUnsaved">UpdateUnsaved</link>
and <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-NetworkManager-Settings-Connection.Save">Save</link>
extensible with extra %flags and %args arguments.
The %flags argument accepts the combination of following values,
logically or-ed together:
<term><literal>0x1 (to-disk)</literal>:</term>
<listitem><para>The connection is persisted to disk.</para></listitem>
<term><literal>0x2 (in-memory)</literal>:</term>
<listitem><para>The change is only made in memory (without touching an eventual
profile on disk). If neither 0x1 nor 0x2 is set, the change is made in memory
only, if the connection is already in memory only.</para></listitem>
<term><literal>0x4 (in-memory-detached)</literal>:</term>
<listitem><para>Like "in-memory", but behaves slightly different when migrating
the profile from disk to in-memory.</para></listitem>
<term><literal>0x8 (in-memory-only)</literal>:</term>
<listitem><para>Like "in-memory", but behaves slightly different when migrating
the profile from disk to in-memory.</para></listitem>
<term><literal>0x10 (volatile)</literal>:</term>
<term><literal>0x20 (block-autoconnect)</literal>:</term>
<listitem><para>Blocks auto-connect on the updated profile</para></listitem>
<term><literal>0x40 (no-reapply)</literal>:</term>
<listitem><para>Prevents "" and "connection.metered" properties
to take effect on currently active devices.</para></listitem>
The %args argument accepts the following keys:
<listitem><para>The settings plugin the connection will be migrated to
such as "keyfile" or "ifcfg-rh".</para>
<para role="since">Since 1.38</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>If specified, the update request is rejected if the
profile's version-id does not match. This can be used to catch concurrent
modifications. Zero means no version check.</para><para role="since">Since 1.44</para></listitem>
Secrets may be part of the update request, and will be either stored in persistent
storage or sent to a Secret Agent for storage, depending on the flags
associated with each secret.
<method name="Update2">
<arg name="settings" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in"/>
<arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in"/>
<arg name="args" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
<arg name="result" type="a{sv}" direction="out"/>
Emitted when this connection is no longer available. This happens when the
connection is deleted or if it is no longer accessible by any of the
system's logged-in users. After receipt of this signal, the object no
longer exists. Also see the Settings.ConnectionRemoved signal.
<signal name="Removed"/>
If set, indicates that the in-memory state of the connection does not
match the on-disk state. This flag will be set when UpdateUnsaved() is
called or when any connection details change, and cleared when the
connection is saved to disk via Save() or from internal operations.
<property name="Unsaved" type="b" access="read"/>
@since: 1.12
Additional flags of the connection profile.
Returns: <link linkend="NMSettingsConnectionFlags">NMSettingsConnectionFlags</link>
<property name="Flags" type="u" access="read"/>
@since: 1.12
File that stores the connection in case the connection is file-backed.
<property name="Filename" type="s" access="read"/>