Lubomir Rintel 2df493c00d introspection: fix punctuation and capitalization
Sentences start with a capital letter and end with a period, even if
they are really really short.
2022-03-22 14:48:45 +01:00

405 lines
15 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node name="/">
@short_description: Device.
<interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device">
Operating-system specific transient device hardware identifier. This is an
opaque string representing the underlying hardware for the device, and
shouldn't be used to keep track of individual devices. For some device
types (Bluetooth, Modems) it is an identifier used by the hardware service
(ie bluez or ModemManager) to refer to that device, and client programs
use it get additional information from those services which NM does not
provide. The Udi is not guaranteed to be consistent across reboots or
hotplugs of the hardware. If you're looking for a way to uniquely track
each device in your application, use the object path. If you're looking
for a way to track a specific piece of hardware across reboot or hotplug,
use a MAC address or USB serial number.
Note that non-UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
to obtain the true (non-UTF-8) string.
<property name="Udi" type="s" access="read"/>
The path of the device as exposed by the udev property ID_PATH.
Note that non-UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
to obtain the true (non-UTF-8) string.
<property name="Path" type="s" access="read"/>
The name of the device's control (and often data) interface.
Note that non UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped, so the
resulting name may be longer then 15 characters. Use g_strcompress()
to revert the escaping.
<property name="Interface" type="s" access="read"/>
The name of the device's data interface when available. This property may
not refer to the actual data interface until the device has successfully
established a data connection, indicated by the device's State becoming
Note that non UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped, so the
resulting name may be longer then 15 characters. Use g_strcompress()
to revert the escaping.
<property name="IpInterface" type="s" access="read"/>
The driver handling the device.
Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
to revert.
<property name="Driver" type="s" access="read"/>
The version of the driver handling the device.
Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
to revert.
<property name="DriverVersion" type="s" access="read"/>
The firmware version for the device.
Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
to revert.
<property name="FirmwareVersion" type="s" access="read"/>
Flags describing the capabilities of the device.
Returns: <link linkend="NMDeviceCapabilities">NMDeviceCapabilities</link>
<property name="Capabilities" type="u" access="read"/>
DEPRECATED; use the 'Addresses' property of the 'Ip4Config' object
instead. This property always returns (numeric 0) as address.
<property name="Ip4Address" type="u" access="read"/>
The current state of the device.
Returns: <link linkend="NMDeviceState">NMDeviceState</link>
<property name="State" type="u" access="read"/>
The current state and reason for changing to that state.
Returns: A tuple of <link linkend="NMDeviceState">NMDeviceState</link> and <link linkend="NMDeviceStateReason">NMDeviceStateReason</link>.
<property name="StateReason" type="(uu)" access="read"/>
Object path of an ActiveConnection object that "owns" this device during
activation. The ActiveConnection object tracks the life-cycle of a
connection to a specific network and implements the
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active D-Bus interface.
<property name="ActiveConnection" type="o" access="read"/>
Object path of the Ip4Config object describing the configuration of the
device. Only valid when the device is in the NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED
<property name="Ip4Config" type="o" access="read"/>
Object path of the Dhcp4Config object describing the DHCP options returned
by the DHCP server. Only valid when the device is in the
<property name="Dhcp4Config" type="o" access="read"/>
Object path of the Ip6Config object describing the configuration of the
device. Only valid when the device is in the NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED
<property name="Ip6Config" type="o" access="read"/>
Object path of the Dhcp6Config object describing the DHCP options returned
by the DHCP server. Only valid when the device is in the
<property name="Dhcp6Config" type="o" access="read"/>
Whether or not this device is managed by NetworkManager. Setting this
property has a similar effect to configuring the device as unmanaged via
the keyfile.unmanaged-devices setting in NetworkManager.conf. Changes to
this value are not persistent and lost after NetworkManager restart.
<property name="Managed" type="b" access="readwrite"/>
If TRUE, indicates the device is allowed to autoconnect. If FALSE, manual
intervention is required before the device will automatically connect to a
known network, such as activating a connection using the device, or
setting this property to TRUE. This property cannot be set to TRUE for
default-unmanaged devices, since they never autoconnect.
<property name="Autoconnect" type="b" access="readwrite"/>
If TRUE, indicates the device is likely missing firmware necessary for its
<property name="FirmwareMissing" type="b" access="read"/>
If TRUE, indicates the NetworkManager plugin for the device is likely
missing or misconfigured.
<property name="NmPluginMissing" type="b" access="read"/>
The general type of the network device; ie Ethernet, Wi-Fi, etc.
Returns: <link linkend="NMDeviceType">NMDeviceType</link>
<property name="DeviceType" type="u" access="read"/>
An array of object paths of every configured connection that is currently
'available' through this device.
<property name="AvailableConnections" type="ao" access="read"/>
If non-empty, an (opaque) indicator of the physical network port
associated with the device. This can be used to recognize when two
seemingly-separate hardware devices are actually just different virtual
interfaces to the same physical port.
<property name="PhysicalPortId" type="s" access="read"/>
The device MTU (maximum transmission unit).
<property name="Mtu" type="u" access="read"/>
Whether the amount of traffic flowing through the device is subject to
limitations, for example set by service providers.
Returns: <link linkend="NMMetered">NMMetered</link>
<property name="Metered" type="u" access="read"/>
Array of LLDP neighbors; each element is a dictionary mapping LLDP TLV
names to variant boxed values.
<property name="LldpNeighbors" type="aa{sv}" access="read"/>
True if the device exists, or False for placeholder devices that do not
yet exist but could be automatically created by NetworkManager if one of
their AvailableConnections was activated.
<property name="Real" type="b" access="read"/>
@since: 1.16
The result of the last IPv4 connectivity check.
Returns: <link linkend="NMConnectivityState">NMConnectivityState</link>
<property name="Ip4Connectivity" type="u" access="read"/>
@since: 1.16
The result of the last IPv6 connectivity check.
Returns: <link linkend="NMConnectivityState">NMConnectivityState</link>
<property name="Ip6Connectivity" type="u" access="read"/>
@since: 1.22
The flags of the network interface. See
<link linkend="NMDeviceInterfaceFlags">NMDeviceInterfaceFlags</link> for
the currently defined flags.
<property name="InterfaceFlags" type="u" access="read"/>
@since: 1.24
The hardware address of the device.
This replaces the other 'HwAddress' properties on the device-specific D-Bus interfaces.
<property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read"/>
@since: 1.34
The port devices of the controller device.
Array of object paths representing devices which are currently set as
port of this device. This replaces the 'Slaves' properties on the
device-specific D-Bus interfaces.
<property name="Ports" type="ao" access="read"/>
@connection: The optional connection settings that will be reapplied on the device. If empty, the currently active settings-connection will be used. The connection cannot arbitrarily differ from the current applied-connection otherwise the call will fail. Only certain changes are supported, like adding or removing IP addresses.
@version_id: If non-zero, the current version id of the applied-connection must match. The current version id can be retrieved via GetAppliedConnection. This optional argument allows to catch concurrent modifications between the GetAppliedConnection call and Reapply.
@flags: Flags which would modify the behavior of the Reapply call. There are no flags defined currently and the users should use the value of 0.
Attempts to update the configuration of a device without deactivating it.
NetworkManager has the concept of connections, which are profiles that
contain the configuration for a networking device. Those connections are
exposed via D-Bus as individual objects that can be created, modified and
deleted. When activating such a settings-connection on a device, the
settings-connection is cloned to become an applied-connection and used to
configure the device (see GetAppliedConnection). Subsequent modification
of the settings-connection don't propagate automatically to the device's
applied-connection (with exception of the firewall-zone and the metered
property). For the changes to take effect, you can either re-activate the
settings-connection, or call Reapply. The Reapply call allows you to
directly update the applied-connection and reconfigure the device. Reapply
can also be useful if the currently applied-connection is equal to the
connection that is about to be reapplied. This allows to reconfigure the
device and revert external changes like removing or adding an IP address
(which NetworkManager doesn't revert automatically because it is assumed
that the user made these changes intentionally outside of NetworkManager).
Reapply can make the applied-connection different from the
settings-connection, just like updating the settings-connection can make
them different.
<method name="Reapply">
<arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in"/>
<arg name="version_id" type="t" direction="in"/>
<arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in"/>
@flags: Flags which would modify the behavior of the GetAppliedConnection call. There are no flags defined currently and the users should use the value of 0.
@connection: The effective connection settings that the connection has currently applied.
@version_id: The version-id of the currently applied connection. This can be specified during Reapply to avoid races where you first fetch the applied connection, modify it and try to reapply it. If the applied connection is modified in the meantime, the version_id gets incremented and Reapply will fail.
Get the currently applied connection on the device. This is a snapshot of
the last activated connection on the device, that is the configuration
that is currently applied on the device. Usually this is the same as
GetSettings of the referenced settings connection. However, it can differ
if the settings connection was subsequently modified or the applied
connection was modified by Reapply. The applied connection is set when
activating a device or when calling Reapply.
<method name="GetAppliedConnection">
<arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in"/>
<arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out"/>
<arg name="version_id" type="t" direction="out"/>
Disconnects a device and prevents the device from automatically activating
further connections without user intervention.
<method name="Disconnect"/>
Deletes a software device from NetworkManager and removes the interface
from the system. The method returns an error when called for a hardware
<method name="Delete"/>
@new_state: (<link linkend="NMDeviceState">NMDeviceState</link>) The new state of the device.
@old_state: (<link linkend="NMDeviceState">NMDeviceState</link>) The previous state of the device.
@reason: (<link linkend="NMDeviceStateReason">NMDeviceStateReason</link>) A reason for the state transition.
<signal name="StateChanged">
<arg name="new_state" type="u"/>
<arg name="old_state" type="u"/>
<arg name="reason" type="u"/>