2017-07-25 07:16:35 +02:00

47 lines
1.6 KiB

Guidelines for Contributing:
1) Platform-specific functionality (for example, location of binaries that
NetworkManager calls, or functionality used only on some platforms or
distribution, like resolvconf) should be configurable at build time, with the
normal autoconf mechanisms for putting a #define in config.h (AC_DEFINE), then
with #ifdef MY_DEFINE / #endif in the code.
2) Coding standards are generally GNOME coding standards, with these exceptions:
a) 4 space tabs (_not_ 8-space tabs)
b) REAL tabs (_not_ a mix of tabs and spaces in the initial indent)
c) spaces used to align continuation lines past the indent point of the
first statement line, like so:
if (some_really_really_long_variable_name &&
another_really_really_long_variable_name) {
* Keep a space between the function name and the opening '('.
GOOD: g_strdup (x)
BAD: g_strdup(x)
* C-style comments
GOOD: f(x); /* comment */
BAD: f(x); // comment
* Keep assignments in the variable declaration area pretty short.
GOOD: MyObject *object;
BAD: MyObject *object = complex_and_long_init_function(arg1, arg2, arg3);
* 80-cols is a guideline, don't make the code uncomfortable in order to fit in
less than 80 cols.
* Constants are CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES and use the preprocessor.
GOOD: #define MY_CONSTANT 42
BAD: static const unsigned myConstant = 42;
3) Legal:
All original contributions to NetworkManager are licensed under the
GNU General Public License, version 2 or later, or, if another license
is specified as governing the file or directory being modified, such
other license. See the file COPYING in this directory for details.