Thomas Haller 42aa225185
docs: better handle description tags in
When we generate the manual page for nm-settings-nmcli, we run:

   "/usr/bin/python" \
        ./tools/ \
        --only-from-first \
        man/nm-settings-docs-nmcli.xml \
        src/nmcli/gen-metadata-nm-settings-nmcli.xml \
        src/libnm-client-impl/nm-property-infos-nmcli.xml \

If "gen-metadata-nm-settings-nmcli.xml" contains either a <description>
or a <description-docbook>, then we must not continue searching the
other XML documents. The user provided an explicit override, and
fallback (search further) is wrong. Previously, we might take
<description> from the first file, and <description-docbook> from the
second file. As "man/nm-settings-nmcli.xsl" prefers
<description-docbook>, it takes the wrong text. Instead, as we search
the files during merge, we must prefer the first one.

Note that the change doesn't really matter anymore, because each XML
now must also contain both <description> and <description-docbook>.
There is an assertion for that.

Also, stop generating <deprecated-docbook>. First, it lacked the
important "since=" attribute and was necessary. Also, it's redundant and
does not contain anything interesting. So far, we don't need special
formatting for the deprecated message, and we likely never will.

Also, stop accepting or generating the "description=" attribute. This
should always be an XML element now.
2023-05-19 12:52:00 +02:00

454 lines
14 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
import os
import re
import sys
import collections
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class LineError(Exception):
def __init__(self, line_no, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
self.line_no = line_no
_dbg_level = 0
_dbg_level = int(os.getenv("NM_DEBUG_GENERATE_DOCS", 0))
except Exception:
def dbg(msg, level=1):
if level <= _dbg_level:
def iter_unique(iterable, default=None):
found = False
for i in iterable:
assert not found
found = True
i0 = i
if found:
return i0
return default
def xnode_get_or_create(root_node, node_name, name):
# From root_node, get the node "<{node_name} name={name} .../>"
# or create one, if it doesn't exist.
node = iter_unique(
(node for node in root_node.findall(node_name) if node.attrib["name"] == name)
if node is None:
created = True
node = ET.SubElement(root_node, node_name, name=name)
created = False
return node, created
def get_setting_names(source_file):
m = re.match(r"^(.*)/libnm-core-impl/(nm-setting-[^/]*)\.c$", source_file)
assert m
path_prefix, file_base = (,
if file_base == "nm-setting-ip-config":
# Special case ip-config, which is a base class.
return 0, ("ipv4", "ipv6")
header_file = "%s/libnm-core-public/%s.h" % (path_prefix, file_base)
f = open(header_file, "r")
except OSError:
raise Exception(
'Can not open header file "%s" for "%s"' % (header_file, source_file)
with f:
for line in f:
m ="^#define +NM_SETTING_.+SETTING_NAME\s+\"(\S+)\"$", line)
if m:
return 1, (,)
raise Exception(
'Can\'t find setting name in header file "%s" for "%s"'
% (header_file, source_file)
def get_file_infos(source_files):
# This function parses the source files and detects the
# used setting name. The returned sections are sorted by setting
# name.
# The file "nm-setting-ip-config.c" can contain information
# for "ipv4" and "ipv6" settings. Thus, to sort the files
# is a bit more involved.
# First, get a list of priority and setting-names that belong
# to the source file. Sort by priority,setting-names. It's
# important that "nm-setting-ip-config.c" gets parsed before
# "nm-setting-ip[46]-config.c".
file_infos = []
for source_file in source_files:
priority, setting_names = get_setting_names(source_file)
file_infos.append((priority, setting_names, source_file))
d = {}
for priority, setting_names, source_file in file_infos:
for setting_name in setting_names:
l = d.get(setting_name, None)
if l is None:
l = list()
d[setting_name] = l
for key in sorted(d.keys()):
for f in d[key]:
yield key, f
keywords = collections.OrderedDict(
("property", KEYWORD_XML_TYPE_ATTR),
("variable", KEYWORD_XML_TYPE_ATTR),
("description", KEYWORD_XML_TYPE_ELEM),
("description-docbook", KEYWORD_XML_TYPE_NESTED),
def keywords_allowed(tag, keyword):
# certain keywords might not be valid for some tags.
# Currently, all of them are always valid.
assert keyword in keywords
return True
def write_data(tag, setting_node, line_no, parsed_data):
for k in parsed_data.keys():
assert keywords_allowed(tag, k)
assert k in keywords
name = parsed_data["property"]
property_node, created = xnode_get_or_create(setting_node, "property", name)
if not created:
raise LineError(line_no, 'Duplicate property <property name="%s"...' % (name,))
for k, xmltype in keywords.items():
if k == "property":
v = parsed_data.get(k, None)
if v is None:
# Set as XML nodes. The input data is XML itself.
des = ET.fromstring("<%s>%s</%s>" % (k, v, k))
elif xmltype == KEYWORD_XML_TYPE_ELEM:
node = ET.SubElement(property_node, k)
node.text = v
elif xmltype == KEYWORD_XML_TYPE_ATTR:
property_node.set(k, v)
assert False
if (
parsed_data.get("description", None) is not None
and parsed_data.get("description-docbook", None) is None
# we have a description, but no docbook. Generate one.
node = ET.SubElement(property_node, "description-docbook")
for l in re.split("\n", parsed_data["description"]):
paragraph = ET.SubElement(node, "para")
paragraph.text = l
elif (
parsed_data.get("description-docbook", None) is not None
and parsed_data.get("description", None) is None
raise Exception(
'Invalid configuration. When specifying "description-docbook:" there MUST be also a "description:"'
kwd_first_line_re = re.compile(r"^ *\* ([-a-z0-9]+): (.*)$")
kwd_more_line_re = re.compile(r"^ *\*( *)(.*?)\s*$")
def parse_data(tag, line_no, lines):
assert lines
parsed_data = {}
keyword = ""
indent = None
for line in lines:
assert "\n" not in line
line_no += 1
m ="^ \*(| .*)$", line)
if not m:
raise LineError(line_no, 'Invalid formatted line "%s"' % (line,))
content =
m ="^ ([-a-z0-9]+):(.*)$", content)
text_keyword_started = None
if m:
keyword =
if keyword in parsed_data:
raise LineError(line_no, 'Duplicated keyword "%s"' % (keyword,))
text =
text_keyword_started = text
if text:
if text[0] != " " or len(text) == 1:
raise LineError(line_no, 'Invalid formatted line "%s"' % (line,))
text = text[1:]
if not keywords_allowed(tag, keyword):
raise LineError(line_no, 'Invalid key "%s" for %s' % (keyword, tag))
if parsed_data and keyword == "property":
raise LineError(line_no, 'The "property:" keywork must be first')
parsed_data[keyword] = text
indent = None
if content == "":
text = ""
elif content[0] == " " and len(content) > 1:
text = content[1:]
assert text
if indent is None:
indent ="^( *)", text).group(1)
if not text.startswith(indent):
raise LineError(line_no, 'Unexpected indention in "%s"' % (line,))
text = text[len(indent) :]
raise LineError(line_no, 'Unexpected line "%s"' % (line,))
if not keyword:
raise LineError(line_no, "Expected data in comment: %s" % (line))
if text and text[0] == "\\":
assert False
text = text[1:]
if separator == " " and text == "":
# No separator to add. This is a blank line
parsed_data[keyword] = parsed_data[keyword] + separator + text
if keywords[keyword] == KEYWORD_XML_TYPE_NESTED:
# This is plain XML. They lines are joined by newlines.
separator = "\n"
elif text_keyword_started == "":
# If the previous line was just "tag:$", we don't need a separator
# the next time.
separator = ""
elif not text:
# A blank line is used to mark a line break, while otherwise
# lines are joined by space.
separator = "\n"
separator = " "
if "property" not in parsed_data:
raise LineError(line_no, 'Missing "property:" tag')
for keyword in keywords.keys():
if not keywords_allowed(tag, keyword):
if keyword not in parsed_data:
parsed_data[keyword] = None
return parsed_data
def process_setting(tag, root_node, source_file, setting_name):
"> > tag:%s, source_file:%s, setting_name:%s" % (tag, source_file, setting_name)
start_tag = "---" + tag + "---"
end_tag = "---end---"
setting_node, created = xnode_get_or_create(root_node, "setting", setting_name)
f = open(source_file, "r")
except OSError:
raise Exception("Can not open file: %s" % (source_file))
lines = None
with f:
line_no = 0
just_had_end_tag = False
line_no_start = None
for line in f:
line_no += 1
if line and line[-1] == "\n":
line = line[:-1]
if just_had_end_tag:
# After the end-tag, we still expect one particular line. Be strict about
# this.
just_had_end_tag = False
if line != " */":
raise LineError(
'Invalid end tag "%s". Expects literally " */" after end-tag'
% (line,),
elif start_tag in line:
if line != " /* " + start_tag:
raise LineError(
'Invalid start tag "%s". Expects literally " /* %s"'
% (line, start_tag),
if lines is not None:
raise LineError(
line_no, 'Invalid start tag "%s", missing end-tag' % (line,)
lines = []
line_no_start = line_no
elif end_tag in line and lines is not None:
if line != " * " + end_tag:
raise LineError(line_no, 'Invalid end tag: "%s"' % (line,))
parsed_data = parse_data(tag, line_no_start, lines)
if not parsed_data:
raise Exception('invalid data: line %s, "%s"' % (line_no, lines))
dbg("> > > property: %s" % (parsed_data["property"],))
if _dbg_level > 1:
for keyword in sorted(parsed_data.keys()):
v = parsed_data[keyword]
if v is not None:
v = '"%s"' % (v,)
"> > > > [%s] (%s) = %s" % (keyword, keywords[keyword], v),
write_data(tag, setting_node, line_no_start, parsed_data)
lines = None
elif lines is not None:
if lines is not None or just_had_end_tag:
raise LineError(line_no_start, "Unterminated start tag")
def process_settings_docs(tag, output, source_files):
dbg("> tag:%s, output:%s" % (tag, output))
root_node = ET.Element("nm-setting-docs")
for setting_name, source_file in get_file_infos(source_files):
process_setting(tag, root_node, source_file, setting_name)
except LineError as e:
raise Exception(
"Error parsing %s, line %s (tag:%s, setting_name:%s): %s"
% (source_file, e.line_no, tag, setting_name, str(e))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"Error parsing %s (tag:%s, setting_name:%s): %s"
% (source_file, tag, setting_name, str(e))
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print("Usage: %s [tag] [output-xml-file] [srcfiles...]" % (sys.argv[0]))
tag=sys.argv[1], output=sys.argv[2], source_files=sys.argv[3:]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Tests
def setup_module():
global pytest
import pytest
def t_srcdir():
return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/..")
def t_setting_c(name):
return t_srcdir() + "/src/libnm-core-impl/nm-setting-" + name + ".c"
def test_file_location():
assert t_srcdir() + "/tools/" == os.path.abspath(
assert os.path.isfile(t_srcdir() + "/src/libnm-core-impl/nm-setting-connection.c")
assert os.path.isfile(t_setting_c("ip-config"))
def test_get_setting_names():
assert (1, ("connection",)) == get_setting_names(
t_srcdir() + "/src/libnm-core-impl/nm-setting-connection.c"
assert (1, ("ipv4",)) == get_setting_names(
t_srcdir() + "/src/libnm-core-impl/nm-setting-ip4-config.c"
assert (0, ("ipv4", "ipv6")) == get_setting_names(
t_srcdir() + "/src/libnm-core-impl/nm-setting-ip-config.c"
def test_get_file_infos():
t = ["connection", "ip-config", "ip4-config", "proxy", "wired"]
assert [
("proxy", t_setting_c("proxy")),
] == list(get_file_infos([t_setting_c(x) for x in t]))
def test_process_setting():
root_node = ET.Element("nm-setting-docs")
process_setting("nmcli", root_node, t_setting_c("connection"), "connection")