Dan Williams ab84a86678 vpn: handle interactive plugin secrets requests
If all agents can handle VPN hints, then we'll try to use
ConnectInteractive() to let the VPN plugin ask for secrets
interactively via the SecretsRequired signal.  These hints
are then passed to agents during the connection process if
the plugin needs more secrets or different secrets, and when
the new secrets are returned, they are passed back to the VPN

If at least one agent does not have the VPN hints capability,
we can't use ConnectInteractive(), but fall back to the old
Connect call, because that agent won't be able to send the
hints to the VPN plugin's authentication dialog, and thus
we won't get back the secrets the VPN plugin is looking for.

So, for interactive secrets to work correctly, you need:

1) A VPN plugin updated for interactive secrets requests
2) NM updated for interactive secrets requests
3) all agents to set the VPN_HINTS capability when
    registering with NetworkManager and to pass hints
    along to the VPN authentication dialog
4) a VPN authentication dialog updated to look for hints
    and only return secrets corresponding to the hints
    requested by the plugin
2013-07-31 08:16:40 -05:00

244 lines
12 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
<interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SecretAgent">
Private D-Bus interface used by secret agents that store and provide
secrets to NetworkManager. If an agent provides secrets to
NetworkManager as part of connection creation, and the some of those
secrets are "agent owned" the agent should store those secrets
itself and should not expect its SaveSecrets() method to be called.
SaveSecrets() will be called eg if some program other than the
agent itself (like a connection editor) changes the secrets out of
band. The agent should implement this D-Bus interface on an object
with the path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/SecretAgent.
<method name="GetSecrets">
Retrieve and return stored secrets, if any, or request new
secrets from the agent's user. If user interaction is allowed
and the user enters new secrets, the agent is expected to save
the new secrets to persistent storage (if the secret's flags
include AGENT_OWNED) as NetworkManager will not send these
secrets back to the same agent via a SaveSecrets() call. If
the user canceled any interaction, the agent should return the
UserCanceled error (see below).
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_secret_agent_get_secrets"/>
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
<arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
Nested settings maps containing the connection for which
secrets are being requested. This may contain system-owned
secrets if the agent has successfully authenticated to
modify system network settings and the GetSecrets request
flags allow user interaction.
<arg name="connection_path" type="o" direction="in">
Object path of the connection for which secrets are being
<arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="in">
Setting name for which secrets are being requested.
<arg name="hints" type="as" direction="in">
Array of strings of key names in the requested setting for
which NetworkManager thinks a secrets may be required,
and/or well-known identifiers and data that may be useful
to the client in processing the secrets request. Note that
it's not always possible to determine which secret is
required, so in some cases no hints may be given. The Agent
should return any secrets it has, or that it thinks are
required, regardless of what hints NetworkManager sends
in this request. Some hints have special prefixes that
provide information to the agent; for example, VPN requests
may send server-specific messages prefixed with
<arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in" tp:type="NM_SECRET_AGENT_GET_SECRETS_FLAGS">
Flags which modify the behavior of the secrets request.
If true, new secrets are assumed to be invalid or incorrect,
and the agent should ask the user for new secrets. If false,
existing secrets should be retrieved from storage and
returned without interrupting the user.
<arg name="secrets" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
Nested settings maps containing secrets. Each setting MUST
contain at least the 'name' field, containing the name of
the setting, and one or more secrets.
<tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SecretAgent.NotAuthorized">
Should be returned when the process requesting secrets is
not authorized to do so (like if the caller is not root
or not NetworkManager).
<tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SecretAgent.InvalidConnection">
Should be returned if the 'connection' argument is invalid.
<tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SecretAgent.UserCanceled">
Should be returned when the user has canceled the request.
<tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SecretAgent.AgentCanceled">
Should be returned when NetworkManager has requested that
the agent cancel the request.
<tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SecretAgent.InternalError">
Should be returned if the agent has encountered some internal
error processing the request.
<tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SecretAgent.NoSecrets">
Should be returned if there are no available secrets, for
example if user interaction is not allowed and there are
no secrets stored by the agent for this connection.
Flags modifying the behavior of GetSecrets request.
<tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
No special behavior; by default no user interaction is allowed and
requests for secrets are fulfilled from persistent storage, or
if no secrets are available an error is returned.
<tp:flag suffix="ALLOW_INTERACTION" value="0x1">
Allows the request to interact with the user, possibly prompting
via UI for secrets if any are required, or if none are found in
persistent storage.
<tp:flag suffix="REQUEST_NEW" value="0x2">
Explicitly prompt for new secrets from the user. This flag
signals that NetworkManager thinks any existing secrets are
invalid or wrong. This flag implies that interaction is allowed.
<tp:flag suffix="USER_REQUESTED" value="0x4">
Set if the request was initiated by user-requested action via the
D-Bus interface, as opposed to automatically initiated by
NetworkManager in response to (for example) scan results or
carrier changes.
<method name="CancelGetSecrets">
Cancel a pending GetSecrets request for secrets of the given
connection. Any GetSecrets request with the same
'connection_path' and 'setting_name' that are given in a
CancelGetSecrets request should be canceled.
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_secret_agent_cancel_get_secrets"/>
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
<arg name="connection_path" type="o" direction="in">
Object path of the connection for which, if secrets for
the given 'setting_name' are being requested, the request
should be canceled.
<arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="in">
Setting name for which secrets for this connection were
originally being requested.
<method name="SaveSecrets">
Save given secrets to backing storage.
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_secret_agent_save_secrets"/>
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
<arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
Nested settings maps containing the entire connection
(including secrets), for which the agent should save the
secrets to backing storage. This method will not be called
when the agent itself is the process creating or updating
a connection; in that case the agent is assumed to have
already saved those secrets since it had them already.
<arg name="connection_path" type="o" direction="in">
Object path of the connection for which the agent should
save secrets to backing storage.
<method name="DeleteSecrets">
Delete secrets from backing storage.
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_secret_agent_delete_secrets"/>
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
<arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
Nested settings maps containing the connection properties
(sans secrets), for which the agent should delete the
secrets from backing storage.
<arg name="connection_path" type="o" direction="in">
Object path of the connection for which the agent should
delete secrets from backing storage.
<tp:flags name="NM_SECRET_AGENT_CAPABILITIES" value-prefix="NM_SECRET_AGENT_CAPABILITY" type="u">
<tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
<tp:docstring>No special capabilities.</tp:docstring>
<tp:flag suffix="VPN_HINTS" value="0x1">
The agent supports passing hints to VPN plugin authentication