todo: add initial notes about bridging and bonding

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Dan Williams 2011-05-24 17:21:15 -05:00
parent 0b5ab39dbf
commit bb954bd5f3

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@ -303,3 +303,58 @@ that handle different system proxy handlers. Some of the proxy handlers are:
GNOME/KDE: how do these desktop environments retrieve proxy configuration?
* Bridging and Bonding Support
The largest complication here is that NetworkManager normally operates on
physical interfaces, while bridging and bonding involve tying multiple physical
interfaces together into a logical interface. This has interesting implications
for the D-Bus API and the NM device model. The first complication is that
we may need to do 802.1x port authentication on an interface before it can
communicate with the other side of the link, and those credentials may be
different for each interface; thus we may need to do separate 802.1x
operations on each interface that is part of a bridge/bond before adding each
one to the master bridge/bond interface.
In this way bridge/bond interfaces may be treated the same way as NetworkManager
treats VPN interfaces already; one or more physical interface NMConnections must
be activated before the master bridge/bond interface's NMConnection can be
activated, though this all happens internally.
To enable bridging and bonding in the NMConnection itself, we should create
new NMSettingBridge and NMSettingBond classes that contain information specific
to each. Both settings would contain a 'components' property with an
'array of string' type which would contain the UUIDs of the Connections of
physical interfaces that compose the bridge or bond. Thus NetworkManager would
have the necessary information to tie lower-level interface configuration
(802.1x, MTU, MAC address locking, duplex mode, speed, etc) to each physical
interface that will be part of the bridge/bond, configure the interface with
it, and then configure the master bridge/bond interface at upper layers using
configuration specific for the bridge/bond interface (like IP details). Thus
for a single active bridge, two or more NMConnections would be activated; one
for each physical interface component of the bridge/bond, and one for the master
bridge/bond interface itself.
NMSettingBridge would contain at least the following keys:
components: (array of string) UUIDs of component connections
stp: (boolean) on to enable STP, off to disable
NMSettingBond would contain at least the following keys:
components: (array of string) UUIDs of component connections
mode: (string) one of "balance-rr", "active-backup", "balance-xor",
"broadcast", "802.3ad", "balance-tlb", or "balance-alb"
monitor-interval: (uint) Specifies link monitoring interval (in milliseconds);
NM will always enable netlink carrier monitoring if this
value is non-zero so this property only affects speed and
duplex checking
In the future we may consider adding other bonding parameters like "up-delay"
and "down-delay".
Then we'd add a 'component' (boolean) property to NMSettingConnection to
indicate that the component interface connections were in fact components of
a bridge or bond and shouldn't be automatically started by NetworkManager or
displayed as separate connections in the user interface.