libnm-core: fix documentation for connection.mdns

After an update of the connection.mdns property, a reactivation is
needed to apply the new value.

Also, the ifcfg-rh variable name was wrong.

Fixes: 2e2ff6f27a
This commit is contained in:
Beniamino Galvani 2018-08-31 15:18:48 +02:00
parent 53d9050b36
commit 8e6ad2853c
2 changed files with 3 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_NAME N_("The name of the network interface this connection is bound to. If not set, then the connection can be attached to any interface of the appropriate type (subject to restrictions imposed by other settings). For software devices this specifies the name of the created device. For connection types where interface names cannot easily be made persistent (e.g. mobile broadband or USB Ethernet), this property should not be used. Setting this property restricts the interfaces a connection can be used with, and if interface names change or are reordered the connection may be applied to the wrong interface.")
#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_LLDP N_("Whether LLDP is enabled for the connection.")
#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_MASTER N_("Interface name of the master device or UUID of the master connection.")
#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_MDNS N_("Whether mDNS is enabled for the connection. The permitted values are: yes: register hostname and resolving for the connection, no: disable mDNS for the interface, resolve: do not register hostname but allow resolving of mDNS host names. When updating this property on a currently activated connection, the change takes effect immediately. This feature requires a plugin which supports mDNS. One such plugin is dns-systemd-resolved.")
#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_MDNS N_("Whether mDNS is enabled for the connection. The permitted values are: yes: register hostname and resolving for the connection, no: disable mDNS for the interface, resolve: do not register hostname but allow resolving of mDNS host names. This feature requires a plugin which supports mDNS. One such plugin is dns-systemd-resolved.")
#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_METERED N_("Whether the connection is metered. When updating this property on a currently activated connection, the change takes effect immediately.")
#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_MULTI_CONNECT N_("Specifies whether the profile can be active multiple times at a particular moment. The value is of type NMConnectionMultiConnect.")
#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_PERMISSIONS N_("An array of strings defining what access a given user has to this connection. If this is NULL or empty, all users are allowed to access this connection; otherwise users are allowed if and only if they are in this list. When this is not empty, the connection can be active only when one of the specified users is logged into an active session. Each entry is of the form \"[type]:[id]:[reserved]\"; for example, \"user:dcbw:blah\". At this time only the \"user\" [type] is allowed. Any other values are ignored and reserved for future use. [id] is the username that this permission refers to, which may not contain the \":\" character. Any [reserved] information present must be ignored and is reserved for future use. All of [type], [id], and [reserved] must be valid UTF-8.")

View file

@ -2104,8 +2104,6 @@ nm_setting_connection_class_init (NMSettingConnectionClass *klass)
* The permitted values are: yes: register hostname and resolving
* for the connection, no: disable mDNS for the interface, resolve:
* do not register hostname but allow resolving of mDNS host names.
* When updating this property on a currently activated connection,
* the change takes effect immediately.
* This feature requires a plugin which supports mDNS. One such
* plugin is dns-systemd-resolved.
@ -2114,11 +2112,11 @@ nm_setting_connection_class_init (NMSettingConnectionClass *klass)
/* ---ifcfg-rh---
* property: mdns
* variable: CONNECTION_MDNS(+)
* variable: MDNS(+)
* values: yes,no,resolve
* default: missing variable means global default
* description: Whether or not mDNS is enabled for the connection
* example: CONNECTION_MDNS=yes
* example: MDNS=yes
* ---end---