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Copyright 2015-2019 Gravitational, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// Package backend provides storage backend abstraction layer
package backend
import (
// Forever means that object TTL will not expire unless deleted
const (
Forever time.Duration = 0
// Backend implements abstraction over local or remote storage backend
type Backend interface {
// Create creates item if it does not exist
Create(ctx context.Context, i Item) (*Lease, error)
// Put puts value into backend (creates if it does not
// exists, updates it otherwise)
Put(ctx context.Context, i Item) (*Lease, error)
// CompareAndSwap compares item with existing item
// and replaces is with replaceWith item
CompareAndSwap(ctx context.Context, expected Item, replaceWith Item) (*Lease, error)
// Update updates value in the backend
Update(ctx context.Context, i Item) (*Lease, error)
// Get returns a single item or not found error
Get(ctx context.Context, key []byte) (*Item, error)
// GetRange returns query range
GetRange(ctx context.Context, startKey []byte, endKey []byte, limit int) (*GetResult, error)
// Delete deletes item by key, returns NotFound error
// if item does not exist
Delete(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
// DeleteRange deletes range of items with keys between startKey and endKey
DeleteRange(ctx context.Context, startKey, endKey []byte) error
// KeepAlive keeps object from expiring, updates lease on the existing object,
// expires contains the new expiry to set on the lease,
// some backends may ignore expires based on the implementation
// in case if the lease managed server side
KeepAlive(ctx context.Context, lease Lease, expires time.Time) error
// NewWatcher returns a new event watcher
NewWatcher(ctx context.Context, watch Watch) (Watcher, error)
// Close closes backend and all associated resources
Close() error
// Clock returns clock used by this backend
Clock() clockwork.Clock
// CloseWatchers closes all the watchers
// without closing the backend
// Migrate performs any data migration necessary between Teleport versions.
// Migrate must be called BEFORE using any other methods of the Backend.
Migrate(context.Context) error
// Batch implements some batch methods
// that are not mandatory for all interfaces,
// only the ones used in bulk operations.
type Batch interface {
// PutRange puts range of items in one transaction
PutRange(ctx context.Context, items []Item) error
// Lease represents a lease on the item that can be used
// to extend item's TTL without updating its contents.
// Here is an example of renewing object TTL:
// lease, err := backend.Create()
// lease.Expires = time.Now().Add(time.Second)
// // Item TTL is extended
// err = backend.KeepAlive(lease)
type Lease struct {
// Key is an object representing lease
Key []byte
// ID is a lease ID, could be empty
ID int64
// IsEmpty returns true if the lease is empty value
func (l *Lease) IsEmpty() bool {
return l.ID == 0 && len(l.Key) == 0
// Watch specifies watcher parameters
type Watch struct {
// Name is a watch name set for debugging
// purposes
Name string
// Prefixes specifies prefixes to watch,
// passed to the backend implementation
Prefixes [][]byte
// QueueSize is an optional queue size
QueueSize int
// MetricComponent if set will start reporting
// with a given component metric
MetricComponent string
// String returns a user-friendly description
// of the watcher
func (w *Watch) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Watcher(name=%v, prefixes=%v)", w.Name, string(bytes.Join(w.Prefixes, []byte(", "))))
// Watcher returns watcher
type Watcher interface {
// Events returns channel with events
Events() <-chan Event
// Done returns the channel signalling the closure
Done() <-chan struct{}
// Close closes the watcher and releases
// all associated resources
Close() error
// GetResult provides the result of GetRange request
type GetResult struct {
// Items returns a list of items
Items []Item
// OpType specifies operation type
type OpType int
const (
// OpInvalid is returned for invalid operations
OpInvalid OpType = iota - 1
// OpInit is returned by the system whenever the system
// is initialized, init operation is always sent
// as a first event over the channel, so the client
// can verify that watch has been established.
// OpPut is returned for Put events
// OpDelete is returned for Delete events
// OpGet is used for tracking, not present in the event stream
// String returns user-friendly description of the operation
func (o OpType) String() string {
switch o {
case OpInit:
return "Init"
case OpPut:
return "Put"
case OpDelete:
return "Delete"
case OpGet:
return "Get"
return "unknown"
// Event is a event containing operation with item
type Event struct {
// Type is operation type
Type OpType
// Item is event Item
Item Item
// Item is a key value item
type Item struct {
// Key is a key of the key value item
Key []byte
// Value is a value of the key value item
Value []byte
// Expires is an optional record expiry time
Expires time.Time
// ID is a record ID, newer records have newer ids
ID int64
// LeaseID is a lease ID, could be set on objects
// with TTL
LeaseID int64
// Config is used for 'storage' config section. It's a combination of
// values for various backends: 'boltdb', 'etcd', 'filesystem' and 'dynamodb'
type Config struct {
// Type can be "bolt" or "etcd" or "dynamodb"
Type string `yaml:"type,omitempty"`
// Params is a generic key/value property bag which allows arbitrary
// falues to be passed to backend
Params Params `yaml:",inline"`
// Params type defines a flexible unified back-end configuration API.
// It is just a map of key/value pairs which gets populated by `storage` section
// in Teleport YAML config.
type Params map[string]interface{}
// GetString returns a string value stored in Params map, or an empty string
// if nothing is found
func (p Params) GetString(key string) string {
v, ok := p[key]
if !ok {
return ""
s, _ := v.(string)
return s
// NoLimit specifies no limits
const NoLimit = 0
// RangeEnd returns end of the range for given key
func RangeEnd(key []byte) []byte {
end := make([]byte, len(key))
copy(end, key)
for i := len(end) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if end[i] < 0xff {
end[i] = end[i] + 1
end = end[:i+1]
return end
// next key does not exist (e.g., 0xffff);
return noEnd
var (
noEnd = []byte{0}
// Items is a sortable list of backend items
type Items []Item
// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (it Items) Len() int {
return len(it)
// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (it Items) Swap(i, j int) {
it[i], it[j] = it[j], it[i]
// Less is part of sort.Interface.
func (it Items) Less(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(it[i].Key, it[j].Key) < 0
// TTL returns TTL in duration units, rounds up to one second
func TTL(clock clockwork.Clock, expires time.Time) time.Duration {
ttl := expires.Sub(clock.Now())
if ttl < time.Second {
return time.Second
return ttl
// EarliestExpiry returns first of the
// otherwise returns empty
func EarliestExpiry(times ...time.Time) time.Time {
if len(times) == 0 {
return time.Time{}
return times[0]
// Expiry converts ttl to expiry time, if ttl is 0
// returns empty time
func Expiry(clock clockwork.Clock, ttl time.Duration) time.Time {
if ttl == 0 {
return time.Time{}
return clock.Now().UTC().Add(ttl)
type earliest []time.Time
func (p earliest) Len() int {
return len(p)
func (p earliest) Less(i, j int) bool {
if p[i].IsZero() {
return false
if p[j].IsZero() {
return true
return p[i].Before(p[j])
func (p earliest) Swap(i, j int) {
p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]
// Separator is used as a separator between key parts
const Separator = '/'
// Key joins parts into path separated by Separator,
// makes sure path always starts with Separator ("/")
func Key(parts ...string) []byte {
return []byte(strings.Join(append([]string{""}, parts...), string(Separator)))
// NoMigrations implements a nop Migrate method of Backend.
// Backend implementations should embed this when no migrations are necessary.
type NoMigrations struct{}
func (NoMigrations) Migrate(context.Context) error { return nil }