2019-04-25 14:22:49 -07:00

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Copyright 2018-2019 Gravitational, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package teleport
import (
// WebAPIVersion is a current webapi version
const WebAPIVersion = "v1"
// ForeverTTL means that object TTL will not expire unless deleted
const ForeverTTL time.Duration = 0
const (
// SSHAuthSock is the environment variable pointing to the
// Unix socket the SSH agent is running on.
// SSHAgentPID is the environment variable pointing to the agent
// process ID
// SSHTeleportUser is the current Teleport user that is logged in.
// SSHSessionWebproxyAddr is the address the web proxy.
// SSHTeleportClusterName is the name of the cluster this node belongs to.
// SSHTeleportHostUUID is the UUID of the host.
// SSHSessionID is the UUID of the current session.
const (
// HTTPSProxy is an environment variable pointing to a HTTPS proxy.
// HTTPProxy is an environment variable pointing to a HTTP proxy.
// NoProxy is an environment variable matching the cases
// when HTTPS_PROXY or HTTP_PROXY is ignored
NoProxy = "NO_PROXY"
const (
// TOTPValidityPeriod is the number of seconds a TOTP token is valid.
TOTPValidityPeriod uint = 30
// TOTPSkew adds that many periods before and after to the validity window.
TOTPSkew uint = 1
const (
// ComponentMemory is a memory backend
ComponentMemory = "memory"
// ComponentAuthority is a TLS and an SSH certificate authority
ComponentAuthority = "ca"
// ComponentProcess is a main control process
ComponentProcess = "proc"
// ComponentServer is a server subcomponent of some services
ComponentServer = "server"
// ComponentReverseTunnelServer is reverse tunnel server
// that together with agent establish a bi-directional SSH revers tunnel
// to bypass firewall restrictions
ComponentReverseTunnelServer = "proxy:server"
// ComponentReverseTunnelAgent is reverse tunnel agent
// that together with server establish a bi-directional SSH revers tunnel
// to bypass firewall restrictions
ComponentReverseTunnelAgent = "proxy:agent"
// ComponentLabel is a component label name used in reporting
ComponentLabel = "component"
// ComponentKube is a kubernetes proxy
ComponentKube = "proxy:kube"
// ComponentAuth is the cluster CA node (auth server API)
ComponentAuth = "auth"
// ComponentGRPC is grpc server
ComponentGRPC = "grpc"
// ComponentMigrate is responsible for data migrations
ComponentMigrate = "migrate"
// ComponentNode is SSH node (SSH server serving requests)
ComponentNode = "node"
// ComponentForwardingNode is SSH node (SSH server serving requests)
ComponentForwardingNode = "node:forward"
// ComponentProxy is SSH proxy (SSH server forwarding connections)
ComponentProxy = "proxy"
// ComponentDiagnostic is a diagnostic service
ComponentDiagnostic = "diag"
// ComponentClient is a client
ComponentClient = "client"
// ComponentTunClient is a tunnel client
ComponentTunClient = "client:tunnel"
// ComponentCache is a cache component
ComponentCache = "cache"
// ComponentBackend is a backend component
ComponentBackend = "backend"
// ComponentCachingClient is a caching auth client
ComponentCachingClient = "client:cache"
// ComponentSubsystemProxy is the proxy subsystem.
ComponentSubsystemProxy = "subsystem:proxy"
// ComponentLocalTerm is a terminal on a regular SSH node.
ComponentLocalTerm = "term:local"
// ComponentRemoteTerm is a terminal on a forwarding SSH node.
ComponentRemoteTerm = "term:remote"
// ComponentRemoteSubsystem is subsystem on a forwarding SSH node.
ComponentRemoteSubsystem = "subsystem:remote"
// ComponentAuditLog is audit log component
ComponentAuditLog = "audit"
// ComponentKeyAgent is an agent that has loaded the sessions keys and
// certificates for a user connected to a proxy.
ComponentKeyAgent = "keyagent"
// ComponentKeyStore is all sessions keys and certificates a user has on disk
// for all proxies.
ComponentKeyStore = "keystore"
// ComponentConnectProxy is the HTTP CONNECT proxy used to tunnel connection.
ComponentConnectProxy = "http:proxy"
// ComponentSOCKS is a SOCKS5 proxy.
ComponentSOCKS = "socks"
// ComponentKeyGen is the public/private keypair generator.
ComponentKeyGen = "keygen"
// ComponentSession is an active session.
ComponentSession = "session"
// ComponentDynamoDB represents dynamodb clients
ComponentDynamoDB = "dynamodb"
// Component pluggable authentication module (PAM)
ComponentPAM = "pam"
// ComponentUpload is a session recording upload server
ComponentUpload = "upload"
// ComponentWeb is a web server
ComponentWeb = "web"
// ComponentWebsocket is websocket server that the web client connects to.
ComponentWebsocket = "websocket"
// ComponentRBAC is role-based access control.
ComponentRBAC = "rbac"
// ComponentKeepAlive is keep-alive messages sent from clients to servers
// and vice versa.
ComponentKeepAlive = "keepalive"
// ComponentTSH is the "tsh" binary.
ComponentTSH = "tsh"
// ComponentKubeClient is the Kubernetes client.
ComponentKubeClient = "client:kube"
// ComponentBuffer is in-memory event circular buffer
// used to broadcast events to subscribers.
ComponentBuffer = "buffer"
// DebugEnvVar tells tests to use verbose debug output
DebugEnvVar = "DEBUG"
// VerboseLogEnvVar forces all logs to be verbose (down to DEBUG level)
VerboseLogsEnvVar = "TELEPORT_DEBUG"
// IterationsEnvVar sets tests iterations to run
IterationsEnvVar = "ITERATIONS"
// DefaultTerminalWidth defines the default width of a server-side allocated
// pseudo TTY
DefaultTerminalWidth = 80
// DefaultTerminalHeight defines the default height of a server-side allocated
// pseudo TTY
DefaultTerminalHeight = 25
// SafeTerminalType is the fall-back TTY type to fall back to (when $TERM
// is not defined)
SafeTerminalType = "xterm"
// ConnectorOIDC means connector type OIDC
ConnectorOIDC = "oidc"
// ConnectorSAML means connector type SAML
ConnectorSAML = "saml"
// ConnectorGithub means connector type Github
ConnectorGithub = "github"
// DataDirParameterName is the name of the data dir configuration parameter passed
// to all backends during initialization
DataDirParameterName = "data_dir"
// SSH request type to keep the connection alive. A client and a server keep
// pining each other with it:
KeepAliveReqType = ""
// RecordingProxyReqType is the name of a global request which returns if
// the proxy is recording sessions or not.
RecordingProxyReqType = ""
// OTP means One-time Password Algorithm for Two-Factor Authentication.
OTP = "otp"
// TOTP means Time-based One-time Password Algorithm. for Two-Factor Authentication.
TOTP = "totp"
// HOTP means HMAC-based One-time Password Algorithm.for Two-Factor Authentication.
HOTP = "hotp"
// U2F means Universal 2nd Factor.for Two-Factor Authentication.
U2F = "u2f"
// OFF means no second factor.for Two-Factor Authentication.
OFF = "off"
// Local means authentication will happen locally within the Teleport cluster.
Local = "local"
// OIDC means authentication will happen remotely using an OIDC connector.
OIDC = ConnectorOIDC
// SAML means authentication will happen remotely using a SAML connector.
SAML = ConnectorSAML
// Github means authentication will happen remotely using a Github connector.
Github = ConnectorGithub
// JSON means JSON serialization format
JSON = "json"
// YAML means YAML serialization format
YAML = "yaml"
// Text means text serialization format
Text = "text"
// LinuxAdminGID is the ID of the standard adm group on linux
LinuxAdminGID = 4
// LinuxOS is the GOOS constant used for Linux.
LinuxOS = "linux"
// WindowsOS is the GOOS constant used for Microsoft Windows.
WindowsOS = "windows"
// DarwinOS is the GOOS constant for Apple macOS/darwin.
DarwinOS = "darwin"
// DirMaskSharedGroup is the mask for a directory accessible
// by the owner and group
DirMaskSharedGroup = 0770
// FileMaskOwnerOnly is the file mask that allows read write access
// to owers only
FileMaskOwnerOnly = 0600
// On means mode is on
On = "on"
// Off means mode is off
Off = "off"
// SchemeS3 is S3 file scheme, means upload or download to S3 like object
// storage
SchemeS3 = "s3"
// Region is AWS region parameter
Region = "region"
// SchemeFile is a local disk file storage
SchemeFile = "file"
// LogsDir is a log subdirectory for events and logs
LogsDir = "log"
// Syslog is a mode for syslog logging
Syslog = "syslog"
// HumanDateFormat is a human readable date formatting
HumanDateFormat = "Jan _2 15:04 UTC"
// HumanDateFormatSeconds is a human readable date formatting with seconds
HumanDateFormatSeconds = "Jan _2 15:04:05 UTC"
// HumanDateFormatMilli is a human readable date formatting with milliseconds
HumanDateFormatMilli = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000 UTC"
// DebugLevel is a debug logging level name
DebugLevel = "debug"
// Component generates "component:subcomponent1:subcomponent2" strings used
// in debugging
func Component(components ...string) string {
return strings.Join(components, ":")
const (
// AuthorizedKeys are public keys that check against User CAs.
AuthorizedKeys = "authorized_keys"
// KnownHosts are public keys that check against Host CAs.
KnownHosts = "known_hosts"
const (
// CertExtensionPermitAgentForwarding allows agent forwarding for certificate
CertExtensionPermitAgentForwarding = "permit-agent-forwarding"
// CertExtensionPermitPTY allows user to request PTY
CertExtensionPermitPTY = "permit-pty"
// CertExtensionPermitPortForwarding allows user to request port forwarding
CertExtensionPermitPortForwarding = "permit-port-forwarding"
// CertExtensionTeleportRoles is used to propagate teleport roles
CertExtensionTeleportRoles = "teleport-roles"
const (
// NetIQ is an identity provider.
NetIQ = "netiq"
// ADFS is Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services
ADFS = "adfs"
const (
// RemoteCommandSuccess is returned when a command has successfully executed.
RemoteCommandSuccess = 0
// RemoteCommandFailure is returned when a command has failed to execute and
// we don't have another status code for it.
RemoteCommandFailure = 255
// MaxEnvironmentFileLines is the maximum number of lines in a environment file.
const MaxEnvironmentFileLines = 1000
const (
// CertificateFormatOldSSH is used to make Teleport interoperate with older
// versions of OpenSSH.
CertificateFormatOldSSH = "oldssh"
// CertificateFormatStandard is used for normal Teleport operation without any
// compatibility modes.
CertificateFormatStandard = "standard"
// CertificateFormatUnspecified is used to check if the format was specified
// or not.
CertificateFormatUnspecified = ""
// DurationNever is human friendly shortcut that is interpreted as a Duration of 0
DurationNever = "never"
const (
// TraitInternalPrefix is the role variable prefix that indicates it's for
// local accounts.
TraitInternalPrefix = "internal"
// TraitLogins is the name the role variable used to store
// allowed logins.
TraitLogins = "logins"
// TraitKubeGroups is the name the role variable used to store
// allowed kubernetes groups
TraitKubeGroups = "kubernetes_groups"
// TraitInternalLoginsVariable is the variable used to store allowed
// logins for local accounts.
TraitInternalLoginsVariable = "{{internal.logins}}"
// TraitInternalKubeGroupsVariable is the variable used to store allowed
// kubernetes groups for local accounts.
TraitInternalKubeGroupsVariable = "{{internal.kubernetes_groups}}"
const (
// GSuiteIssuerURL is issuer URL used for GSuite provider
GSuiteIssuerURL = ""
// GSuiteGroupsEndpoint is gsuite API endpoint
GSuiteGroupsEndpoint = ""
// GSuiteGroupsScope is a scope to get access to admin groups API
GSuiteGroupsScope = ""
// SCP is Secure Copy.
const SCP = "scp"
// Root is *nix system administrator account name.
const Root = "root"
// DefaultRole is the name of the default admin role for all local users if
// another role is not explicitly assigned (Enterprise only).
const AdminRoleName = "admin"
// DefaultImplicitRole is implicit role that gets added to all service.RoleSet
// objects.
const DefaultImplicitRole = "default-implicit-role"
// APIDomain is a default domain name for Auth server API
const APIDomain = "teleport.cluster.local"
// MinClientVersion is the minimum client version required by the server.
const MinClientVersion = "3.0.0"
const (
// RemoteClusterStatusOffline indicates that cluster is considered as
// offline, since it has missed a series of heartbeats
RemoteClusterStatusOffline = "offline"
// RemoteClusterStatusOnline indicates that cluster is sending heartbeats
// at expected interval
RemoteClusterStatusOnline = "online"
const (
// SharedDirMode is a mode for a directory shared with group
SharedDirMode = 0750
// PrivateDirMode is a mode for private directories
PrivateDirMode = 0700
const (
// SessionEvent is sent by servers to clients when an audit event occurs on
// the session.
SessionEvent = "x-teleport-event"
const (
// EnvKubeConfig is environment variable for kubeconfig
EnvKubeConfig = "KUBECONFIG"
// KubeConfigDir is a default directory where k8s stores its user local config
KubeConfigDir = ".kube"
// KubeConfigFile is a default filename where k8s stores its user local config
KubeConfigFile = "config"
// EnvHome is home environment variable
EnvHome = "HOME"
// EnvUserProfile is the home directory environment variable on Windows.
EnvUserProfile = "USERPROFILE"
// KubeServiceAddr is an address for kubernetes endpoint service
KubeServiceAddr = "kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443"
// KubeCAPath is a hardcode of mounted CA inside every pod of K8s
KubeCAPath = "/var/run/secrets/"
// KubeKindCSR is a certificate signing requests
KubeKindCSR = "CertificateSigningRequest"
// KubeKindPod is a kubernetes pod
KubeKindPod = "Pod"
// KubeMetadataNameSelector is a selector for name metadata in API requests
KubeMetadataNameSelector = ""
// KubeMetadataLabelSelector is a selector for label
KubeMetadataLabelSelector = "metadata.label"
// KubeRunTests turns on kubernetes tests
KubeRunTests = "TEST_KUBE"
// KubeSystemMasters is a name of the builtin kubernets group for master nodes
KubeSystemMasters = "system:masters"
// KubeSystemAuthenticated is a builtin group that allows
// any user to access common API methods, e.g. discovery methods
// required for initial client usage
KubeSystemAuthenticated = "system:authenticated"
// UsageKubeOnly specifies certificate usage metadata
// that limits certificate to be only used for kubernetes proxying
UsageKubeOnly = "usage:kube"
const (
// UseOfClosedNetworkConnection is a special string some parts of
// go standard lib are using that is the only way to identify some errors
UseOfClosedNetworkConnection = "use of closed network connection"
const (
// OpenBrowserLinux is the command used to open a web browser on Linux.
OpenBrowserLinux = "xdg-open"
// OpenBrowserDarwin is the command used to open a web browser on macOS/Darwin.
OpenBrowserDarwin = "open"
// OpenBrowserWindows is the command used to open a web browser on Windows.
OpenBrowserWindows = "rundll32.exe"
// RSAKeySize is the size of the RSA key.
const RSAKeySize = 2048